Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1924, p. 7

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t s f births msrrlafes and deaths sis no charred for at the folio las rauit dlrtnt wei lurrlirti 0ki death m menlocul cord joe 10 per lias rftrs lor poem born on novmbr tin ihflmkr- toronto oenerat hospital private i u vlllon to mr and mm arthur 1c illllmnr n c arleno meqibbon twins iwiy mil girl married watt thompson on wednesday novmbr c 1934 at the ljltle church around the comer new york city ly the rector the kev j ii iundoiph nay maynard kings mill daughter of mrs jmwwrl v thompson to frederic tom pu ton watt n a il both of ouelph dreo mroiilvln tllllaburg on saturday isiovnmlxjr it 1924 don id is mcfllll huabanl it tho late beta white lapwniej at the family homestead lot 1 concession 8 erin on hetur day november 8 is 2 4 elisabeth yomth wife of ilobert ixwrle hi 62nd year afetaviflll at her horn lot la ronceasion 3 frio township on huriday november 1m4 nancy hlack beloved widow of the late dougaid mctavuh in her 80th year faxtub on sunday november 1924 at hla father residence 116 conaumoe street toronto harold rtuart beloved son of the rev dr 8 w and mrs faille in hla 16th year haydon suddenly as the result or an accident at mount dennis on monday november 1 1m4 doris daughter of kir and mrs william jlayden formerly of acton axed 10 year in mbftforfam cttaio in loving memory of our sister mary h craig who reported this life november ll 1111 p peacefully sleeping resting at last the world a weary trouble and trials are past in silence she suffered in patle0ee aha bore till ood called her home to suffer no more sadly ralased by sister and drother tn law and family mr and mk8 j barb f pin arlmt frm jfrgflg thursday novjbmbbr ii 111 n brief local items 4 christmas falls on thursday advertise your lost or found ox tides prepare your christmas advertis ing now happy home comings were nwn crous over tho holidays time to set the storm doors and storm windows on now th armistice day moment buertoe la always impreaslve advertise your stock astray and any that have strayed to your prem is acton municipal nominations will be held on monday november 5 tho elections a week later last friday the temperature at mid day rose to is d on baturv day it waa down to 3 the walkertof arena bylaw waa finally nuashod at osgoode han on friday before mr justice wright there isnt much difference except that in the case of the radio concert yudont have to chase the needle advertisers have an important message for you head advs ag well as now youll and iota to interest it la reported that there wiu be drop in sugar price ahortly a the sugar beet xroa la th heaviest 4n years there were 6 sfs persona in the county of halton whose nameajcere on the voters lists who failed to vote at he plebiscite election glorious autumn weather prevail ed on t day the sun shone brightly and the temperaturo was warm ana agreeable saturday waa poppy day in acton and hundreds of popples sup piled by the veterans vetcraft com mittee were disposed of six full weeks nave paassd since there baa been e rainfall of any ap prodable wane tuesday nignfs shower merejylajevthe dost mr anmjrs cwftsrckeown have moved vnfco their tins newhpme on the second line jcrtn and will sw4 be quite a vomemn the new premises business ax lb mason knitting vius la vary prfaskr r mr mason is this week installing an additional winding machine of considerable capacity a citizen wfav has lately become enthusiastic over hu new radio aays of his neighbor if h goes to bed before midnight he has had bis radio set for some lime news of local import amateur play coming to acton st george plqyjiea of georgetown are again to savor acton with a new play entitle 1 what happened to jones on monday dermber i in the town uall acton keep this date open for u very enjoyable evening armistice oey well observed armistice day wus ol served hero on tuesday as well m on monday the town flag was flown at half mast and beardmorc whistles sounded at 11 o clock nnd the employees of the work observed two minutes of silence ns usual 00 armistice day a memorable dsy when jury b come around eaoh year tho thoughts of mftny canadian editors and their wives will turn to on of the most memortfble daya in their hve the saturday in 1934 which they spent at buckingham palace on 1 on which they were presented to the ring an 1 queen pembroke observer the- lonaoeminued pry spell the six weeks of drouth in thia county has produced aerloua condi tlona in some of farming section es peclally on the clay lands th lack iof moisture haa caused many of the wells and amoll creeks td dry up and na a result some farmers are 00m pelled to haul water or drive their a handsome toronto heme construction a toronto journal devoted to the architectural engineer ing and contracting interest of can adot devotes three full pages of illus tratlons of the splendid home of mr charles a- o rllat thews on dawllsh avenue lawrence park toronto splendid photographlqjlewa of the exterior interior ajid noor plans are given and the in t creating descriptlvd matter gives added interest- siialfasg pksaa offers congratulations to this esteemed former member of tho staff upon the posaeaslon of bo line a res dence and expresses the hope that he and mrs matthews will be long spar ed to its comforts and the beauty of its floral environments huntsmen violation the law complaints have been made that certain persons have boon shooting black squirrels in this vicinity lately this may have been done inadvertent ly but hunters should understand that the shooting of black sqnurebrts pro blblted in halton countysome per sons have lately been guilty of hunting on sunday tho qome and fisheries act contains this clause no person shall on the lords day hunt take kill or destroy any game or use any gun or other engine for that purpose another clause in this act says no person not a british subject and no person not residing and domiciled in ontario shall bunt take gill wound or destroy any game or carry or use any nin except under the authority ofihanae ballots that are ballots mr john s coleman of stevens point wisconsin thoughtfully sent tin fas passs copies of the ballots used in the presidential election on the 4th inst the presidential ballot measures i4xj2 inches has over ioo places from which the voter is t choose to mark his cross and con tain as many names from which to select his candidates a second ballot for the state governor and other staid and county officials is 12x16 tnche and has places for marking a third and smaller ballot used at the same election is a referendum ballot and has six places for marking the intention of the elector and refers to throb suggestive amendments to the constitution verily our friends to the south of us have a contract to fill wften they go to tho polls took to water a good many ctatcrxur 1st manifest their esteem far this are dry etnd some ftfrm wells are nfeect ed obituajsv mrs douoald motavish one of the old resident of this community passed peacefully away on sunday when mrs dougaid motavlah of lot 13 second line erin was called to rest mrs mctavish had roachc 1 the ripe age of ninety years until three months ago sho was able tit be about the home since then tho in firm ties of age confined her to her bed mrs motavlah was a nntlve of the coqnty of itauon havtifg been born near campbellvlllo in ini she want to the homestead where she died as a bride in lqgl and the whdle or her married life was spent there her late husband dougaid mctavish pre de ceased her twonty four years ago their family consisted of throe sons and three daughters the soul sur vlve donald on the farm duncan in acton and william in toronto of the daughters only miss katlo is uv ing since her fathers death she has leon iter mothers companion an 1 sup port and to her loving care and soliol tudo the declining years of the beloven mother were rendered comfortable mrs mctavish was a member of the presbyterian church osprlnge for many years she lovod her church anat she loved her nible and faithfully she taught its precepts to hr children the funeral tues lay afternoon to evert on cemetery was largely attend od byfrlondji and neighbors anxli mother in israel her body wtfa tend erly jad to rest beside that of hoc husband in the family plot kev mr lindsay her pastor officiated x mrs root lowiue neighborhood news town and coiintry baul1nafad mr brnle rogers of the tenth lln tvas jjndvr the docfot s earn lost week lut is improving mrs henry hluhcock has been quite fll the post week mr fred bhortlll jr on the slok vt and is unable to tend his work 1 special thanksgiving and anniver sary services will be conduoted in tha llallinafsd method 1st church on sun day november la by jlev j culp uracton at 3 46 and tto p m special rauala will be provided by tit mstho- dlst church choir of georgetown oflprinqb mr mj jfttnnlng ofnrampion has juld hla farrn reoently purchased from ilwood peavay on the second una nnir osuvlnge to wra hoe ouelph h at mr ttoo has lturcbasod the farm for his acnidk recently a petltlotl dear ing many unanimously indorses the two by laws far waterworks ex ts rlil one tha most largely attendod meeting of acton chamber of commerflo since organisation was held las thursday evening the mooting was 00m posed of the leading business men manufau turers and lending oltlseris of the towi h p moorffmtit jfrmldcnt intro duced the mmter of ihf bylow pro posed by tns minlolp council pro viding or sxtehslon ofy our water works mains to odnntqt with the uonrdmors pumping plant snd lha xiensloit of s tntln from tho main street waterworks main into tit premise of btardroor a co the bylftws wsro read spd sarutlu- lied auxuse by daus and general dlkcuiion followed mr h k jtsrmor municipal clerk who was invited to be present gave full information re specting the bylaw and their inter pretation tdr n u gordon of the aston tannins company aognw interesting information th proposal of iho uietauatlcm of n chlorinating plant for treating thn water from fairy lake 1 n trod u ood into threonine in tho event of an unususllj names was directed to tho inspector of railway malls requesting m batter service tn tho handling of mall on the erin to hlara division as a result a lnrge n was satufaotorily xplalnd travelling tetter box will be carriedon it was shown from englneors state- tho trains from cataract to ejora far menfs that tho water would bo cblor tho convenience of persons desiring to tnatcft automatically from the moment post letters nt any of tho stations milton special anniversary services were held at grace anglican church on sunday the preacher at both services being rev dr seagar provost of the homo of mr robert w lowrie trinity collego toronto ho proach- albert hagon employed by austin a buck at omagh lost the thumb and two angers of his left hand when a dynamlt cartridge ha was handling exploded on tuesday a burlington woman called the police whan a toronto man drank pailful of water boo seems to hvr been surprised to find a toronto man that fond of wateomau and cmplr to the heart of country born the beauriful wesvtber of the autumn days bring longings to wander in the woods gather beechnuts and baas nuts and kick through the depth of fallen leave is 1 j m mr w j rltonio has gotten far enough in tho construction of his new horns on the third line to give the family shelter the ox- naupls of months xo catubd rirsfamlry much lnconvenlenoe rev j urs l b a of rock wood wfu conduct anniversary ser vice in boston church on sunday november is the rookwood metbo dlst male quartette will hav charge of th service of pralssv tho farmers who joined the co operauvo turnip association are landing by tha association notwlth sundlng that the prices realised up to last week were lower than the prloes being paid by4he independent buyers the ore bell rang alarmingly yes terdsy forenoon about ten oclock the firemen and eltlsan responded prompt ly sjidlt was ascertained that it was the inspector of too fire underwriters association who turned in the alarm ths anniversary service of the hornby methodist church wul be held on sunday november it the rev h caldwell of georgetown will preach in jftrnoon at mo and the rev isr patterson of norval in ths eren- itut the mtrcbaats of haaorer have signed fib ftetrtasnani not to glv or dnte to hy uuututionr oiuft ggotj nor to buytlckots to sb brsmpton young man shot on monday the toronto globe had the follow ing item yesterday brampton nov 11 george smith er a young man so years of age was accidentally shot while hunting with a party of young men from this town yesterday near umshouae and his condition is serious to day ho is in acton unable to be removed to hbt home here mr smlther was going through a brush pile when the ham mer of his loaded shotgun caught in tho brush dis the weapon he received gunshot wounds in the arm and abdomen tits faest has made enquiries respecting this accident bat has failed to secure any further partioujars the local doctors ere not consulted by the woundod uin and no one here appears to have emrd of the accident care with gomraunleable disease in case of any communicable dieses such as measles mumps scarlet fever eto appearing in a family the health act requires that the householder shall report the same to either the family physician the clerk of the municipal ity or to the medical health offloer- who wlllgiye the neces instructions as to the length of qusiantloe and tho usual care required in such sickness acton ha been exoeptionaly free from these disease in tn past and let us keep up the good record by reporting and placing under quarantine the first outbreak of any communicable disease that it may not be permitted to spread it is desirable that the tact be tinpaeesed on the minds of all parents that these so called trifling diseases if not given proper attention some times leave serious attar effects which ding throughout the remainder of life lot 1 fifth line erin was sadly bereft last saturday morning when the te loved wife and mother was called to her eternal home eight or nine months ago mrs lowrie suffered from an attack of pneutnopln from which she never fully recovered tuberculosis finally developed and about ten weckt ago mr lowrlo was confined to he bed the end came peacefully early saturday morning mrs lowrlo a birthplace was at cardiff in wulon and her maiden name was elizabeth yorath she was joined in the bonds of holy wedlock to her sorrowing hus band in 1b94 and tho family made their home in this fine old city until they came to canada ten years ago they settled in erin township on the homestead at present occupied their three children miss kathleen is a member of the teaching staff of the cardiff schools stewart tho only sou with the manufacturers life as surance company at calgary alberta and miss betty is at homo with her father mr thomas yorath a brother residing in toronto attended the funeral another christopher is con trollar of edmonton several brothers and sisters still reside in the old country the sudden doath of her brother w l yorath coroner of car din last april wss a blow to mrs ixwrlfrom which she never recover odu bus lowtle ws a woman of fine character always pleasant and agree bjbe she made many friends but it was as m wife and mother sho excelle 1 her home and loved ones always had her primary consideration and those who an left to mourn rise up and coil her blessed she was a member of the anglican chusch and attended st albans acton the funeral on monday afternoon which was largely attended was conducted by rev per clval mayes ma of bl qoorge s georgetown owing to the illness of the rector rev h a l bough m a the body was laid tenderly to rest in fmlrvlew cemetery after the service in sl alban s church ed two inspiring sermons to large con rogations speehil musla was provld od by the choir rev dr seagar also preached a special sermon at all saints anglican church at milton heights in the afternoon rosa shepley a lineman employed by tho hydro electric sustained sort ous internal injuries when he was burled to the ground by the snapping of a pole upon which be was working an tuesday naqsaqaweya the hydro line la being built from milton to campbell vlllc and the village will soon have electric service ilev mr uann who waa appointed minister of the methodist churches of this circuit last june has retired and may go to toronto a large quantity of valuable glmber was destroyed tn the etaser bush south west of campbellville by firo lost week a large number of neigh boring farmers and peopje from camp bellvllle jjut up a strenuous fight and got the fire under control an friday the old schoolhouse near the fraser farm narrowly escaped destruction but the efforts of th fire fighters aavod this land mark obetraction gnoses serious injury i load of hsy left on second ll caused motor car ts capsize le8lie8 school report for october fur leslie school erin waa as follows class v msxlorle reid elva john ston florence johnston jr iv loyola forestall maud ma caig uda crippa kathloerf mokoown hector mcarthur viola allan iii joseph forestall iil calvin ajtken willie john ston thyra stone tommy coolo an nle alt ken bessie forestelt gordon leslie mary mcculg lulu mccut- choen ii lots forestou i evelyn pesren elsie nelson james mccaig eveline lambert lloyd mokeown primer marjorio mccaig john for tell orval stone robert allan m mcdonald teacher acton chamber of commerce any of it was nsqessarlly introduced into the mains and that nil this ohlor inated water not used for the extln gulshlng of u nro would be expelled from tho town system within two hours after a fire the valve admit ttng fairy lake water is opened only in the event of a lire of the prqpor tlons of a conflagration and will be closed and locked immediately after the fire is under control tho connection with the beardmore pumping plant will give acton twice the pumping capacity and annjnllmlt edland continuous supply of water for flithtlng flros tho pressure on tho mains which are tested to carry ico pounds will be increased to that point if necessary add this will all tho re qulrbments of tho underwriters and give acton a chanco of getting into a more favored class and this will result in considerable reduction in insurance rates to ail insurers in town an ad vantage from which every owner of property will share tho result of the discussion was the passing of tho following resolution unanimously moved by william arnold seconded by amos mason that this chamber of commerce endorses the by laws in truduced by the ac tort municipal coun ell for the extensions to the water workt system and recommends that the council call a pubtlo meeting of cltlxens for the purpose of discussion of the question and giving fall lnfor matiod to the ratepayers respecting the advantages to the town of tho proposed waterworks extensions these by laws will be voted on at the time of holding tho municipal elections on december 1 pahoerts fairs or tht mitwuulmtitsv or or dh5s the current memljvsttttnfaat jhsweft the paa churchs m lw arid ounf people jsewttaev interesting article tar mnat it sttvtw deir utuv tn ogjwl csfietf track beaut of alva stafford overcome with heart trouble me pell oownshar sl thomas nov 11 with morning newspaper near the head and coins from his trouser pockets strewed on the steps the body of alva stafford contracting painter in this city for many years was round at the foot of the stairs leading to hi apartments in west talbot strest this morning coroper dr d l jffiwln who exam ined the body reported that death ap peared lo b due to heart trouble and that mr stafford had been deed for several hours it s believed that he came out of hi apartments early sunday evening to go to hi sons residence for thanksgiving day and hat he- was overcome with a fainting spell id tumbled head first down tho stairs hts cap was on the landing at the top of the lair harrjr chnc another pointer dlsoov erod th 6cpr whn he found stat ford a ojfejr umtjer bis apartment lock ed and ivernl to look for th owner mr fllgfford wm born in acton about 4 yean ggo and came here in 1i0s from junges where he resided for 16 years imnuei tb canada upon tha death of his wife misses margaret and aa stafford or ouelph and miss olive of toronto and hiss hessl of texas are daughters and william h of thl city a fan mr altairord spent bis boyhood days in aotforl hostsalnj bora in acton however bmv came her u a child with hla pkrants trom qhlppaws about atatyaa w eii highly jbbttrobl last thursday evening charles cun ninxham was driving n load of hay from steve coxa s farm in nossaga weya on the first hill north of spey side on the second line the wagon broke down and ho could proceed no further with the loadv the hay was dumped off and mr cunningham and mr coxe who accompanied hlra pro ceeded to acton leaving the hay on the road during their absence i car contain ing two men and two w with the taxi driver from toronto came along at a fair speed not observing the obstruction until a few feet from li the driver turned into the ditch to pass in doing so the car capelxed and the occupants were somewhat seriously i jured chief mcpherson of acton and dr sutherland of milton were summoi ed the dr found that joseph jack son fred wllooac and miss fanny robinson were all more or less out bout the face and head and sustained painful bruises miss margaret famitfc the other member of the quartette and the driver eeceped injury the four persons were brought acton after the injured ones had been attended to by the dr en by chiof mcpherson they took the 41 car for toronto the damaged car wa hauled to a garage here glveb tern porary repairs and the driver returned to toronto with it on jtrifly when interrogated as to the dbjec tlv of th party chief mcphersan wu infomed by the driver that he was engaged to bring the party to acton he understood itjraa a man named phil forbes they intended to visit the car party informed mr cun nlngham they would bring legal action to recover damage boston thanksgiving services thanksgiving service will be held in boston presbyterian church on sunday november 16 service at 1 0 clock and 740 p m conduoted by rev mr stewart of rookwood tho methodist male quartette of rock wood whi have full charge of tho music wat air ok tjlsjao lira 52 guelpfa winter fair this week a oood shew in many respects but the poultry ftotrtas are meaar i forty fi unoual pjqvlnplal wlhter fair is ntprogres at ouelph this week the tact that tho alr opened on the holiday this year us aured a large at tendance the big building being crowded to capacity on thanksgiving day evening the judg lug contents have created unusual interest the first day the wellington county junior farmers club repeated ths 1 success of lost year they aored 1 4 if points out of a possible v 1000 jim tb mwi hanoi the mnjraal olasaee are well flfted but those of poultry are disappointing the general opinion aa expressed at the cnnuel meeting of the ontario poultry association ied1n tho coun ell chamber ai the city hallafbnday night wag that the show la ponpeo tlon with the winter fair hosone to the dogs holm of hie members thought that this was dun in part in the cut in the prlie list and k- w wad secretary or the ontario winter fair board thought that it was duo erin dr olbson of hlllsburg has sold his residence and drug store to dr hey rib ids of erin dr and mrs gib son intend going to california for the winter mr waldle steen said atghcof his obolce shropshire ram lambs to john miller of claremunt the other day for a handsome sum mr leonard tcwrey mimosa had over two hundred bags of choice northern spies this fall messrs harry gear and h c aim tin left last week with the caledon hunt club for the annual deer hunt in muskoka mr j mcmastcr bth line while lifting turnips on hla farm found an exceptionally large smooth clean single rooted turnip which balanced the scales at ib pounds messrs james muloy and nell mo cormlck hlllsburg went for their an nual hunting trip up north lost week mr duncan mcconnell hlllsburg is the proud owner of a peach tree which he grew from the seed it being nine years old he has picked peaches from it the last three years and this year he picked three baskets which were u good alse and very tasty some of them measured 7hx7tt tnohos burlington to the changs in date tha royal win tor fair attoronto hlch is being held wlthtri the week getting tho entries owing to the fact that they offered the money and there was mure honor j0 be gained by an exhibitor there there was tulk among tho poultry men about breaking away tjrpm the printer irgtr and holding a mpmrmtrshow in january or february dr a c burnett is spending a com le of weeks shooting in the slur geon lake district mr and mrs frank w easter brook nnd mr and mrs thomas j riggs alders ot have returned from a very enjoyuble motor trip through the states of new york ohio and pennsyl vania friday and saturday last dollar days in burlington were a big suj cess from arery standpoint and tha merchants generally or highly plea ed with the result of their efforts the old folks concert a hundred years ago to be given under the auspices of knox church choir is announced for tuesday november 86 mr w a irving of tansley reeve of nelson township won first and second prises on live bacon hogs at the competition held in connection with canadian swine breeders asso tuition conference held at ouelph our thanks are due mr o w rhynas of the rhynas a hon lumber co for a vary choice roast of vsnteon which was thoroughly enjoyed by ye editor s family a number of directors and member of tho chamber of commerce will at tend the banquet to lieut governor cockhu 1 1 uttoronto this month belegaten wero appointed by the chamber of commorr to attend tho annual convention of the associated board of trades and chumbers of commerce to 041 he i at toronto november so and 31 gatt enunofla plowing match a most sueeesaful event held messrs george end william gray e farm tho jbramosa branch of tho provin cial plowman a association hold their annual plowing match on saturday november l on tho farm of measia wm and georgo oray above rock wood the competition was very keen in all the classes in which walking plows were used the judge mr james mclean o richmond hill compllmentod the plowmen on the excellent wocfc done stating it to be the best seen in his rounds this fall the following is a list of tho prises awarded first class in bod n mcleod jno e- alton thos g hutchinson wubert talbol second class in bod jos l ookes john a stewart howard sinclair third class in bod james austin albert ioyco ross argo fourth class in stubble boys under 18 years archie teaker nop is sin clalr mfih class in stubble boys under 16 yours alex austin david parker fred muck r d dlakleson riding plow william gray w special irues beet crown in tint class n mcleod best finish in first class john e alton dent crown in second class joa l ookes beat finish second class jos l oakes beat- crown in third class james austin best qnleh james austin best crow a in fourth atuss archie ttfeoker best finish norrls sinclair best crown in fifth class alex austin beat finish alex austin best work done by il cockahutt plow norrls slnclalc best work done with a tolton plow alex austin sweepstakes in sod n mcleod there was a large number of visitors i resent to witness one of the best matches held in the township farm said after 104 years the moclure farm at churchylll which was sot dud by tho first or the mnclure family to coma to cansd t about 104yars ngo has passed out of tho family having been old recently by mr hamual mocluce ths 1 ressnt occupanj to mr hlai k of tront tor i3 000 this farm was ths head quarters of the moclure family aon ntatlone coming to cftin1 end is landmark in the sec i ion it was lisru that the grant family gal liar ing of ths moclure family was lis id two or thras years agu s which mr und mrs john harvey and messrs thomes and jultn moclure end sisters of aslon war ayosts big money for you llemphll s hav now made it po slbls for you to neooms an expert in short period of lime at any ut ih fol lowing venation aiitomellv kln- trinity hatisry wilding iirluslayips tlleseuink plastering barber ma beauty culture work maclmnlcsl dentistry if you ure hmbltu un i want a nincessful future mat now call or write for information u l king htrso w toronto ss 7 hone your razor leswer we rslara srtss bovss maybe you dont need glasses but you can 1 be certain until you have had your aye examined and examined thoroughly you may be dally straining your eyes and in juring them and like lots of other folks not know il bee us and be sure a w smith optometrist 120 uppar wyndhm st qulph comfortablo vision bpactallt for 26 yfcara clearing auction sale q farm stock and implements the undersigned has received in struotlons from fred moarthur to sell by public auction on lot 12 concession 2 in township of eaques ing on wednesday november 2fi 1024 ut one o clock sharp the following horses 1 brown horse 8 yeari old 1 brown mare d years old 1 grey mare 5 years old cattle i red cow fresh brwl again 1 red cow fresh bred again 1 roan cow milking well bred in july 1 roan cow milking well bred again 1 holsteln cow milking well j fat heifer z years old 2 yearling heifers 1 yearling steer 3 spring calves young calves pigs 1 york sow pigs 6 week old fowl 30 good plymouth jtock hens implements 1 peter ham it on binder 8 foot cut in good order deerlng mower 5 foot cut in good order i masse y huvrls seed drill hoe 1 massey harris land roller drum 1 steel horse rmke ft feet pig crate 1 bain wagon and box buy rock 1 set international sloop slolgtia new 1 chat horn fanning mil 1 bagger 1 cockahutt root l ulper 1 gravel ooxt 1 steel tired open buggy 1 steel tired top buggy 1 democrat 1 louden cur 38 foet steel track 3 slings v set light sleighs 2 cutters 1 uuffalo robe 1 jim diamond harrows suctions 3 doubletreos 1 floury i low no 21 140 fiat draw ri a foet trip rope hay and grajn 10 ton timothy hay 100 bushels banner outs harness 1 net heavy team bar new 1 set plow harness 1 sot light doubl h l set light burneas pulf 20 inch scotch collar miscellaneous melottc cres separator 1 daisy churn 1 dash churn i butter bowl und jadle forks ebain and other articles too numerous to mention terms ali sums of 10 00 under cash over that months credit wul be given on ap proved joint notes 5 off for cash hay grain fowl and fa ho if or cash positively no reserve roy hindley auotlonser erin phone c o plank clerk radiola in 4s mlf au4a fur otmtly i than tlwoutd tost yoalo maks ii tuu tuu iuvtf i tt 4ir u kadrfnm i utmd floft4rium 9uf bat uria tmd mnumma irndtua fa ow arte t amtm1 a t brown mill tit acfoh oki jlljli illixilo5bf jewellery bargains ilarsolna in watches a r il imirgaln in this line of wat i r suitable for gifts pric e 1 fr m 1000 to iojo0 alarm clocks these dark mornings y u need un alarm flock onco lotn fir work would be morn expensive than one f the dependable clock 1m to i4l0o fancy china and cut glass our stock is complete in theae jlnse a real treat ts in store tofyotl to look aver ouv stock ws are just opening up our christmas good and it includes an sort of noveltl hwh1nton viufcataka aad jcwdlcr to lata oaa hyna acrom xpnoaito mclean co thmhtor wtih uw ftfee boy maimed in gun accident son of hon james lyons sault ste marie bfrleusty injured suuit si miirt oriu tfoy tt earl lyoua 17 year old aou nt hon jsrlen lyos was o bdjy ta jiired in the left hand through the uoul lenui discharge or u duck gun hero yesterday that it was jettullanij 400 photo igralugj of noenes in necessary to ami utute ihe hand at olflcs town and villages give fte aenarul hospital vuung lyons it is understood wo nd r w r k ihe gun from u boat when it dlsohurgid tho left hand caught the whol charge of duck shot and u few pellets entered the left side of his fsce narrowly missing his eye these wounds however are not serious hn rushed from the family summer gs where ths shooting took plure tothe hospital the amp uta lion taking pjaoe immediately hon james lyons is in the city himself just reooyerlog from the shak ing up hs received in the motor uttci dent at srindsje recently jwho may vou on the money by isws to be submit tsd on december 1 in answer to the query who may vote on the waterworks extension by laws to be submitted to the elector at he municipal elections on decern ber it hj following information from th statutes lo gvn 1 the person gjlauflfd to vote on a money by law shall b hue entftlod to vote at a municipal election sylui the following exceptional it tenants other than those whose lease oxtunds for the time for whlob the debt dr ltublllty la to be created b farmers sons c income vgter d a person who 1 a municipal elector by reason uf being the wife or husband of the person rated or en titled to be rated for land 1 the nominee of a corporal j assessed on the lust 1 evlsed usseso- tnent roll at any time not later than five day bef re the duy appointed fdr taking tho vote a judge upon tho application of any pursun whose name is entered un ihe ilsf 0 vutifs prepurcj by the clerk or of spy prnon yu titled to be entered on that mt jnay tflw t ihu hat the name of any ruj ulw is 4t ir who name has pm wrong lv ntered on it nd may add to the iw ha name of any erson whose nsui 1 is boon wrongly omitted from tits list this is hosiery week at thin store silk and woot hose it is never too cool to wear siik and wool hose ailk oiusiifo and fine cashmere wool inside they are ery serviceable as well as warm in all the new shades circle bar hose at special 100 pair holeproof hose at special sim pfcv ladies black and gray cashmebe boss circle bar make at 75c 100 mot jl25 per pair ladies holeproof silk hose at suo0 135 lso asai fl35 per pair vssns black fine wool socks wo have only 5 dozen left of this sock sues 10 10 aad 1 1 good value at 75c special 50c per pnbr 200 yards of white flannelette at 40c yard the regular price is 50c a yard the width ts 35 inches it is one of our best imported english flannelettes warn nd soft regular price 50c for 40e ymxi ask to see uw new patterns in 4rardwide linoleum floor oil cloths in i vh and 2 yirda wkttte mclean co s mill street acton out week of reduced prices on all dreeb hats ktes1yjhweara shapes mounts and i flowers miss j galbratth millinery and fancy goods store pbone 109 mill street w briush empire exhibition number municipal canada a pictorial qaset leer of urban and rural life the special number of municipal canada a dritlah empire exhibition edition is si lendldly rpresentatlve of canada j its su i ago kvery onu of our nlnv pfpylncom is described lueu of the industrial und agricultural fuaiurrs in very otjtrantlye ftirm it cintnlns it lireglor apd wueeuer of many comeionulee in canada airmng vd alphabetically and letting particular opportttnttlca for investment of cquflul unfi homes for settlers it la a very satisfactory and interesting puhllca- tlotand reqectn great ere lit uihii thl oiganigatlqii pxoduoiug it there must htivebeen a vast atnttmnt of work ton nested with securing information f i this booknml orrangluv t in u system atle anunher the ktalolal publish tna cuoj alontw ate the publuin- boys school bloomers we have purchased u large assortment of these to sell ut fl50 ur new caps and shirts these arw of high luullty whl ii will tuke the eye of the well dressed man mrs a reesor mill street- acton economical baying it 5 very of ton quitp a task fo know just what kuad of meat to have of dinner of arfy otrjer meal in fact antit is very often quite a probltm ufter you have dcciet pu what you want to mukc it lit your pockotboot but both these problems can bo easily solvod at our meatxounlora otu ckpericttto ju lutting incuts lb proven to your ad vuutht every time you buy meat over our counters we can give you the most profitable cuts at he lowest prices quality considered of course wcpjuv not quoting prices this week but you can be assured of most economical buying if you allow us to cuter to your meat needs always ihl high 1 cut at the right ikiclv watch our windows friday and gftjuf cjiiy for specials w j patterson corner otxaiwstbeets acton ont

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