Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 2

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m wwf h ctt glg acton 3tag grgflfi tiiuitsday noveubkil 13 111 tuwhit tuwhoo indian summer whan the moon u ilk a cht anil the late leal leave coole tumbling from the it when a cricket in thicket on hi addle atarta to twiddle three old dwii come swooping wtt down tb breeaa thrro solemn 1m dm mostly beak end jd fowls andlbty perch upon a birch erow and it then au at oiio in enore loud and pompom and aoaoroo they cry a single solemn word tu whit it oh theres something very wtrd that tuwhlt very anlvereomeand qutvareom in it and many a gay papoose in th moonlight runntac too floes to wigwam squeaking shrilly uckstyaplt while little boastful bears oo scuttling bom in pair tbo underbrush end brlera cracklil through and tha old owl waichmg blink than they give on aolamn wink and in chorus atut onorooa amy tu-whool- neney bytd turner mt m- st mk- the good work of thephildrens aid society fiacoungtag- ecfrts at the a not media of haltonfa oxgsnintkui thirtv8ix c hilda in hbltr- eo in gordon home dur ing thb year the eleventh annual meeting of the hal ton cnlldrens aid society was held in the gordon 3un milton on tues day evening october m j m penyee baa- b a the president occupying the c the meeting was opened with prayer by the president the minutes of the previous a meeting were read by the secretary mrs t j brown and approved the president id bis address laid stress upon the importance of the work and the privilege of helping to make good cltlsen out of many who otherwise might grow to take tbelr plaoes among the criminal class h recited a statement of lloyd oeorgea which was it 2 were sure of having made six boys good fdtlsens i would consider it greater than the other work i have- done he referred to the harmony axis tins between the counties of peel and halton and said in mr stewart tha local aapsrljtendent ve hare k man who jkem to be very tactful and wellletted tor the work he congratulated tha societies upon the efficiency of the matron ml tej- fer and the staff and paid a tribute to the house committee who look after the needs of the children so wall mr c h stuart treasurer gave the financial report which was vary satisfactory mrs gornam gave brief aonrmnt of the doings of the house committee she stated that the health of the ehll- dren in the shelter has been very good this year there bad been as high as 18 in the gordon home at one time she spoke of a babe which was brought to the shelter lna very emaciated condition hut after skilful t la now a healthy bright boy mr w h stewart the local super lniendeni then gave his report which was very comprehensive aiiuttrno- tlvs hs stated uutdurlus the tear t chudrsn had been sheltered- in the 1 gordon home for all or part of the year acoontlns to the report soar wards will- be nnanrtauy able to pur- 1 chase a fine property when they reach majoiity only two wards have dlaj i durlna- the past flve years mad onsj of these was in a dylns condition when rvesived in addition to a can- erml surtyof theworlc of the year imw ffffailned thfc worklnss of the pro- of ghodren unmarried parents act- fhs lesal adoption act and the part played by tha soldiers aid cottpgssloa atnheclose nohe address oies- tlon were asked ntsrdlns the worfc whioh ware- answered satisfactorily i r wire then elected as fol- lpwsu president his honor judfaznlot pretideot jt m denyve b a treasurer h stuart secretarymrii t j brown other ofdosrs were the sxacnttte composad of ladle and gebtlemea eoo- rtlnim representatives from different parts of the county a sewln com- nuttee ooavener mm- t bamshaw board of manacement rnmpnsort of jwo reprasentatlvmfrom peer and two representatives from hatton audi tors b r bews and w b clements a very pleasant sootsi time was then spent refreshments belmr served by thrjouurjon the ststf andthehoose comnihtee jtw f wbb- wroipt 0toru walking spanish audfcht w tolman hometrirust m mp it la said that the aaylnsy much may be done wltn a sootchntan if he be caiurht younr which has- passed into an historical wlttldam was orat apokea by doctor johnson reforenoe to lord mansfield an- amusing little incident is said to have aiven rise to the remark ird mansfield haylns xecelved his education entirely in baaland always considered himself an sncuahnsn but the fact that he was born in boot land was once referred to wlthareat effect aeneral bablne coveraor of aihral- lx at the time bavfus failed in his attempts to extort money from jew sent him baolc by foroe to tetuan in morocco from whence he had come tb gibraltar the jew afterward went to gnsla and sued the sovemor r tor damages v- lorm mansfield who was then known os mr murray was counsel for the rorerftor in the course oc bis defenoe before the jury he said the jew wfts banished but where t why to the place of hi na tivity where u the cruelty where the hardship where the injustice of banish lnr a man to his own oouatryt mr nowsli eounsel far the jsw re- xorted slnoe toy learned rrisnd thlnka- so llsrhtty of the matter x ask him to suppose tha case his own would be ilka to bebiushed to hut nauve isndt 1 the court rans with peats of laua- tsr in which murray hlmseir joined with a right good will vs- vkby well madam here is a story they are teluna on on of the canadian weekly news paper party which visited cnaland durins the summer they were belus- enterlsined at garden party vtvaiby- lb kins ajndl queen and of ooarsethe whoe party wasdoued ap in- their siad ran pre scribed for soch asptourtte occasions one of those poliiu of etlqueith atrictir daruu ofmowur j waluthmal on m the mltn waxit wbtn urn aid tom per thuf- oft to m mlc th tmvdwwmislatjrtw iefjmsg3whrs tocxt chearfu hob charlow and his chum wank moltey tall slim and wiry were carrying heavy leads as thty trudged along the narrow aridaan trail under the bualng sun kach knaitesok hld five thouaand tollara in peruvian silver and note half the two weeks payroll of ihe ubertadrmlne the yi wtr wlghed down by a reepon- tblllly far heavier than mare bulky metal however on the delivery ot their bur- hung ubertaderery life eased hu knapsacks whelf tow those atrans cnjl wlshthiy were twice as broad ww only four miles further ifranki s before his mate could answer hoarse yeusrang through the canyon fvorn behind a bluff barely twenty yards distant across the nvehandredtoot chaarn emerged suddenly a dosen grim faced men armd with rifles their leader a aquat swarthy cholo wore in his bat a condor feather dyed red involuntarily bobs hand sought the automatic in hi pocket fltopl the chiefs sharp com mand barked in spanish was empha sised by levelled guns disobedience meapt eulclde- bop withdrew his hand the ifiader spoke a few words to his followers and the threatening musslea were turned away from tho boy then a volley roared out the bullets struck the cliff before and be hind bob snd frank spattering them with stinging fragments evidently the intention was to frighten not to hit them they shrank back in con sternation a glance around gave them no en couragement flight either backward forward was impos the threatening musxles could rake the trail for- quartermile what could two automatics do against a dosen rifles the bandits were in deadly earnest tvtienever they wished their bullets cbnldfloil an easy mark bob sickened as be realised that the ten thousand in the kn ihej life blood of ubertad was at the rob hero mercy his eye was caught by a muffled figure with hat pulled low slouching behind the other josef ha could not smother the surprised ejaculation so the dl eiiarged miner was a thief probably the one who had set his accomplices upon them bob bad no lime to think further levelling his rifle significantly the chief snapped out a peremptory order forward what to do but to obey the americana started toward the swing ing bridge two miles ahead that con nected the trails on the opposite sides of the canyon bob and frank graduates of michigan had come out from the states six months before take clerical positions with the zjber- tad copper mine in the peruvian andes the novelty of their life in a raw mining town among the cordil leras had not yet worn thin their work in the company office was varied by excursions into the neighboring moun tains x xflbertad was an experiment most iw undertaklngs run none too smoothly at the start and the copper mine was no exception arthur chal mers the superintendent fresh from amglaad did not understand his men and they repaid his ignorance with suspicion and dislike an unexpected delay in the arrival of funds from lima had put their pay a week behind new although they sub kept at work i they were sullen nd dissatisfied an outbreak- might ooeurat any time i the day was friday the saturday i payroll of five thousand dollars always came up on the morning train this time because of the weeks delay the amount would be double the time was unlucky for a bluff mile south of ubertad 1o slip into the canyon taking with 1 a hundred feet of track and roadbed and leaving a perfectly smooth wall of rock fortunately the slip took place before the train reach ed the spot or there would havepeen a frightful disaster to transport pa or bag across the gap was utterly impossible days would pass before commumeafjon could be restored by bolungemhs into jhe cliff meadwhng some way must be deylsed of getting thwt ten thousand dollars ti ubertad bat hopelessly chalmers took oounsetwith his omoe torbe wete in a tight fixt wi ought jve that money here this afternoon a hew sure of paying the men morrow if we dont itsgoodhy ubertad i the menu quit a scatter to other mines and can get em back theres serlguado twentyfive miles west just opened and so hungry for help that its gla1 to pay a bonus and here we are i wth the hardest of our development work behind us and a rich vein of ore in wght sitting with our hands tied for want of ten thousand dollars welt ing for us just around the corner its maddening i m an inspiration came to bob us ten mr chalmers i frank and i know the trail through the mountains to saguiney weve been over it three or four umea why cant wa go down there today and bring back the cubf the superintendent shook his head dubiously its too big a risk wiutt if you should be attacked by rvebersr what lf youre not able to make those payments tomarrowt chalmers hesitated no- longer guess itseuronly chance to stop knockout ill get in trfucb with mlnto ralph mlnto was superintendent of a sister mine belonging to the same compa and located at saguiney ten miles east on the railroad the poles bearing telephone and telegraph wire i had been carried down by the landslip as both places were fortunately equip ped with wireless it was easy to notify the express messenger o the train to turn the money over to mints aa the boys stawted for the ooaipeejy house to make ready for their trip they caught sight of a poochaolad indian slinking off toward be moun tain bob recognised htm as a- miner who had just been dlacnarged hul loo there goes josei hes the fellow who wrecked the pump and stole pie dynamite hes an allround nad egg petersen turned him loose yesterday and warned hlro to keep away- from the mine i dont like p have him hanging arofind tha plant hope hes gotpg for good hes taking the bagumey trail said frank yeavwetl have to keep an eye out for nine he may suspect what wece after but what barm can he do with oo vupr r7jhe4ms hoys were ready to the heart of the mountains half mile ahrt they caught eight ot u man walking rapidly lie toast a haaly lance beok then vanlaned round a bluff that was fpe sural bb claimed bob vitigrli well have to watah nut they aw nouiing mure ot tne uls- chnrged miner however two ntuet from ubertad the trail ran for a hun dred yards across a at ret oh of grave sloping down on he right to the oan yon brink and on tha left slanting upward a straight halfmiles to tho mountains summit the boys stopped gingerly over this treacherous yfubblo sfabuld they start to sliding hsy would be swept dpwn irruvjke ravine they hardly dared to breathe until their feet were once more on solid rodt frank glanced back mighty tick lish yes til be glad when were across it again with the money just ahead the canyon wasx by an otq rope bridge leading rail along the other elds althougl there was- not ajoreath of wind the structure was swinging slightly bobs keen eye noticed the motion joe must have crossed this good rid dance the boys continued along the left wall of the ravine but saw no further trace or the indian for perhaps two miles the opposite trail ran parallel to their own then turned t into the mountains they reached saguiney j befose noon mlnto had the money ready after packing five thousand in each knap sack the boys snatched a hasty lunch and then started back for ubertad half their return journey had been acoompllahed when tbsy were surpris ed by the bedlts- the march was a strange silent one on plodded the americans uncom fortable t thtwousht of the ready guns only sixty feet distant across the canyon bobs brain was bus jose must hove suspected that they were after the pay roll and he had carried the news to tbeee lurking ruf fians when they reached the bridge tea robbers would cross and selso the money fssterl ordered the chief the boys quickened their pace tholr captors began to chatter in spanish now and then they burst i nib exultant laughter they felt sure of the money the fact that they bad not token the trouble to disguise themserreg vim omlnous evidently they had no rear of future recognition and betrayal the americans did not share in this hob g anied heck the black lis with us red fenihnr wna notlillng just litslde ihe edge of lite gravel a loose wuh or ruebl overhnuglng lha trftll vaurh hi eye hmtu m lilvimm lie ehmiied en he giwu mil mwttt k a cow lllok lnw llltiumtll klmtlh ivfelv it tie llitu tnttk hull fitllitwsiu llattliul llteitl enuiivlld jlie rush li thitl of sitmll rimih imnluftinri liv hitwls nr cege tlis hamlll uiiitii 1kmii lints himiig lite luiulait jtlhl n lime i stive hlinaalf tttiiii lishig nmtielit in- his allite the utile sfw lu agratlittrumbit lbs ruhilils 1 k ituatstc roar until si ikri lit wttule mbuhlelmltu seamed in h tliuiulni trig diwi littn the revlite the milu erttwittit the attgvv nrles iif his niil willed rubbers thluk ui ulutlilh rose lieiwem ihu buys and utelr iui smir ihiiwtng u utiflulit itinitistt which unavailing bullais whltmi slls fully liob awurtg o hiiitpevh unoe nmrs upon his shoulders t uui pjlmrioel itll beu guud half lflv lie- p that gravel niie lly that time we ought to be iiretty near tlliettuil hidden by h dust the twuhtirrlid on at n rapid gntt until a until in the jsnyon removell u possible danger from stray bullvts tltuy did not feel altogether safe however until they had crossed the range above llbsrtad and the chimney of the smsltor into view bob oliuokledj anally ho burst ird a laugh frank he said dont you remember when sve wore boys now and then somebody would- lift you by the collar end make you tiptoe along until you did juet what he told yout we used to call it walking spanish well thats just what those robbers had us doing back there only they had to let go before they got what they wanted omb moum a ins ii wiin hsl been in hits ouniiliy tilinui two innitilin weill li k filuw simiw willi it frlnnd luthii iihwn r worn vlsws rum ills wild of mnlim me nf whluli whn ii iihrhu nf n inntiii tiitiitng ui libi lyiiiiut it tstithlllhkll enlili -j- i ill hmit ithii willi khii lllillsllttlh ii iw fiend muiiiiil lltnl m whs mi allleliilnll lllimss a hhhiatfv llllhil omthfllhllimhih stirjlllshll awhhl i lllllllli wi ml iii mil it i hit ahihutll ihi hitill moke egos from each hen ff to in ihi vmft ttibttty wv hay your iltktu i hiihtklht in tm mil ybtir mtt jtmnu had been confiscated t m abool us and depp us into the canyon muttered bob over his shoulder hi low tones reached the ears ot the cholo captain sliencei he snarled faster hi voice was like the growl of a wolf- the boys drove thernsatvee forward mile after mile wacovcred every step wag bringing the oriels nearer at last bob had an idea frank i he whispered were safe so long as we have the- money and they thlnkj theyre polng to get it what consolation in that the leader with tneredfeavnet j heard them slsiteol he snappaj again his rifle was lifted bob closed his lips tightly bhttner7 was a gleam la jiis eyes on still on finally the bridge appeared ahead swung like a hammock across the canyon the climax wis at hand thai bandits ceased their chatting and laughter soon- they would be dividing their spoil understanding the- sud den quiet the boy grew tense now for bobs plant the boy reached the end of the bridge tile chief was watching them as a cat watches s mouse he men seed themwith his rifle haitr they stopped slinging his ginr over his shoulder the leader started to scramble across the weatherpeaten footway hanging from two large cableev bob took a fewquick steps forward keep close to me frank amased and furious the chief burst into a frenay of protest as he clam bered monkeylike across the narrow spaa uis followers levelled their weapons l t i then bob did f trong thing heedless bf tiie polntlsjjr i h deliberately eat down on the triti nnd dropped his feet over the brink qui ah frmk 4 jjot luqderstod but h followed fits overs example be- noath their svlgg ysjrned the tenia a gulf the eanyooraggttflb cries of rage- a false move nper wfujd be fatal bob deliberately swung- his knap- eaek off his back holding it over the ravin wtth his left hand- he rose to tllvfeot v frank stared had feir frlentl gooo crasyr theyll- shoot yeu bpb if they do thu bagll drop lnw tne canyon and theyll lose the money no they wont shoot for awhile at any rate do as ive done i v an inkling of hja tnatea achemej filtered into franks brain he ahiftei hie knapsack lo his right jtaadvand stood up what nextt walk ahead of me i he curefull keeping close together they started along the trgll despite the robbers frentia commands to halt hug the edgo directed bob and hold your knapauok out over it they would snoot u in a seoond if they felt sure the money would stay on the trail when we fell and dont drop that bag i if you do yourllfe isnt wofth a picayune i i the boys hurried on the yells died j away and a dead silence gufeswded the chief scrambling hastily was al most across the bridge another man prepared to follow him frank was apprehensive whatll wfi dot we cant keep this up long wfjltj but they wont shoot- so long as thsy feel sura they can over- jte us keep got tha boys were cloee t fh place where the trail oroased tie rhch ef grovel when the bandit leader gamtn the ledge he began to ruo after them ultertug- blood curdling threats hurry exhorted uob b cgre- frank stepped cautiously out upon thij kings garden party hla- majesty onareus bnosoernente make him a vrj busy man b the following description of the gar den party at buckingham palace at tended during the summer by tho canadian editors party is very aptly destbedby mr 1 roy carrolcaal a member of this party in the lest number of bis paper the verdup quo news the editors drove in motorcar to thtkpalsce end yrvn at once ushered through the great rirc the garden where on the gide from w king and queen would fmsrg je party of 175 were drawn up n eoumn of provlneee for presentation to their majesties king george and queen mary were acobmpanled by the queen 4rf spain and her twfa daughters and by several other members of the royal family and entourage the included princess patricia whose acquaintance we had marie a fen dasbefore at ken sington poiacg king george wore a bleak frock coat and grey tall hat he looked some what older than hi photographs queen mary wore a hlao dress an expert called it turquoise and a toque of muob the earn shade she looked very elaoyttr and m young a she did h keep friends ivith health hllsxuytwhat would happen to th em jlftfcn years egv kp jtpng appeared when the contents of their knapsacksf jo ry mors than pi qmp af fairs of state keepblro busier we were ftqid than many a managing director fx bustling business then he hss toendurs what must do a terrible infliction attendance atah endless sucoesalon of social function at each of which people he does not care to know and has nd interest lnj are pcesented to him from motives of dipiomsey w fit that the klnf and queen did eji that could be expect f 4 of them when i they exchanged a few courteous words with our members making special inqulrleaof those who had eerved overseas pr had son killed in the great war after the presentations king george moved off in one direction and queen mary in another each the centre of a group of friends and ohmbera everywhere they went on the im mense lawns their progress oould be traced by the mob surrounding them we felt truly sorry for both of them but eapeclally for the king his bore dom and weariness must have been intense upcs lies the head that wear a erown does not tm the half of it the garden of buckingham palace ere extremely beautiful and to roam through them or rest on- seat under p hody trees nnd listen to the muslo of a wonderful military band la in itself a delightful experience- to the ladle was added the thrill of inspecting the ravishing toilettes worn by the wealthy and foehlorufble women who make the garden parties occasions for displaying the latest creations of bond street and the due de ja pb an immense marquee about quarter of a mle in length housed the refreshment counters ac which a most delicious range of delicacies was pro vided for afternoon tea the straw berries and cream jellies ices cakes and some of the cool drinks were a revelation in the art of serving seduc tive refreshment they were greatly appreciated np only by the canadian but by the seven ar fight thousand other guests who as soon as they had satisfied their eyes with a glimpse of the royal party made n beellne for the refreshment tents so that at time anun4ra7j scramble was witnessed i ell siensihipi the royal party had rareshmeni i served in a separate marquee op a raleed dais open to the public gaae and that gape was rudely turned on them by hundreds of pairs of eye whits hey ate the canadians ware not amongst the offenders who ahatne- leealy stood on chairs and proved thh necks to see over the heede ifobeot into tha enclosure whets the royal famliywere compelled to i their tea end munch their cakes under the ob servation of their impolite subjects the manner oflhe elite who rere bidden to the garden party did not impress the canadians canada raiy be rough and ready in some things but the lay stare end the undignified scramble are not nn arte in this dominion carrie blancharda offer i want to ta uv portesi far tkirtyaay x wast teatart veu ent oe year teeft ey gmsg yes rovrftret week f reply iteeeau to me that m weakt be vjmim far aetlwrs partietuarif ta talaswf ta tart laeea- fieeuoa with the haaita of tsetir feaaule prke mail this covpoh now i oknidlan pctmn ceal cow xtd- 45 front steftit toronto ont th bjrt wmk5mwl7 u distant pjfrtjl d fmkkblr rcxtrtm ffinjip a iif 6uwtl clty health is toonuduable an oaaet to be considered lightly it i very essential if you are to take a leading part in business to get the greatest pleasure out of life abundant health depends upon steady nerves nerves untroubled by poisons often unknowingly taken daily into the system these poisonaare caffeine and tannin in tea and coffee they are detri mental to the whole nervous system frequently cause restlesasleep exclt- ability indigestion and other troubles which affect health keep friends with health through instant poatum the hot fullbodied drink which is friendly to all delight ful and wholesome at any time it is made instantly in the cup with boiling water economical costs halfacent t cup ask for it at your restaurant your club and on the- train fortbose who prefer it there jspostum cereal made by boiling for twenty minutes take advantage of carrie blanrhards pffer end the coupon canadian fostpm cereal co limited head otbce 4 front st- eat torooto factory wokbor oztyria there a reason paidrn 1st folniyoto- you know haw meflk edres dp not like fee uk of milk yeej fcaow hw taw like to havg tha aeifc 4rink as ihs oowfrupa ye know te tow fow ia lor thm tp hire aoc dilngl mske instant rett for them using hot milk instead of boiling water i tlaevu like the taste tmmedjgtely and they will get the food elements of wfeeet smg ht ny1bment of tn4dt in net drink that tg eeeenical andeo easy to taakel the uokjlsbslop bob followed hltn elosely planting 1u feat with equli oar a misstep might set the graval sllduig and hurl them down into the ravine their left aero ached with the sag of the heavy knapsacks quarter bf the way lay behind them e half three quarters an angry boutlng- made bob turn hi head hurry r the cljlef had- almost reached the slope behind him ran two other in 1 jjuans their threatening fjtoe toll ifaulm store forthe boy ehpuld j rrry j ohalmers prfp b overtaken the uieunoe to fx4bertad wmiiii two long rnues and jese atasta kgadned yards eepanoed nrafroea w dbbw ku uareand t3waemrpaos ithtedlef tne eject thi8 kepnigemator requircs i j home a refrigerator that will keep food produetg at a temperature of 6 de graeg pahseohflt p nisde easily at borne it oojlt qf ait open frame work of shelving around mrhfph s racked canton flannel burlap w nom almller material whloh fa kept moist the evaporation of the moisture holds the temperature down a seriee of jtflk or strips at cloth extending from a eu p water on top of tho iefrlgvraior nravlds ibf moisture such retvigp rotor stuld bi ksc the shade where there u ti rent of sir m romaneeagainj6r wbnderfiil wonaaj w hirlmtttimt p 0 rgyph f p hlnn jprt cwromvm hertpiritfantt ypull learn gregt tjvjmxi forctcphtotkbtggswori4 tjoni gndcaf niicuref r v r cbrtcd place up and away this winter yet alwayh trsvefg fin onthgcruue cgtreordlnary cjtjuinjriee canadisa p- a jjrett greyhound of tho cine provide if yilnjprpsa occsa will tloatyouffi to tho rjf franco on eog lord realms of romance four renfrew prjnco of wsjee mop the of merry days on twice chose the empress southero sea of fascine- of franco for voyages she ung explorations in the holds the- ironsatlantic gateway poctsoftho world speed record cherbourg to in shopping the bazars of quebec canadian pacific cairo bombay baca via providosbesthotetsonigod peking youll find thrill- i rs worldwide organuatioa fng sport in roaming tho watches cares arranges for streets of algiers jerusa- everything 1 jpmuary 14th from new yor b th tatting doftf 7 biff tin time io make arrangement if now ordatrc every other atil wfk cafl pr phwe for fe 7 blftf will cl u w address- di canat addition i5 water- vorlch system pnofoecd 0y laws fl0hih op iiy1j1w8 ay law mumdbn 1 the fnifpom nf tiylnw ik to s nathtirlth th rtittnutt y lh vllla hi atittm ft t6xtt ln lehulna of dehenttrres t i uft f nsoooo wlfff ltiitnt ftl flv nnd fainir iter etmu the erlnrifal unit inifrnat of he ssfd dehentufm tlri repnynble in tthfttt nfitlumt inelalirrianln tf fl4llt acfr during hs ferlod t j yearo niiit ihti la tit surb r1nlmuraa for fhs vurptn4n it mftu an nib est iron water- mhiti wlh vslvea nnd hydranie f-om- mftti1ft0 mi s ptatit situati armth- osaferly nlfrfjg main lhrt a dlalance m nfnrfcmlmnl1y 4t0 feet from queen ntri ihfi sftendlrlg northsaaterly frttmnitift fhe ffegrdmoye prftperty u r1fema n 4tq tmei ihenee northerly a dalsnie tii 4m feel following the if fi he lr swlleh of the c n u tm he rieardmore property jstjarirtg sn s inch east iroriqfcaur- trntn wih gel valve and hydint on juhn htrt frnm agile ftfreef south easterly a d starves at tie feet vlaw nummm 1 the vuif u his bylew i to authrlsff ihe lkrrowlng ft 3so0ao by laaulpg s fhrefor wln interest at iw una tma half per nt the prlmiiml aitd fntfrresl ef said de- ben tores lflng repeysbfe in fifteen equal annual tasfslmerit of j7s jb each fur the purpose of prbvidtrlg ln- oresaed flrr protection by ljr-fnatal- 11 ng an eiglit inh waterrnsjrrfrotn the aotun tanning companys fire pumps to a point about 5j6 fast northwest to connect with the proposed 31ft foot axenalon aoutheastarly from agnes street and to connect the said pumps with the municipal watermaln 3 installing on he acton tanning corn- parrys fire pumps one dedeetal ortlor- inatlng machine tor use in the event of are making it edvlaable or neoes- sary to pump iftilry lake water through the municipal watermaln as approved of by the provincial board of health 8 in the event of the coat of the said installation being less than 1310000 debentures for the amount of sold cost shall be issued in proper- tlonata amounts as hereinbefore et opt i the acton tanning company shall agree to perform all the work in connection with the said installation end that the cost of the earns will not exceed the sum of 1286000 and ttm in any event the lcnnjclpallty oth village of acton will not be eallej upon to pay more than the actual cper in the event of che same being less than tteoo the said work to e dons immediately upon the final peas- jog of this bylaw in the event of frost la the ground rerpuunev and if such is impossible then the emld erork hall be done a seen as the ground is free ef frost in the spring of i 7 tbe said acton tanning com pany ahal al ttm sen expense operate and keep in repair the above n eeaenttoped eedcsbjetit 1tbe simsieipsjity t the tillage eg acton sesui have ump right t the nse oe tb a a sssariiiejes fs eaoyear th aserpew eg by e t i atactsas have usa risrftt t kenptn i any upee eeaj satssr t as4 tasksjiaxsasa ssbs i epesatlaa uhe said i e unescti i jvoa4 y ommtl ctpej wi tms valve terb kpt ocavd and ts ker or keys ts be twdsx lhe coatroi u mosirtpej oensaso it the acton tunoias ooeapaay ahau have the rifat ta eaacel in nceesenbi hrle et out al thereupon to resaov l its ewe ex- peas fb above punt betooglmc o the municipality acd tori to retain sam for it oo usr uaiy by gtving to the munielpauty etx mootb nouce to wrltbsc hy paymeot to the uunictpality of the coot to it of the suae and also any other actual tose that it easy saffsr or may have nffs u through the tig of deoent tor the raising of money re defxacr the coat of isba awe tne muni may causcel ths said arrangement and remove the chlurtaatlnc plant anl nvatos by aivlnsj hm acton tannlug company six months notice 1 the actua tannlag company hail hav the riant a tnstal h-draa- at then- uvm enenee ca any municipal watermaln whuh r on lh outu- lksnye premise tak notice that the votes of the rmtepoyer of the said village of aetnn entitled to vote on money bylaw will be taken on the above mentioned pro- poaed by law on monday the nmt day of december is at the aarne time at tb earn pisce and tit th aame manner a the vxtung in thw annual municipal election and that tenants deelrtng to void rauat on or bor the twaatuth day of november 1si ale with the munl- ciiai clerk declaration required by subaectlon s of section 35 uf tin uunlclixu act 1311 otorn v cltap- ter it and that b corrcprutlort tlelrlnk to appoint u nomine to voto on thd ull bylawa shall not utur than the twentieth day6r novttwi 12 tlu with the uunlcial curk ittt appoint ment of a nominee o rjulrd by uuuaecuou 4 of eald kr0tluti 215 and on friday th twutyelghth day uf november a ix wl the lteeva will attend at th rnrvtouua halt hi the town hall actuit at ten oclock in tha forenoon to appoint in wrltuiff algned br him two kron to utmntl at tha onal summing up or um volj and one person to attend ut duchuq ing paoe on behalf of the perqiis llr terested in and dealrou f pruiulflhf the proposed byls a ije itmwlw onbehalf of ft nfoh titnlj hi and dealrnus of opposing ike liruposvd hyiawg apd that the eierk of the oouitolt of th hld village of autoti elmll attnl at the town hal aoton nt hso p i on the eald first day of booontu id3t to um up the numoer of votes nlvti for rpd hgftln ue mil byum notico notice is hereby given that if hi asaent of tho ratepayer la obulna1 t hem to the sold bylaws a eyuftpulh n which sjipears above will bo taken into nonaidaratlon by th municipal council uf lha village of acton utter mw htunlh from the sixth luy ofnovonl- bur ivm being the date of th rtrt ifublloatloh of thla notice- v iurtlculare qf prepoaeri byuwy nuty be aeeti at the othoe of tiio clork h n kahmiot qiark of the vjlhige of anton da tod at acton ontario novonihtt th lj4 s p sm a mm 9ww u ft mmmfhutlll tuwu mi iten ub j yor tlluluoo to hi nwh iwh riunn tuui uil- mjrwtivliruu qutlon 1trmkt u h bloni1 rjuvutlutlon lttltnlo1 fo- u unltl pomr and ha to j vfmta jl imh at in- tmiiyni hu fc nd hf hth w tfsi

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