Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1925, p. 2

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mhg artnn3ffrrr hraflr thurs january 1 132s a good riddance when tho now- year in at tho front door peeps and out at the buck door thp old year cronpn i hopehe wutcarry- awuy- onhls back a load an big tin a peddlers iack and well stow thcmsiwny in his bog- y crnic somo thmgs that we never shall want uguln we will nut jnthe puckery little pout 1 that drives all tho merry dimples out and the- creasy ricowla that up ami down -r- fold nice little foreheads right into a frown and uio little quurrela that bpolirttio -plays- and the little grumbles on rainy dayo and the bentup pins and the toas- ing jokca- that never seem funny to othor folks and the stones that aro toaacd be sure of that at robin redbreast and puoay cat yiul well uirow in tho bag aomo cross little donta and moat of the cants und all f tho wonts v and thp grumpy words mat should not be an id- when mamma calls its time- for bed if wo ret all theso in tho old ycara pack and shut it ao tight that they cant come back tjiigrawmornlhg woll surely aec a happy new yoar for you and me the education of the adyfctt rv wo should not coaao to learnl when wo leave school oven thoughthoahool ago bo raised to sixteen i nmluw alwaymhiel disciples in tho ochool of life wo should die learning tho education of the adult must play- u groat and growing pat in any democ racy that la- safe for the world do- mocracy raakoa heavy demands onrhp intelligence integrity arid intercut of tho citizen body if our educational system made no provision for the education of tho adult it wouldbo in a measure de fective tho opportunity is aa great as tho need adult education la car ried on mainly by the- efforts of the adult himself and- la oh that very ac count lasting and delightful- t in providing the opportunities for the continued education of our cltl- lfp v prrm imrt gtarir p the code of the trapper 1y ernest nussell gj aikinmmtomkii usiv wan gathering over tho tpuakogu on the cariboo itlvor- the lcngtlening uhadowa rcuchedj rapidly toward the farther shore in midstream arlppubg trail broketiehlnd tho canoe of colin frnaec who was paddling to hkitraot pera camp with the silence and tho easy grace characteristic of tho wild erness hunter fiona the half gloom of tlhjpridge behind him suddenly ahot a thin pen cil offlffme thcroport of a rifle shat tered tho sllonceand a tiny jet spurted frohi v water just in front of tho canoe a oecopdpbat followed and a splinter whirled from the blade of frasprs paddle then allenco again fell upon thorlvcr with a hasty backward glaficff fra- aer drove his canoo into the pro tecting gloom of the nearer shore grasping a projecting branch ho hold hta craft close to thb bank under tho overhanging trees well tho trapper muttered that prettyelicit shootin for thirr time of day- and mo movln right along lively glad it wasnt any lighter twaana an injun sighted that gun at that distance and there aint any whito man got toy spite against mc if it wabt o whito man andit veant an injun fired them shots it comes in between and- tho breeds- aro up to it sneaks and cowards thats what hiey are take that loula gonyca now if twas him ho came a long way to do a dirty piece of work mustwarillhese trappln grounds pretty had to do mur der for cm but lots aco you got em my boy tho trapper kept hia hiding placo until the rising- moon showed a brl- llartt k before him then ho si lently paddled onward through the- friendly shadows xho mooniitqotl rasping gasps yet on and on- ho press- ed- withtonso faco and straining -eye- as ho was j winging down aaugh- lriclinotoct63jr an- icebound stream fip suddenly halted ant iroppirfg ti ono knee peerdd into the thicket crojuolihig over aomo object with his bacli toward hia pursue waohia en- emymot ionics unausiiectlne in the firat momenta of exultant frdnzy tho trappors lingers cjutchod at tho trig ger of hia rillle thenjaylng the gun down ho crept toward the uncling halfbreed wlien ho was wltdn a few feet of the poacher fraaor tjoho aridft inirllrig n himself upon him pin- ioned hia armamn no iroir grip under the violent impact of frftsera charge tho hftlfbrepd plunged faco forward into thcanbk the trappers muaclea tightened to meet his violent struggles for a- second he waited grimly but no sound or movement came- from tlip man beneath him suspicious pfa ruao fraserfelt with hia right hand for the other b throat and clutqhort it with a quick turn ho forced theump form uponlts back and gazed upon tho face of louis gon yca the poachers eyes wero closed hia lips partod and his face jind a atrango greyish pallor then fraacr saw that tlirougi a rent in tho home spun trousers well abovo loula right unco blood waa slowly oozing scattered in tjje enow wero the furs that tho halfhreod had atolen flungj to ono sldb lay a halftrimmed polo and his hand nxo a glanoo told fraser what hail hapnenod as if gulfed by the hand uf retrib utive justice the kbohedged weapon hnd glnnceiiaurtk djeep into tho flesh of tho luckleaxouls and brought him defoncolebs beforo hja enemy ho had probably juat met with tho nocidont when fraser came upon him througll allthd coming througli alltde coming year ono thing ill do ill hide tho falling tour tho- iiullhih usolesti feur ill try to bring but cheer this lliing ill 6 through all tho coming year ono thought iu have to comfort those wlio dwell with sorrow and to swell r the chorus ah is woll this thing ill- do through all tho coming year ono word jll pray givo me no cause to teat tiy faith that lovo ia xxx and soon o grant mo rest this word ill pray- r queen kathor how canada compares with other countries in wheat proquction k bound to disagree it seams to me opined mr caleb peaalec that cykilgbre gets moro dlsagiooaljjctho older ho grows up wiint- agree with anypns3on on nlrth v-not- if ho can ond out fuat what the other man thinks- alntt that so ty sander xr mr ly sander wlnchope thus ap pealed tv stroked hia ellum cano reflectively and eyed itiu qulckcr- speaklng fiicnd with placid oxijkb oyeb- ho scurcely over thinks same as m about thingut o admitted- at- length- scurcely over snorted mr peas- lee with impattbnce did ho ever agree with you ab6utonc1tiliiigibnam- ablo thing if ho had a chanco to find out ahead what you thought tld ho mwal replied mr wlnchope thouglufully answerln that question direct idutyhqa he over did no sir aflirmod mr pcaslee warmly and ho wouldnt 1 got kind er out of patltiico wjierii get to talklh about cy ktlgpre hes juat been inter my house and ho took caslon to show aomoof his cross gralnuhero my wife spoko about mel- deer- ings last sickness while cy was there mipeaaleo went on and she spoko vory feolm about what a great auffer- pr mel was jn hia laat dayayou know how women talk and sympathize anj cy icugoroabt there and listened to hcrtulk and all tho time hcwaai lettln that blaa throecornered temper of hlsn curdlp up on him at last whon ohe got done talkln lie got up and started for the door vho daosent jjpt in the chair and any it ho know- what l o it tem got bur when ho got to tho door he turnqd round aour aa a crabapple and 10 says s follca made an awful touso over mo4ilorlngs blcknbps saya ho huh ho want moren half au sick aa follca thought ho was mev deer 11s was alck enough -to- dlp concluded mrpcaoieevaitdcjl dont relievo even cy kllgoro ever saw any onx get much sicker than that aa tho value of tho wheat crop op the pralrlols nominally about fifty per cunt of the ibtnl value of tho entlro annual agricultural production of thi prahio province it ih interesting to learn how tho ylcldtj of this important crop in canada has a much higher a vera go yield per acre than any other important wheat exporting country somo countries which import wheat have a higher average yield per aero than canada but there aro only a fow of these uuch aa the united kingdom germnny ami dciimuijjt which have u yield considerably higher wjiuo tho total quantity produced by theao countries is relatively very amall moreover the expense of producing wheats in ithesu countries is extremely high even such an a vera go yield of only two bushels per acre higher than canada while both italy- and kumanla have lower yields per -acre- the average yield per acre of whear over a period of twentythree years tcu tho folloiveng- chief exporting countries of thfj- wqjld in aa follbwa canuda 17k bushels united stnteo 14 1 bushels india 118 argeajjnp 106 and australia 101 in russia tho uverago yield over a iierlbd of 15 years was 9i wtwireifi pet- acre it will be seen therefbre that qanada enjoys aom- considerable ad van to go over tho other exporting couatrlca thiq ndj vantage is due in part to a- natural adaption of wheat to the soil and cllm ateof this country and also to inv proved methods of cutuv7rtl6n ay well as tq better varieties of wheat which have- been introduced by aciejitlllc agriculture j nevorthpless in aplte of this very favorable showing in averago yield per acre canada is unfortunate having the greater vaviatlon from year to year of any largo exporting country in tho world this largo variation exists not ohljrbctwcen individuals but also between averages of two succes sive year periods and of five succes sive years periods tho lowest- yield per aero ever secured in canada as a whole was 101 biishols in 1919 while tho highest ylettl 260 bu3hejaj4ij 191g the five year period from 1917- ti 1921 had an averago yield of only 128 bushels per acre t australia while havingless variation in per cent of the average yield for example in aus tralia in 1903 tho average yield was only 25 bushels per aero while in 1921 thehlghest ylold on record it waa 100 the spook a relaf ive walter collhuof brooklyn says this orlglnatcdln ayr ho statcsthat thofidlowing utory in told of a uhvowd- tsh woman who tried to wean lior husband from the publlchouuo sal oon by employ inchiir brother to act thi part of a chont frlghton him on his way homo who are you asked tho guide- man mi tho apparition nroho boforo him from behind a bush i am auidnick was the reply come ajva mon paid john noth ing dauiwed gloo a shake of your hand i am married taoa slater o youra pretense llttlo kdna was watching wlthtro- mendois interest tho ceremony of un wrapping mothers new evening tires finally ita shimmering glories wcro ull rovealed free from its tluauo wrap pings oh mamma how lovely will you wear it tonight no not tonight dear this ia for when ladles arid gentlemen come to dinner while little edna waa registering disappointment sho had a bright bthoiight ohy mamma lots pretend just for onco that papau a gentleman village of acton fax kateparstare hereby notified uiat accordins to by-iaw- numupr 559 passed on july 14th 1924 on alltaxes in arrcar after december 31st 1924 tere will be charged interest at the rate of 6 per annum in addition to the 5 penalty already imposed hn farmer treasureil at bargain prices 1 dodge touring in firstlass condition four good tires on and a goodj5are u j it chevrolet touring 1921 in good running condition four tires on and a spare zena the public library la the chief factor tola j grcm popular unlver- alty or educational extension inatltu- tlon la the friend and holper of home education and of aelf- development kcallzlng tlio potontlautlen ot the library librarians and library boards wiu bo ombltioufl to provide the bestf urriod porojdacanwmeal bodlto and end of the accond day found him communltloa tho modern library hi not a mere ropoultorypr dormitory for anclont tomesnor la it only ah in- tho later- knowlodgo of ulocajoebcrma tho hy io attracted to all klnda of fiuhihla foe t are barbed brushes which pick up dirt and his track across the hood we eat la a path ofpcbulence when scon beneath the mlcxoacope he is tho principal agent in tho spread of typhoid the increase otxaummor complaints lntobtlnnl dloeaaca ajnot duo to hot weather the human body easily adjusts- itaolfto mere temper aturerrbut largely tohh-lncrcaso- of flics fcpm may to august tho tradition of tho relative between firth and dlscaao is sound and tho clean housekeeper has always fought files with screens- ahdflytraipb these old fashioned defensea aro otil practical din addition tho itoopor of horses should screen hia manure pllo and npray itrwlttucccoaoto or chiotrlde of lime to allow flies on food is to run risk ot disease to allow hies to breojl irt or vlal poisonous rhatter in to enaxcnffcr onfca neighbors the first moving picture moving pictures originated in on ex periment to show both sldeo of a coin at oncean 182c accordmg to tho chicago prlbune sir john herochel naked his friend charles bobbago how ho would show both sides of a coin at once- babbage replied by talcing a shilling from his pocket and holding it beforo a mirror thladir not satisfy sir john who set tho suiillng spinning on a lnrg tabic at tho oaxno pointing out that if tho eye is placed on a level with tho rotating coin both sides can be seen at oncol 4 babago waja- so struck by tlio bxpcrl- fmont that the next day ho described it to a friend doctor jltton who imj mediately made a working model on ono side of tkocago was drawn i a bird and oh ihq other the empty cage when tlo card was revoivodpp a silk thread tho bird appeared to bo in tho cage this model showed tho pcrfliotenco of vision upon which alt moving pictures depend for their cf feet jjil tho yo retains tho imago of tho ob- j for a fr of a second after the object haa boon removed this model waa callodhatjjaamatrbpo v next caroo thv zoetrope or wheel of life a cylinder was perforated with a scries of slots and within the cylin der was placed a band of drawingsof jjnncjiuciiienoaihaap slowly rotated the figures boon through tho slots appeared to be in motion tho first oyntematlc photograph of j men und animals taken at regular in tervalo were mado by edward may- hrldgo in 1877i j r jj- u recommended high- in tho heavens when he rolled ula blanket about him and sought sleep in thoijholter of a rough leanto far down the stream the next- mornlngfraser waa early on hjb journoy there followed tvo days of unrcmlttlnguill at tho paddle camped whore tho whitened watoru of hock rivpr joined tbo dalrkahfi placid current of tho cariboo whoever liad made the ttempt up on his life must sometime leave the wilderness by ono of two waterways that ho guarded he must know who that person was so that no doubt should hamper his firm resolution to have vengeance ho had not yet plan ned the manner or tlmo of hlb retal iation the futuro would solvo jte own problems screened among tho codaru that clothed the high bluff at tho contluenco of the rivers tho keeneyed trapper kept his vigil trout flashing in thp stream a ureddtory mink wandering jojonctlhclahore a- boar shuffling along tho denuded slope opposite 11 scrvod to enliven his weary hours of watch ing but he novcr took his eyes for long from the distant bends of the rivet- flvo days thus ho passed in cease less watching tho sixth- dawned gray and dismal with a thin cold drlifzlo a llttlo after midday praser cowled llkp a monk in tin wot and sodden blanket saw though tho pau of mist that overcast the farthor reaches of tho river tho faint outline df a moving object as tho dim object entered the quick water and approached tho oon- flux of tho streams it quickly took shape j prascr did not need to scrutlnl2etho oncoming craft cloaoly tho posture of thp man the manner of his paddflng the very canoo ltsolf proclaimed- the halfbreed when tho canoo- had swept round a bend and disappeared the trapper stood up tumbled in mo pocket for hia short black plpo and with number flngera slowly filled it a week later fraser waa home bua- ilj cngagod in preparing for tho long season of exllo and work amid tho shows at tho general store of thefybtr want to mnko nrivew start i bo- a shopkeeper had in hia employ a man so loxy as to bio utterly worthless ono day his patience exhausted he dlschargpd him will you givo moa ro commenda tion asked the lory one the employor sat down to write a noncommittal lotter hia efforts re sulted as follows the bearer of this letter has work ed for me one week and i am satis fied his fathers le8s6n i f cohon placed a latlder agalnflt thp side of the house and then called his son abie aged seven after somo difficulty ho got tho boy to mount to uie top k n j comraandedohon im frightened replied able couex held out hia arms tbo as your papa tlls icojump papa ia hero finally able did jump- cohen stop ped aside and poor able fell with at bump lot that teach you a lesson never trust anybody said pphon little frontier settlement ho bought such provisions as ho could norteet at the post ho examined carefully all the details of his caulpment at last lie f wao ready to depart when he hnd stowod hladunnago into his canoo- ha pushed from tho shore and settling into the rhythmic swing that long habit gives paddled silently into tho ohadowo that cipbraco tho strpam the mantloof tho snow had fallen uponthe wilderness from the snug jittln cabin onlhe cariboaltrafler looked forth on the world of white ho liked tho solitary- life among tho great silences its ceanless toll and its harsh privations could not dispel theglamotrrthatliis calling iiaafor hlm for a weok tho weather was fair then there came v dark day with hurried gathering clouds that packed closer and closer together in dull gray manses and with an ominous com thp trapper found louis heart wans still beating and ho quickly formed a plan for saving the life that he had been perilously near faking a fow minutes before hours later tho pale round moon looked down through scurrlne clouda upon thp bont figure of tho trapper who carrying lou is on his broad shoulders was laboring heavily acrpaa the snowa toward hia r on the cariboo the next morning loula largo black oyea oponpdhweaklpn tho interior of tho cabin rested on tho blanketed figure on the floor wandered over the hanging litter oh tho walls and wearily cloapd again shortly aftorwarda fraser awoke rovlved the dying flro and- glancing now and then at the sleeping figure in the bunk busied trlmaelf with his mornings work ought ho to conceal and protect the worthless criminal who threatened- hia own livelihood ho to show tfiehalf breed beforo the people of the settlement hi colors that would brand him always with dishonor fraser pondered long over the prob lem at last therocarne from out his better solf tho answer that jib sought and from that moment ho labored with all tho fervor of hia strong nature to bring about tho desired end opo day fraser rotofvied to his shanty to find hia charge seated on thej edge of tho bunk contentedly smoking a vilosmelllng pipe well louis he aald if youre able to stand up to that there pipe i reckon youll bo moggln soon and as wqvo got to havo somo kind of parley before you go ill out with my part and then you can say yourn youve had a close call my lad and you camo near goln out with a hack load ofsintc by a mero niattei f chanco ive had a hand in brlngin you through it wasnt of my aeokinvll own to that i know- that you wan lifting my fur and i know that it waj you that laid for me below on the dcatf watcrlast fall but its come to mo tpglvo you a chanco theres no call for doln murder over a paaselof fur theres aplenty for both of uu i reckon tf the metric system hove im1 ace that you canjfvo brought down your fur and if it aint enough ill give you some of mine youll find some manner of work out tothi front ill flee that you dpnt loso by it if you travel straight alow does ft istrlke you lad lonlssat for a longwhllo with downcast eyes fixed on tho old pipe ipwhis hand unknown to him hia heritage of fronch sensitiveness and embttonwasvarrlngih hlmwith uie jiatredofthe whltemanand jhaflcqrn or reconciliation of his indian an- cest centuries of civilization bat tled wlth centuries of aboriginal in stinct and in tho end it wna the crvtnzattqrtlhji rjotflptnid wo ran up ngaiijat tlio metric uys- tlmo in belgium and franco whpro distances weights areas and moneys are all counted on tho decimal system certainly much more convenient and scientific whon you got uaed to it than bur cumbrous standards i went into a paris genta furnishing shop to got a c3uplo of collars but whenj saw the marking i realized that there was np no 16 thoro for pop i took oft the coliari waa wearing to meaauio it hgainat ono of the new collars which tho salesgirl had brought mo when i took hold of the new collar to place it with the worn one ahb protested sho thutignt i waa going to try tlio now collar on my neck to see- if it would fit finally i got a no 40 americaine which filled the bill one set of the official standards of measurement for britain la inset in brass in tho granlto etopa of trafalgar square london f w galbraith ad vocate rjdjbcor albofa the writer had a almjiar experience in paris i wont into a drapers shop to purchase collars the draper could hot speak english i could not under stand- french ho called his wife in who understood aomo english i told hgvi i vlahed somo collara and indi cated uie utyloby tlioae on exhibition sho asked my size i told her i wore size 17 her husband nieaaured my neck with a tape lino and shook his head hla wife informed us that her husband found by hia measurement that it was notalzolt but- size that my collars should be i bought a dozen collara at two franca each 10c and they fit very comfortably but my laundry mair looks rather aakancc when he looks- at my collara and finds them markedno 4l h p m tho outstanding facta then in tho canadian production otwheataro that thoityorago yield per acre is much bet tor than in any other exporting coun try in tho world but that unfortunate ly the variation from year to year is also greater than in any other country ltl reason for this great variation in yield is duepredominatolytpyarlatlon in rainfall when- tlio season la dry the yield la small it is self evident therefore that experimental work is urgently required to try to improve thla condition it la the object of experimental farms to experiment in order to discover methods of farming which will reduce tho injurious effects of dryyearar tho lilgh averago ylold per acre which canada now- enjoys in comiusfftlon with that of other coun tries is due in quite largo part to tho result of scientific agriculture there remains yet the difficult task of re ducing the lossea suffered jn dry years experimental farm note lmclaughlin e35 4 cylinder has heen overhauled and running satisfactory 2 new cord tires 1 83b overland touring in good condition a real bargain 75 overland roadster has new top and in splendid running order 1 gray dort tourmg in a 1 condition s 1 ford truck 1921 in best of condition for real utility is as good as a new truck has two brand new tires in my opinion a leisurely courtshfp atlaetho hftotvia oyenana wltli rlmilq worda umltnll low votco ut tered hia tloclolon tho lnacrutablc fcaturefl eayo no hint of thoifoelinesj that stirrod within him but ho gave hia lmnd on tho compact with a quiet motion ia tho trco topa early io the carncatneas that impressed tho trap the rccont death in a now hnfnp- lhlro vlllngo of a placid pleasant old lady afflicted with very few inflrml- tica at nlnotysoven haa recalled anew thjbtury of her courtship which tho villaaorudollbht toioh 1 aa aelrihojyas yjry iiretty nail llad aovoral auitorfl it gradually he came evident that aho especially fav ored a cortaln joshua the others ono after nnbther wtldrcw and loft iiima cjpnr flold andnthere oeomod big value for your money w it is said tliat tho family herald and wepkly star of montreal vorks on tho principle that nothing but the best will jlo fpr uu readers the soundncsr of thla policy iti amply de mons t rated in the rapidly growing uuhscvlptlon list of this great weekly tho public havo been tiumptpd by trashy weeklies at giveaway prices but when it cbmos down- to taluo for your money and a gonulno canadian flayor to your reading tho fumlly her ald and yopkly star has no compptl- for thin yarwo seo that- tho pub luihera arokivlng- each subscriber whoso subscription in ro7ietve a lrtige calendar for 192g with a beau tiful picture entitled tho sale of old dobbin nnd a tree entry to a contest in which ton thousand dollars will bo awarded tho subscription prfeb of the family heruld is ionly twoi bo liar i a year u- ovonlng snoy began tdfan all night tho wind hawed round the llttlo cabin parly in tho morning thp trapper put on his snowahoca and struck aff- lighthearted to open up hlu line v on tho fourth day there came an ovent that stirred hia blood stooping to dig from tho enow a hidden trap ho found it aprung and empty almont at tho same instant hia quick eye saw ic waving thread of coarse red yarn caught on a twig near by ho instant ly remembered theb rill ian t liued mit- tens that loula gonyoa habitually wore the thlovln halfhroed thought this storm vowwhidp hia worlc did he well ill get him next time sure as eels is snakes tho codo of tho trnpperln tho far north ifl enpxorable in punishing joachera tho blood law of tho old days still holds death swift and turn- xnrv itho fatooftlieioachcrcaught j redhanded in his thieving fraser i guessed that tho halfbreed would probably make another foray and saw his way to settling tho scores after dnyii of waiting thorp came almost unheralded out of hie uthl air one gray morning the great fleaoy flakes of a storm quite to the liking of tho grim trapper when tho unowy tumult was at its holght ho plunged into tho thick of it and hottling inlo a long easy stride headed straight to the- ent when ho neared tho place wliero ho thought the halfbreed would come to poach ho moved mon cautiously winding his ways among tho trcon ho strained ji eyes to catch through the descending walj of miow some glimpse of the figure that hahoujht whon after a while hevenmo on au otter trap he found the news that lie wanted tho trap had boon rifled and a telltale track of snowslioos lodunto tho woods tho trail was alrondy il- moiit obliterated and the trapper knew that he should have to hurry if ho wished to carj ven- knnc77 for several miles ho travolcd ut a pac that tried very muiiclo in hhi framo now arid thoh he stooped to aimuo himaelf that hftiylpltm had not okcapcd hlm it itndbpcbmo very cold tuiq the ntow turning to nlopt stiinff per thus tho two camo to their undcr- atnhdlng during the final dnys of their sojourn together neither referred to the incidents that had moved th deepest feelings of his heart j when tho time came for loula to go fraaer joaded hia toboggan for him and a generous hurdn it carried t dragging tho load himaelf fraacr accompanied hia silent companion far upon his way ho parted from him with brjcf words of caution and good cheer and a wring briskly eastward to his longneglected trapa only once ho turned to wave a laat farewell to the figure atandlngn tho snow tho club tho class and the lecture have taken a largo place in the llvos of many women in many enterpris ing towns and villages the courses offered by clubs and churches absorb noarly all tho time of the homemak ing woman can havo for intellectual life she belonga to a shakespeare club and a class in current ovonts and a guild for the study of church history her vant leisure tovnittw very little reamfe except such aa la dono in connection with theao courses the results- achieved at tho end of a winter will doubtless be abundant but unless she is on her guard they1 will not include any great gain tn power and accuracy of- individual judgment whenever it doubtful point hnspresented itaelf in her read ing aho haa waived it in thocortalmy that it will be discussed at lenfitli at tho meeting of the cuias and that sho will be helped to her decision by tho ideas developed there did hamlet really lovo ophelia do shakespeares sonnets toll his own story ought we toi have total prohibition is canada really a najlon is church mrtoii really for the betterment of the country theao questions and a hun dred otheis will bo 1 sure to ho settled with a certain pleasant dogmatism by thp leader of tho course of study why should sho trouble herself about them beforehand becauao a community whoro one view only prevails in matters of taste and judgment la likely t6 be a- dull place and an unprogreasivo one after uillrltho world b mado ltu longest strides toward enllghtenmont through the eltorta of independent thinkers in tho fascination of associated in- tollectual work it behooves tho modern woman ypjltpforffbfcth o va luoof thi 1 bull pog fanning mill new never used at an attractive bargain price v l 1 melotte ciweam separator new call any time and well demonstrate any of these cars and machines qreatgrandma8 pre- 8cription3 tho grawlmother remedy is not alwaya athliig- to laugh at for 4onn5- tlmcn it cures but somotlmcs too tho mattor or tho manner of it ncomn to warrant a smile as in the enso of these health hints which nays tho philadelphia record were written in a family bible eighty yours ago by tho greatgrandmothcr of tho present owner of the bible a stick qf brimstone worn in the pnekot lajjood for them as has cramps a loadstoan put in tho placed ware the pain is is- beautiful for tha-hhoit- matlx a basin of water gruel with half a quart of old rum in it with lola of biowp sugarjhjfpod for cold in heart if you have hltoupa pinch ono of your wrists wllo you count hlxty or getsomobody to scaro you and make you jumpo the earache put on i oh in your ear after it la well roaated tho consumption kat aa many poa nuth ax possible before going to bed nothing tohinder the happy- conclusion of his wooing ho was however uko the fair dlantha of a leisurely disposition it was two yeara boforo he proposed and yas accepted every body expected tho wedding to follow soon all thovolattvcs approved thero was plenty of money and each owned a houso and land but- it was five yeara later when a farmhplpcr over heard joshua- lnviiejlto appraise the applo crop of hlirbrldo to bo dlgross from business a moment at tho or chard gate dlanthy he inquired mildly when bo yb goln tp niarry mo jland joahuay waa the roply if id known you wao goln to spring upacttln quesuons i wouldnt have aat ye over dont yb know a girl cant bo hurried lots talk applet no hurry no hurry dlanthy take your lime agreed joshua amiably were both comftable as wo be only folks aecm to bo kind of expectln us to hitch beforo the senaonu out and i didnt knowo wod ought to diaap- plnt em it waa another five years beforo johiu0 whothcr of hia own motion ar under pressure of tlip tfo1kuonj dlanthy werp married phraao which at least by implication lias prefaced most oftho worldsgrcat thinking in my opinion s v king mimmilllllllmfflllllmlllllimil aesops advertising fable new husband easiest to get wickedly hi breath caintt in short uoal oatato the vanishing farm the lllftown said the cqri- tohhil hioniy to mllpniiway that bught to make it easier for yon- to market the products of your farm t want you to unierstund that this aint no farm thlfi hero hi subuiiwin how could he know iii mister called out tho driver of a lnrge aiid heavily laden lorry jwill you kindly h6ld my bosss beds for mowhllo i get down the ped- aatrlan hesltatddr well ill do my boht ho observed as ho approachod gingerly i dont know much about horses which ono shall i hold the off un replied tho driver pro- parliig to descotul dear mo ans wered the other do you mean the thin wad looking ono no idoivt cried tlnrdrlver vi said tho off un fyca i know you did answered tho pedestrian now vh in a fluster but no i wasnt at tho parents funeral iujw am i to know which la tho or- ifcv 1 no chance i lodge not married yet yomkjnattijo but i thought you had sorlouu ln- 4eiitioiih in a coirtujn dlrodtlon 1 did have but the ovonlng i wont to propoao to hr before i got chanco she told ino that aho lovotl browning and kipling and mhooloy now whtft cluincn illd i havo with a girl who waa in lovo ith jhroo other fellows there waa a wotnan whoso husband was killed in a railroad accident tho railroad to avoid suit gave her 5000 damages the sum satisfied the womanr but a month or two afterwards taking up a newspaper she read about a man who had lost his leg in tho same ac cident and lichold this man was given by the company damages to t the amount of 7ff00 i it made tho woman mad sho hast ened ut once to tiie ofllce of tho rail ways claim adjuster sho aald bit terly how is this here you givo a man 7 goo for the losa of his leg while you only give mo 5000 for tho loss of my husband tho claim agent smiled amiably and said in- a soothing voice jmadam the reason is quite plain the 7500 wont provldo the poor man with a new log whereas with your rooo-youun- eaallyccl bund and pcrhupa a better one once upon a time there lived a merchant jrince who inserted a small advertising cnrd in his local paper the world and his wives rushed to- the store and the great baleotushandiakelgccu such a tremen dous business ns aresulr o f th is one small advertisement that he was abre- to retire and spend the rest of his life playing at golf that is a fable v burit still represents some folks ideas of advertising advertising wont make any man or firm rich overnight but if intelli gently used with persistency it will mult- pjy customers increase turnover swell profits and build such goodwill for the advertiser as nothing else will get the facts from the acton free press t m a mans advertisement is your invita tion and your guide it means that jhe wants- and appreciates your business and is proud enough of his store or service to advertise it shop where you are invited to shop

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