Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 1

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i xv fiftieth year no 20 thursday morning november a3 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning november 13 1024 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev j08ephu8 culp paator parsonage willow st 1100 a m the minister subject jaky cistern js0 p m sunday school 700 p m mr i ii ilarlow o ouelph presbyterian knox church acton mlnlatar rev a c stewart m a uanae willow street 1100 a mthe minister subject tim- revival of true religion 300 p m bible clue studies ir mnuhew chapter xix 300 p m- hundav school 700 p m tho minister subject looking about oh st ranter loavlng address with usher will be called upon by the pastor all arh cordially invttelo special notices aoiertlaetbati in th column a ceote par urd hulnum chars 90c per laseruea- for sale 1 wood heater 1 k itch on cupboard 1 weaver piano apply after 6 oclock 17 beard more crescenl a bargain in shoes a pair of nixc 9 fine tan shoe coat 1800 worn on half day may be nail for 84 60 one of the very beat makes- apply at free press office boarders and roomers board era wanted und rooms to rent nloe comfortable place furnaoe heat ed apply miu f r wood f qordon hall clearing auction sale the household effects of john sin clair will be old by auction at bal- llnafad on friday november 11 at 130 p m r x kerr auctioneer 30j phone is acton strayed to the premises of tho undersigned three- young cattle two roan and one red owner may have name by proving property and paying expenses john d brown lot 31 let line strayed from the premises of tho undermann ed roan heifer the early part of october- anyone holding tola animal after thl notice will be prosecuted chaiileb davidson ltf lot j 2nd urio eaquoslng auction sale eugene f crosby will hold an auction bale of farm stock imple ment etc at lot 16 concession erin township on tueaday november is at one oclock harp roy iundley auctioneer erin thane w a burchtll clerk card op thanks the- acton fire brigede appreciates very muph the donation went ibern 1v mr alexander macdonnld the other day in recognition of services rendar- ed in connection with the tiro at hla residence laat week- nobt acott secretary acton november 12 1924 card op thanks the undersigned desire to their slnoere thanka to their many frlenda ajfd neighbors for their word of irmimlhy and the floral tokenspe- stowed al the time of the great sorrow which came to om- home during- the week all these kindly deeds and sympathy frill ever be held inappre- lwj rememberance w lowrle and family 4sbr for sale t p counties of hajton iftv- wto from 40 to ptc- wt h pnh too w w- s ejfswtsyt homes and rmsljipss ft juntfa 1 deaernbe v i k if you w baby well j iinf for the ew apron lllow caaea ply at our doe moth vial our ai are the tor low replenuj counter j are thoae christmas qlfta a prob lem our lingerie and novelty booth will aolvo your difficulty watch the windows for guaastng contests a chocolate bar with avery tldket purchaaed something for everybody on our christmas tree homemade candy flab pond lunch served remember december 6 in the town hall wonderland added novelty kvl for friday and saturday nlht thoy jump rlght off the acrei lap no fooling special glnnrt absolutely eaaentlul thoso nro provided wltliout cliarjre ilo aura to gat thom aa you go in friday november 14 kcveuuoo starring viola dana cum- jidy 11000 or ten days with bap turpln fox newa imaa- tlgrams bayynpv nqyfifber 15 ody lloyd hanttlu cartoon sswtnlir turratna t tuesday november is dick turpina ride to york an english picture chapter 10 of ftuth of the limine comedy young tenderfoot coming vlh hartpr lttvrj r i gjsgorv son opening the flood gates to economy in a great big stockreducing sale beginning on satuhday november isianb continuing until saturday novembeh22 economy will overflow counters all over the store in this important event case of stockreduction io seasonable- goods that peoplo didnt want to fuy during the unseason ably warm weather ol- this beautiful fall season a warm fall is a cold world for a merchandising arm nbwmhe stocks that were not purchased in october must be disposed of inj a quick november sale at radical reductions from every day pricings included in the sale will be needables of the moment in the following mens and boys clothing and fnmishingb womens coals dresses furs millinery etc underwear hosiery gloves staple goods dress fabrics wallpapers home furnishings a whole big treasure house of savings with these few prices quoted as examples mens 3500 tweed suits for 2473 15 mens and young mens suits at the branch store 2475 100 mens overcoats at 1735 regular up to 2750 865 tor boys twobloom er suits regular 1350 500 mens shirts at 95c mer 800 sweater coats for 45 fur coats for womenand misses australian coon for 6500 hudson seal coats f250 womens 3500 coats for 2600 and a host of other reductions womens and misses dresses regular to 2200 for 1475 lor example womens and misses crepe blouses regular to 600 for 198 smartly trimmed millin ery 298 300 duffle cloth coat ings for l50 yard 200 for room lots of wallpaper wall ceiling and border complete for bed rooms 10x12x9 feet in size hundreds nt saving opportunities like these november 15 to 22 0 e macdonald bros ltd wyndham macdonneu and carden streets weekend specials assorted lady caramels assorted lady cfcrarnels plain vetills with ulljerm choco late with alberts and nougat regular 40c tt weekend spedal 32c ih asflorted chocolates in alarge aasojtrnent of cream arid hard centres with a lovely vanilla chocolate coating regularly 40c and 50c lb weekend special 32c lb fancy biscuits have you tried our fancy biscuits we have 16 different lines to choose from light lunches our lunch menu has a full line of dainty things to eat we have a good assortment bf ice cream briclp m h wiles v w will 8v vu monay if you will lt u new farm factory school and fine footwear just in bargains in odd sizes cuts in prices as much as 150 per pair in some lines to clear our stock is all nkw the proof op the boot is in the wearing harry harrison the shoe man navv llni ef travailing baaa and tut caaaa -jp- news of local inipont rev mr beugh rapidly recovering the ntfws that itev mr da ugh rector of sl albana church la now cnnvolaaclng very aatlafaetorlly will he reoelved with much pleasure by the oommuntty vr daugh u able to alt up for aeveral houre datly and haa uen glad to receive calls from nunbnr of his frlopds f1m00 farm fire in nelson fire or unknown origin completely destroyed the bank turn of john carlwrtght of nelson township last thursday the contents of the barn including- the seasons crou wasafo a complete loss fortunately the live stock was out of the barn when tho fire occurred the loss is estimated ai tloooo partly covered by inaurano on crlmlnst case at assises kulton county fall assise were held in the court house mhton last tueaday afternoon his lordship chief justice kelly presiding there was only one criminal case that of barle thompson campbelrvllle who was found gultty of attempted rap and sentences to one year and eljrhl months at uurwaah- there were no civil cases and the court closed before oclock foo 0 mr and mrs bailey oeo ouelph councillor ilalley who recently sold his pronerty in kerais haa bought n realdence in ouelph and will move there shortly a fergus correspondent aaya since settling in fergus a few years ago he has taken no active interest in- the affairs of the town and haa served as a councillor cor about two years the beat wishes of his many frlenda will aocoenpany him to ouelph hal ton debentures sold for mjbs at the meeting of the county council last week twenty tenders were reoetved for debentures of- the county tor slst7000 118000 for oakvlue brtdge and 149700 for good roada the bid of the municipal hankers corporation ltd toronto 1113 waa accepted this is considered agood figure it is eat mated that by the tlma tho bylaws have been approved by the purchasers solicitors and the debentures issued accrued interest will bring the amount to b reoelved up to par tha methodist anniversary anniversary aervtcea will be held in the methodist church on sunday lira inat roy george if williams j p pastor ox the metropolitan church toronto will preach morning and evening rv ir williams is an eminent preacher and haa occupied a number of the anest pulpits of the methodist church as minister dur ing the war xr williams who waa a colonel on the headquarters staff at toronto was chief enllatment offlcar ror this district and was very popular lq military drclesj special music will bo rendered by the choir cholnnaater mason haa been rehearsing for aeveral weeks and a fine series of anthems la assured womans institute monthly masting the regular meeting of the women institute was held in tho band room n friday- afternoon with the presi dent mrs leaby in tha chair the meeting opened by singing bleat be thotlo thai ninda after tho roll call reading of minutes general tausi- iesa and discussion followed mrs john mowat waa appointed delegate to the twmtythtrd annual convention ot womens institutes of central on tario to bo held november 18 19 and 20 mrs w f englehrt district preaiaentrgave a wonderful talk on the great work done in the different branches and stated that the womens institute waa the moat outatondlnc society today for the great work which waa being carried on all over central ontario mrs lngrey favored the meeting with a solo which was very much appreciated the meeting waa brought o a chue by alniglng the national anthem and a social hall hour i spent the social committee served lunch the institute is send ing hnney to the gordon home at milton this year again 75000 bushels delivered the delivery of turnip here this season has been utiuaually large up to date between 7bo00 and 80ooo bushels have been delivered and ship ped from acton station upon the organisation of the branch of the on tario turnip growers cooperative limited the farmers affiliating decid ed to grow larger acreages than usual this haa resulted wjth the favorable season for growing in a very large yield in this section the coopera tlve association hoe shipped about so cars aggregating some 23600 bushel mr harry the independent buyer has shipped in acton alone some 70 or po more ears owing to the bg ptftp ha prices have been ower tom uual he lost month the price haa been as low h 10c per buahel and the members of the cooperative association are fearful that the price they are te receive may be even lower than that low figure there la s good deal of disappointment find some daaaiaac- tion because of ttya i the hfipe la nertelpd tha noal reeulta may be tnore satisfactory than la now antici pated the contracts with members of the cooperative association cover a period of four years the prospect are that deliveries to both buyers will bring invre satisfactory prices from now on fifteen and sixteen cents were talked of yesterday thankagmng supper and enter tainment the annual thanksglvingsuper end concert of knu church ladles aid waa held on monday evening and wa u decided success the supper pro vided bjr the bidfta fik ft feuntjtous une and the tables vt w md wfth a variety llflth tempting ftn aatls- rylng tha aptr urograoune was prpyliitit py tha quartette from park- dale methodist church the artist of thl company really comprised saeen persona mr and mrs j arnold ilay mond were skilled plauuta utd gav piano duetts und mrs ilay mond was accompanist for the other artists the quartette comprised miss edith law soprano miss dorothy danger con tralto mr nell campbell baritone and mr robert habbesbaw teuor their singing in quartettes and duetts and their solos were each the work of artists while their choice of rtumbers made u very pleaalug programme afre uoliert hatbeahaw eoautlunlsi gftve yr nm r pf alneiqona flumhera he- vtcitilb wr wry oftfefquy selected and wore glveti with the expression and feeling uf a professional artist tho function was an exceptionally fine unu throughout und every number wasthuniughly en joyed by the audience the pastor tv a c stewart m a waa the chairman for- the evenings proceed actons citizens pay homage to the heroic dead impressive commemorative ser vices held on armistice day at the town hall the sol diers monument and fairview cemetery 1 glorious weather characterised thanksgiving armistice day on mon day and this meant much- in assuring uooees to the armistice day memorial ervlcea ices which were held here to com memorate the declaration of peace alx years ago and to pay homage to our soldier heroes ai ten oclock hundreds of our cltiaena thronged to the town hall to take port in the aervlce there acton cltlsea bandparaded to the hail lowed by the veterans resident acton and- vicinity who were under command of col brown of the helton battalion the meeting here was opened by reeve- barber who commended this publlo recognition of our soldier heroes and expressed pleasure at seeing the hall- oiled with cltiaena gathered participate in the splendid object of the days programme this waa followed with- prayer by a t mann esq a scripture lesson the 6th psalm waa read by iter w il howard and the large audience that claealo hytnn the re cessional by ltudyard kipling odd of our rathera known of old lord of our furflung battleline beneath whose awful hand we hold dominion over palm and pine lord god of hosts be with us yet lest we forget lest we forget the tuflfult and the shouting dies the captain and the kings depart still stan thine ancient aacrlnce aarjiumbje and a contrite heart lord t3od ov hosts be with ui yet lest we forget lest we forget farflung our navies melt away on dune and headland sink the are lo all our pomp of yesterday la one with nineveh and tyrol judge of the nation spare u yet leat we forget leat we forget it drunk with afght bf power we looae wild tongue that have not thee in awe such boastings a the gentiles use or lesser breeds without the law lord ood of heats be with us yet lest we forget lest we forget for heathen heart that puts her truat in reeking tube and iron shard all valiant dust that builds on diuh and guarding calla not thee to guard for frantlo boaat and foolish word thy mercy on thytpeople lord p moore jt p then delivered a commemorative address emphasising the object of the gathering end the significance of the memorial aervlce he apoke of the fateful 4th august 1014 when sergt w lee sounded the call to arms the flocking to the colore of the aaton men who were ready to fight for king and country for native land and homvand freedom of che experteneea at the front during the four long yeora of war and of tho welcome newa of peace when the armiatlce was signed on november 11 1118 news welcome alike to the men the held la belgium and france and to the people at home whose hearts rejoiced that tho cruel war waa ended mr moore spoke of his experiences in visiting the battle fields of france and bebxlum lost summer through which very vivid knowledge was gain ed a to the real meaning of war he had visited many of the points where there had been tierce fighting and where the german fofcesj had been held back for vnany montha refer ence was made to the numeroua can adian eemeterlea on the battlefield where so many of our brave sons who paid the supreme sacrifice are now sleeping and he apoke of the great satisfaction felt when be saw for him self bowoarefully the graves of all were attended to with tbeneat granite or marble headstone at each grave carefully trimmed and oowerw brooming lp profusion the canadian government la doing plea- did work in the akilful care and euper- vision given to ail the eemeterlea where canadian eoidiera are buried moore also referred to the piendidepirlt of appreciation of the noble and effective part which the canadian soldiers took throughout the war in belgium and france words of appreciation were apoken of this by king albert of belgium in a per sonal conversation he had hod with him when presented in his palace in brussels and also by the president of france and marshal foch when the preaa forty was- aecejved hy these eminent men in part shfarywher our canadian soldiers vfere praised for thelf cflurogf and valor and af fective ett jln l a4draa the bereft ftrnd of the honored heroes who sleep in flanders were not for gotten tribute being paid alike to them and to the revered dead in closing mr moore read thefolt lowing poem corn posed by mr harry oshea one of our townsntexv or ahe occasion i ulejlttst wb7 foitoetr itlt pause at the shrine of the honored dend and offer your heartfelt prayer ask the saviour to take the boys unto hla loving car pause at the shrine of the honored dead fur the sake of the widowed wife who gave hv all for the country sake her hope and joy in life pause at the shrine of the houttroi dead way oythu noble son who k used his mother a fond gttodby a be proudly ehuuldered hi gun pause at the bhrllie uf the honored lead give thanks to him atove that we are what we are today thru the sucrllloe of lovf il ob aaton november 10 1114 itev mr stewart presented the re grets of rev h o l uaugh who cuuld not be present owing to illness aiul juiv father uo heavy who had been called out of town unexpectedly the aervlce in the hull waa conclud ed with dr watt imiraphraae of one uf saint davids psalm which it it itrvoent orm has been sung by chris tlan people for twq centuries nnd h a place la k11 uhufoh tvmu boika o ood eur help n ages pi our hope ur year to come our shelter from the stormy blast and our eternal home under the shadow of thy throne thy aalfma have dwelt secure hurnolfnt is thine wnii alone ami our defeitce is sure time like an everrolling stream basra alt its sons away they fly forgotten as awxeoiu dies at tha speeds day prohibition of manufacture of sale of liquor hjton prohibition association passes resolutions express- ing strong opinions feel that the dootlcqqers ahould be imprisoned for fjr8t offence lost wednesday afternoon the fixe cutlve of the jlalton temperance as soclatlon met in milton to review the temperance situation it was found that with a little speclajerrort the financial needs could be cateattectho following resolutions were unanlmoi ly adopted 1 that each municipal branch the county should be kept alive and active working order to assist thorough local enforcement of ontario temperance act x tkht the government waa to congratulated in the promise made t strengthen weak places in the ontorli temperance act and to vigorously en force it in doing this the government could be assured of the heartiest sup port of all really temperance people 7 that bootlegger and moo neb in should not only be fined but com mitted to jail with nurd labor for the first offence increased jail sentence for subsequent offenoes 4 that approach should be- made to the federal qovenxment for the prohibition of the manufacture of tnr toxicants as beverages within ail pro vince in which the sale was prohibit ed also that exportation of liquors shall be prohibited when the ship or boat la obviously incapable of carrying the liquors to the declared destination i that the federal government should be requested to prohibit the manufacture and sale of native wines containing over z of gjoohol in all provinces in which other intoxicating liquors ore prohibited as beverages s o ood our help in ages past our hope for years fo come b thou our guard while troubles laat and our eternal home the procession to the soldiers monument was lead by acton cltixena band and included q w v a veterans in command of col brown the ministers of the town officers of senior and junior l o d e with wreaths and flags for decorat ing monuments members of l o p e mbmbkju ok the womens institute with wreath for monument fraternal societies citizens upon arrival at the soldiers monu ment on mill street the doxology was sung after which decorations of floral wreaths cross and sprays were placed at the base by the a w v a senior l o d e junior l o d e acton cltlsens- band womens institute acton l o l- as well as a number of private offerings stretcher- bearer james j cooney d c mtben read the names of the soldier heroes whose nones uveth for evermore as follow corp j u moore 24th battalion corp roy hurd 2th rattarv corp w o brown etb f co c b pte j d burt 16th battalion pte m kaley 21at battalion capt t a arthurs chaplain chinese labor battalion pte a anderson lltth battalion pte f elknqton 6th battalion pte f wills 4th battalion pte j fryer llth battalion pte t irving jrd battalion pte aholeod 10th battalion pte a winterburn 4th battalion lieut h gl kino uth northumberland fusiliers pte a qribben 4snd battalion pte h radforo ie4thbattaiion serqt w lee 4th battalion pte p godfrey lmtfa battalion corp p masters m o- 0 4th battalion prayer was then offered by kev j cutp two minute of silence observed and ths lost post was aojnded by bugler a trotter the parade then jkrooeedad to fair- view cemetery the bond playing icred selections en route after passi through tho entranoe a halt was ma4 nt the monument greeted by ouj eitlxens twentyrfour yeaxa ago to the memory of ounnur w j moore actons only soldier who gave hie life in the south african r gunner gould on behilf of the jenlor daughters or the empire plant- ed a beautiful silk ong at tho base of this manument to his comrade and rev mr culp pronounced ths burial benediction father in thy gracious keeping leave wo now ty servant sleeping the grave of each soldier lu fairview was in turn visited and umllarry d- ooratod and vforb uf tanked oom- mendauot suos as follows ohisholm ramw1law wm muil4n philip m holmes fred clteamblt oub larqu wm htuckby frank mastlflrh the plat and monument tifthe o w v a waa now reaohed this was also decorated by the junior i o d and the comrades of the departed soldiers buried there placed h wreath of popples and everlfulljt at the monument a versa uf nearer my ood to thee was sung led by acton ctlsns rand and a a worden esq offered prayer the benediction by re v mr stewart concluded the tmpreaalve aervlces of the day which will long bu remember ed for the revervnt homuge tq the soldier heroes mm this community who paid the supremo auorlllce somebodys soldier boy somebodys roy una in flanders ffold where the brilliant pupp ntml somebodys hoy that tiled unco for you now rests there beneath hs od somebottys iky would be glud td kiow that his doajth was not 111 valu somebodys by who gave fi all when in battle lie was aluln fiomebmy hoy we ahuuld not luiget but show in our simple way thaj its for sometodyh soldier boy were wearing u puppy laday tltfiiavgrrtrct vwtoni homeoomers and other spent the holiday with aeten friends students and teachers from city college and universities and from city town and rural scnoola were home to enjoy tho thanksgiving and ann tat ice holiday during the week in consider able numbers mr alunyhpll or toronto mr jtiaaoy of toronto jir w pearson of torontot mias maud cook of toronto hlea frances muhlri of qat mr fred wsrren of toronto master a mccaul of toronto mr t morton jr or toronbs mr w d smith of toronto mr stephen guest of toronto mr harold turner of toronto- mr lloyd kenney of toronto mis violet smith of oshawa mr cecil huston toronto mr it itbes alan of toronto mla tena thompson of ouelph mr w a c kenney of toronto mrheber williams of trenton mr george anderson of oshawa miss gladys huffman ot toronto lea margaret brown of toronto mia florence holmes of toronto mr george sloneman of toronto mtaa pearl somervllle of toronto mis ten henderson of oakvule mle esther starkmah of toronto- mr wilfrid maodohald or detroit mr telford kenney of woodstock mr harold e sutcliffe kitchener mr and mrs melvln soper of pres ton mr and mrs t l lylo of brant- ford mrs w h strausser sndrqth of ouelph mr and mrs edwin maddock of toronto- mr a jack spent the weekend in toronto mr and mrs harlevj brlgnail of toronto mia berue smith waajiome from toronto mr and mrs roy burnley and babe of toronto mr and mrs j campbell clark of chatsworth j w robertson of toronto visited acton friends helen mcdonald visited friends at mitchell mamie mainprise was here from toronto mr and mrs f a mclean and billy of cheley mr and mrs s s russet 1 and chil dren of oakvule mr carl wullams waa here from sault ste marie mrs george mcpherson and miss mildred of toronto mrs- near of toronto visited at her mothers home muaes olive marie and jessie mowat of toronto mr innd mrs harold ruddlck and children or bronte i jean and anna lindsay were home from toronto mr and mm george murray spent monday in kitchener mr and mrs w j 8 ta thorn lve and- lois of exeter mr and mrs arnos mason spent sunday in brampton mta breexe mr w height and r a smith toronto mum gulnn of hamilton vial ted her sister mrs g h swltxer mr elmer johnston was home from hamilton for thanksgiving nle ii- somervllle and miss vera harvey of toronto mr and mrs cbas morley and mr orville morley of toronto mrs dr gray and mua laura visited frlenda st sirmthroy mr george rudman spent the holi day at his home in toronto mis muriel mason spent the holi day at her home in kingston mr strachan d croft and children and mum l mcdonald durham mr noel steele spent the weekend at the parental home la toronto miss vera hurst or toronto normal school was home for the holiday mrs margaret stewart spent the weekend with flarallton friend mrs jennie b matthews was with relatives in acton over the holidays miss jean kennedy of toronto uni versity was home for the holiday miss nellie hall wag hotae from toronto normal school for the holiday miss grace howard of toronto spent the weekend at the parental homej mr eltaer uenderson was home from the dental college toronto over ths holiday nellie jenner of kitchener vlalted mrs c c speight and miss speight mr and mrs ronald mcdonald and mr and mrs wilbur mcdonald of toronto mrs w h ourney miss marjorle and wallace and mia edna carr of wlntham mis doris ransom of toronto visited her friend dorothy mcpherson this week mr and mra e j langevln motored to troy n y and returned during the holidays i miss margaret j macdonald wam home from toronto university for thanksgiving i mrs toy wanabrough of toronto spent the weekend with aaton friends mrs spencar of- lindsay uvlslting her daughter mrs maleeim mclean bower avenua- mr nloe superintendent of parks ouelph spent the holiday with hi sut and family mr andimra a b nloklln spent thanksgiving in ouelph with mr and mrs h b nickttn- rev j culp attended the great missionary centenary celebration at toronto lost week mseura krneat a urewn and roy ilruwh f toronto spent thankegtv- liur at thelc horn hare- mis ktun dilu and mary spearing nf toronto mpnt the holiday at the home of mr george dills councillor and mr holmes ore now getting rumfurtohly settled in their nowhoel on bower ayenue mrs a u nlcklln spent a week with friends in toronto and mr nlcklira weekend in the city mr austin held and hie friend mr wesley pugh uf stratford spent the weekend at his home here misses klfle burrows end margaret ccallughgu of stratford speaw tho weefcend with ala ugrulo metex sent to jail for a o t a tony seynuk convicted on two chargee of violation ef the o t a aua session of the pollco court here last thursday judgment was given by police magistrate moore in thil charges preferred tho week before liy chief mcpherson against tony svymik for violation of uhe ontario tempontnco act r in tho charge for eelllng intoxicating liquor evidence luui been udduced showing that several personaihad pur chased 303 invalid port alhcynulto restaurant and had been convicted for being intoxicated from drinking this liquor some of it had been drunk on the premises and some had been pur chased knd drunk elsewhere a can- vlctlon was made and the defendant was fined z0q and costs or three cnonths in jail a charge for having liquor wum a v second offence inspector ltoovely had visited ute restaurant and sclxad eight cases or 303 invalid port an anuiyala showed this wlue hod on alcohol la content or 3143 the evidence show ed that tony hud first gotten in a small qoontlty of this beverage it sold no well that ha placed an order for fifty a port of- this was shipped to him after the liquor had been bunnod by the ontario license commlnnlon this invalid port was ordered not to be sold even in drug stores but this restaurant continued to sell it up to october 3 when the inspector solxed the balance of the stock on hand scynuk having been previously con- vlcted for having liquor in his prem ises this was his second offence the pemahy for second affenoe is 1200 to 83000 and two to alx months in jail the penalty imposed waa 800 and two months in jails in default of payment or fine imprisonment tor three months odlutlonal at the nme alt ting of the court w f mooney was fined 860 and costs or thirty days in jail for being intoxicat ed in publlo place earl harding of olenwilllams was fined t00 and costs for speeding on mill street at milton on friday beni ing of mhton was fined 8200 and costs ror keeping his restaurant open after 1230 oclock midnight in violation of a town bylaw james service who was befoi tho magistrate severs week ago for driv ing a motor cor without license mark ers live in esquoxlng and not in nassagaweya as stated baptist young folk at brampton ouelph aaaoolatien ef baptist churohes held s on monday brampton november 11 the annual ouelph association baptist young peoples rally was held in the baptist church here on monday with delegates present from brantford kitchener new hamburg ouelph presto n has- peler acton georgetown orange vi lie and many smaller baptist centres in this district all three sessions morn- ing afternoon and evening were well attended and instructive addresses were delivered by rev w bremner of gait x mpdermott and kev bowloy green uf london r before the afternoon ouou thu delegates were token on a sightseeing tour of utc town visiting among other places thedsie estate a feature of the evening aervlce was the discussion in which rev t e meldrum of cheltenham led on the question of which was df greater value to the church the b t p u or prayer meetings later l qholloy conducted a talk on b y p u problem the president j patrick of ouelph and the secretary mia l woodail also of ouelph tbe associations only afaoers were reelected for the com ing year mrs frank wtckens and miss jean of gait apent the holiday at the home of mr and mrs wm landsborough mr angus mclntyre of nlagaru falls n y apent the weekond ut the home qf his brother mr john mclntyre mr victor burnley mrs e w masters and mrs thomas itumley spent a few days lost week with friends in auiston ml margaret foster of noasuga- weye spent the weekend with her parents mr and mra william fouter rourth line mr harold wanabrough und mr marshall bailey of the dominion bank toronto spent tbe thanksgiving holl- day with acton frlenda i mr il w stewart uf thornhlll colled at his home here on saturday while en route to- chatham mr tud sodth accompanied him mr hutchison who spent several week in the old home at uxbrldge has returned and 1 with hi duugh- ter mrs charles conway mrs f porter and little daughter nora of thornhlll and miss it harri son of maiton vlalud with mm tho nelll over thanksgiving mr and mrs james hall and mmmru cruise utile grant mccomb and mr wllford hall of toronto spent thu holidays with anton friend mr and mm arthur brlstow of toronto visited their daugh lor ami rov ii g l buugb at tho huctpry over tiiu thunksglvlng weekend dr and mrs john mumuruhy unit utile donald made actou friend a brluf visit last week while on u motor tuur from dresden to toronto mia ltenu porbea of uuelph vlaltod ut the home of her uncle mr r7 furbea church street last weak mis margaret bennett and mr thomas bennett of toronto spent thu holiday with the home folk mra 1c f johnstone and uihy oi london bpent a few day in town during the week with aaton friends mr sort scott and miss aggie boott motored last sunday with mr a mu- andrew mrs boomer and the muto boomer of georgetown to humlltou- and grimsby where they visited friends mr and mrs j kennedy and mi george brandaw of hamilton and mr nod mrs alex wylle and messrs john and wum wylle of oualph shuu thanksgiving at th6 cherryhurit farm the tfome of mrs churluttu moodonald mrs j k mooorvin won hurt lost week to visit her husbands grave in fairview cemetery and cull upon u few rrieods she has been upending te summer in canada and the united state but will return to her hunts fu mxlco city mexico next week mr john u mackenale wliu bun been tuklng a couple of month rtitit t from fhe aotlvltlea uf busiiidan ami enjoying u trip to the padua coast with visits ut itooanvuie brandon and other pomtst has returned hunie fill ing much the better for his rest und tk m

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