fiftieth year no 10 thursday morning november 0 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning november 0 1924 single copies fjvo cents the methodist church actotf rev josephus culp pator pronab willow st 1100 ft m tim mlnlntoi hubjoof thiuikiclvlnir horvuo 330 p in sunday uchnol 7 p m tho mlnlutor rubjoot 0no tlilnie nuettflll uiul tc know presbyterian knox church acton mlnlv a c gtwrt m a t mnneo willow street 1100 n m th minister subject the urn en of rimtltuili 0o i rn itlhln class htuillus in matthew cluti xix 3 00 p m humify school 700 i m tim minister subject tho ilirriui at ingratitude htrangors leaving uddrcss with tho ushers will imj called upon by th pastor all auk cohdlxllr invited special nbtices alrerllinetiii in ihl column j cent per wufd minimum chars jdc pr lotsrtiou work wanted iiouadwork or iilaln wow in half days or evenings apply to box 20 free press manure fork found f6unil at the fence on my premises a good manure fork hamn may bo recovered at fnsw passs office c mclaughlin found a purse containing u sum of money apply t l b riioiiey bank of montreal acton lost on thursday last a purs ixnil um of money in adon or on road to knxohbuil finder will l suitably rewarded by m turning to ct free pkess office strayed from tha premises of tho undersign ed roon helfor tho early part of october anyone holding this animal after thin notlco will be prosecuted charles davidson 19tf lot 31 2nd line esquoslng oxfords for sale 1 shearling ram and a few ram lambs otlglblo for registration apply to j auks stark son lot 13 oth lino esquealng georgetown p o card of thanks mr and mrs alexander macdonald and family church street wish to express their sincere thanks to ihe acton fire brigade and tho cltlsons who assisted in extinguishing tho are so promptly at their homo on tuesday card of thanks th undersigned deslro to express thero sincere thanks to tho acton f1r rrigudo and the neighbor and friends who ojuuud in any way durmg the os of our home by flro on saturday mr and mrs duncan medeuauii auction sale the farm stock and implement of james watson will be sold on tuesday november ii at lot 23 concession 2 erin adjoining- awreys school i mllos south of orton roy h1ndley auctioneer erin phone farms for sale 45 parma in the counties of halton and wellington varying from to to 100 acres let us send you our tlsl a number of homes and business places in acton for ami fire and life insurance hooey to loan j a smith real batata agent phone 10e acton oat junior i o d e bazaar the oilman of their fell work the ehhl f their achieve- rowhs arranged forayaux inspection hope for your tte prised to your satisfaction m admission merely nd wholly 6ervloe just fpr yo fr wks from nh saturday pkmtr 0 junior h 0- d e baxaar wonderland fwday november 7 ili vulag blackwlth adopted from loagfllow poem with an allatur oust comedy junior puriner hodge podgo novelty il tw shema 710 ajid 0 15 saturday november 8 the fools highway with mury phllbln tntur of the merryooitoiind cumpdv httlfbaole on nolr da mo fox newa monday november 10 thanksgiving day u ashes of vengeance stmrlng iiniuu tujmudgp pereonally illrootitl by friuik lloyd the muti tlntl dlrools1 tn boa hawk two rl comedy creation mutlnm ut 3 p m night t ud b- prloea matinee llo ilpd nlghl ia and sso tuesday november 11 tlobiiihood blurring douglna falrbanlw chapter of iluthuf lint lumyr wednesday november 12 dorothy vernon of haddon v r hall a to ring mary hkkford a ipvoiy picture telling m ljiglufd tfthllln und dmpy interentlng hurtorlcal romunot wdih a chirin dntf sowon nmin upop he qcoen vfellx tha cut oarloop tolthomh tiq hltd d 15 trices at opd aftr a t gregory son announcing oar noverpber sjode of wallpaper with savings averaging around the mark of half- in some fey instances not just quite the half price figuro but in many cases even more than half price savings patterns for upstairs and downstairs rooms the special selections arc grouped under the following clearance figures per single roll 9c 10c lie 12c 14c 15c 19c 20c 22c 25c 29c 30c for instance at 9e regular 15c value at nte regular 20c and 25c value at 12jc regular 25c value at 15c rregular 25c and 30c value at 19c regular 40c value at 22c regular 40c and 50c value at 25c regular 75c value at 30e regular 85c value clever patterns beautiful colorings hundreds and hun dreds of fascinating rolls fall clearance for ua good luclc for you in finding artistic wall coverings so much reduced just at this time of the year too when so many homes need brightening up before yintcr months set in a saving of half price and more surely well worth tho time it takes to make an interesting little trip to guelph and guelphs leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd wyndbun macdonncd and carden sheets weekend specials assorted jellies in a number or difforent flavors with a vanilla centre these are perrectlyresh and are nice and mellow regularly 40c lb weekend spedal 32c tb assorted chocolates in alftrge assortment of cream and hard centres with a lovely vanilla chocolate coating rogularly 40c and 50c lb weekend special 32c jj fancy biscuits have you tried our fancy biscuits we have 16 different lines to choose from ught lunches our lunch menu has full fine of dainty things to eat we have a good assortment of ice croam bricks kr h wiles w viii vou mony if you will tt u new farm factory school and fine footwear just in bargains in odd sizes cun in imcm aa much as 160 per pair in howe uneu to clear qur btoqk is au nw tmr proof 0the boot j in thb weahino harry harrison the shoe man new llnea of travelling base and suit cases halton county gives 2934 majority in ot a election only one polling- place la the county gave an adverse majority towns gave a total majority of 787 and the town- ships 107 returning officer mccready of mu- m gave out the official summing up the recent plebiscite vote on tho ontario temperance act in tills county fit the end of the wnpk- it in ccralnly gratifying that every town and every tnwnahtp in the county gnvo n majority for the ontario tern imraiicn act the on and only palllnj jiluco which gave a wet majority wu glonwllllams and there tho major itywu only is the dltlclal figures are u follows iror govt ota towns ota conl maj acton b43 810 152 burlington tl 678 45 georgetown 608 37 320 onljvllle 004 828 s3 312 2sd townahlpe icaauesfng 039 4bs 434 nelson 008 371 537 nasaagaweya 668 173 384 trafalcar 1105 403 iii 4012 2934 majority for o t a 3m4 townmhlp of eequeslng 8 3d worvnl 221 hiowarttown 3bb 67 1ss m 174 dublin 146 53 1 thompaonm corn 267 sc 202 glqnwllllnma 140 176 26 township of nelson toomun 203 04 i 109 nolson village 163 44 j10 64 45 45 dells school 166 137 appleby 112 19 93 btrsthcona ill tl 20 township of trafalgar boyne 147 60 197 druraqutn 213 66 143 post vl lie 123 25 97 munni corners 188 63 g8 pnjermo isl 34 117 bronte sis 184 120 ninth line 141 73 9 township of nonsagaweya campbellvllle 186 76 111 brookvllle 104 bl 143 46 130 government control majority in this election j 09 61 votes wtm recorded in halton compared wltn 11240 in 1919 it is gratifying ta note that the towns gave an aggregate majority of 767 and the townships of 3167 a toul majority for the ontario temperance act of 3034 d mcdouffalta home destroyed a spark from chimney jgnhed roof during- saturdays gale about three oclock on saturday afternoon during the wosterly gale which prevailed a spark from toe kitchen chimney of mr duncan mo- daugalls farm house on thesocon line fell on the roof and tn a minute or two the upper part of the house was in flames mr mcdougsu was at the house at the lime replacing a screen door for a storm door as soon as the ore was nouced ho climbed to the roof with a pall of water but found at onoo that he could hot cope with the flames lis and mrs ucdougau then turned their attention to saving such furni ture and effects aa they could and they were soon joined ay neighbors and people from acton who learned of the lire acton flro brigade re sponded prpmptly to a call and did excellent service in keeping the ore from spreading part of the furniture and the piano were removed but much of the con tents including bedding and clothing were destroyed with the house th loss la heavy insurance amquntlng to 8500 was carried on the building and 400 an the contents in the halton mutual mr mcjdougall is undecided as to the matter of rebuilding he met with a painful accident during the are when the piano slipped when be ing carried out and the corner fell on his foot it is a peculiar oo- incidence that the homes on thrve neighboring farms have been destroyed by ore since spring and all have had simitar origin mr mcdougalls and mr w rryerson the second line and mr w j ritchies on the third line each has been the owner of the home destroyed for tunately in eoah esse neighboring farm homes hav generously provided aoapltalltr until the homeless oqes have been able to provide tor their future residences hobnobbing with commendable enterprise mr o mercer lonholm of tne blenheim nowe tribune has reprinted his splendid letters written while overseas with the canadian editors party this summer und issued them a nest brochure with the title above the interest in this volume is intensified by tho introduction of number of splendid photo engravings of views and incidents of the trlpthose who secure u copy of this interesting his tory of u dellghtru overseas summer trip will consider themselves for to indood peppue to commemorate flanders fields in ountieoilon with the observance of armistice dy and thanksgiving uio local branch u w v a will have an sale popples made by the disabled vetsruns in vet oraft bhups us tho making of these iwpples provides em ployment for veteran b6 would otherwise b unemployed the cltl- sens generally are asked to purchase the popples from the boys and girls wearing un arm baud with vstorsff on it all veterans in town are re quested to turn out for the publla services on thanksgiving day in acton and in this way pay their tribute v rwspect for their fallen comrades ttuspeced maonahlnerv hsunt ltut haturduy governor avhle mo qlbbont of the jail and twr friends irtfre out with their shotguns on the mountain a little above hiltons trails nassaguweya among the rooks u7tnt thick undergrowths they found wltere moonshiners had ben operating bldse to a small creek there was a flre- place built- with atones and alongside of it an empty barrel with some bottles scattered about the ashes lu the are nliiae seemed to be about three weeks aid thhtpluae had not bu raided but it tn said that the moonshine move from place to place never oper- sllng long in any jilace ftst it would neys of local import off to the hurttlnrj grounds jt party of local nlmrods comprising dr if a caxo j mifedonald w j patterson james it anderson john p warden fred wilds and robert klsher iqrt on bunday evening for hi mile lake in the musk oka district on a deerhunting expedition mi bhoroy will join the party tomor row womens instltuts meeting the regular mooting of the womenll institute wilt be aotd in the band hall on friday afternoon november 7 ut oclock airs w f knglehart of palermo district president and mrs dynes of burlington 2nd vlco-prosl- wjll visit the institute and give good addresses on tho work kvcry- oue come and bring a friend v mr bauah rapidly recovering rev if a i ijaugh m a rector of bt albans church who was oper ated on in ouelph general hospital a couple of weeks ago is making good progress toward recovery and hopes soon to be able to return to the rectory during his illness tho services at st albans church have been conducted by rev t ii lowe m a who is at present residing in milton thanksgiving supper snd concert at knox church the ladles aid of knox church will hold their annual supper and oonoert on thanksgiving evening november 10 tho iarkdale quartette have tmyi secured and will give a varied pro- grdmmtt of solos daetts quartottos instrumental numbers und literary numbers und will bo assisted by mrs robert habbashaw and mr j arnold raymond the members f the quar tette are miss isdltb law soprano miss dorothy banger contralto and elocutionist mr null campbell baxl- mr itobert ilabbeshaw tenor mrs j arnold ilayraond accompanist churoh parade of the orange order acton l o l no 467 held their annual church parade on sunday even ing to knox church over 100 mem bers headed by the acton cltlaens band marched to the church where accommodation had been reserved for them representatives from ouelph milton georgetown stewarttown and campbellvllla were present the rev c stewart m a on behalf of the officials extended to the members of tho order present a cordial welcome taking for hs subject gideon and his 300 men he preached an eloquent sermon pointing out the many lessons to he learned from such a life the service was impressive and inspiring quelprtwinter fair although the opinion was expressed generally that tho holding of the on tario provincial winter fair in no vember ona month earlier than form erly would likely hurt the show con siderably indications at present are that the big winter event is coming into its own this year on a larger scale than ever and will take its place aa one of the most important agricultural shows on the continent at a moating of the executive commlteo held in guelph last week an encouraging re port on the list af entries was mado by secretary it w wadoj and plans were discussed regarding accommoda tion for the immense number of ex hibits which will have to bo looked after in the various departments competition with old country bskers br of our ladles axe this week sending fruit cakes overseas to acton england for competition with the home bukers over there at the baxaar being held at hv martins church in that town on november 30 21 and 2 they will be exhibited in the canada booth judged by competent judges and sold in the interests or bl morons qhurch building fund a handsome wrist watch will be awarded by the baxaar committee to the successful baker of the best fruit cake it is unique and gratifying that the kindly relations formed lost summer between eitlxens of acton england and the canadian daughter of the same name are thus being perpetuated the re sult of the contest will be awaited with keen interest herj thanksflfvlnaarnrtletics memorial sevloe riurxi nm wrni ion preporoo in tn a series of services similar to those ntlon with their pumpe of thanksgiving armistice day of lost yesr which proved so impressive will be held next monday the service will be o throe parts and will commence devotional service and com memorative address at the town ilall at ten oclock a m the second part will be held at the soldiers monu ment which will be decorated with were with suitable ceremonies this servloe will conclude with two minutes of silence and the sounding of the lust post soldiers cltlxeps und the band will then parade to fairvlew cemetery where the graves of aoldlers will be decorated by the junior daugh ters of the empire assisted by local ministers and others old established business changes mr n i mclum has disposed of his blucksmlthlntf buslitvaa to mr j a ollmour of morris ton who has taken possession and is now in charge the shop and goodwill of the business have been soldvbut mr mclam rutwln his reeldenoe mr mclam lias for seven teen years conducted this buslnaas with satisfaction to his customers anj success to himself he succeeded bis brother the late jumes mclam ills connection with tha business goes back fortyfour years when ho commenced his apprenticeship in this nhop with the lale michael bpelght the fact that mr mclam hu retained his residence and has no presvmi intention of leaving uiwjiwlll 1e appreciated 1y the community mr ollmour oamu to town highly rouommiindod both as to his personality und his buslm sbillty serious firs nsrrowly averted a flro which looked serious for few minutes occurred at the residence of mr alexander macdonuli ohurch birvt a few minutes before noon on monday mrs macdonald wjs pre paring dinner apd burrred the coal tire a bit with a stick or so of wood the pipe became ivrhyitud and lu suiuo way are com rati n lea led with the studding between the lathing und tho wall und then ran up to the attlo and through the roof in a few places m maodimium was alone but notified mombarif of ilia famlry by phone and then pluuklly buttled with the flanies in few minutes fuie a nunrbcr of cltlagns gathered the prompt work of a bucket brigade soon extinguished the flames chief mcdonald and the firemen were soon on th scene and by welldlreciad orders avoided necessary damage by wuter the wind was bldwlug briskly at the ime and in a few minutes the av would have been seriuus hud it not been promptly equipment for figbting eires second to none the connection with acton tan nine coy unanimously favor ed by council gasoline driven unit pur chased at cost of o43b tho regular aosslon of tho council tin tuesday evening hud councillors bell nlcol and tho t ford present iteeve barber was in the chair the council chamber was crowdod ull evening with cltlxens desirous of hearing the decision of ho council on the proposed nddrwl flro righting equipment and with a number of re presentative or various pump manu facturers ileprcsentatlvas of a num ber of our leading manufacturers wore also present the delegation from the acton tan ning co wuj flrst hoard mr n ii gordon presented a cer tificate of approval from the provin cial board of health of the proposed chlorlnatlon system he also pointed out that with thla additional connec tion the town would meet all the re quirements of the fire underwriters am outlined in their 1921 recommenda tions mr torrance beardmora pointed out that for 12800 tho town could enjoy the same protection am 120000 ta 82g00o would give them if expended an additional equipment and reservoir ai the pumping station mr hewetaon of bramptop explain ed that their insurance rates were much higher here than in brampton nd thought connection with the acton tanning co would bo a big factor in reducing these rates a bylaw prepared by thu clark was read and two or three cluusuu thought to bo batter for acton intro duced und readll assented to by the representatives of the acton tanning company moved by k tnelford seconded by john nlaol that leavn be granted to ntroduce a bylaw providing for tha submitting to the ratepayers of tho question of installing a ch tort nation system and connecting up the muni cipal watermulns with the pumps or tha acton tunning company and said bylaw be given a flrst reading car ried by tha votes of councillors nlcol and thetford and iteeve barber the bylaw was read a second and third times snd passed provisionally by the council the twentysecond report of tho finance committee recommended pay ment of the following accounts osnersl account evan jones teaming and j social and personal gravel 340 00 g ii ritchie teaming 8 40 bell telephone co services 4 10 j w kennedy paper contain ers 16 0 il n farmer salaries und 159 49 3248 6d waterworks aeeount uell telephone co service 3 36 s3 49 the report was adopted a bylaw providing for polling places for the election and of appointing or deputy returning o ulcers was given the required number of readlngo and passed by the council the agreement for the purchase of the itoney shack was given assent to be signed by the council at the pur chase price of 133050 for the building and i esse w the clerk also presented the relcav of the lease from mr it l gregory properly signed and executed moved by s bell ecomod by v thetford that the agreement signed by win itoney bo also signed by tha iteevtf und clerk for tha corporation of acton and thut mr t j onodh otter of 100 for the building be no- cepted carried mr a o t baurdmora made the proposition tp the council that within th the corporation could if they desired run a line to their plant and they would then be generating g cycle power the samo as the hydro this power could be used on the towns pumps in case hydro was off he also pointed out that they favored the installation of the gasoline pump pro vided the town felt prepared to instal o well as he felt it more efllclent or are purposes than the gasoline unit he also pointed out that lte com ponys sole motive for this offer was the pro tection that would be afforded their warehouses with v their stocks nf leather which sometimes ran nearly to a million dollars and the protection of almost 100 compunyuwnod houses bout town upon clearing up those points und afthe conclusion of the rather lengthy discussion tne council expressed them selves us unanimously in favor of the installation of the connection and chlorlnutlon system as proposed by the acton tanning co they each in dividually expressed themselves as now being able to go to the people and give the meaauru their undivided support tha synopsis of this bylaw uppearn in another column und the full bylaw may be seen at the office of the clerk mr itadfern the towns engineer who win present stated itfdlsausaloi that thj waterworks mains will tuku 126 pounds pressure and ure perfectly rul lb to any pressura required of them i a byaw providing for the purchasu und installation of a gasoline driven uuxlilary are pump und issue of de benture to defray coat thereof was given the requlrqanumber of readings and pussedby the counclli this by law provides for the issuing of de bentures for 6100 und will not be voted upon by the people at 1 oclock councillor holmes ar rived fo have his share in tho so tt ling of the matters he veil tenders for the installation of thu auxiliary gasoline pumping outfit were received with u rature of pries from 14430 to 17046 according to various equipment moved ty x bell seconded by j nlcol that the temlor of john insles co lid- tor the purchase siyl instal lation of the pump and engine at 643s plus aalos tax on oqulpnieulof tha pump and unglile be ucuepled carried v council adjourned about 1 u ni halloween prank has fatal result itohert waddell aged 23 u young man of utreettfville dl6d in the wilt orn hoiltul toronto tjunday uftrr noon from gangrene the ruillt of in juries rooelvetl whle enntgoj in i halloween prunk lost friday night wuddjtirrwlth a score or more of other y oaths was pulling u wagon through the streets when a motor cor driven by charles harklas of ifirlndale crashed into the wagon wauaeirs- log was adrldualy injurem auu wsvttjklb csuoeresl mr l d forbes spent tho weekend in toronto mrs goorge ilynds is visiting with friends in toronto f mrs c ii harrison spjitl a day or so this week in toronto mr karl cooper of guelph was home for the weekend mr george jlgglns of aurora was home over tho weekend miss myrtle dills was homo from toronto over the weekend mlu l ilumshaw spent tho week end with frlonda at weston miss margaret bennolt was home from toronto forlhe weekend mrs i margaret stewart spent the weekend with kitchener friends mr harold hu tell to of kitchener spent bunduy with friends in town miss hlvu graff q hulsburg spent the weekend at her home echo lodge farm mr john bingham of ottawa has becn visiting at mr robert bennetts during the week mrs j mcdougall und mr donald mcdougall spent tho weekend with friends in toronto mrs ira vannatter and miss van- natter of georgetown spent sunday at mr robert bennetts mr and urn james kannawln of stialburne spent bunduy at the home of mr und mrs a kannawln mrs jumes aloxunder of muton has been spending a few days during the week with mrs a mqtavbjh mrs charlotte macdonald and mlss- corlnne und mr gordon johnston spant sunday with frtands in hamil ton mrs george mann and mrs itobl ji mapherson attended tho funeral of tho into thos tushlnghomlasl friday in toronto bev w ii howunl attended the gntlierlng of the baptist association at london lust week und reports a very fnsplrlng convention mr und mrs howard irice of hamilton and mr andmra gordon haywurd toronto spent thol week end with mrs bertha cook mr lister of the bank of com merce niagara falls visited his uncle rev j gulp at the methodist par sonage over the weekend miss ituby clark who was operated on fur uppendlcltls ut ouelph general hospital last week is making satlsiac tory progress towards tecovery mr and mrs woi hall and family and mr c cross motored to kitchener on huntley end spent the day with mr and mrs ernest hall and family mr and mr o c campbell of georgetown and messrs n post and e dolson of toronto visited at mr j e gambles cfoscontvula on sun day mrs blelby of niagara fulls spent the week with her father mr robert watson church street ma watson has been critically hi for several weeks mr und mrs n v mclam motored to toronto on sunday to visit relatives there mrs john cole who had been spending a few days at the old home accompanied them t mr und mrs j p watson and miss margaret of tor op to miss cu rrle wniion of toronto and mr j c mearthur of ilockxlda were weekend visitors with mr und mrs c h hurrison mr nell mudonald of hastings who was operated on last month at peter borough hospital is con vulcsclng nice ly he returned home thlsveek the many friends hero are glad to receive this cheering news the editor of the muton reformer is enjoying a wellearned holiday and is spending a couple of weeks in philadelphia washington und new york in the company of his friend w d agory esq oakvllle mr a w hluckwell of the staff of the canadian national railway here has been promoted to the posi tion of station agent at gowanstown near llstgwel he is removing his family to the new home this week halloween mctsymakers fun and frolio by hundreds of m- queradera at the community halloween party the enterprise of acton cltisonr band in organising a hajowaen par- ado a year ago was so satisfactory that citizens generally were greatly pleased wpan a similar programme was prepared by the band in co operation with tho duke of devonshire chapter of tha l o d k and cltlscna generally for the halloween of 1934- uundrods of masquerading merry makers paraded the streets from twi light until bedtime and hundreds of sightseer lined the pavements in tho effort to get views of tho parading children and grownups in tholr mul titudes of costumes and cnaructor im personations at 730 the band headed a torchlight parade tho members being costuraodt in white gowns with mother hubbard caps docorsted with black cats tho masqueraders followed in kuleldoucoplo disorder happy in their grotesquenness and tho attendant frolic a long list of contests were or rang ed and the prises wero awarded am fallows best costumed married couple mr and mrs f- romph mr and mm h tarswoll mr and mrs frank ken nedy ladys costume miss ivy llttlay miss blda tarswell mrs william waller a iris under 18 a tarswell mabel kenyon oenevlove clarrldge girls under 14 violet scott doris mcdonald helen ostrander girls under 8 betty litlloyt tslloeu clarrldge dorothy coxe bestfmaxts costume clarence bab- cock ajfrvat blahop archie mochrlo boys under ib clarenco babcock alfred bishop curtis watson boys under 14 gordon hanson uert crewson jack doughty boys tinder 8 vornteyagnow gor don bllton rigby crpwy best halloween costume lolly miss clara e moore best halloween costume airl mlas stella malam beat halloween costume boy gordon bllton teddy hansen the competitions took place oh the pavement betwoon the johnstone block and the government building tha committee and judges found thoir duties were no sinecure this method of providing hatlowoen fun and frolic goes far in provlt ig u sane celebration of this tlmothunured anniversary and has the effect of al- mosfentlrely eliminating the senseless and often destructive pranks so gen eral in former years in addition to the parade und com petition many cltlxens provided hal loween treats and scores of tho mas queraders called during tho evening and were generously treated with fruits candles and other treats some homes were favored with an many ua an hundred of these and there was cordial welcome in alt homes for the callers police court news bruoa herbert of ouolph was sen tenced to an indeterminate period of from pne to two years in the ontario reformatory in police coust at kit chener lust week for tho theft of two kitchener motor cars about a month ago mike pernu art italian was aned 1 1000 and costs by police magistrate watt of auelph on a charge of keep ing liquor far sale last week at milton lustfriday morning mrs edna buck charged her husband bert buck with cruelty and nonsupport the evidence shewed faults on both sides the court suggested that hus band und wife ugreo ta forest the past und for the sake of their two little children to endeavor ta buud up n huppy home this was agreed to on the part of tho husband und anally by the wife when the husband under took on thu first of april next to move from milton to some other town w i dick crown attorney appeared for the prosecution and w murphy toronto fur the dofencu three charges against tuny seynuk were hsurd by wuoo magistrate mooo ut the townalall an friday arts moon two oases were tar soiling and one for having liquor one uueo was dis missed und judgment was reserved on thu other two crowu attorney die conducted tho prosecution and lewis ileyd k c toronto acted for the defence a charge for hulling 303 invalid port which had been banned by tha bourd of ontario lloensb commission era last july wus preferred against tho 303 chemical company of toronto thu evidence was heard and judgment reserved to permit of enquiry as to the place where ulu to seynuk was effected the esrua lawyers appeared in this cajm us in tho previous ones robert duvqy robert gamble and his tiothr wllford of brampfagn were convicted by p m crawford last thursduy for ihuultlug the proprietor und a waller lit wongs cute bramp ton und using profane and indecent language in u public pluoe fines at 609 and costs wero imposed in each cuss or twtf months in jal with hard labor lulgl uraeal of bronte who has given inspector reevely much trouble for a year or so was convicted before pollen magistrate shields ufoakvllle jun monday of selling liquor ut his dwelling on october 13 he was dried s4o0 and costs of 154 55 whlchamounts wtir paid ho was defendeu by xlur- rislir clfcul 0c haasure acton chamber of commerce various matter intended to promote the interests of the community considered the monthly meeting of the aaton chamber of commerce wus held last thursday evening the committee om securing uio re storation of the 609 evening train go ing east reported that the general passenger avfflcers of the canadian national railway received them kind ly and when actons cose was present- ed generously agreed to have the train restored the evening mall was also restored the executive committee reported the action which hd been taken to prevent the erection of tin shuck on mill street when the petition of ico cltlssas had been presented to tho conncll that body agreed to huvu tba work stopped tha settlement of the matter with the holder of tho permit was not however considered vary satisfactory mr mcdonald reported for tho committee on providing a rest room tn town and reported progress reference was mado to the effort oftbe acton cluxens rand to proviso a sane halloween with innocent tun and frolic the president commented very favorably on thla enterprise and requested the bandmaster mr mason to express tho appreciation to tho member of the efforts put forth the matter of uttung steps to utlruut motor tourists to acton during tire touring season was discussed it wo felt that rooro conveniences should bo provided at the park and that road signs should be- put up welcoming tourists and dtrecuna them tu the pork jl suggestion was made that u social evening be arranged for some tjrou toward the close of tho year when u simple luncheon an address by noma experienced outside chamber of com merce worker and u programme of popular songs would oil thu pro gramme a letter from tho hurl wheel com pany of hamilton won read in which president eaid the company wus very impressed with acton ua u toca- i for their business und appreciat ed tbe interest office of thechambur of commerce had taken in tho tuattur the fact lhat they bad decided to muvu this year and as acton had uo build ing suited to their requirements ren ders it impossible for them to on tor tain this town further as tha plucu to which to move for the discussion of important matters which are of in lures l to thu town at thin time the meeting adjourn ed for one week it is deslrubto than ull the members be present ut thu meeting this thursduy evening und the opinions and counsel of ull 1 desired 1 j2 jdc a garden party lnnovarbr the indoor gurdon party of tbar young peaitlers league of tho metho dist church on monday eveulug wiu u gratifying success the prokruiuuie was enjoy able and tho school rqom wus crowded to capacity tha plutfurm and garden party booths were dulntlly decorated and the rdom had qulta uu- at tractive appearance the kllohut orchestra composed of about twenty young laeuea of the league in their kitchen aprons and caps who brought mualo and harmony out ut their vari ous kitobau utensils under thu direc torship af miss lottie mason wus a unique feature of too probata niu other numbeaw were- contributed by miss udnu johnston in piano aolua mlxa muriel mason whoso violin num bers were accompanied on tho piano by miss laura gray mioses itueuor anil fairbanks in vucaj duetts mhuraa mason ksu kennedy tn instrumental number miss melon ostrander humojroua sketches and quurluttu from the sunday school orchestra m seleotluus at thu inteiiaisslan thu refreshment booths wore thronged with eager lhttrons- thoy supplied sandwiches pie ice creuui cuke cundy and coffee in abundance it wuh u- jduyj ewulng ifcv mr culp pro-