Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1924, p. 1

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fiftieth year no 22 thursday morning november 27 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning november 27 1034 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev jobephu3 culp pastor parsonaoe willow sl 11 00 a m hnundneaa i tho mlnlslur huhjeot i god statutes 2 30 p m sunduy hchool 7 00 p m tim minister subject tho boul the- pastor loini l always open to any desiring help n spiritual needs presbytjenian knox church acton mlnlskar rev a c suwtri m a monl willow street 1110 u mtho minister subject tho whole flohiml w 3 00 jij m lllliln rinbii studios in malltmw chupttr xx 3 00 p m sunday school 7 00 p m tho mlnlntor subject the whole mnn strangers leaving nddrea with the uhnra will t called upon by the pnatori aia ajie cordially invtthd special notices expemenced mur8e experienced maternity nurae apply 21z nox 5 free press to let rooms suitable for hpuaekeeplng furnished or unfurnished apply to misb modouoall frederick htreel boarders wanted tw boarders wanted apply to ilox 47 free phess office sl3 wood for s a te 40 cords of hardwood cut last may delivered apply to frank holmes bower avenue strayed from tho premises of tha undersign- ad roan heifer the early part 6t october anyone holding this animal after this notice will m prosecuted charles davidson ittt lot si jnd line eaqueslng card of thanks the acton branch of the q w v a desire to express their appreciation of tha generous support accorded them in their sale of vet craft popples on armistice day j p flcarrow 8ctras farms for sale 4d farms in tha counties w haibon and wellington varying from 40 to z00 acres let n send yon our list a number of homes and hnslnaas plaee in acton for gale s fire and life insurance money to j a smith real batata agent phone 106 acton oat w they are one of the rarest bless ings in the world most folks be lieve thai nearly- everyone has per fect vision while ns a matter of fact about everyones eyes are more or less imperfect belter let us ill you if your eyes would be hilicd by classes if so we can equip you perfectly a w smith optometrist 120 upper wyndkam ft quelph comfortable vision bpeolallat for 16 year jewellery bargains bargains in watches a real bargain in this line of watches suitable for gift pric ed from 91o00 tefsooq alarm clocks these dark mornings you need an alarm clock one late for work would be more expensive than one of these dependable clocks flbo to ft640 fancy china and cut glass our stock is complete in these tines a real treat is in stora for you to look ovor our stock wo are just opening- up our christmas good and it includes air sorts of novelties h w hinton watchmaker and jeweller buooamer to ll q hyndi apton x wonderland friday november 28 the law forbids starring nby pny com edy mtsflt with clyde cook hodge podge jpvclty reel saturday november 29 mans mai blurring john oubert com edy yukon jake with ban turpln fox nw adilnl ul- traotjon ph liber t bros comedy aat tuesday december 2 changing husbands cdmedy drama starring lru- tioe joy chapter 12 or ituth of tho range comedy foot less foolv comino with blchard barthelraeam ns a cromwetllan hero f h u qjifcgoby a soj north winds vs snug wraps any day now tho wind will bo whistling shrilly about tho house icicles will flaunt in daring array abou the window panes and therell be frosty pjcturespainted on the glass by jack frosts own hands what a cold bleak outlook unless there are lots of warm cosy wraps and uhderclothing for all the family theres nothing warmer or smarter or more sensible than a long fur coat even if you lived in an igloo up in the icy arctic regions you would be comfy ip a muskrat coat at 125 137 or 150 t or a racoon coat at 250 or australian coon at 05 a hudson seal 205 coat at or persian and 325 lamb at 225 ojr if- the coat must be inexpensive there are jaunty ulster topcoats in sturdy plaidback materials sand color and heather mixtures both womens and- misses sizes specially priced at 1650 velour coats in camel brown and black with fur trimmings sizes 16 years to 42 bust measure at 075 in cut velour and teddy cloth 16 years to 40 bust 25 00 ltttle folks never do seem to object to the chilly winds they will play all day outdoors and their rosy cheeks and jolly smiles are a gay sight indeed they are warm because their mothers are very careful to see that they are sensibly dressed for november and december weather coats for wee tots of 2-to- 6 cutesf models in velours blanket cloths and plaid back costings some with cosy col lars of softest fur bright red copenhagen blue sand and heather shades prices varying according to size and style 350 to 1075 for juniors of 6 to 14 cosy coats at 6 75 to 2700 for boys lots of warm overcoats ready and they arc fine fine in fabric and in making ans in style made with threepiece belts plain and novelty styles heather mixtures greys browns and olive shades sides 12 to 17 years 1250 to 1750 juvenile coals 675 to 1150 mackinaw coats at 575 boys allwool jerseys at 98c boys leather gauntlets 50c d e macdonald bros ltd wyiadham macdonnefl and srden streets weekend specials homemade cady have you tried our homemade candy we will have several kmioftffys and maple cream for the end of the weelt homemade butterscotch clear as crystal regularly 30c tt weekend special assorted chocolates havo you tried our new assorted chocolates they are al goods lovely centres with a beautiful mellow chocolate coating regularly 40c lb weekend special 32c lb have you tried our light lunches i you tried our special brand of coffee made with sweet cream it is delicious a cup of coffee and a few fancy biscujts makes a tasty lunch we carry a big assortment of fancy biscuits mill street acton h wiles w will 8v you mony if you will ut u new fall and winter footwear just in dress shoes street shoes work shoes school shoes house shoes overshoes rubbers slippers spats holeproof hosiery footeasers laces polish insoles brushes polishing mitts wool soles corns calouses and bunion pads all bought at the very best cash prices from the best makers in this country give us a trial our prices are right weekend special bargains womeub patent goodyear welt slippers 050 for fl85 375 for 96 500 for us mens shoes and oxfords 550 for 496 dial hire it will pav v harry harrison the sfeoe man nw lin f tryfhna bsa4in4 h qaisi i a i i news of local import hand sariously lorud mr victor wataon frvdrlqk aire hail tho mlarortuna to have two nnsr of hlm rlshthantl imrtly laoratid at jlendetaona saw mill on the thlrtf una where h la employed oti monday the nnjern were amputated at tho 11 rat joint buying and sailing there u ulwaya aomeone aomovrhera who la anxloua to buy what you have to mii someone who haa j oat the article you want to buy to complete a deal each muat know of thn other wanta and there la no better or more certain way to make theae want kppwn than through a llttlo want adv in tiia acton fna paaaa what haapanad o jonae the bt ueorve pluyera of george town will preaent the play what happened to jonee in the town hall next monday evening qfwomber 1 sis oclock the play la under the auaploea of st alban church acton and thin la tho ume company ot aeorffetowrt young people who put on the amnteur playa laat year tha deer hunter ware qanaroua owing to the caneroalty of tha deer huntera from acton who enjoyed tho hunting expedition in the parry bound district thla month many a table i town waa favored this vtk wttb choice ventaon roaata and ateaks the moat thla year la of excellent flavor aweet and juicy tua fam pxn aaya thank to tho kind donors for the rtumproua appreciative recipient o whom members of our alalt were gen eroualy remembered bt albana raetor at work aaln the conaxecation of 8l albana church was very glad to welcome rev mr daugh the rector back to hla place in charge of the eervteea laat sunday hla convalescence since his operation for appendicitis in october haa been rapid he la feeling fairly well and waa not unduly wearied after the services of the day it waa a great satisfaction to himself to be able to resume the puhjlo duties of his incumbency tha women have votea all the women intacton whoee names appear nm tho voter list in parts 1 and z have the rjgftt to vote at the municipal elections next monday thpy will naturally ahow their in terest in town affairs by pojllnaf their vqlm alf women who own property are also entitled to vote on the bylaws submitted to the property owners at the same time as tha election for members of the council anh school board telephone servioe being extended the bll telephone companya line men have been engaged the post week in installing a new cable service providing far i0 additional phones to acton oentral exchange a large num ber of applications which the company haa been unable to nil will not receive prompt attention and in a few weeks phono service ww be supplied to all of these an additional cabinet for call from tho central office was in stalled recently death of mr angus lawaen the following telegram reached this ofllce veeterday cheyenne wyo november 35 14 tits faca pax aoton ontario tled at the home cheyenne wyo on tuesday november sb mrs angus lawaon funeral on thursday angus isawbon itrm iawvon was miss sarah fer guson she married her bereaved husband in acton and they lived for years in the town where mr onu mrs george havlll now reside mr and mrs iawbon removed to cheyenne about twenty years ago orange ledga electa officer at the regular meeting of i o i no 4 ft acton held on thursday evening november it the following nomlnatlona and election of officers wrere made for the ensuing year- worshipful master p alw h smith v dephtr master bro h maasjes chaplain bro j p bcarrowr recording secretary bro herbert ritchie financial secretary bro h- bmeth- urat marshal p w- r scott lat lecturer bro b bayllsa nd lecturer bro q dtitchburn inside tyler bro r punbar ouulde tyler bro a trotter commute bro w beavers brvw kennedy bro s cor diner bro k danny sudde death of hugh ryder hugh ryder of victoria avenue died very suddenly on tttesday in hi ahack n hendersons bush near oa- prtng us wnt up o the buh from bis horn here on monday wa evid ently not feeling well when he gfi up tuesday morning and it ts thought had u atxuka before he wp bl to light hla are he w4s alone in the shuck and was sound dead there during the day ho body was brought to his noma her by w johnston under taker on tuesday evening the fun eral will be held tomorrow afternoon hugh ryder waa he eldest son of the bite george kyder of acton knd had lived in acton and vicinity all hla ufa mr ryder was sixtyfour years of age he was twice married there waro four children in the first family mid six in the second mis seoond wife survives him mr john ryder who died suddenly in gualpn on mon day was his uncle aoeldent en creealng at m if tan x serious accident occurred on the mnrtln street croaslng of the can adian national railway at mtlton last thursday afternoon the milton pressed brick companya large cov ered motor truck driven by jook mo duli- of peru was hit and demolished bya southbound freight train mr mooulre and mis isabel jarvle jtrd is years also of peru wer hurled aom distance mcqitlre called for mlas jarvle at the high school where she tak student to take her homo andtfjkd only driven about one hundred yataw when struck by the train when plotted up it was discovered that the girl was unconscious and had eusl 1 a serious scalp wound beside be ing badly cut and bruised- mulre was fortunate in bainr lesg seriously injured although bo waa badly cut and bruised his ejtcqpo frflm death being almost a mlraj uciiulr was ulylds leas thau nv tnleg an huur ha the accident vocurrt- tl tiioosiinlc ns ultxays bpeji umrlwrot a yry r m tw lnutorul the view o iftona mpgohourdby v i h hlah tnbaakment nd a hlb board i fence v m reeve barber and a e nicklin for reeveship seven candidates foikcounciuora rstjlblx for school ivusteca a t brown reelected hydro commissioner for an- y other term yes there will bejjtsjiuiillipai a laic tlon next arondoyond on unusually hot ono it wllkspe too the elector will choose from tho following candlantea i for reeve oeoltoi barbkr a- ei nicklin j i for councillors ju e atkinson a a dills v frank b jiolmkh amos mason john nicol oharlbs b pahkrit 15 t thetford four to be elected for school trustees ts bcswick c h harrison oboltae mann n f moons w j reid john p wooden four to be elected for hydroelectric com missioner a t brown by ace at the hour for nomlnatlona at noon on monday the following were tho nominees for the various offices for reeve 1 barber osorjqk nominated by l e atkinson seconded by a m mecaniu sbell jeremiah nominated by fred l wright aeoondod by james e mcmillan 1 habhard e j nominated by w j patterson seconded by w m cooper 4- nicklin a e nominated by alexander macdonald seconded by charles a coaway for councillors 1 atflns w j nominated by c o plank seconded by w r kenney 3v arfconbolw lv li by h tt btuekey seconded by j a- mowat s bjbll jeremiah nominated by n forbes seconded by j a mowt 4edills q a nominated by amos mason seconded by c h har rison 8 hasoard e j nominated by c il harrison seconded by jamas symon r holmes v b nominated by fred l wright seconded by james e mcmillan 7 marshall thomas nom inated by u r stukey seconded by j a mowat l a1ahon jluos nominated by c h harrison seconded by john r kennedy nicol johnnomlnated by harry mainprise seconded by charles a conway 10 parker charles e nom inated by ebenexer beawlck seconded by george rosxell 11 thetford e t nominated by e j haasard eeconded by d c russell 12 wallace robert nom inated by j p warden seconded by c woodbajl for school trustees lvbeswlck euenezbr nom inated by r j ramshaw seconded by george rosxell x harrison hartley nom inated by j a mowat seconded by r kennedy i mann oeoroe nominated by j a mowat ecoridd by alex mclaaac 4 mason amos nominated by forbes seconded by fred l wright moore n fv nominated by n forbes seconded by k j ramshaw t mowat mrv john a nom inated by n forbes seconded by fred l wright 7rj0id w j nominated by fred wright seconded by n forbes worden johnp nominated by e j haasard aeoonded by wm johnstone for hydro commissioner brown a t nominated by charles w wilson seconded by oeo rosxell henderson d a nominated by j a mowat seconded by james h- reid the public meeting following the nomination of candidates on monday evening had a crowded hallthe larg est attendance of citizen for years at a municipal nomination the aoton cltlxena band paraded from their band hall on mill street to the town hall and opened the meeting with o canada and played several times between the address of the candi date thl naturally gav seat to the proceedings upon motion of the meeting put by clerk farmer mr h a swackhamar x warden was chosen chairman after brief introductory remark he called upon tho members of the past year council to give an account of their etewordshlp reeve barber was the drat spokes man he dealt briefly with the pro posed waterworks bylaw and ex pressed the hope that they would be carried he touched upon the shoe store incident admitted the council had made a mistake and assumed the chief responsibility for this mistake he was however glad that the usw was through with the master without any legal prooeodlng 11 stated however that he understood the worthy t editor of tiis fam pa w being sued fur tooo in connection with the matter by mr roney he pointed obt itls reason for running were the installation of the proposed fire improvement which he consider- ed needed hla auparvjaton and than ore certain other hlnga he would not mention at thla meeting in which- he la interested he was uult confident of reelection councillor bell and nlcol were oo apluuoua by their absence und al though called upon several times they did not put in an appearance u was usoort mined next morning that couu- cjilor nicol bad beni injure the afternoon whilfe lifting oi h h i fence moiiumeut and was unibie u oittldj councillor holme ejpraaa4 hla will ingness tu axftlq h amidtoau for councillor f wuld like tp u the ofnluoem atamd isir- glootldtr and hay a real lufuahlonect eleotloil u fayora hf hylawa und hoped they woud osrry and he imploreouh rt- luiyer 1u pivk uut th b4t man for the job mwv whether he was considered suub w nut wvultl be mhisned with thu lmul h ttlsu tnuk occasion io thatk 111 supixulers uf the inst cwuuculur thetforit tu hla speech dwelt nl oonaldetaltla length on tho shoe store inoldetit ih rather cauatla terms he denounced latf also pulro obituary john m btand1su m d a native of bequealng in the person of dr john m 8tandlh passed away in toronto on tuesday november ll in hjs4tli year the late dr standlah wo the eldest son of- capt john stnndlahr a plonner in this section and waa born on the old blandish bome- otskd oti the cheek une abouttwo miles from georgetown a a young man he taught school at btowurttown und aienwllllams after which he studied medicine over fifty years ago he began to practice his profession in georgetown leaving hore some forty years ago for palmers ton ho also followed hi profesalon in wallace- burg thistle towrf and michigan he wa married twice and both of his wives prdacjed him of late years he hns been residing with hla son charles in toronto another ion edward la living in buffalo deceas ed was u member oftho anglican church and was one of the main pro motors and builders of the preaent one atone edifice bt ooorgea church georgetown tho remains were brought to georgetown on friday afternoon and interred in greenwood cemetery the service being conduoted by rev perclval maye the preaent rector of s georges herald rev dr williams preached able discourses at the seventyninth anniversary services f the methodist church choir conducted8ervice of sonq withmffafisbive music social and personal from how would you like to go round wearing nothing but a blanket 7 thla is one thing that happened to jones came and see the rest next monday night in the town hall acton good sound sane reasons i am a property owner and a voter on the waterworks bylaws next monday why should i vote in favor of the bylaws i the proposals outlined in the bylaws will ensure to acton ade quate are- fighting acllltle in tho event of large fire or conflagration 2 it will ensure an abundant and continuous supply of water no mattea bow long continued the fire might be s jt insure against any posslblo contamination of water from fairy lake through tho chlorinating sys tem l it provide for prompt expulsion of all chlorinated water from our watermslns in ca such is used with in two hour or so after the flr it will give acton a statu with the fire underwriter association which substantiates a claim for a substantial reduction in our jin in- suraneorate it will relievo our cltlxena of ail anxiety for all of the future a to inadequacy of our flrenxhtlng equip ment as n jown i will therefore vote for the water works extension bylaws i am honestly convinced it will be to your beat interval from tbe stand point of protection nnd economy to vote favorably oleo urn of those who petitioned to keep a returned soldier from creating this shack on the main business street of acton and who required a duster to mop up their crocodile tears on armis tice day he stated hla decision to run agalny and his faith in the pro posed bylaw wtutlng that the town had everything to gain and nothlnjr to loe by the passing of theae bylaws mr a e nicklln as candidate for the reeveship then spoke he pointed out that his reason for his candidature waa the promise of reeve barber to withdraw when bo bad acquired the wardenshlp and ho had confidently expected him to abide by hla word he outlined his own past public ser vices in acton as reeve councillor school trustee and momber of tho library board and chairman- of tho old board of trado he also wished to dony the persistent rumor that had come to his attention regarding prom ise made as to what he would do ha hod- nude no promises only that of always trying to advance aoton best interest and bo implored the voters to com to him for confirma tion of these or any other rumors respecting him oefoce they were swal lowed r mr e j haasard stated that he wa not a candidate tor the reeve ship or councillor lie withdrew in favor of mr nicklln und thought it wa time for a change in the office of reeve he had been in acton for fifteen years and two men had mon opolised the honored position uf reeve during an that time- mr w j akina was in a rather jocular mood and hla witticism and sallle at the- expense of the rve gnd council brought forth many point and much goodnatured fun ha dwelt at some length on reeve barbers mys terious thing he wssited to do that be would not mention and dehtanded to know who should know about the thing if not the electors he also took exception to mr thetforda re mark about tho grumbler who drove the shack off m1u street hi wa perhap the moat lengthyapeechof the owning and in it all he did not inform tha elector of his intention in tbe election v mr charles e parker said be did not expect to run for councillor as there were apparently plenty of good men available without him the by law appeared alright but he thought better ooncei6ns might be secured if they wer go after forcibly mr g a tmia thanked the mover and seconder for his nomination but did not ajt tlikt ttmu expect to be a candidate hi seven year of watch ing council proceedings as reporter had taught him to be wary of gettlng into the election turmoil mr amo mason announced it as bis intention uf running for councillor believing it to be his duty a cltlsen of acton he hud already qualified and left the mailer in the ratepayers hand tu decide if took exception to mr the t fords remark about the shack ha stated that tie wa one of the men who had circulated the peti tion to atop this building from being reeled oti milt street und that would always eudoavdr to atop any thing detrimental to actons progress h would if elected act in an un biased manner and do hi beat for acton mr l e atkinson faa ppj urc whether he would be u cadidaip pqt if he lid decide to lmj tort u elected would dfl lu bent for aoton messrs t murthum hhd j wl- uicy athor nnrntnva fur council were not preaent h the meeting aleaara e beawlck ud o u uarrl son abrnlflml then intention of con- testing the ulrica uf school trute and solicited tha ulontura uuppurt mr n f moore bud not at that time decided upon what action he would uku it whs gr4 that another meeting fur the purpo of explaining the pro posed by law- thoruuglvly would be held in the town hull on thursuuy evening of tbts week men famlllar with the byluws and uspubie uf ex plaining them in iletull will b urrntt at this moating the meeting closed will th band playing the national anthem and thn i usaombuigit joining in singing it is seventy- nine yours since the sturdy pioneers of tho methodist faith of this community rejoiced with thanksgiving and gratltudo t mighty god upon the completion and dedication of their flrnt place of public worship in acton thl event so im portant to the fathers of the church here wa commemorated with appro priate and very impressive anniver sary services last sunday the occa sion was one of special interest and wa attended with unqualified success rev george ii williams d d pastor of the metropolitan church toronto wne the preacher of the day lit eloquent sermons wero of a highly spiritual tone and wero calculated to impress tho large congregation which aaaembled with the importance of put ting first things first in christian life and service they abounded in prac tical suggestion and apt illustration and were replete with interest through there wero many eloquent pas- and withal there wa a simplicity about the philosophy of christian lift as presented by this eminent preacher hlch appeallad td all hi hearers the morning discourse was hnsart upon mark 14 8 in which the words of christ addressed to the disciples when mary broke tho alabaster box of precious spikenard and poured it upon the head of jesus to anoint him ss on evidence of her love were she hath done what she could thl was christs last week on earth and al though he naturally preterred quiet und rent in the evening after hla busy work in the temple during the day had attended blraons banquet at hi invitation it wo here that mary poured out tho ointment when up braided jeaus had said let her alone she htfth done what she could ahe has coase afoyehand to anoint my body to the burying verily i say unto you wheresoever thl gospel be preached in the whole wosld thl also which ahe hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of ber jeua lays emphasis upon the loving deed jesus the carpenter of naxar- etb went about doing good tbe charge of many today 1 that tho church is unnecessary we rest too much upon form upon ceremonial is one of our weaknesses today to stress dogma and ritual without re gard to mens humanity to hi charity to his value to others i reprobated by the teaching of the scripture to justly to love mercy fo walk humbly before god 1 the ideal chris tian life not those who say lord lord but those who do the will of my father shall enter tu life eternal inasmuch a ye have done it unto went about doing good that u the christ of god we can never discharge our debt to god except through eternity there is not a single philanthropic organization anywhere but which guts its inspiration from the church of ood jesus always laid emphasis on service she hath done what ahe could the great mistake of modern socialism is the desire to have lity there will always be a difference lu capacity what every child ehould have ahould be perfect equality 05 opportunity tbe pity of the church of god and the pity of society la that o many people do nothing because they cannot do as much or a good work a others what god seek 1 not uniformity but unltv the blending of every kind of people in service 1 whatxtnakea the success ful church of god i have set the lord always before because he 1 at my right hand ahall not be moved this the 8th verse of tha iflth psalm was the theme for a powerful sermon at the evening service david waa evidently rnqoh unearned about a deep undercurrent of power for hi own moral aecurlty he desired to stand unflinching under ail beaetment he had tho deep pro found conscientiousness of the pres ence of evil desire the temptations of life were insidious and strong and he d t have set the lord always before me thla wa a pattern for life ideal are lndtapetlslble to life we must have the vision and the ideal if we are to get the best of ufa we must have high ideals jesus one with the father from the beginning tbe type of tbe perfect matt our ideal strip him of hi divinity if eou will 1 would still take the car penter of naxareth a my ideal he a a pure a u little child a gentle a woman a brave a a soldier i have aat the lord ever before me coujd we ever be harsh or mean if jesus the carpepter before ut if we could take jeaus with ua every day and all day we would hae no place for moan or harsh tbougrht or deed l am not moved because i have christ at my right hand now it i a corporate life jeaus christ in me the life of god through jeaus christ in my life i can do all things through christ who etrengthaneth mi that i the vjotor life to be ti christian la to b a chrlafs man dr william spoke of the pleasure he had in coming to a town where the spirit of christian unity was ao happily manifested by the unity of the different congregations on occa sions of thloohracter it i an evidence uf christian charity und u broad fellowship he spoke word- of encouragement raspei ting the splendid work being don in tho email town churches whose influonoaj s proud 1 through wide urea the congregations were large at both services jn th evening the capacity of the church wua taxed to accommodate the y urge assemblage rev mr howard and ht congrega tion of the lluptlnl tihuroh were prent in the- morpfiur and mr howard wtiuhed n the order of erfoe the congregation of knox church attending in the evening and rev afr btewarl offered tho opening prayer there were also numerous vtaltor fmm out of town the service of praise wa a very attractive feafur of tha days services th choir in their anthems solos duetts and quartette excelled them selves mr amo mason ho leader had tha member in splendid form and every one of them took their part with skill and harmony the eeveral dlvlstous ware well balanced und the result wo a reverent harmony spproprluteaored song which waa worshluful uitf inspiring mis berth smith who came homo from toronto to assist nang with a splendid voice and uojoa kennedy who was in hi place again in the baas euution derthl vuluuble aid a fvature which won greatly nnjoyad wu thu violin ohllgttto part thkon by ml muriel maaait bath in hymn and anthem the financial objective of taoo 00 re- mr maxwell bell was homo toronto over sunday mlas anna lindsay wik homo from toronto for tho weekend mlas minnie nelson spent thn week end with friends in toronto mr t b mull fa of huporlof wis is vjsttlng rtj hi home hero mr c ix lucas spent a fow days this week with friends in toronto miss margaret bennett toronto visited at her home over tho weekond mlas llargaret brown of turonlo visited friend hero over the weekend exmayor ournoy of wlngliam made a brief call on friend hon last week mr dougta crelghton of toronto made acton friends a brlof visit on monday rev dr william of toronfo wpn a guest al moorocroft during tin stny in tdwn mr and mrs h m kennedy of georgetown spent sunday with friends in town m1a joan smith of toronto vlalted at mr jennie modougalls ovor tho weekend mrs b conovor of erlndale visited her brother mr robert bennett duri ing the week mr and mr albert brown of kitchener spent the weekend ut the parental home her mr kerby waterhouse of belleville vlalted at the home of mr e f kennedy this week mr elmer henderson who wa lrf- jnred in a motor accident recently in toronto haa recovered mr- and mrs b v kenyon ml mabel and master lloyd spent the weekend with friends in toronto mrs thomas 8 tat ham left last woelo to spend the winter with her daughtor mrs h r burling- in milwaukee mrs j c wilson miss margarot and flndlay mid calvin of toronto spent tho weekend with acton friends mrs a c stewart and grace were called to rlverdale on saturday owing to tha serious ulnee of mrs stewarts father- mrs amo tlpllng df wing ham apent several day over th weekend at tha home of her brother mr frank kennedy mr jama hyde who ha beep in poor talth for some time has gone to hespeler to spend the winter with hi daughter there mr and mrs r l gregory of ok- vllle attended the anniversary services the methodist church hererthe old home church last sunday miss kntle rosxell who wo taken to ouelph hospital for an operation for appendicitis ss wednesday of last week is making satisfactory progress toward recovery mrs luther cornell and son and daughter arrived from the west last week to join mr cornell who re cently leased the t thomas ryder und harry gibbons farms on tho third line mr and mrs charles e bailey of guelph were in town over sunday attending the anniversary services in the methodist church- they were the gtiosts of mr and mrs n p mclam t mr mark sutton of johnstown n x wa in town renewing acquaint ance this week mr sutton left acton twentyfive or thirty yearn ago and haa mado good in his adopted city his friends in acton and erin were very glad to see blm again mr alfred so per returned home from manitoba where he spent the past three months on monday morn ing mr soper soya the crop general ly wcresgood in thd sections he visited snow storm a few days befora he left last week caught some of the farmers with their threshing uncom pleted mlas jessie gumming wa called to toronto on sunday through tho seri ous lllhea of br slater mrs james brown who passed away on monday mornint the funeral waa held at fergus yeatexday afternoon much gympathy i felt for ml qummlnjf by her friends bore in hw sad ho- reavement the ladle aid of the baptist church will bold a sale of work and bomomude baking- on saturday no- vtunber 1 commenciac at 9 oclock in tbe class room- of the churtfl john cuifie burned out 1 f family household almost totally deetroyed about one oclock last saturday morning mia ethel clarke daughter john clarke of port credit formerly of aotoq wa awakened by donee amoke which filled her roqm she ut once gave the alarm und hd family escaped from the burning home in their night clothes- when they removed from aoton about a year ago they leased a jorge atone realdenoe situated near the mis- alaaugu golf link this was since their home and it wa thar thu dis astrous fire originated the cause of the fire la a mystery but the indication are that it origin- tod in th boaement the nnw atone structure was guttttd only tbe bare wells remalu atandlng the fine furniture und furnlahlnga ami the wearing ann n the fumtly were- almost all destroyed the tlr bad made such headway before discovery that it was impoaajuta to resauo moru than a fw article as soon a the fire wa uotloiul neighbors hurried tu give tholr ummih- taijce ufid port credit fire urlgudu wu promptly on thu scaiia to glvu their assistance with their oipmluul engine though the life was a mil and a half distant from tho town a section uf oakvllla brigade also wuj present to as 1st the two motor care of the family which were lit a gafuge- in ounnoi tlon with the realdenoe were roncuod they loss to mr and mrs oturko und famllf is partially covered by innur- unoe in lmllcie covered by mr jtdiu x kennedys oumpanles to the amount of 1710000 the neighbors have been very kind to tha homeless family and htivo bui very ready to make them us com fortable us possible in thla tlmo of nuddart misfortune aoton rrlaiidn htu have also proffered them tempoi hi y home until they can get nottlud uguln for ull of this mr and mrs clai ku ami family are varygratetul muu sympathy is felt for them here in tho j los of home und of so many homo oamforts und heirloom which they nrlxod very highly tt v

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