Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1925, p. 3

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f hv artmi 3ta mb thursday januaky 1 1025 happy new year 1025 happy ncv ydar somothlnk maple in those- words that stfcr the hourt old yeuith gone with unnula tragic and veu tulto a frouh now uturtlv put old rlloo and trlahi behind usr turn our bnck on atrifo and stress hoping that tho year v11i find uo on thotrail tohupiilnesa hdppjrnew yefir dont thoiiroctlne fairly muko our pulitos snb life lo short aniltlmo in hootlm and utoworldir years- swiftly wmirr butthls little hfo dont end it whats in store for you and me if wo uthvcr u wlacly upend it thou v6n plimpue the joya tfibc happy now year its god blessln to uo hero on earth my friend ijll old things pass and troubles leuaon au the years como to an end wo have learned what life has taught uo and have hooded lessons learned and are glad new ycitfhsa brought uo peace and love7 and joyswell earned james hungorforu flying dust a correspondent of the gcographi- cal journal describes the remarkable alteratlonu in the surface of tho earth produced by- flying dunt tho power ofthq fond to transporteven mode r ately coarao roclc ho writes ia almost incrediblemany of the broad volleys between tho eastern and the woo tern slopes of tho groat cordeuora are-jfjji- cd with such deposits to a depth of hundreds of feet the wind haa nothing to do but to blow and tho oand noth ing to do but fly la tho way an old prospector put it in some places tho formation of a dune many acrca in extent and several feet high is a work done in a period of mo that is moa- sured by daya rather than by months xh many comparatively small areas blinding dust storms blow nearly half tho time tho old southcrnmall stage coach lino had- a otatlon in arizona that waa almost unlnbabltablo on ac count of the ijylng dust the men employed there rarely remained any considerable length of tlmo occasion ally all of them would leave inabody in northern mexico flylnff duat and dust deposits are on an even greater apale and the boundaries of tho belts fhbooueoduftndrultulftnd tbenew yeara resolve leas donnlto than in the dryrogjon of tho united states- at times tho finer dust la blown across lowlandu of the coast far out into the gulf many ot the umallcr atrcamttof tho wcatantl thosfluthweotaro heavily overloaded with apdlmont- that is or was windblown luot jxeara ago a driver thda described tho platte you wont lcnowiirhen youro gettin cross it son lor ltanfxnlio wide and an inch deep and tho bottoms on top the larger rivers jauch as tho alluuiu- aippi tho mjaoourl and tbo arkansas are overloaded but to a loss degree as they cannot carry the sediment do ll ve rod to them- they drop it and flow rouncl it in pant years tho lower mississippi unquestionably flowopv in every part of its wide flood plain turning arkansas into alsslaslppi and mississippi into arkansas buildlnjrltn bed and banks higher than tho flood plain level and tlion abandoning thorn to make a now channel at a lower loyel to their groat annoyance anflloaa somo owners of property in norfolk and hastings counties ln this prd- vince have seen tlio blow sand pile up over fences orchard trees and even two story buildings as tho dead year is clasped by a dead december sa let your dead aina wtthyjurjljad daya lie a new ufo lsyoure and a new hope remember r vve build our own ladders tp cllmu to the oky stand out in the sunlight of promise forgetting whatever your past held of sorrow or wrong r wo- waste half our strength in a use less regretting wo ait by old tombs in the dark too long have you missed in your aim well tho mark is still bhlntng 4hwoufa4ntjn tho ruce well take breath for tho next jmd tho clouds drive you back but 0 seo yonder their lining were you tempted and foil letlt serve for a text as each year hurries- by let it join that procesaioriv of skeleton shapes that march down to tho past i while you take your placo in jtho lino of progression with oyca on the- heavens your tli or moro helpful to others or in godf oaring or more reverent th thoy were when i wnu u boy and wii plaiii uulet frugal living and hone ournest ndootrious foil prevailed fa co to tho blast i tell you the futurorcftirrhold no terrors tor any sad soul- while tho stare ro- volve jtho will butstazid arm ontho grnvo of his errors and instead of regretting resolve resolve t it is never too late to begin robulldlnjj though all intorulno your life seems hurled for look how the bright of- tlio new year ie gilding tho worn wan face of tho bruised old world ella wlieelerwifcox this new- yisak bbfor13 us aid now a new book la ojon bfifc liy wherein v are to write the sto- of a yenr vc cannot hiipo to kc itu puges opotlesai but if wo arm resolve and honestly try tc bo mo cbnulderato moro clieorful tender towfird tlioao whom wo lovo mo chnrixahlb ipsa exacting wo- can ii uure that when wo turn tho pages in rovlow a year hence wo shall read tjui roor5umttlianted7 although ihv making ofnew years ibaolujona in a custom whicji haabc- comb more and -more- the object cf tho humoroua remarku of jokeqmithi and cynics tho good practice 13 one designed ulways to remain- as part and parcel of modern maimers and- usage- and one which represents tho innate urging to do better on the part dfall of ua as i said before tho beginning of a n6w year is symbolic of the opening of a new book ypon the whlto paga of which wo write as fate and our wisdom and folly dfroct naturally we enter upon the new year determined to do hotter tlian in tboycar jus tpassad wosol vo- to lot tho dead past bury its dead apit try to profit from tlio bitter lessons of experience- imbued with this spirit wo moot tho problems and every day inclucnt8 of the now year at this holiday eaaon tho spirit of optimism in in tie air it haa always boenbo feutrjuot- now-thero-seems- to be reasonable hopo that bettor ttmcii are boforo vis both id matcriar things and n the affairs of life thofeolihg itt botterilmcs is developing and folk aro beginning to talk aai though the sun is still shining and shining he is tho clouds may hido his faco somo time a and dark- dank daya make theic appearance but the clouds will bo dispersed and tho dark days pass away tticn tho sun will bo seen in all his majesty higher in tho heavens thats it it depends on the length qf vision the strength of gaze tlio statocf mind tho bono of heart tho resolution of spirit times may bo bad but they could be worao and the future pthl rmains prizes tho futuro has to offer aro for those and thoao only who believe that tho clouds will bo dispersed and tho darknoaa glvo way- to light and aro ready for tho final effort tlio nombotrotchr- well nov thats more moralizing than rvodono for man a day put as mary haa seeing the briti8h fleet milton canadian apples king of them all canada has taken tho foremost placo intho applogrowlng world awards tnado at tho imperial fruit show in london england and at every other show at which exhibits have boon made prove tlua beyond a shadow o doubt in flavor and paltablllty the canadian grown apple has no su perior an interesting and attract ively gottonup booklet published by tho fruit branch at ottawa and ob tatnablc at tho publication branch in establishing these facta outline tho produce of what is termed tho king of prults in the country as a wholo and in each of tho apples growing provinces gives dotnfls of the fruit act roiauydto tho grading of applos describes their food araluomnd sup- piles upwards of a hundred recipes for malting sauces butter coiicotlons of various uortn jilos puddings re- liohcn anlwi- u ju which tho applo is tbo prinoipat irigrcdient wbctbor fresh dried evaporated or conned or used in any way tlio apple tho-book- lot points out is a wholpsomo food cdsfly prcporbd attractlvo and palate able at all times it furnishes mineral salt and organic aids it possesses important nutritive value and has medicinal virtue also especially if cat- tm tweon- meals- itr- is tnotdtmcuir to agree with tho remark tuaino bouao- wlfo should bowithout a box or barrol of canadiangrown apples to facjh- tate otoclung up in thia manner a ntato mcht is fiu i thn bnoklot of 4hoprppor oeason or period during which various varieties should bousod oxtoadlng over tho nine months from september in o no year to may in the next both inclusiveissued by the di rector of publicity bomlnion dopart- ment of agriculture ottawa reflections on the new year i have n0u6ubt tho editor will bo writing about the now year and tho correspondents will be expressing good wishes in thoir columns buti thought i woufdraleo writs afow iiarngrapha about now year matters in my boyhood days i hoard some very quaint provorbsfrom the old folks of thoso times regarding jjow yenis and the month of januarycj6tb ot folks really believed then that as tho year started so also would it con tinue and that tho first month would have a very marked influenco oyer those to follow thcso oldtimo proverbs paid par tlcular tribute to tho weather thqy wero of course brought from tho old country whero winter is milder and shorter than- in this canada of euro and many othexpnjtsof north amorl ca of course tills country with its broad expanse from east to west and north to south has various climates of different kinds if tho grass grows in janiveer it gtowstbo worse fort all thoyear in v many jparts of canada wo all know that no grass grows in jani veer as the old folks used to call tho first month but at tlmos such might be tho case in somo of ourlati tudes anothpr proverbs used to bo difficulties surmounted by tho mana ger of tho cnadran prono party in iilq papeiv the renfrew meveury mr rupert pavles the msurikor of tho cuiiudlan ertltom party describes in very interesting terms tho dilllqul tics oiicountercd in planning to jvislt the groat british fleet tf follows when i was sent uvei to knglamt in the sirlhg of 1023 by tho canadian weekly newspaper aouooiatloh lo spy gut the lund ns it wero i was charged by some- of those who wero becoming much jntercatod in the trip to endeavor to havo permission grant ed for the canadian editors to view tho grand fleet this waa rather a tatt ordbri for ua they- nay over there it iant done canadian cabinet mini ster premiers of provinces and other high fcivnl and military dlnunrlts from overseas dominions are usually when they are in london- invited to most official functions and tho recent royal review at snlthead was no ex ception sb we liayo- read in billy lows interesting diary but to get permission for 1g0 canadian editors to view tho licet and go aboard some of the big warships is tifiiot her rriattcr altogether during j the war a party of- daily newapperitoraybro tulonr ovor to england at tlio expense 6f tho imperial government the arrange ments having been made by lord boavcrbrook and qlfonout into tho north sea to oqbjtho fleet in notion that wan in tho damdayswhen rna terial had to be secured for inspiring und- encouraging newspaper articles these aro peace days and tho fleet is carefully guarded however fortune favored mo in a most peculiar manner i had approached one or two in fluential gentlemen who had promised- to see what could bo done but no pro gress had been mudov one night i was invited to dinner at thei savoy hotel this was given to t canadian newspapermen jjytho jempiro press ijhion happening to bs ono of tlio throo i waa aoatcl at the prcnlaenfa nf ot scuo tabic and waa ooon in thmjddlo o- v notcd for tlclr oxcollcnt b neighborhood news- town and country i fc robertson lias recovered from his illness of last week and is at tending to buufness as usual mr and mrs j p bartleman of timininu northern ontario arc upend ing clirlstniaii hero wltli mrs bdrt- iemano parents mr and mrs g a homstroot i mlltona nkatirig arena wuo omcjuk lypened monday night when the junior hockey team had their flrot practice ir and mls e wilkinson- aro spending the christmas holldayo wlth friends in buffalo and rochester n y yesterday w e mccready sheriffs buillir and chief leo mubaf bur- llngton escorted wuhsji wilkowetslcl to lho penitentiary at a kingston to servo four yeurh for the burlington bbrglary jt on saturday wm grogory of georgetown a dismissed o t a- spot ter formerly of milton waa tried by police magistrate shields 6n the charge of lmpqraonatlng a prov officer to search a motor car he was convicted severely remanded and re leased on suspended sentence at tho county council last week tho clerk was instructed to advertino for the sale of jc900opo debentures for trafalgar tenders to be uv by tho 27th day of january 1925 oakvill2 1 tho ladles aid if tho methodist church thank the ladies of the town for their generous patronage and loyal support at thehrbazaar hold december 12 proceeds vero tqliggo an interesting choral service was held at the regular session of knox church sunday school on sunday the word fortnight this is another word which com- moii in certain circles seems jjichiitd to lapse into the obsolete llko tlie old word hcnnlght for icven nlgjiti why vforfnlght should nti bo metj and sennight forgotten ishnril to iihswor the moro logical reason seems to bo that- while a week is eaoler ta say than wnnlght ihe word fort nigh t comni mow readily to the toiigue than two weeks as language nlways chooses tho easiest path we have dropped the sennight but even the word fortnight is hllp- plng uwiiy tho reason why a ptrlod of time should bo reckoned iunlghis rather than days is 6nly that the custom of most nations was starting at sunset instead of sunrise hejfavored it a man whose famllyprdewyh more marlcod than his love for music asked a friend to come and near his daughter sing after sho had finished tho proud father said to kin friend weu4ow do you lllce it what do you think of her execution j tho reply camo trwlftly im in favor of it which class are you in tltro are two fluikei of pcoiilc ill thfn- world on of these classes 1m rcojaipoied of the people who cheerfully and willingly do their duty at all timcii and whey therefore make possible all the benefit h any oikanizatioiitan give- in fac it imy be ald that thoy are the creators of wealth the other clatiii are tho ones who want all th- benefits and all the good things of life but h are nit wilung to contribute their share- toward tho- production- thereof to which of tliese classes do yob belong if to the latter do you nollhiidt thai you iuglitlotn fer overju the former awhqpper the suiiday school ladit haw sever- al of- her pupils engaged irt some in teresting game- what xire you doing sho innulrcd were aoeing who can tell the big gest he repliedsusy j tho winner la to get this piece of pic oh aald the shocked stuiday strhoojlady i never told a lie the little girl a looked at one an other give her tho jiie said sucy chocolate covered figs tjiim toothsome and wholesome christmas time confection comes from new orleans and lu especially to bu recoiumtijdecl for cliivrvn because r satisfies the craving for sweets with a food that is digestible nuuulouji andiiau a tonic effect on thayadeni the hgh hhouh first be steamed until they are very tender this roiy be done conveniently in an enameled warj steamer with a removable rack when tho figt have cooled removo the sofi centres and ohop this portion fliid with m few nuts and candled fruits fill tho ilgs with tills mixture unj dip thejn in unsweetened chocolate which has bcen boiled lit an enameled ware doublo boiler tho chocolatp coating- will jccep the figs soft and moist for a- considerable tlfne j i- i room for promotion have you good chances of promo hon asked mr potta of tho aspirant to his daughters hand tho youth was no of those cheorvj olitlmlstfc liouls 1 rather ho exclaimed except for the office boy i hold the lowest po sition in the firm i couldivt-help- myself been sittlpg by the flrcoido boflwomc and wo have beon recalling together die things of past days which wero in the experiences of our long lives we just naturally had to compare things thernrnd now llko the rest of you wo hope it bo spared to seo this year through and with the intent to make it a moro useful year tlfnin thoso which have gone wo arc recordingour netv resolutions and intend to work them out to tho best of our ability why school teachers qo crazy teacher what is a plymouth rock hen pupil one that lays hardboiled egga teachei what is a guitar pupu a disease of the head toacber who was homcr pupil the guy thatjl3rtbe ruth made famous v tdachor what la horse power pupil the dlstanco one horse can carry a pound of water in an hour teacher who is a grass widow pupil tho wife of a dead vege tarian 4iv teacher spell receive pupil getj tho worlds lender water dearth bread- under snow good luck all round farm or giles conyaoslngjfor mem bers tof ka- ruffle asked one of bis neighbors to enter george ho said bo yo agoin in for my rafflo -f- hpw muchaakod goorgo five shilllnga wslrio reply put me down answered oeorge ill pay you toraorrpw ne3t day thp two men met again wollaid george who won the prlxor r i won tlio first priue said tho far mer wasnt i lucky who won the second mya wife won tho pecond wasnt sho luoky v and who won tho third uuorled goorgo patlenay v my darter wasnt sho lucky by tho way you havent paid mo your five nhilungayot no said geortfo wasnt lucky probably that can bo applied to a riumberof places fri canada a pro longed januarythaw melts thfe snow and the water not beingable to por- cdlato through tho frozen ground accumulates on the surface of nica down or- tho fall- wheat fields hard frosts follow the i thaw the water is frozen and tho lop over tho grass and grain roota dooa serious damage when spring combs again thcao places appear yellow and the farmer knows rusir3ffirzctfflia3qm wjinterlclucd another old now year proverb i remembor sayst march in january january in march i fear ppoplo oven in this day aro fandljor ththtr1dcacrceppdtn tltts old proverb if january is very mild wo any that spring weather hah come to stay and hi conscuuenco spring when it does come to stay will como late one of tho proverbs that have been handed down to us of this clay when speaking of january is as tho days grow longer the cold grows stranger january days after thojchristmus and kew year holidays seerti to bo longer than thoso of tho months s lowing and tho cold weather is usually severe no that the proverb really fits in quito true to facts often teacbcr what is ohlp pupil friendship teacher what is a poiso pupil its tho way a dutchman says boys teachoiy- what io the climax of a atory pupil where it says to be con- tlnued teacher wlat is bigamy pupil- an insanity that causes a man to pay three board bills instead of two teacher- what is a reformer pupil one who seems to pnjoy seolnc others that do not have any fun a mistaken conception rmforrddalot conception of rtiusical talent leads many lo believe that only afow aro born with a musical oar whatever that miiy be and that no othor need appjoaya a bulletin of thp national acaifbmy of muslcj it then epes on to say that ovory chfld bo given some sort of musical education and that school credit bo given for music study pursued outside of tho school but under tho direction or supervision of tho school authorities serious mistake good manners k xoudo riot really tiavo good manners unless thoy aro tho sort thatmatako pooplofeont home if your niannern arotho kind thatmae somo awkward boy wonder what to do with mo hands or some untralnod glr fool her inch of development keenly yoiii hayp jjo reason to prldo youruelr upon them for thoy nro very bad indeed tho better your mannern are tho losa people will tliink aboui theirs onc more warming a few days ago an automobile owner wan foiipd dsad in his private garago tho room waa cloaod and the air was strongly charged wltli enrbon-mbn- okldortbo oorofioi deelded it was thin gas that hnd kijlod him never mind how cold tho weather in if you lijrhf run y ihotor insldo mnlco ah bacbpo for this deadly gas by running rookino backward when i sit and reflect from the standpoint of this new year of 105 i am simply amazed at what it haa boon my privilege to seeof new inven tions improvements and advancement in worldwide things during my brief enfoer i go back ton years and the first controllable airship wns just coming into use in connection with tho waivvup to that time tho aero piano was regarded an a sort of unreliable toy fifteen years ago there was no wlrcloss telegraphy twontyilvo years ago no automobile had heon seen on pur streets or highways thirty years ago there was no elect rkf streets cars nor rndinl lines forty yearn andthro wasfnp telephone and no electric light sixtj years ahd thcro was no phonograph and no sewing machlno sovontyflve years no telegraph one jmndrcd yoaraj no railway nnd no steamship lines one hundred and twentyflvo years no steam two hundred yoars no poet ontco throe hundred years no newspaper five hundred years no printing prcas one tkqusand years nocompasa and ships could hot go out of sight pt larfd two thousand yeani np writing pap or but parchments of skin and tables of wax and clny go back far enough nnd there aro no plows no tools no iron no cloth people ate acorns and roots and lived in caves and wentnaked or clothed themsolven in tho skins of wild beasts within ono generation there have 0ome into moro or jobs general uoe oiectfrotventcro oleotricrahgesolec trie irons ttasollno onglnca gasolin tractors imd multitudes ofotlior labor saving devices for the homo the farm tho shop aniv for pleasuring pursuits this looking buckward is a great a song with the title theres a sigh in tho heart was sent by a young man to a- lady but the paper fell into thb hands of tho girls father a very unsentimental physician who exclaimed what unscientific rubbish la this who ovor heard of audi a cape ho wrote on the outside mistaken diagnosis no sigh in the heart pos sible sighs relate almost entirely to tho lungs and diaphrara most interesting conversion with a charming gentleman whoms hit ting on my right and to whom i had boon introduced earlier in the even ing with a number of others but whoso name i had failed to remember my new found friend was well posted on canada and canadian affairs told mo that he bad broicen u leg once while climbing tho rockies at iht- first opportunity i turned to 3ir robert donald then just plain mr donald uiui asked lilm whojuas tho gentleman ontho left and was very pleased tp learn that it waa col amery the first lord of- the admiralty col amery i had remembered reading was mar ried to a canadian lady miss green wood- slater of sir ham re cently been on a visit to this country i found him a most sympathetic list ener lo my- request and before the dinner was over ho hud announced in a speech that he had promised to make arrangements for our party tovlalt the fioot in 1924 am might be expected i was much elated but as burns says tlie beat laid schemes of mice and men gang aftdgloy tho baldwin x3ovornniont waa turn ed putof power and col amoryyns re placed by lord cholmaford- effort were made to interest him in the mat ter nnd while negotiations took time and the aid of influential men in lon- don had to bo invoked when wear- rived in london wo found that on wednesday july 3rd on tlio invitation of the lords commissioners of the admiralty wo were to leave paddlng- ton station by special train for wey mouth where the atlantic squadron was stationed the visit to weymouth proved t6 be a most enjoyable one weymouth is in dorsetshire somo three houra rido from jlondon it lies south of and closely sheltered by tho dorset hills tho town is built around r beautiful bay which wo wero told is only riv ailed by tho baylor tjapieai it is quite an ancient town tracing its history back to roman times in 1319 it sent its first members to parliament and twontyolght years later it sent 20 ships to join tbo fleet which sailed to bbalcge calais thomas hardy the famous novelist who is still allvo and who has written many delightful nov els of wessex life notably far prom the madding crowd the return of tho native and teas of tho dur- bcrvilles also wrote thtttrumpet major in which he deals with abo residence of george iii in weymoutb we jorived at that station about 130 and were met by the mayor wearing his official chain tho president of the rotary club also with an official chain on and soveral prominent morabors of the hlasonlc lodge wo wero es corted to tho pavilion where wo were greeted by a band playing the maple leaf forever hero we wero given an official wclcoma by the mayor and aldermen which was replied to by mr harold halo of tho ortllla packet who30 ancestors had been connected with tho town we wero then taken on board a arnfljl ship and started for a viiuxofauflcoluh put in tlie harbor the original plan had been to divide ua up into small groups for ten on various ships but on account- of roygir weather on the sea this had been abandoned and we auinvitod4otean flngshlp rwhcn we got out io the under the leadership of j s dyer- dorothy riley who in the high school entrance examinations hold last spring received tho highest marks in halton county received the gold watch which is astandlng prize from a g holmstcad for the pupil who achieves this distinction that oakvllle lias been dead for throe yearatand that only by an inr crease of population and careful reg ulation of municipal opotiditi could normal pro bo attained were sentiments voiced at last thurs days meeting of the oakvlllo busi ness mens association air john fisher of tho bank of montreal toronto xuifl a vesldeht uf qokvillp has been giver a branch in ftuion quebec the now flrehall bronto is about complete except tho addition- of doors and windows the new fire truck has not yet been delivered but is ex pected to arrive any time now two of the t wells to provide adequate water supply have been finished and tho third is partly done according ta rumor most of the library board intend offering their resignations to the various bodies from which they receive thelrjappolnt- ments it ls believed that they will stake this course rather than change u decision relative to tho dismissal of tho present librarian to which tho majority of tlie- board agreed georgetown helping grandpa grandpa had lost hla glosses ami was very upset becnuso ho could noc road his family herald and weekly star uttlo jonnlo thought she would soon put that right eq sho trotted out- of tho room wltli tho journal under her arm and soon appeared outside tho window r sho hold tho paper up to tho glass there you nro grandpa she callod now you can read it through thcro cant you doctors orders fleet oven this had to bo abandoned tho admiral refusing to allow tho com mander to attempt to- transfer ua to tho manofwar in such a rough sea- it certainly was rough but ulthoupn tho boat wo were on pitched and roll- ed fur worse than tho channel steamer on tho sunday previous no oho waa sick possibly wo wore nil interested viewing the various craft as wo went in- and out among them that j no one thomght of sea sickness the people of weymouth are not only kind but resourceful when- it was found that wo were not getting aboard the war- sldp for ten tho watchman on the mountain top was signalled from the bridge of our ship and when wo arriv ed back at weymouth a very inviting tea bad been prepared for ns which ws were quito ready to pnjoy the two hours till train time wao jipent ori tho beautiful esplanade of this scdsldo resort which 1b ono oftho very finest in england we reached london about eleven oclock tired but certainly not hungry for an extolibnt dinner had boon served on tho train mr frank mcgwvray has purchased from mr j b mackenzie tho new h6uso he recently erected on george street the- high school board has decided to lncreaso the insurance on the build ing and contents from 46og0 to 65- 000 mr and mrs w c anthony left last wednesday morning for detroit mich where they will spend tho holi days with friends mr morley pettlt has returned from a lecturing tour of six states and provincial- beekeopero conventions dr josoph mcaridrow has returned home after sjiendlng nearly two years in europe where ho took special cours es in medical work in a number of different countries messrs j n oneill sc son an nounced that their rest rooms for ladles aro now open tho rooms aro at the roar of their offices in thefr fine pew block arid may le entered from wes- leyan street thoy are heated by steam comfortably furnished and have u ladles toilet in connection a full house greeted tho armenian boys last tuesday night at the town hall when they gave their second an nual concert consisting of choruses dialogues recitations etc ttiero was marked improvement in their knowledge of english over a year ago and much credit is duo to their teacher mr alexander for- the advancement made v tho- annual closing cxcrclsesin con nection with our public school were held on friday afternoon lost the etttaewsnowetf filling the large naf room to its capacity mrs h w kennedy who has boon a member of tho sohool board for tho pabt six years ooouplod l lcjnxir-j-uan- a bl q -and-eluolent- manner jn lusbort uildreau oho toid- tlio audience of what had boon accom plished during that tlmo for tho better ment of tho school tho- pupils in choruses dlaloguos marches and drlllm dldthelr part in making tho afternoon pleasant and profitable herald y a record in simultaneous radio broadcast in canada was achieved on sunday night december 28th on the occasion of the first anniversary of the radio department of the canadian national railways sir henry- w thornton chairnian and president of the canadian national system and three of his vice- i presidents messrs j e dalryrhple s j huflgerforct s- and w d robb delivered short talks from station cnrm montreal this station was tiedin with cnro ottawa arid cnrt toronto by telephone circuit and the amplifying equipment at the two latter stations completed the broadcast as though the officers were- speaking in pcroonfrom either of these sta tions tne same evening thesume speeches were delivered toothe ouievsix broad- cablingtotipns opemtedhythecanadian nattonalroilways in moncton winnipeg safilcatqluuregina calgary and edmonton so that the messages received a dominion- wide circulation within the space of a few minutes in montreal the speech ofmr roblwas delivered in- french as a compliment to the frenchspealdng canadians but it was translated into english at all the other sta tions not directly tiedin with cnrm never before hoar simultaneous broadcastbeen attempted on such atargeicale in canada a new years resolution cock surg unwise combination havo you uny doe blacuith ald mra janicnon to tho grocer dob blacuita ankod tlio exocor vbut wliatdoyou want thorn for you dont troop a doff do you 1 i know wo fiont ropllod miq ttameson but tho doctor ban ordcrod my husbnnd to oat animal food mans compliment it tubo from tlio cxhaiiht td a liolo in omnloy for thono holiday tlmou of ouib j tho wall or open tho doori j- ll mnivolloun ago but i fall ttalu lo un annual warnlair i to tojj tliftt tliq pooplo arqany lapplor i hobbsoanjo latoto busineatj morn- hikfl iintlliil corman employer threat- burd tot1lhatkoiimtttoir ho wia ao punctutil tprtt hib boay wihhlhtf to coriiirtlmoht him shld p vllllnni i justice yon nro early of luto hobbu nodded and mnllcd and hit oniulpycxtojiunucd you wore pchlnd poforo but now you aro tho flrat nt lout to ho mind of mia abigail jonn- inj thcro wno a sort of disloyalty in ailmlttlni to any outsider that a nativo of wlllowby could bo really eccentric ah for anythlni beyond eccentricity mr joiminirn would never have ad- mltlcrt it oven iln ttlo cane of mluu rachel orobs who wan frnnlcly called eraay bytho oummcr vlsltoro now mra jertnipkb iild onu tho bonrdern do you really mean that youve never known mlmi qrcfce to do anythliib that y6utcul jpraw i no i havent oald mro jcnnlngo vttli a firm and anyoltline oxinranlun about hor prominent chin why what do you thlnltof her nendlnk that has- of eceaover to tho cornoru to mm cole cifflit in the box wltlr fjor laundry worn nnd never tollliur thn htnsodrlver nnd lottlmr him throw the box right off inquir ed hutr- summer honrrtrr mf colo miyii i uiorofl one blilrtwnjnt nlioll hover lie ablo o wear again well knid mra jonulnei calmly i uliould bay about that no i huvo anld about- a number of uttlo thlngii huclni dooh and huh dona sho may lack a little inwlndom and forethought now nnd itjiin but then who doanirt id llko to jtuow it la a good thing for a man to have a mind of hla own but ho nhould malto uure that it la not pf tho typo- that weara long earn inuopondonco with holme pooplo la only another nnmo for pfghendodneua thoy would rather break their necks ngalnat a brick wall than llaton to advice tho way of a fool ia rlghtln his own oyca but he that henrkenath to counaol ia wise 3cho moro brnlhs a man lino tho moro he la inclined lo atop loolitotmaton but foola runh in whore nncoikfonr to tread when you aro uro dorit go ahead until you have aokod your wife or aomeono who la not aoeing thlnga tlirourli colored opectaclea manya nian who han been cock euro haa landed nock and crop in tbqfjoup even if ho iacnpoa jahairian nood not bo like the wavea of the aca hlthor and thlthor by ovory pnaalng breeze but ho la a poor sailor who looka not at the allien aa well aa hlo chart and compana bofbro sottlnfr hla ennyna plenty of ua would havo boon healthier woalthler and wiuor if wo hnd barkened to couriacl wo might have had for tho oaklng ilo that hearkeneth unto counael la wiao above nil lie la a wlao man who haa uakeel of illm who glvoth to all mon liberally und upbrnldod not solo mon in shoo and leather journal facts though fishy the worldn unnual cntch of herring la estimated nt 3000000000 or npproxl- mntoly hajfjtoknumbcr of pounds the prollircnoy of tho procreation of oea crcaturea may lie ourprlslnff to many a herihig for example delv- orn an nvejago yield of 30000 eggn wimii maximum of cnftoft conaldorlng woight tho cod imhery l the mont productive i in canada but tho hiilmon llahoiylaby far tlio irioat vnluublo from a monotaiy viovvxlrit the hlandiud packliijr of ulokled lierrliiir muckerol ulowlvea holmon made- neecaaary by recent loglalntlon uhouhl inrreuiie tho prlco of theae n tlc0b in forolfnaruqia kiamarj fyery week that i am in f business and have goods to sell during 1925 i will invite the public to come to my shop i will keep the publicin- formed of the advantages to be had from dealing with me each week and will back up my ad vertising with tlie best of store service v mr business man 7 fbr moir6 business during 1925 advertise every week in the free press r msimmpm

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