Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1925, p. 1

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fiftieth yearno 27 thursday morn ing january 1 1025 acton ontario canada thursday morning january i 1025 rrrr- slngle copies five cents the jiethodlfet church aj rjpgphysculpaotor tarcbnaflbwiirow st 1100 u mtho minister subjoct a walk wltb god into tho future 2101 p m sunday school t00 p m tho minister subject vtrcalurco of tho snotf a happy and prosperous new year tm presbyterian knox church acton minister bov ac otowort m a manoo willow street jl00 a m tho mlnlbtor subject it la not ourselves communion service 300 p rn- bible class studies in matthew chapter 22 boop m sunday school v7o0 p mtho minister subject tho sermonpf ppntecoat strangers leaving address with the ushcra will bo callod upon by the pastor special notices atlvcrtenctneots in this column j centtf per word minimum chame 30c per iniertion for rent comfortable room to lot board if deulred apply to box23 freepress for sale three heaters in good condition apply to i k hanger mill street acton wanted basowood bolts in the round 37 or w long et and up top advisp keenen brothers- ltd 204 owon sound for sale swoot croam 30 cents por pint japplyto phono 102 w dhyodno main st n thirteen 11s case of thirteen months in oifr store calendar no we havent told you about it before jour twelfth month is the giftproviding month endingon december 34 the couple- 6f weeks immediately following the busy christmas season areapt to be a yawnandstretch time in order to avoid any such morningnfterthcnightbefore period we have tnstitut- ed the thirteenth month extending- from december 26 to january 10 to be enlivenedkbyluckylittle happenings all over the store with such substantial mayings that- everybody will agree its a lucky 13th 1 i 50 coats third off for your very own self a lucky 13th saving on the smart new coatj you denied yourself while buying gifts for everybody else regular prices 525 to 148 reduced prices 1665 to 965 7 100 daytime nd evening dresses netbirw the evening dresses in georgette and xanton crepes v regular prices 24 5352w reduced prices 16 to 3465 afternoon dresses in canton crepe satinfaced crepe and crepe romaine ftwidarjpricefl 1875 to 45 lfeducedhi2gjto st for sale two pomeranian pups for partic- ulnrn apply to x- atkinson r r r no 1 georgotbwn for sale j cutter for- nolo lo good condition iroodaa new apply tb7 m williamson quolph street sloop slen3rl8 for sale a pair of btoop sleighs bdtn make apply to john williamson guolph st acton strayeo to tho preftvhios of tho undorclgniid wireocolts owner may have name by paying cxpbnbba john mcdonald 263 lot 21 third line esqubslng for sale z houno on scone strool small pay- mentjjpwn and ton dollaro per month mb alger llmcmlchaolst toronto auction sale the 100ncro form farm stock im plements and household offocto of tho lato john croon will bo soldoh wed nesday tanuary 7 commencing at 1230 oclock at lot 20 ninth lino erin roy htndley auctioneer erlnkhono farms for sale 4s farms in tho counties of halton wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres lot us send you our hut a number of homes and business places in acton for sale flrp ond ufa insurance moriey to loan j a smith real estate agent l aoton ont always in demand flood automotive moohanical and electrical exports mechanical don- tihta and bnrboro aro always in do jnnnillat larso tmtnxles jotnour traln- 1b institutions and becomo one of the many thousands of satlalled iiuc- eeboful graduates short timo taken tlv learn opportunities and snhfriob unlimited wrlto to uopt s for itiieeial offor actnow hbmphlll tlajnillkiikitltutlonu l3kingstr toronto m how much care do you give your eyes not as much as you should if you aro lilo mpot people if you are required to uuo tlimn much for noar work tho way to caro for them is to help them with glasses our duty is to determine what glossos yoiiroaulro and to see that you sot thorn it ia decldodly to your advantngo to make us anoarly visit a sjwth optometrist 20 upper wyndhsm st puolph aomprtablo vision spoolaiut for 2 b years k new years dayjan 1 broken barriera v a story of our times new morals for old with a cabt or ton popular stars comedy our gang fox news no show on friday jaiuary 2 saturpay january 3 the flcmale adnptod from cynthia block- leys novel balla the xjon cub atnxilpc hetty compson i comedy incrvo tonic hodito portbo i- tuesday january 6 lio quiltjr one alarrlntf agnea ayrox olinp- ter 3 of ioallior stecklngu comedy creation pieiuio teach er v v coming saturday january rr eswi wk smart hats among the ucky 13th reductions some reduced js much as half price two tables 250 r and 500- s satinette underfhingsbloomers reduced from 150ttp 119 slips reduced from 198 tol2ft- 1 boys overcoats in the 13th month all sizes up to 16 years values up to 1350 for 985 d e macdonam bros ltd wyndham macdonnel and cnrdcn streets 1 tranaforrod to holsteln whoro ho wilt ove j w blaln accl coun- news oi local import mnabnio jnaullatian ortflt john 1 nioh the ofllcera oiwucrlodso a f a m no 32 j wore ino tailed by w brodr jamcnivon lout stttuc- dny ovonlng 7thtvannwraary of the festival of st john tho kvangoliat thoro waaffool attondiinco of mem bers and tho installation coremonlea voro improaalvo u s consul office at quolph closed became of ill health jameo kyoraon for many yearo united state a connul at guclph haa tondered his renlernatlon to tnlto effeciratr once tho announqo- oht lo made thut aiter jfanlary 1 tho conoularofilca will bo cloned urtil fuither notlco and that in future all buslncflo will bo done by tho amorlcai cwauufatjxliuiillton important real estate chang mr joha wllllamflon church street hno purchaaed frobtf mr neil patteroon tho pattcroon blocu at tho northwoat corner of mill and main fjtinrcts in thio flno block there la dltuatod the bank of nova scotia tho moatmarket of mr w j patterflon tho dcqtal o flic oa ot dr qollop two realdcneoa and a email ohop in tho roar mr williamson cetfc pooaoaaloii of hlo notylyacauired propertytoday channoin bank of montreal staff mr c f xucad accountant of tho bank of montvcal atantuao been hayo clirirffo of the branch his re moval from acton iff regretted but hlo vrlonda horo are conffrotiiatlnff him on hla preferment hlo oucooaaor will bo mr f lewia of toronto mr and mral- liowia will take up thole jrobl- tipnc lu m c wny diip hnuao on ijchurch stfoet t mr the last christmas malls the mallo on chrlutmoo ovo and chrlatmoa morninff wereruio jargeat weekend specials assortedtaffies assorted taffies including butterscotch nut taffjl and peanut crisp reg 30c lb weekend special 5c lb assorted chocolates assorted chocolates with hard and cheey and cream centres reg 40c lb weekend special 32c lb wishing lyou alla brightand prosperous new year mill street actoi h wiles v ft l grkttotty son to our customers we thank you for your pat- ronage during the past year and wish you all a happy newxjjpr harry harrison the shoe man iaw f-lnt- of travajunp 0flbd flulr ga theroworo moro chrfatmoa canto than ovrboforo nithonlu mxtar pooia- wcro upward o of a thousand jmussqib ir jtho j3hriotnaa morning deliveries the rural routo carrlcro woro ovev- uliolmoa with nuill mattor thoy do aorvo great credit for thelfplendld wprk durliiff tho thriatmoa aurfeltof raojrafttfijrr pattersons guessing contest in pdttorqona ueaalnlff tontoat x tho woltfht brtho two babybeef car- caaaeff which have bjiuvon display at his main stroot ntoro the pabt wopk mr jameo ramohaw wow thr 10 ijs roast off no 1 baby beef with a ffuesu of 481 pounds and the correct wefffht of- tho animal waa 4804 lb a on ani mal no 2 mr jack biltons euooa cf 374 pounds waa clouoat to tho correct wolfiht of 372 ibn thp conteat haa flttrred up a lot of intercut amonff thoa oxporloiictd lajudfflnff woightb narrow escape from asphyxiation loat saturday morninff about flvo oclock when tho houoehold of mr falrbanka bakery beijan to otlr for tho doyfldutloa sovoral of them were found to be almost ovorcomo from ffaa fumea fromtho furnaoo lnthobaeo- ment sovoro headaches prevailed and mica knowles pchram in going from one room to anotjjer waa bo ovorcomo that one fell down etalrn fortunately aho waa pot seriously in jur od tho doora and windows wore opened and in a little while thoao who were affected recovered had it not boon for tho early rloors tho conao- fiuencea mlffhtjmvo been serious tho furnnco ifl a new one and quite tcab probf but unfortunhtoly tho ambko flue had not been rovorsed after the nlbhtaoupply of coal had boon put on retrial of the 30 chsmloal co whon tlio ofllcera of the ffovornntont took proctodlrba t pollect tho nonalty bf jlopo impoaed upon tho 303 chemi cal co- of toronto om tho chorffb of polling lntoilolitlnff liquor to tony seynuk in noveinber uws counsel for tho company put in aiploa that the company was not properly ddhlriatod in tho conviction they woro nomod tho 303 chemical company instead of tho 30 chemical co limited this in jlqcjiolthofactthat all correspond enco of tho said counsol with the court reforred to tho compnny without tho afflje xlmttod this play on toclini- cahulrt roalpect tonomo lp a com mon procoduro with some of uilfl clasa of dealers fortunately tho tlmothad not ojtniredyorlaymg a n lnforma- tlonand this courao was purouodfjno nowtrlal ia fixed for 10 oclock satur day niorhlng in the town hall hero thnnkino the wardsn l- at the laut s of tho county council mr htllmer moved that tho thanko of tho council be and ire bpro- by tendorod to mr poor so bartieror tho courteous able and impartial man ner in wjilph ho an proalde ftvr uie delippratlpmi pf thfl county council and rpr tho carpal a ijmnt ftt- tontlon blpn tq nil county ufineflb during tho year 1ijs4 fjtr woo oftr- ried a qtnaillff viftt0f tl mam- beia of tho counoll had spoken in turn axpreaalner their appreciation of the mannerlnrwhichth warden hm con ducted the businesa of tho cpunqll during the year mr morden preeont- odtho thanks of tho council to the warden in accordance with tho reso lution tho warden thanked tho council for the kjnal tblngro said of him atd expressed hta gratification thnt the manner in which ho had con ducted tho buulneaa of tho county had mot with thoapprovai of thirmom bora an inspiring mutloal service the evening- aorvico aot sunday in tho methodist church was devoted to the rendering by the choir of that splendid sacred cantata tho na tivity of christ this flno mualeal production was suns with the spirit and with tho undoratandlnerandnrpvr od a very devotional and inspiring nervine tho choir which wa un- esquesing nassaqaweya and nelson townships am by acclamation there seemed to bo u doalro for election of council without content throughout tulorcounty on monday ksqucalno naaaacaweya andjnelaon townuhlpa all elected their councils by aaolamatioh tho tolico village of campbellvllle aiflo took thin courao esquesing at tho nomination meeting on mon day -recvo- hampshire magnanim- ouflly dropped out of the contest and the result was the election of tho coun cil for 192s by acclamation as fol lows roove w d applebo accl deputy reeve col brown accl council wm gowdy thomas leslie m- j carton accl nelson in noleon township tlie bamocqursq was pursued arid the- council- for tho present year wiirtie reevo t h foator accl deputy roeye ix mc- arthur accl counpli e roadhead h potflt leslie peer accl trapalgar trafalgar has a contcot for roovo deputy roovo and tho nominations are ns follows reovo wh morden dr j a johnuton deputy vreeve a a galbratth s mar- iott council j waldbrook a a buck v hall u 8tevensop s mar- latt g king w cookg harknbaa milton 1 tho county town elected its mayor and roovo by acclamatipnfbut thoro aro contests for 2 councillors and school trustees tho nominations are na follows t mayor john irving accl cluors j imasctod g t smllllo t coxor b syer w morrison g h dawson w gamble e p- earl it mclemonts- dr- jl king hydro commission a a armstrong accl public- school trustees north ward l-h- uobl n sonrb forist dhumoi- south woxdw-e- mccrbady accl east ward t a hutchinson dr j l ij campbellvlfclb councjuw j moore iva whecl- ihan w d steward many christiiias visitors make l homes happy llwpwnilyatherlngeiiihwanjr nsuinttycar amt president dr mccall slllton homes in this community ww wut mw accl hydro from toronto over the holiday w the hiotory rthaacfonlfora t- b cttrbprt b o mrs galbraith and mlso joaslo jbpfflt7jgliilatift mfpviotowsrmgor spent jghriatmafl at his mother home in toronto y 4 menzlco j m wore e p moiion reove robert thatcher couhcll- lora win harrla and prod smith l bitjorosa reove7 w a dlckleoon and adam- wood councillors joaoph ruther ford wm hortpp arch mcnabb b alton and wm bwatujon chinguacoust roovo t h elliott deputy roovi wilbur little councillors norman cmeronr aibcnt floming and fatox mcfarldne all reclamation make merry a qoodlv number go oui of town to spend yuletide with friends mr maxwell boll of toronto p mr tom morton of toronto mr charles gibbono of detroit mr will bobcrtson of toronto mr charles poldham of detroit mr george anderson of oshawa miss myrtle dlllti waa homo from toronto f mr e j moore of toronto waa at moorecroft mlos kolllo rooaor in visiting frionds in kitchener miss helonschram spent christnaaa at her homo here mr harold kennedy of detroit was homo for a few days j misa ettlo dilla is spending a few holidays at her home mr austin rjeld of stratford wutfl homo over tho hoirday miss gladys huffman of toronto wan home for christmas mr jordan lawson of toronto was homv for- n few holidays mrs gorgo edwards- tsv visiting friends at yale michigan mlaa bertie smith of toronto was homo over the woekohdt mr arnold mcdonald of osliawu was homo over tho holiday halton liberals elect officers thsy ropreseht all saotions of tho county civic and rural attic annual moetinc of tho halton llbclnl association hold in milton the follownff offlceiro wcro eloctcd for- tho thr w h millar opont tho holi day at his homo atmiidraay mm r f yrotn of to aont thfe weolc with relatives here mltu marenrot kennody was homo the old yeafl and the new back from tlmoo ovprchanffine ohore rolls nlnetoon hundred and twenty- four and on tomorrows gladsome morn another infant year is born up from the futuros mystlo depths tho new taar comes with faltering fltops to talto its predecessors place and run its course a twelvomonths raco tib dying now tho jrood old yoar mayhoblo deedslts rocord bear wesleh to seo it pass away- wo smile to greet tho now yoar day toll bolls toll for tho dying year tho flowers are withering on his bier his icecold breath they cant sur vive i to nineteen hundred and twentynvo when momory takob u calm roviow ofjthlngs slnco this oldworld was new- somo mako the- brow contract with pain and some brlnff back the smile acaln the year gavo joy to many a ono otlvors their earthly raeo hovo run whlio sorrows silent heart runs tear speaks of departod days once dear oh thero aro vacant ohaira tonight and durkened homes thatonco wero bright t bright with the smiles of friends laid low lb bcdabonoajh tho dooponingsnow but blessings bounteous have boon given w6 lift our grateful hearts to heaven and traco tho source from whence they flbw to him who doth all good bestow so whon wo bid tko old goodnight ajideroct the nowwhon dawns ibb light with hope and courage lot ua atrlyo to better lives uuraughout twenty- nvo may wo in all wo say and do to motlvosjpurv hbcvorruo tliat whon woslian fbvtow- eacli vedr twill bo with hand una conscience clear r e crlpps rockwood pocombor so 1024 a great loss to oakvflle mrind- mra boctmjuion of klhfifs- ton wero hero for tho holidays mr s s russoi of oakvlllo spent a day or two with friends in townl mlsn maud cook of toronto visited with friends hero during tho weolc mr jack kennody jt detroit is spending awook at hie hotno horo mr j ctindsay of toronto onvt vocslty was homo for the holidays mr harold kennedy of dotrott spent tho holiday at his homo horo mr carl wllllnms of sault sto mario visited friends in the old honv mr george jlgglns of aurora spont a few dnys last weok at- his hbrao here miss kmma robinson vlaltod her bomo at konllwprth durlngjjio wook airs h switior and ooorge aro spending a week with friends at pals- loy o mr cocll huooton of toronto is apondlng newdears with friondo in town mrs garvin and miss margaret-qar- vln aro spending a weolc witnttbronto- friendo the misses conway hayo boon homo from their respectlvo schoolflfor the holidays mr r a j little of oshawa spent tho wokond with mr and mrs c h harrison- stir leonard ridgway of poritlac mich visited friends in acton over christmas miss clara brown of ifew hamburg spont a fow days during the week with friends aaro mr and mrs goo somervillohavo boon visiting friends at brussels dur ing the wook- misses irbnc gibbons and marjr dunn of guoiph spent christmas wltn acton friends mrs edwin decue main and well ington strooto has boon seriously ill the past week mrc k mcintosh and his son grant of oshawa wero lth rolatlvos in tlio old homo miss lorna kennedy attondod tho qalbraithdlckleson weddtngvat- tor onto on tuesday mirattrnlanirstoirtchrtbtmabat tho home of bis sister- mrs john mof fat richmond hit misses jearr 4nd anna lindsay of toronto woro at their homotor the christmas vacation t jst hlceprespatil fisher bur lington 2nd vicepros e a harris bur lington v sectrcaop d dowar hilton vlcopresldontq of tbb different municipalities i actonrtcntnmcr woodhalir- burlington s wfawcou milton pvi robertson oauvllle h b robinson aeorgotowntjohn mason- trafalgar 1 und 2 r jnrvlo 3 and 4 mr- ateveno g archie galbraith 0 l mbray 7 qoldwyn gregory eiuiucalngl and 3r6bort cun ningham 4 j l mooro c w a wilson g e tj barraclpugh atabsaffawoya i drcarbprt 2dr mctaggart 3 stanley fulton nelson 1 and 2 f d ghent 3 4 and 6 c readhoad c vit f w fish er 7 w dflatt executivo trafalgar duncan bold and chas t hill neloonwm harris and jacob smoko nasaagawoya d campbell and f a whoellhan bsqueulng w j l hampohlro and wilfrid coxo qcorgotijwndr hcfatb and- fi wrlgglcawbrth oakvllloa s forotor nnu w n robinson burlingtonhughob cloovcrand o- w rhymao milton d s- robertson and w j clemonto acton d a henderson and j r jrntshw p the chief lndltry marlatt a arni- in t r hun the oakylilp av- eavp thlp rogfet- ful newa n litbtwmi it yiaa with profound regret that tho people of oakvtuo loarnod on wed nesday that the towns chief industry tho tannery of marlatt and armstrong was placod in tho rocolvoru hands the statement concerning the neces sity for such action is as follows tho marlatt armstrong co ltd is in the hands of a receivor and q t clurlcoon was yesterday appointed trustee mr clarkson proposea to contlnua tho bustnoss for a porlod tho length of tfrhabbirigundoeldod the impaired condition 1b really tho result of tho great loss sustained by the cancellation jn1920 of our largest oontractrttar buruon ttotng carry than wo roallzed and making it imposalblo to carry on under preobnt ntinncial arrarigomonts and as it has beon shown that the patont leather portion of our bualnoas hns been suc cessful it is hoped that iv may be pobalblo to reorganlko to make somo arrangement to continue its manufoc turo- we intend to do all in our power to see that our employees will have continued employment for a yoar or more the t haa uounlly wollbalanood for tho several k unusually buity in filling -marl- parts sang with a harmony toclinlque and volume which- ompltaalxed the rovoront sotting very strongly tho solo nmvriuot numbers woro sung wltlf flno olfeet ind thjr corup nftotloq solo andduot numbers woro sung wltlf noarytbo bflnlc busy t a tonl rfiv 6f iyle- woro impressive und sntenly nftr- monlou thalonulhg lp parts wore tnkori ly miss bnrlornth mt mo eflrl kmi mrfi- lny mlwneaaqr uikv jtyjhhrs p ftayngn n pollyogp fi- m itpt sovb- amrs min h ili rfluipr burf mw plmlrr mu klfluflwi ffl1t fivt ln oepyico in thn boi iftemjm wwi wl mfw mfl milpnttm organist tli frhvtp muph in tho vrv crwdltawo results nchlpyd mr amns mason tho iliivinnfen imiy woll fool pruuil of flip aiionulalmnnt lf his chnlr oh ills flccasnn thuro was an unusually lwjfo 0ufauu whjoi aan orders for paterit ksatlmr innd shilimonth woro made nlmrst faly in ptliorlenlifrliitmi tniflp un nft1ifon oyer two l imnfls woro uvt jsy t a tonl rvdf wne- fw yiui 1 grand nsitot to our town wugoithnats fan to llvo thousand aoi- lars a wook and oynn hbheri thlri vvttii pf mitdw advailtauu to ovoryonu in oivkylllv partloulawy tho mor- chunja tho industry was ui every way the backbone of the town art it jiajfjitwiv fnrovor two doouiies a dr i wjnowlo ro gradiuto of th itoyb1 cllbo f solence eye- nlht specialist tortlito wli b at the station hotel on daturday jan uury 3 from 10 o- m to 030 p m tor mwwlniktmb md nmta o ifiaem- tffrrnridhrh albert reesor and miss nolllo spent chrlbtmaa day with rel atives in hamilton mr h r m ruttor of potorboro spont a fow days last week at tho horde of mrch hanlnan lufr s d crof i of durham wao a guest during the week of mro p mo- donald ako avonue mr george lane of queiph visited ftt tho linmo of mr and mrs n k mooro during tho woelt mr john waldle who is teaching at chestorvlllo in norfolk county is homo for tho holidays mrs t james mooro of guolph vlsltod at the homo of mr j r kon- nedy on christmas day mr d k near of brampton spont a few days during tho weolc at tho homo of mr d h young mr nnd mrs g h brown bowr avenue bpent christmas at uuj homoa of tnolr sono at jfitononar v mrs montague gregg arid children of toronto vlsltod at tho homo of mr qoorgo agnow a fow days mepffra xsobrgo- boll andjrqrayjcoy of gait prbspohdlhgnow years ut tho homo of mr ii r wlloon jmrand mrs- -ross- alexander and babe spent christmas with mrs alex anders mother atcampbouvlllo rev w m and mrs kannawin and f airily of hamilton spent chrlatmtui at tho homo of mr a kannawin mr and mrs william ratrisy ftincl their son mnyoord of buavqi t spert cliirlitmpo 0th ra aohrrn kjfr and m ft wordon of qcorgtpyn wero suonto q mr- ond mioda a wprdcn tor chrlstmriu mr anfl mrs ale crawford njicl q ootwhln spent ohrlstmaant thohnmo nf mr jnrnoa uondcrnon mr and mrs clinrlos w mason and mioh elennor of kttolionor nt- tended tho parental gathorlng hero mr karl vlnoont was hero from chatham over christmas mrs vin cent returned tq cliatham with him mr icred funk of binghumpton nc y wub horo for christmas but loft litdny on a btislnosm trip tajuoirolt mr and mrs hurry hnlinos jr and family of toronto spent a few dayii during tho weok with relatives here mrs w mills und ournot of ltnd say bixiat a tow dnys during tho wook ut tho boulo of bar sister mrs m mc sals news of local import minister callbdtb gbbrcjotbwn rev ci l hoton of oahawn ima accepted a call to becoino tho pastor of the baptist cliurfh at georgetown ai simplo method available ono of tho shnplent ways you can show a nowopaper you appreciate it is by prompt renewal with your sub- ucrlptlon njindrodo of subucrlptiono oxplrothia month prompt renewal will mako both the renewer nnd tho receiver foel bottor and morb kindly will establish a 8ynaooauo in guolph tho number of hebrew rebldenta in guolph has increasodto such an cx- tont thatjfho membcro of this faith hayo deeldodtp open a oynagoguo and withrthls intentloninylew tbeyhavo purchased a largo rooldenco on surrey street which will bb rcmodollod at once there aro now thirty hobrow families in tho city and tho building whbh alterations aro completed will seotoao hundred pcroonu rabbi h l stein will bb in- cltorgo of tho now qynagoguo miltons net assots 307007 o a homotroet treasurer for mil- ton dlotrllfutod hioilnanoial statembnt for tho yoar 1024at tho nomination mooting on monday tho towntfiiaid uts total 18088047 which is 3a- 70887 in access of liabilities thoro is otuv duo tho town j0c04k7rfor 4axaa and waterworks rates and 1004njh itlgti school grant from tho cpunty council mekirig a total of 1074060 an overdraft of 1003303 will roiutro close collection of taxes and water- works jjhir as finnrl at euan- wj ji ifji vif mr and mrs gordon hayward and mr judaonwordon of toronto ilpont christmas at tho home of mrs bortha cook mrioiid mro hailey brignau an babe- of torcjrito spent a fow- days last week with mr and mrs james h rejull v- r miss chalmers and miss malda grimthaof owen sbund are spending a wojjk or so at the f armors- tiomo here mrandmrstheorge soporsr and miss myrtle were at guclph for tho holiday with mr and mro melvln spner r mrs james l warjron and mr frod warren of toronto woro guests ot mr and mrs john wood wilbur street mr nicol park superintondont-and- rsnicolof guelnh spent the holi day wjth mr and mrs john nlcol main street mr eugeno acphorsoh rotucnad homo from tho hospital on saturday and is making good progress toward completo recovery mrc humphries arid xiibooh row- cna and wilmahumprirlcs of quolph wero guests at the homo of mr a macdonald yeatcrdayt mr w d forbos mios marjorle and mrs pruhtof toronto werb guests at tho homo of mr and -mrs- n forbes on christmas pootmohter matthows who woo up withtho family for cbxlntmaiz dinner hns not been so woll since- and has boon confined to bed again mr george soper jr who was operated on for appendicitis in puolph hospital last week la already maklne good progress toward recovery mlsa jjrjlo cwwford jjcho id in training at kltchoncr general hospi tal spent christmas with mr and mrs james honderson maria stroel mrs a p scott and her spn and- moved now hr qutslde ot tho allowance tho commission has asked tab county to show bauae why thb order should nbcbo made da rcquontod by tho com pany and the county will but por- hapo not until tho flrst meeting of tho council for lv2t the crossing is tlio ono dri which tho mosors terrlll father and sort woro killed last july champion daughter john arid constanco of brampton woro christmas visitors ot mr and mfb john h kennody mrs dryden and gordon of toronto and mr and mro arthur drydon of flint michigan ppont christmas at tho home of mr and mrs h 8 holmes mr and mro h p mooro- were at toronto on tuendaypvenlnff attond- ing a pleasant family gathering at the homo ofrov lmjootfroy street mtccr e nolaon of torontotulbs kinsman of exbtor mr and mrs h s nlcklln and mary of guelph aporit christmas wlthmrand mrs ji el nlcldln mr and mntf j c mcarthnr and to v family and mr and mrs morris teeter and family ot rocksldo spent christmas with mr and mrs c h harrison mr thomas kennedy fifth unoeo- lupslng was taken to 3uolph qoheral hospital and an operation performed on monday ho in doing as well as can bo xpeotod mr and mrs richard rawson at tended tho funeral of mr rawsoavi sister in naasagawoya on saturday mr and mrs john rawson klngs- land saalc who are visiting friends in ontario accompanlbd them mr- and mro albert e mcmurroy announco tho engagement of their daughter mabel elizabeth to mr gordon edward post son of mr and mrs robert h pobt bf qakvllto tho marriage to tako place in january mrs j c hlrton of colllngwood mrs e eccles of niagara falls mr h b- 3mithm and mrs william meleoduaymondi audrey anddorci thoaf toronto bpent the christmas vacation at tho homo of mr william howthorno- mr an mrbjhhoywjonabrouh ind mr harold wansbrpugh of tor onto mr and mrs frank day nnd fumily of rockwood nnd mr and mrs allem smith lako ayonuo anent cbrlstmao at to homo of mc and mrs r h wansbprqugh liko avonuo mra lyrnop 8 butlln st clair mich siptcr of tho oditor had the mlbfortuna on christmas eve to foil down ptalr at her home her right arm was dislocated at tho shoulder and fractured betweon tlio shoulder and the elbow alio is in the hospital at port huron and making good pror gross mrs frodjfunle of blnghampton n y who halboon spending a couple of weeks with her mother and- ulster mrftr james moore nnd miss clara left yes terday for dundns to spend tho now xonr with hot brothers thbrb sito will proceed home from there at tho end of tho week ono of ho happiest homo gatherings on chrlslmuh wap nt thp homo ot mr and mrs david williamson quolph street -all- tho iionn and daughters wltrttllblr famllles werb home lnclud- ingmrand mrs frod williamson ot toronto mr and mrs h- roy wans borough toronto mr and mrs albert young ami family ijtockwood mr and mrs w d andorsotij mr and jr- w a murray and mr and mrs john wuiuunson un jdftvtd of actou- 1 am ehclosing 200 for my sub- scrlntlon to tho fjuta pnras for another year in doing no 1 can anourb you that it gtves mo the same plcaouro that it has aliiroyomonolh days gone- by wo recelvo paper promptly especially lnteroating to us waa- tho oxcolientt deacrlption- of youronjondld trip abroad last summer the old mans column ju as interesting to- day as when ho first started writirig his webkly letters of old tlraoa and early settlors wo hppo ho will long continue to furnish tho readers of thb jrnias pjucss with the- history ot lonot past evonts host wiahca for rlcii joys bf tho festal oeaaon c s gamblo konmoro n tti milton mllla employees mako merry s an event unique in tho annalsot milton took place last thuroday night when- the employees of tho milton worstod yarn spinning mills hold a banquet and night concert in tho town hall thoro wore over a hundred per aona at tho auppor table including all the members of the staff of the ilrm and many gueats among whom wore rev thbt- bote rev w d mcintosh roy canon naftel mayor irvine dr r ji anderson mbw r clements manager of thp bank of nova scoua and mrs clements c l stuart man ager of tho bank ot commorob and mrs stuart and m f panton man- agerflf tho bank of toronto the fatal crosqipq at milton tho c p r having askod- tho county council what proportion thoy will pay of- the expense of increasing tho vlaablllty at the anderson cross ing by cutting dawn tho jmoll on tho north bldo of tho track and unlnir tho barth removed to grade up tho high way tho council decided to have tho dominion railway commission ap portion tho cost slnco then the c p r has asked for an order that tho cpunty qhall bear all tho expense on tho ground that tho part of tho knoll on tho raltway allowanco has alrbady boon cut down and tho part to bo re- s 8h albano christmas treats vst afbaits jbuhdaybcnbbr christ man treat waa liold in tho porlbh hall on tuflbday ovoning ijsvcryonb cbmj monted very favorably on tho beauti ful docoratlon of tho trooland stages gomes woro played by tho youngstoro until 8 oclock when tho children pro- sented n of f bbfirtacita titled x drooon pifcnrrlbtmab then foliowod a boribs of songs and recita tions and thon santa claun mado his appodronoo anddlatrlbutcd tho prizes and presents tho rector- congratu lated mr rbgora tho uuporlntondem and the teachers upon their very faith ful sorvlcea during tho past year and complimented the prlzo wlnnors mr rogers gavo a very approprlato ail- dress luhcli waa served and with throo ehbera for st albann sunday school a very cnjoyablo evening camo to a k0o tho- blblo class in con- noctlowlth st albano church hold thelrv christmas treat on monday in tlio iborlsh hall several of tho mom- bora had made a full attondanco diji- ing tho year and tho avorago rocord woo very high which wau aulto a compllmont to mr hunter tho lcador both ho and tho rector woro delighted at tho bucooosof tho olass during 1924 short addresses wero given by tho roctor mr hunter and mr scarrow mrs baugh distributed tho prlzoa games of various kinds woro- induigod inr and lunch waa served a verii- ploosant evening jyao ppont by nil apd appreciation of mr huntora very faithful services exprsosidtrynib members town hockey league schedule a2iirsssft kijilssliisisiisrl 4tli tjie town hoclcoy leaguo mot on monday ovoiilng decdmber 29 and tho folloydng achodulo was drawn up for tlio boason mondayjanuary 5 town vs acton tanning co thurnday january hboardmoro cof vs howotoano monday january 12 town vi beardoro cq thuroday junuoiyio acton toiil fllncb-vahjcowotsbnb- mondoy january lorvtbwri vs how- eteons l thursday january 22 acton tan ning co vs booirdmoroj co monday jttiiuaryb acioii tan- rtlnirhjo vs town n thursday january 20- vs beardmoro co f monday fehrunry 2 bajirdmoro co ys thuysday jrsbruary b howbtnonn vs aeton tanning co monday february- 0 boardmoro co vs acton tanning co thursday february 12 howotnonn vs town v lutereo for alt gamoti aoorgo mjnksi i wtfe v

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