Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1924, p. 1

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i fiftieth year np 26 thursday corning december 25 l24 acton ontario canada thursday horning december 1024 single copies fivt cents the methodist church acton rgv jq0ephus culp pastor psreonsosrwulow st 230 p m sunday school 700 p m the huautlful cantata the nativity or christ a mrrry meithy christmas tooiiit members and 1h1kndh presbyterian knox phunch acton minister rv a c bttvrtrt m a mne wlow street 1100 u m tdo minister hubjoot tho parting of the ways 300 p m illtilo clan studio in matt how chapter 21 300 p m sunday school 700 p beginning unl strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor special notices for sale cutter in firstclass condition alio a largo boater apply to a ii bishop 261 fairview ave acton po flpf with manufacturing concern for an ambitious well educated boy 16 to 16 apply with references box 17 bueb press wanted bass wood iioltm in the round 37 or w long fi and up top ad vino keenen d ii others ltd 364 owen sound strayed to the premise of the undersigned two colt owner may have same by pay ins expanses- john mcdonald 2b3 lot 21 third una esqueslng cost on monday 16th inst on tho fourth line between lot 29 and the townjine horse blanket milder please return to r r no 3 farms for sale 4fi farm in the counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 100 acres let ua send you our list a number of homes and business places lnaoton for sale fire and life insurance money to loam j a- smith 1 real estau asaat notice the annua mketino acton fall fair will be held in the counoll chamber at acton on wednesday january 7 1925 at ss0 p m sharp business receiving the annual report of the auditors election of officers and dir ectors for 1025 tranaactlon of such other business aa may bo necessary c wooohalu w j akins president secretary acton- december 34 1ss4 we wish au our friends and cus tomers a merry christmas hwhinton watchmaker and jeweller ftuemor to lata oo hymn aotop toronto wonderland christmas dav a friday december 20 a 20 teas of the urbervulcs starring blauoha uuuet com edy romeo ana juliet fox news saturday december 27 merton of the movies an amualhg tain of u screen- struck youth taken from tho woluknown stage play with olenp hunter in the title role comedy there he oow hodge podge novelty reel monday december 29 the man they could not hani the story of john le vocul items to prologue tiy mid dor- een simpson prices adults so children a 6c tuesday deoember 30 miry find the gold att knjrllsh picture atoning betty balfour chapter 3 of metier stocking comedy vrortuiuu face coming hthe3eftawh r jv groorv son news of local import we wish you all a very merry christmas mill street acton h wiles the busy poet office felk the horde t worked people in town the past week has been tbe foaljofflco alaff under the capable superintend enc of ur j cheater mat the wa the enormous volume of mall matter has been akllfully handled with ability and promptitude courteey has prevailed under exceedingly try leaf conditions and the publlo has been served with general satisfaction conrjreaatlonsl banquet at knox church on new years night a oongrega tlonal banquet w be held in knotj- church the tables will be set in the baaement of all departments of the churchs activities the event wluh one of genuine interrnt tho toastllst will imi comprehensive undtirnely and a toul huppy new year occasion is in store for those who participate to one and all a merry christmas harry harmon the shoe man new u ff trva1llna bags and suit cases slipped on pavement fractured ankle on saturday evening about eight oclock tu mror arthurs simpson walking on mill street she hod the misfortune to allp on the icy pave ment when near the store of nelson a co in tho fall she austalned a com pound fracture of the left ankle the fracture was promptly reduced and the injured woman la doing well mrs simpson has rooms in the residence of mrs john lawaon corner of mill and wilbur streets acton hockey club officers for 1828 elected at-a- meeting holdon t a vn lng the following officers were elected for acton hockey club for the ensuing aeaaon presidents o t beardmore vicepresident j m mcdonald sec retary treasurer h biicker a town league was formed consisting of acton tanning co hewetsons the town and a team from beardmore c co and the high school a committee wiu elected coropoeed of a representative from each of the teama n gibbon acton tanning co e sweeney hew etsons e ireland beardmore a co l mcdonald town recovering from painful injury as the result of an acldent which occurred aeveral weeks ago in which aevere injurlea were sustained mr charles packer who resides on the first line on the farm previously owned by mr william robertson ha been confined to his home ever since while standing on a load of turnips the horses became frightened and started unexpectedly throwing mr packer to the ground a a result of the rati a blood vessel above the knee wa ruptured about two week ago pleurisy was contracted mr packer ia however now making good progress toward recovery the wardens dinner last week the wardens dinner tendered by reeve barber of acton at milton on wednesday evening of lost week was the evening in the county council annals or the week the din ner was held at the milton inn and was highly spoken of warden bar bers invited guests from acton were chief mcpherson omeer w j raid municipal clerk parmer n forbes thomas a morton john mcarthur w f mooney w d anderson beatty arnold l el atkinson hiram bwack- hamer john leuhman j m mc donald frank holm james b an derson and w j patterson mayyourchristmas morning be qjorious and your smile of christmas cheer spread on throughout the year serious fire narrowly averted on monday tbe residence of mr basil johnston second line erin had a narrow escape from destruction by fire a quhotlty of ashes from one of the stoves had been emptied in thej snow at the sldn of the woodshed tho hlsh wind which prevailed blew sparks against the walls of the shed tt 1 supposed and the sheeting was ib- nlted the fire burned through and rot injo the wood piled in the shed this biased up and when discovered had nearly reached the roqtf by quick work mr johnston and the neighbor who were summoned by telephone were able to subdue the flames before more serious damage had been done the 8m-vllu- armstrong wadding a quiet wedding took place at the methodist parsonage on saturday afternoon at three oclock when alias olla blanche daughter of mr and mrs james armstrong brussels who has been a member of acton school staff the past six years was united in mar riage to mr cleorge rao youngest son of mr and mrs ryfe bomervdie of acton rev josaphus culp officiated the bride was prettily attired in a navy suit und black hat and was un- lattended following the ceremony tbe happy oouple left on a short honey moon they will reside on the robert campbell farm adjoining tbe corpor ation limits and bounded on the west by fairy lake w- j akine receives gold watch in recognition of falthfuk servleee rendered offielslly at ebenexer church at wednesday evening between thlrtynve and forty mrmbr of eb enexer methodist church naaaaga w7attaiflfa thahbme of mr and mrs w j akin willow street who wero for many years active workers in the church there mr a kins had been officially con nected with the church for o longttmo and hla removal to acton was keenly felt by the congregation he hod been recording steward of the official hoard nnil hui rnrytrrnaurer of tho trustee board a compumnntury address was read by mr john norrlsh and a gold waxcbaui handmltnur aklns wesley ilcket on behalf of the con gregation dear mr aklna we your friends of kbenexer meth odist church nassogaweya circuit wish to remind ourselves and youjwt you spent many years lri active ser vice in our congregation and now that lpou huve severed your connection with ill we feel the effect of that severance arm desirous of expressing our regret of the loss we have vustolrted as we 311 to mind the years of as sociation we remember that you took an active part in all work that ef fected the prosperity of the congre gation as a trustee of the iuronjre- board and recording steward you were very faithful but as a trustee of the church you assisted in carrying to auooessful ending the greatest un dertaking the congregation ever at tempted and we so not fall to re member that as secretary treasurer of that board to you fell the very arduous duties of financing that un dertaking the more we think of it the more we appreciate the faithfulness of your service and tho success that attend ed those efforts as a token of our appreciation please accept this watch not that it is by any means an udequnte reward for your work bat an expression or our kind regards for you and mrs akin who as a faithful partner haa assisted you in helping us to support the cause of truth in our community we still would hold on to you if wo could but that la not tobe we wish you both many years of happy as sociation with the good eople of acton and congratulate them on gain ing what we have lost j t norribh a allison w pickett nassagaweya december 17 1124 mr aklns made a feeling reply and expressed his great appreciation of the very kind words spoken and the valu able gift presented it had always beon a delight to him to do wharve could for the advancement of gods i cause nntun the interest of the church i which he had attended and loved from bis boyhood days j other speeches wero made by mem ber of the company and a very en- 1 joyable social evening was spent the ladles of the party provided re freshments during the evening and the gathering throughout was of a very intereatlnr character cantata the nativity of christ the service in the methodist church next sunday evening will be devoted to the rendering of tbe choir of bedt- pera great christmas cantata the nativity of christ tbe choir has been rehearsing this splendid composi tion furs couple of months and have it in fine condition for a reverent nd inspiring execution it is a sacred cantata with carols and is just now very popular with the best choirs both in the old country and canada it opens wltji a classic prelude followed by s christmas csroc and then a solo jthe angel gabriel by miss bertie mjmlth und on through the fourteen marts to the grand finale ring out o bells mr amos mason the choir leader is greatly pleased with the effi ciency attained by the choir- with the cantata- rev mr culp lb pastor wilt assist the choir a veteran hslten editor the canadian printer and publisher for the current month has an interest iruf historical urtiute relative to the mllum champion and its esteemed editor major yilllam ponton a splendid pprtrqlf pf thp editor appears with thp kctfih tjip champion was rounded ly j a campbell in 1 and la therefore about putyflv years old the artlol ays if mr panton la nut t ohampton of canada us re gards service in the editorial chair he is surely in the championship class in december 1m3 william pan ton anil the u d w campbell formed a part nership and purchased the cham pion at the deathiof mr campbell he assumed sole itroprletorshlp and has all ie conducted both edltorud and business departments mr panton has not only conducted bis newspaper with ability and profit but has during the whole of the forty three years ful filled lit addition the duties of county cjerk for this county of uaxoa the first christmas the angels carol loud thelr onarjf peace to see thetr shepherd tho poor shep herds press giles fletcher police court news on the 12th lnsu inspector reewly searched the house of robert pe fcor- muton and unfortunately discov ered eight battles of oakvllle wine the fact that a con via t ion was ntada uurifaprlng for liquor obtained in do forests house rendered it not a pri vate bouse lo the meaning of tbe law de forest came before police mag istrate moore bast waxutesday and pleaded guilty to the charge of illegal purchase of liquor he was fined 60 and ooets the sale of twelve automobiles seis ed in illicit liquor traffic and oonfla- fsated by order of the magistrate in their respective cases yielded the sum or 13610 st the auction sale held in toronto last week the sale was con ducted by auction at the provincial police gsrage and attracted a larys crowd of bargain aeekers many f whom secured excellent values tbe fhrloes paid ranged from 1115 for u reo to lifio for u mclaughlin louring albert letluin pf rochester n y was rt nod 1100 and costs for a breach of the ot a on saturday afternoon by police magistrate itarr ut burling ton this case arose over the accident which occurred mi the toronto-hup- uton highway u wwk ago when u young boy from oshuwu bud bis arm injured a barber of aurura ajid u ohrlst- kuus cheer uppearoil in otuiuty pol too court friday morning the barber was ross m oe ley und the christmas cheer was u battle of itquur in bis barber shop musuy was fined 1300 and costs lestrr clemmer of kltgheitur was fined fltoo und sentenced to three months in jail on krlduy for keeping liquor for sale in u cur on december and was fined 11006 or three months for transporting ihgully over the highways in u car whlh tho fine of 90 und cost plus uno month wus lui- vosed for having u gun without a per mit christmab thoughts for stltl the blessed juytlmo f tho year te sacred unto thought of till tho heart holds dear us n jwsbssiu- high school coinrnencement arid at home a very creditable progranuaewu presented by the students which all enjoyed the reunion of the former students and the at home were pleasant features tlfe teachers and students of acton high school may welt feel gratified at thoisuccet of the commencement and at home held in the town hall on monday evening there was a one at tendance of students their parents and the invited- gu whllet he gat j t former studenfwsftio are now en caged in the activities of real life was larger than usual and covered a period dating from the opening of the high school twenty years aa-o- it required little observation on the port of the visitor to have him de terjnlno that the advantages of i course ut high school were msnl test on all aides the developroen of the growing faculties the growth of mental cultivation tho direction of thought and natural human activity into beneficial channels the blessing of proper environment when the devel oping youth and raajdar ore burroupd- ed by thinking active trained minds instead of influences which naturally debase the normal growth and turn thoughts and actions into courses which mar tho future and retard tho development justly duo and within reach of all young people who aro growing into maturity the programme throughout proved that when true and worthy motives ore inspired the result culminates in accomplishments helpful to the in dividual and pleasant and entertain ing to those by whom they are sur rounded the proceedings opened with a fine rendering of that claaslo chorus men of harleck by the high school girls amos mason kq who presided during the evening in a very neat speech congratulated the school upon lis splendid success during the year he suggested that next year instead of having the anomaly of the high school providing such a fmo entertainment to edify their guests and then paying all the expenses in curred that a more equable arrange ment be made let tbe school pro- vldo tho programme as ususj but give the guests an opportunity of meeting the expenses by paying a liberal admission fee the presentation of certificate and medals was a feature of the evening which was particularly interestlnr- thlp was entrusted to three former puplln of the school mr roy brown b sc lecturer on electricity at toronto university presented the lower school qerhflcater mr it p moore the mid dle school certificates and mr ii b njckltn bsc city engineer of ouelph the championship medals won nt tho high school field sports a october 4 mr brown congratulated tho stu dents very cordially upon their attain ments and strongly exhorted them to continue in their studies faithfully un til thejr desired goal is reached mr mooro was in a remlmisceut mood and spoke of the deslraballty of cultivating a veneration for the per sons and events through which foun dations wero laid culminating in pres entday opportunities and advantages he sold that the first meeting for or- gaubxalloi of a trustee board for a school for this locality was held in february 1841 that the lata john zimmerman greal- grandfather of miss minnie z bennett the present efficient principal of acton publlo school had donated a fifth of ah acre from the front of his farm tho farm now own- edby mr ward law for the site of theflrst school bulldlng erected over eighty years ago he spoke of the early trustees ninlan lindsay asa hall thomas moore duncan kennedy john speight oliver lasby br ed ward moore all of whom bad grand children and some of them great grandchildren who have graduated or who are now attending aaton high and publlo schools congratulations were offered to- the successful stu dents to whom certificates were pres ented mr it b nlcklln city engineer ouelph who is u former student of the hmmjvjbool here grof illy pre- sentadtne championship mvdal won al the field day contest jle empha sised the value of an allaround edu cation in a splendid speech he offer ed hi congratulations upon tbe suo- of the students in their athletic contests and commended their skill und endurance this wus ua it should a welltralliod physical frame was belter uble to win success in mentul study und culture he cited the en couragement given in this by the lute thomas t moore for fortyfive years prlnclsl of acton schools and ro- cullnd the inspiration gfven the pupils wlieit be enguged wmb them in their cricket sud foolball fames mr nlcklln us a former student in acton high hohpul wu proud of the success nf lcossirrduy students he wished present stuff uhd students con tinued success the club exercuus with electric il luminated clubs by i the high school buys was a unlquti und highly inter est ills invocation this was some thing entirely how tu acton audiences und culled for u ropltltlon of the per formance mr barker postmaster ut weston kindly supplied the tllusnln- ted clubs and assisted with their installation t he in u personal friend sirs mew thw principal und gwu- erously contributed his services tho girl stuged u pretty swedish lap dunce they wr preetlly cos- tuiniml in lmirn und gruoc fully went through thu evolution of this number the event of the nvenln whlcli most upneullrd especially to the past und present students was perhaps the reeding of the contents of ths 5y- opener the school journal ft articles were certainly worthy oure- futly thought out und cleverly written a credit to thu talented editress- miss heleu mcdonald of oours the per- smaaj usnis we sdw uuy msss news of local import hal ton polios headquarter new at barwe barrio has been ma do headquarter for district no 4 of the provincial police wblch includes the counties of york ontario peel hal ton and slmcoo and muakoka and parry bound districts inspector hughes is in charge of tbe office opened there yes terday and his staff wu consist of sergeant and two men serious acoldent in esqueelno john wooding aged 4c years m with a serious accident at hi homo at manse wood on monday he was climbing a ladder la the barn when his foot slipped und he fell ten feat binding on hi t hn wm renderad unconacloujf and when nicked up was found that his skull was badly fractured it is thought he will re- butter thieve sttll operating creamery burglars still appear to be emulating the work of tho three tor- nto thieves who stole tbe 6m pound f butter from the georgetown cream ery the night of the 24th of september quantities of butter estimated in all 1000 pounds were stolen from creameries wt streetsvllle uxbrldge and other place in york and ontario counties by a gang of men who are now held in custody in connection with robberies and thefts provincial police insprctors ward and stringer have ulreudy solved some fifteen robberies that occurred in the three oountles peel york und ontario since last oc tober these thieve made concerted efforts to rob creameries taking the butter to st lawrence market in ronto whore u wa sold wholesale la large lots and re wrapped for sale the method of operating is exceedingly simple but is the meanest kind of theft a trio of burglars with a motor truck can drive up to a creamery tbe middle of the night force the doors in fifteen minutes get away with ev oral hundred pounds of butter and morning b 100 miles from the scene ur their theft christmas day in the home chrlstmn morning dawn with sweetest memories the cages murr tnud of little voices will thbvmorntng forerun the lingering daybreak and in thu hour hfore light curious little finger will touch and teat tbe dla- dvd stocking with wonder and joy the un will rise upon a universal friendly greeting a sense of leisure und holldny a general impulse of gen erosity a feeling of human fraternity whloh belongs to no other day in the year yet everything on this day is apparently unchanged all forms and uspects are familiar but they are a little transfigured some kindly action has seemed to touch the eyes some welt of sympathy has opened in the heart this is due to what the phll- sophers call the power of aasoclat- on it is the remembrance of other similar days some one has sold that new christmas is but one bead upon the rosary and counting that we tell all the rest there is no day more welcome in all the year the senti ment of fraternity it is the day whloh is everjr year consecrated to recalling the sacred truth that- al men are brothers may it be a very happy one your home load carelessly left on highway mr calvin waddell funeral director erin met with an auto accident one evening last week which might have proved fatal he- was driving on the narrow roadway on tho seventh line and just after turning a sharp curve wagon loaded with logs suddenly loomed up in the centre of the road it was too late to stop the only pos sible thing was to pull for the ditch the road was wet and the aide motion t tbe car against tho wagon with audi force that tt turned it over into the ditch spilling the logs and damag ing the wagon upon making in quiries at u hear by form bouse was found that a csrtaln in dividual left the loaded wagon on the highway without a signal of any dis cretion thereon because his horses could not draw the heavy load on the slippery concrete the car was con siderably damaged but came to elrln under its own bower next morning mr wnddell returned to the scene of the accident and collected damages fqoient to repair the car from the careless party who left the load on the roadway mr waddell was indeed fortunate that a much more serious accident did not occur erin advo cate by the students lhemselvos and tu these hey created muab merriment miss addlo hurst who read the ttye- opeiiur read tho various articles in u wellutoduluted voice and vivid inter pretation and shuwed ttn ublllty from elocutlonury standpoint which promise much for tier future a very attractive covaf fur the rnagasine a chrlstnui scene in colors was akll fully drawn by ajim anna allison pickens christmas carol wu iput i in dramatised form by tile student in five act it was exceedingly well portrayed icvery one of the five stave morleys ghost the first of the three spirits the second of hroo hplrlta the third of the three spirits and tbe und of it was cleverly ucted it would be ln- vldoous to mention the work of tho vurlous players but the part taken by milton watson us old scrooge and marjorle luwson as the vision of jchrlplmum lrvent wore played wltn uittmklll vt uoied dramatists the cltrlstmun chorus ware truly wellraitdarud t ttio conclusion of the programme uu hour wus hpeqt in promenades and u cw dunces and u daioty luncheon und at twelve oclock the commenoe- mejitund the at homo of 134 came o very happy conclusion o mrs mew und her staff of teach- ers much credit 1 due for tho excel lence of tbe ontertnlrunani through out social and personal mis pearl somervlllo is homo from toronto mr oeorge jlgglns of auroru 1 home forchristraas mr robert stewart of port credit la home for a few holiday mr roy brown of toronto unlvor- slty was home over sunday mr ernest brown is homo from toronto for a couple of weeks miss marguerite stewart visit wl acton friend during the week mr roy brown of toronto univor- slty is home for the holidays miss vera hurst of toronto normal school is home for the holidays mr w a nicol of new york bus been spending afew days in town r w o c kinney of toronto university 1 home for tho holidays postmaster matthews hopes to tauo christmas dinner with his family to day mia jeun kennedy of toronto is pending the holidays at hur homo here x mia isabel htart of tara attended the high school at home on inmliy evening miss florence holme of tho tor onto teaching staff is homo ovor tho holidays mis france b hurst of rlcjiarda landing is homo for the chrlfttmna honrjaywr- r mr oeorge stonemnn of itorcinto visited with friends here over tho weekend t mr j m mcdermtd of georgetown pent a day or so this week with friends in town miss elisabeth e knapp of bud- hury visited with friends here u dny or two this week miss tena henderson of oakvllle i spending the christmas vacation with friend here ml margaret j macdonald of tor onto university la home for i ho christmas vacation mr ford gould of waterdown at- landed the high school at homo hero on monday evening miss dorothy nelson of avonlu and miss babro from muttlco are- home for tbe holiday miss eupbemla lalng of toronto v i lied mrs thomas somervlllo anl other friends during the week mr charles a g matthews of tor onto was here on sunday visiting his grandfather poet master matthews mlsse marie olive and jcnlo mowat of toronto ore spending tti christmas vacation at their homo hero mr and mrs q h brown are spending tho holiday at the homo of their son mr albert brown kitchener mr and mrs kenneth mcklnnon are homo from their honeymoon and have taken up their residence on main street- mr and mrs p a mclean and billy of chatsworth are spending christmas at the home or mr willlnm johnstone mr n ktoore was at quelpit on saturday visiting his aunt mra tho gowdy who baa been critically hi r several wfeeltlf mr george soper jr was taken with appendicitis on tuesday and ri- moved to tbe general hospital guelpli yesterday for an operation- mrs thos hewson and miss mar garet of norval visited a few days last week at tho home of mr uoo nellls pleasant view farm- mr and mrs r j kerr mrs oatrandar and helen went to west hill yesterday to spend the holiday at the manse with rev and mra mcleod ur and mrs albert b wlllson of georgetown anuqimco the engagement of their only daughter mary culp to dr frederick bar i a dodds weatlock alta son of mr and mrs alexander dodds perth ont the marriage to take place in calgary the early part of january 1 a d e new years night dane invitations have been issued by tho duke of devonshire chapter or the i o d b for their silver anulversnry dance to bo held in the town hall on january 1 masons ftveplece or chestra will supply tho music for th evening und novelty dunces with prlaes will be a feature miltons msyer entertain councillors mayor irving- of milton gave a banquet at tho milton inn mundity night the guests being the rotlrluu council of 114 town ofqolau mem ber of the press and other frlotiui after supper the evening was taken p with addressee by a number of prominent guests mayor irving wus highly complimented on the ablu man ner in whtoh he ulud the otnaeuud conducted te aftali of the town waltons ward en hip for 1025 ifr alclntyre reeve of oeortown held in milton last week that ho would bo u candidate for thu wuiden- ihlp in 1mb it is ubuut gooruolownri turn to get il mr main tyre tu been a member of the county council for two years with this experlunoo und his ublllty us a business man hu is well qualified for the position milton champion ths mom paper ths best a lady living not many mluit from forest called at this offloe a your ugo and ordered her floss pxxsd to bn dis continued because we are now taking a dally paper last- week she vaua again and- paid for the faaai pa for next ye saying that after nil tli home paper was the beat ouu nf her reasons for coming tu this wie do- clslon was due to the fact thut during the year the stork visited her hour and when sho sent thebirth notlcu to her daily paper sho was informed 1 1 mi she would nave to pay one- dollar to have it published and it appeared lu the fax pksss without any charuo- 8he is only bus of hundred of sub scribers who are realising more thiwi ever before that the home pupur i the best paper for the homo forest w

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