Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1924, p. 2

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f 1 v- i v vi w5r msswwv tf he artottrggyrgafl thursday novcuogr 30 i a song of saturdays bine n konff of saturdays band of irtytwo joining hand about the year what a mrry crew how they mkt the hour dance how they html wlthgleel yoe the happy halurday la ihi jay tar ma sine a uncut haturrtays inarls upon n rhln hun about the new year nock whan aha cornea again all among the other bead rink or blue or gray uow you love the abinlag gleam of n baturday hinit a itonb of saturdays ho in a- wreath firtytwo no big bright- who wnulil looklenaatht other days may be as groan other bloom aa fair yet n single tutupuy we could never spare fling ataong or saturday hcata along a road here wa halt to take a breath eaae the waary load hot another mlleatona poaaed toward the goal we meek then refreshed we travel on for another week abble farwell brown ffilpf sfrtvjpkw trapped in the jawbone dbn1bon tjukt results of fielb in8pectiqn of potatoes for certi fied seed the oqtatandtng feature of field in spection of potatoes for oertloed seed in 1u4 waa the almost ope hundred nor cant increaae in the number of application over the number reoetved in 1s with a corresponding increaae in the acreage inapected thla la lllus- trated by a- comparison of the figure covering the work of the two years in 12 applications for inspection were received from im7 grower call ing for the inspection of sjul acres while in 19x4 there were 1u0 applica tions for the inspection of 1707 acres another feature worthy of note la that despite this largo increase ttml acres or 7jf per cent passed the two field inspections as compared with 70 acres or 711 per cent in 1h thla woojd seem to indicate that not only has the growing of potatoes in- tended for certified seed became more general but also that copamendahle care has been taken in the selection- and quality of the seed ne mniirntlng the yield from the belds which passed inspection at 176 bushel per acre a conservative estimate- and allowing for a grading shrinkage of 40 per cent it will be seen that approximately lto000 buabels j po- tatoes eligible for certification aa cytra no 1 have been- produced thla year unfortunately the market somewhat dull at the pr time and the- return to the grow may not be quite so favorable as in some pre vious years but it h desjred to give emphasis to the fact that much of this high class seed is available in the country and potato growers deslroaa or securing- unproved atoclc would be well advised to make enquiry apart from the disease known afoaalo which was again found to be very prevalent and the oause of re jection dta considerable acreage the two chief causes of the failure of 5 pef cent nf the acreage inspected to pass were foreign varieties and in- sufficient isolation the former la controllable by the exercise of care the latter by tbeexsrclse of judgment jstoeaiq diiease la comm in the fltldbrineans of insects particuiartr v aphid the importance of planting potatoes intended for certification at aa great a dis as possible from any other potatoes la quite as obvious a la the ifact that where this 1s not observed eligibility for certification cannot be considered increased re gard for thla rule haa been noticeable this year k the above figures and remarks cover the inspection work a carried on in all the provinces with the sxceptton of jfeitlsh columbia in that province inspection and certification is bellur continued under the auspices of the provincial department of agriculture oaorga partridge inylslon of bot any- central rpsr farm ot tawa- two damsels ur o v abbott vrho made journey into haoedonia writes an idyl with a moral in relating hla experience in getting a drink of water he reined in beside a wsyalde fountain at which a young girl was filling her pitcher tbe damsel was very fair to look upon says mr abbott and i waa very thirsty so i said give du x pray thee a little water of thy pitcher to drink and aha replied brink thou and i will also withdraw my pitcher that thy mule may drink likewise and i carried away by the charm of the scene asked not fof informa tion but for the sake of hearing the muslo of her voice whose daughter art thou and aha answered mind thine own business o atrangerl and i wnt away crest pond- erlng over the- difference between mesopotamia in the days of abraham and afacedoula in my own as i entered the village of provls aseoond oamsal came forth with her pitcher on her shoulder she i not fair to look upon 1 made bold to aak her to direct ma to tbo house of the man to whom i was reoonim ed and she madejiaste and let down bar pitcher from her ahoulder and showed me the way and i bowed my bead and offered her a sthter coin which she aecllnad thereupon 1 offered her a waterlily from my bolt which aha accepted with a modest blush and forthwith ahe eeaaed to look plain verily it is npt always the fairest vassal that contains the aweeteat wine viai wo hundred and alxty million gallons of fresh water are i broukht daily from the water- i of th blrraa a dlatanco i hundred and nfly miles through vaijevamv mphavo ieeert aad bun cytnipv to thfj areat han twenty the schteve- the work of a group of engineers strange adventures the man who bult the mighty aqueduct but the moat dreadful perlence of all happened to willi uahv the young engineer in charge of the conatructlon of the inverted alpbon through ihe jawbona of sun canyon with far- seeing vision oshaugh- aeesy toe chief bad kllolted various portions of the work to his engineers young hajetwho had helped hla father on the cateaklil aqueduct knew more about carrying conduits tfcrosagorges than any other man in the corps so 0blthugbneaay gave him the job j of placing the atpbon in sun canyon the problem waa difficult from the crest of each canyon wall the inter vening apace was slightly more than sewn hundred feet aa the crow fliea prom the top of the aides to the bed of the canyon was a little less than four hundred and eighty feat uale saw at once that it was impractical to carry the aqueduct acroaathe jaw bone as the canyon was known at that point on a bridge he at once bit upon a solution the uae of an invert ed siphon the aqueduct a concrete tube tan feel high and twelve feet wmo wound across the burning plain like an im mense python bay by day the head- lings advanced up to the ytry edge of sun canyon they crept while the concrete pourerg sweated and tolled under the august heat ano ateam ahovels roared and drillers hammered away the hard rook in its course then hale took up the four month task of building- the great siphon steel took- tbo place of concrete sun can yon camp became a beehive of actir- cyt tenmule teams hauled in steel plates and casks of rivets from the temporary railway and an aerial rail way rorked by a donkey engine was built from the- face of- the gorge to lower the sections of the elphoh into position bay by day the alppon grew prom an arc of eteej twelve feet in diameter planted tn the bed of the canyon the tube ascended the steep walls like the two arms of a gigantic prong after sn of laborthe arms met the con crete tunnel at the top at the head of each- arm hale built a manhole by meane of which the tender could in spect the interior of the tube or mend leaks the siphon had been built of steel to withstand the terrific fall of water coursing at frightful apoe1 four hundred and aeventyfive feet down the north arm the water would acquire enough momentum to carry up the south arm the- day came when the flood of water from the sierra lake waa to be released through- the acquedoct the engineers were stationed along the great artjery to see that the section under the supervision of each was flawless karly in the momlpg hale arrived at sun canyon the hoisting engines were soon fired ready for any sale surveyod his handiwork with pardonable pride hla link in ihe great chain was perfect he had put the beat of himself into those four months of building with a derrick boy named coburn he climbed- into the aerial car and gave three blast of the whistle there wa a clanking of ch theeablea snapped taut and alowly the car alld away from the tear granite wall hale looked acroat the burroundlng country at the tawny beauty of the land at the yar pana- mint hills at the broad rolling mesa dotted with sage and cactus plate in ioettoa over the hole hale plaited up- with hi tongs the first red- hot rivet and thrust it through one of h5 holes instantly the gun flat toned it andnvnimerod it home the en gineer lifted a second rivet into place then a third suddenly above the clangor of the gun he hoard a itglae that sent the blood from hla face the faroff deaf ening thunder of the flood waa he too later hla life hunn in the balance three mom rlvaut unor ed at tholqwr end of iho plate would y hold it with trembling handa he cccpt r tho benafit of the creditors 1 believe that ur i ahouid make an offer mfteen hundred doi- uftod the rivets one by one and placed them in the hole above the gun rattled thent flat then to warn hi men be knocked with hla tongs on the plata above hut how futile ly the riveting machlno clattered- above drowning the soundofnl blown the plate waa locked securely but now it waa too late to escape through tha now the car dipped one two throe hundred feet and wa close to the tube halo had inapected the great atpbon time and again but he could not rofraln from looking it over once more ho wanted to be close to that mammoth steel tube of his to watch it and to hear the rush of water when the flood came vary alowty the car orjir t p in mutant sunlight over the- edge and tap the fbeel plate with hi ha ills eyes were alert for any imperfection in tlio work but tw nope wv fiheep or fiwinel an example of the humor of the puritan settlers in new england come from od4ewbury a town which was tnoorporated so longago as 1mb al though it wa a atald community rather than a frivolous one there was for many years an eatahuahed towp jest which wait repeated la town met log with unimpaired relish a often a it local officers war to be elected the lowest office tn the gift of the l people being that of town oogreev thjeraon woa duty it is to herd imjraurtdjirfcpy hogarthey had mafia it the- ouatnm to elect to that unenviable- poallion the uteat nwrrted resident of the fiaee fit or unfit will log or unwilling 050 there must nave been an pedal apirit of audacity rife at town meetihg en that oocaaloa they even went arter uft elect the rev dr iaonarowlthlngton then newly eat tied over um parish and a coousltte actings la a spirit of mirth yet perhaps with a dash of inward trepidation waa sent to no4fy bjm of the honor which of course if wa expected he would not oospt- hogrr be repeated thought- falryfiwtrue ioam to this place fl th fit v foejirakr if my aheep have changed heh sawaeter x see la that no treason to deoun thataak the iyvead ahettbartl 1 drove gb exhorted hu flock in the amy tby oum ro for mm m ufttimo -u- hi finger clutched at the smooth cold steel once in bis terrible baste he slipped back missed the transverse seamjjust below and rolled ten feet nearer andnear came- the thunder of the hurtling water rushing down on a five- per con grade from cleav er bluff pounding through the con cretelined pressure tunnels- when the stream reached the brink of sun canyon it would drop almost sheer into the double- plated arc then with frightful momentum uwould plunge up the span i of ateel tube in which hale wa trapped even ir he gained the top would be be able to escape through the threefoot opening in timetv seconds of suspense alapaed long agonising seconds then swiftly the roar of the oncoming water grew to the bellow f a cataract and seemed to envelope the close atmosphere an instant later a great wave of cold air swept past him than like the impact of an aval aneha ho- torrent struck hlin whirled him round lljia a straw and thrust ljlm up the tuba up up up with tremen dous force be felt himself lifted an if be were racing in id elevator tbo blow of the water had eent the breath from hi body but he quickly recov ered in the chill stream gasping and ooughing and blowing the water from his mouth and nostrils he was al most exhausted aa he struck out feebly be felt the speed of the cataract lessen it wa nearlng the topi ix opened hi eyes and saw a ahaf t of light ahead struggling to keep hut head above the water hal gauged tbp distance to the mannole seventy fifty tvronty f eet r then be swiooking down at him from above the white face or bill ing and krebb both men leaned far down with outstretched arms uale was swept under the trap reached up and the next instant he felt his wrist caught as in a viae he was vaguely aware of being lifted why john whitmork suc ceeded t john tvhlimom had dejtouied ou- afllnlty for the little liardware- store of smllhvlllrv hi home town for three vacation ho had clerked for bluui harding who called him a living in terrogation mark johns slater sue often said john how can you get no enthualantio about that old hard vtmmv to which ho would reply cant sea how you get eo ntuslaatlu i bout those old hat down in tho njil- liners- window college days were over john had graduated hut not at the head of his el ills lklng for latin and greek had failed to keep puoe with hla intense liking for hardware the very day of hla artivnt home sluut harding failed assigned for the beno- flt of his creditors the sheriff took charge of the business the door were lockodt an inventory waa made of te stock- just before this a small legacy uf fifteen hundred dollars had come- tu john through fhe death of a dlstaut relative a day or two after the failure johnsald jjfcther they have inven toried ihe stock of silas ifardlng m two thousand dollars tho best offer lefs it vould be accepted mr wttmora- smiled as he aald how many good reasons can you give me for- taking hold df that buatnoaet ho it not- proved unprofitable for biias harding f how can you hope tomate it pay when an old hardware a younq patriot the uttla boy was just tall enough to look across the t otlhn hliror- nnsdesk ii had come in to answer the charge or having kept fifty fam ous stories much longer than tho lima which tho rules ixirmltted ho explained thnt lie hat brought tho book beck and icrt it for two days at the end of nnch fortnight and then when ha libra r inn comilderod the mutter settled the little fallow waa still there little boy what do you want y in qulsed the lady looking ip tudrfynty and finding him immnvahle pleaae madam that hook why yauva had it threw months why dont you take some other t becauao thats the only one ho like i tried another she wouldnt have anything to do with it sho who la 111107 the one j teach how old la aha bout as big oa you tire then he told the whole atory hho was the daughter of an italian oobhler hnr father wa not very kind oher nnd mhe had no friend thla boy waa leaching hor to road in the evenings arent you sleepy tbent well wa the confession some times i go to ailoep over the book but he learning and when she loarni aheii like thut bettcrn italy manhole to the north hi only hope man wll known and well liked has wo to drop to who bottom of tho pipe into the arc in the bed of the canyon then climb with all possible speed up the four-hundred-atul-forty- avefoot slope to the manhole on the south brink- it wss a stupendous task for thd tube rose at an angle of forty- five degree half falling half eliding ho dropped into the arc then scrambling unpad desperately he tpgan th struggle up- ward at distance of five feet war the seam of thegrsgl plates and clutching these hale climbed toward the top behind blm the gun was now silent billing and krebb were probably on thelrway to the top in the aerial car h heard only th rumble of the waters rushing along the great bore behind him had hla own aborv quick gasp for breath a foot by foot he fought his desperate way up the long black slope sweat burst out on hla forehead and roljsd down his cheeks- he framed to have beep climbing for hour how high had he gonot be glanced bock along walls of velvety night ahead up the dndlesa channel of steel was the same mocking dark ness throe- hundred feet to climb l he could not have- covered more than a quarter of the distance yet already he was half exhausted suddenly there wa a jerk of the cables high above the cable slipped off the drum the car cavorted wildly swung to the right a down feet snap- ped the telephone wire and then bounded back 19 scrape the tube viciously hoist away there i cried cobum- hah blew the whistle but the man the hoisting engine tailed to re sponds the cable had caught in the the anchor hook at the side of the car caught under the flange of a plate the neat instant the cable jerk ed the car upward and with a louj rasping- sound the sheet of steel was torn open before the hook ripped loose a jagged hole three feet long ind two feet wide opened on tho north side of the siphon a itttlebeiow the middle r hale stared at th gah in horror the flood wafdue at naif past eleven oclock id twentyfive minute and a hols that would let hun dreds of tbouaandaof gallon escape i he could not telephone to the lakatfor th broken wires dangled in the can yon weve got to fix that plate before the water corneal he shouted coburn th men had loosened th cable from the gearing jfuja gave four blasts of the whistle f the car swung up- wr9 to th brink of the canyon boys he cried the ears torn hole in the tube jonas bring 4 plate on the tractor lluunga you and krabb get the rivet and the g were going down in the carl hurry now a hi part of ibe preparation for rivaling the heavy steel plat over th gap in the pipe hale made ready the charcoal forge whotr he sod the two workmen were lp the car swinging out over apace be glanced at fat watch u wa eight minute after eleven would the rvod be oebvydt wa there yet time to outstrip the torrent- down shot th oar until it reached th rent in th tube u muse therewa a risk in it hal ho hlmaelf to he th one to enter the acqoeduct he cnwtd through tho hoi and listened there era no sound tnsld the great artery ootaidelm heard buunpe and bb oajilng to he man oothe derrick plat form to lowaf tbv plat whila the boom swung the great inch and -a- half ateel ahaet down from thevbhelf of th canyon the men hammered an hour later he opened his eyes and looked up into the smiling face of hi crow hu first question was did she holdr tllke a thorooghbred i anawerod billing the young engineer smlls4 oontent- odlyand satued back tboa ift words bad made his battle for jlfo weu worth while the cost of ill nature our neighbors furniab us with the main sfuff or our conversation and if think moment wa realise that we do the same kludness for them that la perfectly natural and juatifl- able since it is only by observing and analysing the life that goes en about us that we arrive at what knowledge wa have of human character and mu ttve which even so with mostofjjv is very little unfortunatelm spesjtjpg of others too- often means apeak ing unkindly being men and women tho others have human weaknosaes and in die- cussing their action those weaknesses are bound to be discussed moreover there t a certain sense of superiority in faultfinding aa if our seeing the fault impjiad hat we wore without tt an lnfsradc a natural as it 1 quit unfoundsstu and the follies and mistake of other frequently furnlth u abundant matter for uit and pleas- entry sometime goodnurd oma- timo lllnstured but rarely at a character to bo agreeable to the objeet of it jesting at ourfriands and neighbors expense is so easily devised and mo quickly appreciated that few of u abetaia from it ajtogethar there are some who da ubataln from such jesting who speak seldom of other at all and whet they do apeak kindly who let rash 4ed and ipeed- liy repented word pa lau pbilvlon and senphaalse only tho aoi ihl w all would gladly have dope our selves such people ore not noceaaorf ly dull or unobservant eft her ludeed if as the cynical would have us be lieve there la little good in humsr nature it surely take a flnvr and more active intelligence thus carefully m dluj it oul and those who treat human wak- neas gently uro the nun and women who arejsought and loved by human wkns we turn to them in juy and aorrow alike oonfkleto tbeni our hop and fears unfold our lives to lbm the brilliant talker who mine ma friauda heart to make a savory in the jagged edge of the bal and smoothed j4p luitened to and ami the surfko ed at and avpid hearts are hld- hurryl denaway fromklm a fay onoaalble jcrebtj lovrefad tho eharooal fprg okw c4os that thy m- c through the bolento the tuba7- hala mlnoirig and for that very reason h t it as finarrsji posslblairn 5 parbaiis knowa lee of thethuiga thtt jopoof th tnaatandl frean to turn worth wjiil handle frafattvftliy- rtmaipmuk mwt and eager anl piquant fsjledt father aald john 1 feel very sorry for suae i spent the afternoon vrlth him- yesterday ho claim tht l naked him exactly one thousand and on new questions about the business in less than three hours i siloaloat out on just one pointsbad debts ho trusted too freely thinking oil men a honcat as himself hljrent was low his overhead expenses were light th volume of hi trade was satisfac tory and bad debts iwahowed every cent of the profit i have figured out the fro profit on hi year sales and deducted hi current expense and tho balance would hav meant h hand some profit had he been felling only for caah then x am personally ac quainted with every ax and hoo and with every tov and kitchen uteiuui in suo hardings stock seventyfive per cent of the stock 1 uptodate flratclaas fifteen par cent will turn over very slowly whlla ten per cent is practically dead stock i figure that ten per cent a worth nothing and it might be almost given away t a special sals hummi sold mr whltmore glad that you ore doing a little figuring remember that old proverb xook be fore youcklap that la better than jumping fromthefrying pan into the fire r if i run a cash buolnea con tinued john i shall loee a few cus tomers but it wilj be a profitable loss judging from the experience of suo why father he iot one hundred and fifty dollars but year by being unable to take the cash discount on ht pur chases two per cent i worth hav ing it is big interest to pay for tho use of a creditors money for thirty or sixty days it is far more econom ical to carry a little borrowod capital and take advantage of every cah dis count if j purchase the business i shall be compelled to get a loan or at least five hundred dollars you cant run a business without ready cosh any more thanyou can cook a tneal with out ready fuel at least one hundred end seventyfive dollars must be ex pended in a few needed fixtures and modrn improvements and th stock must bg rtpjbjhd little john th old mvnf rhtfc j b ere is many up twixt ilia gup and p 4p- is very true but you m u b exer cising forethought and ear instead of counting too much on your ehlokami before they aje hatched you have been examining your hardware eggs to see if jhey are fertile all your point seem reasonable to ma but one win need more rwady money i win loan you on thousand dollars and charge yoq th regular rat of lfltvrt on the monsy the offer for the business was ac cepted- and a new sign jon whlt more hardware adorned the front of the old atore while the aforesaid front renewed its youth with a fresh cost of paint changes were made few ptodte fixtures were installed modern eogeenlccca were la evidence and stock wag rvphjfilfbjml no business i tbortilm gnfl ffhen john changed the store policy to sh oh in some were loud in their com plaints old jake salisbury was in dignant here am 1 said he a man wjio voted for abraham lincoln fcnd ent gjt trusted for a cent at that hardware storo to this grlaxled old sam hndrson- mad hulls eye by retorting if you had been avftanest as honest abe you would net have helped silas harding into bankruptcy desirable customers increased dally the lorgeat contractor in smlthyul mr carter discovered that john would spare do pains to supply hi every aeejf was he short a single pair of hinges h flrould y cheerruuy hav them out apm wpty in the morning for you mr carter whet though the exptmi ejiargm a yp his entire gross profit on that lruri article waa not the contractor trads valuable the contractor soon dls- toyvredtha john never overokarged itvnr took auvaotau of the tempor ary scarcity of sort ntuola that chanced to be in great demand li fact john figured for mr cartvr4 in tvt well if hu own and saved him every penny possible xud such ka prova prod table t when a oootraolof of neighboring town oompllnel of the incivility uf his local dealer li haul ware hrcarterwent out of hu way to introduce bun to john saying fur- ohasi4 blm and ha will give you goldenrule treatment th reaulc waa a good order and a permanent cuatomep john was just u courteous and e- copunodatlng to the deaf garrulous bargain hunter ilr smith as he wa to the contractor nalthet did he complain of her a u nuisance when aha wasted thirty minutes or his pre cious jlme and purchased nothing one o his favorite business sayings wm tber olsfayaan avarilngup da buin4g hi eyenlng-up- day cams when mrs otjcnnail ihp mil lionaires wife and an old iwefle of poor ur sraiuu curao to reside in the village this wa what mrs smith aald to her dont you ever go up to the chy jo purchase anything in the line of hardware john whltmore la a perfect gentleman and ha a good atore y john succeeded can you lai agin vrhvt ho is nut yet a million- aire mlltlonalrs ara not plentiful in btnlthvlua but fate -haa- lance ahowi healthful increase each eeasom pa knowledge ot stock count x not prudant foresight and ability to and caulk business leaks essential tu aucceast courtesy and arcommodii- tloe do they not contribute largely to i not good buslne man a servant to all the color scheme the wealthy girl from america wo attending abocial function at a- coun try houee in england- you american girl have not suoh healthy complexion we have said an hngllah duchess to the girl i have always wondered why our noble men take such a fancy to your white face it isnt our white faces that attract them responded the american glr if our greenback noiie will satisfy pure delicious green tjla tho- finest green tea protfjuced in thw world aakfor e trial paebjage fiee uithe t beh tu otm bhdeit uuu tiimt1 t cooler nights and lower prices on wood f the oool nlklil whon you do not nam a qqi for long in whon wood coma in handy ta uiko th clilll off tha hbiuo and what will ba morewlcnmn now 1 that tho iirlco tian boon reduqod and tho following 011004 at nuw in afrocl rmi58ed suhs 0o ims- hardwood subs and short wood 400 load best body cordwood 4 foot lengths 1000 cord and at thla aeaaon of tho year u la mors profltablo todo your cooklnc with wood you warm ho houa at tho tuuna time and your fual dooa double duty each loadls quahanteed a fuulsinqlb coftd d a henderson phone m we deliver promptly th cmfsb omb froot nnryock procmdi ban- ward foilowinf sgria- tim round the woefl rftomi via hawaii vlfr tori b c vancouvac ft c san froocbco pana ma contl luvan tonw york toftraralit hiaer ihswu iron- for bulk peklas for auks fan fedm horu dmm tnsescm u sapoctrhow- isg tbcm a uivatah s 5 4n 0hofe csplontlos laacheoaj recap doss ead m rosfe and utm eboaahbwin be u coaatrr dob deck apora plnaa i oanc tstog tt qateway ofthcworid romance acainro wbnderful girt simewfr sumatra iuhlng rrcemtfy aid rtmcum gootf- bid of the uugftiog tcss- bye soctety ha mdopies bcr homcbykyotthoc5ricnr smmmerpiayumdtadortber aocoiorful so fasdnadng therms ml one more itintxr what thrills what joys under daddys inp and he what incomparable broad- susb to paakt it glow with cnlng am grandest adfentmr of ah andevwywlifheiong that is thla cmlse eztraor- jiify- sallipgpn great pmatpss tofie teway foifa of kliho world- fffff arm of the ouiadhua paci fic will follow- guiding providing protecting conducting al experienced traveler into those of the m-eter- are keen about the empress ranean each a gateway to of france toff llenfrbw some ancient culture spine romandp fqiintry dpwn thru the holy xn4 n the prince of wales chos ier twice for voyages shq is gfpy hound for speed n private yacht for appoint- t pxplorinp ceylon ment january 14th from new york is the jfimg dtmm but the time to make arrangement is now pmt pummtrng tiurmtmre tells about th frvo iw turcs extraordinary covreverjrocherdail write phone or cajjifor ic fi serru jtepretmmtmtir will call i desired oo wpwfc j e parker general agent psffienger oept t kino strleet east w toronto enui se rounatheworia canadian pacifia excellent reason mrs noggs tit tor visiting nelghbtu- mr neatdorev salary in 1000 11 year ii uaband indeed mra rvugsa yea and id like to know why i nhpujjpl 1 ablti to ay the aame of yout llusbnd- boouu you ore mora truthful than- your nsigblkua my daarioaton ttansttntpc ise then is miking so piysterigusl funny aa a newspaper adveruscment the prime first last and all tho time object of an advertisement b to draw custom it is not waa not and never will be designed for any other human purpoae so tho merchant walte iujiilthe busy season comes and his store is w full customers that he cant set his hat off and then ho rushes to the newspapefs and pfjtp in is advertisement when the dull season eeto alonjr and there is no trade and he wants to pay his rent he takesouthis advertisement- that is some of them do but occasionally a levelheaded merchant puut in a btarer one and scoops in all the bimintta while his neighbors are worrying- to pay the bills there ara times wlen yo couldnt stop people from buyini everything in the store if you planted a csinon behind the door and thats the tune the advertisement b sent out on its holy mission it makes light work for the advertisement for a chalk sign on the sidewalk could do all that was needed and have a halfholiday six dsya in the week but who wants to favor an advertisement they ar built to do hard work and should be sent out in dull days when a customer has to be knocked down with cold hard fasts and kicked tonsble with bankrupt redw- tions and dragged in with irrwistlbletnaujthler of prices before he will spend a cent- write thb down where yooll fall over it every day the time to draw business b when you want buslneatfjind riot when you have mora business than you can attend to already the time to advertise is alt jliiiie v addition to water works system pnopoqed dvlaw8 synopsis ok byiiaws bylaw number 1 the purponn uf all bylaw la to authorise tho borrowing by tho village of acton of 1360000 by the lanulng ot debentures to the eyutnt f f3cnooo with intercut at flvo ami nnelinir per cetit the prlfifrlpul ami intirnnt of ihn said dnhenturen imhir rkifuyahlv in equal annual ijibtallmontbor si86i each during tho periou of it year after- the issue of such detenturh for tho purposes of- 1 laying an 8 inch rat iron water- main with valvba anil hytlrarus com- ronclng at a point sltuoht eouth- oaelorly along main fltrtetadllanco of approjcimatoly 4v feet from quoen street then ojttendlnk northeaetety crossing the beardmoro property a distance of 420 foot thence northerly a distance of 400 feet following the line of tho main switch of the c n ft tho beardmor property 2 jaylng on 8 inch coat iron water- main- with goto vnlve and hydrant on john struct from agne street south- eaterlr a dbttano of 2j6 oel by- law numbers tho iurpo of thu bylaw is to authorise tho borrowing of m0009 by lsulnif debenturf- thcrofor wlyi interest m ro niil one half pr cent the principal and interest of said de benture being repayablo lu oqual annual instalments of- 27811- each for the purpose of providing ln- reasod uro prauctlon by instal ling anelghl irchwntermoln from tlo aoton tanning company ire pump to a point about 280 feet north- we t to connect with tho proposed 216 foot extension southeasterly from ago htreet and to connect the said pumps with the municipal wotermalm 8- installlng on the acton tanning com panys ore pumps one pedestal chlor inating machine for use in the event of fire making tt advisable or nec-as- ory to pump fairy take water through tho municipal wntermalns as approved of by the provincial hoard- of health t in the- event of tho cost of tho sold installation beljig less than issoo00 debentures for the amount of aald coat shall be issued in propor tionate amounts hereinbefore l out e the acton tanning company nhall agree to perform all the work in connection with the aald installation and that the coat of tbo same will not exceed tho aum of 1 1100 00 and thtt in any- event the municipality of th village of acton will not be called upon topay more than the actual cost in the event of the same being less than 2000 the sold work u b done immediately upon th final pass ing of thla bylaw in the event of frobt in thq ground permitting and if ueh i impossible then the said wort nhatl be done as soon a the groujid is froe of frost in the eprlng of it jo 7 the said acton tanning com pany uhall at its own expense opera is and keep in repair the above mentioned chlorinating machine and equipment from thtlme or th tnatollatlon of nmp a tho municipality of the village of acton shall have the right to th use uf the above mentioned fncllltlo only for the purpoae of are protection bfhe municipality of the village of acton shall agree to save the actnn tannine company harmless- from all claims for damages at any timo in oonnfrctlon with the said facilities the operation or nonoperation thereof and to itself tnake no euch claim 10 the corporation of acton shall have the right to inspect and teat oi any time both during the conatructlon and installation and afterwards thv operation of the said facilities either through the council or through any engineer or agent appointed by tho council 10a the aotfjp tanning cqropatiy shair agreft to oxta a valve q thg there wltl bp a cut-fiff- etwen mjtf aald company pumps and thp mmlli elpaliitprrolnh k vrve to be kpt loclqftiniid tm key ur keys to be under he control of tho municipal council 11 the actoo tunning company dtiatl hkvt the tt 1 cancel tho rrangement herein set out and thereupon to removw utu own ex- imiim the above plant bnuniuing l the municipality al o fpuu umti tor itsoyfii uii unly by fvluj t tiie uuqlslpaitv u month notlue in writing uml ijv pymut to the munlolpalmy of tie cot to it of the earns and also any other actual lo that it may utr ur may have ufor- etl through tho issuing or dotmtiturcsi tor the raising of monoy to defray the cout ut same and the munlclpaluy- muy cancel the nald arrangements and rnmove tho chlorinating plant anl malm by giving ttm anton tumiliitf company alg tppnthumgu 13tthti aclyn tannine uompumv shall have tho right to initial hydrutllii dt their own expense on any tnunidlliil wuturmuinw which are oit the com pany proinlsetf take notice that ttm votos of th ratuoayurs of the aald vuuko of aetrm ontltted to votu on munoy byluwri will brt takon on tho abovementioned ds poitod bylawm o um 1 wi day of december 11tji at the twmw time at the same plucti and in tlm nam a tnunner an the voun in ttiu annual uitntclpul tluotliin and that tenantu ditlring to voti must on or nror the twantlotli duy uf muvembcr 114 llle with tho muul- cijm1 clerk a declaration ratjulrid ly kuheectlon 3 of boclloil 185 o the municipal act 1213 qworito v chap ter 72 amd that a- corpora 1 1 in doulrlnt tq appoint a nominee to vote on tho uau bylaws ehall not lutrfr than the twentieth day of muvnttihor 1021 hi with the municipal clerk itu appoint ment of a nomlnoo uu rjulrad by bubehjllon 4 of wild hoctlon 3s 1 on frvlday tho twontyhlgltih duy of november a i ibii- tho itouvj will attend at the klrunnm- kail in the town hall auton t ten ooloclt in the forenoon to appoint in wrltlnir- nlunoil by him two iron4 tu lulptlll at the final aummlii up o tnw vt and opa iverqon to utitmd ut tiaclltj log place on behalrof the pureium in to rusted in and dualroum of promoting tho proposed bylawa and u llko nutithor mi behalf uf the patmoim inuremt-bd- jll and donlroue of oppoluu thp proponrt bylaffd and that the cloik ttf tlio council of the nald vlllpge pf auoil uluill utlypl ut the town lull autun ut 610 lj til- on ihaieald llrat itftv ot ldpjbtr i- tu sum up tho number ot voun ulyci for and ugolnst the utld bylawn notice notice is hereby klvott thut it ti utnt uf the satepuynrw ih ohtnlnul turetu the sutd bylawtf li wynopiilh ot liloh aiitaant above will 1 uuon into mldoratln by thfl munltlpal cmhihh or the village of aqtoit alisn- uu month from the sixth day of novm- bur 1bx4 belhg tho dot at tltt ttrd publication of till notice lartloutara of propoaud hyluwrt puiy be seen at the offlco of tho clofk t jr n kau mk 11 clerk of the village of acton dated at acton onturlo nuvthiitnn bth ibs wasting penoilq vlth twice tho population or tho united slatse icurope usuu only half as many pencils a your thl la tin utatemerit of lothai v ruber aim of the reading pencil mutton uf tho world vvliytehnum tlv american uo four times as innny penuilh us the burojmjttnt mr tuber hay thu prima reason is wuatu the american throw way a pencil whvn it in only half niied kd cuts 6rr a lot of it in un- heoesaary ehuponlitg lie li thought- oatjloas the tsurnpeau holds on to tho peaoll to the last fruqtlon uf vhttaltaol v

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