Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1924, p. 7

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v tjtrthf icanusas an j daatha ara no karged for it tn follow in ratau blrthi c marrlagca fact deaths satafcauirui rda joe 10 per jin extra for poem chan born macnallilr al milton on thank giving day november 10 1034 l mr nnd mm a i marnabh i daughter mar at llm homo on church ii thursday nnvom her 13 1034 in mr and jdm hnland ii i mlol uuehlr dico ffathon- at iiim home aotan on malurd n vtmbtr ie 1924 watson n ltln lath year thomphom at georgetown on tuwidny november 11 1184 wm t thompion in his 76th yaar v hodflonai her horn ouelph on hnturday november ib 1184 agna ioghrln widow of the late john t hohson uiqnhll at norvsl on rqnday no vember 9 l4 amelia phm beloved wife afqeorgo ii illgnell in her 67 th ywr ford at the general hospital tor onto otwfrlday november 14 1884 flnrrcej beloved wife of alfred ford fdpmerly or acton mfrewethen- at her home ouelph on sunday november j 1434 maria kljby wyatl beloved wife of majorjtf d merewether macphenflonat hie late residence ouelph on saturday november 16 1984 the tlev ii ii maepherson son of the lata itev thomai wao pherson and clerk of the presbytery of ouelph in memoriam craio in ever loving memory of our darllror wife and mother mary ii craig who died at hev home 140 gllmour avenue toronto on no vember 11 1981 oh mother round thy hallowed name such blissful memory springs the heart in all but years the same with reverent worship ollng husband son pauohteh neighborhood news- town and country nas8aqaweya venley thotnaa black of ouelph road foreman of tho llydio electric hallway j inntantly killed init thursday whllo al work by t ejng iun over with a rnot r car mr lllatk wan 81 year of hk iio wa f ln nithniawoyu nml wa i bilrjatoom ed mr and mr mutlliew job wish to announce tho of their daughter marv margaret to mr wm ilrltton the marriage to lnkn pluio the latter part of november rockwood tbb artmt ttt ita bb thursday novbsfbbr 20 1b24 lva- brief local items tell tl well and you adv will sell your goods november has behaved remark abb well so far read tub fxm pesos and get oil the local and district nw the turnip market has improved during the week sixteen cents has been paid a number of very fine deer have arrived in town from the north during the week auctioneer kerr was one of the auctioneers selling at the winter fair at ouelph last week mr c ii harrison this week dis posed of his farm at itockstde to mr d veltcb of lindsay count that day lost whose low descending sun views from thy hand no act of kindness done the annual ball and supper acton fire brigade will be held on friday evening december 6 the toronto sarnia highway be tween here and ouelph la now about completed and the djitouna removed tbs oajcoaj co toronto which went into liquidation some months ago has paid its creditors lo on the dollar too many motor drivers persist in dylvlng over street intersections in town at a speed unlawful and danger ous methodist church anniversary next sunday rev dr williams of tho metropolitan church toronto will preach rev mr baugh has so fax re covered that h expects to occupy his pulnlt at st alban church next sunday gasoline is sailing at simooa at ao per gallon on saturday after noon one dealer sold at two for twentyfive the mercory dropped to the lowest point of the season on sunday night seventeen degrees of frost registered at 4 o clock the top dressing of one stone and tarvla given mill street last june has provan very effective the roadway is now in an condition advertisers have an important message for you every week read ad vs a well aa news youll find interest and profit in them acton municipal nominations next monday nominations for reeve councillors school trustees and hydro commissioner will be made the street crossing on main street at the foot of brock avenue requires raising five or six inches it is nbw down in the mud in wet weather there has been real good ekajng on corporation pond since monday the young folk are having- a delightful tlm with this healthful recreation wmr c r mcintosh has kindly eent tub fxxa pass a photograph of oshawaa splendid war memorial which was unveiled on armistice day the showers of the past week have been refreshing but more copious and continued downfalls would be af predated before freeseup time come in the absence of rev mr culp ut dalllnafad on sunday evening mr h barlow or ouelph preached an excellent senhoi inv the methodist church now that the crops have been garnered and moat qf the threshing is over farmers generally hereabouts find that the horvestjf 1984 was an abundant one the induction of rev g 8 lloyd of verden man to st andrew s presbyterian church hespeler will take place to day mr uoyd and family have arrived in hespeler the dividends to the creditors of tho estate or d v ritchie of the sunderland house were paid last week at 89 oehts on the dollar the claims aggregated 1 119 30 and the total pa menu 884 36 the ontarip boys work board bed a oonference lor older boys and leaders in ouelph last friday batur day and sunday there were d- dresses discussions and a banquet on saturday evening the doer hunjer who went north the nrat of the month have returned they brought some fine venlaon back with them all the members of tni imirty are not boast log of success us hunters however tho service in the baptist church will tut withdrawn next hunduy mom tng and that of the presbyterian church in the evening to permit the congregations to attend the mot hod lot church anniversary one of the evidences of improved business conditions is the fact that the davis leather oo has got back to full time in their tanneries hero und u number of new men have been takmi on the staff lately newmarket kru in last issue of the milton re former the editor give a very interest ing and suoclpct account or til recent visit taihlladelphla washington und now york in company with messrs w d aregory and w v w kisher j rev pref campbell of momaster university toronto preached able and scholarly sermons n the baptist the toronto sarnia highway la now open from here to ouelph this 1 a fine piece of roadway miss m mclcan of mnrrlston nr rived in town on monday to assume the duties of monographer at harris woollen mill a re organisation meeting ut the tuxts boy of the presbyterian church has been hold their former auccoss ful mentor mr a c patterson will have charge or the activities during the coming yoar it looks as if the membership will be large news of local import i firemans ball nd supper tho acton fire llrlgndn will lull tholr twenty fourth annual liall and supper in tho town hull on hyldtit december c tho mualn wit tin sui pined for allowlno cattle to run 111 led by masons oruhoatrn ballinafad mrs t mitchell and family accom pan led by hir mother mr reld left laat week for their homo at kirkland lake for the winter mrs f a fisher of spokane washington u s a former resident of this community is visiting with mrs mulrhead the aervlco in the presbyterian church was withdrawn lost sunday owing to the anniversary aervlce in the methodist church anolversary services were held ln the methodist church on sunday rev j culp of acton preached abe ser mons to har go congregations oakville knox church ladles aid will hold a basaor on friday november 28 tjie removal of a decadent hedge a ion gel do st jude n church adds largely to tho appearance of the church grounds the partnership oxlating between c carson and j h elliott carrying on business as carson elliott con tractors hasbeen dissolved by mutual consent many in this district along the highway willi be interested in the marriage of our speed cop charllo hunter who was united to miss lueh daughter of mr r lush of clarkson on wednesday of last week an announcement of interest to resident of the district is that of tho approaching marriage of miss anna claire elder daughter of mr and mrs lawrence hager palermo to dr h d morris of orlllla the event to take place late in november mrs minna keene f r j s of oakville is holding an exhibition of photographs of racial types at tho smlfhapnlan institute in washington d c this collection was exhibited in london during the summer at tho galleries of the royal photographic society and attracted a great deal of attention the kirk club of knox church held an open meeting on monday evening when miss marjorle gregg who spent two years in malon work in the ba spoke on finland its cus tom and people- on friday evening of laat week dr and mrs dougoll entertained the members of the official boards of the methodist churchy with the members came their wives or husband tho ladles parlor in lusk hall was used it was a most happy event v erin the township council has passed a bylaw charging obe per cent per month on ail taxes not paid by de cember ie messrs william and robt mcmillan hlllsburg have returned from tho west mr and mr ferguson and children returned with them and in tend making their home ln the eaat mr calvin weddell of cookstown has purchased from mr w l brown t funeral directing and furniture business and has taken possession the conlngsby union sunday school will hold their annual christmas tree on wednesday evening december 17 doctor short has returned home from an extended visit with friends in western canada the township council passed the following account far sheep destroyed by dogs at the lust meeting john mcmillan one ahesp f 10 00 frank mcalister for inspecting sable h 00 dan ferguson one iamb 10 00 robt klrkwood inspecting same 93 00 jaa alibson 3 sheep 20 00 leonard awrey inspecting the same f 2 00 advocate brfn young people s community league which held very successful meeting last year has re organised for 1924 86 with the following of fleers president wilfred scott se cretary miss isabel arscogt treasur er jas brooks vice president d- votloual miss haxel evan assistant oran grundy missionary ml m marshall asa la tan t ms l conboy literacy amlttoclal fcxecutlve officer assistant mia mabel short cltuen hip fred lewis pianist ml mabel stael belfountaln women institute ha opened the debating seaaon for the sec tlon by arguing the subject resolved that country life 1 preferable to pity ufa the affirmative utained by mis laura glbaon und ml phonal mcmillan weru downed by the nega tlva supporlld by ml llule mc pherson und mis m k hharpa richard harne of hlllaburs 1 in bed as th result of being thrown fr m hi buggy when the horse ho whdrlv- ing took fright at an engine at the railway tatlou r j kerrs sale list friday november 21 john sin ulr bulllnafad household 12 fleet wednesday november 24 dr olb ton hill burg household ttffect rig and automobile vrlday november it methdjt church ulmdi eden mills pleased with ontario raaulu capt john hhftw tf molltic lit- for many yetfuehi lsloomed resident hern in a letter to the editor thl wek said i waa ploased- to lenrn that the o t a waa carried in ontario nt the lato election i hope that the noxt nesslon of the loglslnturo will puss more ro atrlctlvo laws and that canada will soon atamp out tlai curaed bualnes altogether canada advsntsgea and opportunt tlas greater mr if p moore iva the apeaker h the luncheon of the toronto cjyro club at tho king icdward hotel on tuoa day hi topic wrj incidents and cxperjenc of an ovo vlalt ln which wax strongly cmphnauud tho ad van age enjoyed by tho pnop a of canada in contra with tho in europe und great britain a find jf 2190 for georgetown hidh school at the lnt meeting of the county coyncl a motion waa pasned ordcrlm the payment of 82 100 88 t georgetown iflgh school due since 102 crodlt t largely due to reave mclntyin for unearthing und voourlng paymant of this sum to tho municipality wl ion will reduce considerably tho high school board levy on tho town tlilx year herald fined for sefunfl short weight bread four baker wcro fined in drayton police court by- magistrate hollyor lost week for selling short weight bread a fine of flo and coat wo jropood on each the bread was collected by provincial cdnatable mel ville last wook anffj when it was weighed it- was discovered that the products of these bakerle tipped the cafe at from one to five ounces short of the weight required by law buhington hs police commission the burlington council has appoint ed u coram laa on to havo control of alt pollco matters in the town taklns all police matters entirely out of the hand of the council the oomml slop will be composed of judge jslllnt magi t rate barr and mayor harris the statutes provide for tho appoint ment of uch a bod thl artrflmja the result of urn difference of pjrton on police matters among the member of the council the old man is appreciated the weekly feature articles by tho old man of the big clock tower appreciated both by homo and outalde reader here 1 evidence a to the latter c deaxjr edlto- rrheeid man was in a particular ly good frame of mind in this week issue of 1um four passa that s good stuff for acton fraternally yours l g jackson tim fmm pngsa appreciate thl ldntny6bnmenl and it is quit cer tain the old man will alo when he reads 1l you no psoplss league dbsts the young people a league or tho methodlat church milton district have arranged a series of inter leagu debates running through tho winter lusf year theso debates aroused much kindly competition and interest the shield was won by the leoguo nt lowvllle the first of the series thl year will be in luskv hall oakville on the coming monday evonlnr be tween milton and oakville subject resolved that the canadian senate should be abolished the oakvtllo debaters defend tho negative position the judges will bo outsider and non partisan tho publlo i invited oakville star the brampton msn shot last week the georgetown llerutd give the following particulars of the man who was shot on thanksgiving day whllo hunting while hunting with some men on the acton cross road about eleven o cloak dn thanksgiving- day george smlthexs of brampton was oversly wounded when hi gun was accidentally discharged he received part of the charge of shot in the muscles of the abdomen lytd his elbbw ho wo brought to dr marcel ua office georgetown where his wounds were dressed lie wo able to be tal un home in the ufternooq and at la reports was progressing a well m could be expected mothers cookie after sehooltlm tbe boy and girls who hove accesi to mothers cooky jar when they come home from school hungry these school day afternoon will always ha hankering desire for home her cookie soft cookie and crisp uni sweet cookies and aplcy ones all ju cookies but the esunco of home at traction to hungry girl and boy keep the cookie on the lower shelf there are busymen in town in city in country who to day whn enthral led with life duties find their mouth watering when they think of mother cookie ln the boyhood days buck in the id home and there are number of them right here in actoti too beef cattle qo abroad b of tattlo rained in alltertn arm demand in europo n ovldonrnd by the nhlpmont of over 800 head which loft fdmonton stock yard rcently for antjvorp belgium at brampton inst week allen brotii r hiul nppenrot hoforo mnglatrntp t ruwford twice within a slmrt tl fi r allowing cattle to run at jargu the public highway tjiy ii vo nenr sheridan and nurseryman in that district buffered the aeeond time through the cattle trespassing this time they were fined 114 the i lime paying 137 wheat 70 pounds to bushel wheat was delivered very recently by charles aamble which woht- ap proximately 70 pounds to the bushel when old at tho mltoholhon sas katchewan co operative elevator th6 grain was plump and bright in color mr gamble farm a half aoo tlon of land a mile wsst or mitchell ton und hi ninety acres of lummor fallow wheat nverngod thirty evoi to forty hushcl to tho acre j motor care in ontario it has been officially estimated that there are 266 000 passenger motor cars si 000 commercial motor ehlclea and 3 boo motor cycles n ontario these figures compiled up to tbe ond of october show a large increase over tho 1s33 registration for the ame period dearly 30 000 more paaengrir car and nearly 8 ood commercial vohlclo the number of motorcycles is falling off steadily every yenr whllo the num ber of cars inoreuses greatly dig yield of potatoes and grain porhaps the beat yield of potatoes thl year for the number of acre ha been taken by thomas avesy of koran ontario who collected 4 200 buhelu or approximately 2 600 hag from hi 12 acre of land thl yield of 830 buflhsls of potatoes to tho acre 1 not tho highest for tho alnglo aore but holds the record per acre for over id acres a record yield of grain is also recorded in the shalon township on tarlo where sam gordon threshed 7 000 bushels of gralnuat and barley from 118 acres or land the yield 1 approximately 40 bushels to the acre n rocord for over 100 acres why row aqain8t the corrient probahly you have all at least heard the terrain of that song how i hat to get up in the morning and un doubtely it expreshe tho onumont if a great many people some of you perhaps are wasting your energy bating the things you have to do you hate to get up in the morning you hate to go to work in the routine the day you muat meet every new demand upon you with reluctanco not only doe thl make life unnecca sarlly hard for you but in tho end your will power will break down a drunkard who signs the pledge may sustain for a week or a year but if all the time he wants a drink some day he will break his pledge if he con bo cured of the liking for liquor and brought to the point where he dls like it then he is safe this is tlm basin of all successful cures if all through life you are rowing against the currunt f your doslrea sooner or later your strength will give out luckily however your likes can be changed you can learn to prefer that which 1 best for you and to hate pot ortfneoeoiy routine but those thing whfch da you harm i other word you can if you will always have the current of your preforencu in your favor more pr less true tho mnallfi tho man he greater hi vanity vl a rent entufj i ihotinfinn reeiill from nmull bnglninim wimps ur n ii t to in tsry nffeotlo i- itto 1 ut fnv imo le caio one way t jikiko a man m iluiranlor ihjuy uhflt 1 1 nun t nuy tho fiheno lady hi uio museum bo hove in muklntr to mnnt of hernir thjnk uliuut your nwnfailllaand you will talk ion ubofit tho fault of other when n society girl marries lm imaglno thnt tho world i eclipsed by her honeymoon a third party may be sll right in politics hut when it comes n court ship that is dlffarent no need for it s say stranger said n tnnii travel ling in kann why don t they put up a sign dangerous down here at thl fortl i drove through there just now nnd came noar getting drowned wall now t guun everybody tint m aorua finds t dangerous so we don t need no sign y far mb for balk 4ft dnarms in the counties of hal ton and wellington varying from 40 to too acre let u send you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sals fire and llfo insurance money to loan j a smith 1 phone 106 the man who knows how gets the bis pay lob the blggeflt oat trios ur being puhl men who know how the hemphill trained man i in demand everwhom if you are mvchnnlculv inclined come right to tho hnmphlll trade hchoola isc king street west toronto or write at onco for our big illustrated catalogue whlfh explains top by tap how we teach you to bo a skilled automotive mechanic battory or ig nition export vulcjfnlxor welder bricklayer tllo potter barber or mechnnlcal dontlat don t delay call or write village of acton the greatest harm to your eyes omim front trying to get along without glnaso wlibu they really id imedcd only a smnll percent age or people who need glasses wi thoen iosmiiiiv you are one t thoso who w ml i bo bolter in svrry wuy if you wi ro u wifiror f wo c in tl you ab ut li a w smith optometrmt 120 upper wyndham bl ouelph comfortable vision hpclotit for 26 year mr ann hughe widow of th late john hughe and the old rel dent of burlington beach dlnl ugod year on monday hho conducted th post office at the iteuoh following tho death of john hughes her hu hand mr robt wallace a tauiu took u simrt down mill street end on to purk avenutt where they were stopped on monday shortly after noon they wormed in und out through telephone pale umsjungiy and were stopped w ft trout olamags itev t albert moore d d of toronto addressed the methodist uunduy hchuo sunday afternoon with word of encouragement and counsel this was dr moore boyhood school and he always appears to ejijoy a visit to the ham school some malicious miscreant threw u stone at a monument in ntool yard op tuesday evening und smashed a marble lamb which adorned the monu ment beyond repatr this means a loss to mr ntool of about 180 if the smart ajejc who oomraltted ute laslard th funeral of alua stafford iho funeral services of the late alva stafford ut st ttloinu wore conducted by rev david honor iho body was then taken to the homo of his brother mr cyrus v stafford ouelph on thursday on friday a service win held at mr stafford e home which was conducted by itov henry irvine the curtego then proceeded to aaton und interment was made in the famllj plot in falrvlow cemetery rev j cutfi officiated thu bear or wui a messrs a g nlnklln w r kepi n p molmjd 1t1 martin w jesnpp und it n calvert frlunds wb4 id tended were mr t y utaftord o ouelph mr und mrs uary utalford and children s thumasi sfutv fluve stafford toronto mlsu anns aijd margaret stafford ouelph mr aud mr wm ltoblnson mr and mrs henry ltoblnson mr wtu robinson br ouelph und messrs henry joel and james llis plonear oeys in niohol mr arthur walker wright of tho mount korea t confederate tits jut published a volume of intense lntr4t to the pioneers of hi itatlvu township of nlaho in wellington county a very ucolnot history of iho towiuihl i and us early settler is given un 1 there are interesting notes and letters referring to the early malt lament ot the township and also respecting fergus elom and ha i em with filial affect ion hit iso age volume 1 1dl ouled to th memory of fathei mothur ndiuirent and boyhood tuuthui ultd friend who wore pioneer duti fully and affectionately a tho father of the editor of fust fuss pssss was born in nlcholon november 1c 1h38 th year hi parents name from hal faat ireland to tho wild of cejadi tb volume has much of personal n terest ti him and he extend sincere parallelisms i rohlbltlon doesn t prohibit speed law don t stop speeding any man can get a drink if he wants it any driver can exceed tho npeed limit on nil our highway und most city mtreet when out of sight of tho boy and even girl drink to nhow how nmart they ore boys and even jtrl drive cars at reckless rate to show how during and smart they ore drinking intoxicants i not a moral issue speeding 1 not a moral lue shall we repeal the speed law 7 cer tainly not shall we raixiul the o t a 7 c tulnly not do not ropeul tnforcel list of voters re bylaw notice 1 hereby given that i have compiled with flection 260 of the munu clpal act and that i havo poatod up at my office nt acton ontario tho list of all prnon en t mod to vote in the i municipality upon the proposed by laws on tnembor 1st 1024 and that the said lint remain there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take immedlato proceedings to havo any error or omissions corrootod ac cording to law the laat day for filing complaint being the twenty nlxth day of november 1d24 dated at aaon ontario this twen tloth day of november a 1834 h n fajimlr clerk village of acton notice of registration of bylaw notice 1 hereby glvon thnt u by law ffim passed hy the munlclp i council of the village of actun on th fourth day of jovembera d jbsl a number 6s0 jirovidlng for the tu lng of debenture to tho umpunt of 80 100 00 for the purpoio of defraying tho cost of tho installation of a guso line driven waterworks pump and en glne and that such hy law was regln terod in the registry offlce for the registry division or the county of hal ton on tho 17th day of november 1924 as number 208 any motion to quash or nut uslde the some or itnv part theret t must to mad within throo nfbntli nftci tho llmt publico lion of this m lire and raiuiot bo mnd therooftor dated nt ato tloth day iiniv lis twen ontario nhpr a d 19j4 v i abm ell clork clearino auction sale farm fltpck and imflcmcntb the undnrlgnd hu renal ved fri alruotlnns from fred moarthur to sell h publlo auction on lot 17 concession s in township of ksque lng on wednesday november 20 1024 nl one ft clork sharp th following houhkhf brown horse t yeari old j brown mare 0 yours old 1 grey more c years id cattlic 1 rod cow fresh brod aualn 1 ro i inw fresh bred again 1 roan cow milking well ined in july 4 roan cow milking well bred again 1 1 folate in cow milking wott 1 fat heifer 3 yharm old 2 yearling heifer 1 yearling tserj 2 spring calvoei young caive pia 1 york mow 9 pig o week old fowl 30 good plymouth rock lion implements 1 peter hamilton binder 6 foot out in good order 1 deerlng mower 0 foot cut ln goo 1 order 1 massoyhnrrl eed drill 11 hoe 1 mossoy harris land roller 2 drum 1 teel horse rake b feet 1 pig crate 1 buln wagon nnd box 1 hay rack i sot international sloop slolgh new 1 chatham fanning mill and bagger 1 cockshutt root pulper 1 gravel box 1 steel jjred open buggy 1 tool tired top buggy 1 democrat- 1 louden- car 28 feet steel track 3 slings 1 set light alelgh 2 cutters 1 buffalo robe l sot diamond harrows e soot ions 3 doubletree 1 flourv iduw no 21 140 feet draw ropo 38 toot trip rope hay and orain 10 ton tlpwhy hay 100 bushels banner oats harnkhs 1 set heavy team har uea 1 sot plow harne 1 sot light double harness 1 set light harness 1 pair 30 inch scotch collars miscellaneous melotto cream suparator 1 daisy churn 1 dash churn l butter bowl and- ladlo hoes forks chains and othor articles too numerous to mention terms all sums of 10 00 and undor cash over that amount 1 1 month credit will be gtven on ap proved joint note 6 oft ror cash hay grain fowl and fat holfar cash positively no reserve roy hindley auctioneer erin i hone c o plank clerk she had lost her child a sweet old lady of thu sort oiut ii always young went shopping the other day- with her daughter they visited a great department store and thoro by some chance bsoanio separutod it was burgaln day an a jl jm miise crowd was surging bask h forth the daughter had tbs tnsmor unda and the purse thu deur old lady grew dislxscte no ran this wuy and that puerlng into mtrunga fuce and following falao lues what in it madatnt asked a sym pathetic aow mlkr can i help oh i don t know i she erled but i do wlh you d try have you lost something t i ve lost my child how old wu itr hftytwot then tl y both liufet into laughter und ulnute or twotater the well grown vhild came into sight jewellery bargain bargains in watohes a real bargain in th hlio of watohe iiuliahl for gift prlu ed from 11000 to 15000 alarm clocks these dork morning you neod n alarm llkk onco lato for work would bo nioro expensive than onu of tllene dopendnblo clocks tio to 00 fancy china and cut glass our atook is otnplutu in those line a real treat i in atore for ygy to look over uur stock wo r juflf nppnljig up pur christmas good und if include all sort of n vetus h w hinton wahmaker oiid jeweller succeaaor to lit 0o hynds acton toronto mclean co store news ovkwoath foh itoys and younc men thco overcoatft are made ukof all wool materials in grays and brown mixtures 1 pieco elts at 7j0 as0 1000 and 11100 boys mackinaw coats in brown blue and green checks at kuk s5jm and 6 00 hoyh fleeceuned undebwear 2piccc shirts and drawers at 75c mnd 85c each hoy8 combinations turnbull s make at 2jm and 1275 mkvk htanfieuyfl knit undebwear zplece blue i abel at 275 red label at tzso mens timer brand a ix- wool warm underwear 2piece shirts and drawers at t2j00 each mens heavy combinations tger brand at m per sor miutary wnneiat reduced price thl military gray flannel cannot be beat for men warm winter shiris now is the time to make f jt thts is gpad value at 75c yard special this week at cle yafil striped encush flannelette for mens gowns and pyjamas wide v i h extra good value at 40c yard mclean co mill street acton ont get ready for winter now is the time before the rnl ssvire winter weather at in to got the- mirror repair to furnace und waterworks uystem at tended tx we nro weir prepared to look uft r your renulrurnrnt prompt service erf icient workmanship drummond leatham phone 06 main street russells j fresh groceries arriving daily ilalelnaj pao vut almond icing- cherrlr 1- rry thing- in our llm for christ ma buying autoknitter socks and stockings mens work socks pure wool at 73o mpn s flnp socks plain and ribbed at 76c soc 85o and 10 doys and olrls school stockings at 3 to 2j0q uest scotch fingering yarn all shslles at per tb 1h0 for quality qo to russells atmunitrjtaa3a vtmam waltauh mif qtna tahm tsba wl wihmit m umm umii riol a lulii if lis ill 1 j ux tuning hlrt trlrovn lutto rvoelr u few liltfhu u 1 svi mllri rl i li hril h iti tlon ma ut a klul kouth aunlrulu iu thuu ut nmt it might huv1 u u niuiuk i ut wu ubl to h 11 tluit fur uway station ik i u tugh tu in ir hpvuul ami uititt mniitu a t brown ihone 87 acton ontariq we gladlv demonstrate gets- becalmed into play but 1 lndiffereiio tier jiiyntlv many yoyitg thanks j to his fallow editor fr wrlghl for his great kindness n church last qanday iter sir howsrd 1 dsalardly set hag a spark of manhood laepdlna a oompljmsntary vopy the wpm preachlof epeolal serrnons at an i in him he will oall and recoup ut vouro l neatly printed and beautl- outiids jtolnl l nlool for bjg idn fully bound in olotlu i thu old ilays of soiling ships eutnon ilrea lod n calm mure than they did a gale 1 or a boat no lay beculmuil for day or woekn waiting for wind tu till the sail put the crow inti oveter tet than u storm in hfm voyage tho time we are in mui danger is not when we are battling wll rdshlps and every uu energjr iy being j allod the mm of wlsivs when there seems nor aid to prosxea mi pt opla of the present day seem fljb tmicalmed the weeks und month g by whlla their suit hang limp and the port which wu tholr destination is allium t furgottuu hotter to oud ufw ihtt wind uu lor thu blai kosl ky ttwh f h aim i mot an enqllsh bulldog th lit rebuko 1 vldom blltur i prikslsli i ut 11 generally find lis niuik unl pris wttlth tho london stir luiln im not hi euh nohhlh young icnsllahtnun ti oumi unlod by a siuull dog recant ly t into a stroutcnr un i ut il iwn op pomlta an irishman the latter wu immediately attracted by the animal unl after some advances which wur haughtily received by the master ask ed outright tyhut kind of a ilog it ws it is a t4os bewreti an u and an irishman ws tlio lou 1 volte l re ply kalth tlfln were both rolate1 to th bste retorted tho irishman cheerfully looking for christmas gifts wl tuvt u full lh ot hi imil uu 1 win 1h hllkrt slim ikrolile 1 uutl novoltl hqltulili fm clirltintim ajrtu nt t a llt too oitrly to tut rii0v rui ciirjtfimum now with chrlwluiuh unly live wivk uwuy come in and inspect our stock reduced prices on all mlujnfcky miss j galbraitu millinery anj kuicy goods store phone 109 mill street bang bang bang the hunting season is here tne liumiintf jhuuo rtul uu fully tul i i to nut all tho huutotu rululremmt ouilu l d kit vurlotyhiti t ouim unl ltlllw ammunition dominion alumunhlun in nil slr 111 in ni d iii lilui k aud uhjknluhh ammunition f i ni j2 i in lit alioi t long uu 1 long iltlu mo 38 in hjipi t mnd long no htirv iim und lnjla for all uio laxgri rlllom our window display will hive qome ipea of our fjtock w d talbot phone 7o we oelivhn economical buying it g very ofttil quite u labk to know just what kind or meat to have for dinner or any other mcnl in fact and it is very often quite a problem nftcr you hove decided upon what yott- want to iiutku it tit your pockctbook but bath thcstc problems can bo easily solved it our meat counters our ex pent iilu in tutting niiut is proven to your ad vu nt very unit you buy ment ovti our counter fo can give you tho most protitiiblt utj ut the lowest prices quality considered of courc wl tiro not quoting prices this week but you cun bo assured of most economical buying if you allow us to cater to your mcitt needs always the right cut al 11ie high price watch our windows friday andsaturday fqr special w j patterson amsmium w vwn atsbgis acton ont psaasajmajr

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