Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1924, p. 2

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jf jsifi artnn jffn jlrpflu 1 jtlltjimday djecembew 4 i fo his new brother buy ive got a little brother novor leaned u hnv him nuther ilut lie horn thuyjusl wott uliuad and bought lilm ami bint weyk thn doctor broiight him whni thai uueor when i heard tha now from molly why i thought at nrst twas jolly oauic you so 1 uthmkwl i cuuht nn nnd get him ajui tlion mama nourti would lot him jlay with me tint when i had flrst lookod at him why i 1 says my sake u that hlmt juat that mltet they a 10 yea an aint ho cun- nlnt and i thought thoy miut b fuonln hes ti sight i hes an smalt ita justtamaaln and youd think that ha was blaln hes so red and his nose is ilka a berry and hesibald as uncle jerry on his head why tha isnt worth a dollar i all he does u cry and honor more and mora wont alt up you- cant arrange hbn r i dont see why jn dont charut hlin at the store now weve gut to dress and feed him and v really didnt need tilm moren a frog whyd they buy a baby brother wlmn ihsykrtpw id good deal rut her jiava a dog 7 how they judged the can adians the overseas visit of value 10 both the visitor and their hosts in last issue of the colllngwood bulletin tha editor who u still writ ing details of the overseas visit of the canadian weakly editors uotes the following from the harrogate harold itls dim cult to overestlniata tha value of our canadian cousins visit to the town though we have outgrown thn dismal state of which kipling wrote so bltterlythlnktng our empire still 1 the strand and holborn hlll we have yet much to ieao of those dominions beyond the seas wbloh the feet of our young men have traversed sometimes in travail but always with courage and hope there is an unfortunate tendency to reflect too much on the effect of kng land on our overseas visitors this la wrong one of the things that matters is the effect of our visitors on as england- is the mansion io which as it were the head qfth family resides surrounded with the pomp and pageantry of yesterday here the yijung oo colonial ever grows old repair to look upon the stately avenues and- tranquil lawns which long ago they left u behooves us to be careful gardeners i to keep our hedges trim our roadways spotless to lej them know- that our bouse is kwept arid garnished for their arrival remembering that they come f on more than amuaementrthey come- for in struction and inspiration- the uriaffectadplaaureoc our visit ors last wekid the joy add pride with wbloh they surveyed our town and countryside must be v-trmen- dous delight to theejukens of harro gate it was the privilege of the present writer to accompany a detach ment of the joumallala for the whole of their pilgrimage in lb district our chief impression is the fact that one la heartily ashamed of oneself the only soothing reflection la that there oro doubtless many others who feel the same we are prepared for ques tions but not for tha nature of tha inquiries which we endeavored to answer in the main they were en tirely agricultural journeying by motor edach along the nlgbwya0 knaresbbroughf and later to jupon and fountains the vlsltora looked at the land wtb the eyes of lovers and experts an tratldy badly formed held fortunately these ware rare provok- edmuchlrrltatlonu the price of cattle methods of hedging agd ditching the etate at the road agricultural finances hfum and a thousand mora inquiries were directed a t ths present scribe whose answers owing to the lanunt- able ignorance which prevails among sosjnany on these points must have been singularly satisfactory tb gloria of our antiques tha m of our town the hospl- toiily with which they wars metiau these impressed our visitors but the ruling passion vu tholand tha knowledge that such a large number of our people have left it saddens them the canadians or pre-enun- antly an agricultural people thjy have their own superb dues but tbey never as we ho overestimate thelr importance the aventge englishman m too often lnclbd to leave farming to formers detoung his energy and time entirely to civic ajtalrs the- canadian out look is very different to them thn land comes arst circumstances and the march of progress hav changed the englishmans environment alter ing at ths asm time fetfumsnta toer- spectlve one doe not expect tho community to be experts on farming matters but wo do fael ashamed of our comparamve indifference to dream entirely q commercial enterprises to conoentrate solely on municipal ufe la an attitude of mind which must in avltably bread disaster for these and many other reasons visitors from overseas act as a tonic and also- as discipline onoe upon a time england was an agricultural country condition of life drove many of our young men to bring- their knowledge- and traditions to virgin soil and tmhewed forests wa have seen the splendid results of their adventure soma of them re turn they are filled with admiration at our oonunerdal achievements the aplendoi of our docks and faotorles the excellence of our trim and well plannad towns in tplta of these hing tbey think agriculturally like falstsjt they babble o green fields mtietyvee faeab ftbnrttnrg clover leaf johnsons grizzily ijy hhubnt coolidob i of nw of the minor cutue kings foothills bears the title of clover loaf johnson tho neut murk uf his brand tha conventionalised clover loaf is indel ibly scarred on tho flanks or two thous- and cattle that range over til mount- iout and deserts of three largo coun ties s u u my good fortune to have met johnaon and to hurt hoard from him the following story of the days when tho cloverleaf brand was yoiing tho proud out hour of mymfowia when i mtonn horseshna keg and watched a blacksmith as with deft manipulation of nre and ham rati r and anvil he fashioned the orlgnlal clover- leuf brand 1 told the smith to spare neither time nor expense in its making mid the ngure camo out with bin even edges and as true as a die in outline then by indlscornlbjo weld ing it was mad the end of u three foot rod the other extremity of which was bent to form a handhold the flnlahed product was sultedfor long hard service andwhat is also of im portance was one itiat would brand catjwljtout mutilation and with a minimum of burning the next day x started for tho high mountains with fvp hundred cat tle which i was running on share bach fourth calf was to be my own and before the season was over a number of the small fry were wear ing the cloverleaf duplicating the graceful imprint of my iron gave me such pleasurable thrills that in the long walls between calves i sometimes fell to decdrotlng the jlghrntngaoarred trees and fallen logs about my camp the other cowmen called my at- tontlon to this weakness by roughshod ojjd well token jests and have evor since called me clover leaf johnson as this name was also given to dis tinguish me from my neatest neighbor whom they called cattle thief john son did not in the least object to the title some or my jocular friends de clared i- put several brands on each calf although this i denied emphat- ically before returning to the foot hills that fall however i did go to just such an extreme of art for arts sake under conditions that were some what unusual the cattle i was running were al lowed to roam at will over the mount ains and my principal business after getting them haunted was to keep the saltlicks filled and look out for animals that were sick or crlppjed late one evening i found a cow and a steer that eeem to have hoen lorn by some wild animal and with tho in tention of treating their wounds thq next day i ran them into a coral that had been bunt near a iuge oak tree under which l camped before- dawn the next morning i waa busy cooking breakfast when a pitiful bawling arose from joe coral thinking that one of the cow brutes waa goring the other i seised my brandingiron which happened to be the only weapon near at hand and rushed to the rescue i could not sea what was happen ng loslds the enclosure as the stockade was of logs piled ave feet high but without hesitation l vaulted clearing the top log neatly under clrcumstan- es far too neatly for aa my legs swung downward i caught bight bf tha un offending steer cowering in the forth eat corner and not fifteen feat from the place whero i must right the cow lay prostrate and bleeding while blggrluiy was- walking round her ordinarily i am not a scarewit but on this occasion i certainly attempted a backward leap from a foundation of light mountain air and in conse quence landed flat on my back with arms and legs sprawling lay plight demanded action swift and strong for the moment i hit the ground the grlxxlytnade for me with just as much upahdover hop as a spider executes when jumping a fly just how i evaded his charge i could nevar say i know only that i got out of the coral quickly and with the bear dose behtnd raced for my lona oak the lower limbs of this old giant branched some are or six feet above my hood and the great girth pf the trunk offered little hopa of ascent by the shining proceae s khould have certainly have become meat for tho grlsxlyhad itoot been for the brand ing iron which i nod forgotten to drop and the thought that i might hook the handle end over a stub which pro jected at the base of the lowest branch the claws and teeth n the im mediate rear heartened me for the leap of my ltfe iwna fortunate to hook the snjjwltb a single carefully tuned sweep of the iron and with no noticable pause fn my upward flight r ascended to a foothold in the crown of the tree the grhutly although falling back jnto an awkward heap from his first spring at my receding legs seemed un willing to- admit that he was not a trescllmber and spreading himself out like a tjytns squirrel against the broad trunk he dug his huge claws into the rough bark and began lnchlng hls way upward the tree leaned from the dtreotlqn of the prevailing winds and this with the bears great seal and strenuous application gave some promise of his attaining his umbltlon in spite of- natural disadvantages he became quite encouraged over his prospects but when he had climbed a conpleof feet t reached dowrt and hit him a otout over the head with the handhold of my iron the stout rod rebounded from the blow aa if the old feuowa hldeoyere mode of indiarubber but a sharp point at he tapering end the other i lashed to the handle of tho brandingiron by meana of my leather belt and soma buckskin airings which i found in my pockeu by this time the nre had a good combination of coals in which j bed ded the clover lehf while 1 waited far tho iroll to heat i offended tho re clining grlxxly by pelting him with chunks pf oak hark and when no came protesting to the hose of the oak hy aome vigorous digs with the panted staff upon this he took up the oarer of the world agnlj nsplrlng n leforu dinner tp become a treeclimber but i oaused him to defer tho pre liminary truukgruppllng effort by vigorous prods with the sharp stick then us ho rcuroq in a groat rago to threaten and purry i let htm chw and claw the staff for a moment white i thrust tbe branding iron under ills guard slapped the glowing clover trou on his breast and held it nrraly on instant while the overheated metal settled through hb shaggy ooot it was n yery discomfited and out raged grlsilythat withdraw from the dense little cloud of singed hairsmoke as ho backed about angrily spitting out bts of the apllntared staff and examined hisfore quarters in gravo amaxement i observed vlth keen de light that the clover leaf had taken splendidly tbe imprint centred his broad tawny breast and was as true and trim as a die never to my eyes had it lookid hair so ipiposlng one mora before you leave mel once more to match it front below j shouted and proceeded ta rekindle my nve and tho grtsslys troecllmblag ardor in this last i found considerable difficulty an ine branding incident seemed to have imbued the otd fallow with deeprooted diffidence a full halfhour of pelting with sticks and bark was required to draw him within my reach of prod though once this accomplished he speedily become lost in a feroclobs craving for revenge so overwrought was he with this base passion that he shortly found himself booking out from the fumos of burnt boir again now ho bore on his breast two of my symbols- of ownership placed pr- pendjeuuuiy and stem to stem so high did my enthusiasm run that 1 determined to addanother to- each side thinking thusto complete a de sign in which four clover leaves radi ated from tho common centre the grlxxly however would have none of it a long season of futile effort at tended by a painful gnawing in tin region where my breakfast and dinner should have f been made mo decide to send htm hack to his haunts without farther decoration when i descended to nut this plan idio execution the hlg brute beared ma nearly to death by throwing him self into a tremendous bristle and making a furious charge ha did not really meanlt however for ho waver ed as he neored me and upon my leap ing forward and extending the glowing clover laf reversed ends with aston ishing alacrity and wonderfully tore up the earth between me and the near- est clump oft unbar that was the last 1 aver saw of my grlxxly in the flesh but ten years later when looking for cattle that had drifted a hundred mle of their range i bad an opportunity of cloaoly ex amining my handlwonk on his hide it came about through a settlers no tic lng thabrand on my horse is that your ironf he inquired on my answering affirmatively he invited me into his cabin saying that he had something to show me there covering half the floor- spread the pelt of a grlxxly bear which bore the double sign of the clover loaf- thinking to have some fun at my hosts expense shook hln warmly by tbe hand lying thats my iron all right youre an honest man ana im right glad to know yen i will take tho hide of course hqd in the circumstances will agree to say nothing at all about thv meat v the ketuor scratched his head for soms time before answering tbefr was a good word you said about toy being an honest man i suppose i csn say the same of your yes slrl i replied allright then heres your hide you will owe me something for damages though your bear pulled down six of my cow brufce killed fifteen bogs and busted open thirteen beehivca prove your losses and 111 stand them said i somewhat faintly thats a go agreed the settle promptly and then proceeded with great gravity to enumerate the losses of his neighbors finally noting tho length my face was assuming bo burst out taugblng how about ut hadnt wo better any that the tilde is mine und ihat the boar was wlldt ys i replied you keep tho hide who was tke rob0ert jumping ut oonnlunluns especially in rogurd tn pirnnti charnaler la- rnroly tu bo ogiilmantlod hough uoriiutlntea it ixcomea ntmuat p nooes- city and u lu alwayii liable tp lead to ombonhmiiing results ua in- a caso related by one- of our exohniigoh in a western city it ippohni thorn llvrti iv man who iivldcn himself n bin ability to rend luimuri nature nixl llkewlno on bin bdldntss in ilctloni thin gentleman whom wo will call mr h in wttlial rather nearsighted during tho past fow months severs burglaries- have been committed in his neighborhood and two uf huy friends have been stopped in tjie highway and tnndit to yield up their valuables mr b has been gheatly inoensofl over those ocaurrehcei and has not been backward in declaring what ho would do if anything of the sort were tried upon him becently he had a chance as lie thought to live up to his repu tation v- 1 laving business which froquntly detained him from homo late into the evening mr h provided himself with a revolver and curried it at night in going to unq from hs housii in the iffout also was ugalnnt him hlxty suburbs ono evening lin was wending his eollury way homeward his vhintl still ongued with business concerns when suddenly ho saw- a man juatlnfront of him behaving am ho thought in a very peculiar manner the man wi fumbling in an inner pocket and tha next moment jostled against mr h saying i beg par dun can you give mo a match t no you dont cried mr h who had mndo up his mind that here wus a highwayman nnd on opportunity for him to be prompt and bold at tbat moment also he made the s tax ulna discovery that his watch was gone he held hie revolver before the muns face and onld with groat determination now you can glvo me back my watch the stranger thus confronted hand ed over a watch and chainwhtch mr b put into his pocket now make youraelf scarce about hcre commanded mr 0- if you dont want a bullet through your body tho stranger waited for no sooond invitation but walked hastily away arrived at home mr began jo tell his wife of his adventure and how he got hbt watch back jvhy you left your watch at home oxclulmed his wife it is upstairs on tho bureau and so it proved though ho hod entirely forgotten the circumstance and it followed of course that he had tho watch of some ther person in his pocket ir looks as if i had turned btgli waymon myself he confessedsyiag the watch which at the point of a revolver he had forced tho stranger to surrender mr b spent a good part of the next dap in hunting for the man ha iimi robbed ho found him and with pro fuse apologies surrendered tho watch he hoped to keep the matter secret but for a month his friends have taken tnuch interest in asking hint if he has seen any highwaymen recently too ingenious an unexpected customer mrs lane baying discovered that there was a ready sale for the produats of her clever fingers spent all her time making amsjl articles of fancy- work for a store in a pelgb boring city naturally with o much business on hand the minordetails or housekeep- lng were sometlmea neglected par- ueutarfy just before the holidays when orders came thick and fast one morning kmavauntering sir u lane- olad only la his- nigntclothes appeared at bis wlfss bedside he held in his ooutretehed band a small daoeratsd object which mrs lane reoogntaed vaguely aa soma of her own rvhacdoae this torartrmwimn forf t wantto buy it what is t apwmrlnafo- ing pleased that her husband ws at last ahowing inurestj her wdr v itfs a kfuahajjlthjt ribbon uu gp taatb isfatypiui rartltd tfic would bf pttrohsaaft whsvtha prloat j for value received it snoetan lus tentper vlplently and wfth a guttural snarl he dropped all holds and promptly slid to the ground we ployed this game until high noon the grlxxly eould qot resist tho impulse of ratumlnghiuirot for clout and upon every withdrawal of his fore hooka he dropped back ti mother earth always lauiung lu a sit tlnx ikmture with a bunrp so harsh that his teeth would rattle finally he took a recess and after stirring about my camp for a while ale dinner for us both bverythlng ho did not eat be tore to pieces or over turned flour bacon bedding beans ir fh a pled with great satisfaction ignortinr completely the wild whoops and the lively wardance wltli which i strove to divert him thea aa if with the thought of aettlbur his dinner he reclined on his jrulklng side snd watched me with languid inurest while i took up my d kif sfi t qou- and wondered wv oanu i why ibiu wirlfl vssssissss do you trsatmtrv -v-rov- mp ilrtffitw voaos ovary- vraahs4 all e tibw long it would b bforol jofa quftr tni ovmu j notbuqr olr th bnln v taln n4 m hour urn rnt oonlomputloo i btgu nt comblmilon ofbwtawa uul loutii -mioeta- gjta- ssi when mr amasa howe decided to turn the old howe tnunslon on todds hill into a summer hotel there were persons who prophesied that lie would make a success of it and others wtv were sure hewould not but ut the end of two years it was evident to all that mr howes enterprise vas financial triumph and no wonder when ha charges for everything- eg- ospt air aatd one of thp dwellers in the village at th foot tof jh hlt nvhat do you mean by tbivt asked a visitor at one of the village homes he doesnt charge for water i hope homo of u he does sold ike resi dent nodding jill that conies from the north pasture spring ho does a cent a glass i understand the folks ion hove the artyarahatyon wull water free but they all take the other and pay the cent charges im for riding boating half a mile walk luoaudad tonplng and tha swlmmlitgtank but the capsheaf was the charge ho mode on the bill of a new yorker i heard tell that ths man looked ut and looked ot- it and finally ho colled amoay and ays he look here isnt there some mlalake about tblxt i guess not- amasy toldliiimdtfr as chips your wtfe is so shortsight ed she cant see up inlo the air she telle me and ita took my clork or one o tliaboys right away from their work night and morning to beep bar posted pn the wlnd youve been here a full moiytfl i call oilsfifty for the use o weather- value pretty reasonable myself it in uossiblo n find uch genjoua method of ascape from emma that its very ingenuity shall re act on tho head of the too clever or- igfflktor on the occasion of the wedding of the late king edward when he was prince or wales a brilliant company assembled- at the publishing office of punch to see the cortege pass both- era one of the invited guests arrived on the pther aide of the way but unablo to cross on account of the dense crowd his friends caught sunt of him and pointed to a policeman sothorn took the bint get mo through be whispered and ill give you a sovereign afraid i cant said the man re gretfully but ill try he did try but unsuccessfully for thq closely packed crowd indignantly protested against being disturbed bothern was at his wits end he could not bear the thought of losing aoch a dinner and in suoh company then an ingenious idea came to him put your handcuffs on me and drag me across- and- ill give you two sovereigns- he sold to the policeman tho man seised the idea and sot hern at the same time haslpped on the handcuffs and with a loud moke way dragged his prise thrpugh the mass of humanity which before had refused to stir buf which now parted und squeezed and gave all its energies to the task of assisting the custodian of the law and order in his task to arrest a lawbreaker after much pushing and some rough handling the dishevelled comedian was landed at punchs publishing door youll find the money in my waist coat pocket said bothern but he did not observe that after the policeman had secured the money n stealthy addition waa made to it by one of hls punch friends who found sotherns device ao original that it suggested to him a further develop raent the policeman suddenly disappeared in the crowd and not till then did the comedian realise that a timely bribe had left him to mix with bis friends forhe rest of the day and to est hi dinner with his hands firmly secured in the manacles his battle the soldiers kreatost victory is not ulwuyii on the hold nop oaamlcfiln liht most terrible contests alwayh liln fellow mun ono such content is described in u b- chlttan donwan unknownheroine during the civil war lieutenant flnde wax mhot in tha ihluh tjte bright rod iftihh of arterial lilood told him whom the immediate danger lay in vain h tried ta check the atrnani then hi called aid cord it boye he said take i handkerchief or anything only 1m quick try a sash and bayonet h added neelng their furll endeavors at lost tho flow was stopped the otneor waecoreleu in a stretcher t the temporary flowhoeiotal th doctors exominod thn wound ampu tation of the leg must tajto place at once and the patient might die us dor the knife bedail heard tho dlogndsls is not this wound certain to bo fatal if you do not operate yos then do not losn a moments time thoy laid him on ahe table ills native vigor was in his favor but his four snuhro inches uf flesh wore laid bare be fori tho operation was over tho right hand was crushed but tho surgeons dared not touch it until it was seen whether the patient would rally from the amputation that evening the emrlip had to move and tho jolting journey wag an awful ordealforuie wounded man at lost expecting his death at any moment the- doctors had him carried to i farmhouse by tho way in tho moan lng he had gained a little stropgeh you doctors think i have my- fatal wound he said i kjtdw perfectly swell the chances are against me but x hove a wife and children who want me 1 tun going to make the hardest fight of which i am capable wu1 you help jnet a consultation was held only ono young surgeon thought there was the slightest hope of llfo in his core lleutooant bedell put himself my life is not my own property aaldtjot fora year more it belongs to the unltredstotea after that to my family- i shall not thpowaway one chance to navell doctoa i am ready again be was laid on the operatlnff- tobla he did not wish to take on nnesthetlc bit ho submitted when the doctor said the omjratlon on the- hand and trie drcsalng of tho wound will bo very painful and therefore exboustlng you must husband every particle or your strength- on a hard bed or straw his only covering an old army blanket tha oanded man with hle4up4ng doctor fought the fight for iffe and tbey spoiling the e kinos e english theplaoe for him tea sweethearts from aberdeen were rambling round whan tbey came to ta movie tha young man ran hie eye over the front of the building it rested on o tira hi urge utter tho woman yaniji sale j think well gang prftayevcrpydan adverussr 4fc ltjlnf i the king james version of tbe bible la u olasslo of classics but there have been wanujig- men who- fancied that it needed retouching end refining doctor hoiwood mi alngllsh devtne of nomo two hnndred years ago went am far as to make a new and elegant translation his purpose fee he mo destly expressed it was to clothe the genuine iduite and doctrines of the upoatles wih that propriety aud per spicuity n which they themselves 1 apprehend would have exhibited them had the lived and written in ourlan- mnge 8omo of his attempts to avoid tli botd and barbarous language uf the ow vulgar version are worth quoting as terrible examples of what elegant writing is not the pldlnspoken warning to the laodicean church is improved thus- ulnou thereforeyou are now in a state uf lukewarninsss a disagreeable medium betwoen the wo extremes i will in no long time ejeet yoi from my heart with fastidious contempt the translator bf esjteclully tuxppy in what may be called his personal euphsmatms ffkodemus is thin goutlemun onp of th apostles alban ian converts is lady of distinction and the dgugbtsr of hsrodlts is youiig lady who do need with- inimitable grace aud elegaiico tim father of the prodigal is a gentlumsn tr npleitdtotramlly and ht tpul no long or leaves a clonk at troas but portmanteau as wu certainly more becoming to to dbxnlffad eccleslastlr on the mount of transfiguration sl pour no longer suy in vulgar every day language lord it is good fqr us to be herebut sir what a deleolable residence we might fix here t the apostles saying we shall not iloep but wo shall all bo changed be- oomes wo shall notlt pay tno com n debt uf nature hut we shall by soft transition be changed from morality to immorality tbe magnificat is thus rendered my seul with reverence adores my creotor und all my faculties with transport join in celebrating the good ness ef godmy saviour who bath in so signal a manner condescended to regard my poor and bumble station tran soeitdapt goodness i every future ago will now eonjorftin oelebrotlng my happiness the habit if we lived the luevfcejahould live would be a wrfysfncod lnier- mlxtnre of all thlngswhat are desir able pleasure anduty gravity and laughter society and solitude un fortunately no one of us lives the life ho should instead we are crearures habit some habit usually pushed to excess even in tho best of uslf read we read when we should be working as sleeping tf we play games it la the same and the automobile habit in its extreme form threatens to become with many peo6le a nianla sorely delrlmontal to housekeeping and to children to the purse and to the brain of alt habits there is none sweeter for a woman than the habit or home and none that seems at present less likely to encroach unduly on her time going is so easy a thousand vehicles convey you bargain sales tempt you this woman must be seen that woman must be coaxed anotrer boa a pattern thul you must- copy now you can stay at home utany time yet if you aft down for a moment and think you will see how much of it is only habit when you- are going going going you want to go and on accident of illness or weather that thwarts- you aeemsllkea great mis fortune tou turn to home pursuit with a feeling of rebellion or at leas of dull disappointment but when you have stayed at home a week you taste the charm of it the dolly employ ments come to hove their interest and oven their freshness and you are real ly reluctant to turn away from them ir you stay at homo you love home but gadding makes even home un lovely jhi blind student is honored in u graduating class of morn than 1100 ut northwestern university tloorgo henry welnmnnn twerityfour years old and blind slpcn birth wu named ns the honor student thb fhldlence of 4q00 people gave him n ihilnderoue applauso an im was 1ml forwurito receive his diploma welti- mumf wlio recently passed thn illinois hlea liar rxamluutlou with a hki mark won two scholarships inhlu four yiars at northwestern nrat taking thn xtussell rage honors for diligence and promptness and later the koepkt award fervgeherol legal ability my mother is my eyas tho young man said in telling of his mastery of the intricacies of a isgal training sho read to mo evening ufter even- lng for four ynars and before that she read ay high school lesson tho grade school books i hud only to do the typewriting for the examinations leslie el dunkln the necessary shock a college professor had been seri ously ill of a fever for several weeks but tho fever had jef him at last and he lay in a stupor utterly exhausted this is the really critical period the attending physician soldi to tho watchers in ah undertone if he has sufficient vitality to carry him through this and 1 am strongly disposed to hope fie has lie will recover at present there is nothing w can do but be portent and give nature u chance watching in the meantime for on opportunity to awaken hbt interest lu whut is going on about him one of the attendants who liappen- pd to be atandlngj near the window looklngut the rosy sunset remarked to the doctor bee what a lurid sky there is the sick manopanod his eyes and turned his head in the direction in dicated lurid ho exclaimed in a tone of disgusl lfyou will consult your dictionary madam you wilt anti that lurid means gloomy ghastly dlsroah he will recover announced the doctor triumphantly tennysons terror there are many stories of tennyson in the ppke of argylls book pas sages from lbs past and one of the characteristic relates to the time when the rnarrlogapf his grace than lior quia of lorne and princess louise was in the air one day tennyson hod a number of guests ut luncheon among whom was tbe saarqula of lome en tha coi of talk the marquis told tennyson thn poet laureate that the queen liked his new volume i am glad to hear it tennyson said in bis sonorous slow musical bass volue i have given a good ao count of hfer in that volume but fhu nowspapant uont ilka my rlmeseay ihuy wnt bad i live in terror he continued of uny of the queans family marry hm and of hearing front her that sho hopes that i will write something 1 have of that kludyut but i live lh terror of it this with a bolamiily sly wlukv make to- day successful when you use the word success ypu think of something tike the wool worth building towering up lntothe sky mas sive and magnificent a bungalow howeyer covered with climbing nncs is as- much a success in its way as tho wooiworth building a daisy may bo am truly a success aa ah oak trse do not think of success as tho crown of life but rather as something woven into- its texture day by day wo any that the young business man who is token into partnership hns made suc cess his success dates far back when he started doing his work a utile bet ter than thoother fellow do not worryosto whether or not you will be regarded ah successful when you are sixty leave that question to take care of itself were you successful yesterday are you laying your plans tor be successful tq- morrow i after you have used v green tea you- have a standard by which to judge other teas salado is the finest produced in the- world try it free sample ol qrees te1 opu ies3est uluxv tomito cooler nights urd lower prices on wood these cool nights w wpod comes- lu handy i will bo more welcome n tho following prices ure i n you do not need a fire for long is whun uikn tha chill off the house and whnt m is that tho price has been reduced end w in effect mixed suba hardwood slabs and short wood best body cordwood 4 foot lengths 300 load 4j00 load 1000 cord and at this snasoi cooking with wood y fuel does double duty of tho yar it is more profitable to do youf i warm tho houso 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have umde arrangements with oue of the largest magazine exchanges a concern which absolutely guarantees satisfaction in delivery to handle maga zine and journal subscriptions for us just drop into the free press office paythe amount you would send the maga- ziue and we will gladly look after all the details in some cases particularly where two or three journals are taken together we can save you money the acten free press acton ontario

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