Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1924, p. 2

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ffjps i fcttanhflrxibb tlfutlhday dbcemder 11 14 the dhave i will amen to iho effort thnt says i wilt whoever the boy with a purpose high anton to the spirit that dares fulfill the promise ttimt glows in a brave rir try wherovor the runner their nice begin pew goal can lo won at a single bound success to tho boy with a mind to win contontfxl if only lioa gaining round then up with a purpose for every day an earnest look toward the sun- crowned hill a prayvi for endeavor that wins ia jlmon to be effort that says 1 wlll- frank wolcott uuil qhjp jfrn xfifnptat- the glass slipper majiiannh oavua r w uir v vv 5 the ministers que8t the city woa passing through a period of nocalled reform tnejmln- utor had conducted an investigation and preached a sermon in which he jouounced the alliance or the officer of the law with the brealcere of the law there we vroteet ridicule charge of notoriety huntinav a demand that he prove hi statements and then a feeble and spectacular attempt at reformation the ministers frlcnda were divided in mniffld home said he had acted unwisely others commended him for hie courage a lasandorder jeague rallied to hi support money wae con tributed for the expenses otoaprt and publicity some bad men were lined a fow notorious places were closed the police assumed a temporary and reluc- tant villgaoce and the world moved on in its accustomed and indifferent way while toe matter was at it belgbt the minister was advised to keep his study door looked and to be sure that the janitor or some other person was within call whenever he was in his study either- alone or with ad on known caller and the advice was hot unreasonable as two or th peiicpoee proved f the minister was unaccustomed to proauuon jt this character anil the n to his study from the street was well known and often travelled v by good men and and one day there came i knock at- hie door and he called rcomm- there entered a heavy and detemajed-iook- 1ns man much the worse for drjftk whose metuudnff advance at one re- vealed rfae purpose of hi call tto minister looked about for somethinjr to use in hie- defense mud aawaothlna better than ahe ruler on hi table and that wa j neither heavy nor stroiue sit down he said bttttb man dldnojt ive come to see the man that ha beeotenjn cbom lie- said the visit- wice janets- foot changed hr whole ilfot the nrattltne she was eight years old a sunder child with a pointed chl and thick brownnuefc braids that puns to her waist nloe hair remarked ttai visiting lady janevn heh iounded atormlly for to he adopted waa the nig beautiful think for which till utile girls at tie home were lunging r she looks delicate janet trembled once before kho had beenrejcoitecauao she looked tlut id say resumed tbe yultok slamlhthave tgmperajntk jglw could bear no more unecrept hearer and whispered 1 haven temperament you cantrywlv a mometer crept btftot a fir- and suddenly she understood that the lady hud decided to take her on rtrlal joy chitched at hey heart and made her dance about the homo and cine end mt the seme tlme simoct hurt her ed afraid was she of losing it but as she- wnm cfaanslna her pint uniform shoes for others the lady saw her tootr- t waa pretty utthi foot i a nimble as n sqalrrera bat the in step was a little different from the other the lady could- not aay why she minded wt she did not like janet foot so janet stayed on at the home in all he years afterward she never let anyone ee that odd little foot- i did seem 4hat jod who had botfflv en her any people nrfffht have made her footttke other atria feet now- she w seventeen and in year they would send her out a housemaid she was clever and great reader the head nurse said that it waa a plty she could not be educated sbewn too old to be- adopted she thought the years of fear and- hope waiting to be choaen in the eager drop- the handkerchief ring of little girl- were over forever bur one day the bl- thine came near again the visiting lady was maudd- slight with a pointed ehln nd white hair jihet heard her whisper to her husband i j notice that jrtrf she looks- uw w- aaidthe minister wbat la your tuuner the visitor- answered with an oath i but in that instant there came to r tbe mlnlater s recollecuon so swift it seemwl a revelation and be fsjd kjjj- v ypursajhetoiuni mjr bbj- je- lageaanau joe bailey w thfl visitor stopped ult struck and then asked ar y6ttbuly csrtaiiilr i am- said h minister didnt yoq taiowmfmbwr 1 vmitnftf the name hot it never oc cured to mm that ctby powell had beoomav preacher theyd bop have thaaahtu ofmtwsnty yean ago so they wpoiuv jfoe tnwra hav you been r- tbay hav asked altar ou aiclas retnuoa7by toet sight of yotrjjtogelher i dldntknow what had bocemjof you joes answer m itrpanv td beuer go buue j didnt know it was yon tve ekm1 have much in ljoolae waa our daughter be tojdj the nurse tow remember the flood thatewept this region yearn agdf tonlsei w in the ruin of s hotel with her huabendand baby glrl janet went on pollening the wood work we hadnt spoken l with her in years be added sadly and wed never seen her baby girl there were mh three sent jro- o- janet felt a thrill for she could guess tbe story louise had married against their wishes thenjn prtde t she hjtsiyed awmyand had not written hew could any girl allow- a cloud tooome between her and thos who loveo hert ever since louisedied softly re sumed the lady ive meant to adopt a baby girl shes visited doxens of lfomae but they cant suit her jwt tn the old yes we hairet w jut3r4loevmvlr mcommpncxiany of thesa and that jmt rjl hm on- jott loifh not golhgrl were goma to get aqnalnted again- j it was amd story of man whoee j- brlut mm proapeeta had been wreck- ed w hi bad hahlta nod who had dropped utterly out of um owteder iv i of his old trlendav p baootneva fowl- ret ttve from june avand klrf1ajcthe mfhcawd salab it op mthjawiiy o had fcebjpuiisbut thedht friend w wij biv back ejsjjyr hjmit the jddor andwpul4 wrtlst jfk blmgoi jjs t vfever joel h eald tir never nnttoletroup q 4bebad m rotx go- you abalnot go ttipmthm aeek islet joe ciolid and la his ighr mlnil sat dbtodinnr tnth parsonat wftb th nlnlster unj ws andtnen ha avt forth to wuiheclt hi fi tlost character bit bird work ajnd faith j in god and the help of hi oldtime ycnd- miboyor ftkt v tjv- a umbera at l umsjrrlfdv dgiuth- kh 1 women who hare reaobed in as rj55ji about wnloh it would be ihrneroiui ipqoirs too closely lucre been ooa rv ujjflnain the paper of the rideuthatj t inp ibarrled women shall be ejaied st- mrsv ijafl air unmarried- women no patter what tbafr agee may b they pototout that the fact -that- a boy who ht fmmmf- tn hie v early life become mr by tba mere v lapse of time- whether he maixies or s nptj but tbkv a gtrl who bectn aa irmliutnuea to be mhts- until she marries tftl waspot always thervsum m the otations may dlseover byi looking up-the- htotory of l mra and mlstraeavr- the jcnjdlhwomejf major j tjglh uueby whfch they sre tweatfcluiwsunatsts igtnot opnduolve ill4vpwtei which- pi aooorded vvbjw jfirhlehthey ifinimnw tisemaevws th remedy i l that ail omtbooall- r hr- alter reaching the axe at a f would be of doubtful ejbcacy ktn wbuhjgo on oaqlng th4lr women aoqainanoe -mis- njdlt they re- oeivedvwbarkhe newi palljrf- floiei tnptloe that the ag umltwms iassed theotf mshyr woman tat ted a- fact of awavappllantion wbt she said thkt the happiest person is 4a old maid eben eh has qultstruet- g11n thewbfaan who cares whether she is called ml or mrs- when her hair u iurptog is still atruggiin bhe throw on some olollrlavbut lcould- not and a buttonhook ami r slipped her feet into her rubber ttu shb knocked on the well urs oilagknl she sbo6ied tn volng to carry dorothy into wooddale to a doctor her foot te all blsekl the cook ncreemed xuack ls it then it- too ijue altogether thsyll have to take tae footoff janot begun to cry dorothy beautiful happy dorothy to have ti go through life- the cook would have gone with er but she was old and stout and could not walk fast enough janet lost no time wrapping dorothy in blaukts she ran out into the night tbemoon sailed high and whit above the pi no somewhere a coy ote barked- janet ran down the bill and peat the row of cottages ell empty now like the abandoned nwh of birds she passe the one where the high school girls had lived the flrat girls janet had ever known who did not wear uniforms just beyond their cottage was the level place where janet had been teaching dorothy to walk alone th day a thorn ran throughtba lltto while kid slipper it waa all my 1 suit poor little foot darllns uuje foot and now aa dorothy lay in her anna all her love for the child rushed back how dorothys sweet under up ha4 quivered when the thorn ran in i janet kissed her through th blankets dorothy seetaed fast asleep i in her umi but perhaps she was inj astnporl janet- took fresh alarm and jed down the last hill to the railway tracks tbe moonlight was bright a mornuur in a snowy hollow some rbult were playing janet had lost one rttbber and her feet were very cold but- she did net seem to mind bunied down the track until she heard the train behind her standing beside the rails in snow to ber ankles she saw tbe locomotive rush by witb it flare of light shriek us flylnglsparka then came n coach in which probably the harden were and then dtmone thjkt jknet knew taust b sleepingcars such a the hayden bad spoken of enaagtng for tblr trp esau i she took um track- again the ach- v expbftlmento itvlir hudy com home from college for a fewdays find as it was a rainy day be called his small mister into the library nothing doing loday 4icmn he said dont you want mo tdsplay with your x tou wouldnt eare for any of the sit still games like dolls and things complained bojw will thought for is moment no i havent played dolts since my fresh- i man yeor in college he said ti think im rather too old for that now but once when i was sick got a lot of comfort out of just fussing round with thlnsts and i learned to make some experiments- ot least tlj called them that and 111 show yob some of them now first run and get nie a silver tablespoon and some suing and ill teach you bow to ring tbi hells of cologne j hen bos had brought thnm to brother be took- the spoon tied the thread round the joe part of tho handle rand ound the long end round uessles foreflngrrs now just put your ringers tight in your ears he said then stand ott and hit the bowl of tho spoon again t the table f thetliie girl did as she was told and her face lighted up with lha hap piest most surprised smile anyone in the room would have seen only lit us girl knocking a spoon with jingling jangling noise but in ferr ears sounded long glorious peal of silver bell each note different more beautiful he thougirt- do you hear it whir she crlod do you hear it too oh lovelyl uer brother smiled no i cant hear what you do he said you see thats what they cult an experiment in sound tito soundwaves run up from the bowl of the spoon all along into your ears jer a- long while bessie rant the bells of cologne then will showed j truotlmq the 00v abumuierismai sut in his office talk ing with u friend when a rltimaunger bpy appenretl in tilt doorway lie was so small unit tils chin hardly camo ubovu the s1e of the desk lyit he had a fine ajr of sefreltonoe andnn honest looking alt or blue eyes the buslgsss man smfled and nodded and uto boy smiled und nodded beak at him without ma wesds rtnwr seemed to- be a good understanding between tbtm ilsmetnber whore the first national batik is asked the man carefully placing a roll of bunk no tee between the leave of a bankbook and snap ping- a rubber bond round the cover yesslr said tho boy still in tile same place sir well tttko this over and deposit it for me nnd the man handed the boy the bankbook and its contents the boy vanished and the visitor drew a breath of ituritrlso mingled with consjtefnatlon do you think thats oafor ha asked jerfoolly answorod tho other but do you think its good for the boyt liowsot i to put temptation jji hi way like ihnu why you must have trusted tilth with- fully a hundred dollar thats a urotty big temptation for small youngstor it would jo worse for lil m to scal it thftnfor you to lose i have ihougjivjff that said th business mun more soberly and some yiungstors i wouldnt risk with- it- hut the wavjltook at it is this the earlier a boy got used to temptation isnt- lti tills world tho boiler he is able rronlst it when liu grow oldor nqw this is the kind of boy who llkos to be trusted appreciates it hugs it lo his bosom consider himself in fact as nn essential part or my baslnex tie first tlmo i lot him deposit monoy for mo it was a case of neces sity my clerks were all out f couldnt p the ointitt trouble r a the dentist had his trouble aftrr working on a woman who had an extravagant coiffure to impede his progress and hand lout his manipula tions w iullem right name withheld by sdverilslrig department slghttd his relief ahd motioried her to nrlse th woman pulled herself lagothor lookm into a mirror nml then again soated herself lh the chair i am nil through with your teth the dentist sotd i know the w tj mnn answered but arent you going to fix up inr halrttaungtowii tgrirn usilkis bociety juri jmkps odfh lwiiirl ihrtt nha rciilty enjnyetl n utth- h wjh fliefr flnliftvnler liiciit h- ju n frtnti ut such orghutl idrm lnit ttrnay anyt imdon opinion eh rftnri ffvi markct rnmmwlmt pustclil by mr if- marks i i wild tihiini iuiit litthe wiytif oonvftrsutlfitt drlnid mrs jniin ihat i hnfl lirufd fhflt h mri fcficomn like ehst wllb whlru h rrnl umiftci- iss- rthalit rlrlhuitoun mr rntf 1m nswrd ive hfn u nsliningr all my life und uunt wlin u yurd jf y r hff thankbdim v an effeepve reproof was thf given thy aniiemerly mai to a fashionably 1 dress d young wesnanwho rtgjt seem must have heern- fmrprtedout ber manners c the young woman was walking v rapidly alone aatreet shaded by many 4 treev when th4 elderly mai- oomiag up behind her oawa large tutory oater- ipluar on the collar otherooat hft ipv yow pardtavha saod laxlng 6stalnug hand aa herkam as he pr jmh l the obnoxioug orawlefvl wished rb take off this ceierp ilia which was almoat stytjuv v ri- uktt tbe youiuj- woman stared haijahiily elte should actually do something to hurt dorothy lhe mlgtm brjusp pwkwgha liougbtliow drfadftu that would be7 she was almost afraid to go to isieep nd lay a long jshllo ibrtsothg to the moanjiim rau spurry- irrm about rjopaps at huit ehogrew v o thanks vf- firintxt o4 jlpt 1 c wlii an air of rae r and wboaivw paasot ux havms4ei would prefer rioe4i can eaauy oaaerpulari jv eaj6 he aueman joourtsouahr mlt- itgetjaeteaim m fjottf i sj i know its my wicked heart but i just keep craving my omn flesh and rblood and cant love a strange baby eouah- v he laughed jwith a gruff tendemeea to have no tcllua about your wicked heart wed never knowj then janet saw- the old lady whis pering to bhm and a wild nope caught at bey heart- but mydear h murxnnredvrtou eouldni adopt a girl as old as that janet the head nurse said abrupt- ly pjeoire go knd get dorothy jbrpthy waa a beautiful yearand- aiuuf ol4aiiillh hair the color of hdandethma she gurgled and crowed and laughed ber tway into erteirbaartt and it was pot- strange that louises mother found that she could love one sumacs babyat least tbwflit papers wet taken out that day and dorothy was bundled oft in a hired automobile jo the haydrfns oot iagts lnompuntalnvantlm rom a tillse called wooddble ahdbeoauae its- waif- used to caring lor dorothy janet irent with them to stay until they returned to the bast for tje wtntsr iliwss lovely fall weather and janet had never seen the mountain before for a few days she was very happy then came a rocky afouniala snow storm tapttafre4g too thin for cold weatbesvwe must start bastat ones atrhaydan aafut u and while janet- listened tbay fell 1 1 tacklns about their home it 1 always bgrd to bear people talk of b journey that youare nor taka jho ow man phjchad his wifes cheek how does 1 feet to be golnt honej with a granddauarhterr i eoraeliflha rose in janet throat and choked faer ur cheeks jitjjnedv and theh ahe looked into her heart and it- frightened her did ahic really hate porothy7 was she wicked enough to bmtfc hat sweet white uughing babyt trembllng- hard abe took dorothy from mrm jxsydens arm and held her close ami irled to love her as shehad always loved babies but nbv could not r mi kayden- wasstartln for the city td do some shopping before thelr jourhsy ooodby janetl janet oould have- cried out dont kiss me- vi buimra haydan did kua her good- by two teardrops large and nerow tdught- their way between janet thick eyelash and clung like dew fine bent hev head over dorothy vqudoncthliijt janet there any inhammatlon about that dear little fool t i noticed that it wag ewulleii bvtl doesrrt seem red jane shook her head take good care of her dear well get intowooddnle ou the night train ana stay- at the hotel fill morning all day janet watched over the baby and tried to keep from thinking wicked thought at dark ah bathed the child wee hurt foot with ombatuttj from a bottle gad thiokedber into her crlb 1hen holding- the lamp alto looked down on dorothy aaloep it had turned cold after the apw tim pine trees groaned and the wind came sharp and searching through the thlri wall the house was very still ijanet could hear the conk soun asleep in th next room and queer dread eatne to ber hho feltisq very ltedl what if et should actually lnc apreadljto her knees then ber hips finally it ceaaed leaving- her feet like wooden crutches she knew about froxep feet people sometimes lose a foot from being oat tn the cold bui did not think then about ber osrn feet the train whistled at w le off tj naaeengei reached tbetedge pfi ptjahedbar sray onher qpeer wooden fret vacant lotcllilbed some steps and pusbed open tbe door of the notel t take the babyl he oled for her knees dotibitiheavrther oct a doc- tbr if her tfoocr v the bviirdtady acreamed 3owono tovrake a doctor it the hotel lthey hurried janet to- tbe parlor isofa fahd fell to rubbing her feet with snow you surely do favor your grand ma sjgclalnted the landlady as she rubbed why she isnt janet began and josthea thehaydens ran down stair theres not a thing wrong with tbe babys foot i uf hwfln called tou musg have put on -it- 1- sfead of arnica janet thats why it turned dark i tou blessed child i hope you bavei hot froaen yrsur own feet jatrsi hay den eaelalmed i ttoey arent irosenvbgt lt a close catr for em jthe landlady retired with her pan of snow and janet curled her feet voider her gklrt then bendiosj bveru sh dreif on ths dry atockinato htot the ten toot separated into a hundred parts und vet join together again in a round shining drop that wound round and round the saucer- just like a qulok ntte silver bus bessie said i ilk experiments will said beaeldqntyou know any more not any i could do- now said her brother but some time t youll soak a piece 0f shoe thread alt nlghi ln very very salt water and than dry it out ill tie a ring to one end of it and tbe other end ill fasten round the electric fixture then ni light it and let it burn all the way down and still the ring wont fall why wont it wuit demanded his sister well just because the salt crystals are so plaord that they are strong enough to beer the weight even wberi the thread is nothing- but ardjea that i all x can tell you now youll have to watt until you take a course in chemistry and physics before v really understand and when i gel to eonegerm going said bessie as she ran back to ring- again her newfound bells of cologne herhow a drop of mercury couldtbeht wygsif und yet the money had to separated- into a hundred parts hnd i thfp bank tittore closing- time wick latt oot r tou idve the bahytoo muchsald old ur haydeo v why so i dorx do love dorothy said janet with a smile lira ilay deo had perched oh the arm of the sofa rjanet abe whispered xwent to the v city today u make purerdid tyou guess rthat x could havs you and when i took dorothy though 1 do loveber really t meant to have yqu both- ph llstsn ive never been surs thvuttie btuaeyafl baby they found was really louises own- today t been taking about you and even father thinks that maybe tm right- tou ware a flood baby too she went on and tbe uundres of the hocei saketd f or you at 0v bntkfter- wsdshatt tosend you to a home qhe pwuaed it didnt jookup thai laundress aha owrt haydcn did not realty btdieve bar own- fairy story but she- wanted to believe 1 aiuf sosb bad been afraid to questlo the laundreasj sanst lifted shlnuur eye icwa too wonderful that the bbx thing bad cotoe at lost t t put on my glas ellppers janet said the old lady tttey were blue slippers rrlnuned indian fashlonj with beads that looked- like glass but 1 dont suppose yqu can get them on she added our folks have odd feet look of astonishment came into face why child they ot like isl she caught ths stocking from janets left foot oh dont i the wl implored w that foot t evsrythin eeond time dont please stre ilayden screamed hhe bad seen the lnup smiling faintly janet draw her- poor root away child thats a barker foot i- didnt know janet said hauly thkt it wgs called that 1 mean that foot runs in the barker family my family- t have it uiule had h- tbe lawyer claimed all the credit afterwards for nndmg that the lr was ths rgydpa own flesh and blood hut her grandmother used to say witb a utile ary taoe wbore would they have been wtlhotit tha barker roo- and my tguss slipper it lincoln and the police officer duri th o w wbljo the loyal part of the city of washington was greatly excited by rumor there was a free tight near tho old national theatrejtn offlcer seeing wbaf wag going on raised bis voice and conitnanded peace tlie flghtlh slopped for a moment then one of toe leaderea notorious bully pushed back the offtcer and ordered him to begone or be would whip him the bhncer advanced upoo the bally and said i arrest you at the word the man struck a fearful blow at the ofocer face the bffloer parried tbeolow and the next instant struck the fellow under the chin and knocked him senseless ua neck seemed to be broken nnd e surteok who waa hostlly called pro- nntadced the case a critical one and ordered the maw taken to a hospital there the surgeons said there was concussion of tbe brain and that tlfe matf would dla the policeman was in threat distress or mind and after seeing thateverjri thing possible bad been dona for the injured map hehetook hlmeelf to the white house- he was on term of inujnacy with president uncoip it appears and tlrougn jtwahr ihlsl lmtt-twdoclockln- the mornings hej wbkealm wslentandrooueer8d him to cpmo into hi ofllee rf mr lincoln listened to the officers story with great interest then ho asked v few questions and anally att i am sorry you had to kill tbe wan buttbese are times or war and a gret many men deserve killing- this man according to your story is o them so glye i yourself ho uneaalness about the matter- i will stand by you it isnt that answered the pcsoc- trtt isnt why come to yop i knew i did my duty and bad no fears of your disapproval ilut i felf so sorry over the affair that i wanted to talk to you about ir ur lincoln saw how deeply ths mjtn wo affected and answered him lucordingly layjng hi hanil on hu abooider as be spoke well go ham now and get some sleep be said but lot me give you a plec of advice hereafter when you have occasion to- strike a nian dont bit him with your fist strike him with a club or a crowbar or some- thing that wont kill him oloslturttm ho 1 rana up the mossettger company and youd never even seen the boy before interrupted the other if x had td never noticed him par ticularly well in came our friend johnnv just a plain honest -appear- in youngster inuruform uo looked scared whn ha saw tho roll of bills and that gkve mo copndence in him hut ho woe back ht ten minutes and when he came in it was almost funny to look at htm r ruaponlbllityhad made him grow- up so to spesk in those ten minutes you sec lutd trusted him and he knew it and lie had proved himself worthy woojils spur as it were now i havosnr arrangement with the messenger company tovdd johniiy whenever hos in when i ask for a messengetand johnny unknown o himself is right an the way to a better job in this ofllee when he gets big enough as hobpove tho door opened and johnny grinning a dignified arln ap peared with the bajakbook keep your body free from drugs fit to do the days work carri bltmchartt offer salc very ctvii- in bortairi sections of tbe country there are much favored words which variety of meanings suchla tbe word amort among yankees and up along the labrador ahore p the word civil the following conversation between two ntftlves was overheard by a travel ler j wcaxe goln to have lots of dirt today said one glancing at the sky naw its going tobe civil replied hi companion how did you get on with the cap tain oh hejrot olvll to hunting doer by and by when he went out he didnt know nothing but jan got civil ised did you to dovfn the kotcheet nsw h too civil fotjlm he wanted lots of rapids so we wept dqsrn the boomen thems about as civil rapids a i want ta oo eachaftgr the others heart thfr ajtremperor of oormon says a contributor to sljsjn budget had j very high opinion of the late cecil rhode j it wish youiweroa aerman hlti majeety qneerokld to the great tsnx ijahraati tor td appoint you director of m foreign affairs that eald rhlea is a great compllinent sir but i reactfully as sure you that if you had been en bngllibman should have engaged you as jny general manager try ftii want to start yea oaf- e n yotir ffrtt nki buppb it i to m tbal itwoou ba s wis p4m as wotlwn partlaiurb- to tunk of tab urt is teactloai with tjm haattli of tr uinilim will yaa m4 wttm 7er nam and unut tall aw wbltfc kind yoo phr ithtaat poatva or pmiom crl ium kind torn boil ill m that ton t th tntvmki aeppls rlsht ewsr free mail this coupon how canadun pmuura ce co ltd 45front st eut toronto ont iimm md at wlumat ct m flnt wwfca mipplx t instant potom n rofftox ckbjtal a mave the kind of heshirwhich keeps you cheery- and opti misticfit to tackle your days work with a vim to- enjoy yfae leisure hours to the- full the bod ily and mental health of a system free- from the irritating drug etc- merits caffeine and tannin in tea and coffee poisons which harm the body by working on the nerves which often prevent restful sleep and keep you tired and irritable l make instant postum the family beverage for mealtimes and when ever a hot drink is desired a pure cereal beverage with a delightful fragrant flavor it has no after effects made instantly in tbe cup it costs only fialfacefat a cup for those who prefer it there is postum cereal made by boiling for twenty minutes ask for pos tum at your restaurant your club or on the train accept carrie blanchards offer send the coupon canaclian postum cereal co limited head office 45front st east toronto pattory windsor ontario y theres a drawback ntailmumn- mn rw hauautiii i in one- of the public aehoola la a little girl whose anoestore and oore- llglonuutute ever held that the prln cial aim ur the lite jf a woinaa 1 marriage this little girl is wnllup in mail ot ber studlea but she baa an lnraterat dlallfco of geoarahhy amd it seems eapoaalble fas her to study il the jdtiiet day her teaobor saade tpt- paflenf byher seeinlng uawfjungnesa tolearh ber geography leason sent lo roaleii mother a note requesthig ber to sea tbau tholilrl studied her- lesson ttfe next day showed no improvement howprer and th uwober asaejd roslo whether abe bad deilyered uwnote 3tea maam waa- the rtjtly aaaaulj fid did yoor mother read the note bathed fttfmr t aakad the teehar ris jpaaaa -tt-dwabeaay-r- tormher aitt she dlani know 4ky an aha cot married an my dflijitkiwher goarayhy and ihflturtad a you knoeegeo drink and employment uore and more tbe idea isbecomlnv elteatlve that tbe man who drinks cah oot be trusted in a responsible posi tion it is spreading among individual employers and anions firms and ooe- poratlone and more and more the tel ot sobrtely rather or total abstin ence la applied in tba fease of workers on steol btructureg thateaf la sometimes oven mora myer tor fhay arp not only rurbldaau 10 uaealefthouo drlpk but in order to keep bl ueryts steady are required to- rtfrolp at noftnutnoj rrom beavyskrioc a largo poa-pdm- pony lnptttsburg yacsnuy gamunoed that miners who drink wjl be die- charged because dhuulra n mines have been oaueed br oaralessness r urcompetencer which r in tura has been caused by drink f feverwaatbereauch a high senao aa today of ihtj personal reapoasibl ity ox the- individual man and never auch praotloal sclentlflo knowledge- of lbedependeneo of trustworthiness on a ana body and mind jiualntust which la said to be sordid u becoming the chlaq advocate ef tpmpcraheo many hlghur uitnge ore at issue in tbe liquor problem than days wages end oapeeily lor labor but the idealist sees that tlve strongest argument in a world workers ts the simple one you uaii- not afford ft bv infcrenob the majrlstrate lookird severely at the amalj redfaced man who bad boon summoned before him and who roturned his gaso without flinohlpg 80 you kfblced ygur landlord down- stairar said the magistrate did you inuigjue that waswlthltthe rights of etenaitr 3 ill br log ncjeaso inland bblow ifj to yoi aftld tie nttlo manhtowidg still redder and j11 yager youll agree with me tha anything- theyve forgotten to prohibit ip that 1eaae 1 had a right to do theocary first good chance i got- you know how many children- do not like the taste of milk tott know haw they like to have the same drink aa tbe etwnnpa yop know too bow good it is for them to have a not drinkl make instant postum for them using bot milk instead of boiling water theyll cwuiwlet iqee the taste immediately and they will get the food clememsof wheat pjaa isaaart ejy nooxisbment of milk co a not drink that is economical and so easy to make i saermbjlkl t drawing the 8trino grace- 1 fully a great french artist had been the whole programme at a morning un- ufrtalnment given at a charritable in stitution lh paris which maintains many orphan children aftarwerdg be waa invited to re main fur braakfaat at her plate waa an egg and when she broke it out relbtd ten gold plecos the singer turned to abb i ute bead ox he orphanago you do nfti know me quite wall tnough yet toknow all my tastessbe said amlllng j tenors egg but eat onlytfui white vi never touch the yolil i muat leuv it fur vou- wcv voti doit neiid histplpphpne unider or slationiostotum calif if i could runiembor his numjxr i woidovjnako my call buitioiitvflultjon and save monoy thta jubacriborhad ths iprong idee ii didnh rwwei o know the number qf at va1jo iicol uf nay 4 up in diotanco operator wta l vll ojwak u yv one 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