Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1924, p. 3

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jmaggiiisbiai gartpn3ffrggprgjb0 thuhhday novkmuetl 37 1m4 the home papejl in veh8e tin- n tin between tho native son ami hlu natlva heath frequently la the n paper kvrn though he finds tin old mwn changes and the bays he iilityid with havo died or moved away tint old imper still 1 like familiar luce muny writers- of versos on lht country weekly have phrased this thought in pianir ways not lonr ago a poet signing nlaumtf as uyley ityek begun syndic tins verses to nawn- nopors poxtledlarly those published smaller tflacea one of bin poems- ho dolled the paper from home which follows and i oh 1 often choose t6 roam wander far from home to travel this old country dpwn and the things i now recall jhal missed the most of all wsnvthe pajer from the old home town there were times it seemed that i pimp bad to see jy familiar iflpb thai didnt frown nut the keenest longing yet were the times r couldnt st the little paper from the ojd home town oh the moisture it brings and the little songs it sings to the distant exile seeking for re nown how hla homesick heart la stirred as he drinks in overy word of the paper from the old home town bo n trlbuiol would pay in this sim ple halting way to tho men who never think about a crown j hut who toll from year to year spreading messages of cheer with the paper from the old home town the suhmy school lesson for sunday november 30 finished if not polished twenty verft aqo from the issue of the free press of thursday december 1 1904 wiu be ion re- wonderfutly fine november 1904 membered for its weather owing to a very dry fail soft water la scarce and- the swamps are unusual ly dry a slight taste of winter this v week mr malcolm mcdonald had ther mis fortune to gat hi left lev camrht in a hay press while operating it on the farm of mr paul kennedy the limb was terribly crushed and both bones broken nearly a score of cltlsens met in the tree library on monday evening to consider the feaafbluty of opening a rtwm where young men may profitably and enjoyably spend their evenings the lack of a suitable building la the greatest obstacle to the success of tbo proposal however a committee woa appointed to ascertain the prospect of securing- building and report an honest effort is being made to meet the lonif felt want mr p j alutrte who baa joecupled the tellers cage at the merchanta bank the past year and m halt nes been transferred to elora hi sua- cessar is mr h c adams who has been in the elora branch for- some time dennis bulllvan an boatler who has been working about the livery atable of j t km for ejaupjo of months died from toe jxffects of drinking wood alcohol- he prootired the alobbbl at a t browns drdg aore on sunday stattog that he wanted it teuntn treating horses legs lb seems ha bank the poison and died on monday about noon the- two ornnd trunk detective who have been bare the past six rnonuwwerorelieved from duty yes terday a laxw number of the neighbors of mr j mckenzie fathered on ivv tueedsy to hfl farewell to mr mo- jtyenxlfc and family piiorjm their ro- moral to anton ftfisg belit stephenson- returned from bc louis last week having en joyed wonderfol trip the annual aundayfloho61conven- hon of- halton county met in tho methodist church bare last thursday and frtday delegates were present from j1 parts of the county the programme wos one of unusual merit vwlth conferencee papers and dlscus- slons t obn xjrtosalt in- ksqeesdng on novem- tber it 1m tovr and mra jr 4ndsa a son bntdkr in atn on wednesday november 50 lmto mr and mra davtd snyder s daugbler v died v moounvju eden mills on day november m 1m eussbetb u toriiier widow of the late thomas kw rf cr moore tn her tsrd year 5 hi tajovat sv i- a little fable in poll tenees which is t unbappuy- too true to fact la glren publicity a telldreaeed young wornai entered e street car looked dawtrtb double row of passengers r- sighed owl took hold of a strap a 1t midlusedgeauman iu pie oeilre of the car rose and offered his seat- thotady wagged her skirts owfabed past th- gentleman and dropped into vuwseat- ths man walked out on the platfortn and drew a memorandum fy book iob ms pocket- t iv trsdax to a page which looked like jttl- a mttilstvro mpmball ecore be aldded biv a dash a4id as he placed ue bonk cr bock jn nis pocket he remarked mors to hunsetfttn wf ol flfirteen u elgltnipretry near a tle wluh kind ota score are you keen lost ekd the inquluivs coidutor fj ftnt could bitdly 6afl it a seare u ws the niahs- reply iboniefime ago ktffm hciared havl hrv pp14- cbtt bi seat because only out rft- www 1 dosen would think fi- wpuf htt klndnses to thank him- sv w tnmtd mwi d i uitt4 uat rt wo wroni pr had the misfortune ot riding with very ulbredwomsn vust keep tab on it yourself h lf oold ndavt beendplng it ijv the woman i gaye my seat to a fwr momenta ago makea thirty xorthsinoc my argunlent with my triond she is the eighteenth who has sy- gfyeo jns a frosen stare inslead of sr wprd of hankk ive got such a- strong faitntln womankind that i hope to knaks the account balance but i re- aired no thanks today from two todies to whom x surrendered my seat rtn afraid my friend is at least half- t j arways ready and rsljsblo prac- ucaliyap pains arising from infuun- o mauo remove wltb dr tbottaaclsotrio oik- simply rub it ton i the ore spot nndit is quickly absorbed- by the skin itshealing power objivoyad to the incuuned usne whlohlls qplckry soohbed this nngold reptody is also a specific for all rannoer of outs scratches bruises pp4 sprs4ns keep a bottle liandyal- ojj vtfya jpliogni cindltloo 9 wiioab nisihiiifort am it tuko hi 2b7 qolilon trxt thou shall lovo the ioril thy ood with all thy heart and with all thy noul and with all pv strength and with all thymlnd- and thy neighbor nsthysotf xaibe 10 17 the text explained verse 36 a certain lawyer a ncrlbo who interpreted the law this man may have been the same as the- one who asked job us about the great conunandmept in the law matt 22l 36 mark h 28 stood up showing that tho company were seated made trial there was probably no doelre to entrap jesus but to test hla ability as a teacher what fahalli do to in horlt the tense implies that thn law ver thought of doing sarne special thln as the making of a great saerlqce nr the performance of some heroic sat urtirnal life ijueraltrr th6 life of ipe ages the expression eternal t occurs in the apocryphal book of ffnoch showing uuvt itwas familiar to the jews before christ came but the lawyer had nn erroneous view eternal life and its relation to this life compare 1 john 5 u is aou 1 30 whore it is presented to uses spiritual condition the divine life in the soul verse 7 thou shalt 0ve the liord thyfjod with all thy heart apd with all thy soul and with oil thy strength tblb precept from deut 8 5 was wrlttem on phylacteries- that u vellum ellps worn by jews on thblr foreheads and wrlats and was recitod morning and evening as command ort in mm 7 th heart soul strength anv mind with which ood la to bo loved cover- mans physical intellectual and moral powers and thy neighbor as thyself from lev id is this was not- written on the phylactery and we donot know what suggested to the lawyer the associa tion of the two precepjta verse 2athl dp present impera tive meaning continually dohja verse 19 desiring to justify him- seusfor having asked a question ths answer to which appeared so simple who la my neighbor t an important question to the exglusrveajew o lha time verse 30 going down the- par able is not an anawafto the lawyers original question ana does not imply that good works secure eternal life it la an answer to the last question verse 39 to jericho a distance of about twenty miles verse 11 a certain priest nowhere else does jesus speak against priests or levitee thlsstory is doubtless a true one otherwise jeaus would not be likely to attribute such behavior to three passersby verse 31 came to ths place and saw him this expression would in dicate that the levlte paused and looked at the man whereas the priest bad simply passed by verse 33 samaritan th6 orthodox cjergy had shown no kindness the samaritan despised by the jews re lieved the aurfcrer who was doubtless a jew- verse sb two shillings the- word translated shillings a v pence is denarii tho boman denarius was e silver coin equal in purchasing power to about two shillings it was the oomhioa wage of a day laborer and of a roman soldier when i come bock when i return in the course of my return journey lesson themes the requirement for ternal jale the lawyer in this lesson asked a very pertinent auesuon teacher what shall 1 do to inherit eternal lifer he rightly felt unit he had some part to discharge in this matter the reply of jesus stajes that tho one require ment or eternal life is a beart full of love toward qod and man the lawyers was in placing ac tion before motive out orchis right motive oojne all forms of- good con duct jesus said to the pharisees out ot the abundance of the heart the month speaksthr to have eternal life one thing is neceaearyrto lore he jlord thy qod with all thy heart add with all thy seul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself the failure of ceremonial religion the priest and the levlte in this parable are typical representatives of ceremonial or formal religion they were punctilious in their observation of rites and formal requirements of worship upon which they laid great stress these ceremonies and services bad taken the place of the experienoca which they werq designed originally 10 promote the means hod beoonfe on end in itself the resujt which followed- uia ceremonial obsession was the deadening of their personal in terest in ths welfare of others they were thus able- to pass by without reuevtnf ths poor victim of the rob bers- on the jericho road they were quite contented to worship qod ha tho formal service of the tempjef but they hadnbrpersonsi interest nor touch of oftmpasston for their di kins man a religious system in which the worship of ood destroys interest to nnui is false a iff a failure to whom am x a neighbor t wo must over marvel at the skill wltb whjoti aesus taught the lessons hade sired to impart in todays lesson he not only- explained the subject eo clearly and- impressed its truth so forcefully that he led the lawyer to answer hjs owa qutetlon but at the same time shdted hln that hlaques uon had been asked from a wrong point view it f-as- not yh u my nfilgbort hat should concern pim hut to ftbom am 1 q neslbar7 rv prn pslghbor to those with whom x corns in oontaot who need my help and ministrations r this was a subject upon which the exolustv jew might long pender and in bidding him follow the example of the good samaritan jesus used the form of speech which denotes not a single action complete in itself but continuous conduct au if he had said oo and habitually do likewise for fttudy and discussion what question did a certain law yer ask jeans t what was the sav iours reply t show the lawyers mis- token point of view how did the answer of jesus correct his error 7 whlcfi is more important moilvo or action what is the one requirement for stomal lifer what u ihq foljuro of ceremonial religion t who were the samaritans ano what was the st- mtude of the jews toward them what did tho priest and tbe xfovltu subsll- lote forpersonai pympalhetia inur es t i dally readlnos for week vmooday december v- ohn 9 li3i tucjday december s john 0434 wodnospay deoembed a john a sfthl i thursday december- hmlt ft o- i v- i vrtdy deober ilm mi w- 34 i x itursy john i 11- ij 4 huui dvovmber tjpltov 7 the quality l left the trlni ri the first lift blowfttty miles an hour ovsr ihe fiojsfad road bed smooth riding enooustproof in tho opinion of tho expert rail road bulldor the world probably does not contain n perfect pleco of track tho best of them approach perfection id when they do so as nearly as human ingenuity and he expenditure of much money can carry them they are called finished and that is tho term canadian pacific otpclals are applying to the companys una be tween montreal and toronto and to many other stretches of canadian pa cific track in various parts of canada it u rock- ballasting that la the final couch in modern rallrojid construction and in rock- ballasting this particular stretch of main line three to four bundred me have been engaged for the past four years the montrealtor onto line is an important one the traffic roltlag over it grows heavier year by year and when rock ballast ing was q ret contemplated the need before anything else coum be done the existing rails had to be taken up and replaoed by those weighing one- hun dred pounds to the yoriv then be fore the actaal rock ballasting began this three hundred odd miles of track had to be provided with special drain ing facilities which colled for many miles or tiling after which the big job commenced first of all it was necessary to find the right kind of rock for the work any rock would not do after many tests a quarry was found at deeka ontario which yielded hard limestone or dolomite and it took thirtyfive thousand carloads of this to complete the work n actual weight well over two million tons ths actual placing of the ballast was p big undertaking the old bal last hod first to be removed for that purpose u spreader went over it dig ging out the earth and gravel on either side of the track down 4o the level of the bottom of the ties a- gong of men followed to shovel out the- gravel between the ties and then come carloads of new stone ballast already screened and graded as to for heavier steel was foreseen thus slxe to be dumped in the corner of tho track the- gang that followed raised the track four or five inches and tamped the stone solidly under neath every tie that was the first lift and then followed the other car loads of stone and another gang gave the track another life and- again tamped the stone dffaernsath so that every tie bed a good eight inches of stone between ttr and the clay bed of the track more stone followed and then came ths trimming apd surfacing gsng and the job was finished j all ths time this work was going on many passengers gad freight trains were passing over the u every day thalrrunnlng was not interfered with in the slightest degree a fact which greatly complicated the matter in band notwithstanding which- it was flnhttejljo the entire satisfaction of the companys officers which is to ssy that the construction now com pleted 1 typical of the most recent developments lp high grade passenger track construction another stretch of track which re ceived simitar attention this year is the comnanya line between montreal and ottawa controlling cattle tuber- culosi8 the restricted area plan of controll ing tuberculosis- baa been put into operation by the health of animals branch of the department of agricul ture at ottawa its object is the es- tabllshmeht of tubcculosisfroo areas and provision is therefore made for tho testing of all classes of cattle in a given territory this system affords an excellent opportunity for systematic and methodical work and permits the testing of the largest number of cattle in a given period the prompt slaugh ter of all reactors and the cleansing and disinfection of oil infected prem ises carried 00 under the system provides a clean territory for a healthy herd these herds are further protected from infection from outside source by cattle not being permitted to come into the area except for im mediate slaughter under certain pre cautions unless they have first passed an official satisfactory tuberculin teet in his report for last yenrdr george hilton veterinary director clenpml refers to tho only area in cqadathgt bos so far been deaiuwlth under this system it la located in the cnnn distrlat in manitoba and comprises twenty townships the drst test of cattle in thlsjwea numbering 16600 head was completed early in april 1933 and 993 reacted or b67 per cent these reactors were prompt ly staughlered and the premises on which they were located were thor oughly cleansed and disinfected the first tost cost in- compensation ave and a half times u much as oil re- its and the annual general retest of all hards in the area combined this reduction is due to jbe owrrooctlng animals thai are found with each succeeding test and indicates ihat the area will soon b entirely- free from bovine tuberculosis issued by tho director of publicity dominion de partment of agriculture ottawa his pace value a gentleman who colled on a mem ber of parliament one day and was waiting in the reception ropm waft attracted by the manner of the small attendant and started a conversation hays tltdus which resulted as fol lows how muoh do you earn a week my boy asked the call op ten pound said the youngster promptly the visitor bad tno time to express his surprise or incredulity because he admitted to the members private office juat then but once inside he sold mighty hrlght youth you havo these to be getting ten pounds n week ten pounds a week what ore you talking about t said tho member of parllmeqt he gets twentytwo shill ings j but he told me lust now that you are giving him ten pounds a week persisted the caller s nonsense said the member of parliament and touched the bell- billy he said did you wu this gentleman i was paying you ten pounds a weekc no sir you dldnlt well what did you say asked the indignant caller i said i earned it was the prompt rejoinder wre mopew emf muu- ihilu- in brier n h you will invito me f nth mp your fathers to ewpaaniag j but why make mv v u 000k like millar worm powders work so ef fectively that no traces of worms can be found the pests pass away in the stools without being perceptible the make an en tire anil clean sweep pf the iptestlnes and nothing- in the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when these powders are- in oper ation nothing could be more thor ough or desirable than pair aotlon whv mary did not 81 no an able hut easily- emberrased and somswhat absentminded young teach er was about to beglq a singing lesion one day wocn a knock at xhtfhooi- room dobr interrupted procelrige- the teacher went to the dpor snd ushsrd ln delegation from a promi nent local womans clob whan u ladles wtire comfortably aeated and each had assumed a critical lisfantnjg attitude the teacher resumed the lig- lnsr- lesson it was one o her brost stringent rulef pf action that when company was present everything should go on ogaclly as usual one of her pupils mary holmes n somewhat shy girl had a good alto voice and the tea oner wss anxious that she should v it to advan tage now mary she said encouragingly when i count four you be sure tu sing attention children i raising her baton one two tbreeready atngl the children sang lustily but marys alto voice wsmlsslng i didnt hear your voles that time mary lumtmbtir when x count four you are to sng- next verse children t one two y mary watched the motion of the teachers hds anxiously threel ready sutgl the children shrill treble rang out unaided by marys strong- alto dont you fee like singing meryt try this verse now one two three wsllwhttt is ut mary had risen and was shyly twisting her singers please miss brooks she said breathlessly you told mo to sing when wu counted four and yeu only count just 10 three every ttmel corns disappear when treated with holloways corn remover without leaving a scar i thp bishops teet the late doctor jteraple archbishop of canurbuvv was above all practi cal and his methods even of carrying out theological theories were extreme ly realistic it was not enough for the young men who came under his charge to tell him what they thought they would do under such and such circumstances b insisted that tboy should show him just how they would go tp work while he was ulahop of london it was doctor temples habit to invite parties of young candidates for ordln- stlen to stay at pulham palace one evening on such an occasion ha came into the room where six of these young men- were and informed them that he was going into bis study to ue on his sofa and they were to come to htm in turn and administer such coun sel and comfort as they would to a lek or sorrowing parishioner when the blsbpp loft the room there was an awful hush and a tonjg suejree for this test ot their future capabili ties did not impress thorn favorably aroytui going to be all night t called the bishop at iast tbls roused them and they decided to draw lots astowhoahould go the lot fell on a young irishman who tak ing- his courage in- both handav went into- tbo sanctum he bent over the suppoeed sufferer but words failed him- but for on instant only then he shook his head and bent still lower o frederick frederick said the audacious yokng candidate its the dhrthk again i the bishop gasped then his face lighted ttoutl be altogether admir able in an east bod parish he said calmly counterfeiters conscience 1 william p hasen formerly chief of the united states secret service re cently said in conversation thatu is apparently an impossibility for a man to make a perfect counterfeit coin or note it is certain he said that a perfoot cquntsrfoittias never been made and strange aa it may seem with all the will and endeavor in the world coun terfeiters have never turned out a perfect job although they got many details of the bill or coin to perfeo- hon some power seems to gain posses sion of these criminals at acruolal moment and render their ar vain lsven the most expert engravers and xt of ooursfo is well known that some of the besvnave gone into the coun terfeiting business cannot turn qui in their oounterfenfrork lh bcrfeqt re sults which they con readily get in legitimate work tvtth prfuntortejt bppds 1 is tht soma as rlth notes or colnot i the real reason- foe this i have never been able- to fathom niar he psychic the crimtnat iheisefiros eft far fls hayp 0vvj4 wb hem have jndlcatato mo thst thy be lieve it is conscience whloh calks them j tl is pot however siway by reason of a defect that a counterfeit is de tected sometimes suspicion is rais ed nisrely by an indefinable impression on the part of treasury or bank em- children owe their condition to worms ployee that a bill or coin does jtfov mother graves worm exterminator look- or reel just right and ahen i4reluyre them and restore health examination diadoees the fatal error th oil lor the athlstsn rubbing down the athlete will find dr thomas ecloctrlo oil on excellent article it renders the muscles and sinews pli able takes- the soreness out of them and strengthens thorn for strains that may be put upon them- it- stands preeminent for this purpose and athletes who for y ears nave been us ing u can testify- to its value as lubricant artemub wards difficulty the author of medltauons of an autograph cllecpr teils he tfo ing story of twq man jbo wre widely the staaent of american kdaory dorisnot need i be toid that v great gloy of och john a fci was his memorable odesvlfl tht wnlost days o the reheillftn wbiah uo4e him tryw fomonsr n ww w terapta w haul flown tho arnehcan oaas pvt by on the spot i thai iittoranoe gave an eieotrlo shock to thaioysa heart nf the natlop ariemus ward in pretended concern mads the general merry when he kaul in his modest hesllaungway but general suppose he hadnt any spotr peevish pe4e restless and sickly in the bogus money 10i x he- ilunoemlld wl tientisman of ths jnry said the btunderipg borrlsier bt suit about a lot of hogs there wss just t hogs in thst drove please tfx- torsroomber that fsct i hogs lartrsxactiy three limaas ffltay as there are in that iurvbwl 1 r tjmcy jjwi w vov r wsvivirji f iw tar- hi asthma overcome the triumph over asthma has assuredly oom dr j d kellogge asthma remedy hss proved the most positive blessing the victim of asthmatic attacks has ever known letters reostvud from thous ands who havo tried it form a testl- nlul which leaves no room for doubt that here la a real remedy get it to day from your dealer boosting for his job urns 8pou1dbdreasod vi5m6srmat jr3060ittea 50 tjitni inumlled for jury norvloo n murdor trll lud seomod u lltllu too uuxlous to serve i lhj you know the upcus6cr he was askedl vusnuh dpt is nossuh lis replied realising hix if made an affirmalye answer- he would be dtsboitod from serving r have you made tip yqun mind as to hb guilt or innocenottf oh po suh- tottthink thn ths ypu could give bu esse a fair hearing tossur replied bam leastways evfalr es de ole scamp deserves as with care1 is aoatjapprecfatej in the rick delicious flavor try it today railway time tallies at jtoton cooler nights and lower pr ces on wood these cool nights when you do not neid a tiro for long is when wood cornea in handy to take the oh off the house and what will be more welcome news is thai ihe ptico has bean reduced and tho following prices are n6w in effect 300 load l00 toad iaoocord and mt tbl mwjmd of tho yurlt lraora prolltaljlo to do your oooklnc with wood you warm tho houia at tho mm tlmo and your fuel do double duty each load 18 guaranteed a pull 8inqle cord d a henderson phone 25 t wt deliver promptly mbtri subs hsjdwood stalls and short wood best body coidwood 4 foot lengths mothgh fietchers cajtori b juuihlebsdistitate ior castor oipareorfcitjrojthlng drops and soothing syrnpi prepared to relieve infants in anna and chudrea all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency tq sweeten tonracb diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food prornoring cheerfolness rest and natural sleep without opiates p torou imkali hnookfoctili jmtnrcof ujdnuj9 proti rtfrrinn eich witbur phy reoooaneqd b ehd he leave any insurance the first question asked by george castlas friends when they heard of his tragic dearth fa in automobile accident was quite a natural on a griofstrickeyoungarldowfwo wideeyed wondering children a lit tie home partly paid for hero were proper enbogh reasons for the solicitous oucry of true friends and george castle hadno insurance r lt your death came ahortly would your widow be left in this position would she after the first paroxysm of grief had passed face long years of want with dull despair crowding lov ing memory from her heart his pext lefiflon father hello where did you k ail thoesftoysf son 1 bought em wtb the money yu gave me ether- hut 1 guve you thai money to teach you hw o save i bopyse -pa- 1 kept it for three weeks until i i earn i all about saying andnow rmsarntng liaw fiii fch oogsj v h wl ja i vy f r l t- mr meenwos wellnamed he i about the most miserly man in london one day he was out looking around the ehopahls favorite amusement this because there was no entertain ment to to pay gaslng into the window of a gloss establishment his eyes hton a vase which was smashed in about twenty pieces now it hap pened to be a frisnds birthday in a few days time and mean wltb an eye to his pocket thought it would be a one ides to send him the broken ase letting him tblsk tbut it tiad been snaiahod in the- post- ht he asked thu paiph dl- iiatcii it for him a tew days iatft he recflyeh re ply tlmpks tr the vase tu thoughvtui u ypu to wrap each plopo uji separate w r s for coughs colds 5 j sih brorchltls j pmsisi protect her future with north american life policy the attached coupon will bring you complete informaijon op how best to do it north american life assurance company solid as the continent head office toronto canada f c walls district manager 504 bank or hamilton hldg hamilton ontario sad at yournooklat tho whglo ivvoilay namo w i ae oooupatlon j no 29 no 81 no is nr 15 no as n6- 28 no so no 14 no ae no 38 going esst funds v 1 jul i b0d sm iose sm smffpm 609 djn h29 pm iojooju 70ssum 1118 ojn i8s pjn 009 pm 889 pn 708 pan s canadian najionallectric railvyavs- s westbound dally except hujiday rj3 anu daily d 43 oro daily om- dally 143 pm dally 343 pm dally b43 pm daily i 743 pjn dolly 943 pjn dolly 1333 am eastbound daily dally kxcept sunday dally 743 ajn v43 am 1143 am 143 pm pm i pjm v 6 jt j dally daily dally doily dolly daily arrelght deliveredby special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto w748 pm mt pm il40 pn village of acton notice of begfetratibn of byuw notice is hereby given that a by law was passed by the municipal council of the village of acton on the fourth day of november a d 1934 as number so providing for the issu ing of debentures to the amount or 8810000 for the purpose of defraying the cost of the installation of a gaso- line driven waterworks- piimp and en gine and that such bylaw was rogis tered in tbo registry office far tho registry division of the county or halton on the 17th day- of november 1934- as number 3sj any motion to quash or set aside- the same or any port thereof must be made wlthlrt three months after the flrst 1r men tion of itbis notice and cannot be matin thereafter dated at acton ontnrlo this iwoii- ueth day of november a d 1934 h n farmbr clerk tvee gibbons expert shoe iepairino promptj attention to orobr8 left t e gibbons main strjnet aotot diamonds of quality 1 like moat other things dia monds may be either good bad or indifferent ft a flno diamond is disttn- guisbed by purity of color hfreedom i from flaws arid quality of cutrinf h thesq cnaracteristics com bine to produce the bre and rare brilliancy that is the outstanding quality of every true geni we handle diamonds of fine quality oply these we buy direct- in large quanti ties always for spotcash savage 6 go jcweuers guelph ontario firee press job printing h always jyydp tpasbtar rrsona tn on- of the giuteoins beauurui rooms of utesfmskok hospluu for 2oeumptlvas harry williams oou- tls bed right next to jim thorn- asrry was stttdytng aru tn the to ronto university whin jim was a uterar in an other city of oours iot was before both knew thst they rsre victim of ooasunptlon harry is a haadaon young lay about 33 and is particularly well rereed in sngileb ulersture ills hrniw is in western ontario harrys ero- thrls consumptive too and it was be who taststed that when harry west baek to school last tall that he be thoroughly xsnunst the exam ination revealed coasuaiptlon so uarry withdrew from his oumm dsekad up a fw belaagiegs mud jour neyed to uuskoke uospltsj ror con umpttvaw tou knewr soys harry voasunuuoa is no respecter nf per sons ifere i in just as ales as my roommat 11 wms laborer and 1 was student he worked lird tor jsara while i asvsr labored in rrr urn he hs4 no good boms sttrroujtr- isga while i have been cared since birth i eaat understand u eat you aod with that harrv srnuo a itltle and settles down to let sclenci and satura tight the sllsnt ntrutftilu for hla hsalth harry and jlml are hut twn of the manrwhoare at prsot satirsly da- pendent on the uuskoks liojltl r consumptives the hospital ttsalf re- lies oh the gensroslty of its msny rriepds i apntrtbutlona may be sent t hon w a charlton presldeat 313 cull age dtrefttorobla ontario v4 thephbe pv8m onri8tmab card arb flcadv j usrojlll now j

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