Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 5

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ji u j yflk tiifc liuhe of ijp artott 3fre xeaa uctawt selttlcd town wecklua ol ontaio the acton kbee tress u publubed txr thuraday mornlon mt the pre we uulutni uu1 stftcl actus outvui the ubictlploo price is ott per rear in advance iseiage u charged additional to office id the united state tha data to which aubacrlptiooa are paid la indicated on lb addreaa label advefttisinu ratestranaunt advertlse- ratnli iq ccnta p hue agate nuaura tat oral insertion and i ccnta par line lor each aubae quest insertion contract duplay advertise ment a tor 90 incbe or more per taaun if cents inch each insertion advertiaeneata wltn- clioo u1 be laacrted till torbld out epedfic direction iu and cnarcvd accordinelj il p moore president and editor g a dills massac sad asaulsat kditor telephones- next vote ijkdy o be for total prohibition dominionwide prohibition of the manufacture importation exportation transportation and alo of intoxicating liquors as a beverage is now the- ulti mate goal of the temperance forceof canada or- gmrations arc passing resolutions which will be parsed on the government at ottawa and a refer endum at the next general elections is hoped for through the king government many people will vote for prohibition who did not vote for the ontario temperance act because it would place the officers of the law in a better position w check illicit t raffle while its benefits to the people at large would be incalculable thursday morning november 13 1924 editorial j a sane movement improve fire protection and reduce insurance rates acton is supplied with the best possible watcr- fei works system for domestic purposes and a satisfac- j tory equipment for the ordinary fires of a small town our water is chemically pure and the supply ample for years to come to meet the natural growth k of a progressive town such as this r recent fire at the beard mo re tanneries demon strated however that in case of a conflagration where longcontinued pumping would be necessary continuing for half a day or more at such a fire our tank and reservoir bavo limitations which should be augmented a solution of this difficulty is fortunately avail- jrtawe at a very reasonable expense messrs beard jmore co have installed in their premises both f electric and steam fire pumps of largo capacity and ithey have the unfailing volume of fairy lake behind tfeera with an unlimited supply of water conveyed bto these pumps by gravitation this firm is very naturally interested in having our fire protection im- gproved inasmuch as id addition to their large works rind theip commodious warehouses at the canadian national railway station they own eightseven dwell- tnghoiises scattered throughout the town and they nay onefifth of all the taxes collected in the town ktbcy have made a very generous proposal it is this f jf the municipality will extend the eight inch water- works main on john street from agnes street south easterly a distance of 215 feet to their pumps con- nection will be made thereto and the town will then i behave the advantage in a case of a disastrous fire of yheir electric and steam pumping plant and an uq- quilted supply of water continuously at command the water in fairy lake is spring water the j source being springs in the third concession just a vinh and a half away and it is therefore as good as uthe average water supply of the small town but in order to avoid any possible danger of contamination of the pure water supplied by our waterworks a ilorinating system of the most improved type will fbc installed to chlorinate all water passing from fairy lajce into our mains in case of it being required for bghtidg a urge fire the chlorinating system would erate on the water passing into our mains only swfcen a large fire is in progress immediately after the fire the cblorination would cease the valvo being closed and locked and within two hours all the turpi us chlorinated water will havo passed out of our mains this system has the unqualified approval of tbe provincial board of health for farther protection of the tannery premises itbe constant operation of which is so vital to our towns success it is proposed to make a further exj tension of our waterworks system by laying an eight- ffocfa ipain from main street into the tannery premises to t point on the line of the main siding of the canadian national railway on the property it will v surprise many to know that there is not at present fc ahydrant nor main conveniently situated for fire infighting in case of a fire in these large works ejt it is estimated that the waterworks extension from gjjohn street to the bear dm ore pumps with necessary ttvjiydranu connections and the chlorinating system complete wjh cost 2q00 in fact the company an tees its installation for that figure and if the s cost he less the town will get the benefit of the reduced amount the cost of the extension of the mains into the beardmore property is estimated by f the engineer at 3500 and this is tho amount asked for in the bylaw j the consummation of these plans will place acton fin a much better position with the fire underwriters g association our pressure would bo much higher and absolutely continuous and a considerable reduction jn insurance rates would without doubt follow it is estimated that the reduction in insurance rates which jv may reasonably bo expected will reach a far larger g sum to the in of the town than any increase in taxation neceasajy to moot the debentures issued tj cover the cost of the extensions proposed tv that the bylaws introduced by the council cov- tf erlng the above proposals and which are to be sub- mitted to the electors at the annual municipal clec- tions on the 1st december commend themselves to the people of acton was amply manifested at a meet- ingot the acton chamber of commerce last thurs- day evening there was a largo attendance of busi ness meitand jeadlng citizens present after a f thorough discupsion of the matter with technical explanations by municipal clerk farmer and infor- matlon by mr n hgardenrof the beardmore cetn- fjt pany and by fire chief mcdonald the members v- preset t signlflpd their endorsement of the ac hemes by a unanimous vote of approval and passed a reso- lutlon requesting the council to call a mooting of jqlcctors where tho matter may bo full elucidated so rythafall may have an intelligent grasp of the situation making the highways safe for all everything that can possibly bo done to make the roads safer for travel and especially for night- travel for nil vehicles shoyld be done even if most people arc willing to take chances of being spilled into the ditch by a passing car that has come suddenly upon them in tho dark or on a foggy pight they should not be permitted to add to tbc risks of rravcf to save the small expenso ofnpjjoviding lights for their fiorscrawn vehicles the wardens of the counties in okuofo were in conference recently with tho provincialttbgislaturc and it has been agreed to advocate legislation providing that all veh clcs using tho highways at night shall carry lights this should not require to bo advocated it is so evidently fair and indeed necessary that the legislature should take it up even if tho government dqcs not introduce a bill it has been factootjong delayed there is no argument that can be advanced for requiring motor vehicles to carry lights that docs not equally apply to all vehicles indeed it would be well at the same time to impose a heavy penalty upon anyone allowing cattle or sheep to run at large at night they have always been a nuisance and something of a menace to night drivers even before tho days of automobiles but much more since iv l a glimpse at british politics british politics as manifested in an election cam paign such as that recently held in great britain have many features interesting to those who are outside und looking on in the election after the defeat of ramsay macdonolds government sir harry brittain a conservative who had been the representative for acton burrough was opposed by three other candidates a liberal a socialist and an independent on the hustings the candidates in this burrough as elsewhere were heckled mercilessly during their speeches respecting this phase of the campaign tho acton express said most candidates will admire or envy the atti tude of sir harr brittain who while answering questions so far as he or anyone can of vital import has resolved courteously to ignore the others by giving the general answer that he de clines to pledge himself on matters outside the recognized programme to which he stands com mitted in other words he prefers to be a representative on what is of paramount impor tance rather than a delegate on sectional de cisions of 101 minor points the average parlia mentarian should enjoy tho right of listening to j arguments on antivaccination the stone of destiny the importation of ijoneysfrom spain better orotegtion or fortunetellers tt general suppression of sunday trading the painless ex tinction of brewers and so forth when they come before the house and of voting in accordance with his ppened judgment if sir harry bri tains example were- followed it would con siderably lessen th9 nuisance nowsuffered by candidates and their agents his attitude if it makes any difference at all to the net result will probably tell in his favor amongst the general public tho questioners preconceived political ideals are generally revealed by the tenor of their literature and when they -come- to the ballotbox they vote for their party candidate whatever replies they may have received to relieve their anxiety on side isucs jt is interesting that sir harry was reelected by a large majority he is a popular member of tho british parliament we found him an excellent host during our visit to acton last summer yiddish now npd then ws hear tho quostloii what u ywrtlaht there ar munta of tho yifiuh ihutar and at bookn writ ton in tttkt tlulect and dopnltlon of it muu1 lo the popular mlml jtio term one that admit a roiimlriorublo ihtltuilo the jew now llvlnjr in hue la are 1eeondnt of thu who immigrated there from air- many eovornt centurletj ago at that tlpi iheeo iieoiileapoke an imperfect anil ruthpr dehuaed german whlch urlrloalfv differed little from the local tlliilect from the middle ithlne although they lined the ilebre totiicuo in tliulr aynaaoauea they took to wi itlnr in hebrew character tho ifrmiirl which made their popular npeerh thua tlioy not only myatlfhd the kuaatnna hut kept their tntalneaa irunaarllona aecret the tongue woe cuur ylddlah from the german judlnch the ayulctn of writing one language in tie character of another la more or lu widely in uae nutalde of ylddlah hnmo of the iluaaiun jewa ho honrcrj enitlrd in thia country write english in jlnhrew character it often hap- lq that while the unlearned claaaaa or n country can maater a epoken language not their own they are ln- cjioahlu of ualng the written alphabet ho it may happen that even if a oor man eneaka french to perfection h may employ the oerrnan inatead o tli roman chntactera when he aeta it 1 u onu letter acnt to the btnto depart ment nut lung ago proved to be a me puule it wu written in eek alphabet hutwhfip the or itegnn to apell itnput the language quite vunllkc oreek finally it waal aub- iniumi to a greek merchant whp wai veil uaed to thewaya of the orient d he at once explained it aa merely french letter written in the creek charactera to him it waa a olmple proponltloq for letter written h ofeek by turka with turklah char- aclora and in armenian with greek charactera had been a common pi oe of hu dally buelneaa intercourse ylddlah la an important language because it embodlea bo much of tho history of the wandorlnk and landlea jewa m why school teachers go crazy editorial notes the net debt of canada decreased by- q 057770 during tho month of october in spiteof a decrease of approximately seven million dollars in ordinary revenue ordinary expenditure during the month of october was approximately four millions less than during soptember amounting to 10000081 strange isnt it before the plebiscite vote on october 23 everybody moderationlsts and all were down on the bootleggers and everybody disowned them now that they arc being sent to jail for their violations of law the sickly sentiment o sympathy in certain quarters is just a trifle amusing jail for the bootleggors appears to be a very popular demand from all quarters it must include tho big bootleggers as well as the little ones however among the violators of tho law none have been more persistent thanthe brewers and dlsjillers of the province the proposed new amendment should pro vide that all unlawful sellers of liquor should be jailed what la a plymouth ilock laya hnrdbolled touch hent pupil one egga teacher what la a guitart pupil a dlaeaae of the head teacher who waa homert pupil the guy itahe ruth mje famous teacher what la horse power pupil the dlatnnce one horae can carry a pound of water in an hour teacher what ts a grnaa widow pupil tho wife of a dead vegetar ian teacher spell receive j puull oet uqht reading it le interesting to find a familiar theme considered from a now point of vlowi it la more interesting to flml that there la a new point of view from which to consider the cverdlaouaaod tragedy of namlot in luat hently the other day two women met on tho threshold of ue village library hho who waa goliig in noticed the book which her neighbor who waa coming out waa carrying and remarked 1 didnt know mrs minna that you wru a reader of fihakespeare mrs lllnna looked aologtlc wo 11 mia ilruwi aald aho i ulnt given to wuatlng time on light literature gen erally epeaklng i really ulnt with a family the aloe mine im too huay but tfocttrer been telling me i go 1 he down overy duy ufter dinner if i dont want to go all ti plecoa an give him another k of nervous prostri- tlun a good nc as knowa i oant af ford to lo tliat he suitlolako a nap hut i told him that i couldnt it aint in ma im aa wide awake u hody aa thqi la atlrrlng from aunup to aun- down an i couldnt go to aleop not if t held my eyea ahut by main forcv so then he aald tako a book ilo down and take it book and dont pick out anything aand or edifying but take the lightest thing you can gat hold of and put your feet up und pi hers to our back and if it aint na good na hy its the next beat thing wellj it certainly does eecxn aa- if here couldnt be anything lighter and leas edifying than plays i dont knot what my pour motherd say to no disapproved of playacting n ehowa stronger than anybody i ever knew 1 remember i used to feel it quite a grievance that she wouldnt let me go to the clrcua when i waa a glrl but some real good people feot different nowadays and under doc tors ordera thata why i took out a play and of oourae 1ve heard tell of shako epeare as the beat play writer and oakad ltty to ask at the high school whloh waa hla beat play and a said hamlot well i cant aay fancied the glance i had in the library before brlngln it away with ma but i dont nuppoeo hasty jedgments are good for much ao i took lt after all perhapa itll urn out moreontertaln- lng than it looks to ba anyway im goln home to mind doctors orders right uway light ulrature alx pulera and a softy and if i dont improve under em it aint my fault- well im gtud to pear you found it eo interest ing lnd you are enthusiastic well maybe i shall but i dont hardly think ap good morning lyour ba k nap xwellj teacher what ii large at ship pupil kr ten dahlp the worlds teacher what pupil ita the saya boy a u poise way a dutchman what la the climax of n aaya to be con- teart story r pupil vwhere tlnued toacher what la bigamy r iupllan insanity that man to pay three board bills inatead of two teacher what la t rfurmfvr pupll0ne who aeeraa to enjoy ielng that others do not have any fun an alert chief a man who waa wanted by the police had been photographed in atft different positions and thf pjctureti wer olr- culat4 amnng tho police the chief in a small town wrote headquarter few daya later aaylngi i duly received ptcturea of the six mlacreanta whoa capture la desired j have sated five of them the elxth la under observation and will be taken soon golden thoughts courage courace heart look up do you not know the blue sky la away up there beyond the clouds helen van ander- man the only way the only way ta have a friend la to bo one emerson as the sun seta lt us conclude by euylnff to you what i have loo frequent occasion to say to my other remaining old friends the fewer wo become tho more lot us love one ariother u franklin an assursne we are in gods hands brother shakeapeare vioe aho virtue if you tell mo of the pleasure of vice tell out its end too for it issuothtn death evep as virtue leadoth to ufa or if you think fit ncrutlnieo them both even before their end for wo a hall aee that vice hua a great deal of pain attached to it and virtue great pleasure nothing la so painful aa a bad conscience nothing more pleasing than a good hope s chrysoaiom scalp eot scottish footballer was aa bald aa a billiard ball but managed to keep it concealed by means of a cap and wig in one match however aa one of hla opponents look u roelhot shot at the goal wlggly got hla head m the way of the hall und the wig and cap were knocked off when tho hrat player saw the result of hla shot he seemed thunders truck cor a moment and then exclaimed quid heave na ive scalped the man i the tourm comb bigger and better than ever schoc4 ul sod tfcat wg uiu too t so special articles sikrtsss 200 short stories stsbr start a yeah today offer no s 1 tha youth tm for b all ramblnlni waaklr an fpr s2sq otfrbl a m ah he lvavft umvmm tkej lwcei 1 e mccejta maarawhva x0 ao for 300 vwwttxiim r wonder if the poll tail is looked after in new market us it should be the special effort in oriljfa this year to collect this tax has added 800 to the town finances compared with a very small sum lost year so mo of our exchanges go so far as to aay that snco the ladies have been given the franchise they should also be taxed the same as men this opens quite a debatable questiontaa rnuny of the ladies are not in a position to carp their livelihood the same as men newmarket era reeves hampshire and mclntyro are quite juati fled in their opposition in tho county council to the scheme proposed for the county to build a new countyprovinciai road in nelson township to connect tho torontohamilton highway with the dundits street highway surely tho county has made suf ficient expenditures for nqw roads and bridges in the front of the county for one generation with our county debenture indebtedness tho highest poi capita of all the counties of ontario surely ita time to halt at your service in tiim vatxi a ikumonfl fancy hwlfttiy uitn to tholtqhta qv crotiiieh fall and winter apparel of every description including all tha newest style fancies and at prices that invite comparison anywhere arc now being shown at our spacious store we are rrbw equipped hotter than ever to copo with tho everincreasing business coning our store and respectfully solicit the continuance of your valued patronage and also extend an invitation to new friends to come and judge this store for themselves we are always ut your service with caurteoua and honest treatment ix brill co phone 167 georgetown unsurpassed for pure rich flavor salada i green tea is superior to the finest japans young hywons or gunpowder try it today fueuhpu if 9iee tu dflll uquot uum7 team business directory dr j a mcniven physltln and burqhon oflloa knd ilmtdcnoe corntr uowar atuu and fflln htrl tordnto dr jy oftobohto eyesight specialist will be at a t brown drag slore aclon monday december 3 anyone sutterlns from eye- strain defective vision or headache should not raise tha opportunity of consulting tbla eyeaixht specialist consultation free offie hours 0 su m till b p m dr e j nelson vkkdk1ucic htuui5t aston ontario legal phona mo m p o llox t harold nash farmer m a dairlatsr selfcltor notary public i cenvay sneer etc perrvman block acton ont mom by lent on moittoaoks iloura jo arn to s pra- saturdays is 00 oclock h a meir barrister sector notary pub lie oaerown dental 3nt- i dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor gradual of toronto unlvesr- alty tb latest anesjthetlo used tf desired offlea at rea corner mllj anla dr f ggollop dj lda offlest oar bank of mora hot i to bj otnta bt ajpalntmiatit miacellameous frxnos nunan account tnwba os mo af made xo cmrefajry batmd jig pfty mod rjtocuptty aoaeb veyndhajn otraat ooalsb oot over wuuaudaf btcn better rubber footwear at the regular price if rhino rubber foot wear wernt better if it didnt wear longer we would not support the ironclqd guarantee that goes with every pair these facts hold good with all rhino rubbers note the protector flap on rubber shoe illustrated it la an exclusive patented rhino feature it effec tually prevents dirt manure snow or moisture from getting inside this footwear is made from rhino rubber the tougheat and most wrar- resisting that science has yet discovered which will wear up to twice aa long as ordinary rubber insist on jrhino foot wear compare the wear h l habhison did he leave any insurance the first question asked by george castlos friends when they hoard of his tragic death in an automobile accident was qui to a natural one a griefstricken young widow two wideeyed wondering children a tittle home partly paid for here wco proper enough reasons for the solicitous query of true friends and george castle had no insurance if your death came shortly would your widow bo left in this position wpuld she after the hrst paroxysm of grief had passed faoo long years of want with dull despair crowding lov ing memory from her heart protect her future wili a north american life policy tho attached coupon will bring you complete information on how best to do it north american life assurance company solid on the continent head- office toronto canada f c walls district mngor 504 bnk or hamilton bliig hamilton ontario hnio m yout 1utuuiit llio vhil ut lolkty atmiuh af ocouihtlou t r j kerr auctioneer and heal eaiale agent 17 toaxs sxperlnce acton ontario sales entrusted to r j kerr re- cvlva attention from data of its tin to data of sal list your eajas with me itaaldenc ilo war arena acton fbona acton call at my expense you aee on ufets check erboard watch your next movei via a thorouan trainlna at guslph business collect 1 sccul course j 2 complete tqulitaienl- 3 hwsinem eximiilmictml ltmliut tom 4 simjclnl kucltltu fur loatliik graduates htudnta are now n tiro ii int tin jnnuury term helatur today by tnall hone of onlca call ltioiirt hflfiw queuii business collkok oumnior lilda- quultih a u douck principal and proprietor lgravlng osrioojowvfer tt6rowto canaq good glasses i yod need ifcem good advice if you dont j our xamlnatlona toll whether your need u olaaaoa or a change a d savage optomatrlat to canadian paclflo railway co savage building lllcht at the eost offlcu quelpn ontario it old and heuable granite and marble works wa mrm mannffcotararai and dlreoi imports of all kinds of acpnumentaj and ndatona work w al dlreo to oar cq mt w nrloaab unas battac ottr mutotnam 40 par oenc wo bar tho boat ppllaiinaej and tbo only moobsuuoa in tno dominion who omn oparata pnoomatlo tools property wo osa atro rafarauoasj from bundroda of our majtnsuama tn toronto and other plaosa wbora otbara bar to bare law sulta in ordar to oollacc wo bav um tarsaat anq boot atook of oranlte in tha dominion or mora than any tare deajen in tha we wi are u1u- mat doojani and aanploy no tguw and do not annoy or pat ouatoniera by n oat imonwt anb aollott- inc ordata wo ampioy only meoltanloa and dofy oampotltlon hamilton sons quelph ont toa

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