Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1925, p. 6

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l ihrtha marrbnca anil ueatlia arc now cl3rci for at tw following rate births ni memorial dentlm 50c 50c 10c per line extra lor poeiuu 50c mnrrlaffmi carti one of englands oldest cathedrals the dorn svi5nce oil satimlny december 27 at tlloir liome 167 onlcwood avenue toronto to ltjiv lld mm bon it sponco a daughter married aaleivens at toronto on satur dayrdccoraber 27 1924 by rov a- v mcgroitor elo m daushter of tlio lato thomnu p uml mro iveno or llmohouno to- charleggalo ol toronto died sunday tuuid in glenwnilonii on december 21 1924 daniel bold in hlo 74th year mcfarlanis at ijor2t 2b moaa on sunday decembor 28 1924 jano mcfnrlano in hor tcth year rawson at tho9uoiph general hopital on chrlatmafl eve 1924 mary rawoon olbter of richard rtawflou acton claridqb at tho rooldenco of hor uon william clarldeo- milton on monday december 33 xmi mary forcrave widow of tho lata john clarldceof cheltenham in her hstn yeat jambert at tho homo of her uon- inlaw mr john bennett on the hlehway near croworina corners on saturday december 27 1024 elizabeth medcvon widow of tne lato william ijimbort aged 76 years gthrartmi jteproa thtlrsday janpany 1 1026 brief local items u- happy new tenrl the drat day of 1925 school- rropono next monday a now your has opened write it 1925- school nsoln nbkt monday ro- mombor hhoclcoyulir in bocoinlnff quito prov- alodt agalnr t ice org getting ready for 7 tho aoaoona harvest yoa woro- having a real ofd-fanh- lonod winter mdlco your now roaolutiona and de termine to keop them thoro haa boon uomo jojiy oleich- riding during tho holldoyo acton fall fair annual mooting noxt wednesdayjafwrnoon tho turnip imlppcro havo cotton busy ngaln alnco chrlatmao tho morcury eot a few degrooa bolow zero again on saturday night and sunday standing witlr fomed wings of mystery tho now year waltn to groot ua xu and mb mla jean konncdy aang a miich- approclatod aolo at knox church -oven- ing ocrvico on sunday ilalton bprlng aaulzea will bo held on march 20tli tho chief juulico of common plena prcaldlng thin la renewal time for the new- oy homo paper your promptitude in renewing will bo appreciated the okatlner rink opened on clulatmftilcveand hoa afforded tho ajcaters much oport during the lioli- days o v romomber the blrdloa thoao days tiiolr uaual food la now covered with onow feed them your tablo scraps dolly tho homo of cinrenco hill at poru avaa destroyed by firo loot friday night loan 13000 partially covered by ln- buranco t tho tlmo win come ehouted tho lecturer whon women will set roentf ymsoa yea ohoutod a uttle man in 1ho back aeat next friday night ploaao toko out uib adv i oold tlib cutter the day after the adv api poared wan a tolophono reques re- coivod on monday it pays to advor tloo jjji quclph la having a hot- mayoralty contoat there were eight candidates nominated thcro were twontyoight nomlnathuia for the- vdx alderrnnnlc seats r inquiry ia made for tho wheror abouta of richard buttroy aold to be a former resident of acton or vlelnity anycrnormitlon aupplled to this of- f icowrwberorwarded goorgetowno arjjna ooems to hav quito an attraction for numbers of our youthful citizens who disregard tho tlmohonored adage early to bod makes you healthy wealthy and wise a loyal old resident of this com munity oald u10 other day- i like to ooo a man proud ofthe place in which ho lives i like to soo a man live in it ao that his place- in proud of him historic pile at exeter dates dack to 1020 tho old xund han many mngnlllccnt anil liitcrcatlng places of worship nilnihtcru cathedrate churchcu and chnpcla numberu of which wcro built over a thouhand yearo ago it was tht iljoa rortime of tho memberu of tho canutinrn edltorb party to visit a good nurabor of theae both on tho conunont and in tho brltiah ialea durutb thovl5il taat aummor among thom all norio had greator interect in jjome rcapccui ulan tho cathedral church of st peter in ex- 0 the chlef architectural glory of devoimhirc when ho sca of exotcr wan foundod in 1050 the llr3t bishop ormil a saxon monaatory there and the olil miniatci- ihertof becauso tie ilriit cathedral church or this com paratively llttlo reraalna though pof- tlonii pt tho fpundationn- aro pointed out to vlttltoro in tho proaent structure about 1100 a now cathedral won begun but it required an hundred yearo to c6mploto it tho very rov- dean gamblo honored our porty with boing our guide ao wo vloltl tho preaont splondtd aucrod oilloco from the groat west door tho cathearar la seen in all lta glory fronx other polnta wo saw very in ureatlnxrfeaturea for oxamplo at tho soutbwcat corner of tbo navo loplc- ing acroso from tho font to the mlh- ntrola pallbry from botwoon tho sec ond jnijd third piers at the west of tho nave on the north side looking to- worcl tbe south tranaopo on the steps of the nortlh door acrosa to tho serpen of st johna chapel acrosa to tho jlinntrol gallery but thoao are eachjinly vlcllghtful portions whjfcli go to make up a glorious whole from thoweatond of tho navo may bo seen tho full length of tho vaulted roof three hundred foot without brealr and sixtysix feet high it ia oald to bo unequalled in tho world tho varying natural colore to the atone have a very pleaaing effect tho bluefiray of the nlxtocn shafted- un- pouaiied oolld puraceu marble ploru bleqdllng well- wltli the light browns and redo and tho creamy unto oftho other atono work tho windows- of tho hallowed struct tir nl gr wnrlrn ff nrt thl vaulted roof uy superb and seldom tmmrtlc i any uf uiu wuild muai catheorals tho carving n hoth tho atone and wpodja moat artistic and skillfully executed the corbels and baoocjj tiroughout tho- cathedral con- tain much beautiful and qxcollont work and command attention- the altar la a r wonderful pleco of orchl- tecturo tho organ originally built in 1665jao rebuilt ln1891 it has fclur manuals and alxtynlho atopa the task of keeping such grout an building in repair laono in- volvinecoiwtantcareand anxlctythe interior of tho exotor cathedral is in excellent repair having been thorough 1y- restored about fifty yearn ago but the outside in consequence of so much of the atono work decaying la con stantly wanting a large amount of work lor repairs an effort is now being made to koop tho fabrjq of tho cathedral weatherproof to una end a popular subscription of jc2g000 la being raised if bojj occurred to tho wrltor that there may be prosperous rosldehta within the bounds of the constituency of tho foxbftuzsa in canada who know personally this flno old cautodral either groin reaidonco in devon in earlier days or through visits theroto wlillo touring- bnglnnd who vould esteem it a plcaure to conttbute to i thin fund if so apy juch-con- trlbutions vlll bo promptly acknow- ipdeoct if sont to the dean tho dean ery eietor or to mr g a c drake hon 3yoa8urcr the exeter bank ex- otcr xasland the object is certainly a worthy one and is vnll worth- consideration by those- generously inclined mr and mra hugh lnyiterf-mc- cutclteon spent tho hollduyu wltli their daubhtehltrtoronto thla community auiipliefl many o tho chrlatmaatreeuwhlch wereuhe in guclph and other polntar tho sunday school ontcrtulnmor at everton vaa an unuuual ouccos ioth 03 to programmo andattondanco neighborhood news- town arid countn fchu rchill mr lloyd graff of potynauan npendiniiuio holiday ntfnc home hin uncle jjtohn graff echo lodn farm hlo sister mlaa pearl of blui valo aluo weekend chrjounaa and unclou home tli ospringe dublin the following are tho reflulta of tho chriotmaa oxaminutlona nt dublin st iv margaret waldlo bornclco bracken donald mcdougall sr hi howard wobnter sr u jwllmcr fryer edjtli bacji- on wufrcd waldlc stewart ruddlclc billy mophodrnn sr ianhlo mack jr i haerwaldlo slgna wobstc- primer viola robortaon martha qrr toachc- nassagaweva tho township clerk mr john- mnr- ohallalutrrbutod tho printed minutes bylaws and accounts for tho year at fuo nomination mcbtlng on monday his ontorprizo in having all- this ln- formauon 00 promptly in the hands of tlio ratepayers is very conimondiblo the anow storma of tho paptweok effectively put a stop to motor trafllc hardly a wheel has turned for a week the death of miss mary rawaon took placo on chrlbtmaa ovo in tho genorol hospital guclph after a un- gcring lilrissottho funeral took plaoo from her brother- inlawa roaldcnce mr enoch walker darbyvllle to tho ebonezer cemetery roy mr mc icenele of guclph preached tho funor- al sermon and officiated at the burlal school secjion no 10 erin the following in tho atundlng for juch pupil for tho month of december sr iv patrick kelly jr iv edwfttd duggan lion duvld riwackhamer jean cree tuuhlngbam vohter r j 1 jr ill huzplfdroy edith ituonoll jahiy fontcr and harry icelly oqual jr ii to sr h louldo swackhunior on rachacl kelly lion mildred footer hon sr ijack cole stowart rusool and katliloen faroy equal jr i frank swackhamer roy fou ler boutrlco kelly ruth colo bebt yorlj in spoiling und arlthmotlc for december edward duggan abbent for one or more cxanitn ntlona hon honoro wilmamiicmlllan teacher s 7- anjitjlian national rallwts success tho bereaved ones have tho sympathy of tho community in thclt sorrow the nomination of- roevo and coun cillors- for nosaagawoya reoulled in thb old council boing eloctcdtjyacclam- tttlon edward agnbw reovo wi a near w w dredge frank mcnlven and donald campbell councillors mr and mra fred flotchcr and family of jamootowh north dakota aro ylaltiim relatives and friondo in noaaasaweya jwevjlbhab ahappyand probpor- oua now year nna definite part of the systems ac tlvitlco all of tho speakers stroased the promising outlook of tho coming year and each spoke to his largo yet in- vlslblo audlopco in optimistic terms while mrrobb who oppua in french dwelt upon the amicable rolationublp whidi had been dovolbpod botwoon the railway and tho largo section of the population of canada and tho united states who speak tho french languno crewson8 corners additionat books added to 1 ltnrarv 1 library v tnioonbura by an unanimous vote on monday granted exemption from taxas for ten year to uio regal oil corporation a company which pro poses to start business with a 2l0000 plant tho fnss pacss offers you its pages for tho insertion of your personal and social items our staff is ready to receivo them ut all times phone llw and you will meet with every rfcourtosy professor campbell- of mcmastcr university will preach in the baptist church next sunday morning and evening and at churchill in tho after noon mr wright of toronto took charge of tho services last sunday mrs schram rccelvod on christ mas evo tho beautiful persian basket awordodat tho competition in fruit calces with tho ladies of acton eng- land at st maruns bazaar tiiero a 1 fow weeks ago 8hb livery proud of her prize owing to protests from many citizens tho oakvlllo public library board will not dismiss mrs coldwell librarian to engage a qualified suc- j oobsor at 60 a month mrs cqlwell has aslcod that her salary je increudcof to ig0 a month brampton council hao jmn sold j7h000 worth of d4 per cerjt deben ture bonds maturing in 10 and- 20 years to cochrane hany arid com pany toronto at 10121 ilhd accrue intoroat representing a coat prlcb co tho town of d26 per cent mossrs william plonk nnd bon have sold their property at tlto corner of main stroct and knox avenue to mr- willlatn murray they have pur- chased tho alex mcintosh farm- at crowsons corners nnd will move to theot premises this week instead of the usual review it- vice nt the methodist church on sun day afternoon mr at brootltbo superintendent gave a series of ion tern views ulustratlns the life of christ boy mr culp the pastor made an- interesting explanation f each picture as shown the following booko have been odd ed to tho publio iabraryand are now available adult fiction title author new arabian nights m t stevenson tho potender service holonpi w mrs humphrey ward missing mrs humphrey word theifirieatcadcrb r stead manof music mountain spoarman the wrong mr wright i bcrto ruck tho bride who ron away j berta ruck where theres a will s rlnohort whon o aian marries rinehort wlndow at tho white cat rlnehsxt k rlriehart rod pepper burns richmond mm bei pepper richmond round tho corner in gay street richmond twenty thousand ijcagruos undor u10 sea verne r juvsnile ffction grirama fairy tales grimm acuopa fables grimm holons babies j habberton thexjskripllbhtefz 1 cummins bobbsy twins hopo bobbsy twins in tho country hope bobbsy twins at tho seashore hopo patolca brlcltil hopo the uttlo prlncooji of town hlli hope camp fire qlrla froy tho outdoor girlaof dcopdale hope mala woods l baker the boy hanchora baker the boy ranchers in camp baker daddys qui moade cave perilous mcado police court nerts- mr john taylor secretary of the acton chamber of commerce nt acton england writes our people hers ap probate yery much the response in tho matter of the cake competition should your acton womenfolk decide tt clialr lenco our aeton- womenfolk to another contest in the future i will da all in iny power to mk it a worthy junjtla gcorso roberts of canipbeuvllic pleaded guilty before pollco magistrate moore laetvednobday to having been intoxicated at milton the friday even ing before he was fined 11000 and cooto r lewln of detroit while vlsiung at jjjlton vair arrested by chief chap man in a state ofintoxtcauorijtr came refore pollco magistrate moore ond pleaded guilty he was lined 10 and costs ho claimed he gat drunk on wine he got at tho home fred carrero guclph recently fined 200 and costs and in addition sontenb- ed to a torm of thrco monuie in jail on a chvarge of keoplng liquor for sale by mogibuato watt will havo to bervo the serttenec ho entered an appeal agalnht jho sentence which was tried boforo jtudsre spotton friday afternoon tho judge confirmed the ncntenc- stating that magistrate watt wtm quite justifledl in what bo had done an uxiusaal pollco court cane was riearll ly magistrate hcllyer at har- rlstrjn lost week when j maurcr con stable of tho village of clifford the defendant in on ontario act eoew appeared on a chnrgo of keeping liquor in a placo other than a private ojwelllnir ire was convlctod and nnql u0o and costs with the al ternative of three months in jail in addition ho was sent down for 30 days for reelecting to perform hi duty in enforcing the net mr joseph graham went to acton and had hla chrlatmaa dinner at the home of his sister mrs archie currlo miaoea violet currlo and clarice morton spent holidays at mr goorgo graharaa mosiire william and chester flank of acton havo purchased 4ho alox mclntoaii farm horo and aro moving to their newiyacquirod property thla week- the highway has been kept opon through tho anow storme and ia still used by numcrouo coxa after an illness of several wcokq death came totho roilef of mru wil liam lambort ou saturdaynlght since tlio death of her- husband eight years ago mroirfmjbort hao resided with her daughter mro john bennett during her htaosnmriti bennett gavo her loving caro- aiidsttentron mru lamberts maldon namb waa elizabeth mcdevon she was- born in england bovcntyflvo years ago and when a child camo to canada with friends when eighteen years of ago oho mar ried her into husband for nearly fifty years thoy wore spared to each other thoy first lived on tho farm it lot c third lino erin and twentyono yeara rrffb they camo to tho corners hero mr lambert conducted a store until his death whon his son charloa continued tho business their three children survive charles and mrs bonnett hero and nelaon at acton mra lambert wao a godly woman and hor children ise up and call her bloaa- ed 8i10 wgjj a member of the metho dist church and attended tlio services oa regular as possible it was a great sorrow to her that the services in the church hero wero discontinued but gratifying that hor son charles has ovor olnco conunuod tho sunday school tho funeral woa hold on tuesday afternoon interment being inado in the family plot at fairvlow cemetery roy j culp- of acton conducted tho funeral services sir honry thornton broadoanto ah ehtburarjina messansto canadians montreal decombqr 29 tho re- sulta of our laat tivo yeatat of oper ation conoluolvoly uhow that tho can adian nauonttl jnrtlway syatom can furnlab a flrotclasatoorvico to tho public andrifc tho sonic time oent- ually bccomda oource bf profit to the people of canada tho first of tneab cpnclualona la becoming moro ovl dent day by ilay how noon wo ahull accpmplloh the necond depends on tlrely upon tho business ve can se cure consequently it becomes tho duty of every onoof us to put forth overy effort to attract freight paa aenger telegiaph and expreas bufll nesa to- tho national railway sya tcm i ichbw that i can roly upon tho efforto- of all of you in thiu direction tho foregoing was ono of tho dtato- montu maderby sh henry w thorn- tori president of tho canadian nation al railways during thq course of tho address which ho delivered tonight from tho canadian nauonal radio broadcasting station at- montreal- sir henry thornton was accompan ied by three vicepresidents s j hungerford j e dalrymplo and w d robb the latter being in charge of tho radio department as ono of- tho acuvitfeu directed by hun t oc casion of the broadcast waa to mark the completion of tho flrot year of borvlco of the tadlo dopartmont- tho canadian national being the first railwa i w to onta ra rockwood chriatmao was very quiet in town arid family gatherings were tho uaual order of the day we wero pleased to havfjinjurjnldnt 0wthvjb ef commtroa pjays v 8nu clu col w slrnpsoo uontary of tho auolphcmmbr of commerce report ed thou tbe orusnuaticms of the city had mya the cruunber of cohunerc as n orirln houitoin sending out chhstnun cheer thev had sont out over a inndnd mlotet of jtbod thlih rit god may give thee dally core to fmtflr fiuoluef flfho vartoua amured that heno load too great 0huratayia ht out jariw number win nisvofhrfabwar 0 btuatwhtr i and mra rutherford hcwat and son bruce from toronto also mr and mrs d barrlo and son donald from mlmlco the funeral otlio late gobrjro lister took placo to guelph last friday tho oympathvjof tile community coca out to thooercaved widow and hor chll dreh in tho loss they have sustained wo must bear in mind that death is no rcapoctor of persons and wo do wall to take heed to the following couple of verses viz tho great clock tho clock of life is wound but once and no man han the power to tell when tho hand will stop at late or early hour now la tho only time you own live lovo toll with a wjlu placo no faith in tomorrow for tho clock may then bo still tho nominations in tho township council wero hold yesterday aflernoon aiso in the evenjnga similar meetlnit ilvrftoriiccuon wflrftho poucotyuuuta tho same trustees aro in for nnotller year nnhioly william harris ro hert thatchor and fred smith we aro at tho closing hours of an other year and ere wo stop on tho threshold of the now yoar lot u ono and ail ondeavbr todo all wo oah to contribute to tho welfare of others as we loojkbaclc over tho past lot uo striveto eiirninnto anything that would bq a drawback and look to thoso things thati will bo ohelp and inoplr- atlon to evry individual in hla or hor cveryday llfo may- the following vcraes ho a help to ono and all- along tho highway of life throughout tho nowyoar the camel at tho closo of day kneels down upon the uandy plain to have hln liiirdcn lifted off arul rest again t my soul thou too shouldnt to thy knees when daylight drnweth to a closo wiii6ubhby7farm auoncysalo8 tho wllloughby farm agency fin ished 1924 strong in peel county the following sales were mado through mr m w carter their brampton ropreacntatlvo h cunnlngton sold ills 142 aero farm in caledon town- shipto henry davis alex dean sold to honry wilbonof sandhill- hln 100 aero farm in chlhgiiacousy township j p mckiro of caledon aold to h cunnlngton hiu 1d0 acres lota 18 and 19 in the second concesulon of alexander watt uold to j pmcklm his 200 acre farm lnchln- guacousy township m c saclulder aoid to alex watt hla 200 aero farm being lot 14 concession 2 chlngunc- ousytownohlp w lovo purchasodtho 50 acres in chlriguacouay townnhlp bo- longiua to victor upahall w j ban- nlator of brampton purchased tho 400 aero farm in durham township belonging to tho- estatoof wi1 camp bell of campbollcroft acton horticultural society the annual meeting of tho above society will bo held in the council chamber on wiwlnestlay january 14th 1925 at 8 p m business v prcicnlutiotvof tbe aimual rowort election oi offiocril elc aiiaituch other bubineaa ad may bo brought bo- foro it it is earnestly requested that ab many as possible will make an effort to be present frank scriven precidont e t thotford soctrooro we wish you all a happy and pros- 1 perous 1925 hwhintdn watchmaker and jeweller successor to lato ooo hynds acton toronto am notice the annual meeting acton fall fair will bd liold in tho council chamber at aoton on wednesday januarys 1925 at 200 p m sharp business receiving tho annual report of tho audltora cleqtlon of ofllcorb and dlr- octoro for 195 transaction oi audi othor business aa may bb rlcce88ary c woodhall w j akin8 president secretary acton december 24 1924 new year- s day j3vnuary 1st attherink acton ivptelknosn skating at 230 p rf aoton cltizons band will be in altonu- ance at 4 p m- hockey jwatch toronto runnoymcdo seniors vs acton- evening z skating 8 io 10 p m afternoon admission gontlomcn 26c ladloa 15c 7 children 10c- evening admission gentlemen 15c ladloa 10c children be tho oldest inhabitant snya that talcing it largo and iimall and in spite of tho timehonored ilolcea about tho ubcicss christmas gift santa claus is a protty fair mindreader after all eyes examined glasses iritted and supplied at modeb- r oe prices by dr fl towrie ro cdraduato royal colleoe of sciorrce eye sight specialist at station hotel on saturdav january 3 from jo ixm 63q pi m alaito appointments vvith mr laaby i 1 f fcftttm iii i li hi stir the pot on now yeflro vo count to ten and youmi percoive- tho future joy you will re- coive tho candy yiitch jtj7e know candy cookery w wo arc aupiflrediiof only vlth the raroart of proper candy making but with the dellclouq nutsond f ruita nnd oweets and chocolates that should gp into tholr maklng saturday treat weekend chocolates 32c lb to clear our cliristjnas mixed 5c jb lot u3 show you our line- of- packuges of chocolates you will like them s ra candies vkfstsstp es 94etan r oni mclean co the store with jhe stock aary overcciil sale wc have in stock to-day- 25 mens overcoats to cle2fat ijelowimrntrfacturers prices overcoats regular 2500 for overcoats regular 2000 for overcoats regular 1200 for overcoats regular 1000 for i call arid look theseovecoats over extra good values at the- pricesquoted 1950 1550 r 1050 750 you wiil find them boys mackinaw coats double breasted with belt at special price of 4l75 and 575 yarns f jts that the holidays are over we must get down toour knittingvi weistock the best yarn made scotch fingering in all colors sactotyyarnsinvajll colors monarch down apollo silkoleen foe fancy knitting all colorsin stock c wishing our friends a happy new year mclean co y mill street actons gift store acton ont a happy new year to all my customers 1 hauepleasore in extendingmy best thanks to my numerous customers for their patronage since i commenc ed business and i wish you all a happy and prosperous new year my aim will always be to serve ypu all with the best meats and provisions the marketfaffords and at prices moderate and satisfactory your com- mantis will receive my careful and skilful attention of rie lamb corner mill and main streets acton ont i internal and external pains are promptly relieved by be thomas eclectric ol l that it has deem bold foh neadiv fiftvvears ano is tooav a odeatenseuxn than ewbl jbefoiie ib a teotiuohial that speaks for its nuuerouo curative qualities 4atjuc5mashed and let thy master lift thy lond and grqnt rcpflitc teln how cap at thou tomorrow meet with dll tnrtporrows worlc to do tf thou thy burden nil tho night doat entry through tho imcl hneela at break of ilny to httvp hla frulde repjaco hlo load then rises up anew to tnlto xh afaert rojul t so tliou- ahoulojit knocl nt mornlntr dawni we must unload and are going to do so during january our entire stock of coats ladies mens and ghildrens at bar- gain prices we are positively not going to- carry these coats over to another season read the offerings compare the values shop early j n ntg hugtnnirrs attn jffrirttfta a v miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 1d9 mill street fairbanks bakery weve catered to a goqdly number of- the residents of acton and vicinity during the past year we have reason to believe we have seryedyou well if it were possible to do better ulj925 you may count on us to do it may we bespeak our share of your patronage during the coming year we desire akju-jor4iu-yourpasttatrrf6tnlager- we wish you all a happy and prosperous new year phone 11c fairbanks bakery mill st acton whitney mens overcoats at half ptfce 2 overcoats size 38 reg 2500 for 1200 i overcoat gize 32 reg 1550 for 1100 1 overcobt size37 reg 1800 tor 900 1 overcoat size 40 reg 2000 for 1400 1 overcoat siztf 37 reg 1500 for 3jj0 i mackinaw all wool size 42 reg 1250 00 miscellaneous bargain jmcns twopant suits at 2100 boys twobloomer suits at g50 and up boys school bloomers x i7s up ibex the bct fldnnelette banket at 250 and 300 mens brush wool scarfs sj25 childrens scarfs at o big reduction ladies and misses coais reduced lladieil burberry coat size 38 reg 1750 -for- j 1200 1 ladies black coat size 36 reg 1595 for 1000 1 ladies black coat size 36 trimmed with black fur reg 2200 for 1500 2 dozen misses coats to clear at each 500 all children cpats all childrens- overcoats 100 off ourregu- lair low- prices we haverhirsole agency for the best- overall ht die jplfe the leiither lahel which sells for 275 per pair r jreesors milir street we wish everyone a happy new 1925 business we desire to thank our friends and customers for the liberal share of their patronage they have accorded us during the pa3t year as in the past it will be our constant aim to try to serve you better in your requirements for meats and pro visions prompt arid efficient service and the best products procufable will we hope merit our share of your pntronage the guessing contest the guessing contest closed on tuesday night nnd the two pinners of tenpjjluiil roasts from these prize animals are jarnes ramshaw with a gupss of 481 jbson animal no 1 which oeigftcd 480j4 iba mr ijackbiltons guess was 374jbs oh animal no 2 which weighetl 72 lbs 7r t7 j fatterjson mijx and biain strepts aptqn quf m i xim-

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