Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1924, p. 4

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wilrsra vsr v ojhr arinn 3xtt ftes thursday ljscb fbimuer 36 11c bon christmas why tlo the bells for christmas ring why tlo llttlo children alngt onop a lovely shining alar hn by ahepherda from mfar jently moved until lis light made a roanser oradlo bright f there n darling ufcby lay pillowed soft upon the hay ami hi mother tang and amlled this i christ tho holy child tlo tho 1mm or christmas rlna ho tho llttlo children sing ltfdla a c ward a christmas reverie how to market poultry proper uy if tho following rule ate observed in kill in and preparing poultry for market the beat market prices will be assured btarvo twenty four hours before killing alopoultry should ba un drawn ileada mutt always be taken off the baat method of killing ulva a ainall quantity of water juat before killing the ifcat method of kit una la by cut tin the roof or tha mouth lu on t you wish there eborp and long blodtj ot ft penknife ot ftnd y oou e a- tralr u knife mda for the purpose tha u 1m in kllljng la to touch tho brain at the base or the akull and cauae im mediate death the feet ahould be caiiffht in a loop of cord and the head u i lowed to hang downwards the in clslon in tha roof of the mouth ahould then be made how to pluck the bird ahould be plucked clean as noon after the killing aa possible for the operation la much eaaler when the body la warm on no account ahould blrda be ocalded by dipping them la hot water or by pouting hot water on the feathera to make the task of plucking easier prak the large feathers off wings and toll first then the amajier feathera of breaat and body remove the pin ssathora care- tully it la absolutely necessary plucking that the akin in no way be broken bruised or injured wipe away all blood stains from the neck or body and wash dirt from the feet and legs tho object la to have tho blrda go into cold atorage aa white sound plump and inviting- in appearance aa possible scalded poultry a rejected by all experienced buyers a case in point there la a community where the famlliea have intermarried to audi an extent that it la difficult for an out- alder to make the least criticism on one person without the danger of of fending some of his family connection when an unfortunate visitor com mented on thin fact to mr corbln the postmaster mr corbln nodded vio lently bill harmoju thats our sheriff complained of that no longer ago than lost week sold he you see it took htm mora than a fortnhjht to arrest nats olddlngs be cause nate gt wind that he was wanted on a little matter of lelllng hard elder and he went on a- round of visits amongst his relatives aunts nephews in law and i dont know what all and twasnt till be bad had hts fun and went back home to his wife that bill could make the arrest without seaming fo kind of butt in as you might say and spoil the re unions k i should think ho would make n queer kind of a sheriff said the vtejt- or waitlnf all that time for senti mental reasons and then arresting- a man when he went home just because his poor wits wasnt a relation mr corbln drew himself up and as aumed a remote ex that a as you look at it he said in a chilly tone j may be a mlts prejudiced in bills favor aa be mar ried my aon- in jaws youngest stater anything that concerns him concerns me you understand rail which would take you back to child hood and chrlalman thero ngalnt say wouldn t you like to go beck there to the houra divine for chrlatmas day and experiences that joy ao genuine that joy ao everlasting which to think or la a charm a when we were round the parents knee back at the village farmt do you ever long to mingle with your playmates there again and forget tho woee and worries of the ordinary man would you like to jiang your atocklng up with them on chrtatmaa ryot and dream of good old panta claui and the toys you would receive share in the gle at morning as at dawn you would arise and tip toe to the flre place and feast your childish eyes it matter not how humble was that childhood home of ours the period of youth apent there waa idfo a concordant hours and wouldn t you like to go back then have things in every way the aame aa in your infancy and apend the chrlatmas dsyt receive your trivial presents snd experience tho joy that you did in early childhood aa a carefree girl or boyt somehow my thoughts go winging st christmas holidays to old time friend and- places and oldfmahlpned christmas ways the modern friends made yeaterday their tact and ways are new thoae made in childhood are time tried and alwaya munch and true and i wish thero was a railway and that i could get a train that would take me back to childhood and childhood frlenda again c c slack why oxford makes fbw poet one of tha pussies upon which stu dents of literature have ions exercised their wits to ond a reason for the fact that more english poets have coma from the university of cambridge than oxford one suggestion is that the atmosphere at oxford has been too critical too much criticism is aup posed to dun the creative faculty bean inge writes in the church al england newspaper why oxford has produced j few poets compared with cambridxc is a mystery the moat probable explanation is the simplest that it is an accident but neither universities can boast about the way in which it has treated the wayward young- votaries of the muses oxford expelled sbeeley cambridge set a boobytrap for gray and nearly turned coleridge into a heavy dragooi magisterial philosophy mr e c tennyson deyuoourt for twenty six years a metropolitan mag istrate who baa died at his houae bayone manor teably was sn ex ceedingly able maalatrate with a keen sense of juatloe a not less keen sense or htlmor and much worldly wisdom some of his court obiter dicta ara a follows every body la a potential crlmln al ah good people get abused that hi one of the conditions of 11 fo on this planet one half of tha population wlu soon be officials for ths sdmlnlstratlon of regulations and the other half will be in the madhouse we deal as little with ths law here aa we jan we try to arrange things aooordlog to common sense round them all up an elderly msn of ultra convivial habits but withal learned and book ish waa haled before the bar of jua tloe n a country town tera charged with being drunk and disorderly snapped the magistral have youanyihlng osay why jdda rnent ahould not be pronouncsdt man a inhumanity to man make countless thousands mourn began the prisoner in a flight or oratory am not ao debase oe oe ao profll gate as ryron so ungrateful as keats eo intemperate as burns so timid a tennyeon u vulgar as shakespeare so h thatll do interrupted the mag s urate ninety days and officer tnke dawn that list or namea he men tioned and round em up i think theyre as bad a he is homely christmas memories r think it was the poet hood who kid i remember i remember tho house where i was born and eura beth akers allen said in her pathetic poem which for several generations has been a classic backward turn bark- ward o time in your flight and make me a child again just for to night- is with aucb augxeatlona that x would lure your memories into the isnd of long ago we win not need to pay any car fare to take the round trip back to the old houae wherever it was in this new world or in the old wher ever it la it will be among the meadow lands of tender memory thla christmas memory may uke un to some happy country aide ashore many and many a time wo played amid the music of tho old fashioned winter winds and what did we play back homot what are your modern automobile races which ao needlessly rlak tbe poor racers necks when com pared with those glad tamos back home 7 da you not recall just now the a tart ling venture of afldy overf who could forget what will you di when the black man comeat doe a anybody think for a moment that shinny on your own aide was not hllarlouay delightful in those dear old day back home as the moat stylish game of golf or the more atrenuous hockey ore now can an ungrateful person forget drop the handerchler and ring around rosy a pot full of posyr surely in this day we still re member tome of these things which we can never forget are we not even now back homo with those glad girls and boya in the happy land of play o awcet are the though ta of my childhood aa they come in the atlllnese of night they brine back the cot in the wild wood and the brook with ita waters so bright the birds that awoke us so earbu with their aongs in the old maple tsee the blossoms with dew drops ao pearly still they come in the alienee to mo and mary pressed ui rloso to gran1 ma a hand on that chruumac c when those atrange ahadowa fellov the floor that aame tom and m ara with ua to night and alnce tl far off chrlatraan evo they he found other nlmiloviv eomotlraer wherein the heart hae felt about f a stronger hand even than irnn mn a for homo time tbe himmiowb urn dep and rough aeema the path to th goal and sorrow sometimes how they aweep 11 ko tempest down over the soul hut even on chr stmus eve bedtlnv cornea at last twrlvqniontha fri chrlatmua to chrlatmas la a long tlm to wait for the gladsome visit of ri- old bants claua and who waa i tried to kill sood tianla claust lt no one lay a hurtful hand on him with him come the beautiful am snd the nulo of bell across thv anow he bring to full flower un 1 fruition the aweeteat or childhood dreams ho gti there the gladdest group u l around the fhrealde santa claua has brought mors that is really worth while to the worhl than all the soldiers of the centurlea on n materialistic mind could aoik to banish santa claua from our sorrow smitten world he helps to keep sllvo the gladness and the freahness of the world hi touch or sympathy and love will help to amreeth the wrlnuto from the face or age hla at ivor bells around ho chimney aide will keep tho tnualo in the children a laughltur the aunllsrht in thrlr eyes long live santa ctau the alocklncs on tho chimney op the mantle piece who doea remember themt the heel wna out of one and the toe was gone from tlm other but tbey were hanging on the chimney aide as late as the hour waa the klddlea in the trundle bed did not first it eaay to go to sleep that christ tnaa ever the patter of children a feet were heard a time or two after father and mother andgrondpa and grand ma had gone to thetr places or rest santa claua might come before mid night and the occupants or the trundle bed hod thought they heart hla foot fall and had gone to the cblm ney room door and were peeping in as they at lost went back to sleep a tiny girl with sunlight in her eyea and the midnight on her hair was heard to say in softened tones aa ahe put her plnken lips close against her little brother a ears ira certain hear thorns little bellths it musth thanta clautha that sweet scene or our yeaterday comes back to night mary and i here to gather are thinking over again those oldt daya of long ago which we found so happy tbe christmas dinner that was thing too ins for the descriptive word of any man even now 1 can smell the savory scent of the garden sage tho butler waa nude from the sweet creamy milartronx old blossom and the butter balls were as yellow as chunks of gold- that country cream was as thick aa old fashioned sorghum mo lassess on a frosty morning tht biscuits looked as if somo angel might have mixed the dough and were not angels around that dear old home at christmas tide and might not aome of them havo made that bread t on a huge platter of the old colonial blue at tho head of tho table was the great gobber who for certain reasons had ceased to gobblo ho was stuffed am full aa a aott pillow with eagey dress he was baked a beautiful brown juat the color of the ambrosial gravy that mother made lie was no aplndle ahank bird ofthe city which had been wickedly starved for a week in a coop that gobhler waa a beauty of a bird when the dinner began but be was only a carcass when tbe dinner was over and as for desserts we had bock homo at the good old country christ msstlde memories with news of local import just a word of explanation in order to niake clcr what acorn frequently to be a mlaunderstamllng we would iolnt out that all local item advertising events which are held for the purpose of msklpg money r- where n collection i taken come uli drr tha talccory or paid advertlslnif no matter whether for individual en deavors or functions of any organised body a good advert lama nt story here a a good advertisement story which la taken from the milwaukee journal an editor and a merchant were dlscusalng the virtue ot bill board advertising the merchant contend ed that more people read the bill boards thsn thn newspapers after n lengthy conversation in which neither men would gfve in tho men parted the nest week the merchant came tearing- down to tho newspaper office wanted to know why the obituary of his wife s mother was not in tho paper especially after he bad seen the cupy waa taken to the newspaper ofllce well suld the editor i know you wanted that obituary read by tho people ao i took it out and nailed it on your bjll bokrd flust think it loyalty ta the heme shop tho editor or this journal was vored the other day by a call from a canvasser for an out side prlntl firm and we felt better after ha had told ua of his failure to a single order in markdulo said that the peoplepr markdale had given evidence of a loch i loyalty found in very row places in ontario we ore ndeed pleased to be able to pass this information on to our readers senerally when reference is made by a local paper to the visit of a canvasser an outside printing firm it is ti complain because the local bualnesa man buys his printing away from home we appreciate the loyal ai port which has been given us during our fear years in tbe village and hope that by being loyal and air to our follow businessmen we shall continue to merit and receive all their printing orders markdale standard oldnt knew their store had them in a small town in tho american weat a region where tha mall order system of shopping has a treniendoua vogue a good story waa recently told at the expense of the local ahopkoeper when he came home one night hla wife proudly showed him an unu type of egxbeater she had juat bought from one of the mall order firm there appeared at once on hla face a look of surprise instead of the ptoas ure she had expected to find she asked him what the trouble wan wfjn ho replied x hud half a dozen of these things in stock for a year and ive been wondering how on earth i trait ever going to act rid of them the incident is being- used in the press to illustrate the value of publicity if it la argued a retail trader keeps his stock of household appliances secret even to hie own wife howcsn he expect to find customers for them london daily mall neighborhood news- town and country crank up hummor vnttlonri are over it la time o crunk ui for rluircb 111 mnud in tho man who cuu eudi an in ur and u iiuurt ci in a place of wrorahlp as well aa t wo hours and half in a place of amusement illossod la the man whoso watch keeps church time as wall ua bualnesa time illosnod la tho muii wliuso uuto bin he uro u piled in front of a church on sunday ihs is the rumlly that ii warm trw aa well am an aul cushion v did you ever hear of men keeping up their muclee on imply atomach many of ua aro trying to keep our mural fibre on tui empty pew am wan hlh ruatum he enterid ihto the- nyiiugogun on tha halibut h dny if chrlat needed the inspiration of jimi a houae how much more do we7 ye are tho unit of the enrth and tin listit or the world how strong will our influence remain without relit rionr itcmrmber bo bnblmth day anil koop t holy hi- much of the son ill we put into kundayt neglect not tho assembling of your lvoa together wn nood the church mid the church needu ua ikt not torgpi to invito tho other fellow too when you me lot ua mnko our hurch tho boat in tow i 11 gol w k uostlck burlington mr j h krocmao and family and miss ghent left on saturday to spend the winter in florida chief bmlth report that 690 lodger were given accommodation in thu police station during tho year tho drummer snack club ur oinklnu arrangements to hold theli annual mooting and banquet hero oi monday cvcnlnif december 39 the ladlea of st luke a church ho d their annual baxaur in the pariah hall on friday afternoon last and not wlthatamtlng tho unfavorable weather coidlilons it was a splendid auocess tho juveniles of the daughters and mnlds of england and sons of bng ian 1 will hold a chrlatmas entertain ment and christmas tree on tuesday evening december 30 at seven o clock wm ohent and son andrew havo purchased u form near st catharines and both families will remove to their new homo early in january anmt and family have been- life long residents of burlington and district ur and mrs molvln thomson i freeman announce the engagement of their only daughter muriel idareno to mr donald angus stewart of homll ton the marriage to tako place the latur part or december a communication was received from dr a il spoors 11 ilo oxplalnlnk tha extra duties in connection with his ufllca on account of mumps whoop ing cough measles olc stating it necessitated him taking extra visits to pool up und tako down tho quarantine curds and asking- r sco 00 additional salary the request was granted and ha waa paid 1250 uslary for tho year oasotto the- passing of felix arbour just helping mr thomaa q thompson draw up chair besides his wife a sewing ma chine the other afternoon and remark ad dont you think lre running bsa fast look out you u sew the wrong aeamt slow down or youll atick that needle in your anger i why whats the matter with your inquired mrs thompson pve been running this cnachlna for tan yaarv i was merely trying to aaslat yoa juat as you try tu help ma drlv our ear explained mr thotrapsmm uu it took a check for a new hat to squsra jl just tha m do you remember the sleigh ride we took on that moony christmas night while the sleigh bell sang their even sip song across the atalnleas anowt i can hear their alrverchlmes adown the long ewe lanea of memory now it was a atsrry night fur ramble and did you kiss and haver telir how cold it wss that beautiful moon light night and how it was positively necessary to snuggle up together the seat of the dear old alelgh was a little narrow any way and you juat had to sit up close and john do you remember that you were ao careful to keep the lap robes up anus ano warm t m you held the lines of the spirited horses with one hsnd utid with that other hand yes with that other hand ah me what shall 1 tnorv say about that other hand well in your great gal ian try and thoughtful tenderness in clutching after tho lip robe ou caught a ike white hand which had uocldently slipped for one moment out of the warm muft well howoould you help but catch it and how could le help but be caught dear john surely you rem umber how she tried to pull away hut of course john it would be ugly or you not to udntlrttutt ahe did try to pull her llttlo hand out of your bis hand but in all fair nesa you muat admit that ahe wsa ao bundled up with those wrap that chrtatmaa night in the alelgh thnt it was impossible for her to try over much and because you did not i i her get awuy john ahe is hem to night with you in this peaceful land and the voice of love is singing sweet aoroas tbe night well this memory atudy of the dear old christmas tide back home mighv like tennyson a brook go on for ever and does not the christina a christ hsk each of us and all the world to go on in tbe great gladness of bis love forever t wishing you all merry chrlstmaa and wishing the homo where plenty is not so manifest as in some others a real christmas feast i bring to a finish l christ maatldo memory with my christmas pealni i am thankful for the dows and dawna and the white light of noon and the gloaming in the open field and earth and the gentle light ofslars still minister to ma i am glad for the pity i feel for the faltering alepa of a and for the laughter that leaps from my llns when glad children are play there mary has just been looking over my shoulders and she says says she in her usual happy thoughtful way see here youve wished them all a merry chrtatmaa for yourself but you seem to have forgotten that ive been with you here all the evening and together weve talked over this story of christmas memories i want that you should wish all your friends- who are my friends too al my best wishes for the happiest kind of a chrlstmaa time welt j do and here you have our united good wishes to all and every j2k d c m it was not the intention of the wen r about whom ttr nils toll to pose as a hero he joined tho array art the outbreak of the war from some where in france ho wrote home that among other thln he hud u d cv when he cams home on a ahort fur lough to hla aurpriae the mayor couo ell lor a und the town band met him at the atatlon and conveyed him to the town hall for a banquet speechless he went through over thinr during the counao of his speech the mayor said how javoud they all were or him und that ho fully deserved the disuusulshed conduct medal then a light appeared ui the hero u eyes distliisulsbod conluct medal he d what they gave me waa the district court martial for pinch in hlcken sons of temperance relics mr john cameron john street one of the bust survlvinc trustees of the acton division or the sons of temper snee no si brought to thin office u couple or relics or this old temper once society which in tho earlier days had a most salutary influence on this unity one or these woo tho old brass seal of the order which has on its engraved face the atatemant that acton division h or t waa instltut od on january s 1scs far many years thla old society flourished anions the charter members were john spelsjbt john warren edward funjamln nlcklln edward and james moore robert warren george elliott t at hamluon bu7week mr john halt and others of tho early settlers who even seventy years ago were impressed with the evils of the traffic in intoxicating liquor the other relic brought by mr cameron waa a sorts of temperance pledge card signed by if p moore on june 17 187 as follow t the undersigned do pledge my word and honor qod helping me to neither mako buy noil nor use as a beverage any spirituous or malt liquors wine or ldor and that i will by all honorable moans encourage other to follow my ex ample witb his father a charter of acton a first temperance society and the editor himself a plcdg cd teetotaller for upward of fifty years it la surely not much wonder that the policy or the fsss 1rkbb ha alwaya been strongly in favor of the abolition of intoxicating honor for beventge purposes question of names while the atstement is true as juliet ltd that a rose by any other would smell aa sweet a hm j not matter of unimportance srttn people are making a failure or ufa hlefly because of the habit of ailing things by their wrong name some young folks say that they are not very strong when all that all them u that they nrotunry fvcryhody knows that hi sin ess is inexcusable but row of the lasy give their weakness the right name in tho aame way young- people whose villalnou torn per make the uvea or their close as soclatea miserable call themselves nervous or sensitive or something oue that doe not put them under the noc ty of bringing about an immediate reform anyone who saya to himself im ao iii natured that there ta no living with pie will probably atari t turn a new leaf if he atoiui with soy ing that he la merely tlftrtuus how he will onlj be sorry fot georgetown mrs d j matthews had tho ml fortune lost sunday morning to fall on tho ley sidewalk and fracture her rlst dr il k anderson m 1 ond ex warden john lltuo of milton were in town lost thursday the council grantee the sum of sis tu the committee in charge of the com rmunlty chrlatmaa tree mr tel llrooka of chicago spent a few days during tho weok at the homo of hla rather mr f w brooke while visiting her daughter mrs xwflfs wore different forty yeara ago when rolix arbour a stalwart young french canadian oi five and twenty began work aa a tslepbono lineman at otta wa in 1885 john a waa the triumphant loader of the government edward blake marshalled the forces of tho liberals and young wilfrid lauricr waa already manifesting that ability as a parliamentarian that was to make hlra inevitable aa btakoa succcasoi- as felix arbour went about his work in tho vicinity of tho old buildings on parliament hill he often got a friendly nod and a cheery oood morning from the great mon of that day they envied his aturdy young frame and hue smiling kindly face but now it la all different ottawa has grown to bo a bis city young men are n the seats of tho mighty and feux arbour feels that hla day is done bjs comrades of the bell telephone construction forces mettho other day to bid him farewell ere he retired to enjoy a wall earned real following tho mrtmbtatioa of an address accompanlod by an arm chair and a nmoklng set felix made apaxtlncaeeeh that promises to become a classic among telephone plant men ho said 1 am in good health and i thank god almighty for that i alwaya received just treatment from ray boaaea if i did wrong they told me and if i did well they did not forgot to praise me i thank everybody for the help they gave me in my- work- we did not always agree and had arguments but wa tried to help one another and it was all for tha company work in the companya interest and you will be working in your own interest every time i went up a pole x aatd to myself felix be careful if you fall off yoa may break an arm or a leg or maybe your neck although i am not now working for the company i want you all to know me on the street and as i go along i will keep my eyea on the wires and cables and if i aee anything that will cause trouble or make an accident i wlli report it- 110000 reward tho leading cftbtcn of a small country town ioai hla daughters pet cat he handed tho local newspaper an ad offering 1100 00 reword for tha return of the font cat a day or ao later he called at the newspaper office for news of the cat only tu find small boy nresent where is tho odltort ho asked the boy out was tho reply the assistant editor he continued out was again the reply where a the reporter tho printer where a tho whole bluff gone tor naked tho astonished man all out looking for your cat was tho reply which all goes to ehow that 1100 la s lot of money ex change i petp personal allusions personal allusion are never safe and seldom effective or happy an anecdote that illustrates this fact l that a solicitor for a charitable in stltutlon who vent to a woman a door and asked her for u contribution we have he said earnest ty nun dreda or poor roggud and vicious children like those at your gato and object la sir interrupted the indignant woman those are my own children cold winter nights and lower prices on wood these cool nights when you do not need a ore for long is when wood cornea in handy to take the chill off tbe house and what j will bo more welcome news is that the price has been reduced en tho following prices are now in effect mixtd slto hardwood gliba inrt short wood best body cordwood 4 foot lengths truwjfcoad 5406 load 1000 cord and at this season of the year it la more profitable to do your cooking with wood you warm- the house at the samotimo and yajxc fuel does double duty each load is guaranteed a pull single cord d a henderson phone 25 wb deliver promptly elf sorry for him the name a rose la called may nut make any great difference hut whelbcvwor not we apply to our weak ness the right name or aome aubatl lute rht leaves our conscience un troubled and our pride untouched iiims make a difference when your hair la silvery white and your cheeks no longer bright with the noaea at the may i will kla your tips and say oh my darting mine alone alone you have never older grown on chrlstmiia eve we sat around the fire place the wl la eyed ohlldren listened to the stories of grandpa and grandma about the dear old chrlatmas days how tho chrbamases of the centuries have scattered tbe shadows of our human sorrows with their sublime sunbursts of love bo it waa grandpa and grandma reelted many a sweat and solacing atory and the old quite all riqht llomuiwire to tramp 1 lows thlst you pramlaad to saw some wood i gave you dinner tramp i recall no such promise mn am the ideal 1 told you id give you dinner if youd saw somo wood ami you agreod iardon me madanu your ex words were ill give you tynntr if you saw that wood oyer there by the gate rxaotlyl thats what 1 smld well madam t certainly saw that wood over there by tho gate am 1 cams in the motorists child mother i dorothy you have dl obeyed your mother by racing ar und and making all that noise now you and in baklnc auplaa apnttvnd lb i t th pas th baautlful sanaa luhm nurtna a fw mlnul and gurauge- shadow ejuq vbarsli dorothy ive beat aned for speed a beautiful calendar the calendar to bo given by tin family herald and weekly star t f nt real to subscribers whose aub scrlpuimia are received in time la n most beautiful work of urt tho fig urea if he calendar are wmy to rettd und the picture entitled the bale f old dobbin is a masterpiece in colors suitable ror framing the subject of th painting is so full uf human in tereet that you wu1 never tire of look inat at it in addition to tho calendar and picture the family herald offers to each subscriber sn opportunity to win as much mm live thousand dollar in an easy and interesting vonteat a catalogue of valuable articles which are given as rewards for new sub acrlptlona can also be obtained frw from the publishers u the family herald the family herald as an in uni journal carries everything before 1u jossio henderson had the mlsfortuue o fall and break her chief jackson spoke to the council on monday re tbe windows in mr 1 1 us hoys pool room being painted and obscuring the view from tho outalde the thiuf was instructed to aee that the by law covering suno was on forced at their luut regular moetlnc th ladle uf knox church w m h did honor to tho memory or their late bo lovol tlor hov it cameron by resulting mi umeron with a fram ed w u h in uemorlum certlncatt on moml iy evening lout tho mem bers of knox church guild did honor i heir f oritur i rtsldcnl worker mr ived 11 wards wlio la now nttonilluc tho ontario college of 1har niary by preantlng him with an ad iress and a beautiful alr of go 1 cuff link mrs erc cleu for it number of ytjr an hon in 1 uuil omcleni loachor on the staff of our high hchool made tho reulplunl on monday last at the hands of the pupus und loachor or a beautiful sut of allffer knives and fork and it caiving met herald erin mr hartley dickson loft last wock foi moutkiro wher he has accepted a ikndtlon with tho union llank canada j a humid y fhliool concert will bo ho i in tht town hall on tuesdi oveninir jitember 30 mr wallace harbour hillsburg shipped wevurnl louda of live wtock to toronto hiht w ek fur tlm chrtsti market m rstr m turswell tihd c irlulo still the bun lest men in tho community in etita r tin- tjl i mtd frost they mako u tiuik ti dully in toronto with hogs veil mchjochiile hon of tho lata donald- yli marguret molvechnle krlndlddvfit tho general hopltal nelson 11 on kr ill ay december from un uttftok of pnuumoiil i mtkchiil was 4 yeara of uro n hod been u resident of nulaon fo the mut twenty nvu yntru ho had i hid conn 1 1 don in the lumber huitl i osu at tin last meeting oft o u no 13 tho tallowing oltlt era wore oi ootid for the viihulng iciil win wheulnr w u i wright d m it 1 hun tr it h 1 ii hcult i h itev j a isvinm chupllit h j koott trtm unr th h iti bluaon d m ii it l o ii h itt 1 roberts s syrup s for coughs colds aid bronchitis g dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be it a t browns drug store acton monday january 5 anyone suffering from eye strain defective vbjlon or headache should trot rnlss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist consultation free office hours 9 a m till 6 pm get yoiuylob printing at the free press wlitnl jumo luili l u uum c esme u ps t porothy till ijtue tssijav i happv marriage madge uonl bo happy with thin decrepit old man even though he la rlctlit oh i don t know someone has eald that the happy marriages is where ahe iajres tarjif hla ills an 1 he takes caraef far bhls lloston trwnserlpt fa wuhin tor da rain storm wheo the drought comes rouu wond rln why dat sunshine keeps a dryln out h jffoun hetteoacop dls kick in doesn t help a bh forrto weather what you hae la all yous gwiater glf win dli ksoii ltellrhig mtiatoi on kittuidiy veiling u lurge irnlih former tit tht cutaiuot lower house burn o i out an t the vlltugu wu in dark ne until monduy von ing- the llbhts inhltf off ilvnr tho week en 1 put mmiv l i onsl leruble hiconvt nlenoc not to uiniitlmi thoan who depend on thttxjio trl nwriry fu p wer uf var- iouji uipmim am ti c iisu4uenro tha alvicale u bohlu i lh m hedulo this week adtf cote no need to ask pne after another thu neighbors hu i nine in tu u tmira tho new hahy that hu i arrived at the j one household uttlu mury wm rothr fed up with ull the munition that was luvlsbe 1 un th i in wo mei- attention whii h tin 1 up la ihoii bean her doc the baby tui usked uin of the friitnda of tho family fumlly no replied the liauy a disgusted slater the baby doenn t nrixl to talk duul t in ed tit talk exchtlmud till frtendaatonlahed no 1 said tht llttlo girl blttuily all ihihy bus to do la to yell und it gets everything woth having in hie houae aesops advertising fable onco upon n tune- there lived a merchant prince who inserted a small advertising card in his local paper the world and his wives rushed to the store and the great uatllc of push and take occurred the merchant prince did such a tremendous business as a result of this one small advertisement that ho was able to retire and spend the rest of his life playing at golf i ulk yet msty itda of tho rami that is a fable but it still represents some folks ideas of advertising advertising wont make any man or firm rich over night but if intelli- gently used with peraisteney it will mult- ply customers increase turnover swell profits and build such goodwill for the advertise us nothing else will get die facts from the acton free press a mans advertisement is your invita tion and your guide it means that he wants and appreciates your business and is proud enough of bis store or service to advertise it shop where you are invited to shop

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