Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1924, p. 6

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ii wmm- si m thuiluuay nftvehuen 30 ih an impatient waiter tiirro hundred 4ya and sixty nve anil ovary leapyear onodny more anrl j tint unci chrulmas sokes alive tliy might at least have put in four i lout luiuw who the people war tha luw things so but ill be bound that when they nuuln the calendar there wasnt any boy around oh yroi when christmas comes know they give you skates and aled an1 such theyre iloa but whon he lea and know aro conn thoy dont amount lo v much a football suit what i noed a football too but now laday and chrtsun coming yes ln- dexd hut oh its weuks and weokn nway arthur oullertnan twenty vear8 ago from tbe isaue of th free press of thursday novtmbtr 21 1004 sltatlng jwaa aplonilid on thanksglv in dft xnovcnjucr 17 and hundreds vjf young iwoplo enjoyed it tho lovers- of golf bad quite a held day on thankskjvlru day the big chimney at tho acton tan ning coa work won completed on friday mr carruthcra itv a series of x- celient demonstrations with electricity at tbe meeting of the kpworth league on tuesday ebenlng there were two hundred and twelve aat down to the splendid cowl aupper aerved at the clark houae in connec tion with- the firemens ball and sup per od thanksgiving ere at eight oclock on sunday morning the fire bell runs out on alarm and it was soon round that tho barri of john watson a t r puihnhouse- engineer on bower avenue waa 1n fnt tho fire brigade auooeeded in protective the dwelling from tho tltatnu a union thaakaclrliuc service held in tho methodist church and well attended bar j c wilson b a who was announced to jrocb was called out of town and itev- a b smith took bis place there was also titling tluuocagiving service in st albana church con ducted by ttev j q brown b a died smith at the bone of her son-in- law mr tbos ryder on sunday november 20 1104 fenieune d smith widow of the bite oevid smith erin in her seventy fourth year- wordenatuhe home of hla daugh ter mrs s s clark osslneke michigan oa thursday novstnbei 17 1904 samuel w worden former- jy of acton in his 80th year the sunday school lbssom for sunday november 23 the game of oossfp examples of the way in which stories stow by repetition until the real fact in the case la lost in vagne and uncertain nratoments are lllua- trated by this story told by a woman who had been spending some uma in a winter resort of course x made many acquaint anccs at the hotel she said and one day urs jones was rather rude i didnt care particularly for mrs jones but- waa curious to know why she had acted as she did for she had been specially cordial to me so i asked airs smith mrs smith said that mrs jones said she had ptn told that i had spok en of her as a smart aleck mrs smith farther stated that it was all oyer the place that x bad used the expression she said mrs brown had told mrs jones t went to mrs brown and asked iter about it she said hat mrs oreea jiad told her i said if i went to mrs oreen and she admitted teuuuc mrs brown that i had said mrs jones waa entirely too smart not a smart aleck bnt entirety too smart mrs green bad not heard rmffsajr it jbut miss drey who told ber had j 1 want to miss gray miss gray declared that she had3lr from mrs wttlto that i had said mrs jones was rto smart not entirely too smart but r just too smarc so i went to mrs wwta mrs white stood firm she said t had called lira jones too smart and aha hadhsard ids say unclear across uia room and that mrs black was with me when i said it want than to mrs war and put the matter to her mra black is an enuhwoduui i asked her when and where r bad spoken 111 of mrs jones she could not remember at first than altar a bit she bocan to laush- 1 know how tho story started now abe said dont you remember the cloudy mamma when you and i were alttlus in the parlor and mrs jones came throuali dressed in that broerfoulardt i sold when i saw ber how smart mrs jon is today i and you said too smart for a day like this its coins to ralnr asdr there it ail waa i had ihpusht mrs jones too smartly dressed lo venture forth under a thrsatenlajr sky i wt 16 h- joneet no i was 4 ejlsvostedwlth the whale affair that j- never mentioned the matter aauin and i suppose mra jones will always j believe 1 called her a amart aleek every- day heroes some years avo when the cloud burst wiped the town of heppndr orefon off the- map man seemed k powerless- bef ore uafure tt news of the oexf day eonistned two stories wlllah shew that brks man did what ihey could the people of two helshborlnc owna lejtlrurton and lone escaped wftnout loss of life they owe their safety to the heroism of two man when the flood swept the town ker- nan the station agent at heppner stuck to his post long enough hi tv- irpb warnlnr e uiaiutoii then hirld to escape with his wltu artd t iico children and a friend the friend succeeded in reachlna safety with the children but kernanand hla wife were swept to death a another hoco was lealle- matlock wic7thaui jtevero jumped on bis horse wnd spread the alarm he reach edt lexington in time to cunnsn ksrnans warning- a h people fled tq the mils w hundred people la jesington would tutve lost their uvrs ljut for- ihsae two bien matlock continued down the valley carrying the alarm to every farm- house his borae gavu out soon aftur he left le but ho got another ami galloped through thedarknese and uteraln to lone here he telegraphed y down thevallpy to the ranchers wh paseedr thw word on hlg lojur iurnsy had been s xaee with the flood rtiloh poured after blm almost at hie horses t noels v- tiu3 tkanskioiiration a phk- tahation voh t1i1c chotlh luke 0 s ooldnn tei 9riilu u my sui my rhoseni hear yn him luko b 3d thstsxt eanlawd verae 28 right doysarter thoan aaylnga after sji days murk v 2 different expression n to denlgnate uiq period of opproxlmuioly ohit weoir the wlylnlra roferred in are tliopf con- cernlng his impending ulifrlng nn1 dcoth the week hud been aiient in the vicinity of caesarenphlllppi jeaua lenclllng hla ijlsclploa inprlvste peter und john and jamoavthcne threat with andrew formnl uie tnnermont circle of the- apostolic group to them jmim on sever occasions uutnjfatei himself more futlyttratt io tlel others went up lntcttte mountain mount herman not to tha summit of the m6untaln however which was more than nine thousand foot high but from tho volley up to some more secluded retreat on the mountain side tp pray and to grant unto these leaders of tho apoatollc company a vlalon ofhl glory which should suiitaln them in coming disappointment and sorrow verse 19tho fashion of- his ooun tenanco was altered became white and dastng nis face did ahlne us the sun matt 17 i veres- 0 atoeea and ejujnh ile- presentatlves repectlvely of the law and fhe prophets verse 31 spake of his decease or departure which he was about to accomplish at jerusalem the cause and manner of hut death involved both perfect obedience on his port to gods known will heretofore never complete ly rendered by man together with the bearing of the utmost penalty- of sin in suffering and the final consumma tion of the fulfillment of al prophecy relating lb the messiah verse li heavy with sleep hot sound sleep but drowsy sleepy and this during the prolonged period of prayer preceding tbe trangflgura- uou were fulty awakeroused by tkeiaklriioralfiary event trarflfpiririg so neartjjbm and by the sound of strange voices verse xsas they were parting about to go prom the following sen tenoe it is plain thai moses and elijah were recognised by the disciples wane wii stranger in heaven not knowing what he said absentmind ed carried way by the rapture of the hour- verse hi while he said these ihlbbs there camea cloud a bright elouar 4mu17 6 similar to the shechlqab or cloud of glory which was a symbol of divine presence bods3 1 kings 8 10 verse it this is my son ihy chosen hear ye him the memory of thla vplce and its testimony was to sustain them in the dork hour of dls appointment soon to follow verse iv- and when the voice una the- voice apparently caroo otter moses and elijah had depftitod they held their peace until after the resurrection in accordance with tho express command of jesus given them as they descended from tbe mountain matt iti 9 lesson themes tbe meaning- of the transfiguration the transfiguration meant a great deal to the disciples not only at the time i oc but later when the memory of the light that abono abdut thetx on bermon cheered them in the gloomy- days of the close of the saviours ife tbe transfiguration was wllhcta- doubt their preparation for calvary the transfiguration oc- curred whn jesus was in prayer prayer is the portal through which the soul enters the realm of spiritual beauty in he mountain quiet there was meditation and worshjp and it is net at all strange that under such circumstances there should comotp tho disciples for their present joy and future c the vision of their radiant lord the transfiguration waa a renewed sense of the power of christ and the supernal beauty of his triumphant presence afturthat groat hour defeat could net come the transfiguration of the christian believer for the christian believer there is likewise transfiguration ex perience- it may not have euch trans cendent beauty but it is like it tn many respects in the transformation of character which takes place in this life both human and divine element found the personal- aurrender to christ the devout meditation upon hut worth consideration of high and hoble ideals and the true and tbe beautiful thins in life tbe earnest study of gods wordaod his fidelity and- con stancy are among the human elements which t christian must contrl bute to his own transformation these are the determining factors in the believers transfiguration when they jars present the actual change of heart john 3 4 the renewing of mjnd rom 12 1 the indwelling of cnrtst john 7 s3 which are tbe superhiltasn elements can accomplish their work the voice from the clouds at the baptism of jesus which stood at the opehing hi ministry he received the divine approval and lo tbe heaves were opened unto him rend kw the spirit of god descending as a dove and coming upon htm and lo voice out of the heavens saying j this is my beloved son in whom i am wall pleased and now within a raw days of the close of his career a voloa came out of the crowd saying this is my sort my chosen sonj hear ye him he thus had the assurance that hla whole life had been approved of god could the approaching crosn conguer such a triumphant itfe the answer is made by the first kosier morn whose light was not unlike- the radiance which ahone upon dew- sprinvltd harmon ie study and dissuasion where snd when did the transfigura tion occur what dlsalples were present at that tlmet what was he subject of uie saviour conversation t ld he refer to 61 approaching cruol- lixlon what wua tbe meaning of the transfiguration to tho dlealplast show the reiailun of prayec and meditation to ojeep spiritual experience 1 there a tronafljruration for tbu christian be hover t i it possible for us to have thesenee of the divine approval 7 in what ways does thla approval manifest itself 7 daily readings for nasi week monday november 34 luko 10 2d- makingsure of a harbor berth as tho great xakes grain carriers unload in montreal harbor wattin tholr turnvln endlosgroccsstori the bit oceangoing atoanublps line up at adjacont berths to till their holds ftth the aatno- gain as tt pours in a kolden stream from tho spouts of tho barbers efnoioqtr carrlor ayatom so great is the pressure on tho ports ucjuuas that the lake captains tele- phono by long dtabapco from far away lake ports to rcservo accotnmo- datlon for unloading when they shall reach montreal from january 1st to september 10 this year montreej oxported m- ooojooo tmafaeis more grajn than the seven neat important ports of amerl- ca combined the total was over mfiqqjow bushels improving the breep dubf will jttvw wvn a bauty prist and he- knows jt one day dubbs iftoe daughter was sitting- on his knee oppoalte a large mirror she looked at herfathftrs refiectlon for a moment and then aj iter own and said daddy did heaven make youf vee dear and did ajjeavuit make roe tu- oh ye for n nrbntent thsr waa alien jthen thoughtfully she remarked l theyre turning out much better wort lamy rbt ibayr x 37 tuesday november so 1 sain 19i lt wedassday nowfnber ft 1 cor 11 rbursdsy novvlber 37 matt 15 us3 jj 0 kriday november ih mvtt 10 40- saturday november 39 matt ft 4349 saturday november sol john ei 1-m- asinine relativity armotortst who was touring in ire land uneday met a native who was driving a donkey and cart thinking he would uk to have a little fun ut the irishmans expense he began tthat la the dtfferenco put be tween your turnout wndnilnot o uqt a great dale promptly re plied pat- shure the donkeys tn th shacta in the wan onfljon tha sftte in titt olhsr- v bank amalgamations since confederation absorption of the molsona lmnk by the bonk of montreal as announced recently is the thlrtlethbortk amalga mation to take place in canada since confederation and leaves only ehantered banks now operating in tho dominion bank amalgamations in canada from confederation to the present time are as follows 1893 merchants bank commercial bank of canada i t0 cahadlan bank of commerce odrebank 18761 standard bank of canadast lawrence bank 1 87 iropcr 1 al bank of canada niagara tjatrlct bank 1883 bank of nova scotia union bank of prlnoe edward island 1900 provtnclale bonque la bsij que jacquee cartlor ff 1901 canadian nankof tomrosrce bank of british columbia- 1 90s union bank of halifax comjconte to be lovingly adopted by both raercla bank of windsor lsosconodtsn bank of commerce halifax- banking co 1903 bank of montreal bank of yarmouth t90b bank b montreal peoples bank of- halifax 190ft canadian bank of commerce mevchanoi bank of p js 1 1908 bank of montreal ontario bank of- toronto 1907 bank of montroul peoples bank of new brunswick 1009 standard bank of canada- western bank of canada 1 910 royal bank ofcanada union bonk 6f halifax 1911 union bank of canada unit ed empire bank 1912canadlun hank of commerce eastern townships bank 1913 bank of novo scotia bank of new brunswick 1913 hams- bank of canada la banque internationale of canada 1914 dank of nova scotia metro politan bank 1917 royal bonk- of canada nor thern crown bank 1919 bank of montreal banl of british north america 1919 rank of nova scotia bank of ottawa 1931 sank of mo nt real m arena 11 ui bank i933canadiun sank or commerce bank of hamilton 19324bank of hocneloga banque natlqnalel 1904 standard hank storungbank 1934 rank of montreal molsons bank the value of windbreaks in outdoor wintering the importance of a good windbreak cannot be over estimated where colonies of bees are wintered out of doors since for protection from tho prevailing winds it is as essential as packing although wellpacked colonies which are subjoated to a heavy wind blow ing on them far a few hours will have ably in fact wellpacked colonies which are exposed to the cold winds may die white thojf tutvtng less pack vmf- but better protection from the winds wilt survive when we think of our own houses in wind swept areas and of the difficulty- of keeping tho temperature up in the best canatruoted ones we will appreciate th necessity of providing adequate protection from com- winds for our colonies windbreaks may te natural or-ar- uncial and the artificial pnes may be either temporary or permanent na tural windbreaks are considered to be the better kr good natural pro tection the apiary may be located in 1 grove of trees young timber an evergreen hedge or on a side hu aluhung from north to south along the top of which a hedge or fence is located artificial windbreaks may be tern- pcrary fences or hurdles such ss are- used by the railroads in which the boards aro placed bbriaontally with intervening- space of- 1 to 2 inchest they may be permanent fences m wtilch the boards aro placed vertically with the above- mentioned spacing be tween them the objedrtssksthe open ings between qle boards la to allow nomu of tbe wind to puss- through thus preventing a tendency to rise and roll over the fence top into tbo apiary th height of these fences snould be approximately eight feel and if possible plaoed on all four sides of apiary bulldlngaos urule should nut- be rolled yu to break the wind for they msy only divert it and pos slbly make matters woreu apart from its advantage in winter good wind break fuouitates exumluations lu the summer when without it strong winds would retard the work a h birch apiarist cute and bruises disappear when suffering from outs scratches bruises sprains sore uiroaf or chest and any similar ailment use dr thomas ko leotrto oil be healing power is well known in every section of the com munity a bottle of dr thomas hvlentrlo oil should be in every medi cine cheat ready for the emorgon cles flint may njwnyabe anticipated pretty well mixed the strange method of addressing oho another sometimes practised by the members of a family are found- very confusing by uninitiated outsid ers can you tell me what mrs hansoms boys name ist inquired a sunmer boarder at the ranaom farm house of one of the natives well les see sold the man peers to m they named him peter after bis gran father but i dunnoi i ever heerd em calrhjm any thin but here your a sojourner it another farmhouse found a still more confusing state of affairs the mother of the family called her husband pa c the boarder said in relating her experience tbe twelvo- yetrrold daughter called her ten-year- old brother son as did bis parents also and she herself- from a certain primness of speech and manner was called aunty by the entire family while tbe fathera principal nam for wife was ster and this the children tbe only member of the family who was ever addressed by ms own noma was the grandfather a twtnkllngeyed old man who had taught both the children to call him abljab ail the friends of his youth were gone he sold and it made him feel homey tox epoken to in that way i shall never forget the strange aonnatlon i bad on t the evening of my arrival us this old grandfather sat on tho porch entertaining me until aupper was ready youll find us plain folks marm said the old man but i csllatewe mean an well as most theres tt hes lis hardworkjn an honeat a man as there la in this town i tell ye bister got a prise whan she married him though ehes an awful good gal too an theyve been blessed in thelr famlly too sons real lfltely for hi age an ss tor aunty shes reglar little housekeeper an she alius says to roe when i feel as if i want of much use why abijah she says we couldnt have no games o base ball if t want for you she says for ye- see aunty on son they nect me umpire when tfiey play their games auntys awful spry on her leas i toil in time i ceased to fee any sur- prlae at thla state of affairs cob- eluded the summer boarder but i must say that in my ignoiunce that evening the vision of an aunt of this old man ot seventy engaged in a game of baseball coupled with k various bible law the early days of interior mis urlsays the oreen bag the late idg k cut cord- wood cleared bihomatead farm and was employ ed dn nearly every case that came tip for he was for some years the only lo the county he bjad books save an old leather covered bible and- an odd volume or two of history he had only read taw in kan- rocky a short time dorins his youth a youas attorney from tbe blast settled 4the little country town with his ubrery of half a dosen new and bound lawbooks and on hf first appearance in conrt drought meet ot bis library to the justices office in a fine beautifully flowered carbetbag el was engotod against hlnoaad 04 usual had jiot a book when his ad from the pretty s s looked astonished but quickly recovered his ready resouroes anet asked the justice to excuse him for few moments he hurried to his homestead half a mile away put his old bible and histories lnio a grain sack brought them into court and laid them on the table tbe rridengsx was introduced and tbe eastern man who waa for the plaintiff made bis opening argument and read at some length from- his textbooks b mode bis characteristic speech in reply closed by reading from hla old bible a law just the reverse of that read by his opponent and took eeet his adyersary reached over picked up tbe bible and looked at 1u your honor said he eagerly ads dressing the justice rthls man is a humbug and a pettifogger why sir thla is tbe bible from which ha baa pretended to read law l the old justice withered him with n glano st downl he thundered set down what better law cenwegll than the bible t he decided the case in favor of the defendant other extraordinary images called up by his statements made me feel almost dtxxy a- a vermicide an excellent pre paration is mother graves worm ex terminator it has saved the lives or countless children tennysons blunder poets carried away by tbe enthus lonm of composition ore sometimes ing on incmior a tew iioura win navn uuun ut ciunpoiiuodi axe wmauinw their temperature reduced- consider- anility of mlatatementsv shortly after the publication of one of tennysons famous poems the laureate reoehred a suggestion from the distinguished arithmetician babbage mr bab- boges somewhat startling jejter read xear sir l find in a recently pub- liohed poem from your pen tbe follow ing unwarrantable atatsmeat every moment dies a man every moment one is born j need hardly point out to you that this calculation if correct would tend to keep the sum total of the worlds population in a state of perpetual equipoise whereas it is a wellknown fact that the said sum total is eon- atrftly on the increase i would there fore take the liberty of suggesting that in the next edition of your ex cellent poem the erroneous cslculation to which i refer should be corrected a follows 1 every moment dies a man and one and a sixteenth is born i may add that the exact figure are 1147 but something must of course be cascaded to the lawa of metre i have the honor to bo sir yours sin cerely c babbajre interchangeable parts my brother bought an autumobuu horu lust week unlit an unary man to the aultminuu who atuuped forward to grunt lilm una he aayri you told him if anything broke you would up- ply a now part certainly said tho clerk what does he wantt he wants two deltoid muaolea n couple of kneepsne line elbow and about half a yard of uutlole said the eh an questions and answers question what is full of bole and yet holds watert auawvr a sponge question what grows larger the mure you take- from itt answer a hole question why is the letter e lk death7 answer it is the end of ufa question what word with five let ters when two are taken away leaves oust answer stone question why doss a railroad en gineer wear acap7 answer 7t0 cover his bead question what 1 the- name of some flgh that can be pronounced without moving your tips answer n mring question what belongs to you yet is used more often by others answer your name question what state is round at both ends and high in tho mlddlet answer ohio t- more eggs ptaj5 poultry plenty of your hens ens winter aacf summer dont let yoorjkhs loaf or lust be boarders weguar- antee your hcnsvjrlll lay more cftga or youmioney baclttrom your dealer wo wul send you a copy of pratts- poultry i book frje write for it today f9utt roop co or canaoa ltdtokotrto t wul rallev s cold colds are the commonest aliments of mankind and if neglected may lead to serious- condi tions dr thomas kclectrle oil will relieve thebronchlsj passages of in flammation speedily and thoroughly and will strengthen them against sub sequent attack and as it esses the inflammation it will usually atop the cough because it alloys tho irritation in the throat- try it and provo 1l oldtime tipping the tipping habit is bad enough everywhere and ta worse in europe than here- in the eighteenth century it was a greater eyll un it is now a writer tells some stories lo illus trate the old condition of things 1 edinburgh in 1790 the society of clerks enacted that all servants should be forbidden to take tips and members be forblddsnto give them this ex ample- ws followed by other clubs and societies today there is tho rule in most clubs against feeling the servants an eccentric irish gentleman lord taaffe used to attend his guests to the door and a if they offered any money th servants who were lined up with the guests baggage the host would say tf you give give it to me for it waa i that diet buy the dinner- a wellknown colonel while sitting at dinner inquired the names of tbe hosts servants por said he f cannot pay them for such a good din ner but should ilka to remember them in say will another eccentric gsntletfutn after patiently redeeming his hat sword cans and cloak to the wy bottom of his purse turned to the two re maining servants who were waiting obsequiously each with a glove and aid affably keep those i will not trouble to buy them bock they are old and not worth a shilling to safeguard the child from damage that worms cause use millers worm powders the medicine par excellence for children these powders will clear the system entirely of worms will regulate and stimulate the organs in juriously affected by the worms und will encourage healthful operation of tha digestive processee as a vermi fuge it can be relied on for its effec tiveness in tub fall a persons fancy swiftly tuiujs to thoughts ok clothes fall and winter apparel of overy description including all the newest style fancies and at orices that invito comparison anywhere are now being shown at our spacious stoce we aro nowequipped bettor than ever to cope with the everjncreaslng business coming to our stored and respectfully solicit the continuance of your valiicd patronage and also extend an irivitarion to new friendato como and judgo this store for themselves we are always at your service with courteousnnd honest treatment d brill co phone 1g7 georgetown feailway time fal ill rkhl no 39 no ii no s3 no 35 no 39 no ss sunday e09am 1018 sm l9 pjr ff09 pjn 829 pm 1030 un f 70tta lula no 36 no 31 no 24 sunday 839 p 809 pjn t89 pm 70s pan m m canadian national railways wuound dally kxcopt sunday daily dally dally dally idally dally dally dally 5 743 am 943 aim 1143 ojn j143 pm 343 pm c43 pm 743 pm 043 pnt 1332 artu eestbound 743 1 mother lficxtlfert castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil jaregric- teething drops jnd soothing sytups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea rcgnlate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitation- always look fur ill sijniturc t eayc on inc at- yijvi tvrywure reco it 2lmzz man and be wauueiu tiaht away long btandino asthma uany have hufferthl so long from usthma und have trlml so many no called remedies they think that there la no real help fur them they should rvau the letters jucolved byztho manufacturers of dr p ke hoggs asthma itemedy from hundreds of cases once as desperate as their own bvsn in long neglected cases this famous preparation brinsst prompt help the blqhtthiina ify client declared the flnri law yer is willing to do the right thing so is mine said tha second law yer in that case matters ought to be easy i dont know the next question is what is th right thing weut and i fear that l wlu take a long lawsuit to settle that fahskeino scotchwoman it would probably take many gen- eratlons of undeslred and undesirable adversity to train americana into the far- weeing thrift n ess of the hootch an illustration on this thrift is con tained in the story of a hcotuhwumau who had been promised u present of a hew bonnet by a lady before she made the purchase tha lady called gnd asked the good womam would you rather have a felt or a straw bonnet urs wilson weel said mrs wuson i think ill tak a atrae ana itll maybe be it mouihfu to the coq when im dune wi 111 no matter how deeprooted the com may be it tnust yield to liolloways com jtsmoyer u used as directed did he leave y any insurance the first question asked by george castles friends when they heara of his tragic death in an automobile accident was quite a natural one a grief stricken young widow two wideeyed wondering children a little home partly paid for hero were proper enough reasons for the solicitous query of true friends 1 and george castle had no insurance if your death carao shortly would your widow be left in this position would she after tho first paroxysm of grief had passed face long years of want with dull despair crowding lov ing memory from her heart protect her future with a north american life policy the qttached coupon will bring you com pie to information on how best to do it north american life assurance company solid as he continent head office toronto canada f c walls district mngir 504 bank of hamilton bldg hamilton ontario dally- dally kidpt sunday 4a am tmlly l1i dally r i dily sl 0 dally j sa3 pjn dally i a t4j pj dally dally fxcht dallw by apaolal azpraa fralcht fralsbt ploked ap at any att- draaa in toronto rm ifai au pm 1140 pjn ohdee ettobm windows now get our money savin- prloo list show ing freight paid cost of storm window glased complete any sloe the hall- day ca ltdu uamilton ontario c l send xle your booklet the whole life policy addruas ago ocoupatloii get your job printing at tjie free press i m a ufesi wssi t t e gibbons expert shoe rbpair1no prompt attention to orders lpt te gibbons main street actol diamonds of quality u liko most other things diar monds may be- either good bad or indifferent u a fine diamond is distin guished by purity of color freedom from flaws and quality of cutting h these characteristics cbm- bino to produce the are and rare brilliancy that is the outstanding quality of every true gem ii we handle diamonds of fine quality only these we buy direct in large quanti ties always for spotcash savage co jewellers guelph ontario a a iil do they answer your questions ibo young people in their lutiera from school bcldom tell you what you really want to know but how different when you callthcm by jmg diatanco i jaek ttaya bo ia all over hli cold mary i no longer homesick and b perfeatly happy tho loiul is lifutl from your niiiul and now the abaeiit uiu tlo tmjoy hffaog tho fontiliux voice 1 no matter bow jpoocny tbo woathcr a talk with tho young people by ixmg dlstm will always brink bwilun into tbolr day as well as yours- toolc up iu your toletuiii hook tha iowwr ratasior butiuu- tctitauna calls after b30 pin rwry j30 tvpjkmif a tout

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