Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1924, p. 3

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qhg atfain jffrgg gregg riluiisday octolllon 30 19x4 thank8ghving 1 radio utxl for wheat u wblto wool of which to mako vur lirnail irale jol for yellow corn with wtikli lit wait ins world la leill 1 tulnti god fur hnli cut nestl and rowl ilu kovi to mun fur food i ruj i utml lur uvcry creature which lie uvuilo and called it icuout 1 raine toj for winter u atorff of tcfi irulae gimi or mnuneri eatl irale clod for fruit trees bearing mod to you it 1 for tnwitl pralan clod for all the bounty by which the world i fedt prnlse ood ilia children all to whom lie klve their dally bread t- edward everett halo my thanks v take my thank for little hits of cheer which tnake the land of friendship very dear the lendtna of book wn violate found and potted to me from a srarden round the birthday ftreetlng jut ft line or two itemlndlntf faith that many heart are true rvr liioao take thank o lord auch hit of cheer uak m lovod land of friendship very door lillian qard news of local import 1141700 expanded on county bead at the meetlna qf the county council laat week a by law to authorise the issue of debentures of the county of ilalton to the amount of 9141700 00 for the purpose of meeting expenditure on highways was passed theee splendid autumn days yellow mellow ripened days ahel tared in a golden coating o er the dreamy liauesa hasewwbue and dln cloudleu floating winking at the bluahlng trees and the somber fur rowed rallow tailing at the airy esse of the southward flying swallow sweet and smiling are thy ways beauteous golden autumn days will carletoo closing up the home well a by uw was passed in hanover laat week whereby the owners of well must close and fill tbem up if tbey are available to waternuln the by law also forbids the use of the wells as septic tank connections will be made to all properties from the water mains and the people will then be charged the regular house service charge a papular tall fair jud0 mr a w tyson has been chosen aa one of the poultry judges at too ontario provincial western fair which opens bora next month he will also judge at the royal agricultural show at toronto and also at dundas next wednesday mr tysons services have been in gram demand this year as judge at the fall exhibition he having already officiated at london ueaford brampton harrlaton adton tara aberfoyle georgetown mark- dale and erin guelpb mercury total eollpae of sun next january on january 14 of next year rest- dents of central ontario will have the opportunity of witnessing one of the most interesting solar events of the present generation on that date a total eollpae of the sun will be visible from ontario for the first time for over two hundred years the path of the total eclipse ties from the district surrounding the lake of the wood through southern ontario and mew york state oat into the atlantic the eclipse ending wall to the north of the british isles the actual time ox visi bility or rather invisibility here will be at seven minutes and nln second past nine o clock in the morning and wol remain in its state of totality for a period of one minute and twelve seconds during that time the dis tricts lying in the path of the eclipse will he in total ttr except for the light of the stars the laat total solar eollpae visible from the north american continent occurred on june t 1918 this paaaed across mexico and dpi southwestern states but was not visible here ennlande method of punishment the aetoq oasette and expr last issue received reports the trial of a man driving a motor ear whlleunder the influence of liquor aa follows at acton on monday cordon j3 dundas clerk creflfeld road acton waa charged with being drunk whilst in charge of a motor oar at horp lane acton on saturday evening p a 1i1x and p c 4s9x saw him trying to light the rear lamp of a motor car he was swaying and staggering and waa asked tf he was m charge of the vehicle he replied that he waa and waa told he waa drunk and unfit to have charge of the car defendant replied that he was quite capable of driving home he waa taken to the station and waa seen shortly after- wards by dr rudd who formed the conclusion that accused was not at to he in charge ef the car accused denied the charge and called a young clerk aa a witness the magistrate said that this serious offence waa on the increase accused was young aud t 1 ft 7r m tvcsp- fanw of the sal big clock im asbbbbbbsal issbbbbbbbbbbbi the grandfllre of the town here about j remember the old folks saying thai old llflet adams who came over ream new york state with the united empire loyalist hod three sobs come with him nnd that two of them were saddle back preachers i think their names were enas and btsnc ttoey went about preaching and being methodist they must have had something to do with the earliest bom was not thought to be in the habit vt missionary work done in this nettle taking drink u it bad not been for these facts he would have been sent to prison without the option of a one he was advised to keep off the drink he was fined 1 and ordered to pay coats and hfa license waa suspended for the remainder of the period rju unexpired about five tnoatli oirls who work at home correspondents of a family paper published in scotland are discussing the relative rewards of girls who work gt home and those employed outside the girls who help their mother wltt the housework complain that although teachers have a long summer holiday and girls who work in shops and office get a week or a fortnight a cation frequently with salary housework girl la expected to keep at work the year aroujid again it is asserted that the girl who stay at home o work harder and longer than uie one who take a situ atlon 1h which the hour are ajiecltlerf above ull it la charged that the house work gtrl receive lea consideration from the family than those who bringing id money that no one seems to realise that she ative her household the wages which otherwise might have to be paid to a servant klderly contributors to the dl0um ion who wish apparently to reconcile the housework girl to- her position have pointed out that she will make a better wife than the girl who hart bautno- household experience in thn management of a household ilui this complainant have retorted that their opportunities to marry are com parailveiy limited anyway because the sisters who are employed outside the borne have sotnany more chance to meet eligible young men riuoh ar- discussion might easily be come general and continuous for canadian as well a scotch girls art dlredry interested in it and arsnt aenta on both aides abound yet when all la said the fact remains that no one can determine whether aha personally should make herself useful in the horn or seek employment else where the question is not so much one of advantages to be gained as u la of a duty to be done the squire who was a pioneer froe tonguod complacently am tore i used to think a llttlo iuoer when summer eve wore long 1 cod10 to meet his cronies at the store his chair atllt bcsldn the door his part in all debate he boro and umpired every loafer game he reverenced the days of old hi life cast in a homely mould had act hi heart was firm to hold a rocks to fossils long dead years and hed insist what use to me all wealth can purchase with it fee when i don t wont itt 1 d he free whole souled companion of tny peer hed urge what doe it all avail whether wo go by ox or rallt for when my pup purttuea hi tall what docs he gain uy bpod7 ld sit r contenily beneath my tree like abraham nnd let thing be old ways old friends and peace far me the world is god ho 11 core for itl hed arxue why run with the remtt the good sense of it all i doubt who knows what it 1 all about and is tho ehoutlng all altlcere why with the crowd mob mastered go to boost the world s new hobby ohov t why for strange path leave ways i know wherein for me is better cheer hed boost 1 envy nono i ve found all good of life is in the round of common things if hearts be sound they lend to any lot their grace the great man indispensable j thousand could dothla work as we 1 1 fjticiross is that a thing to sell the price fixed in the market place hed pause he wistfully would sigh a mist would gather in hi eye how sweet was life in days gone by the cabin wo a home i ah met i thought him queer hut after all perhaps i m growing old and fall into hi mood i now must call hi logio true philosophy stokely b fisher an hundred years aqo our methody friend uf ontario and quebec i ace by the paper ore hold lug a missionary centenary in masaey hall toronto this week to impress upon the fact that tbls rollglou body heat been doing organised missionary work for a full one hundred years there will be big doing i believe for noticed that in addition to a con ventlon at which real mlsslonarlo from the field and missionary states men will apeak but they are to have a pageant to illustrate one hundred years missionary work i understand that missionary records troiq all parts of the dominion are being g over for facta of a local chawuctcf in which missionary enterprises had been un dertaken whan i read about this the thought came to me that perhaps acton might have had a ahare in this interesting work back there in the beginning so i said to mary across the table from where i was sitting reading mary how long la h since the adamses came here and settled why aho said it must bo along urns now let me see i think i remember father saying one tjroo that they came and settled hare and built the nrst grist mill about 18z3 or 14 yes just about it hundred year ago now whyf well i said to her 1 have just been reading that he methodist folks are going to have big doings in tor onto next week they re going t celebrate what they call tho comple tton of th first 100 years of the mtehodhh missionary society in can ada it has just struck me that tho adamses must haveteen among tho nrat to work along that or no there is not n rounty city fuovvthe favorite horse pied of vlllopo which lint nut tno c0 jocicoy ww borod orj u piss irfilil he ment y slrree mnry i said acton hu a real share in this can tennlal celebration soy they talk about co- incidence but i happened right into one next morning when i colled ut tim fines pass office to say uood morning the editor had jut been opening hi mall and he banded me a letter which ho said wo addressed tu him ihougli it was intended for m and here h is qctober z 124 h p moore sq editor acton lum pas dear mr moore there i a methodist mlsalonary centenary celebration telng held early in novefttoef i have bean wondering whether the old man of the illt clock tower tn tiia atun fiucm pass over figured out how ninny mlsalonarlu there were in the lust centuty who came from acton or whose foruur came from aolon llut lust week i learned that one of the young indies off autun was kind enough tu visit the old gruvo yard or cemetery in anton where eat grundfathor mlphulel burled in 1844 111 wife patience itlce adams daiigh ter of pfelneas jliea vllvd here in 11131 the monument or itev zrnas adams a son 1 in the ilext plot regarding the monument iu ays where you enter from the park alflo the boya havn them- smashed nnd broken but i must say your friends monument are standing in good coultljin it seems to me if your towns people were to consldor he tn fluenc of the llvwa t those pioneer of a century ago they would see to it that permanent nrrangrments were mude for the prelection of lluwe monument of nearly u century ago some thirty preachers descend riant of isilphalat adam or mur rlsd to hi descendants have far the past century moulded tho my rei adam spiritual lives of many canadians and on account of the itinerary of tbe meuotflatschuruo where move takes place every three years some time come undtr the nphoro of their infltlnnrn for they woro mostly vigorous an 1 lonit ud amongnt thorn ihoro wore many missionaries in varlouu holds of world crvle one f whom hov tr wm adams i nl i resent on furlough in america aflcr 21 ywarn in fhlnu tho ilev thomas hurlburt wh murrled a grnnddiiunhtor of lull phalet adams hoty almlns daughter of itsv iwa a la mn was oito of ooimdu great out mission alrle nmungnt thd indians nnd hl wife shared the antrlflces und sue cesses of hi lahop charlotte i daughter of the itev zenas adams wan horn in acton may 17 1130 in usz after pre paring heme if for a teacher in thv normal hchool he went with hnr cousins uov mr und mrs thus hurlburt aa oimtlnury nmunmh the indians of hudson i lay terrl torry whtnre she lu borod for several care taught among i ho indians snrnlu and in tlm inland of the georgian ihty dr john a adums grandson of ellphalot and sen of uov i xra adam was born in aoton march h 1839 and bnalde engaging in a lucrative practise in dentistry in toronto became undoubtedly tho greatest world mhtal mlaslanury havrhg educated the regular mis lonarles in the foreign fields on needed dental work in countries where there woro no dentists and wbero millions were suffering for wftnt joi modern dentistry for or dlnary relief of suffering for this work he never rocelvod nor asked for financial support of any kind it being a labor of lovo for human ity as wo also his froo dental hospital for the poor of toronto which he carried on for over a quarter of century at his own expense he wa a world pioneer in method for preventing tho whole salo deterioration of tho teeth of school children nnd his efforts in thl direction have revolutionised and ytematlfl method for the preservation of school children teeth through the civilised world the rev sra adams wo pre siding elder ovor the munceytown circuit including the indian of the district and in bis long life a a pioneer methodist preacher waa brought much tn contact wltb the sphere of influence for good af the indians a daughter the wife of the rev tho culbert some years dead at a good old age told he writer that when she was a little girl she re membered how- her father had been instrumental in securing the co operation of tho indian chief of this province for prohibition of spirituous uquor among the in diana of thl province t thl wa the first measure of thl und in canada and wa the- origin of what ha been called the indian list and holds good amongst the indian to this day the indian chiefs unable to write drew a picture of a bear or whatever enblsm was used as their signature to the request presented to th legislature for prohibition for the indians but to write of all the labors and public services of the descendant of ellphalet adams of acton would take many volumes surely the grave of a pioneer of thl sort 1 worthy of protection in the place of his last earthly abode your truly ezra heiu1brt adams well say that s soma letter and it has a lot of valuable jocul history in it dr adams who write the letter 1 a worthy descendant of these first settler who pioneered this locality and gave out flour on week days and the gospel ansundaysi and all the other days of the week to the community when it wa known as adamsvllla there u be a lot of people sorry it they don t try to do something to flx up the old cemetery and preserve the monuments and tombstone of our pioneers councillor nlcpl has made u good start but he can t do the whole thing himself if the descendants of the earlier settlers who still live here shouts and the people who have soma regard for sacred things and the memory of people whoae uvea were well worth while in hewing dot a placo in the foreat for this good town would co operate hejnuchto be ds- slred result would i feel sure be readily accompuahcd lets try say id tike to go down to that centenary show but i guess its only for methodist folk and there are 1 lot of thcm and i could n t likely get in anyway ob well i can read about it in the paper matchmaking at long range the young armenlun had token par ticular pain with hla toilet and whan he faced the camera he called up hi most fascinating smile lis la a hand some fellow and th photographer posed him so a to bring out his good looks beside making him appear ae prosperous and substantial as ho really 1 he wished to look t beat because the picture were intended to win hjm a wife there are two armenlun orphan ylum- l cooafuntlnople worn in who are rewted ifi him und whoso discretion a could trua pould visit both first inquiring carefully jnj the character and quajlatton or each mejrlagaublo girl tbey wguld than exhibit th photograph t chosen few if these orphan liked the young man s appearance they would be photographed in their turn und from their picture the young man would chose a wife nnd would pay her passag tu thl country fut why arr you o set on marrying an orphan r asked thu canadlui friend in whom th aii9plan d con adod hhemore likely to be eoitttf4 hre the young man answered a girl with a family to leave behind liar might get homesick itetty soon shed want to go back and so iter mother 1 m good american going to be and i want my family to like thl country best then why don t you marry a can adlan girl the friend pursued uk to was the reply american girl my kind don t very often marry stranger ird rnr a stranger to get ucqualnted with them even i meet nome would marry mo right away but them i wouldn t marry nat my kind ilsre was a case that coiled for sympathy hut the sympathy would need to be impartially duuriuutixt a the thoughtful hm icr will purcelva one might ttorrow with tho young man wlia chuw ni injury rt nn adlan girl uf his kind yet how could one without approval from the girl who kpt to themselves and to their own people t fihe youn armenian at least re spected them tnr doing so and hi canadian friend declare that a youth o is rightminded 1 good enough to be the husband of thti most ohaimlng armenian m jihun in oil constantin ople archer riding in n steep i o hauo hie holtui a horse cotlrd i allguo tho man wan fund of tun horse who te turned ills affection with liberal in hjribt at the inst fenco tho homo foil in i broke hi leg archer though nf course thrown fell a way from the hum und was not badly hurt tln duihotlc scene which foil wad lu inscribed hy vaguo am archer realised what had befall tho horse ho murmured poor ld chap that your last run ha started away to d olive r news of the accident and arrange lo huvo the horuo shot but wqm utoppnd hy hoar i lift u whinny i nor i ullguo ci ud not lift hi hca i hut he van looking after and culling tho rider hn loved eo vol archer returned to the horno sitting down on the turf took th poor crea turo a hcnl in hi lap and bant a v with u tnoaauko for what wan nccen sury meanwhile the home lay ntfll except for an occasional sputim of tmlh the owner presently nrrivod and at once regretfully ucknowlrrtg d the necessity far the kilting a putol wni procured undthan arose the uuesllon who ahould perform the act of mercy archer wm asked to d was characteristic no no 1 m blessed if i can no ono wanted to shoal poor fatigue a small boy finally volunteered if no one cute would but hod a heap rather not whan the pistol wa anally given him his small hands tromblud so that archer took the weapon from him saying youre nervous lad you ii bungle it ho hn n t have hi pain addod to h 11 never knew what put him out of his misery addressing the horsey be udded if i wain t fond of you i could bring myself to do it but you shant run rlk of iwlng hurt more with ono hand he caressed tho irse s head with the qthor ho put tho pistol to tho forehead ooodby fatigue old chap good hy nnd then he pulled the trigger fatigue hardly struggled but settled down dead with his had still en tils favorite riders lap and archer sal qulto still till tho laat quiver was over his head bowed und did not notice that the red was staining hla clothes hla reply do it now this is very jumping english oriental i- ligllsh 1 a perpetual source of innocent umusement and ono of tho funniest or examples is this clrcu handbill which punch got from mi lint ndl m nubecrlbcr and gen t rounly present tu n wider audience than that fur which it kii originally intended i rokmmtno of th llelgal clr clrku co psrft rmlnir begin p t m part i isomc horse will make vory good trick the kluwn vfitt come and talk with the horses therefore audience laugh itself very much 3 the lady will walk on horse buck whenhome jumping very much 4 the klown will make a joking word und tudy will become too angry then klown will run himself uway tho boy lm will throw a ball to upsldo und ho will catch the ball in downward journey 0 thl is very jumping tricks part ii 1 one mun will make so tricks oi trupee that utidlence will frald him jielf very much z some dogs will play and roll himself in the mud 3 this i the grand display o trick a tho lady will make hlmlf irtnd that everyone he will think that ho is rubber lady c tho man wll walk ono wire tight iio is doing so nmely because he is profoasor of that l i 0 then will come grand dramatic notice no stick will be allowed in the spec tatorn nnd ha shall not smoke also john said dr brown to hi that grass tin needed cutting for mo day tw air replied john 1 going to cut it tomorrow it um t very important whether or not the gross i out answered his father but it extremely important that you have the right state of mind about getting at what need to be done there la a legend that batan onco offered a prise te the enion wio should suggest the surest method of damning men sout one brought forwald a most brilliant argument to demonstrate the futility of goodness another most lurlngly pictured the at traction- of evil another proposed that the satanlo legions should admit tho wisdom and the glory of righteous s but should concentrate tnelc powers on perauadlng men to put of the day when they should begin practice rfghteouanesa satan i sail to have awarded hi prise to that sug gestlon there ut no question continued i doctor tlutt the greatest enemy to good nee in the world is procragtln- tlon kvery man that lives means homo day to lead a good life volt have seen that little placard on office wall do it nowr it ought to be befinc your eyes wherever we go it ought to be written in our minds just as soon as we discern the tight thing to be done we ought to set about doing it without delay if we delay duy it twice aa easy to delay nln to morrow get the habit john in- amal thing if the grass ought to be cut now then require of yourself that you cut it now then tlbn t risk tho chance of getting the nrocragtln atlng habit by putting it off to another time f don t urge you to plunge into things without thinking take all the time you need to come to your con elusions but when your judgment tells vou thing surely ought to be done get at it at the first possible moment do it npwl john started for the door that grass ought to be cut that sure he said and 1m going to do it now a joke xou plead guilty to stealing this pit- no your henor i took it for joke a thoughtful frown creuacd the udi cal brow how far did you carry that plgj just over to my house a matter of two miles you carried that joke entirely too far fe close shooting an englishman who lived for year in africa says that it 1 now several j car ninco ho ventured to lake one of tho most daring shot that wa ever hasardod hi wife was sitting in the house near the open door th children were playing about her and be wa without not far away busy wit wagon suddenly he says though it was midday an enormous hon appeared at a abort distance slowly advanced and laid himself quietly down in the ahade upon tho very threshold of the door my wife froxen with fear remained motionless in her place the children look refuge in her lap and the cry they uttered attracted my attention 1 hastened toward the door my aston ishment and horror may be imagined when i found the entrance barred in such a manner the hon had not seen me and i glided gently scarcely knowing what l meant to do to the side of tho houxe o that i could reach in from the out- aide and still more fortunately the door of the room waa open do that i could nee thu whole danger of the scene thero wa no time to think for the lion wo beginning lo move perhaps with the intention of making a spring i called softly to the mother not to be afraid and thon fired the ball passed directly over my boys head and lodged in the forehead of tho hon immediately hi eyes and stretched him upon the ground thero wo an instant or fearful sus pense then i fired again but tho second bullet wua thrown away for his piajcaty never stirred after the first shot und i leaped over hi pro trute body to clasp my wife and child ren in my arms mock helpfulness many n busy houski opi r knawu tho irritation of nrlnlng from tho entrance or her kltcth n on i omo particularly humy mornlnc f a spick and span gtmst who unkn in u limn of convent dual mlndjipha isn l thrn something i can do tn hi lp yu t tho quootlnn by ita vary infucll inldemandu the a tually convetitl nul utmdtxr nothing thank you thi workir ttttorii tho j ollto lb with tho hope thit it will i forgiven tier and vnd ru nl the name tlmo if hi r woiil 1 n hoi nr in bjlii 1 i the hmlii li be mude the rooms to bo duutnd mi 1 ihedlntidu t i be wl od not to montl n the pen to kj shelled or thn greut pllt ofjnendlnf waiting fir the acant lol euro ofv thn afternoon an t tho tin d evening hu in the work of philanthropy an i of the church the tentative 1 sup iko then ihii t anythlpir to do i poor comfort for vvoury mid porplexo 1 wnrknra j rrt nh mind might aolvo the dlinciilt d roblfro a volunteer teacher might manage tho mlscblof loving b v an uimollcltod gift would put new llf into tho dlsheort enod treasurer i a spontaneous word of praise wjiul 1 help lift tht burden of rosponsl ii ity nomatlmo almost intolerable whoever reully wants to he of nor vice in the kttohon the club or tho church doch not half lp ask can i haipt sho finds hot owh task and it la half dono ho for u unyono knows that it lo begun even the impulsive mistakes of the egr worker ore losi troublesome than tho afo inactivities of the idler tho mock helpful neon that walts to bo formally introduce 1 to it work is generally mera helpless ness and for tho offer of such soivicqii tho housewife and the world have u common answer there is nothing you can do thank you tips on horses an advertisement read wise tips on horses by mall for one dollar a young sport who sent in his dollar got the tip horse to follow hoarao horse i onto to back hobby horsc i i or so to put aomethlng on haw horses horse to let alone race horse fie got more for his monoy than if he had bet it owen sound sun times poor accommodation tramp footsoro and hungry up proached a man ploughing in a field by the roadsldo say bos it s get tin dusk can i stay at your place all night r i dunno was tho cautious reply youll have to ask the old woman i can hardly atay hero myelf bird bab beautiful towujl wrd cardmlvcrytlar 2qo pagebtrdbook jvee csmo limtttd tdrtt1j internal and external pains are prortiptly relieved by dq thomas eclectric oil that it has been gold for tttarlv fifty yiajw aho is tooav a orfatcn seller tham ever stors is a testimomial that spcak for ita nuucnous ounatpb qualities economy the watchword of today why not save 25 per cent on your fuel bill wo can positively put money in the pocket of any person who uses coal or wood in a stove or furnace our pateixt device easily attached to any amokc pipe provides safctycciconomy prevents trouble and costs but uttlc kcprcscnrntijcs wanted in each locality the automatic fuel economizer co 195 victoria street toronto tourfns towing it the keeper of a lighthouse of the coast of ireland get married to ixindort girl and hi wife had among other effects a small light planettu sent to hej- new home new reached the island that tho instrument wa on the mainland and two islander were die patched in lugger to fetch tt acrbs tho light house keeper- and hi wlf were await ing the arrival of the pianette whlcn wa to brighten the long w1 4tm ings but to their disappointment thuy kaw the boot returning without the instrument where the pianette t shouted he ughthoumo keepor when the lugger w4 within hailing distance it all right replied one of li boatmen shu re were tow in it jwil behind u wl wmflieyswrttw couldnt find hlmt the foreman send in young clancy 1 w him smoking pp a load offfcwder a while ago and i m going to ore un h jlaffertyi here a part at his hav good cheer open grate heater sefe our window di8puav a new stylo quebec heater that resembles an open grate stove has folding doors in front and stovo may bo burned with doors either open or closed has spark guard for use with doors open this is a heater stove that must bo seen to be appreciated wo also carry a full lino of quebec heaters and quebec ranges with all attachments w d talbot w bphj spttfil six roadstir i ft zjgf special six jvvepawengct sedan the new low pricer of mclaufeblin i bulcfc bring these cars within easy reach of thousand of canadian who heretofore could cred them as being out of their price class it wlu tgke only a few minutes of your time to have us explain how on can purchase any rclaoghllo- bulck out of current income by means of the g m a do forced payment plan special six foattfasscngcr ffiup special six doubleservice sedan s v king representatives for this pistript georgetown ont at your service in tub ttalx apimrknh irancy mwirtijy tuitns to tjiouqhtfl ov clottttsh fall 6nd winter apparel of every description including all tho newest atyle fancies and at prices that invite comp anywhere are now being shown at our spacious store we are now equipped better than ver to cope with the ever increasing business coming to our store and respectfully solicit tho continuance of your valued putronigit and 9 tend an invitation to new friends to come nnd judge- rfiia tore for taeniae vcfl we are always at your service with courteous and honest treatment d brill co phone 167 i georgetown f 4fold protection how to safeguard the future when you think of polblu- deprivation tt income for your family you perhaps r consider only the posalbllltyof your death from natural canst but there arc three other possible routes to poverty for your loved ones and it is well to provide- against them all there s aecidentrwhich removes so many in the prime of life theres the loss of earning power ciused by diuabulty of the broad winner either through illness or accident and finally thero is the retirement from lifos activities when overtaken hy old age often without any savings do you know that you can protect yourself and your family against ull four of these contingencies in ono complcto policy r such a policy is ijow issued by te north american life assurance company 1 death 2 acpldpnt i a policy that payh 4 ways a total disahiuty om acli this the fullest insuranwocovcrlng uvallablc would nay your bmohclury on 4 mx0 contract at y3c death 10 000 if death bo accidental 20 000 if you become totally disabled through incident or sickness tins 10000 contruu pays 0 100 to you lach month for your llrctlmo 2 all fururo premiums on your policy as thuy fall due j 10 000 to your estate at death write for pull particulars of this policy that pavs four ways north american life assurance ornpany solid as the continent head opficel toronto canada f p- vvalls district injuimgar km b bank of hamilton bldo hamilton ontario

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