Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1924, p. 5

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v ffftg artnn 3prrg jtoflb tiiuitsray octodsr 10 19x4 home at thank8qivinq drcaniu of tlio nouuer statesman of scholar and lord of trade fjrpw in tli quiet shelter nrmhut fwlr cttntrce shade ami while our thanks mar bather joytninttml in otir oyti vur this returning handclasp and these november aides htimohnw tho calm abundance of our ripe fruited aye calln not eomuoh for offering of- bong- voiced prayer and praise an those tar hour together when xaptly you and i saw thro ub t our young ntnbltlana the pride of earth no by 1 w wraith twenty vears add from the leeue of the free press of thursday november 10 1004 day next thursday uday evening wombly next thanksgiving november it rund tooncert next tu ft fc mens mmuul oj wednesday night tho roughcast boueo nnd lot on main am the evens estate id by mr wm jlemstreej grace butcher lynd has moved back to bore be had been a ipwarde of twenty years is tobe curigralulated upon owner of thla fine properly wdrden tho tenant of the past year 1 removing this week to a farm in the vicinity of georgetown lt thanksgiving night at knox church promises to have in store an unusual treat for the public kev rlm aiaseford of quolph who was one of the delegates to the worlds sunday school convention at jerusalem last april will deliver his famous jeoture a trip to the holy jyandr mr har- mon a croxoil baritone will render a number of selections the election last thursday resulted in the reelection of- mr d henderson as haltona representative in tho house of commons for another teimbistory the majority is 139 with a majority ofmnr acton at the general elections last thura- day the people returned the hurler vj only ontario and p el tslsnd fatting to gtve majorities married cooper8tauffeb at the ri- denco of tho brides parents church street acton on wednesday no vember 9 by kev j cwuson b a mr william cooper merchant tailor to kub daughter of abram stauker died f flaeoryin markham on thursday november s 1904 peter c floury aged 45 years m becatisebhe believed in him the bev john frank chaplain of a western prison was a genial man whose very look invited confidence r in worklike mine he said one sees nil sides of human nature take jim hartnett tor instance jetor a number of years hartpett and his aged mother lived on a form over fay clear creole mrs hartnett was a helpless cripple and her son took tha whole care of her and the house he was quiet and steady out after tut old ladys death be broke out 4n the most remarkable manner fairly ran amuck drank hard and was finally arrested on a long list of charges he was a big boyish fellow with a face which might be called sullen but was not wholly boil i couldnt help mdaghleo- at first hehad nothing to say to anybody but he gradually grow friendly with me and talked quite creel about himself h untjony um he asserted or day tin bad dear through it was jaottflome jrouye kept a straight reoorddp to this time i said j z itv always wanted to out loose ha returned and even ifl havent done it that amounts to the same thing v why havent you r asked abrupt ty hartnett paused for a moment tthen be said simply well it was mother yonsec if id gooe 90 with the boysyshedhsiva been alone then x bad to lift her she was urn x couldnt drink and gt shaky and risk drapaiftjr hsrv besides shed hare found me out and- well parson aha cellared in ma down to the around there baant been a day slnoe father died that i navtfnt wanted to go my ow pace but somehow j couldnt wlthffnur a in detail uatt u thevflld- lady looking on 3 pht my hand on liarenetts broad x2j ahonider jim i saidv suppose shes looking oil nowr hartnett started then flashed like v jim- went on youre a bettor tellpw than i am for i dorit have ypur temptations xut dont spoil a good man cjim pepend upon it yoiir mother betleveali yu yet brbatt did be do wtitiharo isnt njatjin otr oounty that i reqpeced r more than i do jim hartnett he serred hia umo calmly and quietly v j4 cojitentedlr- whan bis tarn-jm- plrei he want to works and he has ena model cltlaen ewr since it1 great thing to die for others jit 1 a greater thing to live for them whoever dally surrenders an evil im pulse to a commonplace duty is more of a hero than he who conqoera a city weather the sunday school lesson for sunday november 9 how jehub hatibfteb john 11 uulrion text 1 am tho bread of llfo john 0 3t the text explslnsd verse 1 after theno things those montloned in the previous chapter the narrative of john however con tains many gps- his purpose being iiulte another rhan the writing of a chronologlcal history some tlmo therefore may have intervened though how much time is not possible to tell the a of gallloe which is tho sea of tiberias the explanutlon is addod for the benefit of readers of tho oospel not familiar with tho older name in a umo when the naine given in honocox the roman emperor tiberius bad wholly aupersodod the former at least among pooplo outside of palestine verso zltollowed him matthew adds on root out of the allies tho signs which bo did and many which are not recorded hero verse 5 went up into the mountain in order that ho might be alone with his disciples having just reoelved the sad news of john tho baptists doath sfttl4 12 1s verse g philip one of tho twelve apostlos and afellow townsman of both andrew and peter from tiethsalda of oalllee ttie first whom jesus called dlfeotly to follow him john 1 43 bread joyomi round or oblong coke made or mixed with soar and baked in else about as big as a plate and as thick as a mans thumb verso 8v to prove that is to test him- versa 7 two hundred shillings worth the qek word translated entiling denoted a coin worth approx imately sixteen and twothirds cents though jo purchasing power the amount was three times this sum verse iandr6w simon potcrs brother ma prominent in apostolic than the brother whom he had introduced to jesus a somewhat uncertain tradition reports blm as having labored in greece macedonia and asia mlnor finally suffering mar tyrdom veree t fiheethe word here used denotes a relish bf any kind eaten with bread and also sometimes meat in the general aenso it is often how ever applied to small fishes and was doubtlev intended here since the other- evangelists in their account of the same event use another word slg nlfylng fishes and having ho other meaning v verse 10 about five thousand jlen bealdea women and children matt 141 verse 11 having- given tha possibly by the use of the familiar jewish formula or prayer blessed art thou jehovah king of the world who causeth bread to como forth from the earth veraft 1 the broken pieces which remain over undistributed in the hands of the mastev and his disciples not crumbs or fragments left by those who- bad eaten verse 144be prophet that cometh into the world referring to the pro phecy of deut18 14j which was commonly understood in the time- of christ to refer to the coming off the messiah verso jbtake hun by iorce and oatry him in triumph to jerusalem there jo proclalnv him king at th passover l themss many men of many mlnds- feedlngi of the five thousand is one ct the very few events of our lords life sjod the onlymlracle apart from the eventsand miracles of passion week recorded toy all of the evangelical wrlt- a careful study of this fourfold ac- oount brings out very clearly tb fact ahat the evangelists were men of fleth and blood like unto ourselves with iridiyldual traits and characteristics oa clearly marked as our own and that in using these men as bis inspired meae angora to the own and later generations ood did not make of them mere machines but permitted them to remain tree moral agents in everv respect huotatu j thus we find each giving his ontbccount of this- event with a slightly different setting jdach srriter- emphasises those details which made the deepest impreaaloponhbt mind omitting many others which had either slipped from his memory or which- to him seemed of lass impor tance a careful comparison ofx the 18- 23 mark c 404c luke b 1017 john 115 will bring out clearly 11b ii travellers ore seldom without topics for complaint iff everything else falls iy can at least tall hack upon had dbad weather in his european bemln i6n a man who de- ieovaaieaas the wettest of dtlea cfc- said he a ago j left pisa and it waa iraintrnr baolcnnd ltu raining sudl t mr bison la sarcastic but he is not beyopd a utile faultfinding on his r wn aooount his great trouble was at ruerdam tta weaithar raminded os of home h wt- k ever a meteorologioal bureau la started in holland its re- t portr vrlurun about as follows cld and clear followed by warm v and rainy interspvred with thunder- showers followed by 41ght frosts after the weather wiu become change able nosuraleaj operation is necessary in rempvlnt oorns if hollo ways corn bemovr bus explanation colored people who havo survived uio days of slavery are apt to utva mttfiods of reasoning which to say the laaat- arer nomewhat oonrualog to a4eln geharah ttaver you avor stolen before this rcasaapr asked mien judson u new of her newly 00- gaaaaauuiorodd jobs who after severooroasjquesuonlng had oonfess- d tovavvig btracud har beat brooni sjc- aoma dayahefbra lrj v tn reckon thta yer broom rjrv ff fugf tina i eber stole said caesar after soma reneotlon ttaoppoae you never took a ehlcu jsrt frooi yflafpld maatar when you wefe weixjv younlftnan down south then per b wmu4aon ft- rww pvapa tdd tu gqe li- wnta oiuaari ittmiifif lfxtyttir propiy taking nropty m pplymlaaus dont you listening together to heart and for a whole olaaa of medical gto- dosta to liatan to beart taonmjra andlung- sound at tho some moment as their physlcunlnatructor would seeaxtobe th a ideal toelhod of study- umk the iha of theoe vital organ the human body the- algninbahca of aach tatlauon la explained at tba moment- it 1a beard by the anura olaaa the stetbopbotte rocent uon of bell tolophone eoaflnoera makes tola poaedblo the apnara- tus was roconuy dsmionatrated bo- fore a largo body- of modlcal men wnera apatignt la too ill to be durtnibel the stehopbona can bowheelad to tho beusldo and ttw action of heart and longt beard not oa by too- attending ptayi but by a olaaa of atndests to a dla tant room when tha lnatruetox wlabaa to addreaa the claaa ho keep the ohesbplaca in positxon against tho patients body and talks in a quiet totoa tha vfbrauona are picked up bjrtbet patlenta body and com- msojeated to the- eeatpleoe then smpuflod and transmitted to thekto- dents receiver- tbu fact the humblest source of an ade quate supply a- striking feature of this miracle ts the bumble source from whose modesty store tls adequate supply of food was made what must have been the feelings of this lad with five- loaves and two 0ihest he could scarce believe his ayes as the multitude ocj- five- thousand arranged- lb tanaces ukjbajjowerbed so the greek term suggests receive ample food to meet their hunger the- lad m a propbetla figure for the lads of the present generation are tojbanlsh hunger in the approaching day of the established kingdom the bouhtlful ways of providence hbwltoveajebv 1 by the greatness of the need as ahqcp not having shepherd hungry end in a dessert plane vs 34 88 s by the abun dance of he supply vs 42 and 45 when revealed i- after provision has been made for the participation of allln the blessing about to be given vs sb 40 after the eartblyvglft has been dedicated to a use well pleas ing to the divine giver by a fervid prayer of thanksgiving v 41 from whence revealed 1 from above rvery good gift from above james 1 17 through hurnan instru mentality to jus dlaolplea and the disciples to the multitude matt 14 to be noted that white there urdenc or ef i need iv 42 fbour neverthelesf enjoins upon his duorpjagthe neoesslly of permitting ho part ofthebless ing pro vided to go to wwthvhdl oathar up the broken pieces which renau over that nothing- be lost john fl id for study and dlaeusejon is this miracle recorded by all tour evangsllstst bo the variations strengthen the crodlblllty of tbe ao- countst where did this miracle oo- our what brought jesus and bis dlacldlesto ibis place t why did the people follow him jn what sense la this mtacle a symbol of the bountiful wuya of provldenoe did jesus dls thurulsh betweon tho worthy and un worthy in distributing his blosslnsat td he require faith on tbe part of those benefitted t what woe the re suit upon the multitude t what crisis followed and how did jesus meet itt haw does jesus teed the soult dally raadlnas for nsxt week munday- november 10 matu t 13- 20 tussduy november 11 mdtl 14 ji- wedoeedav november 11tmatt it thursday november is john tt vrlday november 14wohn 21- ib it saturday november ik 1 peter 1 tio sunday november laapaaim li oarlyle to his mother no able man ever had a fool for a mother said sharp- tangued olever- mmded thomas carlyie neither did any good man ever havo a bad wo man for his mother u would be simple enough to find a hundred ex pressions of love and gratitude that famous sons have written about tho mothers that boreand bred them but is not all that thoy could say summed up in this charming letter written by carlyie to bla mother on his birthday door old mother weak and sick and dear to me what a day this has beep my solitary thoughts for ex- cept a few words to jane i have not spoken to anyone nor indeed hardly seen anyone it be lor dusk and dark before i went out a dim silent sun day the sky foggy dork with damp and a universal stillness theeonee- quence and this la the day gone w years that i was born and my poor mother well we are all- in gods bands surely ood is good surely we ought to trtutt him or what is there for the sons of men 7 o my dear mother let it be ever a comfort toyou however- weak you are that you did your part honorably and well while is strength and were a noble mother to me and to us all i am now myself grown old and have vamousthlnga to do and suffer for so many years that there is nothing- i ever had to be so much thankful fot as the another i bad that is a truth which i know well and perhaps this day again ft may be some comfort to you year sureqy for u there has been any good in the things i have utterod in the worlds hearing tt was your voice essentially that waa speaking through me essent ially what you and my brave father meant and taught me- to mean- thla was the purport of all 1 have spoke and wrote and if n the few years that may remain to me x am to get any more written for the world the essence of ti as fuyas it is worthy and good will be yours may ood reward 1 you dearest mother for all you havo dbneforma x never ctfn aii no but will think of u wltb gratitude and pious love so long as i have tbe powor of think losvand i will prayqods bl earning on you now and always tooths com- panlon story of success in a letter written- recently- to w c hammond manager union bank of canada at high tfuyer alberta o f malmberg of jnalmberg and sons says lp port we located in high river novem berll 1104 a family of 11 ohlldren my wife and j six boys and- five girls ages a to 24 years- we had 12 vfprk horses s wagons household goods 40 yaung horses titid- 120- in cash after paying our freight we came from e rand rondo valley oregon if fl a wa homesteaded worked and uvjd good there are now t0i oa includ ing the nlaws and grandohudran and all in alberia except 4 one daugh ter her husband and two children they are in new york state my- three sons and i malmbera sons have since coming here produc ed 324000 bushels of wheat 110000 bushels of oats and barley and have sold bf our own raising cattle for 127500 hogs for 6o0c horses for 11100 and sundries for ti 0000 and have worked out earning 242000 wo have only sold a half section of bind since we- came to tho country we have had extended to us ait one time a line of credit of 2100000 in recent years icstlmatlng the amount of farm pro duce that we have consumed at isoood during tha ithyeors we have heen here and figuring the values of what we have produced in dollars the total is f 633790 all these arcrtguree which can b verified a triple tragedy an indian from the flambeau reser vation la northern wloonsln recently came into tha ashing resort of squaw lake with a curiosity in the way of deer horns be wished to sell fafllng to moke a sale he took the horns back to the reeervatlon the montreal wit ness describes huj treasure as three- sets of antlera inextricably interlocked two sets of antlers so locked are rare but not unknown it is believed that tho fleambeau chlppeway has tha anly set of three locked antlers in tha world the accident could have happened oory in one way two bucks jit equal strength were flgbung in tbe forest and became locked then while they still atruggilnga third buck ap peared andoharged them botbprob- gtde the stove and who trien sat down sj a hot uw and ably repeatedly until his own became fastened the indian saya he found the horns north of jtlambeau lake about a mile from tha water they were lying on the side of a hin and there were no bones near them tbe condltlort of the horns proved that the fight oc curred not more than two years ago the antlers were all of fullgrown buolov showing eight and ten points loh the third pair had been driven into tbe others just above where they were joined and the branches of them wort about equally- locked with ihe drenches of the others xbey were not broken or chipped in anyway which seems to indicate that when the third buck had mjade bla laat charge he was fastened so firmly th4t there was no room for any one of his points to play in the forks of the other indeed ah the horns were eo stonily joined that they could not be moved at alb tboy arv as rigid as if molded in that fashion from iteei he needed another year porfluon wmw ran an advertise ment in a shanghai newspaper a young chinese with four years ex perience in ngusb seeks plane as a junior elarjc salary odobjectlon aa a matter of fact it usually lant the veriy man thereis a oettaln han in a western town who from tha amount of his seal and- benevolence should have proved amibuo benefaotorbat who has tho fatal factor 1 of alwaya doing the wrong- thing aa some one has said of bun the might havo built htmaelf monuments but he haa left only foot stones at ona period of his career as town offioerhe cut down a magnifi cent tree em ot that excited the popular wrath against him and drew upon him scores of newspaper de nunciations a stranger in town who had man aged to- catch a great deal of the local gossip without knowing the per sons concerned chanced to fall into conversation with this manon the botal plaasa cxclalmed lnt that a- magqifioent street through there it waa x sir who had it cut very pretty very nlcel murmured the stranger x erected that brick block opposite nothing nas tsore thoroughly occupied tny mind than the improvement of this town now you oan tell said the stranger warmly roused to interest by the thought that he was conversing with a public benefactor who the man was who had he audacity to out down the tree ive heard ao much boutl and there the conversation ended a good lalaih women do not laugh as much as men they are sometimes belloved to be leas richly endowed than men with sense of humor but true or not thatfia not a full explanation many humorous even witty woman get be yond a smile the giggle and the utter are not laughter after all merely a kind of makebelieve suggestive of sawdust and shavings it will be a pity tf civilisation ban ishes from the gentle sex that whole- laugh which still doetii good like a medicine more than one domestic crisis might be alleviated oc averted by laugrhter be housemother wbo dropped a- dish of potatoes- on their way to the kettle eo that they landed in a pan of dough rising be laughed- till she cried at tbe fun ny helplesa air of the half bur led pot atoes had apotent charm against dis couragement to laugh attba blunder of tha green maid wbo being- told to turn the mat trees every day made tho b4 first and than turned tha maf tress afterwards is to forget the annoyance of the moment in the sense of its absurdity laughter is a kind of- magician or better atlu a fairy xnfact mr barrio haa a novel scientific explanation of tho origin of fairies in his the little whits bird he says when the first baby laughed for tha first time his laugh broke into a million pieces god they all went skip ping about that was the beginning of fairies bvery mother knows that the falriee are the best mothers helpers and bouseworksrs in the world and that no wellregulated family oanofford to bw without them perhaps they were born of the laughter of grownup folks as well as that of babies in that oasis the scarcity of tallies nowadays may be traced to the nfrequency of the lauglrtof he overserlous- woman useful in camp explorers survey- ore prospectors and btintcrs will find dr thomasecleetrto oil very useful in camp- when the feet and legs- are wet and cold it is well to rob them freely with tho oil and the result will be the prevention of pains in the mus cles and should a cut or contusion or spran be sustalnodnothing oould je better as dressing- or lotion a forward mouth when yon find a man saying- some thins one dayand something olss the nexttout short your business dealings with him a wicked man walketh with a forward mouth tbe man whose mouth goes to and frot will walk off with your watch unless you keep it out of bis reach the cheerful liar wlu as cheerfully cheat if be thinks he can get by with it the man who br not careful with hla word becomes- as reckless with hu fingers the man wltb a forward mouth has usually forward feet and your borne or the pompous cltisenbplace of business will be the better for his absence what is the matter with the world to is that there are too many or these forward mouths in society in business in politics and thero will be healthier condltlongjn all wajke of life when they are taught the pleoe for them la in umbo put lying where it belongs solomon in shoe and leather jownat iplanty of ana winter ant sanunerj d ywunecloaror just bo boarders we guar- anteb you hens wflr ley dssret eases 1 your money back from your dealer w i will sand you a copy of pratts poultry i iiookfree write for it today wutttfood 00 or canada ltix tqaowto poultry regulator good bread good pastry to make both these t takes tho very best f ingredients and experience we use nothing but the finest of materials in our baking and our experience in baking is wide test the result any time in the finished product home made baking cant compare with ours bread white and- brown cukes tarts buns sconea pies lemon raisin apple etc always- freah and always good firbanks bakery u6 h01 street acton canadian national electric railways 7 westbound dally except sunday 743 am daily t 43 aim dally dally dally dally dally dally daily worms oeuee 6eifuloasa and rob the infant pf- ateep tha great nofb ihbar mother ofavee wonn-jafjbr- mlnator wuli clear the stomaflh and i lntmum3aand restore halutulnaaa wuii l- guess my dad must have been a pretty bad boy tommy what makes you think that wllue because he knows exactly what questions to ask me when he wsnts to know what i liave been do- lng iuok natlonwld fame there le scarce- ly u ooruor uf thla groat dominion where the merits of dr thomas iso- lectrlo oil have not been tried and proved it la one of the worlds moat efficient rojnedfon for sore throat tamo book and many other ailments arising from inflammation rubbed on- the alt in its- healing power is readily ab- aorhett and it an also be tuken in- ternnuy ppr family use harold mrs thomson began thoughtfully ive boon thinking a lot abtjut you fntely rsotethlnjrnleet ouest inned mr thomson with hope rul indectlou do you know mrs thomson went on quite ignoring hor hbwr bid for fiattery that since we tuupri hred- bare in the country and you haye gone back and forth titthn oily ovary day you have seen tibo nothing of the ohlldren f x dont see how fra can be helped replied mr thomson wheij 1 leave in tho morning they are bocup od when t ooma back in the evanlnathey art itfwdv x v v a sstehtej mrs thomaoi that ta ao but ybu might at least aandtbant a souvanu poscard hijwand tbea laie many children die from the assaults worms and the first care of mothers juul6vb to see that thejr fnfartts are free from these pests a mlfuge that can b depended on la gliuers worm powder they will not only expel worms from the system but act as a heauhglvlng medicine and a remedy for many of the aliments that bese infanta enfeebling them and endangering their lives hb knew too much a story la told in the india rubber world of a meek looking stranger with a distinctly ministerial air who ap plied for permission to look oyer a large rubber factory he knew noth ing at all about the rubber business beaald and after a little hesitation he was admitted the superintendent showed him about in person nnd tho mans aues- tlons and comments eemd to come from the densest ignorance finally when the grlndlngroom waa reached he lingered a- uttlf and asksd in ftaaltaung wayi i couldnt x tutfve a apeclmen of that curious stuff for my cabinet f certainly replied the superinten dent although it was a compound tha aecret of which was worth thousand or dollars oertabily out off as much aayou wish- r with eager step tho visitor aproaoh ed tse roll of gum took out his knife wet ihe blade in hie mouth and stop right where yqo aral aajd tbe superintendent laying a oeewy bandiipop tbe stranger rtav roa fraud ahd a thief you didnt lajurn in a pulpit that a dry kmcewwsjaut rubber- 7 so saylog he ahoeediha mpoetor to itbfdoor adthaaret wjia still not the right kind you neednt teir me that pluck al waya wins out said uuclo joan tharea hen tibbies xjoofc at him aint g pluckier jnan than him round here and yet what has he got to ahow for itt pluck why when he glut started on a thing he never lata up tother day x was over to hla place when one of the cows got into hi corn patch and commenced eating and tromping down corn conaarn her aays hen im just gola to stay hare end see how long tt will be afore she gets oil she wants and goes out tbe way she got in thar be sot hour after hour never letting- u nor abowlna- any algns of givlna ih to her and utter a while ahe saw shed met her match and began to weaken she et all she could hold and then ahe trompfd down pretty nigh half an- acre more but still he sot thar it come to be dusk finly and still hen was standing by then tbe old cow aaw it waut any use for her to try to make on that she was plucky aa he was- hhe glvo in complete wen back to tho pasture laid down bloated up and died hens been waltlngwaaks now- for hja potatoes to dig themselves mx heaaya if they can eun it he can pluck i hes got enough for ten men but somohow all hla pluok he aint ever caught on s ye might say lie aint got ahead so a im telling ye theres eornatbtng moren jes pluck needed for a man to get ahead in this world a t asthma bring misery but dr j l kellogg asthma remedy will replace the misery wth welcome relief in- haled fag amok or vapor it reaches the vent innermost reoeasee of the brott chlal pvaaagea and soothes them ite- btrlstion passes and agy braathinc re turns tf you knaw aawal how thu remedy wrmtd balarou s do wou- andaof grateful jowtai there would be package in your- home tqnlghu try it- cooler nights and lower pricer on wood tbeae cool nights when you do not need a flro for long is when wood oomeo in bandy to- take the chill off the house and what will bo more welcome news is that the price has been reduced and the following prices- are now in effect mixed sbla u 3x0 um hardwood slabs and short wood j um load best body cortwood 4 footlenitirs a00 cord and ttf th6wban ottfc mr it u moat drontbaj to do your oooktna with wood yon wmnn tho botuo at tho mm tljn nd yoor raoj dooa donblo duty each load is guaranteed a full single cord d a henderson phone 2b we deliver promptly dojiy rjoilr etitopt bunomy dally riir dally daily dally dafly dally the most ecbnonucal car in the world to operate t motor co of oo a uaho caacuina chevrolet ownera t chevrolet 8e4an obaarvatioil and eooditloni aatab- worwa muaiae racord o5h milea per alioa tha mad mraa of au tho xontctxnta amty prownca in canada wa341 muea per auon what would chavrolat avarara- aver a period of monthalneverjdayaattlca how economical from the other pbawa of opkaapl hera are tbe anawere ansplladtby ownara a where in canada awwt alii ame aua 1 ombw oo fallitf ur 295 m20 7fif centi tho can on which these mileage aersgeawrer baaed have- travelled ainwbera from 1500 miles to over 36000 soma of the car were need for plea aure others for btuinesa almost a third of these cars are lvta economical service in the taxi bnauicaa cheraletv remarkably low upkeep together with ita low firat coat mk it tbe worlde areateat motor car value amk ta mbaa ibtgmac dtttritd payment wan fisher king repbeskntatives fob teds section call on them at ob white and they will call on you 6e0r6bt0wn tha saparlar fivi faaeaaa toavaarcar mother fletchtra outorla it a harmlon sobrtitate for castor oicparegoric teetliliib drops and soothing syrupv prepared to relieve infanu in arma and ohddren all ages 0 oonbtipatioo wind folic v flatulency to sweeten stomach tharrhea regulate bowels alda in the aaautiuation gf food promoting oiecrfolneaa rest and r natural sleep without opiates p ea on ect pcltr phytlelan eveiywhatji leuauiuuid it bailway time tables andian nationalflailways oalno wart no m no ii no ai no m no it no as bnnday c no 21 no 10 no ii no ta no ts no 109 am jo jb ajn at pjn 809 pm 829 pra- 10j0 axn 705 ajn iliaajn stbpjn flod pjm 82 pm 708 pjn- 1143 a uy p 3m3 p pm m 64 pm 7 a3 pm d43 pjra 1s33 nm kastbeuhd j4i am v43 am 114s am 143 pm 343 p m e43 pin 743 pm d4s pm ll0pm vaedght ourered by special express tralght frelgnt plcksd up at any ad dress in toronto- r t e gibbons axpeitt hoe repairinq prompt attcntton to order left t ee gibborb villaqe of- acton notice of suggrtrauon of bylaw t notlu berebx gtveo that a bylaw warpaased by the afonleipal council of the village of acton on tbe twen- ueth day of october if 2a as number sc4 providing tor the issue or deben tures to tne amoont bf tiossa4 tor the purpose of defraying the cost of he construction of cement sidewalks recently laid wjtnla the said village f and that such ylaw waa reglsterorrr- id the regtatry ofloe for the lugbitry dlvtsjonof the county ot hton on the twentysieoond day of october u24 as ntunbertfx any motion to quash- or set aside tbe same or tray part thereof must be made within throe months after the first publication at this notice and cannot be made there- after dated this thirtieth day of october d 1914 ttt u n farmer clerk mortgage sale of- desirable frame cottage and lot on the south- tweet side of main street to thevimaoe of acton under tha power of sale coritaltd in a certain mortgage made by william and may seymulc to the vendor which will be produced at the sale there will- be ottered for sale byfltbuo auction on tha premises by bobert of kerr auctioneer on wednesday november 12 1824 at i oclock pm that certain parcel or tract of bind and premlaee known pert of lot 111 according to jiu- 8no plan of the village of actun reglatered as no 184 and more par ticularly described in the sdd mort gage v the property has a frontage of about is feet by a depth of u0 feat and there is erected on the same a sub stantial wrjte frame eottago with stone foundation and cellar terms of saialfi ten per cent of the purchase money is to be paid to the vendors solicitor on the day of sale sufficient fo make up onethlnl thereof in ten days thereafter and tho bauurtoe may remain on mortvagv 9 rprnmlaes at per cent or be paid cash at the purchasers option immediate possession can be glvin lei a purchaser comply ing with tho oondltlona tbe property will bo of fered for sale subject to a reserve bid further- particulars and conditio us of eatamay bo- obtained from tho auctioneer or from n n parmer vendors bolloltor 171 acton ontario a va diamonds of quality fl uko most other things dia monds may bo either good bad or indifferent qa hap diamond is distin guished by purity of color freedom from flaws and quality of cutting h these characteristics coni- bine to produce the fire and rare brilliancy that is the outstanding quality of every truo gem u wo handle diamonds or one quality only these wo buy direct in large quanti ties always for spotcash savage co jenraoan oublbji ontario -v- 3l- abalmsswssbsaw tj ftc ist liis t iiitfyttn j snjii

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