Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1924, p. 1

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ufff if eiw jfrtt pttes fiftieth ycarfe 23 thursday mornin0 december 4 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning december 4 1024 single- co pica fivo ccna the methodist church acton rev josephus culp pastor parsonage willow v 1100 a tm tho minister subject the greatest mlruclc 330 p m sunday sohool 700 i m th mlnliitor flub eel natures toaohcrn the pnntors home ui alwuy open t any denlrldk help h ritual need presbyterian kn6x church aoton minister rev a c stewart m a wjilow street 11 00 a aoo i m- ilev john unly erin ihm clm 300 p m humliiy hrhoo 700 ii m hxv joint lindsay slrnnsors leaving address with th ushers will bo called upon by the pastor all are cohdially invited special notices advarluameet in this column n cbt per voril minimum chars joe dr insertion experienced nurse experienced maternity nuree apply 223 box 26 krek pbkstt for sale l oxford ham aged 1 dorset ham lamb apply to paul kennedy lot 26 fourth una strayed frm the premises of the undersign ed roan heifer the early part of october anyone holding this animal after thin notice will be prosecuted- charlefl davidson ifltf lot 31 2nd line kaqueslns- i for sale f childs crib 1500 2 seated buny would make good gear for light wk- jron only sb 00 aleo 1111 delivery ninn l atkinson north corner 7th line and acton 232 crossroad surplus auctiontbale clayton beswlck will hold a surplus auction bale of 8 choice hoists in cows sheep hoga grain and apple at lot 3 eth line erin 3 mile went of batllnafad on friday december 15 at one ocjdck whurp 233 it j kerb auctioneer card of thanks i desire to exprctts nty sincere thiinks to the clllxcne of acton fur uain honoring m with election to tho hecveshlp i thank those who favored mo with their franchise und i thank just an warmly those who conscien tiously differed from mo and voted for my apiwjnont my desire la for u year of progress for acton and success for her cltlxens george barber hoove farms for bale- 48 farms in the counties of holton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acre let u eend you oar ilal a number of homes and brndneest places in aoton for sale fir and ufa insurance honey to j a smith real batata agent 3bon 105 aoton out a dance at ijmehonse friday december 12 dancing h30 until 3 a ra dances for young and old with special prise for oldest couple in attendance campbells orches tra will supply tho music couple 70a and tax extra lady2so i christmas store of aoton kiddv kalls puckt waqonb waqofs poll cariuaobij tbiotolbs polls ciuhh and i1eds itockino hopheh whbbli1ahkowu pockey b71ckh and inicua phfltbtmas btockikos everything in chhistlliah pe0ohation8 chhihtmas post cardb christmas booklets all kinda indooil aauisu prices reasonable and out usual quotx block of noveltim hultnble tor v all tim e w masters mill street acton lu wonderla1md friday december 5 fiehuntf hudi- btnrrlnv hlttitiru iwrttilinm ever routly fur n tluhl or u frulu in iho day of oltw- cioiwwll comedy wido oiiuil llodgu- ludmo nuvelty ltol 8aturdav oeoember 0 the net roiii iho tiovul iy llcullia m- cluy with nil iflhtiu vmmi ooilio4y hlfl ofonln o yuegdav december toly pf ihoomsbury an hmkllh olulurv from thu lory lliiplytloijicky cliop- ut is of uhn of iha lutnko pornwdy umddliuj yputli ky pf lhecor yitii tom mix r u grecoky son telling of christmas readiness and splendid values in winter wants santa clous now has the run of this big store theres something practical and delightful hero for every name on your christmas list winter weather yes and superb values in mens overcoats 25 a man need but finger their fine woollens slip on one and note the smnrt style to realize that hero is a value well worth while plain and fancy models regular and raglan shoulders slipons uistercttcs regular ulsters threepiece belts belt i ess styles greys heath ers browns olives and blues sizes 34 to 42 seventy-five- overcoats to qhtsc from at this good- valuo priccthisweck 2500 all the mens hats reduced just at a time too when many a man is beginning to realize that his old hat is getting too shabby au 750 hats for 590 all o50 hats for 55 all 600 hats for 495 all 500 hats for 390 all 450 hats for 390 a gatherup of broken size ranges thaj u and 500 hats for 135 and also regular 400 reduced also this week all themens fali weight caps i au 300 cans for 29 t all 275 caps for 25 all 250 caps for 200 all 200 caps for 169 all 10 caps for 115 young girls will uke kid boots the nettl sweater 30 a jaunty little pullover with a self roll collar ending in a tie sillcandwool mixtures in buff seal brown and powder blue shades with collartie and trimming stripes contrasting special values at 3j0 savings for women and misses in smart dresses 1275 begular up to 2000 in wool crepe flannel and silkknit with long or short sleeves navy brown copenhagen powder blue cardinal taupe and flame color sizes 10 years to 40 bust smart stylo for a limited expenditure d macdonald bros ltd wyndbam macdonneq and cardan streets hi 3veekend specials everton toffees 1 you remember the small squares of- toffee with the lovely vanilla flavor you used to buy last winter that was everton toffee wfl have it the same now and wui fiivo you a special price for over the weekend special for 26c b assorted chocolates i amsue you are delighted with our new assorted choco lates they have a large assortment of centres with a very mellow chocolate coating regularly 40c tb weekend special 32c tt u christmas candies we have our stocjc of christmas packages in stock w will be pleased to reserve any ojie for vou watch for our christmas display in tuilk candies we carry a full assortment of ice cre ftricks try a fresh fruit brick our lunch menu ia always ready mill street acton h wiles w will sv you mony if ydo vlll lt u new fall and winter footwear just in dress shoes stcot shoes vork shoes school shoes house shocrf overshoes rubbers slipper sputa holeproof hosiery footeascrs laces polish in spies brushes polishing mitts wool soles corns cat o uses und punion pads all bought at the very jbest cash prices trom tlio best makers in this country give us a trial our prices are rlgh r wjcbkknp f5cial 1urgains- woplcns patent oooilyoar well aiippert susfi tor ixa j7s tor fcj95 sh for j395 mcnfl shoe and oxfords 30 for h9s peal here it will pay you harry harrison the shoe man new lint of travailing bag and butt caei v news of local import chrlatmaa oaxaar a chrlatmaa ilalaar will h held bat urdiiyoftcr noon and avanlnr 1- nmlr f in tlm town ilall untlor tho uitaplcea of tho junior dauehter of the kmpira wualo will be rendered durlnf tha ovcnlnr nnd a chiiatinua troo will bn unloaded bad fir avartad in eaquaaing on tueatlay mornlnc tins a tar ted in the aunroom of urn warnwi house in kaquaalna townalil l vru caused by a mouse matchea und u celluloid comb aattlnr tiro to the tedding and mattreaa with the naslatance nelffhbora he burning materln wu succeaarullr thrown out of the window itnd the fire woi quenched th claotlen in qaoro the election for the mayoralty in georgetown on monday resulted in tho rajplacflon of mayor dale by a major ity of s3 councillor mark nor woe his oponeqt mr ucjntyre wua elected ileeve by acclamullon in tho ono ward imvlns u oontet ror coun- clllora a duncan and william ash- eqhuret were eloctedu vkatara oet cod bathe a number of the afcatera on cor- lorntlon pond want through the ice on friday and took involuntary hatha hovernl of tho boyoafot on thin ice und went through whua playing hoc- heyt mlaa nolll hrw daushterof keuve uarber woa auto unfortunato enough to o through the lea but aha wua promptly reaoued 1y her com panion marhad in chleaao laat week announcement carda have been re ceived by frlenda hero of the ma triage in chicago on thursday novembor 27 of mr mlchetl jamea obrien to ulaa dorothy uury angel i- mr and mrs ollrlcn will be at home after the first of january at m4h bucking ham ptapo mr obriens frlenda in hla imjyhoodo home here offer their sincere congrututallona barn burned at ingleweed mr j btannlnga barn about a mile west ot inglewood was completely destroyed by fire on monday evening about mldntght a number of horse and about thirty head of cattle to gether with the seaaooa crop wem destroyed the origin of the tlr i unknown messrs will and wlfrej macdoaald saw the reflection of the are from their home 4th line and hastened to the scelie when they ar rived they found that the flee had just been discovered but no help had been summoned thu fire wail then well under way and it was impossible to save the con ten in the loss is estimated at 20000 kind words which ara appreciated a subscriber in peel county writes enclosed please and 200 for renewal of my aubecrlptton i am a little behind with it but we moved last month and we were undecided for awhil as to whether to continue the paper or not not that we had any fault whatever with tua plow fans but we thought on account of our great expense in moving and getting- settled we would have to cut out some thing hut we have decided to eon untie we think tub fttn puns la the best week ly published in a small town we llko everything about it and- enjoy especially the editorials a feature generally absent from the small town papers wishing you every success t n transform i njj motors at tanneries tho electricians are gradually con verting the electric motor at messrs heard more coa tanneries from 80 cycle to 36 cycle to u lu have them uniform with tho hydro system eventually their electric system will all be converted to 25 cycle they are using a large amount of hydro current lu addition to that generated by their own steam power plant the messrs beard more with their cuatomarjr gen erosity to the interests of the town have kindly offered to permit their eleotrlo iuwr system to be connected up to tho tuvn poffer plant at the waterworkh an o hat in cose the hydra power should out of com mission at any tme the ileardmorv power plant rould he switched on and there wud be o aerlous interruption of tha pumping qulu this generous oftor shyuld be entertained by our hydro commission flev w h howardh raajomd after two years of faithful ministry in acton aa pastor of the baptist church bov v ii howard announc ed his resignation of the charge a the congregation last sunday during his slay here llev mr uowavd has t only ministered to his congrega tion here but he has alao had charge of tho congregational church at churchill he has also taken a keen interest in all matters calculated for the betterment of the community and always used ms best endeavors to carry out the principle of the golden hula in th matter of christian fel lowship mr- howard has invariably shown himself ready to cooperate in the highest degree mrs howard it their two duugbters mioses clrace und phyllis have also won u warm pluoe in the uffectlona of the people among whom they have moved and thvy have enjoyed the esteem of the community mrhoward lias accepted u call to the pastorate of the baptist church lukefleld a church with amutfh iurgwi- membership and wltb large op- hriuilllbs for puslorul work hn will proucli fur wo 11 sermons here on the wth inst the heat wishes of tin community will accompany hcvmr and mrs howard und rmily united farmer annual convention the annual convention of the u lr will be herd during iun v ending december 20 aascy ilall toronto will 14 the lityoe yf tha mktn oanven- llon while the united farm women uhd the onlted vurtn young loople will hold apoolnl aesslonslu forest era hull tf k o directors will meet monday fecumbcr lfi m the u v o llulldluir 100 oeor htruet turoulu on tuesday wilt be held tho uuntln meeting uf tho inlttnl furmernoo opera tlvo compuny umlteit 1 mnsstry hull tim wuuuun proper of the u jv o will ooromunrv wednesday liioruluir lacember 17 an intoroatluif feature uf the annual oonventlon will he tho tltirl debato for the hurnaby cup utirjrc the auaiiloaa pf tlte united vrmeiv iruvlno4ai debating league the topic 1st itaaolved tluit prom not ervlv is tho chief urpoge of 00 operative enterprise the ann statement uh4 profit and loaa account uf the itiiltwd fanners ciioperullve company limited jut mujo pubtl sliows the cumimny to be tn whut out iderlng ull the olroumstauues murfl be mttslitered a vry aatlsfuctory pusl lion prvlmibty the moat encouraging feature from the shareholders point uf view is that there is u not profit un tli yeara buslusaa pt tixuttjio public sc1hm1 honor roll for november the reports ot the various de- partmenla aa to slandlng of pupils the three taking hiqhest standing in each class are listed the following shows the numes uf pupils who won honors in their ex amination in november senior fourth muriel mccomb 389 dorothy campbell 377 eva wheeler s77 junior fourth phyllis howard 378 mildred hol- llneer ssfi kathleen kelly 3ce total 470 u bennett toucher senior third william wilson 2t murjorlo uur- den 42 kleanor cilrord 411 totnl s00 1 d folster teacher junior third lorna mocomb c46 doreen masalea 4s6 gordon hancock 44 total 800 m it ttcore tea chert senier see end katber taylor 404r kathleen cook 397 andrew ituchunan 394 total 00 junior seeend doris hollowuy 314 margaret chalmers 23s harry fewtrell 233 total too i anderson teacher junior second vivien mcmullen 363 jack mcmui- len 34ft gordon cook 141 first class harvey huasard 480 teddy han sen 441 klmer white 4 it total tntl ol la d armstrong teacher first class a ueorge bwltxer 331 helen campbell 208 elsie anderson 2011 total 300 b gathleen patrick 1 ii fr1 wilds jfc james ohhea 161 total 300 n anderson teacher primary cleaa a aajnea chlsholm 19 lecnard tubman ib annie holmes 17 hjack mcqill is eileen ureen 17 violet elliott 11 c barbara tuylor 18 hurt pat rick 13 kathleen howard ii tdul 30 d qardlner toucher a most satisfactory outcome all the bonda of the thomson metor supplies and aoton machine co called in and paid the action taken by acton council und the endorsement given by the atepayers of the town when the by law to guarantee the bonde of the thomson motor supplies limited for 810000 far ten years was submitted two years ago has proven eminently satisfactory only two years have elapsed and the whole of the issue of 110000- has been called in and liquid ated by thomsonmotor supplies lim ited and the acton machine com pany which took over their property and contract last year these de bentures were not due for final pay- ient until the year 1932 the liability which acton entered into for the purpoae of securing an additional manufactory and conse quent employment of labor hoa been entirely absolved tho accomplish ment of this in two years instead of ten la very creditable to the two corapunlea interested aa well aa 10 the people of acton who by their votes assumed the j lability entered into by the action token in hhla matter aoton secured a live growing busi ness which is proving a rear benefit to the town the acton machine comiminy is adding- new lines to their list of motor supplies and accessories and are supplying motor parts to sdme of the leading houses n the dominion it is a matter of satisfaction that the measure jf canndenco placed in the companies named was not misplaced the outcome ww be appreciated by cltlsens generally acton has been singularly fortunate in her relations with manufacturers who have been induced to establish their industries here the shoe fac tory of messrs hewetaon a company has given employment to scores of cltlaeils at a time when many similar inslllutiona were standing idle and the prospects ore encouraging the experience with the mason knitting works haa been almllarly aatlafaolory the considerations sug gested by mr mason were very small considering- the growing importance of this fine business the capacity of the factory was doubled last ynr and thtf enterprising management continues to extend the capacity for increased output only a couple of weeks ago new machinery was in stalled- in our older estubllahed bualnoas the leather factories and the glove factories the same thins- may be said respecting their operations they have kept going and retained their ttundreds of employees at work when slmllar faotorles elsewhere have been shut down verily our town and our cltlsens have been fortunate indeed in the character of the manufactories altuated within our border amateur play on monday evening the play entitled what iupifl to junes r was prenod by hojmu people ot hi eorgpfi churj urge- town nt thu tqwn hull here on monday eyenlug undjr hie augulces of ht albans church if was a three- act farcical comedy kaoli character proaented his or her arts ursdttably ulid kept the audience ly merriment during the whole evening the thonte wus well rhoueii und th play through out wua moat eirjoyiiblv the taste of fharaoters was us rulluwol joues who travels for a hyaauuok house hob corke kbuueser goodly u professor o an utotiiy ilvrl thotipauh- antony tludy ix d tlslwi of but lu rat isriieel harbor ltlchurt heathetly engaged to mur joru dkk hoe thonme huldeu a policeman percy chuphn henry fcruuer btuperiiilendeut uf the huultarlum 1ercy chaplin wtlllum hlgbee ui lilnutlu of hi munllurium cyril ttruntford mro goodly icbeneiors wife ulas pxnsuu cissy ebuiiesurh ward irene thompson murjurlu elmitiuvrs daughter ioiia barker mluuivu blieiifiui a nthor iluughtr wtiiitlu knight alvlna htarllght mrs uoodlys sis ter hilda lugby holiiu h wtid lull servant girl ikufxtii iinmuay s chlorination plairttb be inouiied at once ceunell favors develop me pt of- 81 lawrenee by tha municipalities the regular session or the council was held on tuesday evening this week- owing to the elections belmr held on monday all the councillors were- present and ileeve barber wai in the clialr the finance commucee presented their twentyfourth report und rexom mended paymenttjf the following ao counts general account o evans wood s0 00 alton km iasxa ballots etc 26 8s hell telephone co services 4 10 hydro electric commission trect lighting 188 00 hydro el ec trio commission town hall lighting councillors allowances judge elliott revising voters municipal world election sup- t hurt sharpening mowers n i mclam supplies a m smith iputy hot urn ln oolcer j w j gould deputy he turning officer mtu h l maaon ioll clerk s b miss uuby clark poll clerk c david hutcheon county rate- 6383 fit hobt wallace teaming gruvet 20 t0 s8008 77 waterworka aoeeunt hydro el ec trio commlaslon power at pump house 11 hydro eleotrlo commission power at spring 47 98 k forbes base at pump house 2 oo hnpk ofnova boot la collect ing rates 2 to w s 73 the report was adopted an agreement providing for the work on the installation of the chlorination system and connection to commence once was paased by the council a motion was paased requesting that the clerk make application for the return of the amount of erlnking fund hand under bylaw no b3l amounting to 13583 and in tercet thereon as the bonds of thomson motor supplies urol ted guaranteed by the corporation have been retired the resolutions presented by c wilson huperintendant of the local hydro commission favoring- the de velopment of the st lawrence luver by the municipalities instead of by private enterprise waa ossed by the council the question of 111 tin the pump house with storm wlndowa was dis cussed and it was decided it was ad visable to put these on 4s there was danger of the pumps frecxlng unless these were installed moved by k t thetford seconded by j bell that the ileeve and treas urer be instructed to issue and sell 6v4 bonda for 16100 under gasoline pump bylaw at once price to be par and accrued interest if any car ried council adjourned at 1015 p m acton high school notes high school literary society prepara tions fer tha at home and the initial meeting it would be a dimcult matter to decide which is causing- greater inter est at the high school just now the everpopular annual at home or the newlyorganised literary society the former haa the advantage of including- the axpgplls and teachers this year the committee la varying the programme somewhat by having it in the form of a commencement with preeentutlun of diplomas medals the various numbers wblch ho puplle ore diligently rehearsing are really aa education comprising- a play taken from tho classics the initial programme of the aoton high school literary society given on november 14 was a distinct credit 10 all who took part ilia utaot worthy f note that the sohool is not lacking in talent und no on need visit a ahow to see charlie chaplin when we have them right here in the fteah ilov a c stewart m a was re- uuested to act as critic a task which he tactfully performed he called at tention to the good points aa well as correcting the errors wblch amateur performers make he also spoke of the benefits which can be derived from piano tn this sort of society mr stewart congratulated the society in having auch a manly energetic young- president friday oftorttom represented negro day joseph hurst and campbell currle gave a much enjoyed negro dialogue and merle stewart a recita tion this was followed by the most interesting number of the programme the reading of the eyeopener nothing too good can be eald about this ltemi the young editor and her capable assistant ure to be greatly complimented as well as the designer who makes attractiy the outside cover of the uaper e- pupil remember the ax homo com i canada population incress of 4387 estimated since ttai ottawa dec i duimtliis popula tion haa increased pearly lialf a million slnoe the last census waa taken in 1921 estimates made by statistics show an increase in every province except prince ed ward ilaftl where there haa been u da o woo esthnsitca ftf th vorluua province and territories oumpured with lb census uf 1931 follows the first ogure showing thu estimate made this veer the mecoud group being tbntcimaus ugure of 1921 prlnoe edward island h77u0 88616 nova hcotlu 633000 us8jj new llrunswkk 3oo40o 387788 quebec 3840000 2301199 ontario 3002ooo 3933883 muouobu 047000 61011 sahkutchflwun httwo 7t7moi al bert u 83tooo 684c4j british colum- bla 63000 124883 yukon sgo 4au northwest terr kurt 8400 lflflu cuuudus tolul populutloii ui 10x4 is tmltmatwd ut 0226740 the iioputatloi in 1031 un taken by cuuurfvvua 87bh 483 thure is thtirvforn sn eqtlroalod incrciae of 43he7 sturgeon falls wet council lor snowed under bliurgeoit kulla lkoo 2 councillor cartler mtivr if tin fiiimuri remlu- tlon rtifualntf the assistance of tho town of uiurgeon kulls lij enforclnk tho ontario tempersnoo act was wamped in yesterday elections thv 1tench ward of ho town voted 10 to 1 uguinst cartler a plan worthy uf emulation tho murkdale ktandard auld laat week utavn mokaclmle ui4 his good wife trwt ivil thu members uf thu council and lh lllwiin hand to u fowl supper at their hutoo 611 itrlilay sven- lag laav reeve barber reelected for next year councillors frank holmes l k atkinson amos mason nod b t theuord school trustees j p wor- den w j reid geo mann and c h harrison tho municipal elochons for 1926 nre over and the following cltlsens will form our town government for tho year reeve oeoitoe baipieit councillors kiunk holm eh l k atkinson amos maflon e t thbtkoiu tho election on monday resulted in the election of new blood in the persons of amos mason and x e at kinson both of whom will no doubt make active members and aim to give o good account of their stewardship social atid personal in the el eat ion for school trustees uemrnrm j v word on w j held george munn und c if harrison were elected the hoard of education for 19zi will therefore be com posed of hev a c btewaut m a lawiiencb williams john p worden w j reid oeonoe mann c ii hahiuson measrs wordvn iteid and harrison nre new members for reeve town customs total hall house vot burler 152 237 370 nicklln 163 ht 288 majority for barber 01 for councillors holmes 194 203 397 atkinson 143 173 316 mason 143 130 373 thetford 4 js5 249 parker 90 l37 232 nieol x 102 108 208 dills 103 sfi 187 for school trustees warden 192 231 423 held 129 173 302 mann 113 left 287 harrison 118 ist 371 hoswlck 95 101 198 moore 84 59 123 waterworks extension bylaw for 76 88 185 against eh 80 118 majority for bylaw f waterworks beardmore connection for 72 87 1f against 80 bs 113 majority ror bylaw 40 the iilwive hasult curries both by laws when these extensions and nectlons are made and put into effect acton will have the very beat und mottt uftectlvo waterworks system for ftre protection available it is expected thut this will ultimately alt in tower insurance rates for actini tlutn could ever have been ex pected under any other conditions k 00 4 00 s3 00 b 17 10 0g 97 0 102 10 hang list of accounts passed at the november meeting of eequeslng township council the november meeting of eaqueoing council at which all the members were present spent tho session in passing a large number uf accounts mostjy for road work murray 20 yards gravel i e 00 jumes brown pound keeper in nurvul fred cole- culvert on 8th line d wagstaffe hauling gravels freeman robertson fixing cul vert on 3rd line james grant hauling gravel- john barnes work on road di vision no 38 hobt huddell haullntf 88 yards gravel james barnes 7vt yards gravel hauled w o morse for tile king edward sajiltorlum ror consumptives weston re harry ailllngbam u e houaneld milton 48 feet oak w oetrandur shovelling gravel uutlln atatute lubor ac count w brhank 24 houra labor h itoberts 18 hours labor james ucnally 3 hours with team 1l eaatun 34 yarda gravol at lo yard w mullln 34 hours labor jaa hill 8 houra labor j l bute s teams 8 days alex grey oiling gravel daya u hunter lljsi yards gravel canada ingot iron to 1 cul vert a e j nelleou 38 loads gravel j no appelbc work on alde- walke aud duohea j a wrugleswortb repairing culvert peter uc isaac baullug gravel 011 3rd uuu john newton 31 yards gravel ou 3rd hue eaaoii bros gravel ou towu eaauu bros 3 djeu and team- llevb clave levvlllng cbeok line ioncoealon 8 job board teaming fred cole bolaiico on road division no 34 sum tlsdulu buullua culvert aiui work uuu harrop work an road di vision j a ulffeii gravel sunt lllnkloy v auppllud to indigent jlcll telephone account todute lluiiry may work uni division no ho j hubt huddell work on divi sion no 30 tho mulllii work on division no a3 3 03 14 07 13 20 8 80 4 40 8 80 8 co 8 80 3 00 88 00 11 to 30 82 18 40 3s00 i 7t 19 70 y 00 13 76 33 jt 4 is j mclaughlin culert lllo fialiei spresdlng brave i council udjouruod to meet hn mon day december 1 at 1000 71 75 17 20 i police court new anuaurerr waa charged at qualpli police court monday morning- wltn kueplug litjuor fur sale as the reeull f u mid last week by provlnolaj offic- urs she pleaded guilty to the vharwa and the mjntmum pne of 10 sod boats wu usoaad by y4iwbat wsat mr e j m00y0 of toronto wnu ut moorocroft over sunday miss myrtle dills or toronto wua homo over tho weekend mr jordan lawson of toronto wan home over tho weekend mr w o c was home 1 mrs allan smith of lao avnuio vinlted toronto friends ant wek mine helen little of oilelpli morit tha weekend with acton friends drr george jlgglns of aururu vijlt- ed ut his homo hero over th week end mrs john stalker who wan critically 111 ror several weeks l rapidly convalescing exwarden and mrs john wrlyui-u- worth of ashgrove were ttunetd ut moorocroft on friday mlsa winnlfred watson of toronto was tho guest for the weekend of mr and mrs a t brown miss jean kennedy of toronto tud mr angus kennedy of ouelphuxro home over the weekend mr and mrs it b howduii of ouelph wero guests of mr und mrs a g clarrldge on sunday mr robert bennett lake avnuuu who hue been seriously 111 for scvaml weeks is still confined to bed messrs ernest brown and a m- call of toronto visited l tho formors homo here over the weekend mr charles a u matthows of toronto was here on sunday to visit his grandfather postmaster matthews mr and mrs h s wilson attended the funeral of the formers aunt mm llppaett ut ln 1 grave laat wednesday mr and mrs c h moore ami mr john s moore of dundas spent sun day with mrs jamea moore and mlui clara mr james matthews postmaster us t a nod u stroke while in th posl ofnoeon friday- and is now lying critically 111 mr albert k mutthews of doivor col unived in town yesterday after noon to visit his father postmunter matthews who in xritlcully iii messrs george hyder of hogituiw und james hyder of bay city mich wure here on friday uttendlng tho funpra of theirbrother huvti jtydcr mrs annettu barries of toronto v in it ml hr sister mrs joql leslie sr who hits been ill und other friends in acton and churchill during the woek mr und mrs o c campbell of georgetown mr and mrs victor campbell toronto visited ut the home of mr j b gamble crescentvllla on sunday miss s campbell who haa been visiting ber niece mrsig h luntx want to fort erie last week to epond the winter with friends there and in buffalo mr und mrs ed hilton of bel wood formerly of montgomeryshire eng land announce the engagement of their daughter edith emily to mr lllrum e alton son of mr and mrs il e alton of everton the marriage to take place early in december mr and mrs william alutn uu- nounce the engagement of their daugh ter lauru donejda to mr kunnuth milton mckjonon of acton son uf mr and mrs angus mcklnnon of urucebrldge the marriage to take place quietly this month mr earl h vincent llnotypo oper ator on tin fan passu stair leaves saturday to take a tftod position the chatham dolly now he has been a faithful and truth worthy em ployee of this office since his boyhood days kindly words were spoken of mr vincents interest in tho motliu- dlat church at the young peoples league on monday evening mru vincent will remain in acton until after christmas new books at free library the following list of new books have been added free library readera found tho fol- wlng new book a available for tholr ilectiou on saturday evening a number uf tho luteal boo lot of notion hotlop und juvenile are here in cluded adult fiction title author huso- of the world l v norrln wnk sugar douglau gordeu uf the loat lagoon watson huggedwater lincoln passing of charles lanaoit tracy the unknown cjuantltv hell east of tho setting hun mccutf hen the enchanted hill kyno gentleman of courage lurwood adventured of sherlock huhues doylo circular staircaae lliuohart daughter of the laud 1 ortor heart of the sunset beech tlw lrou trail lleucli the pelhaiu aflalr t into the spirit of he vol l tllbbh out of the ages irlco adult nenflation y hunters u the great northsterfuntkii poems ii- iti- liouts no 1 british empiru series voluun how to kiiow the wild flowuidiuiiu through tho windows- of wt-st- mlmiter alum cubadu r carpoutor juvenile llltf leugue series btutldlsli girl uorlos chutwyt thu childs own ittiry hook cuwltiu tho chlldrvtl of mother immto cdjujvil hoy mochanlo volumo n 4 t charts sues it through wlddmu thu muli in the zoo guruuu thu bravo tin soldier johnston jack und thu bean stalk jbunatuu those bachelor town clerks godorioha town clerk was uiurrlud u week or ao ugo clintons town iluik should toko warning clinton nuwm- keoord iyow just what is wrung with uno towu clerks anyway wlnghahtiu town clerk u also of the bachelor variety but we should not be too quick to v judge wtngbam advmiwtiniea wiu ustowets clerk jail inlno td07 uswwe duuar well thlby have nothing on luiuurd- ine cur clerk aiso bejongs tu thut category they aeem to be wedded to their job klnrjtxdln reporter aotons town clerk la in thu mimu list and so was hla predoreunor funjfyathat these chaps who are sil- inat t mmrrhure llnanapg very wuu to make other fout hwt ttimt try lire exeslisuwrt ihaahill j0

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