Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1925, p. 5

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lv artnn 3flrrr llrtas thursday january 1 192g ring out wild dells ring out wild bells to llio vliu sky tho flying clouds the light the year la dying in tho night 1 y out wild bells and let him die ring out tho old rhiljin tho now ltlug huppybellu across the anow- tlio year isgoing lot hlnf go ring out tho false ring- in tho true kinstout tho grief that aupii the i riilrid foivthpacthat woro vesee no mor- rlrip out tho feud of rich niiifpoor ring in redress to nil mankind king out a slowly dying cause and ancient forms of party strife ring in the nobler mo ilea of life with sxveeter manners purer lays ring out thoavant lhbcare tho sin tho- faithless coldneas of the times ring out ring out my mournful rhymes but ring the fuller minstrel in king out false pride in pisco and blood thoolvloblhjndeivnndthebpite king out the love of truth and right r in tho common lovo of good the sunday school lesson fnf surjday january 4 tftlng- out the- old whupea of foul dio- ease king out the narrowing liist at gold ring out tho thousand wars of old ring in the thousand years of peace king in the valiant man and free tlus larger heart- the kinder imndi iting out fliedartmesa of tho land ring jti tho christ that is to be- alfred tenriyaon christs triumphal entry golden- text blessed be la tho king that coinoth in the namo of the lord luke 19 38 time saturday april i a d 30 tlftce itethphas and jerusalem tho text explainod 1 jesus proclaimed tho messiah by hla disciples- 2935 in ihp account of our lyrdo entry into jorusalemjjlvcn in matthew mat 21 117 the entry into jerusalem and the cleansing of tho temple acorn at first sight to have occurred- on tho same diiy but from tho account given in alurlt mark h 18 wo find that the entry into jerusalem occurred oh saturday and the cleansing of the temple oil sunday by comparison of altthouccount of uio vents of tlio last week of our lords life wo and that tho entiv into toriiwnlwm recorded quebec to have new sport facilities twenty years ago from tht issue of tho froo press of tmrp january 6 1905 king edward- kink in now going in full blast with good ice and large nightly attendance air j r andersqn re ceived an ugly kick from a broncho ho was hoeing on mondny morning an enforced holiday for several days has been the result l mr tv h denny has sold tho brick dwelling in association terrace- be longing to the estate of tho lato mrs wilson to mr w h fewarfttniicipar ot7the schools mr donriy baa also sold the george lamb house- on scone street tomr william brown and tho house on willow st next knox mnnao to mr thomas e 1 price mr frank- gkmblo has pur- khaactrrro twostqry dwelling on wjllow strcot opposite st albans rectory at- tlio regular practice- of acton cornet- bund on tueadav evening last the following officera wero elected president a h dovitt treasurer w johnstone bandmaster c w mason secretary j b lako com mittee j c hill j smith w turton jijoana o hildonbrantlandtha secretary theroiuaiao atop to ward tho forming of a muslcal eor cioty and theso ofllcera will act in thlar capacity also tho band is arranging for an assembly in tho town hall on friday oveningvthe 13th mr and mrs john a hondcraon- here could not havo occurredon sun day and thatthe celebration of palm sunday r bounded upon a mistake the errand upon which jeumi sent twv of ills dihclpies was a trying ono it waa a trial of their faith thoy prov ed themselves tobc disciples indeed by doing jprecisely what iholr master tbld them to do vs 33 34 doing what our lord jesus comraandrus tbuti is the supremo test of disclpleshlp john rl6 14 it wiia not a very great thing that they wore commanded in tills in stance bud it is the little things that the completeness of our surrender to him is tested itxdid require faith do as thoy werq blddon they found everything juatas jesus had said wq will always find it just as ho says if we obey him what he saypmay ap pear improbable but it always comes out exactly as predicted tho reply that they were instructed to glvo to anyone who questioned their actions viz because the lord hatji need of him was very- brief but very munh to tho point that the owner un- queatloningly sent him at once when he jxnow- that the lord needed him provedhim also- to he k disciple in deed many yrofossed christians to day are not so willing to hand over to the lord anything and everythipg that he may need tho disciples were wise- in not tfrying to improve on the lorda answer but flaying exactly what they had boon bidden to say the avorago disclplo today is not so wise their casting their own garmonta upon tho colt and seating jeaua there on was proclamation that they thorn- selves accopted tiirii as king thus jesuffenterpd jerusalem in literal ful fillment of zechnrlahs prophocy those who protested agalpst tho ii t- eriii interpretation of prophecies would do well tonote earefully with what nalnuto accuracy christ jesus lias al ready fulfilled those that referred to his first coming and children leavq acton today for winnipeg whicjv is to bo their future home during the past year or 00 mr henderson has had tho manage ment of the business of tho standard white ximc co beachvlllo knosc sunday school held their en- tertainnientjut usual on new years evening this year tho programmo was given by outside talent and was n very enjtiyablo one indeed mr harmon a croxale of the shoebourno street methodlhtcuvircln toronto waa the vocalist of tho evening while mlas grace morry also of toronto was the cloeuuoniat tho instrumental music of the evening was given by tho sun- duyschool orchestra an organization of feven local mualcians the municipal officers for this year are as follows reove george hyndo councillors john 211 warren j lackey james wilson william white school trustees henry grlndell wl kcnney isaac francis j s coleman dr mcdonald and alex ram- shaw the councillors anc school trustees were olccted by acclamation on monday a vote for county council was also polled the contest being bo- tween a mcglbboiv h p moore and j hi peacock two of whom were to bo elected tho result waa a mc- qlbbon 71g h p moore 610 of which 439 were polled in acton- married curryreed at elmgate farm esquealng on thursday- december u9 1904 by rev h a cook mr j m tracy currle only son of caps currio esquesing to margaret clark eldest daughter of h a reed railway tijme tall at acton golno west d wlllets witii the first fall of snow covering the ground quebec is putting the llhlshhig touches- io a winter pro grammeofwinter sporto ex tend throughout tho season and cover every phrase of outdoor sport a ski jump that will rival thoso of mon treal and ottawa aijd attract- antatour skiers of international fame is planned for this city and engineers are already at work malting surveys and plans for its erection on thedaridurand terraae property of tho quebec somlhary tho jump will be opened in luo course under tho auspices of the front onac winter sports club a iew sportive or ganization under tho patronage of tho chateau frontenac and direction of e des baillets internationally known winter nportaman who has drawn up a programme of international com petitions including figure skatum curling skirunning and jumping hockey and- other events to tako place in thlcr- city during tho conilng season mr des balllots la supported by local civic sporting military and other authorities while a number of offices in tho frontomio winter sports club have been left open for representa tives of clubs in thaunltof states featuring in the programme already outlined aro ski hockey and skating tournurnonts at which canadian and american universities will compote in this connection- it is announced that prlnootonunlyeralty hockey team will moot tho sons of ireland- in quebec februnry 10th and ohnthe follbwing dny will meet tho mcgin team at the now in montreal the ameri can team coniea from the unlvoroity of which tllpjujc wjiodrow wiloqij was preiddont when elected to the prcal- dency of the unitoll states skljorlrig will rodelve much atten tion and owners of fast horses are being encouraged to train them for that sport knees will bo held oh a track of well beaten snow tho chat- eau dog fciim will play its uuav purt in aiding pavt uud morrlmont and will bo haunedv in a uttlo eskimo iploo adding to their picturobquenosp the appearance of your car ia the first thing by which tho outside wprld can- judge i a may possess every autornqsile yl yet iiitlacksejmtyoll appearahc the world will pass it by unnoticed chevrolet has an appearance in which any motorist may feelasense 61 pride- it is a handsome car and better stillit possesses those quali ties of performance which its hand some appearance would lead one to expect a minute or so of your time will convince you that chevroletlooks good let us demonstrataltsgood performance representative for this district town ont no 29 no 31 no 33 no 35 no 39 tjo lb sunday t 809 om 1031am 20 pm t01 iym ki3dii m- 102li a 01- gotyidenfc no 2g i 705 anx no 30 1118 am no 34 3 3g pvd-u- no 3g gltprh no 38 8 3 iirn no 24 bunday 7 pm dally daily daily dally dily daily daily i canadian national railways wo ot bound dally excopt sunday a little lesson in politeness i freely admit that this is ono of an oixcodingly nnalont vintage but it is a railroading story and it has bcoiv my obhervatlon that railroad men llko their atorlcato bo well hcs soncd with aije it la a yarn which tho late j t llanrahan president- of the- illinois cjcntral oyatem wan fond of telling on hlmaolf hpptn w nlf ing ln-z- office at chicago ono day whoivq hlrly jerson entered without coro- mony cf jtnoclipg o names cascyl no hald jt want a pass to st louis i wurrk in tho yar rda that is no way to ask for a pass aald mr jianrahan you should in- troduco yourself politely gomo baci lli an hour and try again xt tho end of the hour bacu came tho caller dofllng his hat ho in quired are yez mr hanrajian t am me name la patrick catsoy ive beoni worrkin out in yar- rds glad to lenow you mr casey what can i do for you ye can go to h 1vo got a job on the wabash rirvin cobb in the boston globo a girl worth while miss aniflo monualln or chatta nooga recently wrote 300 letters on hoi typewriter without making a mistake she has also taken aji high as fifty words a mlmito from dictation dlret to trio inacliifie thato a pretty good record joiil it but the moot interesting parc of the story is that she is totally blind shc- wb educated in the nashville school for tho blind whoro she- finished the high school course at tho ago of 18 and besides her skill mt 11 typist she is an ncrompliah cd pianist after finishing a business courso she found dilllculty in securing a position because no ono believed that alio could do tlio work under tho handicap of blindnohs but hho would not bo thwarted in her detormlifatloa to sue- ee4o haa now boon for noveral years a public stenographer in a lead ing hotel where- hho la kept busy whenever wo who are in full pon- ommioti of our faculties are dinpoacd to whine aboutv tho nnklndneuiiof fate wo ought to think of what this little blind girl has accomplished and bo iinlmmoil of ourselves up in the morning a mother commanding her daughter fyr a jjuiiatloiwnfi asked if olie was an early rlher an eariy riser isho oxclalmed well i should think o why shes up til the mornlng and has breakfast lendy and makes all tlio beds before unyonoolao ia uphi tho house f iijc3us proclaimed messlahby tho multitude 3g40 wo pass hero from tho disciples to t hcmcarcrowahianiauonveou tt b meet them as it reads in lukes ac count wo might get the impression that it was just the apostles who spread tbclr garments in the way but from matthews account and marks account wo learn that it waa the major part of the multitude that spread their garments in tho way tlw multitudes who welcomed him as the messiah- but they did not understand him they were unintelligent in tholi dovotlon vind bo it was hortllved little dependence is to bo placed upon popular enthualaam the samo crowd whom- wesee here crying blcsacd a the king that cometh in tho name of the lord in a few dayswcro to shout themselves hoarse crying crucify him crucify him but not even wi hat moment of general enthuslaorndld all express their homage thooghnnany did the day however is comlmjt when every knee shall bow arid every tongue confess that jeous christ is lord if you haypbeentherc would you in devotion to him have thrown your wrap in the pathof the glorious king of peace well- you can do it now if you wish by putting it on the- back of some of his poor brethren or sisters these people did not go homo to get some old castoff clothes to lay at the feet of jesus thoy flung tho best they had in his way their enthusiasm for christ may havo been shortlived but it waa more thorough-going- and hearty and less calculating while it lasted than that of tho many modern professed christiana it ia a beautiful sight to boo people throwing down tho beat they have at jcaua feet to pavo his way to the kingdom others took branches from tlio trees and jatrewed them in the way and today wo can atrow flowers in the path of jeautj by taking them to tho rooms of ills poor and sick anu lonely ones it sometimes seems as if wo would like to have been there to havo had some uttlo part in thl3 one brief day of triumph during our lords earthly life but there la coming an other day of permanent triumph anil wo can have part in that and until that glnd day comes wo can herald himaa test and aong and pavo his way oeforentllm sutch a demonstration aa that recorded hero would greatly shock some of our calmer religious people of today aomo of the pharisees but it did not shock jcaua on the contrary ho oald to tho carping critics if theso should hold their peace tho stones would im mediately cry out jcaus howover dd not join in thojoy but wept while others shouted all the city waa stir red nu jeaua entered no ono else cauaes such a commotion as jeuus in any city which ho enters wherever lie goeft there is a shaking up and a questioning and a division the ex cited city asked who is this it la on all important question and was naked again arid again wo do well to ask it too who is tills that lao mlghtilyjitirrcd the hearts of men who is this that speaks as noverlirian hpalco who fit this that heals the nick arid raises tho dead who la this that claims authority on earth to for give ulris who la this that dares to htrctch out hla hands o suffering thousands and say come unto me all yo that labor and aro heavy laden and i will give you rest who la this that lived morothan eighteen contuiics ago and yet haa such transforming power evcn jortlaf jtho multitudes replied this in the brophet but we say as god says thisj is indeed tho spn off god the saviour of tho- world a new years wish thbbleaaeo chrlotmastido has pome again hark how theangela sing that silver stralnp t that glorious vpeaco on earth good will toward motf they sing it full as sweot and clear as when they aang itrfojttho shepherds lorig- ago and lo the heavens once- more with glory glow itoiriako irieetwetcomo for thattieav- en y lay and when at length it softly dlos away o may tho peace ihatstrcamoth far arid near remain with you through all tho glad new yea mid i pribtle llb clnrdtho liablftoncaving the dor- motherwit walking about tho streets of paris a scotch tourist found he had taken a wrong turning and lost hla way to make mat torn worse ho could not copi- inand enough french to inaka iiir trouble known 1 then a happy thought struck him hrtyti the weekly telegraph by dint of slgiih ho mailo a bargain with l frulthawker for a basketful of goose- berrioh and to the amazement of all who tittird him wgut about shouting fino scottlsli groasets a penny pun this went on for a whlk until xl fiioweountryman rushed forward and asked man dye think yoruln tlio streets of glesca mint yo gang about like a madman crying grooeoto kch riipllcd the howker with a algh of relief ycro junt tho man 1 was looking for dye ken tho way to the hotel 1 flies mankind is learning rapidly which of the myriad kinds of living thlnga are friends and which are onemleaj posts that ruin crops aro- zealously studied mid fought by tho farmer but some jiosts that endanger- human life- aro tolera tecause their ravages are not valboto xc unscientific eye it took brave experiment todiscover that the mosquito fa a deadly enemy of than- and a long campaign of edu cation was necessary to prove tho fact to the public the rat being odious anditdestroyer 6t property was more easily fprovet- to bo- dlaeasobeaiingsepurage the jntor nationalassociation for tho scientific destruction of ratsr founded in don- mark is- hot a fantastic aoclcy as is attested by the work in san franclaco arid other cities against this creeping vehicle of bubonic plague the mosqultov and tlclrat havo got to go and so has the hbuseflv which far from being only a buzzing nuisance causes thousands of deaths a year during tho civil wnvit was fouid that flies carried gangrene this early discovery has been explained by tellectual shrine to which tho keen book lover resorts it is an agresslve and missionary institution it seeks to promote circulation it tries to bring tho right books to tho right people at tho right time librarians are the directors or guides of popular reading it wll bo well to offer ample facili ties both for general cultural reading and for special vocational studies the relatively small number of those who piirsuea course of geilous and sys tematic reading should receive tho llhrnrianvi most helpful attention the majority of readers howover can bo guided into less formal courses of readlngand led to read books that are worthy of their time and thought the public libraries aro a part of tho general educational nystem of tho province tho department of educa tion naalsts thorn with legislation and gems of thought chancels but the pseudonym of god for those particular cases which ho does not choose to aubscribo openly with iiib own signmanual colo- rldgo kick srp- tho moral and religious system which jesus christ has aubmlttod to us is the boat tho world has over aeon or can see- franklin rarie3 branch standsieady to give ad- vied or instruction to all library offorts in their buildings equipment selec tion and classification of books servlco of trained librarians circulation of timely literature the public libraries of the province aro taking their full share in the general educatio ad vance of tho times dr cody excellent for croupy children when a child is suffering with croup it is a good planto usrtr thomas eclectric olf it reduces tho inflam mation and loosens the phelgm giving speedy relief to tlio jittlo sufforor it ja equally reliable for sore throat anl chest earache rheumatic pains cutir bruises and sprains dr thomas ec- lectrlc oil in regarded by many thous ands aa an indispensable of the family medicine chest thrills for speeders whether it is actually put into practice or not wo can not vouch but a plan qfjjjdallng with speeders re ported from a california town haa much to commend it iaaapurilnlimcnt for reckless driv ing tho offender is forced to tako a ride in an airoplano piloted by an expert who shoots through space at terrific speed withtwthatlons in tho way of dips tail spins and a few loops this treatment io said to be very of- foctivo in taking the ajieod mania out of the culprit and causing hlhi to dread a second sentence i automobile speeders are not as a rule tmrtlcutfarly courageous tjoi- erally they arqi just plain fools who do not realize the danger to which thoy subject themselves to others the treatment described above scemii qulto appropriate the other joshua a colored man was arrested and taken beforo a kentucky judge on tho ehargo of- keeping illicit whlskoy which was popularly called moonr ifwjlxoenittnomtr conversation tobkplaee judge what in your name firifi oner prisoner my name sub iim jou- htin judge aro you tho joshua who commanded the sun to stum still prisoner no milt ls de joshua who raado do robonshlno w1d jathejonly creature endowed with tli e power of laughtor is no not nleo the one that deserves to bo laugh ed ati-arenville- jesus chrjat is a god to whom we cauapproach without- pride and be fore whom wo may abase ourselves without despair pascal if i canput ono touch ofa rosy sun set into a life of any man or woman i shall feel that i havo worked with gouv g macdonald there is no doubt such a thing ua chance but i see no reason why pro vidence should not make us of jk slrnma my words fly up my thoughts re main below word a- without tlweuf never to heaven go shakespeare more firm and sure tho hand of oumgo strikes wion it obeys the watchful eye of caution thomsonv- the mines of knowledge aro often jaid bare by tho hazelwand of chance tupper law kept is onlylaw law- broken is both law and execution mehander the remembrance of youth is but a sigh arabian proverb tho place of charity llko that of god is everywhere tho great obstacle to progress prejudice bovce beforo tlio temperance actcamo here we used- to got fin o wines and boer oh boy remember that old kick that mado you thirik you could lick a hon or a wildeyed skunk oplt nto a tfgers face or run a milp-a- mfriuto pace ill never forgot that old saloon with footrail ond the big spltoon and how tho boya would gather round whcjljjojnjpjobrflucker liad- beerrfoiltu7 who wanted to put up the pot and spend all tho wages that ho got to show that hes a generous guy and not let any of ua bryw iet libertys right standard waveotl land and spree and home of slavea but slnco that time ray neighbors not wfrntho wus called a sot he wears a collar qvery day anil never wastes ills hard earned pay last night i graapod- my neighbors hand and said to him xou- beat the band i notice how you stop rind talk to that blind newsy on the dock and smile as to your work you go as if you never had a foe waa that you that gavo an outing jaunt for boya and girla who fresh air wajri ho to me right off iho bat i got a great kick out of that the monev i spent on my beers i use to dry up kiddles tears the mon i spent in sparkling wine i give to men who havent dined so ive decided that i think the kick was not taken from tho drink tho kick wan tnken from the tough who went home full of that blame stuff if follta but knew theyd get raofo kick from helping folks when they aro sick of cheering some down- andout whose got the rheumari ur gout instcadpof getting it from booze and getting drunlt to havo a snooze theyd spell the boozo llko my neigh bor friend though thoy tho booze men may offend he spools tho stuff that filled the atlen a different way its bier andvwhlne percy anorth electric 743 am- 913 am 1143 arru lrl3 pmc i 43 p m gi3 pm 743 pm 943 pm 1232 am ens tbound daily daily kxcopt sunday djuiy z dally duny diuiy daily dolly j daily 743 am 043 a mi 1l43 am 143 pm 343 pm g43 pm j 743 pm 943 pm 1140 pm freight dollverodby flpeolal express frjolght freight picked up at any ud- drogo in toronto t e gibbons expert tihoe-lrepairing- protwpt attemtion to orders left whether- tho corn bo of old or now growth if must yield to hplloway- corn ilcmover pruning fruit trees when speaking of pruning tho words spring pruning are generally vuried when dormant pruning la really meant much of this dormant pruning can bo accomplished during tho winter months and december is gonorally a good time to cpmmence operatlont at this season there is more slack time in tho orchard than at any other if pruning is left until spring tho rush of spring work often arrives beforo tho trees are all worked over in tho or you would think- to hoar some people ycalk that criticism was a fine art but a man needs neither brains nor ex perience to malto a first class critic it is easy to find fault and ns tho old saying goes if a man wants to beat a dog ho will aoon find a stick any donkey can point but ipljfcjctaint matrt pruning until early spring aa a rule results in ono of two thing oithei a continuation of operations long after tho sap has begun its move with consoquepce loor healing of the wounds or results in unavoidably slipshod work over a large part of tho orchard duo to a desire to finish the prunuigandget at tho other import unt seasonal operations by making a start in tho early winter working on days when the climatic condition aro not too severe thc work can bo com pleted earlyenough- in tho season to avoid interference with early spring dutles- in plunning pruning operations it might be borne in mind that a light pruning each year will kcop a troo in better condition than heavy pruning at leas frequent intervals pruning a few ycara ago and those who aro in terested in the aubjoct aro advised to wrlto to tho publications branch de partment of ajgriculturo ottawa for a copy of bulletin no 18 now- series which leala with modern orchard practices arid outlines uptodato pruning methods experimental farm note tit for tat private jones was liummohedto ap pear beforo hla captain jtfhes said the ofllcer frovnlng darklythls gentleman complains that you have killed hla dog a daatardly trick interrupted tho owner of tho dog to kill a defenceless animal tlmt would not hacjn your nofhiuh defoncelesa about 1dm chimed in tho private heatedly phe bit pretty freely into my leff so i ran my bayonet into him- nonsense- answered tiie owner angrily he was a docile- creature why did ybii not defend yourself wllh the butt of your rifle why didnt ho blto mo with h tall asked private jones with spirit worma however generated are cqluliliullu tracts wliero they set up dlsturbaneeij detrimental to the health of tho child there can bo no comfort for tho little ones until the hurtful intruders havo boon ox- pollevr an fticolleut preparation for this purpose can bo had in millers worm powders they will immediate ly destroy the worms and correct the condltlonm that were favorable to utah existence powerful medicine the healing properties in alx essential ails are con centrated in every bottle of dr thomas ecloctric oil forming dno of tho moat beneficial liniments over of fered to tho use of man jjtany can testify as to its power in allaying pain and many more cari certify that thoy owo thefr health to it ifa wonderful power is not expressed by the small price at which it sella sour doughs horncftrrn tcfhla tail and criticize his qualities fromhis yolco to his hools every man to histaste aa tho irishman said aa he klased tho pig or tho highiandcr when compar ing tho bagpipes with a jazz band but there aro lots of people who go though life grumbling which la bad enough in itself but these sour doughs must thrust their woes upon thoso who have dono them no harm when you aro tempted to pour out your talo of woo to the innocent friend or by standerdont if you must tell it got hold of npqlicoman who is paid for that kind of thing there are a lot of peoplo running around looao who aro not- much better than those shut up in the asylums when a man gota into his hoad that somebody la after him to do him he la called a par- nhoiac and la put where ho cannot do harm there aro a lot of pooplo one mceta who havo tho obsession to a greater or leaser extent solomon tn shoo and leather journal many mothers have reason to bless mother graves worm exterminator because it has relieved tho little ones of uufforlng ami made them healthy had oe qualification an irishman who much to his wifes sorrow had got into the com pany of mon wliq managed cockflghts determined to raise some game roost ers for himself so he got some prize eggs and put them under the old hen n th q back yard in order to teach him a lesson and discourage hla growing ylco hla wife reihovcd tho prlne eggs from under the unsuspecting hen and put in tholr placpijdmr ducks eggs homo weeks later tho vlfe hdnrd o commotion in tho woodabed sho rushed out and there stood put watching with delight tho first off orta of a newly hutched duck to waddle bridget brldtwlll yo lukut the fut on him sure a blrrdtwice his alzo 1 couldnt thrip 1pm the provon atthmarmdy since asthma exlhteiitnoretimsljecn no lack of much 3 heralded remerttca but they bave proved short lived and worthiest the overgrowing reputation of dr j d kelloggk ahthma hemody has given- it a place in the field of medicine whicii no other can approach it has never been pushed by hcnantlounl mcthodu but luih simply sgono 011 effecting re- llof und uialuutf jiow coiivprts castoria mother fletchers castorta is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and notice is hereby given that tho two following bylawa wero passed by the municipal council of the village of acton on the fifteenth day of decern bar 1924 viz bylaw number 570 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount or 3 50000 for tho pnr- pose of defraying the cost of tlio in- tiillatlon and laying of additional waterworks mains andbyhiw num ber 071 for tho purpose of connecting up the municipal waterworks system with the fire pumps of tho acton tan- niffgctfmpany arid for this installa tion of a chlorinating system and that such bylaws were registered in tho registry office for the county of hal- ton on tho seventeenth day of decem- ber 1924 aa numbers 299 and 300 re- spoctlvely any motion to quash or act aside either of tho uaid bylaws or any part thereof must bo mado within three- months after tho first publication of this notice and cannot be mado there after dated tho 26th day of december 1024 633 h n farmer clerk s in natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for ih signatureof fooven ilirtctions on carli package physicians everywhere recommend it did he leave any insurance the ficst question aslted by george castles friends when they heard of his tragic death in an automobile accident was quite a natural one a griefstrifckenyoung widow two wideeyed wondering children a little home pajmlypaid for here were properenough reasons for the solicitous query of true friends and george castle had no insurance if your death came shortly would your widow be left in this position would she after the first paroxysm of grief had passed face long years of want with dull despair crowding lov ing memory from her heart protect her future with a north american life policy the attached coupon will bring you complete information on how best to do it north american life assurance company solid as the continent v head obfjce toronto canada f c walls district manager 504 bank of hamilton bldg hamilton ontario soiifl mo your booklot phowriolc mr rolioy niimn addrchu i afio occupation tje gibbons imatn- strekt r-acton- village of acton notice op registration of bylaws y notice to creditors in the estate of robert wat son late of tho village of acton in tho county of halton retired farmor deceased notlco is hereby given thatall per sons having claims against tho estate of the abovo narpod robert watson deceased who died on or about the fifteenth day of november 1921 at tho village of actori in the county of hal- ton aro required to send by post pre paid or otherwise deliver to tho under signed solicitor for the executors of the said deceased on or beforo tho fifth day of january 1925 tholr names addressee full particulars of their claims and tho nature oc tho security if any hold by them all duly verified bystatutory declaration and notice la further given that aftor tho said laat mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the oald deceased amongst tho parties entitled thereto having re gard only to tho claims of which they shall then have notice and thoy will not be liable for tho said assets or any part thereof to any person or persona of whoso claim notice has not been rccolvcd at the time of such distri bution dated this fifteenth day of decem ber a d1924 richardson co p o box 83 go or go town ont 253 solicitor for tho executors diamonds of quality u likotnost other things dia monds may be either good jaa or indifferent u a fine diamond is distin guished by purity of color freedom from flaws and quality of cutting fi these characteristics com bine to produce the fire and rare brilliancy that is uiq outstanding quality of every true gem l itwe handle diamonds of fine quality ohly these we buy direct in large quanti ties always for spotcash ttt savage co jewellers ouelph ontario

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