Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1924, p. 2

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3hjr acton 3x jjrwcb thuiwday decbmiieh jb 1d3 winter land r although i ltd nut leave my homo nor pass n doorway through last night i journey 1 from one land into a no tli or now the land i ion wan a ray nd brown tho leaves wvro dancing round at play with llttlo childish winds upon the garden ground tho land i nuw when morning come and culled too from my sleep ifud not u bush or tre i know nowhere the leave lay deep i left tho brown gray autumn land where leaves dance to and fro and journeyed to the winter land kor last night come the anow sip 3fre fytm mjnrt tonj relief wagon no 13 j- icmma u w1hk m the womahiawver8 chance if there la uny hint of moral at tached to the story below it is that to establish clearly their legal and judicial equality woman lawyer must learn to regard untidiness aa nhlloso- llhlcally aa do men lawyer thla 1 tho story aa one of the women lawyers tella it in the early qaye or my legal stu- dentahlp lwot in a wlaoonaln town attending roy vacation and judge x the sreat man of the place an old friend of my fathers gave me the privilege of hie library iju many other private law orarles lo amall places i have visited this wh unsurpassed in number of volume and value by any i have ever known about new york where space la ao precious that a lawyer must do pend on outside help for his references in a small town you must ow11tho books yourself or go without tho judge owned his and i browsed with wonder and delight about among tho shelves which oiled three goodsised rooms and i realised fgribo first time tho wei what the law really was for a young woman like myself to seek to make any headsay in it those however were only reflect ions by tho way my insistent thought was one of horror at the dirt and disorder that reigned supremo tbe dust was inch- thick over every- thing it occurred to me that i could kill two birds with one stone i would clean and catalogue tbe volumes at tbe same time that x was gaining inalgat for my future work and thus do the judge a good turn for bis kindness to me x set to work and finally oft finishing up the outer rooms i evaded the sanctum where the old judge had gone on day after day without taking the slightest notice of me and my dusting when be did become aware that something so unprecedented wai taking place he nearly hod a stroke to think that i an inalgnlpcant fly on the dictionary of wisdom had dared to disturb the accumulation of sacred dust even bis oldtime courtesy was for a while sadly shaken finally be gasped out a question as to whether x did not respect the super stitions of the profession x was study ing to enter one of which was the hidebound rule that no volume aoould liavo its place changed or altered though the dust might be inches thick i shook my head and in answer- proudly displayed the completed cata logue where code volumes and com mon law had their respective post uons finally the humor of the sit uation came to bis relief and he sold well i have often wanted to know what women were going to do when thoy entered the legal field and now i know they win dust the books was it chance in the published journal of the cele brated english preacher frederic robertson occurs the following singu lar passage if i had not known a certain per son x should never nave given up tbe profession of arms to become a mini ster if i had not met a certain lady x should never have known that per son if my dog bad not disturbed that ladys invalid child at night x should never have met her it is true then that if my dog had not barked on that particular night i t should now be in the dragoons or fertilising the soil of india who can say that these things were not ordered v one of the most eminent of amerl can inventors said lately my father was a poor young scotch man who set out to go to cape of good hope to seek his fortune on the streets of uverpool be saw an old man cripple trampled down by hon in i my father who was a young giant picked up the old man and literally carried him to hla hotel uf was american wealthy and interested scientific pursuits lie asked my father to dinner the men liked each other ly father gave up hta african plans and went with his new comrade to the mew world he married and 1 was bom in tbe midst of machinery new inventions and a scjeauflc atmos phere i naturally became ah iaveato if that horse in the hansom had had a quiet temper i should not have been born many middleaged men ore fond if retracing their steps through life to point out the trifling impediments or circumstance that changed their path in tbe world or urged them to follow it then they would cry out lfianetl this is fate if i had turned down another street i should not have met the man who led me into crime or tho woman whqm i married they forget that tha circumstance always puts a c before them robertson had etveyw power to turn his back on the ministry a nun accepts crime happiness misery even a wife of his own free will the little incident designed by fate 4 we believe to open a certain path in life to us never compels- us enter into it lost limbs that ache it is a curious thing that a man may fool iwln in nncs o with which lo has lung partetjtcoibpeny but the explanation is simple the plan of the nervous system not unlike that of electrlo bells in large house pain is a danger signal which colls attention to the approean of some enemy and each nerve twig over the surface of the body reghtter its warning in tha brain where there is an indicator to ahowthe site of the pain the nerve trunks which convoy the messages to the brain he snug among the soft tissues of the limbs and body they have no reeling of their own would serve no useful purpose if they had itut if by chonoe a nerve trunk s pinched or pulled be pain is felt at t u bo tpuah and not in the wire iienue the pressure of a crutch under the arm or the hard edge of on the leg gives rlse jo- uplmy and needtee in tbe- bjuix or foot whrtr a umb has been amputated hliftf the nerves cut acroee the nerve fibres always sprout from ihs out ends in the forlorn hop to ooitttect up again with the beupustj which lno longer there and it is theoe bunohse or loose ends which aro apt to bo cmnght u jn tha scar artpbt prea4 upon byalie ruaelal umb afrsrytbing depends upon having a wjjqulss bucket to tfa thflm fl which the pre is taktn raly by kad pmottbt mthlngjaoro is felt than an twlflga to rsr tosstwhlofl wots is felt than an onomgloti oaot wg own that sunnxnu the window which i commanded a vlow of tho i highway mrs kmerlrk looked i eagerly toward the yellow clayey road father pa titer p she ailed out sharply- come hero tilck and what kind f a wagon this is its got somethliur printed on the cover i lih lo goodness i could make out what it la helle keller wagon no 13 now what in world does that mran id ilka to knowt mr kmerick hastily lowered his wet boots from the stove hearth and hur rled tp the window well aalil he u is u funny rtg ire enough ileal ly there was nothing extra ordinary about the one homo wagon with its blue box and white canvas cover except the inscription that dec orated the canvas on either side these red letters mora than a foot long cauaed unbounded wonderment in that neighborhood whero all con veyances other than the most prim itive wagons and buggies were looked upon as curiosities father mrs emeries cried ex citedly dont let him get away with out finding out what bos gott itun out and stop html mr emerfck bolted out of the kitchen door and ran quickly marshy front yard toward the gate hello there you in the wagon he shouted 11 old on a minute i want to ace you the young driver oeased wblstlltur whoa thckp he sold bringing hi horse to a atop what is it have you got anything to giver nnno sold mr emerlck doub- lously but id like to know what kind of a wagon this is the young man pointed to the in scription with the end of hla whip belief wagon jmo 11 he said sent out by way and webster of richmond and driven by me roger perkins but i maybe you dont know what that i means he added looking from mr i cmerlck to hla wife who had joined them no we dont said airs kmerick placidly this wagon proceeded mr per kins volubly is sent out to gather up food for the hood sufferers theyve began unusually early kver see a flood r we went down to the river last spring when the backwater was up aid mrs eraerlck meekly pebawl retorted mr perkins with an air of superiority that wnt nothing why you never seen such a eight au richmond is now the river is four miles wide there if it is an loch tha mud and the driftwood are so thick that you can hardly push a rowboat through and the logs keep ajamln and asmashln into doors and windows and plays hobs in gei- eral everybody has had to take tp the hilltops or crowd into the top stories of the highest buildings theres more than a hundred families huddled up in the town hall soma- tiroes they have something to eat and sometimes they have not when the river goea down well all be poupero if it waaat for what we gather up in these here relief wagons wed starve my goodness is it so bad as thatt exclaimed mrs kmerick father we must give something lets see what we can find mr and mrs cmerlck went back to the house and presently mrs xsmerlck returned with a large stone jar and a willow basket here she sold is a jar of pickles and three loaves of bread and a roll of butter father is out in the back yard opening the potato hole youre from richmond did you say 7 mr perkins nodded im mighty glad you came said mrs ismeriek beartijy ive got a friend living in richmond id dont know her address but her mime la xsydla whltten she used to be well- todo but as this flood has destroyed everybodys property i spose she has nothing left ive written her name on the things so you cant make any mis take mr perkins raised his bead hope fully at the beginning of mrs limer icks explanation but before she had finished he collapsed into n inert bundle of frecklefaced young man blue overalls and drahovercoat oh come now he said faintly i knew when i started out with ttu wagon that wu called no is that i was going to have bad luck of aonvt sort but i never expected anything like this xookeetiere mr perkins ra the canvas cover and pointed to the contents of the wagon all for lydla whltten theres sixteen bush els of potatoes thirty loaves of bread eleven pounds of butter forty jars of plcklee m1 coimun yours maam fifteen pouada- ol pickled pork and nine quarts of prtwsrvcs pot to men tion ull the sacks of oouy bansrlce dried apple and such things wry place ive gone iteople have brought out their contributions ami said just what you did ubout lydla whjttsn why thule eituuah to feed lydut whltten if the flood lasted for six months its a downright shame to see so much go lo one person when there are hundreds that aint got a scrap of course i woudnt want anybody to buffer until mrs kmerick with som4 asperity after lydlna tuken care of you cun divide the real of tho stuff as you llkv lie nure you dont forget to take thin to hot and tell hsr i hoj she i well mr perklnw liolyx mr iind mr kmerick to ntw uway their offering then he crocked his whip uver the but his hearing horses head and relief wagon no is cuhl most was on its wuy once mora i wonder f hell slop lit oyntltleat euld mr kmorlck und ho mid his wuo entered the house u twont do hlra any good h aid cynthia tins nothing to give its all she can do to keep soul and body together without helpln her re lations still he might stop persisted mr kmerick nrgumentatlvnly and stop he did although mr per- klus himself was undecided about ap plying st the whltten cottage for aid for there seemed little prospect for tta occupants having anything a contrib ute to the flood fund i suppose t may as wel try it though for luck he reflected 1 may get another jar of pickles for lydla whltten miss cynthias pale ttoe took startled expression when she beheld her caller and the redlettered relief wagon beyond ive oom to see if you have any thing youd like to send down to rich mond fcftydu wwtten sold mr pormns smartly everybody round bsre has been giving things to her shog lost everything in tho flood you know miss cynthias una quivered you dont ull n he wja weakly poor i ft so flrir z4tfjjlt the wfiou stump a rule with urn -etisw- good ssfefftt grtaym jo vtsfetf tht mr tlnt rcally so bad on nald mho aint tinu far in ive got enough provision i keep imr goln relief wognp no seenin have boen sent out for h special lnnnfu i juiit thought id dr i and see what you could do mlsu cynthia opened hnr door ntlll lilcr and looked dubiously round the little sitting room im nfrnld i cant do much alio sighed hut thorn 1 thing thiil 1 can send and i wan her to have it tell her miss yn thlan voice grow low and trrmulouri with earnestness tell hrtliat her usln cynthia sends her dear ovo ts al i have you 11 he sure to glvo it to herr tlio spirit of solemnity in miss cyn thlab manner was infectious the careless flippant look died out of mr perkins fat foce tind he regarded the utile woman for h moment in reverent stence yeam ill toll hr lie touchid his battered hat respectfully i unt vouch for the dollvery of all tho plok- lcs and jam and potatoes hut lydla whltten shall receive your message her cousin cynthia sonde her dear love is that itr her deor love ho muttered us ho urged tho horse on again not a very substsntlalgifi 1 flood times but miss lydla whoever she may b will be glad to geclt its something a body doesnt pick bp every day i believe i could do better if i had a little if that sort of thing myself twilight had settled down when mr perkins reached the hooded valley and was met by two more employees of way and webster in a skiff hurry up and unload called out one of tbe men impatiently the fog is going to be bo thick tonight that you oould cut it with a knife and if we dont get this truck over to the town hall pretty soon well be apt to havo a smash up and lose it all it doesnt go to the town hall said mr perklna decisively tvo bad the strangest day you ever heard of but the labels on all these packages will back my words everything was con tributed for u certain lyttla whltten and thatswhat lm going to do pro vided i can find her lydla whlttenl exclaimed oarsman who had been standing near by why she doesnt need anything she is worth ropro than any other woman in town her house is o high ground and only the first floor li under water she could easily shell or a dossn families in the second story but ahes so tightfisted she lias never been known to help a living soul nobody neyfd worry about her shell look out for number one any time nevertheless ive got to deliver this load as promised said mr perkins if you know where he uves show us tbe way v the contents of relief wagon n 13 were soon transferred into tho skin and through the streets of jjie mluuv ture venlco the boatamen picked tholi way there was a light gloaming in one window of miss whlttens houso when they drew near mr perkins stood up in tho boat and tapped on the gtass with an oar im roger perkins driver for way web ster here in richmond he said wh miss whltten stuck her head out the window ive been out in your part of the country today with re lief wagon no 13 and i have u pres ent for you miss whltten was fearful of robbers and assassins but she anally over come her suspicions and mr perkins was admit tedhrough the window 4avit seems as if those people out there cant be kind enough ho said impulsively when he was at lust in side i brought a cargo of stuff for you but there is ono gift that i keep steady in my mind its from cousin cynthia she told me to say that she sends you her dear y everything else has been weighed and measured that hasnt i hopj6ull accept it maam cynthla sent her love repeated miss whltten slowly well well weill i would nvcr have dreamed of that i will you take a look at the other things maam t asked mr perkins solicitously what other things t why the eatables particularly the pickles i never seen so many pickles in one bunch in all my born days want to lookt no thank you i believe not she replied with a laugh 1 am very much obliged to my old friends but i cant very well use their liberal do nation take the things to the town hall mr perkins and distribute then among the needy and o mr per kins she called as he reached tha window are you going out in your wagon again tomorrowt yes maam well coma to my liouso llrut l leant will you be hero by say sovon oclock y yes maam said mr iorkln uonderingly plu clock in the lower of the town lift strfklpg seven- the next morn ing when he found her dressed for n joumer- i want to go with you to tho shore she sold then if it is kmniii1 for you to do so i want vou tu take ii- llef wagon no 13 into thse same neighborhood whrro you were jester day and let me u long mr perkins was too much usjsjnt uhed tu make a lengthy reply yes maam ho said simply it was nrhit the noon hour whei the tworaijttti miss cynthlus cot tago mr perkins stood ut a respci i ful distance when tliu two woulon mut run so acute that h hill lydla snlil afto tlitd tukfri c nlhlit into h and sussed lur mrstuhnjii tenderly cynthia shn said uoittrliuly donl deserve your dwr love i linv been so hard and saltish and i dlilii suppose anybody had any love fur me and pv hover dona anyhlng tu assist uny pus 1 111 you t hurts ti realise the i let ul- my old compan lutis so through all kinds of trials and hardships and never came forwujrd to eld or sympathise yet um soon us utile trouble ovewlakss me thsy for give and forget nil their just griev ances and are anxious lo help me an 1 you cynthia sent your deaitavol the cousins st down before cynthias nr for a long couthler lulk mr inirklns iivruelvlng thf had no more use for him cilmbeomntu his wagon and drove away halfway to thu kmerick house he met mrs nio ick i saw your wagon stop in front of cynthias cottage she suld aud thought id run over to see what w the matter nothln the mutter at all mnnra replied mr erklns with u grin miss lydla whlttet lias had an attkck of softening of the heart hit t guess it wont prove dangerous shes come over for treatment a citizens crreo i rtcil ir u statement of belief the word is dnrlved from the latin verb credo i believe and the creed is summitry of doctrines held liy a rompany of mm thus wi have the nlcitm creed then there nro other reeda not so called as the west minister confpnsloii tho ilaldolbarg confession that aro reully creeds be ing statements of doctrine hut tho word i not confined to theological or doctrinal statements hut uitpllcd to any systematic state ment or oplnlbn henco the fitness of the title ut the head of this nrtlale which is designed to express u sot of nvictlons regarding the duties of u utlum in this creed there are six items as follows w l intelligence i will inform my self about publln questions the prin ciples und policies of tar ties and the quallncatlon of candidates for offlco here is a largo task lo be imposed uiton ones self yet is it too much cnu tho intelligent tftlxen afford to do any ess than thlst kiow many votors could tass thu test if the franchise depondd on the fulfilment of this triple obligation t the writer learned during tha campaign npw closing of one person who confessed to the habit of never reading u paper that de linquent should have been- disfran chised the ballot la too sacred i trust to tn placed the hands of tin stacker conscientiousness will vote according l my conerlom e in every election the observance of this reso lution would transform our election homo vote according lo prejudloe according to ignorance some according to the bribe they receive and sornit according to personal like or dislike instead of considering the main before the electorate this will explain many atrange results on elect- day jjoyullj 1 will obey tho lav even if not in agreement with tho pro visions of thu same this is th ly ruaipibo stand of a patriotic cltlsen hovcral months ago a pastor in detroit was invited to address ofthe fushlonable cluba of that city uurlpg the supper period ho hoard scorn and contempt poured on the volstead act as wo have heard tho same poured upon the o t a and rhen the toaslmastcr called for poechcm ho rofusod to uddrt audience of what he called traitors disapprove of a law there should move to repeal the taw in the meantime the law should be obeyed this loyalty is the foundation of all good citizenship 4 service i will except jury vice and seek the enforcement of all law here is u point at which many consider themselves excellent cltlxens full it is easy to rail ut the nonenforcement of law but not so easy and pleasant to aid in the en foroement ono of our town cltlxons was recently commended in the police court because ha had laid a complaint and supported it by his jestlmony there are many who ay complaints but refuso to aid the authorities by appearing and giving evidence th cltlxen who declines toold the meeting out of justice has no right to complain of nonenforcement 5 tolerance i will respect the rights or others and hold and express opinions other than my own it happily true that this mutual tolerance is the rule of our day the family compact and the star chamber nave gone the way of the thumb screw and tho bout juck mid the right of private judgment is gonerully acknowledged there nm here und there intolerant persons who are living in the last century but they are few and far be tween c sobriety i wilt regard my citl xanshlp aaa public trust and tho bar lot a serious responsibility this will ever ho the attitude of one wh thinks soberly to him the privilege of llrltluh cltlxenshlp wll be somo thing to be cherished and to be kept unspotted from the world of bribers slackers booserw gamblers ai lit leal adventurers cheeks a real canadian father nvory orti o in a while uuleui soma one insisting that tho real canadian uplrit is on the decline that the nliin of doniocrncy is dying we iced not be afraid of this while there re such fnthern uu this one n ure bout to dlscrlbo pi sin vigorous ft us breathing tho vory spirit of gen uine democracy my boy cam home- tho other night remarked this father and said a few things thijt muitn it quite lont thul he was thinking himself a llttlo belter than soma other boys in town because his dad was a banker insiaiidi of a day laborer in return handed the youngster something i hope hell remember son i told him dont you get tho that you are better than soma- ttodv else because of the way you were barn you didnt have a thing to do h that and you don t deserve any credit for being horn a little better than some one else thats just a piece of good luck for you if your birth and tho chances for an educatloi thul go with it gives you a little ud vantage over other hoys that only means that tho world will tuivo right to expect morn of you bo dont you go to gottlng stuck up because you were born my son 1 stead of the garbage mans son might have been tho otherway rour you might have been jsrieof any othor parents in any hher coun try or of any other race you wouldnt havo had a thing to do with that either remember it is not th fumlly you were born into nor tho kind of work your dad does ttiat will make a man of lou its what you its how you live that counts your only claim to superiority is what you do not what i do leldla munaell hereditary knowledge a little three- year- old whose father two grandfathers end u greutrnnd father urn physlcluns was entertain tng herself one day by playing doctor to her dolls tho nurse kept the young physician on a round of calls from dol to dull audwrlilng prescriptions in her babyish hieroglyphics at last the weary little body climb oil into the urm chair and isy back for a moments rest the nurse fearing lest the slightest diversion should turn tho active little brain toward some thing that would demand more of her attention sought to reawaken interest in tho dolls by a very urgent tele phonic summons the little doctor straightened up at the tllngtllng of the imaginary bell and resting her elbow on the arm the chair und making a receiver of her dimpled hand asked what was wonted she was informed that jennie purdy needed her services at once with sigh of impatience she gsthered her utile body together us if for a punge out of the hlg chair then u look intelligence passed uver her fuue und she settled buck with this pithy mes sage tell miss purdy de doctor tunt tome hes busy slltlu in his ottlce to merchants and salesmen the order you lost who got it tbo opportunity was thuro did your competitor cull up vpur cuatomor by long piatuncu and soil him onportuniticduaod tooomo tkitoakiiig at thp door nowadays tudiismeri gg oufc to inoot thorn halfway by long distanco thev toll js that about 4r of tho bukti opportunities tliuy go iiftw by telephone prove prolitablu such enitiumun aro uaid to havo telephone inltiatrvw a wulldoilnod plan of ml by long pittance and aahuroon with telephone initiative liaiidlino it may bo jtat what you noed to incrtuuui aalos i rhy no gsse u a taorotg t waj f one or the commonest complaints of infanta la worms and tho moat eireo- uv application for them la mother oravse worm lagttrmlnator improving your memory everybody remembers some things without dintoulty old peoplo who forget the names of tholr nextdoor neighbors if not their own will tell you their youthful experiences with as much detail us if thoy had happen ed yesterday tha girl who can be sure of only two dates in american history i4s and 1778 w often be ahle to tell what every girl woro at a pony last february l those of you who complain of hav ing wretched memories only mean that you have not yet trained your memories to remember the important facts if you should make a list of the things you remember without try ing and those you forget in spite of trying you would have a pretty accur ate idea of your interests if you will develope a new interest in your lessons and in the people you meet at church and other places you have been troubled by forgetting you will prob ably notion amarked improvement in your memory new issue 30000000 canadian pacific railway company twenty year 4 sinking fund secured note certificate date of issue december is 1924 date of maturity december 15 1944- pnneipal and semiannual latere june 15 and december 13 payable direct to holders by cheque negotiable at per at any branch in canada of the beakai montreal fully registered note certificates will tw issued in denomination of 100 500 1000 10000 and 100000 redeem ship m whole or in part on anv interest data on six waexa prior notice at 102 and interest np to and including december 15 1929 and at rlei lining premlam ol ol 1 during each five year period thsreaitsr legal investment for qnarian insurance companies trustee am registrar the royal trust company i may be eifectad at the registrars offices or agencies in montreal ottawa toronto winnipeg regina calgary and vancouver mr e w beltty k-c- president of the canadian pacific railway company has summarized bis letter of december 8 1924 aa follows these note certificates will be direct cssesatioiia of the railway company and have priority over 93335254 preference stock and 260000000 common stock representing an ecjouy as prevent market price of approximately 460000000 the preference stock has received 4 dividends without fadmntptksn since its irmanm m 1895 the common stock has paid dividends contnooosly gmce 1882 with tbe exception of the year 1895 tbe rate since 1912 having been 10 per mnan in addition they wsl be gemred by tbe asaj to the trustee by way of geenriry of all unpaid porcbase nsoaey or d payments owing or accrnmg doe to tbe railway company in respect of lands in the pr of manitoba saskatchewan alberta and british colom bia sold or ccsntrmcted to be old by it prior to december 1 1924 tbe t doe or accruing due to the railway company on december 1 1924 in respect of said sales was 66000000 tbe railway company wid covenant to pay to tbe trustee all monies both principal and inlerest less nil ustis and taxes paid to protect the security received by the railway company in r of tbe amid contracts tbe railway company covenants that it wid not charge the lends hi re of which such de payments are or shall be due so as to prejudice in any manner tbe i m it j hereby created ah inoxnes te by tbe trustee will be otigard for tbe payment of interest on these note certificates and thereafter aa m sjn fond for tbe porcbase and cancellation of these note certificates at the best prices cssmmahle up to the call price prevailing at the time of snch purchase if note certificates cannot be so purchased the trustee shall redeem tbe note certificates by lot aft the prevailing cau price the railway company will covenant that in tbe fourth and each sucirwdlng year the annoal amount available for the purchase of note certificates wul be at least 300000 the note certificates wul be issned under sec by and subject to a trust agreement between tbe railway company and the royal trust company as trustee tbe net earning for the last five years after paying all fixed charges including interest on consolidated debenture stock and au other obligations have been as follows 31320868 32844083 33169867 33545140 34899409 yearly interest on these note certificates amounts to 1350000 the average yearly net earnings for tbe last five years as above set forth amount to 33155873 or over 24 times annua interest reoegrcments on these note certificates year ending december 31 1919 44 1920 1921 1922 1923 tnese sinking fund serurwd mole certificates are offered if as and when issued and receiv by ua and subject to to approval of all lessl tjetada by msssrs msrsdltb holds o hswkrd v holdsn trusts ceinlkcatoa ui lulelim toiax or note certificates in definitive form will b available fof delivery op or about december 30 1924 price 9225 and interest to yield 5 ik royal bank of canada- wood gundy company harris forbes company matthews a company limited osier a hammond the bank of nova scotia banque dhochelaga tbe standard bank of canada bank of montreal the canadian bank of commerce dominion securities corporation lwted hanson bros nesbitt thomson company greenshietdsa company imperial bank of canada tbe mouoru bank tho sterling bank of canada the national city company umitd a e ames company r a daly company reni t lederc inc the dominion bank bank of toronto junion bank of canada la banque provmciaki du canada tbs safcnustsoa o l z

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