Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 3

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vw v- ajrv v t s55r vrcie ill artmtff p jbrggfi thui18dat rovkmilkil is mm an autumn wooing a timid littler lover or ft bird hat alnging on hi porch toward aventimo- oh iimi und qy withno to mm fair cluno w no ijuvor wintry wntl r blaat l heard door la ly wren by my true love be surred hhe chlppcred low i have not reached my prim i tun too young- to love the aum mers chlm t still too sweet for mo to hood your word that night a aplrtt touched oach and flower and cast a gloom through ail autumn wood and early in uiq rroaty morning hour two shiver in- birdies on a bare branch atood i heard her give consent to leave her bower and hy with til aa any wise bird i should mary a poynler i jeaf 1 thv persian storibb with tho persians the writing poetry and beautiful and witty saying i described aa the threading pearls the atudent or the persian language nnda a tor lea many of them aa old aa tho wrld hut clever and h character in the su james queue a atudent give the following from the literature of the land or tho hon and the sun one day a certain tyran un cutis alone without the city walla and aaw a man silting under a tree the kins asked the ruler of tola kingdom la he a tyrant or a juat man the stranger replied a very great tyrant the king aald to the stranger do you know me 7 lie amid no 1 am the sultan ot this kingdom replied the klna tha man waa overcome with fear and aaked do you know met tha king- aajd no he replied x am the eon of a mvr chant and avery month i suffer three doya madness thla unfortunfttaly happens to he the first of tha three days the kins laughed and bad nothing at all to say there la a story of a oertaln poet who came- before a great man and praised him very ornately the rich man waa pleased and aald ready money i have not nevertheless there is in my granaries very much corn if you come to morrow i will give you soma the poet want to but own bouse and on the morrow presented himtelf to bis patron the rich man aaked him why have yon corner he aald taatarday you pro l to give ma com for this reason am i come the rich man aald a moat wonder ful fool thou art what you aald to me carve me pleasure what z have- said to you equally pleased you why then should x gbra you eornt the poet was se with shame and departed s a tribute to the farm farm life la coming into its own though in a rather unaxpeetad way farmers themselves struggling to sae through the economic fog that baa settled on their industry slnoe the end of tha war bare not been joud in the praises of farm ufa we have beep a tittle prone to forget in mak ing comparisons with- urban profes alona that there are other than mat erlal standards more to life than dol lara and cents and strangely anousn the people who are paying a tribute to tha sanity to tha huh moral octal tis of tha farm life are those who are studying the probianr of my a uaatul cituana out of the criminal oflsoonr- ings of city olvhiaauon crlmloolo slats have dtaoovarad that to hard cnen together within prison walla does not reform them but turns out bard ened embittered criminals fit for any desperate business so they have established prison farms where men whose minds and souls have become warped may have an opportunity of working in the annltcm and fresh air not tha slave of some huge machine in awotay factory but doing the heoea sory worjt of tilling and cultlvstlng tho soil and harvesting the crops that have been tha mainstay of ufa in tha past and wlu continue to be so id tha future there la something elemental about the farm 41fe that mjcae for a saner viewpoint than la developed in the artificial clviuaatlon of the largo city amid surroundings that are often un healthy for the mind and body the criminologist are recognising fact perhaps unconsciously k of our economists and poutldana would reoognise it too they might be more prone to barken to opinion from the farm where thinking should be more clearer and saner beca ltfa more genuine and wholesome fead era sun v the ok brlndle cow of all the old memories that cluster round my heart i with their root in my boyhood days tho quaintest la linked to the old brlndle cow with aly and mysterious ways shed linger round the lot neat old potato patch a sentinel by night and by day watching for the hour wbeq all ye i were asleep to start on her predatory way the old brush fence sho would acorn in her course with turnips and cabbage just be yond and the com that was blooming through the halo of the night what a banquet so choice and so fond but when the stars of morn were pal tag in the skjr the old brlndle cow would take ilio cue j aod dressing up her line would re treat beyond the fence for the old cow knew just what lo do what breed did you say t why the very best blood that oould flow in a democrat cow mo herd book oould tell of the gory in her horns or whence came her pedigree or bow she was jersey in her milk nod dur ham in her bulid and ayrshire when she happened n a row but when it came to storming the old alaah fence 8he waa simply the old brlndle cow it seems but a day since 1 drove her to the gate to yield up her rich and creamy prise for her thefts at midnight hour sho would yield a doable dower with peace of conscience lurking in her eyes but she a gme disappeared with- the ripened years of time whose memories jay heart enthrall a en now and i never hear a bell tinkling through ths forest del but i think of that did brlndle oow prom the concessions of old ontario say i am proud of the folks in the country towns and villages of those out in the country itself and along the side lines when any great moral issue is up for an expression of opinion i aald so after the plebiscite vote on october if and i aay so now again in my long experience i have observ ed two things which stand out boldly in ufee experiences isl the country folks generally speaking are usually on the right aide of things which afreet lifes suooeases and 2nd the large proportion of tha leaders la all the great movements in the cities are men who were born and brought up in the country when thoy left home and gravitated to the city thoy gradually forged into positions of usefulness snd trust and responsibility nod made their mark among their fellows and tcan give you examples of this right from among our own rural boys who have mode good who was the man wbo organised tho great plebia cite campaign for ontario and carried it through to the successful outcome achieved t juat a little red headed urchin who ran about aciod streets barefooted sixty year ago and whom x knew when in the days of bis boy hood and young manhood right bore at home he went to the city and won high positions in bis church and la the city work undertaken by the church under his direction and he s isnrjrnown aa rev dr moore where 9 et the foundations h fasful administration of the ty of toronto in the city chief executive t bare to the north of t itta i od tns oia farmut m i there s wesley warne noa v aery bishop of india a r pou b fourth line jpxv w zat five mlleo away from white collar jobs prejudice against manual labor la jeodldg many young people to train themselves for the cleaner socelled intellectual pursuits the resuks is- that manual jobs are better paid and leaacrowded than professional jobs the world will always needskilled lab orers in far greater numbers than clerics t franoe has begun a movement to lead young people back to tha manual arts it la endeavoring to ui- crease the reepjtcj for these arte by giving courses sh schools which shall train in them it conducts bureaus assisting children in ehooelnr- tha manual profession they are beat nttee7 for- it has made batter um ofsj- prentloeahlp and it has arranged that teachers in the school ahau study tha children to discover their especial aptitudes local expositions are held and prises gtveu for the best results in manuar arts ail this is a move in the right dk faction it will be well if mothers win take a hint from it and bringup the daughters to hawe more respect for oopking and homekeeplng and the awoet and necessary household arts home xooonomlca la going far to ev evate the home ure of our nation sue to make women more intelligentwork era and better content wltb that nneet of arts housekeeping pat on baptism pat who waa noted for quick tongue was digging potatoes when the parish priest eaane by by way of a pleasant ealutatloq- the priest aaidi qoodv mornln to ye fat and what lndof pratoaa are e digging r vw ones your rlvrenoe ere so aura il just give you a qtfeffupn on tha catechism- what is baptism 1- itused to be four ehllllna afore ye eaitte put now its twenty shluloe 1 tr administration of the jf owu mlluiuta o mopl at i4pl qr and thn up t mmthw in tor kn 0 the tni norah fixed them did you mall those two letters gave yoay noraht teara at tha pdec offloe but i notloatt that youd put ths twooent stamp tn tha jtoralgn letter and the nva centtauunp on the city one oh dear what blunder bm x flxed if ail rtmht maam i just changed the addresses on the en- caiape ol ivldly forging ahead as wu1 alj jf jp him since ha was ppart when he there store and and hon utah why be nras a nta just a few years good old town ive i could mention a our country boys and around home hare out and made good in of population something pretty good which illustrates very coup try folks keep us e us proud of them ften get a chance to read jm guardian th paper our metbody friends prise so highly it takes roe all my leisure time when lro on t religious reading to get through the presbyterian wltnees nd the monthly record bui n copy of the guardian cams my way i guess now that ths united church of canada- is in the offing somebody must have been putting a copy of this paper where x coulfl get a chance to read it and welt to tell you the truth i did read it and r found one article which suits nio to a t- and here t la it waa written by vera bowles orimth whoever she la and i think tt s mighty good piece of writing from tub concessions of old ontario then came from the visages and concessions of old ontario the vote of the form folk this epic sentence in a toronto dally great ly moved me the oountry folks keep us safe they won us the vote against a tidal wave nf city wets country ml it is are not changed in a hurry uane living appeal to them above all other things no matter how long ft takes to achieve i have to record that it is this conservative spirit or theirs 2hlch has so often peeved me vhy wont theytako up uulokly ith a new ldear rou can t budge them an inch until yeu luve work d yearol- how many aaoh futile pbrssos have i fulnji outt and it is this caulgue sane spirit whlon won the urd for us when tha countryman and the countrywoman in tholr car or lie thoy thought of the djrforonco in cortnln nuighuora lujnvoe nlnco the ota came into foroo wue their community worse or bettor for it they knew unil no amount of spurious literature an 1 iicxoi ous argument could change tho fact tho furmc sees be bin i the u lash of color on the hilltop tim painting or tiio loaves is u ploturu nf glory for him us well as t r tho art fit but he imdi a inotteaue titer and forthwith gotu in his potatoes and corn as ida fathars did before him jreut things are never won in a hot minute by a big noise the farmer iloes not buy his applos by tho peck at the corner grocery store ho deals in orchards and in long summer days and years of pruning and waiting that is why country folks have uttla conourn for small issues for things by tho pook their outlook is not blocked by tholr neighbors brick walls it isttho vlovv of great brood field and far stretching uplands the tree at the rond gat js not the only thing of beauty within their vision you may upraise that tree end point ojt unseen beauties with the skill of an drtlst and probably tho farmer agrees with you but all the timo edged wlthitceea as beautiful aye he knows therepre flolda oc his has he not awnolo woods of them on the back fifty whose beauty he may see in the white light of winter as well as in tho scarlet ox october it is all very nice u enthuse over one tree but follow the farmer up and down his fields day after day and thore la a something comes to you regarding truth which you never had before it is the restful experience dt un expressed beauty tho oomfortlng sense of the infinite yau wluvjiot be quite so proud of yaui glib remarks thoy sound hollow to you and aa your pespoct for your former enthusiasm falls so will rise your admiration of the form folk wbo ilvo so close to beauty all thou days that they become silent partners rather than a gar rulous audience n this is why the country roan s words are few this is why he never fusses when he acts h acts tls like the mighty wind which now and again sweeps his hillsides whon ft blows something is sure to happen and when the men and women come jtrom the concessions of old ontario to oote all the cities in the province can not stand up against tem yea tjiank god for the slow speaking and the not tobe eaaily aroused sane living country folks because of them we sing our paean for while the tired wavos vainly breaking seem here no painful inch to gain far back through creeks and inlets making comes silent flooding in the main say folks thats pretty good stuff x think don t you 7 1 m going to leave it with you anyway and stop right here greater than oratory in his delightful reminiscences mr j t towbrldge gives an account of jsmereon as an orator the account is especially interesting juat now for the twenty fifth of this month la the cent enary of kmarson s birth emerson wss no orator he bad not thedriuiancy and finish of everett he was not witty and familiar like beecher be did not spook with in spired passion like kossuth and he lacked tho splendid variety of wendell phillips but he had a flno baritone voloe broad and cultivated jusf right for his grave and epigrammatic wu dom prof lewis monroe the teacher of elocution said to mr towbrldge as they walked away together from one of emerson s lectures tboee tones cannot be taught they ore possible only to him who can all tbem with tho same energy of spirit it is tho soul that creates the voice that was it the spirit made tbe great speaker oven though be lacked the histrionic skill of the orator the expression of ethical thought in downright moral vehemence mr tow- bridge aays that amerson was- un eflualed- mr towbrldge recalls a night when kmarson thriued an immense audlonoe in tremont temple in boston it wag in tha days of the kansas free state war rufp choete with his brilliant and cynical analysis had brushed away the principles of the declaration of independence which he spoke of contemptuously as glittering gen enulties emerson quoted the phrase then after a moment s pause hurled to the remotest dencbea these words ilka ringing javelins they do glitter i they have a right to gutter the concentrated power of that no orator could have surpassed neighborhood news- town and country rockwood it itinitl i tttnrnon who wus o crate 1 n for iiinnllollfn tit oumiih honplt i overs woo kit ugo has r turned 1 omu ill is c nyeieaclnb nicely miss cturlc principal f our school who waa obliged to vacate her position far severn weeks owing to a eerioun attack of appendicitis has reoumed lirr duties the news was received hero last wook of the death at savknah qeor k la of mrs william lundy formerly tf this village mrs wntoon and hr daughter ol wlnnlper ro visiting mra wilder mm watson s mother mm nlckotl and her alstor mlsa c campbell received the nowo lust week that their brother mr i eter campbell of hand iolnt idaho had been killed by tha bomb on the train which killed 1 eter verngln the douknhour leader nnd which was intended for the latter the annual thndk offering service of the boys crusader mission band i held in tha presbyterian churoh on tuesday evening november 4 the boy wero addressed by dr schofneld afttivq a c whose splendid talk was bothn teres ting and profitable after which a social lunch was served by ths boys the success of this actlvo organisation la largely due to thi untiring efforts of their faithful lea lot mr frank moore apt quotation the old tate and brady version of the psalms used tn be as famlhar to a former generation as was the cats chum a good story was told not long ago of two noted englishmen lord pahnorstqn and bishop wllber force in which the once popular psalm book plays on important part there two eminent personages were vlsltjng at a oountry house on thu morning of departure they were told that carrlagea wore ready to take ths departing guests to the railway station palmerston settled to go in pne or thse carriages a he feared there would be rain but the bishop who was a great pedestrian preferred tc walk before he had proceeded half way i the station a heavy shower or rain oame on yet the good bishop atrug gled on when tbe carriage containing lord raltnerston overtook him and his lordship called out from its win daw a part or tho first yerae or the tate and brady version of the first psalm how bleat is he who neer consents by ill advice to jefojk but bishop wilberforca wlu the usual twinkle in his eye replied with the rest or ths yrsei nor stands in sinners way nor sits where mn profanely talk and tn bishop drew lo one sld and proceeded to walk on milton mr w p downr motored to hunts vllle this week to assist tho iiuntsyihe band mrs win ponton who has not been well since last spring left for toronto on saturday to atay during the vftntar mrs s il bews was on tho re ceptlon committee in the w m k booth at massey hall last woek fnr tho centenary celebrating 100 years missionary effort milton hunter went north to the french river district to shoot deer the nrst of the month one party consist ed of david menales chester kuri charlie lecooq and oscar downs t the other included james houston and james turner who joined a brampton party berore journeying north 1 former the town council met on tuesday ovenjfg when the principal business wnj the passing of accounts one of which was 1294 for boo feet of rubber hose for the lire brigade at tuesday s meeting of the county council the recommendation of the domlnlnlon board or railway com mlastoner that the knoll on the north aide of the anderson crossing al which the messrs torrfll father and son were killed in july be cut down nd the oarth removed be uaed to grade tno road on the north side of the crossing to a higher level v approved champion oakville the mlsses kemp have given the contract to rebuild their residence on church street making it into a double house mr and mrs p a juth left last week on a somewhat extended visit to family friends inenglaod they will also tour aho battlenld the annual guy fawkos night ban quet was held on wednesday evening when a goodly nurabor of orangemen and their friends gathered about heavl ly laden and gaily decorated tables in the orange hau mr and mrs lawrence jloger of palermo announce the engagement of thefr daughter anna claire to dr harold p morris son of mrs and the late joseph k morris orlllla tho marriage to take place the last of november as a result of representations the train service between oakvillo an1 toronto stands to he materiully in creased oy the addition of a motor car leaving for the city at 9 is each mom tng and by an evening train leaving the city at 5j3 and the motor car at on monday ovanlng th kirk club of knox church held an opening meeting when an interesting address waa given by mr orey of the knox collego student missionary society the ad dress was illustrated v many line lanterns views some of them taken by mr grey himself illustrating his work in mission fields in alberta and british columbia oakvillo s high school students liavi developed a strong rugby team this year and have become quite expert exponents of the grilling gpme they have played other schools and several toronto teams and several creditablo win have been chalked up for them star mr pea8lee h3ar9 a con fe68i0n although he triad hard not to uhow it mr nudd limped a little and in ulli wlen u iuokly turning stond wrcnohed jilh body lie gave voloe lo in ui mhrtakiil lo groun and clnppo i hie i uxl i his nlde mr loaaloo thought tho time hud orrlvcd whon he w ts entitled to kn iw tin reason i dkntws it a ny of my business nudl ha rtmurkod but you ait slf you wus nbout used up this mornln tit d if you be you mednt try to help naatvlth this conlwiood i guess i cao make out to load it alone what you beep doln gettin a h 1st somo way lo lame ynut mr nudd ncowlnd and rubbed ltd sldo again tenderly now tl at hli secret was nut he groaned nt each movement but he di 1 nnt boom road to offer any i planntlot w1 at la it rheumi tlsl said mi slee oeqr0etown i town nomination for mayop and reeve and councillors will bs held on monday november mr nd mrs robert richardson of washington visited with mr and mrs l el fleck last week there was a capacity gathering in the auditorium of the public library last evening to hear prof coleman deliver his lecture on th ice age a concert wlu be given by tho bap ut mission band in the church on friday evening november 14 mr w a bailey is going bsak into to harness making business again us has purchased the stock of mr latimer v there jire some very largo turnips grown in thla vldplty this year mr j l- ross presented ho herald with one weighing 10 pounds mr john xteveraaux goes him one better with a twentytwo pound turnip th members or ashgrove ispworth leagta no friends of mr and mrs frank smith about slaty in number gathei od at the home of mr and mi- enjoy but tbankto the player piano jo hulls asbgrovs on monday even vlotrole und radio it is no longer uut nudd nho k his hu d uintl hjj repihd it aln t onylhlng but my own temper that i ought i t a old nou it h tn take cure of only i don t seem to bo it serve mo jot right to be all lamed up 1mb mo uy rights i ought not to be able to move a jlnt of mq my wife aays the same thing tool mr penal oo uhowou hi surprise well well bo said soothingly and then after a moment- he added feel hko tall in a feller what happened t not that i want to pry you under stand 4 s mr nudd leaned against the pile of cord wood to ease his aching slap and looked at mr peasloo with an ojjpre nlon in which sham and a ofuo of tho ridiculous were mingled he clear cd his throat om if uncertain how to begin well kail up ho said at last ought to ba shamed so tell anyono how i come to bo lamed up thla way but seoln you vo asked me i m g6m to make a clean breast of it to you only i d take it as a favor if you don t npread it round towp more n you have lo but my wife likely to tell yount about it so you mights well hear it from mo in tho fust place it all happened he went on grunt ing as ha shifted his position ot count of that cosset lamb i give my wife a year ago when he wa n t blggorn a rabbit hi mother died and my wife took him to th house and managed to save him so x give him to her seeln he d have died tf it hodn t been for her it was all well nough while he wn little except ho was always underfoot whore a man wa ii bio to trip over hlra but after he grew big he got to be a rag lor nuisance buttln open doors and audi things so fin ly ltcld my wife she d have to let me put him down with tho other aheep where bed be out of tho way she found some fault with lottln him go hd got ao he was as much of a pet as a kitten to her but fin ly i toldnor i wa n t goln jo be bothered with that sheep round tho born all tho time so she give in but complained mr nudd deject edly tho aheep dldn t glye in so easy fuat place i had to fairly drag him down to the sheep pen with him sag gin hack bo hard he all but pulled tbe hoffs oftn himself and when i got him thore and come off and left him i don t b uevo twas twenty minutes fore he was back to the house again he seemed p sosaed to get out and my wife helped nlm i ii always be uevel flnly the other day he got out or she let him out i d know which and he come up by tho back door and managed to upoot two pails of paint i had there and that started my temper and i tookn told her that tho very next time that aheep was ketcbed by me round tbe house hed get hurt- well hist night mr nudd grew red in tho face and seemed to find words difficult i come borne from the post office jeat after the beglnnln or dusk and when i rounded the and of the shod there was the sheep by th beck door i dldn t waste no words on him but x started for him col latin to kick and cuff him back into the pen hadn t fetched htm moren one cuff fore he turned on me keuup confessed mr nudd it was kind ot lay there and the grounds a mite ahelyln so i oouldn t- b0t good yootln an l to make the etury short fore 1 could got nway hod knocked me down and butted me halfway to the barn tunk comln on top of another and i aln t puttln it a mite too strong when 1 say that to day i aln t got a bone nor a j lnt that aln t sore he like tovo stovo mo all to pieces m sakes said mr peaaleu had b ever acted like that before furs you knpwt that a whore the only joke of thu whoto thing cornea in mr nudd re plied trying to grin comu to find out twasn t my wife a cosset sheep at all two that new ram that jed pipers bought- that weighs more n fifty pounds more n my sheep thought he looked big when i tackled him he d got out someway and strayed over to my place lies aa ugly that jeds soared or him himself but to my wfo he added it s jest a moral and a leaaqn she pints auf that tf i d kep my temper i woumn t have tackled any sheep an woudn got hurt and lookln at it that way he concluded with a wry face 1 dknoer bu ahp right what do v0u mean by luxuries when some young people apeak o luxuries they have in mind allk un derwear nnd so much rich food that at forty their digestive systems wul be wrecks althtaigu same luxuries are silly und harmful there are others you should claim a a right a of you should haye access to the best booki anducklly all of you can the best eel i era are sometime hard to get hold of tf you do not have the money to buy them but those of you who wish read the musters of literature should have n trouble lu securing them 4kood muslo is ik 1 kilo harder in the school gardens school gortlensinot merely ornn tnantnl ground round llin schoolhouso htil gardens in which tho pupils study uirlenlng and raise succonalvo crops have boroitin ono of tho moat welcome features of school life i nth in toaohnri an t i tipllt wherever tbny have beait natal llshod issj o lully urn thoy vnlunl lo in tho moat row c 1 jiu rt r of cliloa wh the children s iti r o f tho com jhftneat fuels or nature t lnt l growt ind or cuttlvath ti la comi lutn and tholr w ndr at oaob new n iruclo ol aeed sprout nnd blossom a delight to behold i urn g ing to plant vegntnblati an i flower bo that i can have u boiled dinner and flowers onkulalle ovary day recorded ono child in her garden diary with un a tual im rerlatl in of tho edible nn 1 th6 esthetic hha wun ho ofully incllnou a boy of nton anxious mind noted a fact that older garden ore have often contemplated with porturt utlon fvory eoed i have in the world hi wrota la nl the mercy ot a ion a ntlto jpwleh lrl from the tone mont dlntrlct diligently weeding her olght by four bod inn with rttllahes lettuce nnd marigold uncovered buds upon ho marigold although still ao tiny that they wore no more than uttla green button and eagerly aaked tin auperlntondont tv hat color aro my flowore going to bot i nevor euw a marigold they will bo yolh w sunshine color was tho answer she resumed her weeding and fell into a hai py sltonro talking neither to her teacher nor to hor companions ten minutes later she atralgntoned her baok breathed deeply surveyed hor small domain with an eye of rapture and murmured ecstatically jve been just imagining to myself htoftv thoao marlgoldn are going to took it was tho eamo morning tftaf ao italian child a little mother carrying tha baby and shepherding two lots hung over tho railing and ventured con aden holly to see this always makes me sad because you would like a garden too aha was asked sho nodded soberly perhaps you could manage to have a window box at home it was sug gested and her face brightened- in atanuy i have two starch boxes on our nreescape she declared with pride and i have tomatoes and morning glories and a goranjum and a fuachln and thoy grow how they grow only i would uko a real garden a garden in the ground a tp to the bride if the man you married has never pottered around a house and been one to mend and fix things you had better become familiar with a fow ordinary tools that ar necessary in a homo because you will find ittnucb easier to do little thing yourjielf than to nag at hubby io do them t bm jmcssj ritsasaitt xaitaajaaakcmari ska- twmmferlteimcnboak hsstwt utrmmiis nw bird beautiful tofuujl bird card tnlvery bar w 2opagebhdbook j m good cheer open grate heater see oor window display a now style quebec heater that resembles art open grate stave has folding doors rn front and stove may bo burned with doors ciihcropen or closed has spark guard for use with doors open this is a heater stove that must be seen to bo appreciated we also carry a full line of quebec hcatera and quebec ranges with all attachments w d talbot we deliver f economy the watchword of today why not save 25 per cent on your fuel bm we can positively put money in the pocket of any person who uses coal or wood in a stove or furnace our patent desice easily attached to any smoke pipe provides safety economy prevents trouble and costs but little representatives wanted in each locality the automatic fuel economizer co 195 wctoria street toronto spndilstx toariag vs sir with a qrain pp salt tales of gaatronomloal prowess abound in mr oeorge ii fcllwangera recent book the pleasures ot the table one in particular makes the rant of tbe growing boy look small indeed a drummer lit the french army wus noted jjor hi tremendous appetite his captain wagered that the man could oat a whole calf and the drummer proud of his distinction promised to do honor to the captains compliment accordingly a oalf was prepared in various appetising ways tho drum mer waa disposing of it when he bad finally consumed about three quarters of the repast he luuised and placing his knife and fork on his nlats aald to ills eupertpr officer you had better have the calf ihnifiiih m nir car or ne i brought on had you not sir all bind old bobbin drove along the those little kickshaw will end bytek rceoe w poouitmivibs uajodhl i3fi- ng to tender the newly married oouple a miscellaneous shower mrs b 0 adam of cincinnati ohio who has been vlslung with jer sister mrs l to fleck returned hbmp last week miss mildred fleck ar eompanied her and wlu spend a couple months visiting in the united states many friend in towp will regret the removal or mr rind mrs r cow to toronto last week mr cowl as was the oourtoou and obliging agent tl o suburban hallway station h since the opening up to u few weeks o the council has been asked tu sub mlt u by law to tho property ownara to guarantee ths bonds of h cnrke co for mi 000 with whloh to wipe out th ureeent liabilities of the firm and provide a w0rkngycai ital to carry on th business lost friday morning three valuable young shorthorn cattle two bulls and a heifer beldnglng to it c mocul lough were killed by a o n it train at the 7th line crossing it is aald ths animals got out of the held through sllefecuvfl piece of fencing left by the highway conatruetontnon they wore pure bred shorthorns and valued at i60 tho georgetown creamery co hay purchased the toronto dairy products co and are moving tha plant to georgetown already a urge portion of tus machinery isjoatajlod here all kjods of dairy products will be menu featured arid ii la anticipated that before long soma so or 40 hands will be employed much eredtt is due mr saxo for acquiring till industry for aourstowdherajd ft of anyone s reach the family on an isolated form can hear rwderswskl phx his ulnuut or krelaler render ihv ilumorosuue it t ofioe in a llfo lime hut every evening friendly in tercour is a superlative luxury if you hav4 friends to whom you may open your heart talking of matter too sacred o dlaaua with every chance comer you should count yourself rich however such frlendahlpa uro poaalbl to all people are sadly limited f the word luxuries u uses t to tl em nothing more than slurring their atomulhs und adorning their b diue this sort wn that wpelled tho dot m if ancient rome on the other bund the luxury of good books good muslo and good friends ainvyour inalienable right ah j instead of weakening your fibre they make y u finer and stronger more worth wblle to yourself and to others spdciml six fvvepsgieu sedan the new low prices of mclaughun- boick bring these cars within easy reach of jn- qj f- who heretofore consid ered them as being out of their prico class it will take otu a few minutes of your rime to have oa explain how you can purchase any mclaughlin bulck out of current income by means of the o h ac deferred payment plan spodmlsix fonfptnengtr coups r u s v king representative for this district stedmislx georgetown ont thetime to advertise there is nothing so mysteriously funny as a nevrapaper sdverusement the prime first last and bii the tine object of an adv to draw custom it is not was not and never will he designed for any other human purpose so the merchantjnuts until the busy season comes and his store s so full of customers that he cant get us hat off snd then he rushes to tbe newspapers and puis in his advertisement when the dull season gets along- and there is o trade and he wants u pay his rent he talus out hfa advertisement that ts some of them do but occasionally a levelbeaded merchant puts tn a bigger one and scoops in all the business while his neighbors are worrying to pay the hills kfinill i- there are times when you couldnt stop people f roqi buylntt everything in tbe store if you planted a cannon behind the door and thats tbe time the advertisement is sent out on its holy mission it makes light work for the advertisement for a chalk sign on the sidewalk could do all that was needed and have a halfholiday six days tfi tbe week but who wants to favor an advertisement they are built to do hard work and should be sent out in dull days when a customer has to be knocked down with cold hard facts and kicked insensible with banlfrupt reduc tions and dragged in with irresistible slaughter of prices before he will spend a cent write this down where youll fall over it every day the time to draw business is when you want business and not wben you have more business than you can attend lo already the time to advertise is all the time t bjliiilgijfe

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