dlrth marriages charged for at the followfea rates- birth ei marriages foe dtafne at mesiorlal rda sac to per lias esme lor and deaths are sow ollovkic ratcai teafn t h lor poasss married nnnabhbbdok at tlta mitnm dal llnafad ont on tueedny jvnycmlmir 36th 1924 hy ilev n waddell 11 ix mr uurwell uurgess to miss lula kdajn both of terra cotta orimmatujtxty at preston on wednesday dooember 3rd 114 erie hurrnrr orlmm eon at mr luid mrs orlmm to ida myral daughter of mra frank uturdy all of preaton mcionnonalien at tbe metho- dlat iurtoimn acton by th rav joseph us culp on wednesday de cember loth if 24 laura donelda allan to mr kenneth m mok4nnon on of mr and mrs angus mokln- non of ilrncebrldge dlbo tton at torqntoien flunday de cember 7 1124 mra x w lyon of ouelphs mclean in georgetown on monday december lat 1124 wllltaro mclean used 70 years manchment in trafalgar toton- hip on tuosday december 2nd albert tlfin ilinjnj lnllll 4th year loitee on bifcday evening bar 7 1s24 atfila late residence near hvarton jonathan loree in year mills at ottawa on t december 4u 1114 james mills i d formerly president of the o ac quelph in hla 84th year nowjcsat wilton on bunday de cember 7th 1s24 agnes anne cob ban widow of the late george s bowel and daughter of the lata jamea cobban m d mcdonald au hla homa moore townahln lantbton county on sat urday december ith ti4 william mcdonald brother of mrs alex macdonald acton in bis 7th year wkp arton jfrpnbb thursday dbcbmqbr xi 124 death of dr jamea mills for twentyfive year head of ant ontario agrl cultural college quelph one of the outstanding- flguroe in the educational and agricultural holds of ontario dr james mula l l d died n l hla resldonco at ottawa on thura- day aged 84 in hla death not only tho province but the country auffera hla loaa horn in 1140 neardone head in the county of himooe of lrlab nurentago dr mula received little or no education ufiill he had reached the use of 21 years entering- upon hla education whan young man he remained at the iradford qrammar hchool tor two feare after which he entered vlo- orla unlveralty cobourg though under considerable handlcab be sucl ceoded in graduating from the unl- i vorslty in fliol aftei which ha had taught school a year- at b tan stead que three years ut cobourg col legiate institute alx and a half yeara aa headmaster of brantford collegiate lnatltute and 36 yvarspresldent of tho ontario agricultural college ouelph dr ml wm the founder of tho farmers institutes of ontario which rapidly developed into a great force for the advancement ot a grl cultural aclenoe these lnatltute have now apread intpvery prbvlnoe underlaejawoncy oiiolpb agri cultural ooliegvayeloped mnd grow tmjjiit gained an international repu tation it can be correctly and fairly atated that dr mula undoubtedly luld at aaclpnlhe foundation of agrlcult ural developemont and progress throughout ttfae dominion nearly every agricultural school principal president or deatv in the dominion ho at one time been a student of thb late dr mills for tan yearn following- hl retire ment from the presidency of the ont ario- agricultural college in 10 dr mills waa a member of the board of railway commissioners of canada dr mills was a fine typo of chrle- lan gentreman a iuru7ii vnember of the methqdlst church and tor aevoral quadrennlums a meroberoc the general oonferenoo brief local items tho tufkeyaare fattening nlcoly yea cnrlstraas will be here iq two weeks chruttmaa treoa uro now belpg aelected christmas ertteruunmenu are now being arranged 7tha new lenders for 1bk puttlrur lnahaipajranoe- the township nominations will oe held on monday mtajlnst better get everytblqg jn ablpahape now foe winter its coming yesterday ws rational fish day did you have your herring tba mild weather durlnir the week annihilated the skating surfaces if the label dn your fuss pnaaemya dec 24 kindly renew promptly monday rain replenished- ctatems and farm watering places nicely put otfyour ire chains now and avoid accidents through skidding tuesday morning galea found aft the loose things and shifted thenu klin township council paid m last tq oath for sheekliled by dogs the young folks have had about three weeks of good skating already have you renewed your fxaa fxsss for l257 time now thank you theproapects are that poultry will ha fairly ploeiuful for the christmas 1 trade hanoter- i12jj issue of twenty year bonds sold last week at 110160 a good snowfall would now bo acceptable itwquld putchrlstmaa in the tun- t nqw approaches tfte glad time when the dally dosen means buck- wheat cakes v- mr im5 mrs lesua bradley of -jtbe- stfi- line bsqusslng have re- movetotti1jrar suviir howard wlllpreaohl farewell sermons at the baptist church and churchill nerisimday lfthe afreet reoeptaclss for waawj paper win be- more easily discern- able if given a coat of red pant the waterworks hydrants would look better with a christmas ooct psiht to match the allent polloemah tthe nauonaj tho- nw fast batn between toronto and winnipeg isj timed tornske thtatrlp in jy hours klectrlo lahoramvtns devices are numerous but yoq cant work a enow s shovel yet by simply pushing a button merry obrlatmas meana more vwhen you say it with personal greet- in cards have a look at the- ftooi i lines tractora dinmgng hinwaya are liable to prosecution under the rjlghwsy trsfflo aet a provision- of hhe highway tnut- flo act effecting owners ottractora and threshing outfits but not gener ally known to tboae concerned was brought out in borrle police court tho otherday whenmagiatrate jeffs oon- vttrfi ffvnk fltel nilr damaging tho new provincial highway with the flanges of tho wheels of the tractor and remanded him till called lr- steele did not- appear but through his counsel acknowledged the breach of the act mr grant of the highway traffic branch was present from toronto u connection with the case and while not wishing to press for heavy floe he aaked for tbeeonvto- uon ms a warning to other threshers on beng asked how farmera living along the highway are to get their crops threshed of the threshers cannot use the highway mr grant said that on the highway in york county and on the kingston road threshers and owners of tractorsare using blocks on j the rear wheels thai protect the high way from damage from the flanges these blocks ho said give perfect satisfaction an6 can be removed when the tractor- reaches soft ground where news of local import tfolden waddlnfl at kilbride on novomber 26 an oocoslon of mu i intereat was oelebrated at the hont- of mr and mrs jamea monlven t kilbride it being their fiftieth waddln anniversary their family conalalln of alx aonn and three daughter am prlaed their parontaby ul arriving un expect ad ly for tlie event it provad i very happy tnmlty reunion trafalgar hlnhvay bylaw oalayad tlio proposed bylaw for tho laatin of debenturea to cover cunt of con- atructton of cement roadwitya on the 2nd and 7th lines trafalgar wai not introduced ml tho ul mooting of the county council it woa impoaalbln t tlc the exact amount required in tlrm- for the preparation of the bylaw but it la understood it wll be iss000 which la 14000 leas tluin the aura named in lascwiieka aaue of tho champion champion neighborhood news- town and country crewaon8 corners r tho uul entertainment of the mrthodtat sunday mahool wiijjj liutd in tho clfcjroh hero tin tueaday evening next heutth inat mr movgan crowaon who t now employed sarllneer und fireman in u factory at ileapeler wae home for tho weekend limehoufle the grin f the flanges to moke progress is necessary rlbht back at him a man by tho name of word met a- man by the- name of barnes good morning mr barnes sold mr- word how are mrs barnes- and all the utile ahedst feellns flne thanks jrepuedjur barnes how are mn word and all the uttiasyublssr dr reynowts has been appointed medical offloer of health for erin township to euoceetf jtr olbson who has removed a mean old bachelor aaya the things that can otand the cold weather the best are the potar bear the reindeer end the ferna ankle bohoornobhsrav1ng will hold their annual- concept on deo 11th the piogimnwoc will be given by pupils and- young people of the oonimuntty burlingtons a penalties asnountlns to fmf of taxpayers of tpe town this year for not paying their taxes on the datesl flrad for payment wlngham wfll navaaew rink- to oost in the neighborhood of fsmm the building wul be 10 hy ito feet and the whole struoture vrlll be of steels the pulltoajether community is always notioeable for its good re- s w tajulu these is room for some lm- vjrovement in our town lets all puu tskether bend the fos psw as a christ maa paassnt to your friends scores of others ore taking it this method of ra- ts not fleeting but maibranos perpetual surely it wasnt very considerate of the wtttrworkaaupertntendent abut off tbewater on national irian day when everybody found the tlah deatred to swim mr abram eoaton of l brought to this oftjes on itrlday lost a turnip weighing over thirty pounds which was grown jm itut ftum jcwr llngton qsaetts mr a a green who resigned the prlnclpolshlp of aeorgstqwn public school it couple of week ago has with- i hla resignation and will ooo- tlnue hla position there sixty five thousand roar signs hntre been erected by the ontario j motor leagiie throughout ut prp- vinee covering every malnt highway madhundrsde of ooncesslon and side- rp- a new sedan ooouphd by two tnavetllng aalesmes from toronto was little damaged neither wen the met hurt when the nmr plunged fifty get down the mountain aide beuar bpey- v ajds en monday the young peoptes league servioe at the mstltodlst church on monday evenlnet mul be ohlldreng nlethl there wtub a cbstarfas rs for the aoholv it la euted on good authority that raffles ore being held quite frequently in certain quarters of this community this species of gambling is punishable with heavy penaltlea under the crlm- inalcode rev a c stewart m a preached the anniversary aermons at burna presbyterian church krln lost sun day ray j lindsay pastor of the srfn churchj ofllclated at the eerylcee in knox church here mr holland son of bandmaster holland of preston has removed to acton with his family he has- good position tn the shoe factory being an expert oornetlaj he is quite an acquisition to acton cltlsena banl the oldwllght of christmas is the fairest light of nil put the candle by the hearth the houy id the hall open door and heart and hand ing the bells across itn- land- the old jox of chrlatmas la the greatest oy of oil mr duncan modougall has the frame work of bis new house up to re- plaoe the one destroyed t by are last month the work of rebuilding is being pushed forward and it la ex pected the building will bo completed i jpebruary the council made auch a good job of the broken crossing at dr balla eorner a wwtelai ago that the cltlsens who uao the crossing at the eorner of- lambs meat ahop would appreciate a elmllur ovod job done at toe depresslbn uhtre following alx yeare service aa of woolwlo street baptlat earl mailing had qood effect a there yrero fewer parceja loat of otmagad loss delay in delivery very much more autlafaetorvsrvco with the chrlatmas mall laatxyarhiin over beforo in local history the reason was that people took the ailvloe jrtven and- mailed their parcels iurly whenever possible with- tho reault thut the thouaanda opawm sent through the postoince dluv jiot all go though in abunch tho lnnt day or ao ani pile up so they could- not lo aortel and handled pronerly death of prof j l qllmour rev dr j l ollmour profeasurot homlletlca and thoqlogy at momaster university toronto died suddenly on monday after a brief illness fromla- grippe lie was for aeventeen yoara on momaator atoif prior to that time he was pastor df sveral leading churchoe qllmour preached anniversary services in tho itaptlec church here four or ave years ago ho alao de livered a lecture in the town hall under tlie am auaplcea twelve or fifteen years ago a splendid memorial orrfan the 218000 pipe organ donated to grace methodist church brampton by mr and mrs t w duggan has been installed it was opened with very interesting ceramonlea and a roltal by mr w h hewlett ot hamilton the organ was presented as a mem orial in honor of tbe gfacq men who enltated and served anddied 4n jho aetrvlcea of their king and country among theee young men were twosons of mr and mrs duggan captalrr brpddy puggt nndf11irht- lt charlie duggan oev- together and cooparata the first gettogether night of the rotary club was a hlg suatiw etvery man there i enjoyed himself ntvl there was a splendid aplrlt of frtnudllnaaa and cooperation permoatlnit the guth erlng dutlag the whole evening renfrew mercury these gettorethwr gatherings where they ha vo a simple luncheon a clear- etaumnt of alma ahd objects and- a determination in work undtedly for tho community a bes intereets- u the doalrmblo und effective factor in every town to mnke itself- a real attractive one in which ta uvo created hevocvhh telaphene pole on sunday as wlliam ronnie of quelph traa driving down the nrw hlghway- gtablgltepeed he collided with tho telephone op atthelnter- sectjon with matnaitreet with damag ing reaidts the pole was broken clear off and fall across the roadway tho oar sustained little damage -un- itke somecax d rennln proceeded at once totho central of fice ot the telephone company and re- ported the damage- hehaddone and informed the officers there that he would he responalble for the coata of neoessary repalrm tho athleuo club of tho llewotnons hltoo company atoti will hold a dance in liihehouse community hall tomorrow friday evening a novel ty prise will be given for the ptdeet ctiiiplo in attendance mr douglas qowdytof toronto wna home over tho weekend oalunafad the annuel oyater supper of thoaocf ring was held qii irldoy evening v mr clayton jtciwlok has anrmualod a surplusaale otntockbn the 23th int thtrjhtlatmua ontertnlnmenc of peacock achwjl iuplla will btt held on jtuasday evening theih inst 1 wluum hwlndrtigrst wtjl be tho deputy returning officer for thin eextlon for tse munlclpiil electlone rock wood a general dlacuaalon with regnr i in the jsromoaa road and its condition and reference tp the fact that a pro vinclal government pffialal wio hnd recently inapectedthe road atatedhet the government would keep it clear of linow during the winter took plaoe nt tho county council meeting tri oueiph during the veok the funeral of the lata jonathan loree of brsmosa took place on tuea day afternoon bannockburn thowomena lnatltute held their regular monthly meeting on wednea day november 20 at the home of mra a o clarrldge when the acton wo mens lnatltute were tho guoots of tho local ladles th vlalunginatltuto gave u very much enjoyed programme of songs instrumental numbers reading and addresses yellowing tho pro gramme lunch was served and a eoc lol hour spent- the next meeting will be hold at the homo of- mrs- w wllo actoa crumroad on wcdncwluy dt etuoer 17 no 8 erin the school report for november at b s no 8 exln u as fallowa class v marjorle raid claes iv loyla porestellllda crlpps viola allan kathleen mckeowo class hi sr joseph vareateu law rence forested x close hi jr calvin aititen lula mecutcheon thyra stone besale for- est el i tommy coole annie- auken gordon leslie class ii lois forest eji class i elsie nelson -bvelltv- lam bert evelyn pertren lloyd mckeown primer orval stone john fores- tell m mcdonald teacher county down song an ulster poet immortallcaa seanos artd parsonalitlea of hla country who ii the canadian edltorn party vlnltud scotlnnd last aymmer travera od tho sir coin of kdlntiurgh motorod throurh tho trossuclts sallod waters of loch lomond guthcred heathor on the highlands saw with tbahown eyoa the attractions of ayr ayrshire alloway tho urig o doorf and tho farmlands of ayrshlro thoy aeemed to be goingover territory and viewing scohoe which wum nlngularly familiar askt wily liecauao sir walter bcott and robert burns had lmmorlultxbd ovary aoctlon of the territory traversed even tho familiar spots in cltlos und hallowed places in glens and glad us on lochs and brigs and mountain sides by their poetic descriptions and patriotic jijluslona with just such a spirit has richard rowley gotten behind tho good old county down in ireland with hla songs relating to beloved places interesting characters attractive folk lore and lloetlo descriptions ills book entitled vcofmty down- songs which are upiiy i i lustra tod with woodcuts by lady mubol auneatey just off tho proas vividly advancea tho claims of thar part of ulster bnfero the world the people of ulster are mighty man- men largo vision in their own ships they sfnffxtho harvest of their labors therrtrflorncr the earth they nro known everywhere wa have thousands of them in this new world und thousands of them in this very locality every county down- man hero and elsawhero will enjoy this now production of county down songs by a county down pool and cleverly il lustrated by u county down artist- the last stahxa of the uoomthe loss wl the frolicsome eye is characteristic of the poets atyte sure uleaea and smiles are most won derful things hut a farmer needs more than a wife for hlssln will last you the daya you ore young but a fortune will koop you your ufo ha eomeono leas ready and spmeono more ateady for me when i minded to try fine toioourtand to carry on kittle to marry on la the ioaa wl the frollokaomo eye duckworth dc co 3 henrietta street london- aim tho publishers obprlnqe death of rev oandford e marshall b- a b o rev sartdford b marahall pastor of dominion methodist church west- mount montreal died there on tues day he was born af drayton 81 years ago he la survived by his widow a daughter- of the late school inspector smith hamilton two daughters mir iam il of toronto and helen w of kitchener one brother ts marshall of new york and two bisters miss may marshall of torontq and mra j riokcr of dunnvlllo ont interment will take place in st catharines former charge rav mr marshall was president of hamilton conference in 1820 esportof christmas gifts canadian apples are playing a larger part in the christmas gifts sent to great britain than- in form r years aoordlng to rxpresaofdclals a prac tice of aendlnlta box of canadian ap ples to friends in oreai britain for chrlstmss began a few yeara ogt and is doveloplng into an important ship pingindustry the world wide repa ration which canadian apple otavc now attained makes thorn a particu larly favorite delicacy for the english table the aplendld exhibition of apples at wembley uxhlbltlon this year greatly enlarged the demand by british buyera several growers in this country are oiling many ordenc mr wlllard peavoy and family have moved to brampton mr joseph jteld of everton has auned thenoalayers from tho eevaraj poultry ytrds in the neighborhood mr held la very successful in picking out the- unprofitable birds the bvorton literary society re organised last tuesday night with a goot programme and debate as muni osprlngewbs well repreeented mr george anderson smb recently purchased a radio his friends who have been listening in report it to be exceptionally clear and of loud tone j motavlah will be deputy re turning officer for oepiinge at tho municipal electrons church oueiph rev t j hind ma has resigned to accept a call to the baptist church nt moose jaw soak he will- begin his pastorate in the western city in january the abelr of tbe methodist church is remaralag that epfendld cantata the nativity anil will render t on christmas sunday evening- those who have heard it apeak very highly of the very fine t and the worshipful christmas spirit it portraye k church chair journeyed to evln on monday evening and assisted with the programme at the anniver sary teameeting isold in jdume church there membere of the choir are loud in their praise of the hospi tality shown them by the erin people- mr h s holmes ugeqt of the oanadlan national railway had a tmilnriil fail on thv co on frliloy on tho cement- platform near tho station jn the fall he severely sprained hla wrist and smashed hla eyeglasses he has felt pretty stiff from the tollivir since i rain followed by a sudden towst iruj of the temperature causing- it to congeal into sleet cover ng the roads and sidewalks at noon on friday with thin sheet of icethht made progress fur traffic very difficult both motor ists and pedestrians found passage dim cult v tjiarence crow and duncan john stori suffered taoll injuries una day last week when they received a portion of the kocidetatal osjohargs of a shot gun said toharebetn in the hands of a youth riamed wlured wmlo the three wrehimung rabbits on tho mountouu wiarwwksiav was cut oe yestirda ts pmmtm tbe nwj oejtimotlou f thsfwodjtiosiiiuuns be njadeit only riuud fswurs without tb- s-jx- resolution of appreciation at the meeting of the ontario pro hibition union at toronto the follow ing resolution was carried unanimous ly in consideration of thb orduoua toakso cheerfully assumed and both ably and effeclently executed by the rev t albert moore dd as direc tor of the recent plebiscite campaign t is the unanimous desire of the ex ecutive of r the ontario prohibition union to express our sincere thanka by formal resolution- it was therefore resolved thst this committee repro sen ting the organised temperance forces throughout the province of ontario place on record und tender to him this expression of our apprecia tion for bis splendid deaderahlp which contributed so largely to the success og tho campaign spent an evening with sir campbell sjewaril again sir campbell stewart waa the guea of honor at a dinner gu hy mr ruert davlee of renrrew at the ontario club- toronto last friday evening the dinner- was arranged in order to give sir- campbell stewart who ut u canadian but holds important libalttona in london an opportunity of agaltrmeettng a number of tin weekly mfwnali editors for whom ho did so much during their visit to london during tho past summer those pre sent included mc william prentice montreal mr acton burrows r- onto mr alfred archer toronto and the following weekly- newspaper editors t lome a icedy wslkerton presldentof the canadian weekly newspapers association malcolm mo beth mllverron j a maolaren borrle o h moore buhdaaiw a fry dunnvlllo i j j hunter kincar dine george mitchell hanover a e calnaii- pinion o m qoodfellow whitby w 1l young cornwall h p moore acton a v moen btotmt- vllls pavld wluiama colllogwood h j short port colbourno arthur jjoils petrolea fa j davis carle- tnnr place and 111 r bayles manager of the canudlah weekly- newsndpera ajmoqlation toronto a delightful evening was spent during which sir campbell relate the interesting and romantic atury uf thai banquetj teerodo the descendants lu tnaj at ths set- tlm ctaado dublin the report oftublin scrool for tb month is as follows sr iv bernlco bracken margaret waldtc donald mcdodgalt sr iii howard webster sr h lt webster e bracken s ruddlck w waldle wlltper fryor bill mcpherson walter fryer sr i a black jr lthaet waldle sign webster jr primer vola robertson martha orr teacher mr d t mcdouaaujsmaklos ood progress in the re erection of hla home recently destroyed by fire ldr brackens neighbors were sorry to learn of the mishap tojila now de livery waggon through the runaway of hla team in acton on monday oakville lliobart preaton who for three years or rhnre ehowed motion pictures- in victoria hall has purchased a theatre in tlllsouburg whither he has removed his household effeats jan dolen of hamilton waa arrested i un charge of stealing 27 geese from rusael conover trafalgar on friday november 2 he was remanded for trial tan cases of apeedlng and recltloi driving- en the dundas highway brotlght before police maglatrstej shields friday morning lluxry cossan of hamlltonj wa fined fso and sosta or a month in tbsfj county jail on a charge- of being drunk he took the thirty days tbe proctormcouire cose which has created much local interest was ap pealed on november 11 and was brought before judge elliot who up held kin gist rate shlelda decision and al owed it to stand sgalnst proctor the fallowing resolution was pssswd af the meeting of ookvllte buaineea mans assoalatioh lnat week re solved that the oakvllu business mens association call a speolal meet ing of its merabera on thursday even- lag december 1 at i m in the council chamber 1 dfsouss tbe feasl- 1 blllty of entering a iut of oajidldatas for town council in t approuohlngi municipal tuttmb capt itobfcl wll hams died on wed nesday the late captain wllllumu cumn from u sailing fnmtiy his grundfathar came from wales and-eat- tied in the genesee valley new york ills father capt john william and hie utifllo captains hiram ham and william all sailed tho great lakes captain williams was born 80 years ago in oakvllle the home of many lake captains he started upon his sailing career with his uncle captain sam williams on board the schooner lily in lstf oukvllle record superinundent partridge in accident he and mrs partridge ran into by motorist and both are injured mtaiid mra richard partridge superintendent and matron of the haltonpael house of refuge at brampton wore- badly hurt last night when returning from the theatre tho accident happened on main street j south mr partridge waa driving a horeo and buggy and an automobile report ed to be driven by elgin armstrong coining la trio opposite dlrectlooy crashed into the dugmy demolishing and throwing tho two occupants of the vehicle out on tho road mrs partridge was rendered uncon- acloua and it was some tlmo after aho reached homo that she recovered drs edwards j a lawsoa and w h brydon wore immediately summoned superintendent partridgo was badly bnllsed and shaken up hla wife had several ribs broken and is eufterlng from shock her head atruck the pavement and aho was badly cut about the head and face ftansoms reformation in a little town a fwyaasj thoro wan a shlfllnsa colprtidboy na ed ranaom fllako wkis after being caught- in a numberpf petty delln- qiionnlos wnft nt tas sentenced to u abort term in the penitentiary wnoro ho waa aet o learn a trado on tho day if hla return homo ho mot n friendly white acquaintance who eak- 1 will what did they put you at in in prison ranse dny started in ta make on honnsl boy outn ma aali thntn aooi itunne and i liupa they succeed ni 1 doy did huh dey done put me in tho shoo shop sahi nallln imistebard outer shoes fo solos aah new years dance on new years eve wednes day december 31 the employees of the iewetsbn co in acton- will hold a dance in the town kail silver cup clven for the beat lady and gent dancer moro de tall a loiter item ember the date wednesday december 31 the gift shop ours is the real christmas qlft shop of acton something for everyone young and old this week our window display is given over to childrens toys etc and our stock includes waqqons sleiqhs doll carriages mechanical toys musical toys bigger display inside u you dont see what you want ask for it oenulno bargain prices in livery line next weeks display will include jewellery watch es and clocks suggestions for christmas gifts tor everyone and to suit every- puree hwhinfon watchmaker and jeweller 8uwmortn lat4 co hynda acton torontq christmas just 2 weeks from today time is getting short do your shopping early specialsin boys overcoats gel ihn boy thai overcoat for chrisfmns wo have good valtes in grays and browns 3 piece belt with good wool linings extra good value at 950 1050 and 1200 boys tweed coats at 7j0 j900 and 100a boys mackinaw coats special at js00 and silk scarfs we are showing great vuiestntsilk scarfs all colors at 100 160 200 i25 and 150 chllprens handkerchiefs atsc c 12 and 15c ladies handkerchiefs at loe lpe20cand 25c towels for christmas make a useful gift see the stock we ore showing ot 25c 40c 50c and 60c damask towels pure linen lit 75c ahd 110 x holeproof silk hose cirgke bar cashmere hose mciarch yarns mclean co mux street acton ont handkerchiefs handkerchiefs whaj would be more acceptable for christmas than a box of i handkerchiefs pretty and useful we have a large selection come in and make your choice- we al86have a complete line of stamped good miss j g albratth millinery and fajicy goods store phone 109 hill stmt ole mis moon madam fairfax was want to stand on the porch of her old virginia home and rejoloe on moonlight nights in the beauty therea my moon she would aay as it rose from behind the eastern hills look dahua see how beauti ful it is and bor tiny colored raald who was ever at hand with shawl or fan for her beloved mistress would answer enthusiastically your moon certainly do look powful handsome to night when madam fairfax journeyed to tho city to visit her son dahlia look ing out of- tqe window with wondering eyes on the first evening of her life away from home exclaimed in a voice of mingled astonishment and relief wji 1 declor to goodness it ole mis moon aint donooomtf olons to wash ington wf me and ole mlal we cant be homesick nohow wlf ole mis moon shining oiu us special this week i wo guarantee your stock against disease if you feed acme stock salt special price this week tankage foe hogs try a sack i si0 cwt come in and get your calendar at young st garage and implement shop chaa e parkeb vphonem acton russells you vultl save money by suytng your chriatrnas needs at ruaaslle raisins currents peels nuts oranges flos dates and candy chinaware wo are going out of china and crockery ibd everything in stock will bo eold ut rtcatly reduced prices come txnnd see our display- all goodji marked in plain figures for a quick clearance before christmas aijtoknitteb socks and stockings mens work bocks pure wool at mens blne socks jilaln and ribbed at nays and qlrln sceool stockings at toe soo toe and ff jt 1 jo to il49 ileet bcotch fingering tarn ail shades at per tb s gt4ft quality oood8 at right prices h j kerrs sale list wednesday december lojohn mo lotyro lot 6 4th line esln clearing auction sale of formstpck imple ments hay and grain friday december 12 clayton des wick lot 4 6th une erin township- holstein cows bheep hogs etc tit for tat it la satisfying to the eoul oocoslon ally to return a favor in the aomu eoln in tle following incident told by mr putnam in hla history of the 26th massachusetts regiment such an exchange took place the yankees guessing getting tba better of the southernere reckoning private anderson was a tall yankee recruit on one occasion be was token prisoner in a thick fog it waa hla habit to carry a small hatchat in hla belt and one of the first things bli captors aaidto him was well yank i reckon well lake ywt hatchet i suppose- yuu will johnny aald anderson giving up the weapon as anderson was being marched on in order to join the captors oomfiany he noticed thst they had completely lost their way in the fog look here johnnie he remarked coolly i was over this ground this very morning x know where we are and whete your tnto are ill ahow you coma on i and he led off tho confedecatea followed and in less than two minutes anderson tied led them into the hands of the feder als they saw the joke but did not enjoy it now johnny said anderson i guess ill take the hatchet ein grateful appreciation t of your goodrwilx and patronage we cordially extend our very hearty thanks with all- good wishes for christmas and the new year a d savage optometrist end mfa opilclan bavaqeduild1no right at the post office quelph ontario couldnt pass up thttri8is jake waa a worthless and improvi dent follow one day he said ta the local grocer i gotta itave a sack a flour lm all out an my family is starvlnv all right jake said the grocer if you need a sack of flour and have no money to buy- it with well aiva you a sack uut see hern jake theres circus coming to town in a few days and if i give you a sack of dour are you suro you wont sell it and taku- your family to the ulrcuat oh nojsald jake i got the circus money aavem up already prugresslvq christmas candy our stock of canape for christmas is complete and includes can0y cang3 xmas stockings xmas crackers boxes and baskets of chocolates assorted nuts our regular xmas mixed 25c lb christmas store 1 of acton khwy iluu3 ducky waoon8 waoons hlkiohh doix carhiau5h thiotcle8 dolls ciuiuirjlmd qsds hdckino hoftbes wmbslbaiuiows hockey sticks amd iuckb chju8tuab utockinos hveutythiko in oiir1stuas dkcoiiations oiihiuttas tost caildb ohiufltmab booklbtb all kinds indooh cjaietj prices reasonable anu our tuul autui utovk or novltlm hulublu for all tunv e w masters mull street acton saturday treat christmas suggestions our store ubouuda with a host of christmas gifts which inoludaf sllverwsra pyrox ware ilonny dlue icnamalwure c c m hookey bkutus rompletu hue jlashllghts uvvrresdy pocpat knlvmt west iligboutnj turnover tuasters economical buying its very ortcn qlilte a task to know just what kind of meat to have for uoncr or any other meal in fact and it is very often qujtc n problem after you decided upon what you want to make it lit your pockotbook but both these problems con bo easily solved ot our meat counters our experience in cutting meats is proven to your ad vantage ovpry tlmo you buy meat over our counters wa can glvo you the most prolltable cuts at tho lowest prices quality considered of course wo aro not quoting prices this week but you can be ussurcd of injist economical buying if ytu allow us to cater to your meat needs always fuj- kiphj cjjj at the right lricit special 3qurantmd winjh watt elc- at trio lloht bulb tv watch6nr windows friday and satutay ior specials faumluth and tltciil wivea in town shoppino aitm invit hp to uak1i1 ouk htoiu1 tiiuik likaguahtisilb coum in antj oct waiui fwfr3r w d talbot phone n we oeliveh ib cotojbb sson wj a a r aat vov j im- acfon qmt