Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 4

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jl ws jp ifli acton jflrgg irggfl tliuithday ovblmdlcn it an autumn wooinq a timid little iovtsr or a bird bat alngln on hla perch toward latutmtf oh hat und hy with m to soma fair climo h oi o nuvir wintry wall or blast hoard i ionr lady wren by my true lore- be stirred hhe ohlppored low i have not reached ray prim i am too young to love the su mars chime i still too sweet for mo to hood your word that night a aplrtt touched each leaf and flower and cant a gloom through nil he autumn wood and early in the froaiy morning hour two shivering birdie on a- barn branch atodo i heard her give consent to leave her bowr v and fly with him ajkgflhy wim bird should mary a pointer persian stprtes witfl the persian the writing of poetry ind beautiful and witty saying in described aa the threading at pearls the student of the permian language finds stories many of them am old ua tho world but clever and inatlnot with character in the bu jurnes qaxette a student gives the following from the literature of the land of the hon and the sun one day a certain tyrannical kin came alone without tha city walls and iaw a man sitting under a tree the kin naked the ruler of this- kingdom la he a tyrant car a just man tha atranger replied a very treat tyrant the kina aald to the stronger do you know me he aalct nd 1 azo the sultan of this kingdom replied the king the man wu ov with fear and asked xo you know mar the kin aald no he replied 1 am tha eon of a mer chant and every month i suffer three day msdnesa this unfortunately happens to be the first of the three days the klnar laughed and bad nothing at all to say there j a story of a certain post who came- before a great man and praised jpttt tory ornately the rich man was pleased and said ready money x have not nevertheless there la in my granaries very much corn if vou oorn tomorrow x will give you aomo the post went to hla own house and on the morrow presented himself to bis patron the rich man asked him why bavs you corns v be said sstarday you promlaed to give me com for this reason am i come the rich man said a most wonder ful fool thou art what you said u me gxve me pleasure what i have aald to you equally pleased you why than should i give you eoxnt the poet was oxrvered with abamo and departed a tribute to the farm farm life is coming into its own though la a rather unsxpeoted way farmers themselves struggling to sse through the economlo foe that has settled on their industry slnoe the end of tha war have not been loud in the praises of farm ufa we have been e 11 hi probe to forget in btafc in comparisons with urban profea alons that there are other than mat erlal standards more to life than dol lars and cent and traly emnsjh the people who are paying a tribute to the sanity to the ugh moral oxtail- ijfim of ibe farm life are those who are studyln the problem- of f useful oltbtens out of the criminal offscour ings of city crrlliaatlon crlmlholo- gists havs dlscorered that to hard men together within prison walls doe not reform them but turns oat hard ened embittered criminals fit for any desperate business so they have established prison farms where man whose- minds and souls have become warped may have an opportunity of working in the sunlight and tpeeh alr not the slave of some hue machine in a noisy factory but doln the nsoes sory work of tiuiu and cultivating the soil and horveating the crops that have been the mainstay of life in the paat and will continue to be so in tha future there is sometbln elemental about the farm life that inakss for a aaner viewpoint than la developed jn the artlflotal etvlliaatlon of the large dty amid surroundings that are often un healthy for the mind and body the crlmlnolosiss are reo4nhdn 1 tact perhaps unconsciously xtsome of ouc economists and politicians would recognise it too they might be more prone to harken to opinion from the farm where thinking should be more clearer and saner banana life la mors genuine and wholnannin 1srm art sun the oh brindle cow of all tho old jnemorles that cluater round my heart with thetr root in my boyhood day the quaintest la linked to the old brindle cow with sty and mysterious uys shed llner round the lot noai the old potato patch a sentinel by ntxht end by day watcbln for the hour when all eyes were asleep to start on her predatory way the old hruah fence she would acorn in her courae with turnips and cabbace just be yond and the corn that wae bloomln throush the halo of the nlht what a banquet a choice and io fond i v but when the star of mpru were pal- la in the sky the old brindle cow would take tho cue cue aqd dxeaain up her une would ru treat beyond the fence for the old cow knew just what to do tew just ewyt 1 what breed did vou nwyyt why the very beat blood that could now in a democrat cow mo herdbook could tell of the lory in her horns or whence came hex pedlaroe oi how 8hewaa jersey in her milk and dur ham in her buud and ayrshire when aha happened t a row but when it came to stormln tha old slsah fence she was- simply the old brindle cow it seems but a day since x drove her to the ate to yield up her rich and creamy prixe for her theft at midnlsht hour aho would yield a doable dower with peace of conscience lurkina in her eyes but shes one disappeared with- the ripened years of time whose memorise my heart enthrall sen now and i never hear a bell tlnklln throuarb the foreat del but i think of that old brindle oow white collar jobb prejudice aalnst manual labor jeadln many youn people to train themselves for tha cleaner aooetled intellectual pursuits the results is that manual jobs are better paid and less crowded than professional job the world will always need skilled lab orers in far greater numbers than clerics france has begun a movement to lea- the youn people back in the manual arts it uv endyoavorhi to in crease be respect for these irts by slvln courses ah schools which sbau train in them it oeoduets bureaus seals un children in ohooalnv the manual profession they are best fitted for it has made better law of ap prenticeship and it has arrancad thvt teacher in ibe school shall study ths children to discover their especial aptitudes local expositions are held and itrlxee aiveu for ths best results in manual arts am this la a move in the right dl taction it will be well u mothers win take a hint from it and btiagrnp ths daughter to have more respect for cooking and homakeeplas and ths swoqt and neoeasary household arts horns economics is goin far to el evate the homeolfe oi our nation and to make women more intelligent work ere and better content with that finest of art housekeeping prom the concession 8 op old ontario say i am prouq of the rolks in the country towns and vlllagea of those out in the country itself and along the aide lines when any groat moral issue is up for an expression of opinion i said so after the plebiscite vote on october c and i say so now again in my long experience i have observ ed two things which stand out boldly in ilfea experiences 1st the country folks generally speaking re usually on the right aide of thing which affect lifes successes anr vnovtbe large proportion of the loader in all the great movements in the cities are men wbowere born and brought up in the country when thoy left home and kravltaled to the city they gradually forged into positions of usefulness and trust and responsibility and made their mark among their fallows and i can give you example bf this right from among our own rural boys who have made good who was the man who organised the great plebis cite campain for ontario and carried it through to the successful outcome achieved jtfst a llttlo red headed urchin who ran about actoifa streets barefooted sixty years ago and whom x knew when in the days of his boy hood and young manhood right here st he went to the dty and won high poalttons in bis church and in the city work undertaken by tho church under his direction and ho a dow known as rev br moore where did mayor hilts geoho foundations for his successful admlnlatratlon of the affairs of ths cit of toronto in the chair of that citys chief executive t why rtt out here to the north of ua five miles on the old farm- at balllnafad and theres wesley warns the great missionary blahop of india he had his birth upon the fourth line of krin four or five mile way from acton and he has millions of people l his episcopal care and there e wja own charlie matthews in tor- onto who is rapidly forging ahead a a suoceasful business man of tho city why ive known him slnoe be was knse high to a grasshoppert when- he tpddled about his fathers store and hla randfatherbpoet office and hon ed holmes of tjtahi why he was a kid in knee pants just a few years ago about tltsj ajuufl old town say 1 believe i could mention column full of our country boys and girls from just around horns bare who have gone out and made good in thoy thousht of the difference in oertaln ncigrrbor homes elnce the ota cams into foroo wajf their community worse or bettor for ht thoy knew aqd no amount of spurious literature and nefari ous argument could chungo the fact tho farmer sees behind the eplaeh of color on the hilltop the painting of tho loavo is a picture of glory fur him a well a for tha artist hut he find a mnmatfo there and forthwith gets in bin potatoes and corn as hi father did before hi in jreat things are never won in a hot minute by a big nolae the farmer does not buy his apple by tha peck at the corner grocery atore ho deals in oreharda and lit long summer days and years of pruning and waiting that is why country folks have llttlo concern for small iaues for thincs by the pock their outlook la not blocked by their neighbor brick walla it la tho vlow of great bnad fields and cat stretching uplanda tha tree at the road gats is not the only thing of beauty within thou- vision you may praise that tree end point oat unseen beauties with the skill of an artist and probably the farmer agrees with you but all the umo edged with trees as beautiful aye he knows there are field of his has hs not a whole wood of them on the back fifty whose beauty he may see in the white light of winter as well as in the scarlet of october it la ail very nice to enthuse over- one tree but follow the farmer up and down hla fields day aftordhy and chore 1 a sometbtnir combs to you regarding truth wbleh jtou never had before it is thsreautpl experience of un ity the comforting inlte you wlllnot proud of your glib rx sound hollow to you and as your sespect for your former enthusiasm falls so will rise ybucadmtrauon of the farm folk who live ao close to beauty all their doya that they become silent partners rather than a gar- ruioua audience this is why the countryman a words are few this la why he never fuaaea when he acta be acts tie like the mighty wind which now and again sweepa his hlllsldea when it blow something la sure to happen and when tho men and women oome from the concessions of old ontario to vote all the cities in tho province can not atand up against them tee thank god for the alow speaking and the not tobe easily aroused sane living country folk because of them we sing our neighborhood news- town and countiy rockwood jtuenell inttorson who wu operated nfor m prnrtlcltl nt quhph lioiltit overal weak ago has r turned homo wid la conyoicaclng nicely mis clark lrlnclpnl or our school who was obliged to vacate her position fox aovernl weeks owing to a serious attack of nppendlcltls ho resumed hor duties the news wns received hejyo last week of the death at savanah geor gia of mrs william i undy formerly of this village s mr watson and her daughter of winnipeg are vlaltlng mra wilder urn watson mother mm flckell and her lster ml c campbell received thq news luat week that their brother mr peter campbell or sand point idaho had been killed by the bomb on the train which killed ieter vorcgln tho doukabour leader nn 1 whloh was intended for the latter the annual thank offering service of the doya crusader mission band wae held tn tho prasbyterlan church on tuesday evening november 4 the boys were addressed by dr scbofneld or the o a c whose aplendld talk both interesting and profitable after which a social lunch was served by the boys the ruooeas of this actlvu organisation is largely due to the untiring efforta of their faithful leadtr mrs frank moore mr pea8lee hears a con peb8ion although ho tried hard not to show nudd limned a little and fin for while the tired waves vainly breaking seem here no painful inch to gain far back through creeks and inlet comes silent flooding in the the big centres ot population i came across something pretty good pnly yesterday which illustrate vary wen how the country folks keep us safe and make ua proud of them i dont often get a chance to jead the chrlauan guardian the paper our methody friends prise o highly it takes me all my leisure time when im on to religious reading to get through the presbyterian witness and the monthly neoord but a copy of the auardlan cams my way i uss now ttut tha united church of canada ta in the offing some body must have been putting a copy of this paper where i could get a chance to read it and wall to tell you the truth i did reed it and x found one article which aults mo to a t- and here t is it was written by vera bowlee griffith whoever she la and i think knlghty good piece of writing kl 2w- s k trip- sir ft bfikisf pat on aptitm pat who was noted for quick tongue was digging potatoes when the parish priest came by by way of a pleasant salutation the priest said apod- mornln to ye pat and what kind- of pratoes are ye digging r ones your rivranoev oori ye re so smar ii just glv you a question on ths catechism what la bejulamf xt used to be four ahtlllna afore ye eatqe but now its twenty shlum norah p1xkd them f xhot you xostl those two letters you norahr m st tha bof offlos but that youd put ths twoos stamp ft ths foreign tlsttsr and the eve oantistamp on the city one oh dear what ablaadstl- but i fixed it all rtgb maam x just changed the addresses on the n- seope say folks that pretty good atuff i think den t yout 1 m going to leave it with you anyway and stop right here greater than oratory in his delightful reminiscences mr j t towbrldge gives an account of emerson as an orator the account is especially interesting just now for the twentyfifth of this month is ths cent enary of emerson a birth bmsrson was no orator he had not the brilliancy and finlab of everett he was not witty and familiar like beecher be did hot npeek with in spired passions like kossuth and he lacked the pplendld variety of wendell phillips but he had a fine baritone voice broad and cultivated jusf right for his grave and epgranmao wu dam prof lewis monroe tho teacher of elocution said to mr towbrldge as they walked away together from one or emerson s lecture those tones cannot be taught they are possible only to him who can fill them with the same energy of spirit it is the soul that creates ths 0100 that was it the apirit made tbo great speaker even though be lacked iho histrionic skill of the orator in the expression of ethical thought in downright mora vehemence mr tow bridge says that emerson was un equal ed mr towbrldge recalls a night when emerson thrilled an immense audience in trsxnont temple in boston it was in ths day or the kansas free state war rutus cboate with his brtluanl and cynical analysis had brushed away the principles of the declaration of independence which he poke of oontemputoualy aa glittering r erajitiea emerson quoted the phrase then after a moments pause hurled to ths iteot benches these words ilka ringing javelins they do glitter they have a right to guttert the concentrated power of that no orator could have surpassed milton mr w f dewar motored to hunts vllle this week to saelat tho ixuntsylno band mrs wm panton who has not been well since lost spring left for toronto on saturday to atay during the win tar mrs b it bews wu on the re caption committee in the w m s booth at maaaey hall last week for the centenary celebrating 100 years missionary effort milton hunters went north to the french river plstrlct to ehoot deer the first of the month oqe party consist ed of david mensles chester earl charlie leeocq and oscar downs the other included jamea houston nd james turner who joined a brjunplun party before journeying north 7 former the town council met on tuesday evening when tho principal buslnea vol tho passing of accounts one whloh was 294 for soo feet of rubber hose for the ore brigade at tuesday s meeting of the county council the recommendation of the dominlnlon board of railway com missioner that the knoll on the north aide of the anderson crossing at which the messrs territl father and eon were killed in july be cut down and the eerth removed be uaed to grade the road on the north aid of the croealng to a higher level was approved champion oakville the the mlsse kemp have given contract to rebuild their residence on church street making it into a double house vxr and mrs p a bath left last week on a eoroewhat extended vlalt to family frlenda lnxengland they will also tour ihe battlefields the annual guy fawkee night ban quet was held on wednesday evening when a goodly number of orangemen and their friends gathered about heavi ly laden and gaily decorated tables in the orange hall mr and mrs lawrence hager of palermo announce the engagement of their daughter anna claire to dr harold d morris aon of mrs and the tate- joseph e morrla orillla the marriage to take place the last of november as a result of representations the train ssrvlce between oakvtllo and toronto atand to he materially in creased by the addition of a motor car leaving for the city at tm6 each morn in and by an evening train leaving the city at 6 13 and the motor oar at 6sz on monday evening the kirk cjub or knox church held sn opening meeting when an interesting address was given by mr grey of the knox college students missionary society the ad dress was liluairated v many fine lanterns views some of them taken by mr grey himself illustrating hla work in mission fielfis in alberta and brttleh columbia oakvllles high school atudenta havi developed a strong rugby team this year and have become quite expert exponenta of the grjulng game they have played- other sc and several toronto teams and several creditable wins have been chalked up for them star in the school gardens school gardens not merely oma mental grounds round tho achoolhousn hot gardens n which the pupils study have becomn one of the most wojcow foatare of acbool life both tn teacher and pupils wherever thny have belli ntatllshod rimklally m i buy valuable in tho moat crpwilrtl quarter of cit ion whet ho chil icnoran o of tho com mnnest fact of naturr uf pin und of cultivation ta complete and their wonder at each new miracle of aeed aprout and blossom a delight behold 1 am going to plant vegetable and flower so that x can have a bolij dinner and flower on the table every nay recorded one child in her warden diary with on equal appreciation of the edible and the esthetic bhe hopefully inclined a boy of more anxious mind noted a fact that older garden en have often contemplated with perturbation every seed i rjayetfprno world be wrote- u at the mercy of a dog nttle jewish klrl from the tone ment district diligently weeding her eight by fgur bed sown with radishes lettuce and marigold discovered buda upon the marigold although still tiny mat tbey were no more than little green buttons and eagerly aaked the superintendent what color are my flower going to be i never aasv marigold they will b yellow sunshine color was the am she resumed her weeding and fell into a happy alienee talking neither to her teac nor to her companions ten minutes later aha straightened her back breathed deeply surveyed her sniall domain with an eye of rapture and murmured ecstatically ive been just imagining to myself htssr thoeo marigold are going to took it was the same morning that an italian child- little mother carrying the baby and shepherding two tots hung over the railing and ventured confidentially to see this always m me sad because you would like a garden toot j she wss aaked she nodded soberly perhaps you could manage- to have a window box at home it was aug gested and her face brightened- in suntly t have two starch boxes on our flrtti nenspe she declared with pride and x have tomatoes and morning glories and a geranium and a fuachla and they grow how they only x would like a real garden garden- in the ground geqrpetown apt quotation from the concetfhionb of old ontario then came from the villages and concession or old ontario the vole of tho farm folk this epic sentence in a toronto daily great ly moved me the country folks keep us safe they von us the vote against a tidal wave nf elty wot country minds are not changed in a hurry bane living appeal to them above all other things no matter hew long it takes to aohter i have to record that it is this conservative spirit of their which has so often peeved me why wdht they take up quickly with a new ideat vou ran t budge them an inch untd you have work ed yearf how many suah futile phrase have 1 flung ontt and it is this be a flu us aslas spirit which won the ifrd for us when the eontryroan and the countrywdmaq in their car or htnd ojft dobbin drove along r tho mttvsmiang to jba jmojinc boojba the old tate and brady veralon of he psalms used to be as familiar to a former generation as was the cats ehlsm a good story was told not long ago of two nnter enguahmen lord palmerston and blahop wllberforoe j which ths once popular psalm book plays an important part there two eminent personages were visiting at a oountryhouse on tha morning of departure they were told thai carriages were ready to take the departing guests to the railway atatlon palmerston settled to go in one of these carriages a he feared there would be rain but the bishop who was a great pedestrian preferred to walk before he had proceeded half way to tha station a heavy shower of rain- came on vet the aoodl blahop strug cled on when tbs carriage containing lord palmerston overtook bun and hla lordship called out from its win dows a part or the first verse of th tate and brady version of th flraf psalm haw blest is be who ne er oonssnts by 111 advloe to walk but blahop wuberforee with the usual twinkle in his eye replied with the rest of ths verse nor stands in sinners way nor sit where men profanely talk and the bishop drew to one aids and proceeded to walk on ktf with a grain op salt tales of gaatronomloaj pro abound in mr george ii ellwangers recent book the pleasures of the table ono in particular makes the font of the growing boy look small indeed a drummer 1n ibe french array was noted for hts tremendous appetite hla captain wagered that the man ooutd eat a whole calf and the drummer pruud of bis distinct ton promised to do honor io the oaptatq s compliment accordingly a cau wns prepared in various appetising ways the drum mer was disposing or it whsn he bad finally consumed about three quarters of the repast be paused and placing his knife and fork on hi plat said to his superior officer tou hd better have- the calf brought oh had you not alrf all those little kickshaws will end byuh upjeofax j town nomination for mgyof and ileeve and councillors will b held on monday november m mr and mrs robert richardson of washington visited with mr and mr l e fleck last week there was a capacity gathering in the auditorium of ths public library last evenln to hear prof coleman deliver his lecture on the ice age a concert wlu be given by the bsp list mission band in th church oi friday evening november 14 v mr w a bailey is going back into the harness making business again he hss purchased the stock of mr laumer there jire some very large turnips crown in this vicinity this year mr ix ross presented hs herald with one weighing so pounds mr john devereaux goes bun one better with a twetftytwo pound turnip thejnacdbers of ashgroye jepworth zlgus end frlenda of mr and mrs frank smith about sixty in number gathered at the- horns of mr and mrs jo hulls aabgrcrve on monday even ing to tender the newly married couple a mtsoellansous shower mrs e o adams of cincinnati ohio who ha een vlaltln with her slater mrs l 1c flack returned home last weak miss mildred fleck ar eompanled her and will anend a couple of month vuttlng in the united state many friends in town will regret the removal of mr and mrs il c cowl to toronto last week mr cowles wa the courteoua and obliging agent the suburban hallway atatlon here tine the opening up to a few weeks ago the council ha been asked to ub mlt a byinw to the property owners to guarantee the bona of h corks 1 co for 111 000 with which to wipe out the present liabilities of the firm and provide a worklrux capital to carry on pie business last friday morning three vsluahle young hhorlhorn cattle wo bull and a heifer belonging to r c mccul lough ware killed by a c n trala at the 7th line crossing it i said the animals got out of ths field through s defective piece of fencing left by the highway construction men they wars pure bred shorthorns and valued at i60 the georgetow crcjunery co have purchased the toronto xajrtproduots csx and are moving the plant to georgetown already a large portion of tfts machinery lsistilied here all undwpt dairy products wilt be-manu- feetured and it la anticipated that before long some 10 or 40 bands will be employed much ersdlt la due mr sake for acqulrln this industry for 0xattowii luraja attl when a qulckjy turning tontrjffarderhng nd rtaumsuocesalve crop wrenched 111 bwlyie gave voice to nn urimlstaknlilc groan and clappeu hla hand to hi aide mr peaelee tbouftiit the lime had arrlvwetwhon he wa entitled to know the reason i d know a it any of my bualncs nudd he remarked hut you act sir you was nhout used up this mornln and if you lo you nnotln t try to help mo with this curdwood i guess j ess make out to load it alone what you been doln gettln a h 1st some way to lame your mr nudd scowled and rubbed his aide again tenderly now that hi necret was out ha groaned at each movement but he did not seem read to offer any explanation what u it rheumatixt aald mr i oaalee mr nudd hook his head no i alnllje replied it aint anything but mywn temper that i ought to bo old nough to take car of only i don t seem to be it nerves mo joai right to bo all lamod up this mornln uy rights i ought not to be able to move a j fnt of mp my wife says the same thing tool mr peusleo hawed hi surprise well well ho aald soothingly and then after a moment hs added feel like tejlln a feller what happened not that i want to pry you under stand mr nudd leaned against the pile of cord wood to ease bis aching aids and looked at mr peaslee with an e nlon in which shsme and a scnjijoof tho ridiculous were mingled he clear ed his throat as if uncertain how to begin well keuup he said at last i ought to be shamed jo ten anyone how i come to be lamed up this way but seein you ve asked me im goto to make a clean breast of it to you only id take it as a favor if yqu tont mprwad it round town moren you have but my wife a likely to tell yourn about it so you mights well bear it from me in the fust place it all happened he went on grant ing as he shifted his position on count of that cosset lamb x give my wife a year ago when he wa n t blggern a rabbit bis mother died and my wife took him to the house and managed to aave him so i give him to her seeln he d have diedtlf it hadn t been for her it was all well nough while he was little except he was always round underfoot where a man wa llble io trip over him but after he grew big he got to be a regur nuisance bnttln open door and auch things so only l told my wife she d have to let me put him down with the other sheep where hed be out of tho way she found some fault with letun him go bed got so he wss aa much of a pet as a kitten to her but nnly x told her x want goto to be bothered with that sheep round tho barn ail the time so abe give in but complained mr nudd deject dly the aheep dldn t giye in o easy fust place i had to fairly drag bun down to the sheep pen with bus gin back so bard ha all but pulled the holts oftn himself and when i gbc him there and come off and left him i don t blleve twa twenty minutes fore he was back to the house again he seemed pseased to get out and my wife helped him 1u always be lieve finty the other day he got out or she let him out i dknow which and oome up by the back door and managed to upset two palls of paint x had there and that started my temper and x tookn told her that the very next time that aheep was ketohed by me round the house hed get hurt well last night mr nudd grew rod in the face and seemed to find words difficult i corns home from the post office jest after the begtnnln of dusk and when i rounded the end of the shed there was the sheep by the back door x didnt waste no words on him but i started for him callatln to kick and cuff him back into the pen badn t fetched him moren one cuff fore he turned on me keuup confessed mr nudd it was kind of icy there and the grounds a mite ehtityln ao i could n t get good footln and to make tho story short tore 1 could get away hed knocked me down ond butted mo halfway to the barn one tunk comini on top of another and i aln t puttln u mite too strong when i say that to day i aln t got a bone nor a jtnt that aln t epre he like tovo stove me all to piece my sakea said mr peaslee had be ever acted like that before fur you knowt that a where too only joke of the wholo thing comes in mr nudd re piled trying to grin come to find out twmsn t my wifes cosset sheep at all twos that pew ram that jed pipers bought that weighs niorea fifty pounds more n my sheep i thought he looked big when x tackled htm hed got out someway and strayed over to my place has ugly that jed a soared of him himself but th my wire he added it jeat a moral end a lesson she pints out that if i d kep my temper i wouldnt have tackled any sheep and wouldnjt got hurt and lookin at it that way ha concluded with race t dknoer but ehs right a tip to the bride a if the man you married ho never pottered around a house and been one to mend and fix things you had better become familiar with a row ordinary tools that are necessary in a home because you will find it mucb easier to do little things yourself than to nag at hubby to do them 2gp bird ehdcatmbxiybur c 2go pogewrdvookj j good cheer open grate heater selfobr window display a- now stylo quebec heater that resembles an open grate stove has folding doprs in front and stove may be burned with doors cither open or closed has spark guard for use with doors open this is a fi eater stove that must be seen to bo appreciated we also carry a full line of quebec heaters and quebec ranges with all attachments w d talbot we deliver economy the watchword of tpday why not save 25 per cent on your fuel bill we can positively put money in tho pocket of any person who uses coal or wood in a stove or furnace our patent device easily attached to any smoke pipe provides safely economy prevents trouble and costs but little representatives wanted in each locality the automatic fuel economizer co 199 victoria street toronto aw t a r spedmlsjx rexfenxsx sedan the now low prices of mclaughllo- boick bring these cars within easy reach of thottsands of l who heretofore consid ered them as being out of their price class it win take only a few xninutes oi your time to have as oxplaln how you can purchase any mcxughiln bulck out of current income by means of the q h ac deferred payment plan spdrsix fobpastenfer coop sp9cit six brutato coop 1 specutsix zloumesssrwo 5fa wrjat do you mpan by luxuries when some young people spesvk o luxuries tbey have in mind silk un derwear and so much rich food that at forty their digestive systems wui be wrecks although some luxuries are silly and harmful there are others you should claim as a right all of you should have eooesa to the best books and luckily all of you can the best seller are eomeumes bard to get hold olv if you do not have the money to buy them but those of you who wish read the master- of literature should have no trouble in securing music is a little harder to enjoy but thanks to the player piano vlatrols and radio it is no longer out of anyone s reach the family on an isolated farm can hear haderewakl play his aflnuet or krelsler render the llumoresqu not once in a life time but every evening friendly in tercourse la a superlative luxury if you have friend to whom you may open your heart talking of matters too sacred fo discus with wry ch corner you should count yourself rich however auch friendships ure possible to all people are sadly ilmltod 1 the word luxuries u- goat to them uq thing more than stuffing their stomachs and doming their bodies this sort it wa that spelled the doom uf ancient hume on the other hand the luxury o good books good music and good frlenda aievyour inalienable right ataj instead of weakening your fibre they make you finer and atronger m worth while to yourself and to others s v king representative for this district xteorgetown ont v j thetime to advertise there s nothing so mybteriously funny au a newspaper advertisement tin prune first last and alt the time object of an advertisement is to draw custom it is not was not and never will be designed for any other human purpose so the merchant waits until the busy season comes and his store is so full of customers that he cant get his hat off and then be rushes to the newspapers and puts in his advertisement when the dull season gets along- and there is no trade and he wants to pay his rent be takes out hfe advertisement that fcvuome of them do but occasionally a levelheaded merchant puts in n bigger one and scoops in all the business while his neighbors are worrying to pay the bills there are times when you couldnt stop people from buying everything in the store u you planted a cannon behind the door and thats the time the advertisement is sent out on its holy minion it makes light work for the advertisement for a chalk sign on theamewalk couddo all that was needed and have a halfholiday aix days in the week but who wants to favor an adver they are built to do hard work and should be sent out in dnu days when a customer has to be knocked down with cold hard facts and kicked insensible with bankrupt reduc tions am dragged in with irresistible slaughter of prices before he will spend a cent write this down where youll fall over it every day the time to draw business is when you want business and not when you have more business than you can attend utalready the time to advertise is all the time u kfcbrlhitfrrt

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