Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1924, p. 4

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n births marriages clurnd for si the pel msrtuge mi t cenla jc ib pet ll aartrs chirndfor si the following rateai blrttii am deaths are s it filrthi bfworul died oimiln in frln township on fri day nnvtnbrr 14 124 john tlrean hi his c8th year downkai milton november 20 1924 in bin 3rt1 year oi1ibon in krln township on satur day november is 11z4 duncan tslbson aged years bydkli al oeprlnge on tuesday fjowmber id 11x4 hush ryder or 1 acton in ma mth year youno suddenly el the general hospital ouelph on thursday even inc november 20 1114 wulum young bailiff aged 70 year ryder in ouelph on monday no- vtmbw 14 11x4 john ryder form erly of the third lln eequeang in his tlrd year lawson at cheyenne wyoming on tuesday november 3k 14 sarah ferguson wife or angus lawsoq formerly of aeton brown- in wellenley hospital tor onto qn monday november 34 1114 annie cummin wife or james brown and sister of uui jessie cummlna acton news of local import a county oetoatnarfan passes awa a p ion nor of hal ton county passed away at his homo in hurllngtnn on hnturday in the person of philip wulkcr aged b4 year mr walker was born in nelson township ana during his ufollme has resldod there nnd at milton coins to uvo at hurling ton about nluotoen yoars ago jo wai a ntember or tho methodist church and a staunch conaervatlve two daughters survive utbjveumstm thursday november brief local i december corneal next uondi chrisunaa cornea four weeks today vole rfor the waterworks bylawa next monday the pull tore ther community la arways noticeable for its good result it looks very much aa if the council of ltt4 will have some new blood v oood morning have you renewed your fga fxsss subscription for in- other yeart carrie town council has passed a transient traders hylaw fixing the license fee at iw the iiso tin shack was removed the council sold it for s100 it went out to the country sunday will complete november it hasnt been a bad month either so far aa weather is ebnoernedr tho monthly meeting of the chamber of commerce wlu be bald this evening in the council chamber bx- mayor w h quraey of wins ham waa reelected a member of the publlo utilities cornmiaaton on mon day mrs t j hill aienwullams had the misfortune to fall and break her wrist when coins out to the barn the other evening attend the cltlaenst meeting fn tne town hall this evening at eight oclock in order that yon nay vote intelligently on the proposed bylaws the regular monthly meeting of the chamber of contmeree will be bald in ne council chamber this there day evening- at 7j6 p m sttarp citlaen w j aklna was the star speaker at the nomination meetlns monday evening he called a spado a spade and made it rather humid for the retiring cooncu township hall for eaquaslna al a meetlns of esauealng council last week tho clerk was instructed to call a meetlns of tho ratepayers for the purpose of dlscusslns tho purchase of the brick building in hteworttown for a township hull tho meeting will be held in the said building this evenlns the project appears to be- o commendable one a meeting for similar purpose was heldin 1849 hut no action was taken send i in if the editors like to go out on hike to gather up the columns of news than to touch it up slick and to spread it on thick in a way to inform and amuse but who would tako care of his customers fair and the other ones ugly and sore with the editor sprylnaj and prying and trying o dig up news items galore j send him the news send him all he can use send him columns and columns of stuff till at lost he surrenders and busts his sus pender while frantically shoujng enough an evening with fteetoh poets a very interesting evening was spent by the young peoples qulld or knox church on monday evening scotch literature and- music predominated mr john cameron gavo an interesting talk on hubble burn and the burns oouotry mrs whitney a paper full of anecdotes of sir walter scott and writings mrs ed ryder- and master donaldson furnished wellren dered scotch readings and mrs lees mr jack mrs nlcol and mr alex mann rendered scottish songs mr zjlllco played sootob music on his violin there was a good attendance mail your christina parcels bshy remember that thousands of other people are mailing an unusual number of letters and parcels too at jhla season and if they all pile up together the last few days ft la impossible j get everything bandied and delivered on tuna and somebody la bound to be disappointed mall early especially to oucr and tranaconttnental points and see that your friends get your christmas treating before the days festivities are over parcels should la all oases be securely packed so aa to preserve the contents from damage it la permissible to write the words rjont opentjnth christmas- on parcels missionary evening at the league the tonus peoples league held a missionary evening- on monday mlas ruth nelson formerly a member but who for five years has been a mission ary teacher among ttae indian children of british columbia gave an interest ing address her detailed description of indian life and habits of living of their children and the efforts being made to educate them in school atudlea and in scriptural truths and christian conduct brought out much of infor mation and created a new interest the c q l t girls through their superintendent miss clara is moore sent a package of christmas gifts lo the indian children at klttamat taat news of local import i penalty for allowing cattle to run at large on provincial highways has been increased and traffic officers have been lnairuceato be more strict in cnforoijjgpsa law david brownrldge of jcsquealng while returning from a tbreahlng- on thursday jumped out of pis car before it stopped and fell in such a way that he sustained concussion of be brain enry ctusen should aim to at tend the meeting in the town hall this thursday evening at eight oclock called for the purpose dt fully explaining the bylaws te be voted upon nexi monday it la rumored that guelph has a klu klox klan organisation a burning cross was discovered on th bank of the river saturday evening it thought however that boys were re sponsible for this dramatic incident the window of talbots hardware store has presented guie ja novel ap pearance during the week- it repre sents a hunters camp and shows real a a lurking about of course hunters and trappers equipments are raucb in evidence i klectors will make no mistake in voting favorably for the waterworks bylaws next monday the largest taxpayers in town favor them be cause they are satisfied the cost will more than be aaved in reduced ore inauranoe premiums but darling- dont you want to marry a man who la economical r en treated a young chap to his best gtrl while paaalng the m1u street candy shops the other evening i aupnoue so waa the reply hat its awful being engaged to one the cold spelt last week played havoc with the motor cars whose radiators were neglected tmd you get the water out of your car before the frost caught it r is a question asked around- town all week u s surprising bow many oar owners failed to think of the danger to their radia tors when the drop in temperature occurred on saturday isth inat the t men have had a busy time since the list of nrmltalrxotviu the naaaaflawaya 43eunll tranaaetod buslimas and then neeelved suggeaklans en read building the following accounts were passed al the meeting of nassagaweya coun cil last week ww watson j gravelling v ji ofl robert ingtis gravel 9 00 s p bowman surveying it to nelson howard gravelling v uoard of health expenses fiunley pulton spreading atone thomas nallea railing r kingsbury blasting atoned bl tbeanaa repairs to plow j p ford repairs to crusherw f qarrett hall for court v7 fraser clerk of court h- r- t amos ciuvert p5n pj aravel h say era gravel x bardsrujrravel i m job gravel wellington district doctors confer portyflve physicians from welling ton county medical society wereat the general hospital guelph on friday one of the moat interesting papers of the meeting was delivered by dr tjefrua of the connaught laboratories toronto who expounded the technique in connection with the new schick teat regarding the antitoxins administered diphtheria patients and others officers elected for the ensuing year were hon president pr graves fergus president jdr h b coleman palmers ton secretary xr n wallace goelph treasurer dr mccarter guelph executive pr king milton dr argue mount forest dr robert son etjora a alexander gravel h farrier culvert christie henderson co grav- elung a w r wedge aaalaung surveyor a lush aesuung surveyor k sanatorium peur eecca a anderson aheap stilled hull gravel 11 u 114 04 m u 11 i m i ii i m 90 00 4t 00 i n 1 m k 7 s 4 m 111 10 0 a 70 i u 1 so 4 so it 00 ii to bylaw waa paesedmaktng pro vision for the mutlpstelectlona for il e department of ihwairs addressad the council on of road ttsng atatute labor to4thla method of getting together uo tainly ootnmandlble and worthy of amuiaudu in other town th ewahraf fryv wbwuirtffham dlark guelph doctors auto caused faullty severe internal alurec sustainrd last thursday night when he was run down by a motor car driven by dr w v harcotnt proved faul to wlulam young bailuf of wellington county who died at the general hoapltal a few hours after the acdderjt the late ballln young who was 70 years of as waa a native otpalsley brook guelph township and had lived in- duelph and vicinity all his life in addition to holding the position of bailuy he was also ass and aanlpiry inspeo- tor for guelph township county con stable and a member of the township school board his widow two sons dr c r- of little current manl- toulln dr w b of muvertori and two daughters ethel at home and mabel superintendent of dickson public hospital dickson bhnou sur vive s irlah journalist appointed magistrate the northern whig of belfast in its last issue gave this interesting inform tlom wellknown ulster journalist appointed magistrate for county derry his oraoe the gover nor of northern ireland baa on the recommendation or colonel j j clark his majestys lieutenant or county londonderry appointed to the com mission of the peace far the county mr john shannon f j i of cole- raiue mr shannon la wellknown and highly esteemed in ulster newspaper olrolea being the editor and manager of the coleraine chronlcje a fellow of the institute of journalists and an ex chairman of the ulster district or the institute during tho visit- ot rbo canadian i kdltors to ireland last summer mr shannon proved himset a real friend and did much to make our visit pleasant cultivating the community spirit in burlington uccordlng to the gaaette the local orgunlaatldns are endeavoring to cultivate the commun ity spirit arrangements have been completed cor the chamber of com merce banquet tobe held at the ifcunt but on tuesday evenlns december z two epmfcpra have been secured for the ocestejosj mr dtnnlngton qrubuo of toronto and krvtya child of hamilton mr gnibhe wlaj apmak pn beautifying our town and mr child on developing community spirit jndkiatlonaam that the af fair will be both interesting and en tertaining an invitation will be ex tended io the ladteev invitations will be issued this week and aa tbe chamber of commerce la anxioua to have everyone attend anyone desirous of being present or wish to invite friends are kindly aaad to noofled the secretary the horticultural society have appointed mesara a but chart h t foster and a c mason as their cammlttse to cooperate with he chauaberof commerce committee in charge pf the evening and it la bpped wtlh ihe twe organtsafjohs behind the affair f wm be one of toe ulggeet nights m the history of ote town potatoes for england potatoes nro being shipped hi i tin rata of 6000 barrels weekly to rngtftiil from new brunswick tho prospects are that 1000000 barrets will bo ship ped before the benson closen mflsaasus from englandnre most compllnientnry as regards the quality or the first shipment which arrived there recently green mountains are the variety being sent over by the victoria county po tato concern which believes that t hern will be a bis demand for the canadian product motor w reeked inmates eaeaped mr and mrs f watson of nelson township had a narrow escape from being struck by a c n it freight train thursday mornfns when their motor car atalled on tho track thoy werecepsslng ahead of the train when their car cam to a sudden stop on tho middle of the crossing booing the train coming at full speed mr and mrs watson made a hurried exit from the auto the train was unable to stop in time to avoid hlttlnit the car which was almost completely wrocked by the impact i mrs robert little seriously ii note from mrs il l alnwortlt puente col- nee miss augusta armstrong formerly acton reached this onlce yesterday evlng the fol lowing information 1 regret to inform you that your rriend mrs borah lutle is seriously iii and gradually fusing her aliment is bronchitis and senility her recovery is not expected mrs little is living nt hondo cat a few miles from mrs alsworths home she is in her eightyfirst year until the deafh of her slater mrs ientiand two or three years ago mrs llttlo resided wlh her our merchants shop windows the shop windows of acton have never appeared to better advantage than now the individual who bos not walked around the town recently win dow shopping should do so tonight show windows ore an educational devtte of real merit they instruct as truly as the most carefully written textbook they aid us in our dally work by keeping us uptodate ex hibiting the latest efforts or the de signer the manufacturer the inventor the chemist and all the tribe of men who move the worlds cogwheeu christmas goods are being very at tractively displayed now oats 100 bushels to acre chrhuchristenson who owns a half section a few miles north of holden alberta near edmonton sowed two hundred acres last spring to banner oats the land was well summerfal lowed and the seed the best that could be procured w last week he completed harvesting thla field of data and en tered into a deal with one of the larg est seed houses in canada for the- sale of the entire crop when threshed it is understood that the consideration which he will receive la 91 a bushel delivered at the elevator those who are in a position to know state that the yield 6t the 300 acres will be 20000 bushels which would result in a gross return to mr chrlsteneon of ttoooo district winners- at royal winter fair a number bf exhibitors from this district at tbe royal winter fair at toronto have been aiicceaaful in win ning prises aa follows market cattle s h e alton rockwood senior calf 2 amos and black moffat aberdeen angus da see senior yearling amos and black moffat senior calf 4 d barbour hlusburg c j p henderson and son guelph junior calf s and george mcallister and bona limit ed guelph breeding cattle short horn classes get of sire b a gordon auldi guelph 6 kay and meyer of guelph progeny of dam 6 kay and meyer guelph 7 gordon auld of guelph four calves 7 george fletcher erin aberdeen angus tsarf progeny o dam 4 george mcallister and son limited guelph the election fj3r the reeveshlp alon has u contest for tho covottod position or chief magistrate for it 25 two candidates aspire to this office ikoltfjk itajtlleit whom the ora tors hnvn honored with election to thn hcveshlp for six years in succession and a e nick un j l a yoar ugo mr berber solicited tin support of his fellowciusens for i sixth and last time on the ground pt an assurance that hpwoutd he honored wlpi election as warden of the bounty council if returned jjtgalh aa reeve of acton naturally our cltlsena ware quite witling to aaslat one who had been in office so long to such an honor as sn outgoing compliment and with characteristic magnanimity gave mr barber the election by acclamation now mr barber goes back upon tfla very tacit pledge ot retirement and monday ibs explanation for this on the hustings on monday evening oa that he thought his services wouldbo needed in currying out the waterworks extensions provided for in the bylaws submitted and for other reasons which ho said ho was not prepared to disclose to the ratepayers publicly a enicklin j p the other can didate frankly states that aa agood cltlxen he should offer himself for the performance of necessary cltlaepshlp duties- lie is a native or acton hns grown up with the town has had ample experience in municipal office was n member of tho council for a number of yearn nnd occupied the office op reeve for one year tweoty- flvo yearn ago mr nlcklln is u trained business man of wide experience is a sane safe economical cltlxen administered largo municipal undertakings when a mem ber of the council atnd reeve of acton and is as well qualified for handling anythialncss which may come before theycouncll during 1926 a any other cltlsen he enjoys the confidence and esteem of the community and man of sterling integrity and is withal keenly interested in the progress his native town and the welfare of ta cltlsens when mr nloklln was previously fteeye he had not the honor of being a member or the county council with its wider jurisdiction at that tlmo uwcounty council waa operated under the county councils act with specially elected representatives acton milton nnd naasogaweya were grouped in a district and the group was represent ed that year snd for several years by moore acton and arch mc- glbbon now governor of milton jail then of naasagttweya this plan was later discontinued it will therefore be a kindly act on tho part of our ottlxena to elect mr nlcklln reeve no that he may havo the pleasure of association- with tho other reeves of the county and share for itv term in the administration of county matters which reeve barbes has enjoyed for the past six years poll court news haselton jlnlo of- georgetown charged i spires- inat wednesday imtforo pollen mnglhtriito moore with crrntfng n disturbance and ualnx bod lunguago tlip evidence urovod the kulit of tho accused he was given suspended scntonco and bound over to keep tho uvftco for h year william stokes of georgetown was charged by chief jackson last thurs day before police magistrate moore with keeping liquor for sale stokes purchased three cases of native wine on the 8th inatchlof jackson and provincial constable atkins found stokes intoxicated down town arrest ed him arid about midnight accom panied him home of the three doaen bottles only seven were dtscovpm by the officers and only one empty bottle has qualified for the election nexi ftho lot was discovered stokes and three witnesses could not give a s factory explanation- of the di of wlno and bottles he was convicted and fined 1200 and costs- w i dick crown attorney for the prosecution c ift wiggins for tbo defence the psthers of confederation the trustees and ratepayers a- soclatlon in the province of ontario la undertaking a patriotic work supplylagtho schools of the province with a picture of the fathers of confederation we understand they purpose giving a eeriea of articles upon the statesmen comprising this group and other outstanding characters who havo contributed to the making of canada in their monthly magasina the canadian school board journal movement of this nature should stimulate an interest in clvlo affaire it seems very difficult to interest people not only in dominion ana pro- vlnclawnatters but even in municipal government the interest of can adlana in public affairs fa on th average as high ss that of either britain or the united states yet there is a deplorable iecaiof knowledge con cerning the administration ot muni cipal provincial and dominion affairs acton ontario a fsyre of natlonst the acton gazette of acton eng land- of i november 14 reached thl office on tuesday its announcement or st martins boaaar was as follows the fayre of nations an interna tional exhibition on a small scale will be held in st martins hall on thurs day friday and saturday november z0 11 and xx this baeaar tsrexpected to raise 1000 toward the complet- tion of the church edifice the nations represented at the decorated stalls will be he netherlands ireland old england canada australia persia spain japan wales and the united states the costumes of the various rationalities represented will be worn and the fayre will be attractive as a spectacle aa well as a centre of bust ness and social pleasure acton on- lario wjll compete with aeton ens land in the productlos of fruit cakes her worship the mayor of acldic and lady anq tilth will open the bexaar and the archdeacon of middlesex will the second day sodden death of john ryder stricken with a heart attack in guelph and died instantly death came with startling suduen- nese to mr john ryder who was living with his daughter mrs dufflold at 47 devonshire street guelph about sxo oclock monday afternoon when he waa stricken with a heart attack and collapsed ort waterloo avenue near the subway expiring almost in stantly mr ryder had been in fairly good health and for exercise made a prac tice of walking up town dally he had visited the business section of the city in the morning and had returned home apparently feeling aa usual in the afternoon- be had only been gone from his home fifteen minutes when suffered the attack to which he suc cumbed the decoascd who was 81 years old as born on the homestead on the third line requestor near swack homers hill and had farmed practi cally all his life his farm adjourned that of his brother thomas where ho lived until his removal to guelph township on retiring ten years ago he took up his residence in guelph with his oaughter mrs- roy duldeld his wife predeceased him aeven years ago i he is survived by seven sons and two daughters herman london al bert cleveland jacob hamilton wil liam toronto freqv arkell boas cochrane norman nlchol mrs geo roberta and mrs ttoy duffleld ouolph the funeral took plane yesterday afternoon from the home of his daugh ter mrs duffleld at s oclock to the guelph cemetery a young man cotlarleaa and dls levelled after a night spent in the colls pleaded guilty to being drunk on wyndham street at police court monday morning and was fined ten dqsrfr and costs his liquor he stat ed was obtalnod from n friend whose last name he dldnf know on aioe street he had met the friend at a ifinoe ut eden mills inljie summer hesald nnd saw him again tin alice street inst night asked if he wanted a drink by the kindheartedfriend he accepted promptly and after driving about for a considerable time he land ed in the cells he did not remember being taken there j uolph mercury oct your tickets now for the far cical comedy in three acts entitled what happened to jonos next monday night qreat fun acton municipal elections your vote and influence are respectfully solicited for amos mason for councillor for 1925 my aim will 11 progress and cooperation r j kerrs sale list msjjil friday novombor 18 m church shads eden mills wfdnoadny december 10 john mc lnlyrv lot 0 4th lino krln clourlmf auction sale or farm stock implx menf lluy unj grain clearing auction sale in township of erin x j farm stock implements hay and grain the undersigned has received in structlona from john melntyrte to sell by public auction at lot 0 4th une erin 4 miles north of acton qn wednesday december id 1b24 at one oclock sharp the following horses hrqjrn team well match ed good in all harness uged 2 brown mares aged cows ft good cows bhorfijiorn grades milking well and suppose to freshen in the spring a- fat aowst ypuno cattle 8 cattle rlsbig 2 years 8 cattle 1 yoar old saprlng catves 1 young bull 18 months old tyhorthorn a good animal hirkel ii breeding- ewes a owe lamb hogs 1 york boor s years 0 shonts fowl a number of bock hens and a number of pullets 2 old goeso and 1 gander a yonng geese implements mccormlctr corn binder 2 mccormick binders both in flrstclaes working shape- sixfoot maaseyharrla mower 1 mousey harris hay loader massey- harris manure spreader peteruemilton seed drill combined 13spout 1 good stock rack massey- harris cultivator with 3 horse attachment land roller mas- sey- harris sulky hay rake 10 foot 1 low wagor with box and shelvlngs all complete s high wagons with boxes and shelvlngs all complete 1 democrat wagon in oral class shape 1 set bobsleighs 1 gladstone cutter 1 chatham fanning mill mason and campbell set of scales 1200 lbs capacity turnip pulper 2 nj 7 wil kinson plows 1 2- furrow plow set of iron harrows stoneboat scuffler sugar kettle t barrels grain cradle meat barrel hay fork and 100 sot of rope new pulleys blaoksmlth-ont- flt anvil large and vise 1 large stxe delaval cream separator 1 small also separator delaval forks hoes chains devices and all kind of small articles 3 set of whlntle trees neckyokes 1 emery stone grindstone habnehs x set of team harness x sets of plow harness 1 set of double carriage harness 1 set single harness hay and arain l0oo bushels of banner and o a c no 72 oats suit able for seed about 7g bushels of good aoosd peas 10 tons or hay positively no reserve as proprietor is giving up fsrmtng terms 1000 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit will be given on furnish ins approved joint notes off for cash hay grain yowl- cash r j kerr auctioneer phone st- acton o plank clerk j -7- mclean co the slore with he stock j the gift store of acton 775 900 1050 475 blankets at reduced prices wool blankcls u4x84 regular 050 tor wool blankets 04x84 regular jl 100 for- wool blankets 08x80 rcgulnr 1200 for gray union blankets rcgulor550 for these blankets are made by one of fhe best milts and guaran- teedby the maker to give good satisfaction another lot of white flannelette blankets large double bed size 25 only special at per pair 270 large size white bed spreads good value rt 350 special afcach 235 crib blankets made up of a good quajjtybf flannelette regular 125 for 95c mclean co mux street- acton ont getready for winter now is tho tlmo before tho real sevcro winter weather ats in to kt the minor ropalrn to furnacfl and waterworks systems attended fj- we are well prepariml to look after your nkulrmetits prompt service efficient workmanship drummond leatham phone 95 main street west hastings goes liberal charles e porter hanna defeat e qua former member by 405 n the byeelect ion in west hustings o tuesday charles e hanna the liberal candidate- defeated k qua porter fho has been the representa tive in west hastings tor twentyfive years y by a majority of 486 mr porters majority at the general election in lil waa 1171 x limehou8e john appelbe of stowarttown died suddenly last wednesday wble be ing driven from stewart ufn til georgetown he fell from the wagon unconaolouajnd expired in a fciv minuted deceased waa t9 years t age and a lifelong resident of eequea lug township there remains b1 widow one son itobert and two daughters miss- appelbe at home and mrs smethurst ot llmehouss 910000 farm fire in nelson about one oclock on tuesday after noon the barn on the fnrm of mr stewart jarvts oh dundee- street jua caslof tausley was completely de stroyed by fire together with tbe seasons crops- form implements and three stacks of liay ttio horses cattle and pigs were remcvejd by mr potter uie man employed on the form also a ford oar mr potter was standing in front ofmhe house waiting to motor ktrs jarvls to a baxaar at palermo when ho noticed flames issuing from thaniow in the born mrs jarvls 1m aaeelaiey notlfled i the neighbors by telephone erhlla h potter rushed into the building o ge put the live stock and anything else handy the neighbors soon arrived on fh aaens and offer a hard fight succeeded in saving the garsge and preventing fly- ing sparks from patching oh tbe roof of the house the threshers were ex peeled this week- to tlireeh the loss is estimated at over 110000 whleh is partially covered by inauranoe mr jarvls waa away on business and word was aant to him at broojcvtrie it l supposed the llse started from spon taneous cmbuetlonrlstte oh my poor brother come ind mot him hgt monday night in the tuwti halt aotan in the playwhat happvaed toxdnaa rockwood ruv john little mrs william harris and raymond martin were elected county representatives of tin childrens aid and humane society at the annual meeting at guelph lust thursday chicken thieves appear to bo oper ating in this district the farm of mr j lester just out of tho village waa visited on sunday j evening a4 between forty and fifty pullets stol provincial constable mel villa is veatlgatlng the ma iter turnip shipments are still bei made here in large volume mssen and riaeh factory branch guelph offer upright pianos aa low nn i17bq0 beautiful tiew uprights regular h5000 for flifloo phono graphs superior floor models 17b 00 the greatest values known during their anniversary bale ktfly years he music tjuilneast ask us for list of extraordinary values that can be hud on payments as low as 10 cash and 110 monthly mall u card today a nafforn mwh row horn as lead cb fletar hpiston- bvlasjgu oow ownad by wlw 4- fleming of iii vary lew farm trur nova scotia nas set u g pes pan- adlan butter record aocorqldg u a4 vioee reoalvad from lha pe4ral dairy department in u days this oow produol 11770 peuadsof milk eoo- talnlng 1jui pfluqde of butter fat tr lltyft uoanda oxuttar xh reonr l for three oily pjlllflnga i come and see ii what happened to jones next mpndayt815 pm december 1st in the town hall acton the laugh of theseason a farcical comedy in three acts by the st georges players- georgetown under the auspices of st albans church acton better than ever before reserved seats 50e rush seats 35e plan at browns drug store qet vour ticket8 now looking for christmas gifts wuiuv i rull lln c ritiimihml 1oim wiujim fclllk llitmlknrctilf- uitd nuvultle ullutil for chrlutniu kiim not u it ttio uly i art miuily for clirlhtma now with uhrltmuit ly tlvo wmikh uwuy come iw and inspect our stock reduced prices on all millinery miss j galbraith mulinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street russells ui fresh groceries arriving daily ltulaln feels nuts almond icing cherries everything in uur u for christmas buying airiiinirrkh socks and stockings mens wwrk bocks pure wool ut too mens kino socks plain and ribbed at 7 80a 6o and t0o hoys and girls school sinkings at r 12 o t uest scotch fingering yarn all shades at cr tb 140 for quality qo to russells bang bang bang the hunting season is here the hunting se requirement gum 4 in in finds us fully equipped to meet ail the huntorv a great variety shot guns and itlfles ammunition dominion ammunition in oil 1ui o no i ill wok no junokelimm amniuntllon ror no t rllltm in hurt loinx mm lona rlll fhi ii ip alicjrt iui1 loin no 2b htvop nj ill for ull th uraiv bw i our windpvrmbpfvjll piye some idea of our btook w d talbot wp mtivf economical buying f itvvcry often quite a task to know juat what kinu of mtat to havo for dinner or any other meal in vot- and it is very often quite a problem after you havo decided upon what you want to muko it fit your pocket book- bat both these problems can bo easily solved at our meat counters our experience in cutting meats is proven to youf ad vantage overy time you buy meat over our counters vo can give you the mosfproh tabic cuts at the lowest prices quality considered of course we are nor quoting prices this week but you cart be assured of most economical buying if you allow us tocater to your meat needs atways the right cut at the right price watch our windows frida for specials and saturday patterson julland main streets acton ont sy 1

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