Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 6

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v v v v- -i- vir j 0iipartnn3trw3pbfl tiiuhedav november u isj4 mv doq i know tie has more heart than brains that ha nut very wlio iltit ti would vivo tils life for mo i ncu it in hlu eyes i imvo no jiumnn friona would do am much as that for mo vuu nay ha u a bother care- needless expense that ha loaves hairs around and muddy tracks upon the polished floor and that hu eager pawn have left long scratches on the door well what oftpatt i care far more for tha true friend of mine than for the vurnteh on trie door or for the floors bright ahlne my dare pro too tot gantle kind with him j nuw not fear and when he gtries in my eye with hla brown eyes ao clear uead on my knee and gaily wags hu spiral of a tall i know full well i have one frltfnd j whose lovo will nevor fall iouella c tpoolo thb sunday school lessok for sunday november la etyv fir m vears aoo from the issue of the free press of thursday novambar 17 1904 thanksgiving day thonkaatvlns service will be held in 8l albana church at 1080 this morning the boyo and glrla were skauok 01 the ponds on saturday and monday a meeting or the business man in toreated in providing premises and equipment where young men may apend their winter evenings will be held in the council chamber next tueaday evening- the flrat of a series of winter con certa to be ivan by acton cornet bond waa held on tuesday eyaning when a splendid prorromme was cor rled out consisting of four or five new selections by the bond selections by the orchestra aoloa hy mr a c chap man humorous numbera by mr jeans flute solo by mr booth- cornet duett bymsssra moaon and lake the concert given by- the teachers and pupils of acton high school last thursday evening- waa an unqualified success re j c wilson b a preefded and numbera ware given- by the high school qlse club aoloa by miss lexle clark violin aoloa toy mr w w beardmora readings toy mrs a t brown and mr w stork aoloa by mr a c chapman a violin aolo by mlaa mabel chapman a piano duett by misses florrle speight and mamie agnow xhetrhu sceae of the mer chant of venloa waa put on odmlr- ably for an entirely amateur setting the pjlnctpal porta were taken by measrs oyd smith h torem v coleman vnfcoodeve h nlcfcllnv 2l frahkma frank havlll and misses ruby clark ahdfenne smith mr h 3r carruulers the municipal electrician aant in hht resignation to the council on mondaynjight to take effect on december 1 born scott in- brampton on tueaday november s 1904 to mr and mrs a p scott a daughter died morisonin acton on tuesday november 1 1904 thomas a morl- aoq agwj fortyseven years anderson in acton on tuesday novambar is janet mccallum rollct of the late jomea asderson tn her ebjhtyninth ysar eath annual live stock show mammoth prsparauona for thta in- tertiatlanat event at chicago the maaaceaent of tha interoauoa- alxjva stock spoattloo ja maklns j btmt preparations for the ataainat of the quartercentennial oalabrmtiotf of thia wprldfamoaa ducatlonallnatltu- upn kt the chicago union block tarda n6vembr m to ieoember from odvanoe itldleauona this will b the largeat gathering of the agrt- cqltural intareata of america ever brougit s together and many apecial oocaatdns will mark thia hbtory-mok- inr sroal thoaa lnteraat4 in the basic industry will make a special atitoct to attend thia great roundap of thi- agrarian resourom of theoahi tlnentajsa enjoy a week of pleasure and praflt at the metropolis in coiuminoratlon of the importance ofihu ventcotigreas by special act bos iuthorlsed tha unltod sutaa da- partment at agriculture to award official adaia to all wlnjiera of first prises and obxmplpnshlps in tha live stc oonil ahow v jtba rjepartment itself will oil an entire exhibit hall with a display- of 1u vorlouallnas of activity fresidsttt coallde ajtd other- hlgii government officialawiwpoctftorw be present dnting the exposition th- intenuiuatuu wver stock hbt- position w1u- nerinternatlonar in oharaetesas well- aa in name- ta audtuontothe canadian eibiblts and delerations several foreign oountrlea are expected to be represented throe famous live stock judges ore ooming from oreat britain and one fronv the argentine to act aa arbltors in the various contests amods breeders and feeders btituofit evening entertalnmenu will be held each night in the arena fea turing society horse show and a ptarrmnme of exciting- id entertain- lni netiu beduced raurdad rlttes wtlibe tn eltact dumngthe veest of theahoy there is no poisonous ingredient in hollbwaya corn itemover and it coif be used t dftmrar or i n unrfttunatc invefltmcnt the story which s the companion printed of lbs man who paid the minister bis marrutge fee in yearly dividends according to the value of be malrlmonlav goods is matched by one which the philadelphia telegraph relates 1 a southern clergyman had married a pair of negroes after the cere- txttcmy the groom naked how much v yttvcfeargiafo dlst yvut aoid ths minister ri usual leovej that to the groom fiiw- am iisin rihi rtal iiiiiniri ten money pahson tell yo what ahll do ahll gib yo two dollahs an den ef 1 an i aint gat vtshoated ill gib yo morin a mqnf a month later the groom returned ab yore tak all promised pabaon yes sold the minister expectantly ah tot yodut ef it waa all right ahm gibiyo nuj monoy ahn f pu m wlphflf m auj yepe o fftft 9 gpfoloytmn ah reckon yo owe at about dollah an eurhtyqvtf oents an ah oomo ter aitlt ri f it 8ha saton th stfpeat evenude knjoylns the baunywsir re came andluked mgyz sit by your oidpr and she rawotsm a vacant atatr v hello ixnteeit slmnle mid tfhravtr thoipas set lecirlo oil le soalain1 in apvucatlou i thafarhild van undertland the in structions used aa a llnlinent the only direction p if to rub ind v when used as adraeslng taerptn the dlr- eetlpns are so plain and unmuttakabie that they ass readlb understood by jrounjg or ow 3r dock it mattkit wiiat onw ukiikves conobhniko chkist matl 1ij0 dqldon textthou art the christ the son of the living ood matl ib la tha temt explained veres lcaeeare philip pi under the shadow of mount harmon philip the tetrarch had given the city the name caeaarea in hondr of tlberlun caesar who- do men sayt- jeaus objbot in asking thur question vda doubtless not so mucjrfrom tha dssue to gain information km to the popular feeling toward him am to srtmulatethe dlaciples themoelvee o formulate their own convictions verae 14 some aayv john the bap tlat becauee of- the close identitlca tlon of jesus with the work pf john the baptist nd because of the general expectations of meselanlcklng itwtta not strange that some should confuse the two persons especially as john had disappeared from publlo view so soon after jesus began his work compare matbll kiljahlt was popularly supposed that elijah would reappear at the ushering in of the messianic age mai 4 e matl 14 jeremiah- or one of the prophets the some belief was held regard in r various prophets yrse is but who say ye that i mt ha now demands thar they express their own convictions cutting- loose from hearsay verse if simon peter answered not necessarily as spokesman of the group but with ready initiative ex pressing hta own belief thou art the christthe son ot the living- ood peers view unlike the popular opin ions which have just been expressed that jesus is the messiah not a prophet forerunner but the king himself the representative son ofqod dan 31 hoe 1 10 deul s 2 verse 17rslmon barjonah that is son ofjobn or jonas flesh and blood hath not revealed it this may be paraphrased as- follows thia is something- which you did not get simply from the reports or others the voicing of a popular opinion it la rather the result arrived at jby your own thinking under the guidance of the heavenly rather tveree lfctbou art peter and upon this tpek this verse bos caused a great deal of controversy the roman caiholio church claims a literal in terpretation and asserts that it is built directly upon tha person df peter him self and derives lu authority rthe keyc of the kingdom of heaven etc versxr4s immediately from nim the prbustant interpretation is gen erally that the christian church rests upon the- foundation of- testimony which u the expression- of personal conviction of- christs divinity as peters testimony was verse so then charged he the dlsi clplasat this critical juncture in bis ministry it was jidt expedient that the followers of jesus should give pub licity to their conviction of bis mes- slanshlp such a- course would give only too good an occasion to his enemies for making against him the charge of treason and cut prematurely- short bis work and influenoe lesson thetnes the approaching- crisis the public ministry of jesus began with a period of popularity the common people flocked to hear hlnvand hong admiring ly upon hla words the sick and the afflicted came to him for comfort and felt bis touch so great was his popu larity that it aroused the jealousy and opposition of the offlolal element in the- jewish church the scribes and pharisees moreover hlg teaching undermined their outboricy- and dis credited their insincere fbrrsailsm at the time when the incident described in this lesaon occurred affaire had reached a crisis it was evident that serious and probably a tragical break waa impending the disciples are prepared in order to gain time for meditation and reflection and the better to prepare his friends for the coming- strain jesus withdraws with them to the region of phlllppl some fifteen ur twenty miles to the north of tbebea of galilee and in a region thoroughly romanised he there raised with his friends ths question as to the popular estlmate of his nature and mission the better to introduce what he has to say to them the first answers do not reveal any particular insight on the pari of ths disciples but bare again peter with his customary lmpulalve neee and qutapcken enthusiasm makes ja declaration which must have warmed the heart of the master and at the nannrtims aroused to a deeper thougfal- fulnegs the other disciples this is one of the great moments of history highly dramamo lnlta setting and algnulconoe not peter but his smith in view of- the enormous pretensions of ths pope and the roman church based largely on this text it la well for us to remember in the interpretation of this passage the careful distinction ob served quite generally id claaalo greek between the word petro the mas- alve living rock and petro- the mediterranesn was ongp whole worlfe church is built on the massive living rock tpetra of prophets and apostles 10 unity with chrtat built upoi the foundation of ie spstlee an bfo- pbeto christ jeeua himself heller the chief corner stomv bplf jioj for othea foundotlof caf nq man lay than that which is laid which is jesus of this living petra simon wa- fragment cjtro firm and qnyleld- ing gnd hence worthy in the estima tion of his master to be aurnamed pater peter then la a worthy type of tha christian church not- however the foundation oh which the church itself rests jesus commended pater far this clearcut etatemsnt oonoernlng himself and declared that upon this rock i will build jny churoh the reference la not to peters personality but to his ounteaeed faith the great foundation upon which the ohurcl to be built was the asaurant cut and atnphatlaox r discussion did the events of his lesaon take place t what was the purpose of jesus in seeklpg a place of aaclusloot what waa the subject of hie conversa tion with th ulej pies for what event was it the preparation t what question did jssub ask who made the most important answer dlif it meet with christs approval t what was peters groat confenelon t what hid jesus eay oouoernltue the founda tion of his ehureht bid he refer to peers personality or to peters faith show that the dlty of christ latha moat distinctive teaching of the chris tian jrellglou dally pleadings fer next week monday november 1tluke ft sb a tuesday november li b 94 ju ib wednesday november its kings i lll thursday november jo matt 3 mit friday november 118 peter 1 1 ii- saturday november tt rev lj it m sunday njovember itpsalm 1st 1- worms feed upon the vitality of cnudren and rhuurgte thsjr uvea a the mediterranean was once the whole world from a marine standpoint today it is but a small part of the marine world but wheti tho traveller of thlsi other call upon cadis spain with century passes through the strait of gibraltar and mokes a tour of the gateway porta covering al geria greece turkey syria palestine egypt italy and mon aco he has visited tho very birthplace of the- world and seen most of the things he has longed to see from early youth wori- derlust is in every breast young and old and today the world la on themarcb seeing strange peoples and visiting places loom ing largo on historys paces have you looped the loop around tho mediterranean is a phraso much in voguo and each year thousands of wanderlust- folk are totfly yon and wleh that they wuro going to loop the saute old loop again the lmpreaa dtcotlond if a big steamship of 2e00o tons gross register arid 17500 tons displace- ment could be interviewed would say that she waa deporting on her fourth annual cruise of the maui- terranean- from new york on feb- 1826 anl that although ahe could find her way around in the dark she would much prefer day light so that she would not miss any of the wonderful scenery of the mediterranean passengers on tho empress will see madeira then drop in to py m call upon lisbon portugal aa well as anv seville as a side trip gibraltar the famous rock next gets the pneo oyer and then algiers capi tal of the french colony of algeria is visited athens oreece con stantinople and the boaphorus are next and when the ship visits beyrout and haifa all the famous places of the holy znd are with in o abort distance of the vessel the storied r nllef awaits tha empress and i days are spjsnt in seeing the oltles of alexandria and cairo the pyramids the sphinx eto then naples pom- pell rome monaoa cherbourg southampton and other places 0110x841 see a lot in 3 days in and about this cradle of civilisation and thata the job of the big oi- burnlnc empress of scotland ths largeat vessel in the whole canadian pooiflo fleet motoring from toronto eastward an enjoyable journey over the kioo- ston road highway in qoed- company acton is now very favorably altuat- ed so for ss good motoring routes to toronto or a concerned three very good highways offer a choree of scen ery and environment the torontpsornla highway is now sufficiently advanced so that all the detours but one have been removed the one exception is on the centre rood in peel couqty between bramp ton and cooksvlllennd the detour is easily negotiated this route gives a plendid road by way of georgetown norval brampton and fromcooks- yllle into tordnto on the nowly-oon- structed dundee street highway another excellent road ls now com pleted without n detour of any point this is across to the seventh line down that lino to poatvllle and thence in to thorcity dn dundee street the seventh line now baa seven -or- eight miles of ctrilent roadway from drum- quln clear through to dundee street third alternative la down the aecond line through milton and an to palermo where the dundos street highway is reached this route hoe tje picturesque winding road down over tho- mountain with the attractive view from a point near the su helens crossroad overth scotch block and on to lake ontario- one morning- last week tho writer drove over the fleet of these routes to toronto there to take the kingston road to belleville with albert oollego in that city aa the objective wo were joined there by rev dr ebown gen eral superintendent of the methodist church- and mr b j moore who is also a member of albert college board driving due east from the city along the farfamed kingston road over rolling hills through unexcelled agri cultural country one keeps the blue waters of lake ontario within glimpse on the right passing smaller towns and pictureequa ecenery the fieurish- ing town- of whitby la reached at twentysight mues on the cyclometer such a drive on a bright warm autumn morning is exhlllaratlnig and there is revealed scenery most pic- tureeque no entrancing with the wealfh of manytinted foliage the apple orchards laden with ripe fruit the flslds clothed with the restful green of winter whtat and rye of fell- tilled areas of farm lands and with crops of brownhued buckwheat readt to be jlrawn in und housed added to these were shocks of oornand piles of yellow pumpkins and barrels and boxes of red applesvocked ready for shipment in the orchards all along the detached but large fragment thoi nve rollm further aot from wh1iby oad runs through tho centre of oahawa recently erected into the status of a cty anjl noted as wh th home of the make of th motorcar we were driving ami sever4 olhar popular makes of automobiles tha manufacture qf wbloh hovo oontrlbut ed muohvtowaxil tha unbilwctng o populatlon d of territory homes and other buildings j both whitby and osbowa hove lake shore colonies with numerous resi dents there during tho summer continuing eastward we drove through bownuuivllbsneskaertnllea fur ther on here a call on m a jamei and his sons at the office of ths statesman was on incident of pleasure six miles vast is newcastle where the great musaeyialaroms or- llited tr tiuated massey coinroodioue community iutlon generously donated by the maaoeyharriaco of toronto as a memorial to the town of their origin the- building is an imposing and com modious one in it are housed tho towntoet office public library a large auditorium committee aud raet rooms port hope is fltteeu miles eaatward and cobourg la reached seven miles further on at cobourg we ran into the apple orchards of eastern qntarlo thousands of acres of them the crop here was v fair average one the cur 1er varieties had been picked and shipped but tha winter surta were sttli on the trees tha oootlnuously dry weather of ootubr had rather disastrous effect upon the orchards oontlguoua to the hlghway tha dust had settled in ojouds upon ho beauti ful fruit until every apple was coatod with the red oheeks jut peeping through here and there this dust caused the pooka muoh and xtn9 ih preparing the fruit jtur market cahouig will always be rememberod as the original site of victoria uni versity the argrvnlyoralty flstablished in ontario and lis enrllor graduates remember with mingled feeuhgs of reverence and pleasure the student days spent on old oiuarm uand graftmu- wloklow-tcoibwnibrlbrb- tonjbmlttluld nd trentun auooes- ive towns atta villages an route to belleville ore all in the large applf oi this section mod in by the peninsular county of prince kdwardf to the south runs in a narrow and curving shore line to open into ths main lake thirty or o miles below and near to kingston the city of beilvule nestling on the north shore of the bay of qulnto with the river moira carving a channel in the luneetock rock through its centre was our objective it was reached in time in the afternoon to attend ev meet ing of the building committee of the new albert college whose fortyfive acres of campus is beautifully situated oft or rising site from the bay on the westerly limits of the city the visit to belleville was delight to all of us to father and son tho time spent tn the balls and corridors of old albert college our alma mater long years ago was a delight sessions of the building committee and of the board of management were attended and particulars of the pro- gross of building of the new college were ascertained the main building of the mow- college containing recep tion room assembly hall leoture balls dlnlns boll kitchen gyronastuniswim- mlnft pool and ataff quarters is ereev ed roofed and enclosed and one unit the dormitories for students and teachers ls also in similar condition the cost to date hasbeen 8190938 of which has been paid it will require 1135000 io complete the aplen- dld edifice and- toward this- there are subscriptions of upwards of iftaooo the building is of imposing- architec tural lines of the style known as ox ford university architecture jt b bullt of stone quarried from its site and trimmed with artificial aandatonc it is roofed with slats and has alt modern equipment for beating light ing sanitation and general appoint ments jt is expected the building will be completed for the opening of the college year next september to rev xh baker theenergetla principal and ths local members of the bulldinit committee much credit is due far the progresamade and the excellence of- the work of erection a pleasurable evening waa spent at the qunte hotel as- guests of the rotary club at banquet- at which sir robert fnolluier chanoellor of toronto university gave an impres sive address on the romance of canada- the return trip also hod much of pleasure and bad aa additional members of our party mr w h hop per of cobourg secretary of the board ond mr b n davis k c of toronto ajao a member of albert college board wortna by the irritation that they cauae in the stomach and intestines deprive infants of the nourishment that they should derive from food and malnutrltion is the result muld ers worm powders destrgy worms nndooriect hf morbid pondluann n the smaah and bows that are favor able to worms m that the full nutri ment of the ehlld is asaured ond development in every way encounured a miqhtv appetite in robust ages and in a more prim itive society there used tb bo much popular hrferest in the- sort of com petition lb which the prise went to the nw that oould dispose of the largest amount of food in a given time oontest of that sort woo organised in mining- town in the north of tslngland one oonfpetltor a giant collier abc feet in height and brood in proportion suc ceeded indisposing of a lsgof mutton a plentiful supply of vegetables ond a pluuk pudding washed down with copious draughts of ale be was unanimously declared the winner and was being triumphantly eseourted home when ha returned to his admirers and said jn luds say dont say nowt a this to my old woman or she wont gle me no dinner i results mike win passing pats house and saw pat painting hla home on a hot summer day with three heavy coats he asked pat 1 he wus cold and pat said no- but the color card said tp put on three coats to gat the best results t 00 twbrshlp grant to ju fairs esqueeino geunell granted 9121 to georgetown and s2s to aetan- at ths october meeting of coqueg ins township council all the mem bers- being- present grants were made to the two fairs held tn the township as follows georgetown 1 13500 acton tiffo bylaw was paased to borrow 5000 for current expenses collectors of taxes for lilt w appointed as follows ward no peter mcglbbon- ward no t henry may word no q b thompeoo ward no m el turner ward no h zjndsay ward no alex mckay the motion passed at the meeting on september ss to pay john ford i1sdo was reacinded james mcklnney norval for repairs to road machinery 91 to william a frank xs cedar posts i so percy waxstaffe oiling vfaah- out lot 28 on sth line geo davis norval work on new culvert job board grading 15 elderoad thoa p watklns balance due on road division no 10 j c mclaughlin norval work on road division john appelbe hauling- gravel- john glffen is yards gravel o morse tile canada ingot iron co costing for grader bell telephone co uccoimt kins edward sanitarium weston board jf h gll- llngtioxn william ostrander balance due on rood division no it j c mclaughlin man and team job board tcraplitg- side road gordon leslie grovel on- 8th una john lawlor grading on sth line a l- j t marehmept construotiar concrete culvert a tvrtgxiesworth on salary as superintendent i sam hetherlngton work on slderoadno e m t 8 robertson balance on account jas h wilson for dynamite and blasting gravel pits guelph general hosplul re maintenance of mrs maakle u jas mclaoac 20 yards graven- georgetown hydro coaunls slon 11 lights n s so 4 00 70 45 1 o 11 40 5 50 u w ts s co ss 00 s 00 ss 00 the toxee on west naif of lot xf concession xl l northwest quarter of lot 17 concession 11 amoununjr to 3tofl5 vfos returned against mjd pro pty ana the treasurer was instruct ed to return the same to the county treasurerw w j ix hampshire reeve j trooyr clerk g b thompson l bennett aaaeasors were voted the sum of f coo each for the selection of jurors council adjourned to meet agfua on monday november it at uo p m cheepeet- of all oils- considering the qualities of dr thomas- boleclrlo olt it is the cheapest of all prepara tions offered to the public it is to be found in every drug store in canada from ooost to coast and oil country merchants keep it for aale so being easily procurable and extremely moder ate id price no one whould be without a bottle of it value of alberta chop the total value of alberto hold ond fodder crops for the season of 1v31 is placed at 171osfts04 by the provincial department of agriculture as com pared with s100543m4 for the seasoi of usx the total value of all agr cultural products for 111 including field and fodder crops animals slauxh- terd aud soldi dairy product wool game and furs poultry and poultry uroduats etc is placed at ss33s1 410v compured with a t tout far 1si3 of h504rsbd value of live stock in the province laplaocd somewhat lower in lblrthan in 1s82 the oomporatlve tlgurea being lo04blfil for 1ss and fumilut for ims cooler night and lower prices on wood these oqol nights when you do not need a flro for long- is when wood oomea in handy- to tales the chill off tha house and what will be more welcome jiews is that the price hss been roduced and the following prices are now in effect mixed subfl 300 load htrdwood 3b and short wood j ujqq load twt body cordwood 4 foot tagtfas 1000 cord and at this season of the year it is mora profitable to do your oooklng with wood you worm uie house at tho same urao and your fuel dees double duty t ea0h a9 ad 18 guaranteed a pull single corp d a henderson phone jfl j we deliver promptlv railway time tables anadian nationaw at aqton m jjo x no ii no 11 ko no no is atindmr oolaa wat fi oo 10w ojh i 11 cia tt oo pjn 810 pm i 1020 un si tax no muwcffality of acton the second instalment of taxee folia due on tuesday november is for the convenience or all concerned -payments- may be made at the bank of montreal second instalment november 18 this second instalment must be paid on or before that data failure to comply with this arrangement entails extra expense and trouble an addition of ave per cent will be made to every tax rate or a remaining unpaid fourteen days after the aatd 18th day of november for the aecond instalment and it will be the duty of the bollectorimmediately after the sold several days appointed tor payment to collect at once by dlstresa or otherwise und of the provisions of the statute in that behalf ail sucb taxes or instalment of taxes please take vour tax notice with vouto the baflk when making payment w j reed collector daily bxcept bunday dolly dlly dmllr dolly i imuy dolly dur more power v than is really necessary more speed the chevrolet valveinhead motor hss a surplus of dowr much more than is ordinarily needed chevrolet has speed under favorable circumstances it will move the speedometer to the top 6gurev true chevtoloya maximtm power and speed la jirttpj if every used by the avenco owner but u livca confidence to the driver to know that in cue of emergency this reserve of power and speed is at his disposal moreover chevrolet is built to withstand the strain of speed and bard oeage the sturdy chassis the new electlf type transmission the unproved t semiflamtlng type rear axle with spiral bevel ring ear and pinion axe all designed to give more than ordinary eervice because chevrolet la built to stand the strain it continues to give eco transportation even after years of service juk om aooac thm gmac dfemd pywqt pita svking bepbesentative for this section caul on him at or write and he will call on you georgetown jlwcumhl two pmooosov olmplowid tavafi fmtit luouir at trintohth wm- oavo whrm yl hpthi islo ihf tjmt 0t- qttlnto whlollllap isi k robpi syrup rm the fiutetutoh a vivacious old tutor of tooting day and night on the flute would be fluting when they cried go away i t all tho louder hed play- that obnoxious flutetutor of tootlnff your- aothwta toe the efficacy of dr 1 d kellqgge asthma remedy is not something that is merely to be hm fort it is- to be expected it abloom falls to bring relief and tu your own individual oaae it will do the same so universal has been the suooesa of this farfamed remedy that arery on afll toted with this dueose owae it to himself to try if mqther 1 fletchcrv ciatoria u a bswess substitute for castor ouvregoric teething drops tad soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and childrcfyall ages of comtywtloii i wind colic flatulwcy toiswfeeten stonracb brarchca regulatc bovyila ruds u the aosbroilatioa food d natural sleep withputvopuities to stqld jmlrttinnt arejoya look far tha igtutnre of clnrlu provtn dlremkwt ofl ctcji dekoge fhyslejaoa my w r ft no 36 j no so no s no ss no is i no si sonday illsajn s46 pju 809 pjn ssbpm j 70s pjn- canadian national railways weetboend dally shtcopt sunday v dally dally dolly dolly diuly dally dolly dolljr dally 742 am 04s am j14s un 14s pm 343 pm 543 pm 743 pm ml pm 1232- turn eastbound 748 am 043 am 1143 am vaa 43 143 pjn i xitn r i 848 pjn 74s pjn 94s pjn- 1l40 pm stotsbt delrrered by special express frelicht freight picked up st any ad dress in toronto order storm windows now get our money saving prloe list show ing- freight aid coat of etorm windows glased compike any else thejialll- day ctk ltovhomliton ontario t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders lest t ee gibbons uain stratotdt acton village of acton nollea of resrartrsitson of bylavfj notice ls hereby given that a by- law wss passed by the municipal council of the village of aoton on the twen tieth day of october 19s4 as number 5s4 providing for the issue of deben tures to ths smount of sl0stb4 for the purpose of defraying the cost of the construction of cement sidewalks recently laid within tho sold village and that such bylaw woo registered in the registry office for the registry division of the county of halton on the twentysecond day of october 1934 as number 19l any motion to quash or set aside the soma or any part thereof must be made within three months after the flrst publication of this notice and cannot be made there after dated this thirtieth day of october d 1sj4 181 h n farmbr clerk diamonds of quality fl like most other things dia monds may be either good- bad or indifferent a bite diamond is distin- gu shed by purity of color freedom from flaws and quality of cutting fl these characteristics com- bino to produce the are and rare brjihsncy tbst is the outstanding quality of every true gem flwe handle diamonds of fine quality only these we buy direct in urge quanti ties always for spotcash savage co jewellers guelph ontario the prince of wales simple life how he really spent his last vi it te hie ranch at high river lcdltor charles clark of tho times of lllgb river alto good soqf is ho resents the published report that the imnce of wales lived the simple ufa while at his ranch noor that oeittni of the aunny province hera la his protest bhnplo ufa ut high river absolutely absurd tin prince had a strenuous and real good time while hare for did bo not may ha was loath to leave hla canadian hotnut during the six days ut his runuh he attended the masonla lodge on an other occasion he pinned hoapluil ilnw on twoyoung high river muulolpalj graduutes flabed trout tn tha rirearo that courses through his ranch eliot prairie wolves secured u fat uati of itungarlon paruridgea and pralrlu chjokans then ha rodejover the ranoh usslnt- ing in harvest operations stookud tt oata helped to fill the alio and on ttm last day of hla stay at his ranuh no super inunded the abotlon aolo ur lilx pure bred animals and hobjuobb with his nelsbbs i friendly faahlon tt reads much as if his royal neea might hove spent bis time in coillnowooilutieaw v vfe- w t

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