Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1924, p. 3

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jpff i w v f p t jrm v 7- i 1 hi kj 5nrwrp 1 v f vijv7 5r sv y vf w yttv fy tiff j wf m tfle uour or ohir artnn 3frri bti sckltcd ton waahbaa aa utfllliag talari ttw auhaml hoe ar la ailaic pottak to oow in lht untied ihtch aubarrtptleaa are lb sddrea ub adterttsing rates trieste t advertise msul u cent pr tin agata bmeanre far brt tntcrtioo and j easts per llec tor escb lobee aunt intcrtloa contract duu- ajajm eacata lor a iscbee or saoce per eaasa p casts pti thk each laiacrtlok adrartiataa u wit out cusc dlraactioatvill ba trtad tlq loreta cbaaw scooroiagt ii p re praald stuftaafar ad ahlttut ktutar tblep1iohks- editorial aw r of the spirit of chrtetmaa as wo draw near tho birthday of our saviour we arc reminded that love and sacrifice arc the funda mental expressions of religion god so jovcd thai he gave it is thd season of good will kindly ords arc spoken and messages arc sent by mad jnd telegraphed the poor aro helped and littlo children art made glad wo remember with jay tho coming of one to the world who counted not his life dear untu himself who went about doing rood who loyed little children who taught that he who would be the greatest must bo he servant of all who exalted all kindly and gracious and noble things the spirit of christinas is an expression of religion underatooi and appreciated by all thursday morning december 18 1024 editomal f a strong bulwark or stability addressingtbc hamilton lions club at luncheon last week rev dr richard whiting pastor of o- tenary church declared that together with church and government newspaper were to be given credit for their deep influence in guiding the community right a good editoral was worth a prayer meeting without the influence of religon or the press the country would not be worth living in he stated he spoke of tho newspaper as a strong bulwark of stability v satisfying the underwriters aaaodation the canadian fire underwriters association are not any too well satisfied with guelpbs fire protect ion appliances according to the secretary of that organization from whom the city has just received a lengthy report with reference to the conditions fonnd in this city by their inspector is this dog raatic organization satisfied with the fire protection of any town or city tho municipal authorities spend largo sums to assure adequate fire apparatus and honestly aim to have their town provided against serious damage by fire but rarely does the fire underwriters association express approval of their efforts there always seems to be something lacking id the inspectors list of requirements heavy truck owners moat pay heavier license fe i motor truck owners were plainly told by hon george s henry minister or public works at a dinner ip toronto last week that the government expected from them a much larger contribution to ward highway maintenance than that ofthe a vera g motorist ho stated that at the present time the amount pajd by ruck owners for road construction was comparatively small scarcely i per cent of the cost of operation and intimated that it was the gov ernments intention to increase this contribution the most equitable way of making the users of high ways contribute to their upkeep was a gasoline tax and as the mileage of motor truckles was much greater than the average motor car and the gasoline consumption larger truck owners would pay accord ingly he said s the coming house of commons session it is probable that the next house of commons session will open on thursday january 22 the par iimentary stage is set and the session promises to be a keenly fought no this will be the fourth ses sion of the present parliament and likely the last be fore a general election in reality the lifepr this parliament does not expire until january 1027 but parliaments rarely like the alloted span and political prophets look confidently for an appeal to tho country in 1025 from present indications the coming battle over limitation of senate powers bids fair to take primary place in importance in the closing hours of tho last session premier king announced his intention at the next session to bring down a meas ure to limit tho powers of the senate and the country will naturally look for him to implement this ten tative promise santa claus uses the radio editorial notes for the betterment of health a conference with very desirable objects for the improvement of medical services throughout canada opens today under the direction of the canadian medical association in ottawa this conference which will continue in session for three days will bs unique in the hmtorjcof medicine in canadathat such a aatbenng has never taken place before it is expected that delegates will attend from all parts ot canada and the publichealth bodies medical cbun cits medical associations and medical universities all be represented the meeting is being held under the patronage of the minister of health hon di beland and its main object is to strengthen public health activities in canada with a view te rendering better medical service from coast to coast adding to our national parks the action is commendible whether taken by federal or provincial governments tocincrcase the number of national and provincial parks and protect them for future generations the ontario govern neat has jnst established a new park or game pre serve of 800 square miles between port arthur and scember lovers of canadas great ontdoora will naturally feel like offering the government cordial thanks for their foresight in adding this extensive preserve to the number similarly set aside through out the dominion the conservation of such primev i territory which means further sanctuary for our native birds and wild animals is very wortbyaiid is very likely ultimately to prove profitable in years to com canadas chain of national parks from ihfc atlantic to the pacific and from the north to the sath will be the admiration ot visitors and tdurists from alt continents if effect is given to the imperial economic con ference resolutions as they are adopted canada will chiefly benefit on her exports or canned salmon and canned lobsters raw apples honey dried fruit sugar tobacco and to a certain extent apples will bo admitt cd free while apples from foreign countries are taxed 5s per hundred weight canned salmon lob sters and honey will also be admitted free 8aann for more flanqnlne expectations v a towards the close of october a more hopeful vww folic was taken of the business situation as a result of a much greater liquidation ot debt uxeverypart of the dominion than at that time last year some allow ance baa been made for the fact that all over the do minion the actual proceeds from the harvest have been unusually late in coming to hand nevertho ess cash payments on accounts of outstandlngiililk cations are reported to have been received in larger volume than for some years past mild weather in eastern canada baa militated against the sale of many articles or merchandise bat there is no doubt but that with the coming of colder weather business generally will improve it does nor appear to be generally reallxod that all over the dominion the returns from the crops have been above thfr average i iq the maritime provinces for example apples an j c potatqes hare given abnmper yield while in on- crops havo much better f tbjin tor at numbal ot years the yield of graln from prairie pivhe- leitban ajeavago but the i tft prices has made the total cash proceeds mlayqujjwllilcrho coat of handling tho ajnamerablyleat another hopeful feature d demand ouii5aijry prwtocp flaring tho hentbe pasturage baa been more than jtb mjuka jboyoreignnierket abve rdum iii also cheer- tnj somo ontario hotelmen want to serve beer with the meals one trouble with this plan is that the same sandwich does for so many meals toronto globe n the notorious resolution of the town council of sturgeon falls repudiating the ontario temperance act is to be rescinded a new mayor has been elect ed who is in favor of the act and declares that he will see that it is enforced umil tma cnr 1 ttlo boys and clrli could only write to santa claus poat than mi 4ra and trual to the khtmun to deliver them nut thla year tho radio deimirtment of tiio canadian national pll rpndo on arranaemont wh santa cluu and letters from boya and flrln nil oyor cpnndn are belnf broad cuat from tho c n it radfo btatlon to hanu in hla workshop in the far north santa actnowlmlrm ovary evening by radio that he u hearing what ht little frlenda have to tall him although hv u a wry buay man banta claua vultod evory broadcasting- station of the canadian national hallways in moncton montreal ottawa toronto wlnnlpea saskatoon negina cfttgary and edmonton teltln his little friends to writ him care of thi c n it radio and thousand fl 0 letters from boys and alrls have ben received and broadcast to santa tho plcturo you see her was taken in one of those stations as santa was peaking- to hla boys and in through the microphone which is the instru ment used to send the sound- of the voice dancing out over tho world on tho radio waves t down below you sh ono of tho big ongintythnt the canadlah national railway are going- to lend santa clnus to carry his bags of toys if there is not enough snow for hu reindeer these are the biggest and moit powerful freight engine in the whole of the british enil ire they can easily pull a train of 160 loaded freight cars so you see santa clnus will have no trouble bringing all his toys no matter if there ian t uny enow on christmas bvo township nominations will take place on decern be 29 councillor col g o brown is definitely in tho field for the- deputy rccvcahlp and it looks at present as if there might be a run for the reeveship we understand that councillors leslie and gowdy will stand for reelection herald canada hi to receive no share for the next two years of the german reparations payments under the dawes plan the reason officially given is that pay ments during the next two years will be in goods and canada does not wish to receive any but cash payments the fanners sun is not immune from tfie exces sive costs of publishing a newspaper these days and is having experiences akin to tdat of the rest of us in the elimination of profits on its years oper ations the farmers publishing company shows a loss of 528667 according to the report sent out to the shareholders preparatory to tho annual meeting this week the auiston herald is of the opinion that the towns of ontario would bo better served if the present plan of electing councils were dispensed with and a board of civic commissioners of three members be elected to bold office for three yeare a new member being elected each year the pun is said to have worked very successfully in numbers of small towns in the united states famous educator in a recent address ixiad ollowing significant remark on the value of sport which is worth passing on it was said a century ago that the battle of waterloo had been won on the playing fields of eton there are victories othor than those of war that are won on playing fields in self- restrafnt in cooperation wjth others and in making that rounder character which contributed so much to successful citizenship the united states senate foreign relations com m ft tee have passed a favorable report on the liquor treaty with canada formulated a few months ago this treaty is designed to aid in the suppressing snuggling operations along the borderland it is the jopo of tho prohibition enforcement officials that it will aid them in preventing mmrunning from the jotn in ion it also provides an arrangement which will facilitate the arrest and prosecution of persons violating the narcotic laws of either country another amalgamation of small town newspapers baa just taken place in exeterthe times published by mr j m soulhcbtt has purchased the advocate which has for years had mr creech as its editor and manager thus one byono the number of towns where two paper are struggling for oxistence ia be- new issue by gpr made- available in canadian market the company deckles to invite dominion investors to take its securities beatty explains desire to extend canadian holdings of railways securities montreal an official announce ment was issued following a meeung tho board of director of tho canadian pacific railway of the taau anco by the company of 30 000 000 h pr cent note certificates aecurej by deferred payments on lands not in need of cash following is the statement as aent out from the offlce of president e w beatty the company la not short of funds by any means its bank ac count belnar of very comfortable pro portions but it has for many years been the company a policy to main tain a strong- position in its cash re sources and considering the mag rtttude of the enterprise tha h manifestly prudent works of itn proveraent in contemplation to provide for its traffic and under the betterment of existing facilities will require a considerable sum in the near future and to meet our expenditures and to provide ample working- capital for other purposes the directors of hit company have decided to make an laque of note certificates in much tho same way as was adopted in 1914 save that the issue will be of a pub lie character instead of being re strleted to participation by its own shareholders in the belief that more extenslvo holdlnf of the company s securities in canada is desirable from all stand 1 olnts the company has sold the issue to a strong- canadian dnonclal stoup consisting- of the bank of mon treej tho national city company tho koyal bank of canada the canadian sank of commerce the dominion be c unties corporation wood fjundy a company and a e ames a company decided to pass upjj 8 market already a very wide distribution assured at a price to the public which will make it an attractive in vestment it was quite open to tho company to secure the requisite funds in the united states o terms equally favorable but in the view of the inr tercet in the company s securities by canadian investors as evidenced by the increase of the holdings of its common stock und bonds tho direct nra were glad to b ablo to make the lasuu a canadian one these cv beourod notes are one of the hlghest grade and most thor oughly protected securities ever of fared in the canadian market tbey direct credit obligation of the qanadlan pacsflc railway company and in addition are specifically se cured by trust agreement under which the hallway covenants to pay to the trustee land payments coming due to the ballway company totalling approximately gg 000 000 this offering- is th largest single piece of corporate financing ever un dertaken in canada prior to the present year all the canadian pad do hallway financing has been done abroad principally in qreat britain or the united states in which mar kets the company s securities rank as market leaders vor example in 108 companys 4 debenture stock sold in london at lldf to yield only ttj at a time when long term bonds were selling at api roxlmately the same basbi following upon the success of the dominion oovernnient in refunding its maturing- war loan issues in the do mctstlc market the canadian psclflo ballway company issued 13 000 000 collatral trust bonds in the spring of the present year although new to h average canadluu investor these bonds quickly reached a price com parable to tho canada victory loan bonds it is not uu rlslnr therefore tha the company has arranged tu otter this larger issue to canada the offering is timely inasmuch as the dominion government issued only 180 000 000 of lojg jerm bonds to re place 107 000 oofl vina luring victory bands and it is evfdont lliat there is available large sum of tuurwy whoe owners desire the highest grade of un curlty the present otrlng of cuna dn pacific thaljwny ucurltles will mbet these requirements it is expected thul the luuo will be vulcsjjmtmorbed by all classes of in fcvtneurope progress aeema to coming smaller and smaller and the public is not aatferiflx because of the withdrawal of competition both messrs southcott and creech are experienced newspaper men and understood the futility of en prejrad pgfea vfjiaf deayepf tocootiue to pubilah two papers in a own jdfrljatioior only 1000 drilling holes in qla8s drilling- holes in glass in not so vary dltnoult tho oil imthul utllliotl u discarded triangular ni- groun i to h harp point and use 1 in u brace with slight pressure thu point of on taet w moistened with turpajtuii tho more reoent way und one that is quicker la to use brass coupor tube with thin walls instead of a file says popular science monthly the tube l placed in a braes and drilling aocom pllshed with powdered carborundum a outlujs aent a aum of wood fcemi th tuba property outietl vanity tickled during the early excesses of the french revolution a rabble of men and women were rioting in the streets of parbv lafayette appeared and ordered a young artillery officer to open lire upon them with two small cannon the officer begged the gen era i to let him try first to persuade them to withdraw it is useless to appeal to their rea son ssjd the general certainly replied the officer and it is not to their reason but to thelr vnnlty i would appeal the officer rode up to ut front of the mob doffd his cocked hat point ed to the gunti and said gentlemen will have the kindness to retire for i am ordered to shoot down the rabble the officer rode up to the front of the mob doffed his cocked hat point classed with the scum of the cty during the agarlan riots which dls turned england in 1b3s a mob of rick burners and machine breakers appear ed at the old mansion of two elderly maiden ladles the walls of the hall were decorated with suits of an and unique weapons pikes halberds swords and battle axes the mob clamored for the weapons and for drink the ladles refused their de mands and when the mob seemed ready- to resort to violent miss betty the elder of the ladles went up to the leader a hideous looking man and said tau loo of all the people in the worldl i m not surprised at these ioor misguided creature but that such a good looking- intelligent man you should attack two defenceless wo men does astonish me you are the man i should have looked to for pro tectlon but you are not the man i took you for never again will i trust o good looks i there wus i o standing up against that compliment the man took off his hat and oald come old lady we aln t so bad as all thatl only give us some beer we would not harm a hair of your headt no i know that retorted- miss betty tou can t i wear a wig i the mob roared with laughter and retired without another word man and machine believers in progress are often dls heartened to find that the many mo dern inventions to make life better have not fundamentally changed man kind the human being is ttm same crust lire that the very oldest wrlungs portruy and yet men go on contriving systems and improved devices and advanced methods the last hundred years have been rife in discoveries and inventions a cure has been found for every con ivable hi and a method has been found for doing everything yet ills remain unremedied many things undone the trouble is we have learned to trust too much to system too little to human nature the true lesson to be drawn from a century of system monger ng is not one of dls coojagement but one of renewed con fldence in human beings of renewed willingness to throw the burden not on tho machine but on man when there is a railway aoolden1 we read much about block signals and automatic switches and other devices a contributor to the atlantic monthly hown in a series of articles that it u the man that oounts it is not the system i ut the mi loyee that wrecks the train or sends it safely through one ot the hardest lessons that ihls country has lo learn is that the sub tltutlon of demoaraoy for kingship lid not climate the evils of govern tnenl this does not mean that de mooracy is a failure but that demoo racy is good or bad according as the members of the democracy arnoodor bud wise ur foolish for the canaucn who realises this the ides of dei racy becomes sue red impressive glorlnua burden the canadian dues n t realise it but blindly trusts tl at tie repullloan form of govenr- rncnt will mvu iiltti in pot lit to vole it is men tu t courses of study that makes universities arod men not mrsl ideas that make good uty gov crfithtjpt honest pe pie and not meth oils of eleotlo lealslatl m men muchlnus that m lhat choose honest and nut system or ike the world jnapp use 32 jeninoiaium 30u60 tuimjo business directory dr j as mcniven physlelan and surgein offlc and residence corner boa aventm and elgin street t get ready for winter nw u tb time bror th m aovero wntr woathor aata in to rl ui minor rpklr to furnace ana waterworks hyatema attended to we are well prepaned to look ofter your roqulrementa prompt service efficient workmanship drummond leatham phone w main street phone kg n dr e j nelson fftedkrick ot1u iit aoton ontario leqal pnon n jj p o noi t harolb nash parmer m a barrlatar selleltor notary public oenvayanoer eta pirrvman block acton ont monet lent on moittoaais hour 910 ajn to fi pjn baturdaya lroo o clock h a meir barrieur bolleltor notary publla oaoraetawrv olrt cooler nights and lower prices on wood these coot nlfthta when you do not need a ore fpr lone ta when wood oomea in handy to take the chill off the house and what will be more weloome newa is that the price has been reduoed and the following prioos are now in eltect mixed fila r hardwood blahs and short wood best body cordwood 4 foot lenstns 300load- w00load 1000 cord and at this season of the year it la more profitable to do your oooktna with wood you warm the house at the same time and your fuel does double duty each load is guaranteed a full 8in0le cord d a henderson phone sb we deliver promptly dental or j m bell d d s l d a dsntlat honor oradual of toronto unrnr slty the latest anesthetlo used offloa at vasldenaa corner hill aa4 vaowiek btrsat or p g gollop d ds lds omos orsr bank of son bootta hounoui to aaa brontnas br appointment appearance the appearance of your car la the first thing by which the outside world can judge it a car may possess every automobllo virtue yet if tt lacks beauty of appearance the world will pass by unnoticed chevrolet has an appearance in which any motorist may feel a sense of pride it is a haqdsome car and better still it possesses those quali ties of performance which its hand some appearance would lead one to expect a minute or so of your time will convince you that chevrolet looks good let us demonstrate its good performance s v king representative for th18 di8thic1 georgetown ont miaceuankoua franqs nunan suekbtaew aeooaut books of all kinds mad to dkw periodicals of ertary daawriptsan ooiefauy boasd ruling- neevtly mjvl ponptl7 doo urnabmm ptra ouslpb out over wmiama store personal greeting cards beautiful emblematic christmas designs arilnlkally lithographed your name neatly printed in text or scripts fine plate card with envdopee to makb good choice of dealgns and greeue- inacripuons various priceb all reasonable order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press rj kerr atkiotsier and real efetate agent 17 tears bexpertsnoe acton ontario sales entrusted to a j kerr r oeire attention from date of llittsag to data of sate uat your sate with ma xtasidenoa sower avenue phone li acton call at mj yott are on ufets check- ebboahd watch your nexjt move1 th surest route from jour ire aent position to succjc8s la via a thorough training at quelph business college 1 special courses x- complete euulpnont business experienced instruc tors 4 special fad ut ion forloeaunb oraduatea students are now unrolling for january term ueglster to day by nail phone or offlo- call phonf oublph business colleqb oummw bldg quelph a l bouck ftrinalpal and proprietor i ttouoro an j grateful appreciatiorr of your goodwill and patronage we cordially extend our very hearty thanks with all good wishes for christmas and the new year a d savage 0tometrlst end mfg optician 6avaoe building right at the wt onice ouelph ontahio phone llw the old and reliable granite and marble worluf we are tnanufanturrrs an 1 llrwot importers of ail kinds of uqnumei tsl and headstone work w wall dlratat to our us at wholesale prloea thua savins our ouatomars 40 per oeut we have the boat appuanoes and the only mechanics in the dominion who can opanua pnausnatle tools property we oan glva referanoes from hundreds of our customers tn toronto and ilhir pleoea wbare otbere have to hav uw aulu tn order to ollct we hsve the targost and beat stock of granite la the pomlnlon or mors thanany thrse deatetv ui the wnl we are leul mat oaters and employ no aaenta and do not annot or pest oustomr b aendina oat ignorant agents solicit las orders we employ only meehanlae and doty omdpetltion hamilton sons oublph ont isc a i

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