Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1924, p. 4

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ksflkfew liolffiyffi r i v via it i1uhk or ljp artnn 3frrr rfia ucnui slnti 1t ww1u ol ontario prii i f in 4ot ftal ctarcl atljuional o ofic in lh- unit ad state tha dale ti4ntcb autacrttloa r quilla lodtcaud ob tb tuldrcau ukbtl adveutisim katestravnausi ovdtvtttk mcatl id itoli n liatj il mcaiit tot tnarrlkm and j ocjila per line lor ach ant tiurni id h l ion coeuaft liiaplaj ndvia meat or 3 inch or bur pw attnum it cwti pari inch aih laaxrthut adcttmcnta ir dirninwia tll tx tskcrtcd ui1 torb4tf l cordis sly relephones- editorial ad buinaa oac rtwdcdca tl prcaidral torontos new union station in four yrt after yeirs or pmaitfltrcssuncc iho lt formal obatnclo to the traildtag of the toronto viaduct and opening of the new union station has btjen removed to the momcntdui document which provides for the completion of the great undertaking within four years the prcsidentsof the two railways affixed their seals and signatures on saturday at montreal and monday the fully signed and scaled agreement was delivered at ottawa where tho ordcrincouncil to bring it into force is ready waiting tor appro vrbf the cabinet and the assent of the governorgeneral the people of this part of ontario aro interested in tho consummation of this big cjatcrprize as fully as the people of toronto neighborhood nfiwft town and country pkthursday morning november 20 1024 welsh anthracite coal growing- in popularity welsh anthracite coal is finding an increasing demand in canada as it becomes better known toronto coal dealers who handle it report that cus tomers whof use it onco invariably ask for it in pre ference to the pennsylvania coal its small ash con tent 2 to 4 per cent and freedom from slater high heating values 14000 b t units rcsponsfvenses under draft both to pick up andthrottle down is superior to the best pennsylvania produdt tho only objection to it is that it is more brittle owing to freedom from slate and tends to break in handling if this coal is available at reasonable prices canadian people will be well advised to use it it is an empire product and should therefore have the preference editorial sfturtel of provincial cabinet ministers 5- premier ferguson announces the probability of g increase of fifty per cent in the salaries of the btnet ministers of ontario tho present salaries all members of the cabinet who are in charge of trtfolios is 6000 per year with an additional jj400 for sessional indemnity the proposed in- is to 9000 vith the sessional indemnity of 1400 added making tho total proposed public in- of each minister 10400 per year the oiera present salary is 12000 with sessional jdemnity additional making a total of 13400 i stands strongly in the united states canadians will be glad to know that in addition the reelection of calvin coolidge by a good ajority the drys won a signal victory over the wets orts stating that 211 of the 269 candidates unsatis- f jo the wets were elected of the 33 senators weta cannot clainl more than 4 or 5 and 1 of the s senatorial candidates endorsed by 9 vets was elected- this record speaks well for tb nth amkidnent the temperance measure in united states with ontario solidly dry it is 1 that a friendly co-operation- in support of tem- qco legislation will be attended by beneficial tits in both countries bowman viue statesman hie paace of the world tho peaceof the world can be maintained only e public opinion of the worfil and r 3breacn citizen of civilized nations to take his i of the responsibility said sir robert borden ng at th peoples forum at montreal the ngtt the people of the world can never be jfataincdijy force but only byxthe educated public ion ofthe world and that opinion js being form- by day month by month and year by year j meetings of the league of nations at geneva uo however for you to send representatives i who are no more than the representatives of government of the time being they must go k as representatives of strong canadian public fllbn if they dnot have strong public opinion nd them it is useless and therefore 1 pray you feterest yourselves in the work and purposes of ague so as to strengthen public opinion and tpiby enable your country to take- a part that is thy of it in maintaining the future peace of the id would like reciprocal prohibition canada and the united states each watch with iritcresrtheothers struggle with the liquor problem said wayne b wheeler lld general counsel of the antisaloon league of america speaking at the session of the annual convention of the quebec pro hibition federation in montreal each nation finds its laws broken and its resources sapped by this traffic which is essentially lawless the united states is trying to solve the problem by a war of extermination under prohibition quebec accepts tribute from the enemy while permitting it to operate under government control each nation is concern ed with tho others effort the united states wishes canada no ill but you would do us a favor by keep ing your liquor at home acton council for 1925 the nomination- of candidates for the municipal council for 1025 will be held next monday november 24 at noon actons position our public utilities our proposed extensions to the waterworks system and our municipal interests generally demand that the very best men available in the town be placed in the positions of trust and responsibility men of vision men of busine experience men of economical views men who will think for themselves and who will act upon their own initiative when it is in the best interests of the town to do so men who have sufficient of leisure at their disposal to devote to the duties of the offices assumed the issue is important it is in the hands of actons ratepayers the duties of citizenship are upon them in the spirit of real citizenship and of community interests our citizens should now be prepared to act editorial notes it is encouraging to leam that there are other crimes beside those against the 0- t- a that are punished by large fines a peddler of narcotics has been fined200 and five years in the penitentiary mail and empire canadas latest daily to enter the journalistic field the morning sun of montreal which appeared for the first time on september 16 has been discontinu ed the publishing of a newspaper is these days a problem and is attended with meagre profit a cable despatch from london england states that on his return to england after a tour of canada general bramwell booth bead of the salvation army affirms that canada stands out among the dominions as the most attractive to tho people of the british isles the morals of the town at stake evidence that some action is necessary in tho bather of adequate supervision when public dances mbejng nehj in 4he town hall by irresponsible non- iptlfcnts has been quite manifest on several occasions on thanksgiving night it is reported that ne were enacted at one of these gatherings of a uraoter approaching an orgie so indecent was the tjduct of some of those who attended that the jftthicipal officer whohas charge of tho hall expelled lyyoung m from he hall and informed them if returned ho would arrest them and put them in ocjcup reports aver that the- conduct of some girls who attended was also not beyond oach our towihall was never intended to be for such disreputable doings and the authori- p should take steps at once to see that there is no jytio1irf such conduct tho municipal officer giving excellent service and is living up to the sftqt ofofflce ho has taken as a constable to the bet gffamopportunities but unfortunately he cannot gjn two places at tho same tinie and tho hall h vral apartments vised during dances because of unseemly conduct which haqprevoutd a the hll vers i occasions numbers of our young people hocently attending have been greatly annoyed and ivotfolt themselves compromised 4y being seen in disreputablo company present parents also have r incensed over tho matter the council should jttonco take action empowering the municipal officer require thajt some adequate certificate of character yresented by outsiders applying for the use or the ufr for public dances before any concessions are fapted it is stated on good authority that soma i pt9 outsiders who have secured the nail for dances ffrp lately have been refused the use of any public fsn their own towns there is a keneratttelfng j provision should be mdo for adequatowpor- ftton by some responsible party of good character fi standing in the town tjl pubho v held re such action- has been taken with salutary effect fofter to wn the rental tff the town hajl should first consideration the mocaisitf france is evidently making good in financial operations now the french ambassador has in formed the canadian high commissioner hon p c larkin that on december 31 the government of france wilj pay off the debt it owes to canada in connection with the war the amount totalling 5657000 canadian reciprocity with new south wales has reached another stage the next move will be made when tho canadian parliament meets in january and as soon as it endorses tho treaty it can be brought into effect by proclamation as the common wealth parliament already has passed a resolution in favor of reciprocity fy b paramomaj to any jtpjuujft 4 as it already looks as if the now british parliament has s wider vinlonwidespread interest has been aroused by the attitude of the government towards the dominions as set forth by the prime minister in guild hall speech if this is true the interests of the empire apd of canada and the othor dominions will nodoubt bo better served uttlinqton rhirhitf th pari thr wku tit locnl lntltm linvn nmiln a cflmiul inspection yt uie ihlllrlta toolh in tho iwii 1ubho hrlidolr ttio uuiuhtrs fhimmeiibcd work on llio lux book liimt tueifcy nnd bunlly mgagatl checking up tli aa- on krlilay ovonlug throti alilokvn i itupi wiro t aided in town and n numlmr ot blrda lukon tliu pollt mo wurklng 6n tiio mmo ntm townalilp council huvo puva- ntl u bylaw tmt in future nil orroam nf tkon in tho lowntilp ar payable u tbo- lawiiaililii lraaiurr many of our cltliiai admired th pumo bualioa in bloom oil th hoy it i hank lawn during- the immt wmw but on friday night tin heavy frott put a crimp hi tho iud it li aoldom outdoor roion bloom in nonmbtr tho annua aalo of work undor tho nuaplcati of tho lndlo aid of su paul m primhylerlan church nolon will bo held in th towtwihlp hall nou on on the ovnln of thuroday novmbr s7 ltnv and mm q w tadd eater- tn hied linn ir cody at euppcr at the rciui mi friday other cuoata pta ere chairman and mra ford bcrlary and mra holtby and prln ipnl and ura welah of the illsli sohool harry urowh pt nluaara fall whoii car struck mlaaa cotter and cndmad ho wore wauklno on water street laat winter appeared before judge elliot on monday the judge after hearlnc the evidence on tho criminal necllaence cherse dlamlaaed the coe karty wadneeday mornlna are pletoly deatroyed the realdenca of mr sam herman market street about s ik mm herman wai awakened by the imoll ot amoko in the houaa nnd she immediately arouaed her huaband who upon inveat laat ion found the baok kltchon on ore ooaette qim5op thought they thai deny a ood deatroy rrukna noblllly hr clearly man la of kin to tha beaeta of hla body and if ualba not of kin to uod by hla aidrlt ha la a baaa and ifnoble creature ilaoon 1 and my iontjeaua oometh not in the praolae way that i lay in wait for htm ha hath a manner of ilia own oh how high r hla way uboro tny wayal ltuthorf urd if wladom were conferred with lhlf provuo that i muit keep it totnyaelf nnd nut commutiloate it to othera 1 woujil havo nan of it hcnocu wlsa man looka upon man oa ho doea on horaaa all t hair uiparlaona of tllla wealth and putue ho oonald- era but ua imnteaa cecil it la a treat point of wladum to hide anormftte ua to dlacover knowledge to know what wo do not know oa what wo do hateful la the power und pitiable la tha life of thoao who wlah to be foored ratheal than to be lovod cor- noto nuok tke flratmwilnt of wladom la to dl earn that which la falae the aecond to know that which la true lacfan- tiuj who la th6 moat aanalbla mant he ho flnda what la to hla own ndvant all that happen to him goat he buckleys bronchitis mixture onfall druggists f vms c qeorqbtowh the memorial chtmea of the prea- bylorlan church lolled the hour of eleven on armlatlce day mr and mra w arnold and mlea l lancan of acton wfere thankoyvlvlna vtauora at mr john lanimna mra john beu left last batorday for aaassla u c where aha will apend the winter we understand there will be aoma chanaea in the peraonnel of our town council cor 1928 and mra j b mackenale and mr and mrs john ucdermld attended annual thankaylvlns auppar at knox church acton ted calmaawtme huntlns on tha aecond line onrthankkaivlna pay ehpt a rabbit that jwetarheu h ponda mr and mrs w c anthojy enter tained u number of crlerlda at their home the longatone laat thursdav oyeolns h honor of the latter a cousin mra motxler before leavlna for her home in philadelphia after apendlr a month tn town children or the pubjlo school accompanied by the irlncpal and teaching ataff marched to the soldlem memorial on tuesday momlns where they obaerved armutlce day by two tnlnutea alienee llouccol brfforn hev h caldwell and mr 8 kirk who- were also present made abort addressee lo the children the council hoe aranled the george town hockey club 176 00 for the cotton councillor herrington had the mla- forlune luat thursday while cranking hut car to fracture one of the bones in hla riant urm ho has been crank ing kord car for nine yeara and never had art accident until now ilocopt report recardlnc the purity of our town water are to ther effect thftl the uejy aupply from the putnplna atatlun la flrat cloao but that from the old reservoir la not what it ahoutd the rose r voir which did not receive ua annual cleaning laat year 1 being cleaned out it la very im portant that our town water eupply uld be tho purest ponaible in order that the health of the community be riot jeopardued herald all for a woman man vtaltina an oaylum aaw n patient sitting on a rocking horae thats u bad caae wald hla giildo he often alta on that horae for houra and we cannot get him to move was jilted by a girl continuing hie tour the visitor ar rived at a padded cell where a man waa ruahlrur about and banging hla head against the cuahlona wont he hurt himself r inquired a visitor o nu replied the guide these are pneumatic cuahlona what baa brought him tj thtat h he married the girl who jilted man you aaw on the rooking horea 1 financial men estimate that as a result of tc higher price for wheat and other grains this year the farmers of western canada will have 175000000 more to spend in l 024 than they did in 1023 bankers report that many of the farmers who havo produced thifj wealth have already mot nil their obligations and are now entirely out of debt and with good bank accounts to face another season tho w majority in toronto has materially shrunk aificotbe plebiscite under the light thrown oppy thejnflthods by whfch it was obtained it now ppetrtdubtfal if byttsjogat vote torgnto did not ftot ail gtyea dry majority in any case the yore ahpwed thai tbe temprtriuice sentiment of the queen mi iwt tjoollpfad since the last plebiscite on wt toronto gave a dry w 4tjii recent plebiscite if waa l w l ijgtjge juij been tikco na feloblalre thecjty would jtor fthtatf otempcrsocn uilton there are at leoat five applicant for tho position of caretaker oc the milton voat omco namely w r wbeeler john brush job j peacock william sloane and b woods among the preebyterlan mlnlstera in thls district who has algned the declaration to remain loyal to the general assemblys decision in favor of union are the following- rev w molntonh milton itev j e munro oakvllle itev jamea malcolm horn by while w a nollaon was threshlog ut the farm of srlgden of eaquea- inif hi span of lioreee which were put in the barn with their barneas on them fell out of a door at the end of the barn falling 13 feet one was killed and the other badly hurt the methodist uunday school room waa a very pretty place laat friday ufternoon where the ladles of the local chapter l o d k held their annual baaaar those who planned the de corating of the different booths deserve a great deal of credit in giving the whole affair such a baaarllke ap pearance a very substantial sum that wyi help much in providing for the adopted armenian boy at george town waa realised the anniversary aervlces held in draco church pn sunday last were of exceptional merit the new heaung system was working to perfection and the church was most comfortable both choir and apealsj preacher ex celled themselves dr beagara ser mons were intellectual treats of the his heat order luat sunday as four mlltonyount people war in a car on tho aeventtl line trafalgar on their way to oak villa thoeterlng auparatua went out of order and the oarou of control it run oft the road and struck a post iflss hllyer had one of her legs cut and one of her feet baflly brulned with possibly a bunu broken ht it- her hoes were torn off and her clothing damaged she waa the only one hurt tils our was wruckod ii la rvportod that three fine brick residences coating k000 each are to be erected on the east side of wood ward avenuu in the rear of councillor xhus coxes largo residence build ing separations will begin next spring on huturday evening three milton young men were on their way home rrum acton george mills tlriyur hurry maakl oyfner of the car and geo huffey coming down the long hill this aide of bpeyalde about six miles from home tjie wheels alruok looso gravel the car upset mula had three ribs liraken and was out and bruised huffey a ga were hurt with other outs and bruises muakells injuries were slight the car was wrecked about sixty members of the milton llowung club attended its annual banquet at the milton inn on tuesday uvealng wh three guests president of other sportsmen organlsatlona xlearge oowllng of thecurling club driaboock of the tennis club and james mockrldge of the golf and country club ivesldont j m pen- yes was chairman a number of toasts wars honored and speeches made by judge syifut ftv w p mc intosh tha guaals and others mr losanburg played vlqlln aoloaoham ptoo r the danqbrft op imagination ar story of coleridges boyhood which appears in a- book by mr wil fred brown on the poets childhood and later years ahowa the dangers that ooine to him prom bis early youth coleridge lived in a world of books and dreams yet his favorite walk seems to have been thestrand the laat place in the world for poet to lose himself in reverie as he strolled down tho street he lmajflned himself swimming the hel lespont tho feat of which other poets had written and whloh the poet byron waa to accomplish later once while the mind st coleridge was thug far from the buay strand he absent y thrust hla hand before him in tho manner of one swimming suddenly one hand came jn contact with n gentleman pocket the gentleman thinking to capture a thief seised the hand and exclaimed what i so young and so wicked he accused the lioor poollo boy of in attempt at pocket- picking with soma fright and a few leant the boy explained and we can imagine that words did not fall him who was to become the boost brilliant talker or his age the gentleman waa delighted with coleridges imagination which could turn tho strand into the heues pent the intelligence of the young loander made the stranger inquire in coleridge tastes and when hi found the boy liked books he opened fai him a subscription at the clrculat ing library in cheapslde the iffimi comb loomem bigger and better than ever so special artiples afarta 200 short stories l2zt8 start a year today offer no 1 i m for s2so offer a a all pminilnhm 199 iiiij tmccir iu an for 300 biakasarj im sarasastmarfflsaae b personal greeting cards beautiful emblematic christma designs ariistkally uthograpbtd your name neauy printed in text or scripts fine plate card with envelopes to hatch good choice of deslgiw and greeting inscriptions various prices all reasonable i okder at once before assortment is broken the acton free press phone llw used cars for sale at bargain prices 1 dodge touring in firstclass condition four good tires on nnd a good spare 1 cukvbolkt touring 1921 in good running condition four tiros on and a spare i mclaughlin ess i cylinder haa been overhauled and running satisfactory 2 now cord tires 1 s3b overland touring in good condition a real bargain 7 1 7s overland roadster has new top and in splendid running order n 1 gray dort touring in a i condition lit best of condition 1 pottd truck 1921 for roal utility is us good as a now truck brand new tires has two 1 bull dog canning mill new never used ar an attractive bargain price 1 melotte cream separator new call any time and well demonstrate any of these cars and i machines s v king georgetown business directory aaajnoabbdhabseaqsssaai mkoioal dr j a mcniven phytklan and tottqmtn olbea and itmldnft crr flwar knnum and elgin ilirmt fllohc dr e j nelsn rrtkjieiuck hiiu tmtu ontal lioal pnon wo v ft fun na- harold nash farmer m a ptknvuah mute aaron am h g jkeir ocartai dr j jh bell d d 3 l ft honor ormdoau o taim ri- a a f iht dr p a gollop dds ld4 rtanfal sram f baa of how seocftk bot7rs j t utt atn by appnfnfiuwif mtsccixansoils franqs nunan book- ac h ttinom mtuto t kh rtttt 1 i i iji 1 1 wnfaltr boamf baling nmoy u- promptly jto4v lowr wlflun- storv r j kerr aoctioomt od bj estate agent 17 yoar exprimnom acton ontario timltm otnatd to r j kerr r olr autantlon from dat of 1fc to dau of mlt ut jrur atln rujr jne- healatenoa boww annu acton pttotm t acton cu m my you ahe on uprs check- krboard watch vour next movei tho not rute trom joiir ir- ont position to succiihh 1m vli a thorough tratinlno t ouslph business colloa 1 spoclal coursea compjoto ffiquliimoiil 8 liuslnoaa ejwrlencl instruc tors 4 apclttl pscilulvm for ioctttlnii armduates btadenuf ore now vnrollliiit january toon liruer toduy by mall dhono or ufllcu call itiqiin nesw queuh dusinkss couleok oummcr 10 quolph a i bouck prjnoipal s prop n tor mibchioto3rufcr good glasses if yoneed ttiem good advice if you dont our oxamtnauoaa toll wbothor your nd la qliwon or k cbani4 in qiumi a d savage optomtlfto ganndlan paolflo railway co bavaoe doildino luawt at tho tot 0n ouelph ontario tito old and reliable granite and marble worka wo aro uasuraoturora and dlroot importora of all klnda of aconutnonlol and hoadatnno work w mil dbot to onr eootomara at wboloaalo prlom tbua aavlna our otjatomara 40 por cwnt wo haraabo boat appltanooa and tho only njooaamoa la tba donlnlon wbo eaa oparata poauraallo toola proporly w oao atv rararanoaa from bundroda of onr laawiauaia ba toronto and otnor k wharf otbata bt to bar law la oiwar wosoaov wi bar too lanaatawr boat atoofc of orarju ba thadosunloo or lwntban anr tbraa aaateavtteiraattra are ucm- aaaiaj- aialai aaalot aoaaonta anaoa botooaor or pa imavitnora maoburihrt itwamataaaota uo- fc sons v vu

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