Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1924, p. 2

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i fiwm- z jt rp hpartnn3fwrgbfi itua e ovbuher it 124 courage corner you have commit loit a sin or nn unklndness or you bnvo fallen from tha belghfj vou stdo upon yeetorilay have ttio courage to conquer your prhle and nruo and so to thy faihor and toll him about it aid your own sorrow ir you are sorry enmjetb that u you had tha opportunity to cbooao oxaln you would nut choose the aln nut the rlchteousness then lie will greet yqu aa lie areeted that other prodlgal son and on aw you 1vcel cllmpsew of hla love and nil the wealth u has to rod away for you and all the other children of ilia love and care it la strength not weakness that makes a man confess his sina a weak man hues hla faults a stron man cats rl of them put yourself uton the strong and so back to you place- in- his loving heart nina well- tlbbot m 5i s a mean mans generosity cleorlns his throat a uttle conscious ly mr uvne looked askance at caleb peaalee this a queer question kellup ha ventured at last and i dltnows i ought to ask it bout a neighbor but who is the moat selfish man you know of right n his own family and tords his own children mrpeaslee glanced about him cau tiously and then replied with a grlo that had in it a touch of self con sciousness 1 wouldnt tell you if 1 didnt know were both thlnkln of the earna man he said ben baffords the pusson i saw you stop when you csme by his place whats he been doln nowt nothln special replied mr hyne what 1 saw htm do is of a piece with all his dolns only he done it without any color of shame furs i could aee what was itt persisted mr peas lea well mr hyne deposed slowly l hod a pocketful of walnuts and whorl 1 sot long by saffords he was stand- in by the gate with that boy of bis i dont core- what ben safford hi that boy is bright and smart as they make mebbe he takes it from his mother x didnt want the walnuts myself and i did want to give to the boy i dont suppose baiford ever brings any bought truck hometo that youngster so t started to give em to th kid but baiford held out his hand 111 shell em he soys and like a fool i put em all in hl nand end what do you think he done t cat the heft of em himself on lectured mr peaalee without a mo menta hesitation mr hyne smote his leg- savagely with his hard palm heat eat the last solitary one of em himself and ghvthe boy the empty shells to play with he asserted stout ly tea sir he eat em all with that kid wltchln him and hppln to the last that mebbe one of em would fall to bis share and then hla father gin him the empty shells and told him h could make boats of em and the boy went off lookbv nrettv sober mr peaalee pursed bis lips and emitted a low whistle of surprise tdknows i ever beard of anything tobeek that t aknow jeetbow a man could go to work and beat it so said but z ought not to be apprised at anything ben baiford does in the way of stinginess yon know what he did when ha wasoourtinhls wife dont t mr hyne shook his head sourly he waa marriod long yore i mored v into townhe replied but rm wlllbv and able to blieve anything after what ii saw this mornlny well- began mr peaalee rthay amy that he took hef- to a fab one betn ashe had some cattle on exhi bition and could get into the- fair grounds for nothln they took their own food with em she put it up for both of tern and ben was bavin a oretrul good time seeln nothln was costln film a tsent there wag side show and like that but of course the girl knew that ban wouldnt fool away any money on soeb things but there was heaps of- mng to eat candy and pears and orangea aod spose she had a kind of j sweet tooth anyway after theyd wandered round and bend seen bout all be i ooflw sea for nothln 1 she- sort bf plucked up her courage she la a quiet- patient- little pusson you know and she had a kind of wishful ibok even in jhem days they waa going pest a booth where there- was someoranjtas and she touenedhim- on the- am and ears dont them crane look awful nice ben hehsuted right square in his tracksandhe hardly dared tobljavo her oirj eyesat that bnt when be crabbed her by tha arm and begun to fetch aer along a tords the orangea elbowln folks out of the way so he could get closer eh felt that shed been sort of ntls- judgiuhlm all alone he made a way thraughthe crowd and led her right up in front of the booth therel says he- they look better from here than thaydtd when we was way out there now he says well stay here and yon can- look at em long- youre a mind tot killed with hi ovvn weapon there is no doubt a popular belief that the claim of insanity as a da fenae in murder cases a often used to defeat the ends of justice thatu evidently the view atthe writer of this little squib ayonnjf attornay had secured for hjg client an irishman charged with murder a verdict of acquittal on ths gronnd of umnorart tnsmnlty when b mat his cuent again- he sbidl eu hogan isnt it about ilai you gave me that axtrs two hundred dollarst- ij balth an what two boondred is oty th two undred dollars you prom ised if i sired that worthless neck of yours sure on did oi promise thott ol dont remtmber wby certainly you promised it to ma hogan scratohsd bis head for a minute and then with a smile outlaw ed the olaui with the remark ob well but o know ol was craiy twn 50 well trained m the school itescher was very proud dfthe results of her laborduring past few weeks day atr day jiad trained her pupils in the louloa- t olagof flredrni and at hut they seem- vad pgrfool j- llwotf she- said one day what v would you do if 1 told you that the iilldlng was on nret wke cine voloe cams the answer of ijms- hundredor more qbudrsn assexnb- tied a ftw flays tatar a lecturer visited oae schoou vflw toaoher with a beam vlnf smlie on isar- face k t mt qw olrldrwu whsjt would you do if j-wirato- tort yon that dr wlwhwd a wad stuag to lecture har toflayr iovbtnakitrw m rise nromntly put ejta aiherifr ifrrfla hnrt toru of two evils- fhejdkrick william ilok irtk in panting nmmemenfnear the jiikftxi raving bank tho hornets hod becotno lost in the woods trom ndtaerofit dutfinra within fh sliojterlhg irqos shnvc jetlediuh cooraus silently wntched as pu nna mnhtlfrs disutpctirdnlonk nitiruw utli ttint woiiutl ntut tjio hami f th lw rreek bluff hr hcavil iltth and luilmd slowly liomawurd itirough- ulawoolts t whs huitcrn uliootln lilualt fchitan f murmufod und a mllo enroad vcr his face yjvklodioub music of ntono on i atool rang through the orchard mij as ommun htllos whetted his scythe before ronewlng an at tack upon tho uouleated andbolated crop of timothy and clover in the adjoining paaiure ulack latln raised hie had from the grass that ho had been cropping with short impatient jerks and gased long and intently at the old mans movements in the thick woods near by jededlah coombs enoaked and peered and crept with his 22calibre rifle xlame was plentiful and varied but jededlah round it provokjngty tanta- llslnr a cawing flapping crow be- camo suddenly silent and invisible la a certain tree top by tho time the boy had cautiously poked hla head from behind a big stump after crawl ing flaf on his atomaoh for nvo min utes tho loni fatwoodchuck that had been silting in the midst of freshly execs voted yeljow soil on top of a knoll had myeterlously vanished jededlah aiowly got up but jnetani- y uank back the ground again with a prolonged and awestruck oool a great solemn slowmoving gray- feathered form soared majestic and si lent just above the tree tops was it a hawk or an sugldt jededlah made his way through the trees at a skulking crouching run in the direction that he thought the bird bad taken presently however ho gave up the chase to turn aside aud investigate a dassllng glitter that shone through the trees as be ad vanced the gutter resolved itself into a jong- nocked glass bottle on top of a fence posl who had put it there and what for were questions that did not enter his mind i dont want- to get right on top of itv he murmured stopping and raising- hla rifle ilobln hood he continued shot even while he talked and hit the centre every time tou he sold addressing the bottle cant get behind a bunch of leaves or crack 1 missed jt i or duck into a hole in the ground p fly away crack missed it again ouess i cant talk and shoot straight at tho same time 111m he stopped abruptly for through the- trees beyond ths woods beyond the fence and bottle far ahead in the orchard he had suddenly discovered old man stiles standing in direct line with the bottle aa he whetted his scythe x the oldman stopped the rhythmical movement of bis whetstone and rais ing his hand brushed his ear with an impatient gesture then he looked all round him in the air- but discovered nothing a bumblebee i guess he grum- bled might bo a nest of em close by i wouldnt want to etep on to it or cut into em with the scythe 3unsp 111 rest a mite anyhow and let em settle down ips- hot this afternoon he nunc the scythe la tf crotch of the nearest apple tree dropped the whetstone in the short grass near the base of it and drawing a great red bandanna from his hip pdbkel mopped his face and neck believe i could wring water buten it he observed holding the limp wet hadderchlef up between bis- thumbs axd forefingers he spretfd the figured red cloth upon the leafy tip of a branch in- the lowspreading tree better let it dry out a bit he said to himself choosing a spot in the thick cool shade he stretched himself fiat- udoq the ground and drew his wide- brim chad straw hat over bis face to keep out tho flies and the stronj4tbt but jededlah coombs peering through the trees interpreted the old mans movements from an entirely different point qf view cod fear deep- remorse at his carelessness grin- pedthe boy as he watched the old man put his band to bis ear thenhang up the scythe hold it up and look at it then spread it to dry upon the rtreo when tho- figure lay down upon the ground almost out of sight be hind ths broad- trunk of the old apple tree jededlah fell aura that bis wild bullets failing- to hu the bottle had struck- and wounded old man stiles how bad ha might be hurt jededlah could not- tell blood was red so wag the handkarehut hisr first impulse was go to the assistant of ths- old max he ran forward to the fence leaned bia rljjp against the woven wires and grasplaer a post raised onefootihsn pausem after tij careattng figure of old mun m tint i i ntfl v i why did not the ominous sounfli from the esture fence joune hint jsdedlah lookodallout for stones to i throw at tho bull there were none ho itioutod but only euocooded in quickening lilack batans movements ho dargd qt climb the fence and go to the fescue of the old man and yet he must ntltngjthe post be stepped up on the thirdlrice climbed to the fifth andsoventh tou ninth and top was a stnaia bar lied wire the rifle hejjeu forgotten it snick with an idea he ntrnddled the flat top of the post veacheddown and pulled up his rifle and aimed it quickly at dlack satan butbefdld not pull the trigger pa sold ho was wonth anywhere from two to three- hundred dollars he said half aloud and anyhow unless i hit him just right and killed him it would only matte him maddrn ever b but as jodedtahe gsse onoe more wandered to the old apple tree a batter solution for his difficult caught his eye true u might provo to be al rather harsh test for old man fltllort but it would determine certainly in stantly and beyond the shad ow of u doubt whether or not the old man was unconsctoua from eevero wounds and u he was uninjured it would rpuea and warn him of his danger i can do it slttln right here without gettln down inside the fence at all thought jodedlah and its bettern tryln to shoot black satan pay says of two evils to always chooee tbo least the bull had found the second board much more stubborn than tbarsl nevertheless he had gone one end down and was yanking fiercely at the other end jededlah shifted hla rifle until the sights rested upon the short slenders neck of big gray globeshaped ob ject that he had discovered hanging well up anions the branches of the tree beneath which reposed the still flrure in the grass four times in rapid succession he tired at the narrow target without apparent result then to bis consternation a dead click of tflo- trigger told hlm tbal the- rifle magazine was empty he hurriedly searched his clothes or more cart ridges but a hole in one pocket ex plained he absence of further ammu nition the next momenl however tt be came unnecessary tho bullet riddled neck of the gray object dropped swift ly through tho foliage to the ground below old man stiles sfrllelepu neither the- breaking fenea nor the sharp cracks of jededlabk rifle nor the angry hum that filled the air about him penetrated beneath tha muffling straw hat but he dreamedbruptly suddenly ho hod been sawing wood nil day and was tired- but uieiliver that he haft run into his hand inter fered with his restm stllee tried to take it out but it seemed to be in deet she had to probe to hold of it moreover abe seemed unqertaln of her aim and the needle jabbed him in varjpus places she was unusually rough with the needle it was not bit like her either she was usually so skilled and gentle but if she did pot atop that needle- would go clear through his hand ths old man woke sat up the air was full of needles or elrversr wag that bussing cyclone hornets he scrambled tohts feet there were livers in bis yeal and needlea prick ed him all over he beaded for the open gate at tho far side of tag orchard as he ran a sudden terrify ing spllnterlilg crash mingled with a roaring bellow a backward glance showed bins black satan impatient bursting- througja the fence and charg ing the red bandanna the bulls impetuous rush carried him underneath and beyond the blen der leafy branch with its ttarfhx red the immediate object of his wild rage bad suddenly vanished as he came to an abrupt halt beneath he tree but almost at his feet lay a dullgray thing in baffled fury he dropped hla head caught one horn into it and tossed it aloft it struck a limb and rebounded to the ground something pricked black sotan lt tho nose bel lowing with frensy he stamped upon the gray mass ground if to pieces umnwltb a f oflous snort thundered oj4 stipes was an enemy he might not want any help from me jededlah sold to himself he mblht try- to chase me out wbep us kids asked him for some apples last yaarbe told us to fet out and stay out thats the reason he wont su wants to keep him so tho kids cant get any- of his apples whan b 5m through raowln hell put him in tb orchardysanu as- he did lost year he knows there wont anyone get inside the enoe with thatbull in there hes mad right now at something to him snort jededlah bad instinctively turned his bead and gased tqward the pasture where black satan was confined tb animal was in plain shjhl standing close to the board fence that separae1 pasture and orchard ill attitude plainly indicated that be was in particularly belligerent mood ha wssaaaing through the fence and his blaalna eye seamed to be axed upon the prone unconscious ftgureof old man stiles if i was layan there vd want moren that rotten old fence between me kud jthat anlmall muttered jede- dlabi i suppose cause theres a good wire fence clear round thewhol pas ture and orchard old stllea thinks it dont maka atiy difference black baton couldnt get oitt anyhow the redbandanna handkerchief on the tip of the slender limb in ths old apple free tossed gayly in the gentle breese from beneath the tree cams a sound like the sldw rasping ofu crosscut saw driven with- the tired strokes of waary men it was a paaosr rul tone and blended well with a dron ing whine that oatns from fe thick foliage overhead but to black satan standing out in tho glaring shimmering hast it was all irritating maddening enraglog his blood began to bolt the possibility that the bull might ireak thrqugh tha old board fence and ftlph himtnsljjs the orchard made jededlah besjute ami further but diitywae tttain asson frasptnerthe post beriwedhli hght foot to the third wlrovadd gtbppadt with a sudden rattling clatter black oauo- had hooked hlscuttvedhiorn under ths eeoond board fronf tha hot torn or the owpetsturo feboe and had begun toworryn bacv so torth one end qtiiekly iato jooap a moment later hv otbar yleld- be opening thus nidawsafcafoely bha enoucb iqaowvtb-ssiasvo- head and with wtkasi ngrr he4andiirlth mphhamprscjrfla msanwhusthe tro remalnad li stllea through the ejrtfearjf gote went ahner sulfa through the aln jfent buck ssttan and oyer tha fft streamed a horde of yellow jackst tbe bouse loomed to the left but then was m turrilng aside man ttnd black satan he cenlmucd hejh thudded across the yard and clat tared over the back walk a big tin dish pan tilted precariously against lh end of tho back porgb railing to dry iff the sun slid bumping with a panl pant pap i f f to bottom of the sups ma stiles rushed t fhs door abhor stiles t aba screamed as iu saw thetndn and the bull galloping toward the woods then without an other word she ran dotrn the steps and followed in pursuit the next moment her bands went up and wildly beat tha air she grabbed up her apron and wound h tightly rouqd her head hornets i mercy to met hornets and black satanl but she did not atop all in the proier order abner stiles black satin ma stues and the hornets plunged into ths woods jededlah coombs bed taken a short cut through the woods and guided by sound speedily arrived at a point wherej he could view the action with personal safety jpdllow tha leader he eald to him elf n old map stiles drove full into a tkeroy tahgtd clumpof wild black berry unerbrubh a few yards be yond the woods urjjnated at tho top of a sleep woody slooe below was taylors creek old sjan ile aayght arasa and rolled sprawling to tile toojj torn after thai plunged black satan into the sluggish gtasay- surface of taylors creek splashed abner htues with a desperatb efforts black salon succeeded ln oheoklqg htmsell upoh the very edge of the low mud bjhk- but bis weight together with the mo menltum of his downward rush was too rnueb cw the soft black earth it caved off n a huge slice and with thunderous shook yslpjaptl the bull into tho roily stream prom out the- bellowing boiling foamy mass popped the tall turns of abner stiles toiling desperately bn ifhorkiusly through the soft mud bot- tanfhaank limn und nzhausted upon tbd anki but only for an instant ma etuess isolted vblee sounded in ebnevstilse you sake that faun and mall mttmo loahlhy ooombs tbimorrowl dayiroed7 asshj helii the old him wj9 ssjjte lawm ctu4- 141 the prisoners friend mure than fifty yearn ago a little girl named undo flllbort began a tlmughtful and jieeful work whofo such work hnd not been done by other and older tmopje uer fathers home in chicago opposlto to what won thon the old brick prison on her way i fro from school sho passed directly beneulh tho gratod windows of ue city prison many weio the rude faces slie sow peering out ot those windows as she hurrlod by onu morning an nld man who was servink a sentence inttte prleon and who had noticed the child passing dally nnole to her thrbughihe bare of iron wont you bring mo something to rend my dear 7 ha aakod plaintively i am very lonesome here and have nothing to do bring me any kind of book thats a- good glrl no prleanoc had ever apoken to tho tenyearpld ahlueiliieei ami half frightened halfntereeted sho hur rlel home ahd told her father illo in cldent he immediately gave hflr i book from hie library to take o the prlsyner in u abort time a he litllo mobsengcr had made friends with tho old man who seemed to be touchem for the first tlmo in his life every sundayafter that the child carried a bpok to the prison nsked for thoman who talked to her through his grated window and gave him a new ikmju to read several months lator tha pris oner became mortally 111 nnd sent for his little benefactor before she wont away the dying man said promise me child youll ho us uch for my comrades in pruoti an youve dono for me i will safa linda solemnly she- kept her wprd nnd for a long time confined her labors to prisoners in her own etat- hundreda at dis charged convicts came to her sho had been tbetr prison friend and was their only hope when they were re leased no ape went away without assistance to some she gave money to other clothes and shelter and em ployment the first county jail library in c cago wae established by her soon she reached out into other states she interested her friends in the work and gov a library of two thousand vol umes to the county jail in sl louis thousands of books began- to be sent to her from people all over the country nnd these- she distributed to tnariy prisons now she began to be known throughout the yest as the prison- ere jrrlend ludlow street jal tho tombs tha house of detention in new york have each libraries due to miss aubarta efforts- ft is impossible to est 1ms to the tarreaching influence over de frayed people that this consecrated woman exerted and when she died in october 1895 the prisoners of the country mourned the loss of tlielr beu friend the resolve of a child pro duced this wonderful result brenda and a career as soon us the dishes were wnnhod lirundfi harlow ajlpped up to her little attic room und rvad tho letter for the nth time what you wnnl itrcnda harriet hki written in to como lo toronto there urn lmrd kititckn of couihc htlt ixpfdtn them anywheru and you liavo urlt ixiit drttinf of wastlnic your time ovr ji foollnh utile two- nny story vim want to eeo life society ro port or thr thing lo aim nt and if yoiivo nervn onouli to bnljl ill help you to it i thank my nt iint u ihounaml iiiiimi a wwk that im nut mewfii up in little country tcnclilnii a ttouii burnfoolod nhll- irent hero im having lutlle cuncertn oompunlonshlpv ufa i im comlne- homo for u fiw days nnd w1 talk it over then lircndav with ttio letter in bur hand went nlowly down to tho sitting- room uncle uen- was slltltik- at one sldo of the table reudltjr hu favorite palter ind aunt iolly imlttlnir uyori the her it wastho way they always mpent tlia oveolngh until nine oclock in urondah mind bits of harriets 1st er ulmont epoko thcmeelvu aloud mowed up in it llttlo country holi balls concortsufe andi can help hvou to it vunclo ben hrondd said i want to go to the city i want to bo porter- like harriot putnam she will get me n place o uncle bon jam in i do eo want to write and and know almut thing i uncle hen put down hts paper aunt polly dropped her knitting and her vera nturtlod itrautla yoonc and eager fuood them both oh wont you luttnn irot she cried it wuh ii long talk and a hard one for all of them but nt last it was decided that bretida nhauld have her way and kb bak to tho city with hnrrlet hho could hardly wait for harriet to como home she danced and sanfr through tho day unoonsclo of aunt polly jf wlulfucycw and uncle bens allonccs jtbenjiurrlot came homo v at first brands witu dascdthon be wildcred then troubled was harriet always like thu bold inquisitive 1m pertinent but harriet only laughed urondan troubled face mercy on us child youvo got to hold your own sho aaid journal ism isnt a cinch 1 can tell you tou have got p put your wits against other peoptos drag things out of them in spite br themselves outwlt thxm when they try to throw you down- its all very woll to talk of scruples but ypn fvpldy the game to win that ovenlng brenda climbed once ore- to her roam and sat there in the dark a long time at nine oclock she com o down uncle ben wan just wlndlnjr the clock he tried to speak cheerfully but there was a qulvnr in his voice next week when i wind this youtt be seeing the world brenda brenda burled her face on his old coatsleeve i aha ii be seeing h right here nt home ahe said i i cant afford a literary career uncle ben macaroni the national food of the italian macaroni he keeps his native tastes when- he comes to canada t and supply htm- and hi fellow canadians of other blood who have made hut favorite food una ot their supplemen tary articles v dipt there eremvtrnl factories in canada one of them was visited by n- repprter who writes thus in regard to ths making qf macaroni heal macaroni is made of hard wheat of a asm- translucent sort which grows in southern jcurope gpd algeria and- which lsrloher lp gluten ahuv other nitrogenous matter than soft wheat mocaroril is nothing but flour and water hut it has tabe carefully madu the flour is mixed with bclttnjr water in cylinder which oonvgrtq h into stiff paste then it is railed under a hugo granite wheel which flattens 1 into a smooth moss tho man at tho wheel cuts tt into squares and claps it under the wheel again and agnli until lt is thoroughly knaded the dough then goes lntoen upright metal cylinder closed at ths lower end with a thick disk of ooaper this is pieroeij with openings through which a plunge piston squeezes the dough into threads the threads ere cut off at regular- lengths and handed to a man who hangs them on wooden drying rods in making spaghetti tha holes are small and the dough comes out in solid strings in tho manufacture of macaroni tbe holes ore larger and i centred by mandrels which make ttjo tubes hallow macaroniis also made into pastes of various shapes alpha hcfl and thin strips out by maahln- wom h mnparpnj js hitft places la uw m fa verroioem the thih fljh paghettl and tbe large nollpw uhes sttt rooms tick here a current of air dries the paste qenulne- madaronl always ahbws the bent ends where the long- halrpln- ilhsyaa lengtha have straddled the none chej onjutlnns are made from common flour wme not glutinous enough to bear us own uelgb and therefore fs dried flat real macgroril is tsnder yellowish rough in texture and elastic it breaka with a smooth porcelain like fracture when it bolls as every cook knows it swells o twice- its slse and does nut became sticky but hbldff its tubular form without collapse it keep any length of time and is a very nourishlnjf food- t lazu4es8 not a joke two men were discussing the future bf thir nephew a fatherless boy tom is a tina fellow said one of them- he- hasnt any bad habits nu really serious faults the only bud quality he has is losldesav the other man groaned only lasyl he repeated satirically is that his foot in a thick taoste4 fin9 9 jjr a donu rou know that lasu atrass and rolled eprxwllng to th bom jf he hardest fault to curej ifn w f ensrgetic even if he m maklm w rvi iue of4hat he m maklm w w energy hare is hope lht f turned into ths right slwiinl put u lusy boy hasnt energy ensugh u ry td overcame his faults too many of you young jteopt oxf indulgent toward luslness you would be ovarwhelmsd with contrition if you told a he you wquld be kshsmed if yuir lost your temper but you ownj thai you dislike to wofk and laugh e litifmt it lastnass bj not a jokai it is not eve at amiable weakness it is the- fault whlob a muoh gs anyj and more than mosj explains fallurs- a sure dlqn 0jnbanity man uf fashion ap- prospective i father- ih the young proaehed hla law j ay said your daughter has promised tu marry mi but one has to be careful these days 1 like- to knowhiit to be snur in there any ip- seolty in your fsmtlyr tjjeold aeotjmeji looked tbo young inau tip and down v- jtchsts muat bv hagaod with variations the way of the philanthropist of whom tho author of a third pot pourri tells neeme unduly hard the philanthropist who was a gentle old lady of exeter england got hold of a maimed sailor who moved her to grejtt pity to help him along she purchased a trny on which he was to expose gingerbread for sale slie gave him a start in gingerbread also the privilege of- standing before her most respectable residence to cry his wares in addition ahocompceed and taught him the following word to ropeat at intervals will any good kind christian buy some fine spicy gingerbread of a poor afflicted old mant the first morning tho sailor sold- a ehinuijrb worth of gingerbread in a short time and his supeves went w his head- prottsoontjroro hla ita- ion on the pavement in front of tha gentle old ladys house his voice float ed in lo her in this appeal win any poor affiiaied christian buy some good kind gingerbread of a fine sployold mant despite this sadly mixed cry trade became very good so good indeed that when the lihliunthropist again heard her words they run will lhy fine spicy christian boy eomo poor ufoictea tflpgerbread of u good old mnnt the time to decide the tiino to make decisions is when xqu uro at your beet physically to make up your mind on n important matter when you ore fagged and weary gr when you havn gone an hour or pfore past youj dinner hour serious mistake fatigue end hunger have a decided offeot on eourago and selfreliance an obstacle that would seem nothing ut ten oclook in the morning appear h insuperublo pt mid night after a rood meal you amila at en annoyance which mot on an empty stomach would be too snucn for your nerves if you have nothing more important to decide than whether you will order rice pudding or berry pie for your dessert then it does not matter much when you make that decision if you itrf whether you w w vbdi your job and- go bach to schogcw qjhange ytiur- present posl- of- macaroni on long poles the else pfl tlgi ffo quit that pays lees salary at ths surt fain how pf prbmwd for the future then waif lol yflu frrj ht your best do not make dlseouysge- nient und timidity youo counaellore ihinlsh them by a good nights sleep or a hearty meal before you mako any deouiloirof importance what vou can qive the you young people yrlt ur hui yst wageearners so that you can have no money to give the churoh can yet contribute something of real worth you oun give it your presence there is inspiration in full pews a minister preaches better because f them a choir sings better the people who drift from church to church never go twice to una that la uearly empty hut if the usher has to bring chairs from somewhere in urder to eut them they will go again there is insplrutlbn tit numbers und no mutter tinw poor you ere you can help to jrlve that inspiration help to fill the powe und you wlll help more than you realise t- children like this delicious safe beverage weau to dm thstu wewldssm wfas plu far rs nsvueawhr t talsk of tble tet ia-eea- wuh tkekeslth el tsetr fssuliw nffut yea and m year mm ssd isjrwsii tj1 as which kisa ts nrvfw ismsst paeivm yestsn oerau tkusjyakou itj sw tsst yoa est tbronrt wseks rapper tteu swsr preb mail this coupon now i canadian postnm cereal co ltd 45 front st sast toronto ont iwssi tewsksa tklrtydsy test of pestss plsem essd st witseat eet as oulssuea um ant wmktmnstr c dfataktpostost q cwkwhkk postdh cxhsal q rea nf w your children like a hot drink as well as you do here is one you can give them with perfect confidence instant postum is healthful satisfying and absolute ly harmless for all an ideal family beverage for those who realize the dangers of taking into the system the poisons jaffeine and tannin found in tea and coffee youll welcomfe as well the ease with which instant postum is made simply put a teaspoonful in each cup pour on boiling water or hot milk and stir and sweeten to taste if makes a delicious hot drink fragrant fullbodied costs halfacent a cup for those who prefer it there is postum cereal made by boiling for twenty minutes ask for instant postum at your restaurant your club and on the train take advantage of carrie blancbards offer send the coupon canadian postumxereal co limited head office 45 front st bait toronto pactorywimuor ontario sji know howtnur childreo do not ltka the taste of mlllc yoo know how they e to have the aame drink as the growoopa too know too how ood it ia for them to have a bot drinkl hake instant poattxro for them naloa hot milk instead of bouina water tbeyh like the faste immediately i and they will get the food elementa of wheat pfor thernooriahment of milk in a oor drink that ia economical and eo easy to muel the spirit of optimism s business if only the feeling canbe created that times are getting better it helps them to jmprbvp if merchants are cheery and going after business it helps to bring business v there is every reason to look for a good christmas trade this- year crops have been good pricesbf farm produce re better than they were there hjis been a drop in manufactured goods that wil encourage buying the only factor that is needed is for the merchants to go after the business as though they believed it was there tq be dope and tell the people all about the ttpeciul lines pnd values tliey have stocked for the chribtmus txudfi the only way to reuch the people and to create a trading atmosphere is by ad vertising the lest medium for reaching the people of acton district is the free press mr merchant have you laid your plans for christmas advertising yet jff poj iispagliinitodoso the free press advertising department will ie glad jkiiifip ijimiiiipii m do yi roiasumsisiiiiaiifvjr1 mr m sm tfcil jazsifaftsassmi

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