Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1925, p. 4

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0- ft k 5 the home of member canadian weekly nevspnpor association member selected town woclcllea of ontario the acton fitef fuess jiiliniahed ever thursrfci tnurninn at thr free tress uuimlnit- mill street a ontario ttie suuauviittion firicc is xoc per ycur in advsntc iustabe is charged nililittonal to offices i tnt united states the date to which subscriptions are uutl is indicated on thr audreas label advertising ratestranaient advertise merits to cents per line agate measure or ant insertion and 5 cents per line for each ubse fiieit1 insertion contract display advertise meats for so inches or more per annum 18 cents ici utli each insertion advci tiscmentrltn out specific directions will be inserted till forbid ml kharued aocorilinaly h cm0oii president aid editor g a dills manaccr and assistant editor ikifphones- editorial- and business office tlw rrsmenrr of frcsidcnt m helping the home town merchants speaking before an audience ofl business men m vvnllerton last month mrl e roy saylcs manager of the canadian wepkly newspapers association rnnde several timely remarks in regard to the threat ened extinctiofrof the small town merchant by the metropolitan centres he said inorder to succeed the local merchant has to fight thcdcpartmetitstore with their own weapons of publicity there are many good forms of advertising but the cheapest df ail is the weekly newspaper through whichthe merchant canreach many hundreds of homes in town and district for a few cents the merest fraction of what it would cost to reach them inany othcrway mr8 frosts refriqerator government ownership not always party patronage oprjnnentsofgovernment ownership in the united statesconfronted with proof ofthe excellent pro- gress the canadian national railways are making and the improvement in the service they are giving are falling back on the excuse that canada hasnt government ownership of railways as they under stand it what they mean is that our railways are not run by the party of politicians but by a rail way expert and a board of directors this they say is hot real goygrnnjent ownership not real govern ment controc but expert control that may be but froat btmna whatane country ddsnptjjeferlepjltrlb experienced experts to manipulation by inexperienc- tho ed party favorites for moro thun twentyyenro mro front had kept her refrigerator on tho buck porch it had no ulwayu boon thcupinfl refrigerator of courno ln the hoglnnlne whon mro frbat had boon a yountr married woman oho hud poauouued a modont icebox whon- tho baby cumo nho had had to tf6t ajarcor rocoptaclo and whon finally her nph had crown up and got a job and lofi homo aho had purchanod on of thofl qjcpomdvo whltoinnldoiuidout affarrn inrffo enough to hold toritluod tho food that oho and mr frpat consumed for tho fact wan hat tho frooto now had moro than enough money far every thing and uomemmeo had to conjuro up wayu of upend lnff an ombarrauslnc uurpluei thlo marvelous white refrigerator of mrs frohtu ntoodn tho back porch just as its predecebhora had bocauao she had become accustomed to having it there and because tpcyuhe did not hho to have tho iceman tractrtnjfr her spotless linoleum in it oho kopt a cront many thlpgu that mr front liked aomo that alio liked and sotrio that both likod in short tho refrig erator ajwaya held something oiatwrio tempting and taaty and cool on sunday morning when mro awny howuqover i got a good look at him he cant deny tljat oh uald mrs lyoat bho dropped upon tlie noat beijldolucy ita that noaccount baldwin boy you know the doafnmldijmb one oxiilulntjhl lucy i- euppouo ho was hungry toy can do just what you llko ubout it of course mlu front go after him with tho law if you want to and 111 stand witnoaa but my idea would bo to put a lock on your refrigerator- door and lit him go mrs fpbut gavo a kind of a gaop ill r that vory- thing lucy aha liald iiimbly halfld times promiscuous commenfa 6n the h c 6p l lenbond a pound of obdycrackoro yeij breud yoni maam and two cento started in amazement it waij empty she had expected to and chicken fruit a whole chocolate cake and materials for a aalad nnd a fpinntity of milk but ter imki cream she gave a cry and mr thursday morning january 1 1925 eun r1al new years morning brings new years thoughts we stand this morning of january jst 1925 on the threshold of a new year it is fitting that we 2 should welcome its dawn with gladness of heart and with optimistic spirits nqnerrftiis know whaf the year holds for usof goodor ill but thai is no reason why we should not face- it with courage and cheer it is certain that it will contain new responsibilties new opportunities of service new tasks to be faith fully performed new heights to climb and perhaps ncwsqrrows to be endured the new year ought to bring us a sense of deeper appreciation of much in life that is old ithas been sboften repeated that we can never go back to the old ways- and conditions again there are some old ways and conditions that the quicker we get back to them the better fo mimjcjn we c a throw aside old moralities as though they were mothworn gar ments some one has well said the universal up heaval has not crumbled sinai to a plain the ten commandments are not obsolete calvary is not a 1 tnytlvand christ- isvtinr thr- reliljif nryir nrl irgtil a commendible spirit of citizenship the aylmer express gives this interesting in formation respecting the attitude of a number of the citizens of elgin county who are prepared to assist the officers for the enforcement of the ontario teihperance act to enforce the provisions of that measure a real live organization has been formed in aylmer and will be known as the east elgin temperance league its officers and members come from all parts of this immediate district- one of thetriaiittibj of t is to help theofrcers in the enforcement of the ontario temperance act such help we fancy will be warmly welcomed for the officersof the law have found much difficulty in the past through the indifference of the public in formation- would be given an officer at times but raireiy would those in possession of evidence consent to appear in- court infact we are assuredthat offi cers have been told that if these persons were sum moned to appear they would not back up their in formation with erffdence before the court such things naturally make it almost impossible to enforce tho act now however the league intends to see that officers are furnished with the necessary evid ence when a chargers made through the league which should prove of great assistance and help eaytostophcbootlegginggameinthisvietnity the refrigerator what lo it a moufle agked a mouaol in my refrigerator she continued to point and mr froat continued tp peop nothing thero ho concluded thata it- exactly mrs probte tone waa tragic somebody haa utolen our sunday dinner mr froat- qcratchod hla head in bewildered way well wo can goto ttlo tcntaurant they put up a mighty good sunday dinner so i hear ho oald ftlaybo the ututf vrlll fill somebodya stomach dont you care eliza it isnt that i begrudge thoxobd uo much robert its the fact that there l thiev about ou nrcmlnnn obliging and cheerful mr cartor tho nrpvlolon dealer itont untiling oven during hard tirhoo blllo woro over- duo and orders wcro small hut e sorvod hlo cuutorriorn with gonial al acrity and did not complain mr oaltea tho constable watched him as ho went to tho lolcphono and admired hlo happy- disposition yes maam said mr cartor to the instrument yos maam we cait do- liver thorainsldo of two hours ho bit hlo pencil and prepared to write one caotcalto yes manm two christ is not out of datey his teachings are not to be shelved modern novelties can never take the t platoiwirriedahai yfuepmtfctpls ouf safey wet strength will lie jn n recognition of that fafct it would be well if the hew year brought us a new sense of tlte- seriousness of life we are not lone pilgrims treading the paths of the years no man liveth untp himself this is true also of nations the world lias contracted into a neighborhood the seas are but lanes dividing us what happens in one national street at night is known in the next national street in the morning our influences vibrate across continents today nothing is more important therefore than the quality ofrlife we give to the world just as nature perpetuates the frailest leaf and immortalizes the most insignificant forms of life in the focks- so our lives and influences arc going into the strata of the worlds life and lenving an impress that will last for good or ill let the new year also bring us a new spirit of sympathy for our fellbwhieh in the past human sympathies have been flowing along narrow conventional channels the spirit of human sympathy must dverflow these nttrrowcafttil3nnks finding new outlets new inter- ests and new causes into which it will flow fertilizing more antlmore the soil of fraternal friendship the world stands in dire need of this and nothing will more readily sheath the swords of nations than true sympathy extended in the spirit of christ the frue press wishes everybody a happy and prosper ous new year editoiual notes atready there is talk of more scandals being un- earthedwhen the legislature meets if it keeps up the statesmen may fqrget how to legislatgttttfeonto blobe s police magistrate jones toronto expressed pleas urein iourt on friday the day after christroaisr at the extremely small number of drunks appearing in court the remarkable shrinkage was he said directevidence of tlje strict ot a enforcement this yeapit has been pleasing to note the de creasing use of the objectionable abbreviation xmas concerning which the rochester times- union aptyl observes the short and ugly word is n foolish sacrifice of beauty and significance in behalf dta trivial saving of space barrie examiner r zraherrseaaonfcerevalungail during the past decade or so almost every fall and winter season has been accompanied with the development of some new form of colds nnd influ enza eight years ago the very fatal form of la grippe became epidemic and in many cases fatal the present winter there appears to be prevalent in many places a new and insidious form of la grippu these conditions have induced special investigation by the public health service of the united states a nationwide study of colds and influenza shows that in a fairly representative group of persons only ten percent had no colds in a period of five and a nfl jh colds and influenza the investigators find are more closely related than they were formerly supposed to be some cases of the respective ailments are clinically almost indistinguishable from each other and the bacteria found in nosejuid thrbatpf sufferers appear to be the same whichever affection they havf l1 revival of trade predicted a trade revival in canada by next spring was pre dicted at the annual meeting of the commercial travellers association of canada at toronto last week by j harry dodgson the retiring president whoas head of the canadian delegation was elect ed vicepresident of the imperial body of commercial travellers at the london england conference- last july mr dodgson based his prediction of better times ahead first because the seeds of the trade within tfie- empire- policy adopted at the london conference would by the spring begin- bearing fruit and second on the general business outlook this optmistic viewpoint was also held by f j zammer the newly elected president for 1925 who while not anticipating flhy marked change during the winter months felt confident that before the next harvest cbninirwsuid be enjoying the commeneemenrora period of permanent prosperity the optimism of these observant knights of the road will in itself do 1 mi london before resorting to a conference owing to 2 zc conndeco amon prllamerbelng in session match the month sug- business people with whom hey r constantlv in ee would be inconvenient for canadian minis- tcrstqatiend the proposed conference contact they arc constantly in it seemed as if the ultimate in radio had been reached when photographs were sent across the at lantic by wireless but now comes the report that another and more wondrous step forward is about to be completed and that it will soon be possible to see people miles qway by means of this most marvellous invention of modern times the day has gone when prohibition can be passed by with a jest and our statesmen should recognize clearly that the prohibition movement is too deep- seated and powerful to be either despised or ignored the prohibitionists both of canada and the united ijtatraparetfftearrteatlartf this in mind st marys journal by unanimous vote the british columbia legisla ture has approved the antioriental resolution asking to see that all international treaties which prevent canada from controlling oriental immigration be abrogated this vexed question is bound to be a serious one forcanadn sooner or later there may be a boomerang to follow the action proposed eih what does miss agnes- macphail mean by re moving from the school books all glorification of war is it the intention that the coming generation shall hot be taught to revere and emulate the cour- agcthp self sacrifice and the patriotism of the men whanswcrcd the call of their king and country in the great war and went forth to battle against the ityjanny w wh threatened orillin packet this willbea pool year witji the united farm ers cooperativecompany not only will the egg pool be conducted in a much larger way than in 1924 but in addition there will be operated butter seed potato and turnip pools the cooperation with eggs and turnips proved measurably satisfactory in 1924 if some of the middle men can be cut out there will undoubtedly be better net results for the farm ers and prices will be no higher possibly lower to the consumer the canadian government it is intimated has still under consideration the invitation of the paid- win government to an- imperial conference oh the gcnova arbitration protocol no formal reply has yef becnimndc but the expectation is that thegov- crrimeht vfll suggest full recourse to cor7espondence and consultation- with dominion representatives in frightens me well- shouldnt lot it frlghtori me if i were you it wont happen again without v replied mr- frost ho succeeded in soothing her and they wont to tho restaurant for dinner the allens invited thorn out to supper and then took thorn for a drive oo the day passed pleasantly after all some tlmo pabscd and mrs frost had almost forgotten the occurrence wherf iio same thing happened agalri7 for tho second tlmo her sunday din ner- was purloined frornlho rofrlgor- ator- another whole chicken oho ex claimed woll it does look nerlqus mr frostadlnitteit wo ought to not a trap- or something but what can wo do i dunno mr frost was not good -at-lnventionr- j j mrs frost would liavo had her n frigcrator moved into tho housq only that thero wasno room for it it was very disturbing shq had began to wonder how oho could outwit tho thlof or catch him v who wnbihero lntho nolbhbotiqgd who would do auch an unkind criminal sort of thing aa to atoal ones sunday dinner mrs frost could riot think of airybtjayc l all tlibpeopte oh ibcust street wcro welltodo llkablo and honest real neighbors in fact ex cept lucy stldd mrs front felt a cor- tain tugging suspicion xucy stldd now who lived in tho tiny houso be hind mrs seans luey hard to got along with and unboclnbly- closcmouthod sltowa poor too and worked in tho mill j was oald that aho hadtakobaforrrorthinjff son roam lng tho world to whom aho had to send money nobody could vouch for lucjk i dont llko her myself mrs froat aaid it doesnt qoem possible that she would do it buttill however oho said nothing to mr frost but bho set herself to watch she hated to suspect lucy stldd but thoro wasnt dnothor soul oho could suspect nothing happened for a long time and mrs frost began to fill up hot- refrigerator again nuito in the old way guess tho scaro la over elucb mr frost said hopo youll oottto down nights now and sleep instead of listening for trouhlo on tho back porch it does look an if i mlgllt agreed mrb frost bho wan gfad to havo tho thing oft her mind aa for luoy stldd flho folt ajilttlo uneasy about lucy who had brought her a bunch of awoet pcao that day lucy had a knack for growing sweet peaa she mado mo feel llko a criminal thinking auch thlnga about her ovon thought mrs frost two hightn later mr frost wont out of town with aomo other men to at tend a banquet in a neighboring town thoy wont by autos nnd mrs ffont did not expect her hiisband ewstirvb fore dawn sho was not afraid to stay alonoand so af tor- sho hitd read herself nlcopy sho wont to bod fromtjher window sho looked out on her back yard and commented on the moonlight almost bright enough to road by cortalnly no thieves would bo abroad on such a night oho arguod and went to bed with the prospects of sleepihg poacofully two or throe hours lator aho waa awakened by a sound on tho bnclt porch tho hack porch the rcfrlg- orator sho sprang out of bed snatching her flashlight from tho tabic whoro oho kopt it in rcadinoua hor bedroom jut tod out beyond the small back porch and thoro watt ono window from which sho coujd look down and see jperfoctly what vtm going on as sho reached this window bho saw two flguircs shoot off tho back porcn and run rapidly awnsr ono of tho fig ures carried in hla hands her alumin um cooker which contalnod tho pork loins aho hod roasted for tho morrow tho othor flguro woajhatof n woman even without her glaouoaltho moon light was clear onough for mrs frost to recogntso ijucy 8tlddl mrs froofo first fooling was of in- tonsb nngcr and vorlflcatlon of hor suspleioiljqf lucy hor next wan a desiro to put an ond to tho wholo bust- nesn of thieving her suppijia on a bathrobe and slippers oho ran down stairs nnd out of tho house in tho di rection tho flguroa had tokon uoni her finnlillght to show her tho way an nho passed by tho big hydrangea nho camo faco to fnco with luoy pant ing nnd emptyhandod mrs frost piit the fiill gluro of iter flashlight in the womans faco accusingly well sho said so it in you yes its mo piintod llcy sho dropped down upon tho garden bonch just look at mo i aint half drenood oho nald with npooey trying to draw tho edges of hor bifluno togothor jmrn front ntood looking at hor ald- 4d hv the condommatory eyo of tho flashlight i wouldnt havo bellovol if of you lucy bhc4iald otildnthavo uollovcd it of my self lucy replied coolly but when looked out of my window i wasnt sleeping good and wan sitting thoro to got a little air and uay him nkulking pant i knewho wnanx up to any good so i look after him and just lis ho started with your roaut i got hold of him hut ho ahoolx me off oad ran worth of meat for thocat thank you thatll bo all xpo maam bo- over before vhobn woll oakos thats tho way it gpeo hear that orderfrom mro wjlklrinon tvontyfour cents worth in all pro- rttaboutf oucccnta jxni amuctpgd to deliver i wouldnt do it said mr oakcs you would if you were in thobusl- riolis and wanted to lcecp your- trade sundays and- partleamalco her orders good talto it thcough tho wholo month a few minutes lator tho telephone- bell rang again and mr cartor- re sponded over tho wire camo- an eager voice- iii this mr carter it asked yes maam- -what- can ji do for you maah this is mm jwuiirson tho volco went oh i jubt wanted to aak you to cttncol that ordtjr for meat for the cal ho wont need it hes just cauglit a bird i i golden th0ught8 tho prlco inwlioio the shoo plpchcu no profit n with honor unions it jn reasonably umull bnkorii lioom to find no difficulty in gottlng tho bread to ride tho conlmnn nayn that nnho panuea through llfo ho must llvi by tho wolgh- tho mlikmnnn price in nn high that one may bo oxcunod for crying ovor nplllod mllli almost- nil kinds ofiiltlnn aro unod in making hhocu even tho bnnana nklnn make good nllppors a man can got ngood pair of uliocq for m but a woman munt pny moro hecauoo her shoen como higher ready for a change xjyjuhsaid tho llttlo invalid who was being wauhod in bed jaitt i nood never never have to bo waoliod asaln im afraldiald mamma gently that ln long nn you havo mo to tako enro of you youll havo to roconclld yourself to bo wnshetl throughout ovory day tho invalid ponderod for a mo- mian thontueaid she i shall marry very early lon angolcn times black walnut8 a8 memoriala planting of black walnut troos an ed by the united states department of abrloulture- jt is pointed out that tho walnut played a valiant part in tho world waj tho wood wan uned for gun stocks and airoplnno propolloro artd thoiiutsholls contributed carbon for gas masks whllo tho icornols woro ubcd in many delicacies for tho -boyu-lh- tho trenches demand for wood for war purposes depleted tho number of tlno old trees and this method la sug gested of filling their places wordo of1vi0e men tio end crowuu ull t power in authority second thoughts nwi bout sloth u tho key to poverty bouboratlng in not tiolaylng idlonoiiu in ilia devlln pillow artlcuu art in tho hlgheiit art- swoop- bofora yoiirown door thero in i unit for ovory llnh a groat olty in u great nolltudo nobody calls hlmuolf a roguo crotmon aro ladderu to hoaven deep lieu tho hearts language conscience cannot ho compollod business ditiitr medical dh j a mcniven phyoldinn end ourpoon office and roaldnnce cnriuir iiow avonuq and tdlgln htreot 1honb e j nelson fhedbnick sthbiot apton ontario legal taking vvav8 fathori- hero my dear i dont mind your nlt iin atn wit thm young nian of yours but i do object to ills taking my morning paporo when ho goonluco yarns monk the first to wjsar 8pectacle8 momorlalsto soldiers irrccommoridijv ftorontlno icholnr inv oyo it wansn 12s0 tliatthcldca glasses first struck him foraldlrig hla falling eyesight with twp lenucn attached in wont of hn oyen iy two wires hooking on bohlnd his cars his name was aloxander do spina jio waa a learn o monk who lived in florence whllo at work on a jbcautlful lljumlnatod mjaaaljn 182b ijifl oyculght grow dim arid intent upon flnlnnhing his tank ho constructed tho drat pair of spectacles tho rent wan oaoy r now fribndsrilpb if a man does not make new frlond ships as ho advances through llfo lit will soon find himself left alone a man should keep his friendships constant repair dr s john on thouoht quality the happiness of your life depend upon the quality of your thoufchtn marcun auroljus love i not love lovo is not lovo which altera where it alteration finds ot bends with tho removor remove altnoi irhsarrever tlxed mark tiiat looks on tempeota and is -never- shaken shakespeare tjiavvoitorjaaillnxifa to every one- who is hvlng a llfo at all worth living a liberal margin of unlnvadod leisure is absolutely essent ial to tho reception of eneivgy- from tho world beautiful prm mn list if ho would hear the voice ortho goda- oho mu hold himself i reccptlvo condl- tlons if ho would receive from tho aplrltunloldo of ilfotl whiting the chance to be and to do -1- there are notimos in llfo whon op portunity tho ohanco to be and to do gathers so richly aboubho boui as when he has to suffer philip brooks phono no 22 poe0x 336 harold nash farmer k a dsrrlaur solicitor notary puoko y conveyancer etc perrymanblockkcrtohront monet lent on mortgages ji- wnnrfrgft30 n m to r p n saturdayn 1200 oclock hg meir barrister oolicltor notary public georgetown onl dental dr j m bell d d s l d s oentlat honor graduate of toronto unlvor- ulty tho latest anesthetic uwd if toalred oftlco at renldcnce corner of mill and frederick struts- v- dr f g gollop dds ld5 oflntal surgoon oitlco over bank of novo scatla itouf18 030 lo 6 70 i evenlnffabyappolntnwni y miscellaneous francis nunan z bookbinder accouiit bodies of till kindh miae o order porlodlcnlti of every description rarphuy bound rulinf noatly arid promptly done vvyndham street ovrwiuramo ouepjyn storr just before launching 1 what vvajm hihead tommy a pupil of a primary school thou ch almost an innocent took to tho oral lesson in phyololoery becauuo it wan illustrated from a larfco chart his teacher tells that ono day she thlnlclner hq hard learned one physio logical fact attempted to show him off ono friday our lesson concornod tho head and brain knowing tommys lovo for tho pictures i placed him where ho coujd get a good view of tho chart and tried long and hard to im press upon him that his head con talnod bis brain i roally thought that at last i had mado an improaolon and saw a gleam of intelligence on his dull llttlo faco at that moment thoauporlntondont happened in to make a call and think ing i had accomplished wonders tommys fame having rcachod him i called on thomas to tell whoro his brain was ho gavo mo a blank look and remoinod silent i tried again and put tho question lp another form now tommy i nald toll mr m wliat to in your head tho llttlo hand shot up and tommy fairly roared out a backjpold it waa my last attempt to show tommy off in public the mew english cathedral thcwondorful now cathedral in liverpool england whoso formal opening took place tho week tho cana dian editors party vloitod that city with thoir majcoucs king goorgo and qucon mary proaont has a number of striking features for ono thing it has a womens window in glorloun stained glass which celebrates not tho shadowy saint coclllns and saint catherlnos tpf longpast days but tho women saints of modern tlmeai to eliea- both fry and all pltifulwomon to christina roaaotti nnd all sweet sing ers to grace darling and all courageous maidens to susanna wesley and all devoted mothers women of many stations of life aro rop res ontod louisa stewart a mis sionary to china who gavo her ilfjl for her faith quoon victoria kitty wilkinson tho washerwoman who in tho tlmo oxerfolora washedho bod- clothlng of hor stricken nolffbors at tho risk of hor lto mary rogers a ships ntowaldoflo wlio put hwr life belt on anothor when the ship was sinking so tho window commemorates all poor holperoof tho poor the hoblo uxmy of martyrs and thoaa numbor- lesa women who havo lived and died for others more or le8s true husbands aro llko babies easily spoiled lota of women aet hiarrlod beforo they can afford to tlmo and tide wait for no man but some women will ho who envlos tho happlncflirof others will never bo happy every spinster inslnto that aho la ono boeausosho wants to bo whonjninfortune ovcrtakou a huotlor it knows it has bcon in a race ich awauto of time to cut tho ac quaintance of a man who in insult proof running into debt may bo a pleas ure but running into orin creditors isnt and when a man burnpfi up against hard luck honlways b lurried some othoi follow for shoving hlrn when a man gots tho worst of an argument he always declareh that ho was only trying to draw tho othor fel low out v ontario county council paused a resolution that tho members bo not allowed to amoko during tho evasion tlie princess marguerftefiui clydebank with a slater ship prlncefls icathloen for scrvlco be tween vancouver victoria and seat tle under tho canadian pacific flag tho new vesscls of 6000 tons were opeclaljy dqalgriod for service on the british columbia coast and being cap able of maintaining a speed of 22 jcnots will considerably reduce the time between the mainland and canr adas wcutcrn playground varicouvor island t aucuonecr and keal estate agent 17 yoara experience acton ontario sale entqiated tnb iccrr re- celvo attention from date of liatlns to date of nale list your aalea with me realdence bower avenue actors phono 30 acton call at my expense rf we wish you all a happy and prosperous new year drummond leatham eet- acton xiv iviain street- dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t brown0 drug store acton monday january 5 anyone buffering from -eyo- etraln defective vlalon or hoadacho ohould not mlna tho opnrtunltyjtcqnaultjpthjaj oyoalffht spoctallet constjltation pkeb office hour 0 a m till 5 p m that 1925 may be the happiest and most prosperous year you have ever had is the wish of w d c talbot main street acton ont gold winter nights and lower prices on wood thcso cool nights when you do not need a rtro for long in when wood comes in handy to take tho chill off tho houao and what will bo moro welcomo news is that tho price lina boon retlueod and tho following prices aro now in effect mixed slabs 300 load hardwood slabs and short wood 400 load best body cordwood 4 foot lengihs 1000 cord and nt fhla japaoon of tho yoiirulumoroiuontahloto do yiur cooltinir with wood yott warm tho hotino at tho nnmo time and your fuel does doublo duty each load is guaranteed a full single cord b a henderson we deliver promptly phone 25 v m new term january 5 1925 at guelph business colieger herald bldg ouelph weetorn ontorioti groatost busi- nois colleae individual inntruotlon modern baulpmcnt bunlncna experie inntructors special cfoursea graduatea in demand by hualneaa public send in your ronictration today jan 5 mnyoo too into guelph business college a l boucic prinelpnl and proprietor 03 richmond st vast tforonjo ganau4 fro in grateful appreciation of your goodwlll and patronage we cordially extend our very hearty thanks with all jgood wishes for the new year a d savage optometrist and mfg optician savage building iukht ut tho poat ollloo guelph ontario tho old and reliable- granite and marble works we aro manufacture and direct importers of nil kinda of monumental and headatoiiq wotk we sell direct to our cuhtomorn at wholemile prices thua aavinfi our cueitomor 40 per cent wo havo tho boat appliances nnd the only mechanics in tho dominion who can opcrato pneumatic toolo proporly we can irlvo roferencoo rrom hundroda of our customers in toronto and othor placoa wliero otherii havo to havo uuv bulto in order to collect wo hnvo the lorirent and bekt stock of granite in tlo dominion or more than any three foolers in tho wwt wn matti deal crhnntl employ no uunt and do not annoy or poat cuhtomnra by bndlnff out ignorant aaronto hoiiou- inff ordere wo omptoy only mechanics and dofy competition hamilton sons quelph ont faiimmsmiumn yttjnpmx ealaiglfe tm tftrrf

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