Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1924, p. 5

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flftg acton jffrte jlrggfl thullbuai d10cl3mljbit 111 1114 christmas coming i i in dim a mlngl 1 ii ir i lly ml llilmi mi i laughter jolly lirli i man rumlnn air 4 llr k hi uppiiiff logs 4n rmy ipglaf kuntu puffing turkey majro and onion alultlngl otirlslmus cumins joy exuding mine pla pumpkin unci plum puddlngm hrntniir coming lovo 1u heaven leueo on earth jive thanks i mauri ca morrlii the sunday school lesson for bunoay december 21 t twenty years ago tt the imu of the frse press thursday december 22 1904 tim 1 ullh no 1 u ii mi i row uvcnlnii vacalluii itumljciwf unic laillea in town wtmjjartfullitrarst inclination urn or gunlxlng n hh ikoaprur club the trusteca ut itunnuckliuni lire arivertlalftflc fur u jutron 1 clout prof esslunnl mala tcacjrrr ut i ho salary of ht allwn h handay bcuool gave iho aral of the chnutmumtirin entertain mnu on lust tlinpyly evening the iiroiriimmo con a lined of solos and choruses mid a drotrts french spoke here tho parts bcfrfclftkun by miss ida laird uortrude utatham florence chapman and alice flynn and messrs 3 v lake j woods and j maunder mr c a good eve sang a solo and mr j 11 lako plalyed a cornet solo the chief event of iho evening was a cantata santa claua visit in which the little tola hunting for santa claui to the leaders in the principal parte every one did well owing to tbo interruption to busi ness ttocaloniil by building operation and moving our plant twice the pus paw haa found it impossible to issue a calender thla year numerous re quest for the ftuat puss calendar for 106 have already been received hev a e smith mr ii p uoora mum jessie ntqlilin hlu speight and messrs william and lawrance will lanui took part in the sabbath school entertainment in everton last evening the annual meeting of the methodist sunday school were held on monday evening j otdcers elected were bupllij p yloore assoc supta j 8 coleman arid a e nlcklln gradlng supu mrs prances and mrs steph enson horns department supl miss phemle jllng secretary w u speight treasurer lloyd smith the other officers and teachers remain the some as the present year born taylor at acton on monday de ember 19 lftof to mr and mrs sun derland taylor a son q1rl8 who do not k18s jap lover does net salute his b loved thus thorn are some girls says the wash tngtan poet who are never kissed the japanese lover for lnstanoe does not salute his betrothed in our fash- ion he regards kissing as a queer foreign ciutom it has no meaning for him in china the kiss is considered disgraceful but although- the kiss is unknown or at any rate neglected in many parts of iho world nearly every nation has some form of salutation which corresponds with the european kiss the malays and the eskimo greet each other oy rubbing noses among tbo burmese the form of greeting which denotes affection is to apply too cheek and draw a ions breath it is true that the kiss is also used aa a means of salutation where there u no affection or even respecl child ren for instance are taught that they must kiss people for wham tbey may have a strong- antipathy simply be cause it u the proper thing- to do and two women who bate each other will kiss for th bsjd6 reason these uses are a degradation of one of the mut beautiful modes of expression in the world in iceland they do not understand the kiss as a mode of salutation but it is regarded aa something belonging to the supernatural if a child la 111 you will sometimes see its mother solemnly kiss the little one on the breast an invocation to the supremo being that her child may be cured we are not altogether without super stition regarding the kiss at on time many a gambler might have been seen kissing- the cards to bring- him luck and the warrior before starting out to battle would kiss the favor given him by his lady to insure vlo tory and to enhance hla safety until lately we kissed the book when we took the oath to speak the truth th whole truth and nothing- 6ut the truth and who has not seen a mother take her child in her arms and kiss the bruise to make it well at last mrs si lias betinet was s phlloso pher on a certain dismal occasion some of the neighboring women were condoling with her with commend able cheerfulness she replied lve raised four girls and three boys esimotln every time tbey d be tjfft and red headed like their orafclpa bennett an yet thsy uln t an lve worried eunsidble over smallpox greakln out in my big mm ily so far tain l last summer durln july and aug ust and maybe purl of september i was real melancholic festln i d got an appendix but i guess i aln t an through it jill it never oncl occurred fo me that i d be the one to fall through them rotten old msetln house steps an break my lag in two places but i be silver l1ninqs ama fair lu love i van u plitln girl one of the heat of good habits is good humor the easiest way of making shadow is to stand in your own suullght a clock helps um to renumber hour but u cheerful friend helps us to for get them when a man meet a trouble half way bs haa a poor companion for the rest of the journey over worry kllhi more people than overwork because more go in for the one than for the other j it looks like sense to ndmit no dptatl that contributes to terfctlon to imitate the virtues und avoid the mistakes of our competitors to listen to a man who iwmi to have a hew idea to put the honor of uur bualw ubove us dlvldbnds to exited the help to refloat the spirit of the management to treat the public us though ware honest tim has tested lt-r- dr thomas xojeclrl0 oil has bean on the market unwardj of hfty years anduin that low it has proven a blessing- o thou amis it lm in high favor throughout canada and its excellence haa carried its fame eyond the seas if it wen doubla tl pries it would be k cheap uaimsot thb wohlirh nrfu or ciluihl j li 14 ik 3 if 21 idon text kor owl so loved the worl 1 that he gavelifs only begotten tu ii that whosoever lollovi th on him nhould not drill h trtjt liuvo utarnil llfu john 3 1 the tsxt explained verau u became flesh that u i imtl nn com man wrun 15 before nrn indlcatl hi 1 h i rlorlty nnd superiority verso 10 orarti for gruco uran umin grurc thut la gruro in imrcualutc ubunilattce verne 17 the luw tho uurllur und losa complotn roveuitlwn of clod wiim klvrit through uoscs ritmn ihroutfli josus ohrlat thorn is on lntoudl cuntruat iflwecn tlio xpronnluiim wn given und came tho luw kivi n through momcs wuit not bis own but qod n the grate which um tlirourli jeaua chrlat was hla own verne 1- the only hctcotten hon four or the weightiest undent mauu scripts read ood only lw not ten al the nlrono council however which nntedatea the earlleat extant mnnu ftcrlpta and where the iloctrlno of the trinity was fully dlscusaed uts rend ertrtst tho only begotten boo was no cepted no reference apparently pins made to the other the itevlsed vor ion therefore retains tho earlier rend crlns placing- the optional reading ood only begotten in the margin in the bosom of in constant intlmato communion with the father he hath declared him for a perfect revelation of ood man must ever turn to jesus christ john 3 is 1 verse 16 this elxteenlh verso is often called tbefompel la miniature containing as it does the sum an 1 substance of the glad tiding which christ came to bring men verse 17 not r to judge the world nevertheless his ufo and ex ample judgee every man whose life does not come up to the atandard of that example tbo life of jesus thus becomes a touchstone to character hence the argument of the next verse verse it is judged already those who disbelieve and whoso ufa a of harmony with the example and teaching of jesus have no need to be sentenced their unbelief is in itself their condemns lion tho next verse in turn explains bow this is verse if loved the darkness de aired its protection and opportunity of secrecy since their works were evil verse 20 doeth or practise tb verse ii doeth the truth that which i morally right nnd which therefore may be made manlfesl lesson theme the purpose of johns gaspe the oospel according to john is the fourth and but not only in order of arrange ment in the new testament canon but also in the order of composition and appearance having been written by john probably near the close of tho first century a d it la pro eminently a gospel of life light and love jnd in contrast with the synop tie uoapels it deals principally with events in our lords mlnlatry which transpired in and about jerusalem and tho occasion of hut attendance at sue cesslve passover feasts the purpose of the ooapel was not to supplement the narrative of the three other ao counts of our lord s life but rather the maturer reflections of a devoted apostle now well advanced in years upon the character and work of jesus i ood man it does however incidentally add much to the record of the life of jesus on earth which was mlttsd by matthew mark and luke john s doctrine of the logos tbo q reek term logos hero translated word was a philosophical expres alon employed and understood allke by educated jews and greeks among the jews the word of the lord was tbs current designation by which jaw- teachers denoted the manifested jehovah so when john wrote of christ as the word it meant to most jewish readers that ood had apoken or roan i tested himself in a way which people could understand a man s word j the expression of hla thought his will his character in a sense it is himself and cannot be aepurated from himself when a man pledges his word he pldea hla honor hla character all that constitutes hla personality is com mltted in hla pledge so when chrlit the word came among men he reveal ad ood a personality and his ufe on earth may bo regarded aa the most convincing- proof of the exlstenoe and character of ood the ora teat gift ever made die profound philosophic doctrine of tho logos john places in his third chapter o 1 in a much simpler and vital form tt is the giving of a gift the gift of jeaua ood a only begotten son to express the father a love for all mankind philosophy is thus trans lated into life this gift of ood was the uncompelled free natural promp ing of his heart our acceptance muit likewise b voluntary and free love call for love this la the only com pulsion but there is no stronger vital tie wer th whole realm of nature mine that were a present far too small love so axnaxing ao divine demands my soul my life my all for study and discussion who was john why la he callod the hetovid disciple waa ho orl glnally of u mild und gentle plrltt what occaaloned the change in his disposition where and when did john dlot what was the purpose of john a oospel about what time did it appear hpw does it differ from the other ooapels what can you say of ite aplrltual quality in what sense was christ the word how doea god reveal himself to men uowt dally readinos for next week monday december s3 mutt 10 1 10- i tueaduy docombor 33 john 9 1 ie wednosdity december 34 matt is is so thursday drmber 26luko 3 so friday december 2 luke b 3s hunting with g uns as accessories by the time he hus gnttwred all his equlpmont and lmdvdlfpntn around him the average rami prepurlnr to enter the woods with tho idcnof game hunting besjtns to wonder first of all how he is going to carry it all and then how much of it he realty needs bvonlually ho sotn off with tho baro necessities of the trip minus moat of tho paro phonal a ho intendod to tako but one thing ho wu not leave bohln i his camera it may got in his- way sometimes but as a rule be finds it indispensable without it ho knows that he wilt be unable probably to support his claim us to big moon ahot or ferocious game encountered as a matter of fact quite a notice able number of those entering can adian woods during the last few yearn have been known- to carry guns rather than cameras am accessories a great deal more skill and bush lore is re ulrcd to enable one to secure a shot with a camera than with a rifle th chnso is even more exciting and the end without ontalung nny slaughter produces quite aa muoh thrill this will be readily acknowledged by the truo aportnman reproduced above are aome the closing season a moat inter ting- shots the doe was got within rango after three days hunt out oftste jovlte que she was not tho largest animal sen but she made i he best n the moose which is aeon leisurely sharp en ing its teeth was caught in the kipawa dlatrict of ontario while the other faced the camera in the waters of the tol i iu nova scotia th buck rlfuving the lake of the wooda shows what muy ho obtain ad in the way of action photographs hunduy december 2s matt s4 31- do you talk too much bom of you are talking too much without knowing it a man who went to see a neighbor on a matter of busl lies stayed so long- that ills wife be came worried whoti he ret urn ml alio aald her eyea on the clock you must huve had u pleasant cull her huabund unewwed irritably ilaamunt nothing twu two hour befom i gut u chunce to say what i hfcd cutni for yet very likely this talkative man would have beaiv omtonlahsd if he had known how long hla caller had bsou trying to get a word in edgewise a few people who nutk very much lire worth listening to but at a rule ideas are diluted lif proportion to the volume of words if some of you who talk much could have your convur sat loo taken down in short hand for a day or two it woultpdo you a great service muoruocaled talk la merely chatter without enough ideas to giv it flavor a younq mans boast thla is pre eminently the day athletic achievements and it la fashion among young men to worship trained muscle the young athlote in this incident we are about to relate was the champion of the town in which ho lived he could run faster jump farther and ijft a heavier wight than any other man for miles around indeed the fame of his unuauul strength hnd spread nil ovw his native county ho was of good family tho son of a phelclan fine looking fel low tall and well proportioned hla huge muscles were often shown to admiring groups thla fostered his egotism and led to such indulgence in athletic sports as had drawn him into doubtful associations it was in the autumn and he waa returning to his home victorious aftor a aeries of nmutiiur events at a neighboring fair and utmost unsunaly intoxicated with conceit becntino of his aucccas on his way in passing u church ha wns attracted by the sing ing and stnpp 1 into what proved to be a religious rutherlnjr for rnyor tho clergyman in charge of the meeting was aiaklng about spiritual atrength and tho weakness or insuf flclency of human power or the ordln ary powers of nature for human help hsn com pa rod with it a storm hud urimn and tho wind almost drowned the speaker a words people looked uncomfortable in a lull in the tempest the preacher stop ped for a moment when the young man sprang- to bis fee bis face red and hla eyea biasing with indignation thla ls what he la reported to have aid you all know mo look here ho spread his groat arms before tho people i could rulne u bonchfu1 of with easo tho power you talk about can t do that owl muy hurt iu but he can t hurt me a shocked sllenco followed tho con ceited and preaumpliluos boast there was so much of audacity in the vaunt nnd its blasphemy wus so ttstondlng that the minister as well us tho audience wus ill- ncerted the young man then talked out f the room erect and arrogant tho effect of his impious intrusion wus such that tt impossible to contlnut tho meet ing before the last hymn could bo given out however a wild cry waa heard one or two of tho men hur riedly left the church to ascertain the cause and soon returned bearing the form of the young man shorn of its arrogance and pride and laid it upon the floor of the vestibule there was a gastly wound upon his head and he waa insensible 3t tluya tho ulhlote llngerud be tween life und death a long illness followed und he was unable to re turn to active llfa for a year it was found upon investigation that u tile l building near tho church loosen ed by the storm had been hurled by wind upon the young man head as if guided by an unerring hand how to win hor8e8 a woman was riding in a street car hen she saw a tnnp with ait over loaded team cruelly healing his horses because they did not go at once up n bleep hill she took nolo of tho name on tho- wagon and tio man and the ixt morning early she waa at tin place where the toam belonged bhu foond tho man and uaked him to bo kind enough to llalaii to her then sha made an eurne anpetfl lq him for better treatment of his horsu bs tore lr ivlns him aha handed him a little purkago containing a few lurrots und alll when you lomti to uuotlmr huid hill try thla txmody jump down from your wagon speak kindly to your horses an 1 give them u currot apiece a few daja lulrt shn got tho f mowing e maiwm you ure all right 1 ancloso a dollar i ill to buy carrots with for sutnu other pvoplu i triad it on my team und it did the work ilka a mlru lo i will stop and count twenty ttefore i over atrlkn a joras again to hurt him from our four footed friend be yourself dm you over think that while you novar wrlta your nutue twin alike it is ulwuy dlatlimtly your slguuturo nobody also can write t juat us you do v sports roc ignlio u f rgel algna tune without dtmculty in the hllllousu thut niako up this training world llicro ure none who look just alike twins sometimes come wry ueur it but kouvrully mam hers tt the same family can tell th two uiuirt ttouudnd veiy oat or tain ing ntfiuiiiua are founded or lite theme or the nii iking reaxuuulnnce he tween two people and hero uru whole history maea whore nature eme to huvn duplicated lu r work bujjhose cases ure so rule us tfivdly to count you ure uuliuo unit n ynui fell ws the only one nf your kind thee facts uro nllghtonlng um to the vuluu of personality tit try to make yourself oit the jiallerri of some pn else la to be ut cross purposes with j our creator imitation will nut gst you anywhere your one chance la to make the most of your own person jjtr proverbs of the chinese not all tho proverbs of the chines aro worth repeating but here are aome that are worth thinking about as weu leadership a good general hue no poor sold lorn power of worda a kmd worda keepe warm for three winters a word may make a atato and a word may mar it useiessness of worr the biggest hand cannot hde the heavens men do nottlve a hundred years yet harbor thl griefs for a thousand tbo grief ut age over the neglect of youth is vain vain scheming the myriad schemes of men ore not worth ono scheme of ood investment where no money ta spent no grace is galnc i if the pennies do not go the pounds will not i ome contentment ii u honcat fare that feeds and u th that warms when tho flight is not high the fill will not be heavy wntir may run a thousand chan is but it all ratumi to the sea fejich blade of grass has its own dow drop ruthought the man who takes no thought for tho distance has sorrow near at hand it j too late to reign up your horse en on a precipice and to mend n leak ut midstream timei an inch of time la an inch of cold a foot of road is not precious but another inch of tlmn la to be struggled fr i conduct cutting down u weed is not as good us uprooting it do no wrong by day and you will feur no demon knocking ut your door by night c rn are caused by tho pressure of tight boom but no one need be troubled with them long when so implo a remedy as holloway a corn ivemover la available things to forget if you would increase your huppl ness and prolong your life forget your neighbor a faults rorgot all the aujndcr you have ever heard jtor- get the temptations forget the fault finding and give little thought to the csuuo which provokes 111 1 orgot the ieculiarlyjs ox yo u friends and remember only the good points which make you fond of them forget all the personal quarrela or hlstorlea you may have heard by accident which if repeated would m a thousand times worse than they are it lot out us far us possible all the dlattgroeablea of life they will come but ihoy wilt grow larger when i remember them and constant thought uf these acta of meanness akes you more familiar with them obliterate everything- disagreeable from yesterday atart out with a clejm heart to day so thut you may write in a clean sheet for sweet memory a sake only thoso thing which are ptu und lovely exchange the boy we like iho boy who pvvr makes fun of ugu the luiy who doea not cheat in work or play- tho boy who ifover cull anybody bad names no mutter what anybody ojtlla him tho hoy who is never cruel lu animals tin boy who never lies even white ilea leave black mta uon the character tho boy wh never makes fun of a com union fur aontsthlng he could not bel tito boy who uys n when uskod to d a wrong thu boy who is always lourteoua to watmu and girls tim hoy who would rather bo right ihuti bu a premier buckleys bronchitis mixture cbiknhrv 075 why oo to church the church stands behind every movement for the social and roorml betterment of the community noth ing- more effectually rebukes tho force of wickedness in a city or nation s iffs the church is charged with the recovery of wreckage of society often created by other institutions of a city no wonder she seek a to pre vent tho things which tend to ruin lives in thu great work she should have the sympathy rather than tbo abuse of people in authority any persons or organisation which mak it harder for the church to reach people and do its work are menacing the very foundations of a city a social and moral well being one should go to church for the family a sake a father has no right to drive hi children to church while he spend tho day in sleep or a port a father ought to lead the way to the house of ood if ha doesn t he is not dealing- fairly with the family or the community church going muy be n habit but it la a good habit and ieopla are better und a community 1a the better for its recognition of god and worship we need revealed to us the deep tblrurg of the soul which are o revealed by church other things we have tried and found to fall when the human heart yearns for a deeper life for faith for satisfaction in prayer for forgiveness for moral power for some true grasp of ood and hope in death is the message of christ and the s though tho ministry of tho church that leads the way to the peace and understanding lay aside our prejudices and go to church moose jaw times for catarrh it la one of the chlaf recommendation of dr thomas eo lectrlc oil that it can be cured intern ally with as much success aa it can outwardly sufferer from catarrh wilt find that the oilwhen used according directions will give prompt relief many sufferers from this aliment have fouira relief in the oil nrffl have sent teatlmonlals profanity the troublo with profanity amy the editor of the vernon news is not so much that it la plain wicked aa that tt is juat plain dirty it la not so much that you shock religious people as that you disgust decent people that we object to 1l s w oarers are hodovers from a former century nowadays anybody who swears la set down at once aa being coarse and vulgar the young man who want to suc ceed wants to take advantage df everything that may belp him on and swearing will bs a black mark agalnst him in any job he may have and ir he wants to associate with the right sort of girls he must keep hla talk clean nobody wants a swearer in the office or in the work shop nor on the train nor in the hotal tho only place swearing- fits is the saloon swearing- means you don t know how to talk your vocabulary la llmlted it la a sign of brnoranoo swearuui means weakness you will hotlco that forceful men whoso words carry weight use simple plain words when you a wear it hows your impotence jt la the petty refuge uf the helpless an excellent protection against worms can bo got in millers worm powders they render tho stomach and intestine untenable to them they heal the surface that have become in flamed by the altaoks of the parasites und serve to restore the strength of tho child that lias been undermined by the draughts that the worms have made upon u and hat their oper ulloli is ullugithor health giving to be kept apart sparks und gasoline caiis and dynamite klertrlc wires and metal objects children und matches electric bulbs und isoojb or hair pins careless people and camp fires oas jots and lace curtains cual oil lamps and shaky tables forest slash and clgnretto stubs brush plloa and cureless smoker celluloid combs und hot hslr curlers lighted match und forest utider a hundred years ago a huu 1ml yuaru ago to day u wl ernes wus lure a mun with owdsr in hla kuit wetvc forth to hunt u deer but now the limes have ihanged somewhat are on u different pla a dimr with powder on her inwr go- forth lo hunt u mun dreoged down with aathms tho mun or weinan who la continually subject to aalhiua i unfitted for his or her life a work strength depart and energy is taken a way until lire be comes iv dreary asperlenco and yet this is needless- dr j d kellosr asthma ltemedy has brought a groat change to an army uf surferera it relieves the restricted air tubes and guards agalaat future trouble try it jack frost has arrived we have coal on hand to make him keep his distance 1200 1tl00 1500 12so 11 ao out of a lied out of shod out of shed out or shtl out of ehed pea slae per ton i ff car nut blse per ton off car furnace shut per pn off car bouletl manufactured coal off ca selected eg size pocohantua thla is tl e genuine article west virgin la fnl we know it acton j b mackenzie georgetown n meleqd manager acton phone 4ft terms cash shipped direct to u elll give eatlafactlon 1260 1650 1660 1300 1zj from italelgh revxii heres lighter weight longer wear better value wearing rubber i1 day ia tirewjne but since rubbers are necessary why not wear rhino rubber footwear each pair combines the least weight with the longest possible vajnr lua looter ufcbtallt bra edi thu footwr hi made from pabrwfehkhlno robber pro- rhxho rubbeshe tousb- ore canad ana extra otreactb est and nnt wear ratable tbak where the wear cornea seethe science haa yet discovered heavy ribbtos under the lacea whkh win wear up to twice aa thu la only one of the nutty looc aa ordinary rubber apedal c that makeu poaalilu far oa to back up the let ua fit you with a pair of ranroonoa rhino compare the wear h l harrison railway time talil mslannmomailwajs at acton no 15 no s9 no 3b sunday no 2 no so wo 4 no 36 no 31 no 14 sunday 8 03 a in lqitstn 12d p m 6 00 u m 8 so i tn 10 io in 7 06 a m 11 11 a my llgpm 6 ob pm 8 29 pm- 7 08 pin castoria a mother fletchers castona is a iiarmlcss substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants tn amis and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting oieerf ulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitation lwa look uf tlic ijnalurc of 6taj s direct ton a on ffh prli i iviiruni everywhere recommend it anadian national electric railways westbound alty exropl h u ml ay aiiy ally ally ally illy illy illy nlly 7u i 9 43 i 11 43 i 1 t3 i 3 z ii r u i 741 ess tbo und 7 43 fl 43 dally dally bxcept sunday a m dally daily 1 43 a 143 p m p rri p m p m dally dally dally dally pjn roes ad fralgnt dsllvsred by freight byschrht picked dress in toronto apsolsj sxp up at any diamonds of quality tf like most other things dia monds may be either good bad or indifferent fl a fine diamond is disttn guished by purity of color freedom from flaws and quality of cutting tf these characteristics com bine to produce the fire and rare brilliancy that is th outstanding quality of every true gem q we handle diamonds of flue quality only these wc buy direct in large quanti ties always for spotcash savage co jewellers gublph ontario sayfolks heres a real gift nearly all of you have some perplex ing gift problem nowadays havent you well heres bolving it for you make that gift a years subscription to sfffr arfcm 3rto ptmb whoever gets it will consider it a real thoughtful gift for ab our many read ers know this paper is always alive with all the local news live correspondence from the surrounding villages and good short stories yes as appealling and inter esting as any paper in the country so what could make a better christmas present 200 to any address in canada 250 to the united states or the british isles j

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