Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1925, p. 1

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1 fiftieth year no 28 thursday morning january 8 1925 acton ontario canada thursday jworn1ng january 8 1925 single copies five cents the methodist church acton rev j08ephus culp paolor pprconatjo willow st v 1100 a m the miniatci subject three fires 230 p m sunday school 700 p m tho minister subject christ he frjcnd of sinners pltesbyterlan kwoxettwrehracton miniotpr rov a c stewart m a manse willow street 1100 a jii tho mlnlbter subject oui religion a help or a hindrance 3 00 mr bible clnsh studlca in matthew chapter 3 00 p m suntfuv sehooh- 700 p m tho miuiste subject staying power strangers leaving nddrea3 withtho uahera will bo called upon dy tho pan tor special notices uvcrtisment3 intlus column 2 cents per aord minimum charge 30c per insertion wanted baaa wood jb pita in the round 37 or cg long 5 and up top advlso kbbnbn brothers ltd 2g4 owen sound fob sale good rnee horae jlmmle rundall harness and aullcy outfit apply j pruntiss p o boat 578 lost on new years day silver fountain pen with silver ring on end howard gracearmstrong burnleys confectionery dog lost black and tan hound answers to tho httmo of jiggs kinder rowardod by returning to d livingston georgetown ont two farms for sale tho 100acro farm of robert smith oast half lot 20 concession u atrtdtho 99acrc farm west half lot 20 concea- oion 5 nasaagawoya are for sale purchaser may liavo possession by february 15 terms and particulars of theac fine fat ma may bo obtained fi t j onett acton creamery i o o f no 204 all membcra nro requested to attend f a meeting on tuesday january 13 for the installation of officers rf or 192 social evening will follow visiting brcthicn cordially invited george hynda n g frank kennedy r s farms for sale 45 forma in tho countlcn ofhalton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acroo lot uo ootid you our liat- a number of bomoo and buoiaaaa placoo in acton for sale flro- and ltfo inauranco money to loon j a smith real estate agont phono 105 acton onl epileptics at inst a treatment which positively atopa all seizures from flrat days use no bromides or narcotics ouaran- tood information free hunter laboratories 207yx main sliilttle roclc arkansas eyes examined glassies kitted and supplied at modek- lv ate prices by dr f l lowrie r0 gradunto royal college of solonco eye sight specialist at station hotel on saturday january 10 from 10 a m to 530 p m make appointments with mr laoby wonderland friday january 0 shtr wandererufthe wasteland a ziuig- qrby ntory htarrlnrf jack holt lllmerl lii nutural coioih comedy air pockets hodffepodko novelty reol saturday january 10 south sea love btarrjnk shirley muaon com edy illgli ud dlzy itarrlne hnrold uoyd weirtcrn tito iilttlu savin- foxunows tuesday january 13 the knockout a hamrt of tho tuif and the illnir cuiiptcr 4 of leather stookliikh ciimorty knt and jtun coming saturday jan 17 thescajhnwk tho onlv picture lint played u his tliuilirt in tiiintn toe fipvon woclji nt t on ndmlsllqii you rile to ito it in your homo own uuatrc fo1 f i r l gregory son pi goats of character at straight savings three pricereduced groups t9t5t- 2950 3375 regular 2500 to 4000 here are big husky ulsters as well as medium weights coats regular setin shoulders and also raglan styles plainback loosefitting models as well as all anctkalrjelts allwool cloths from the leading old country mills light and dark shades plain arid mixed tweed effects news of local import womens institute mootino the meeting of tho woraona instl- tute will bo hold in tho band room on fiidny january 0 at 3 oclock every body welcome knoxbiblo class officors tho officers of the adult blblo clasa of knox sunday school for tho year wmo ejected on sxindayas fomoww-4and- n beaut if yrng public president fred wrighl vicoprea miss emma robinson secretary e -j- hassard- treasurer- mis a edtrt- hendersoric an institution of- much value to the town acton horticultural society has accorapllshedmuchtoiword- beautifying acton a41 sizes from 34 to 46 please note that we are not advertising the 4000 overcoats for 1950 reductions of that kind are often seen in newsprint but that is one case where seeing is not believing these are believable reductions of 550 to 825 according to jndiviclual choices straightforward sav ings which you can credit and which you will heartily appre ciate hecause you can depend upon their being genuine when coats of character are thus marked down by a store- with a reputation for quality you know at once the clearance movement is well worth coming to 5ueipji to take part in dtermacionah tbros ltd gnelpiya leading hd largest store goortjotown old boys banquot gooigetown old boys aosoclutlon of toronto held u banquot ajhc kite on tuesday everting b d war reir lieslded and ahoi t speochoa from mnyoillit7 dr claience starr tn- ipectoi georgo guthrie inspector humo j m prentlos dr umoron warron col f ii deacon an i others weie full of interest youna mon havo accidents chauea mann camo homo the other day frorn tot onto with hfs left arm in a sling jrle fell on a allppory mace at ills boarding house and oustalned a fracture while engaged in the hockey match at the rink on now yeara afternoon kenneth currie to- celved an accidental blow in the face which knocked out a tooth loosened two others and cut his cheek ho that it remjlred sovoral jitltehcu charles bell also had an accident at tho rlnlc he was struck ovor the eyo and u was necessary to have a stitch or two put in to close up the wound tho woo k of prayer w of jyayer servic are being weekend specials chocolate fudge just fresh in with nuts and cocoanut mixed through regular 40c lb weekend special 32c assorted chocolates assorted chocolates in a large assortment of cream and hard centres regular 40c lb weekend special 32c lb fancy biscuits have you tried a small package of our fancy biscuits they are 10c a package we also have a large assortment of fancy biscuits by the pound ice cream bricks we carry a full line of jce cream bricks at all times mill street acton h wiles wo will 8avo you money if you will lot uo loufattc av miss if mens heavy rubbers in all sizes at lowest prices overshoes for menwomenanorchildren slippers all sizes in the lot left over from our christmas sale come in this store is closed every wednesday afternoon during the- traai tyilhthpg55epiion of the month of december harry harrison the shoe man now lints of travelling dago and suit casta held this week in tho proabytorlan anglican nnfl j ohiirchn on tuesday evening the three congre gations mft in knox church and wero addreaaed by rov j culp whose aub- ject was tho supremacy of christ christs claim on children and youth taat evening che sorvlco wauholdln st albans church rov a c stow art m a occupied the pulpit and hlfl topic tho supremacy of chriqt in social lndividuslrelntlpn and in un iversal dominion tonight rov h o xi baugh will speak in the meth odist church andhiu themo will bo chris tfl leadership- of forces ami individual life a gratifying interest is being taken intheso union orvlcos a jmesaoao from across the continent rov j- culp was unusually happy when he camo to his pulpit ih tho mothodlat church on sunday to preach his new xeara sermon early in the morning tho phone rang and whon he answered tho phono tho salutation he hoard was hollo dad happy now tear how ave you and mother tho message was from their daughter grace mrs russell mills from her homo in berkeley california just across tho bay from san francisco tho phono message in which tho daughters voice was distinct and read ily discerned was a joy to the hearts of the home folks mrs mills saayed to apeak to rev and mrs culp on christmas morning but the lino broke down at chicago and it was impossible to make connections th hydros splondid contribution slnco tho twelfth of july last mill street i has had an attractive foaturo front tho hydro shop across the street this has boon a line of thirty colored lights red white and blue superin tendent wilson has had them lighted every saturday night and on all the occasions of special interest to the town tho effect has been exceedingly attractive and has arrested tho atten tion of all visitors tar acton it has been nn excellent advertisement for the hydro shop and for tho town as woll mr wilson removed this installation on tuesday for tho purposo of con structing an improved feature which he intends to install early in the spring cltizenu generally havo ap pro clateath la mill street feature and will look with expectant interest to tho new lights which are to replace il horse delayed train 40 minutos tho 705 canadian national train from tho west on monday morning was forty minutes lato a very unusual clrcumatunce for that train a horse on tho trade however caused tho de lay between new hamburg and kitch ener to avoid hitting tho frisky an imal which had strayed on tho riglit- ofway tho train had to bo brought to a standatill owing to the high unow drifts on cither aide of tho line itwnsunablo to get off the roadbed at ono tlmo the whole train crew got on its trnil to try to catch it but it managod to keep just out of reach it was anally driven to n crossing where it was chased off tho trncks permitting tho train to continue its trip tho funeral of the lato mrs doceu was taking that train en routo to plcton and the delay nearly caused tho losing of connections loyal true blue lodge officers elected the acton true blue lodge no 390 held their annual meeting on wod- ntfuday evening for tho purposo of electing officers for the year 192g d d q m mccartney past d p g m mcnaljv and uro robinson of georgetown weie prcsont and nssfat- cd wutttho installation of tho offlcor jthfi following ofllcora wero elected for 192g w- m mrs w il smith d m mi 8 k gamblo r s misa emily skull f smias thohtia gamble troaaurcr mrotwtllittm hall chaplain mrs thetfortl d of c mrs w blair c of c mrs w babcock auditor h miss myrtle carnahan mrs e f collier st committee mra ty4etj mr m 8ml fch ur fci mra jair wllds mrs f gamble mrs f ken nedy i t mra lappin o t mian myrtle carnahan sleigh bells and tho highway traffio act two things are ypry manifest these days lthat a number of drivers of sleighs and cutters are unawaio of the fact that tho hlgjiway art la juht aa emphatic in requiting that alelgh bolla are ua necessary when hielglih or cut- tois uto driven nn lights aro whun motor vehicles are using tho highway 2 that cei tuln dilvoiiuof anrfw vehic les rcgai d the law wjth contempt for u lime just ai certain drivers of motor carh do the law pasaei ovar a year ago says lcvery person trav el inc upon a highway with a sleigh oi hrt tliuwn by n horao or other an imal shall havc at loatit two holla at- turlifd to the hnrmim i tllo afelgh in liftoh a manner as l givo umplb warn ing aliy person who viola tea thlh provision shall incur for a first of fence n penalty of not moi e than 5 00 for tho second offence n penalty not less than c0o and not more than f 10 and for any subsequent offoncq u lien- ntty of not iosk than j10 and ji at 1h6ro ftftiil licvtvr pal trtb bells blft buildings and the public places the council for the year inaugurated the conwjaittees appointett by strifcing conftnitteeof last years members the following lotter respecting the activities of the acton horticultural society during the year 102c from pigaldent scrlven was not intended for publication but it contains so inter esting a rosumo of the work undnr- takeri and accomplished thaj it is worthy of wider circulation a place la therefore given tho letter in these columns forthj information and ed ification of tfio membeia of the society and the pnbllcfronerally h p moore esq hon president acton hovticultuuusocictv dear sir as tho-work- of the horticultural socioty for 1024 fa now complete and the annual meeting for the election of officers la- now close at harid i think it is in order to give you an our hon president a ro sumo of the work accomplished by tho socioty in tho year just passed duiln 1021 in addition to tho usual distribution of seoda plants and bulbs to our members tho so ciety made aome new deiiartures aomo of which were more or leau in tho nature ofnn experiment first in distributing plants to mombcrgwecavcthem n generniim w j reid appointed assessor and a e nicklin and george r agnew auditors social and personal news of local import misa myrtlo dills was home for now yeais v mlus vera hurst retqimud t toron to 6n monday mr angus kennedy of guolph was homo over pun option as to what they wished to have i i may judge from tho number of lists returned taking advantage of the option i should uay this was a success an about 85 per cont of tho hots were re turned marked second we gavo to every pupil in acton public school a paclcot of aster seed with the promise that prizes would be given in tho fall for tho best flowers grown from that seed tho rhlhlrons show was duly held in the fall and useful prizes awarded it was a gratifying suc cess and tho display of asters was really line it was obvious throughout that a great number of tho children were interested i was personally much interested in thls ua i think an ideal way of building up a strong society it to got tho youhfcer generation inter ested and kcop them interested until thoy are old enough to bo- come members themaelves 3 we hold two public meetings with a lecture by experts ono ill ustrated with lantern slides the attendance at these was regrot- ably small but it la certain that those who wero present were able to gain much valuable information 4 tho society offered to pro- vido plants for a flower bed at each church in town but two or three of tho churches no doubt for good and sufficient reason found thomsolvea unable to take ad vantage of it but that was no fault of mine as i was ready to supply the plants ua a matter of fact we had them all on hand and had to dispose of them in other waya 5 tho society provided window boxes well filled with plants at our public bulldlnga four at the town haw and four at tho govern ment building i felt rathevptoud of them especially thoso at tho government building for reasons which i think youwlll appreciate the abovo i think is about tho hum of what the society accom plished during tho year there are other things i should have liked to have seen done and i am quite prepared to admit that i did not accomplish qulto fill that was laid out to do but unfor tunately for some tlmo my health was not good and i could not al ways do as i wished and alao i would say that we went aa for oh our flnuncoa wopfd allow us to do tho above mentjoned work coat a little in various ways and our grant for 1924 was 21 less than tho previous year i think when the report is road nt the annual meeting we shall bo able to show a smull balance to tho societys credit which i trust taking into consideration the gorgolng you will think fairly sat isfactory now sir i should llko to say a wordor two as to tho future during the two years i havo had tho honor of being president or tho society i havo- always worked upon tho assumption that a hor ticultural society does noe exist nolofy for tho purpose of distrib uting premiums to its members as a matter of fact i do not look up on tht as its primary objoct as i see it the goal to bo aimed at la to make our already beautiful town still more beautiful and a hotter placo to live in i am well aware that all do not agree with me and thnt i havo boon severely criticized in some quat tors for not giving more tp the mcmbersin- atead of spending some funds as wo did but ono always looks for that and i welcome any fair criticism and only hopo that any who havo a grlovance real or fancied will attend the annual mooting and criticise all they wish and the ox- ocutlvo will be prepared to meet it and endeavor to explain satis factory i nm particularly hoping to soo ajcoqduucjidajcothojiaintor tho first session of the 1025 council wau held on monday evening aa re quired by statute the declaration of office of tho reove by george barber and councillors elect by finnic holmcu amo mason e t- thotford and l 13 atkinson were taken and the coun cil took their i especfive places at tho council board a striking committee of the reeve and councllloia holmes and thetfortl was appointed upon motion of coun- clllorsjason and atkinson and thy brought in the following recommend ation a finance committee e t thotford chahman amos mason and f holmes stlteets and walks commit tee tho reeve chairman l e atkinson and fhojmea park and town hall com mitter a mason chairman e t thotford and tho reeve fire and light committee lj e atkinson chairman a mason and e t thotford cemetery committee f d holmes chairmauand the othor members of the council waterworks committee the rcovjv-piialrman-anduiio-whola-coua- mr j a smith was in toionto over the weekend 3 mr stephen- gucut of toronto wan home for tho holiday mrs r c of eiiml actons vital statistics for 1024 town cleik farmtfr reports tho fol lowing rcgiytratlona for tho past year births 38 deatha 27 mairlugea 11- thoro were 21 marriage licenses issued in 1023 looks aa if the- young people ested on thhc 14th for tho past few years e attendance has beon aa small thatltjius boon difficult to oloct officers and directors and i would say that laajt yoar the presidency was practically forced on to mo much gainst my wish at tho present moment i havo no idco who in a probability for the oco but pej sonally i illiquid much llko to aeo a goad influoncluj man with tlmo and inclination for the job preferably an cntlurilaat for flowers tako tho position wliile 1 have always done my boat i havo always felt that i was n oiklng uomisxvhat uitdor a lutndl- i a p and that thoi o woi e many others so much better fitted for the pout than i i fell huh that you will lindoi stand wihat t mean i would have miirh rather have woikort for tlwsooloty uiidoi mlo- onfl clue i altlo hope that who uver la selpcted for president will get a real wot king lot of dhoctors when theio nio only two or thiee workois it makes it pietty tough hlolghlng if i know from ex perience j if youihuvo common tn to nnko on thai icttbv ftoyovo 1 1 io nivovtuv acton relatives this week mr eail cooper waa home from guolph ovor the weekend mrs james lackey of georgetown visited acton friends this week mr und mrs g th brown opcnt th weekend with friends in toronto mrs n f moore spent a few days last week witlifionda in toronto mlaj muvgaiot ri own of toronto visited acton friends over the week end mihs mary e mcpherson was home from collingwood for aweeks holi days mies frances b hurst left on sat irday to rosumo her duties at richards landing mr and mrs r r elliottfind chll dren spent new years with relatives in milton mr and mrs g h lantz and miss grade spent now years with guelph friends mr dwlght evans of acton spent the holiday at his homo here erin advocate i mins l s rabb of now hamburg wnnthfi ne yoqrn gne nfr cil the tho report wan adopted by council a bylaw appointing the auditors for 1025 was given the required num ber of readlngs and passed by the council messrs a e nlcklln and g r agnew were appointed at a salary of 50qol each- tho finance committee presented their first report and recommende i payment of tho following accounts waterworks account s geo benton sr labor 10 50 geo benton jr labor v 2 so w j reld supplies 7 30 toronto suburban railway co express geo barber telephone calls james symon supplies acton fnun pntias advcrtialng bell telephone co telephone rental acton hydroelectric com mission power nt pump acton hydroelectric com- mioslop power at aprlng beardmoro co uviioadlng pipes guelph lumber co window saah for pump house gartshoro thomson co pipes 1021 86 gartshoro thomson co alcove 6 31 2 7g 1 00 3 14 14 00 4 31 18 75 40 00 21 74 ifl165 21 unv general- accou n forbes labor and supplies 77 05 robt wallace labor 9 40 w j reld supplies 95 john r watson tile 5 go roll telephone co servlcoa 7 50 stephen cordlncr painting at town hall 2 60 bowman nunn labor 10 00 james symon supplies 2 00 acton fukd pjuss advcrtialng 4 00 municipal world supplies 24 25 dr h a coxe inspecting dairies 10 00 acton freo library grant 3 10 70 acton hydroelectric com mission street lighting 1g8 00 acton hydroelectric com mission town hall 15 72 crowson mclaughlin labor 5 78 john littlejohn labor 10 50 g97 05 the report waa adopted a bylaw appointing w j reid us assessor and tax coll fo tho yeir 1q25 waa read and passed by tho council a letter of appreciation was re ceived from tho sons of england thanking the council for tho courtesy of grunting them freouao of tho town hall for their christmas tree on de cember 18 a somewhat lengthy dlscuhslun took place on tho extensions being made into tho acton tanning co plant tho reeve explained that a branch lino was being constructed by tho com pany from tho now main being laid for fire purpoacs into tho companys plant not provided for by tho terms of tho bylaw mr redfcrn engineer mado several recommendations re lative to thia installation tho clerk was instructed to write to mr redfcrn to tho effect that tho council could not consider any pro position that was not provided for in tho bylaw passed b tho ratepayers the council then adjourned elections on monday trafalgar reove w h mordon deputy reeve a a gnlbraith coun cil j walbrook a a buck andv hall bronte thoso elected in tho munic ipal council hero are m uray 124 s d mcdonald 121 and j r thurs ton 114 tho defeated candidate j p joyce polled 95 votes erin township reove d j sin clair accl deputy roeve qoorgo bryan councillors john mcklnnon j burden jamep crep keep friday january 1c in mind for the true blue danco in tho town hall i shall receive them uu a great favor wlth all- goad wishes for tho now year believe mo sir yours very truly frank j scrrven pros acton horticultural socioty tho suggestions of president scrlven roapeotlng tho mutter of exeoutlvo oflloera and attendance at tho umiu il meeting aro timely it lu in the bast interests of thq society that tho mem- hmuhlp generally man a point of bo- iiir piescnt at the annual meeting on wfcdncaday 11th inat at 8 oclock at tho town hall the oltlccis will bo ikmkhtcmlwlth a 1 urgtftit tend a neb and invite dlauubslon of matters of policy and general admlntati ation thoso who havo taken an active interest in the operations of tho society oro most niixlomi lo ltavevxpie idoiui of opinion and suggestion fiom tho mtniboiit thoy have no autocratic ideas antt will cherish piopoaals from any mcpi her which me calculated tr enhance tho value of the hocletya work to the community tmittor tralftc rfa at a utaiidhtlll owliftf iv iho uruvhul tfctful f arow mrs j culp mrs m haggarty of arden mani toba is visiting at her fathers home mdria street messrs a stewart and r stout of guelph spent tho weekend with acton friends mr jack kennedy who ilaa beon holidaying at his home here returned detroit on monday mr and mia albert brown of kitchener spent the now year at tho parental homo here mrs bell of goderlch ia spend ins a few weeks with her parents mr and mrs david carnahan miss conover of erlndale in spend ing a few weeks with mrs robert bennett lake avenue mrs george copoland of st thomoa is visiting her daughter mrs culp at the puraonage- mr ben mackle of port colborne ia visiting at thho homo of james mackle church street mr a e nlcklln spent now years ito guelph at tho homo of hia son city engineer h s nlcklln mr william johnstone visited with mr and mrs r f johnstone at london during tho week measrs flndlay and calvin wilson of toionto visited with acton friends in town during the week 1 mr it w stewart who spent last week at the homo of his mother lct on monday for port crodit miss nellie hall has returned to toionto after spending the christmas vacation ut her homo here mr thompson of bracobrldge was a guest of mr and mrs peter smith hill hall ovcctho holiday mihs eleanor mason returned home to kitchener after spending christmas holidays with acton friends mrs c c smith of fairvlow place has tseen rather seriously indisposed since tho chrlstmna holidays mr and mi- robert lano andfamly of llmohouac spent now years with their aon mr w lanotoronto mr and mrs charles deceu of hamilton attended tho funeral of tho late mrs f l doceu on sunday mra e j butler and her aon harold of st thomua spent tho new yeara holiday at tho mothodlat parsonage mr and mra william plant and chlldron spent now yoara at the home of mr and mra p plant glen lawaon mlatcs m hnwdcn and olive bardwellrof guelph spent tho week end at the homo of mr a g clarrldgi mra wmhall and miaa nelllo spent new years day with mr and men- nelson mclaughlin and family naaa- agaweya mr and mrs roy rumiey of tor onto spent new years at tho home of mr and mrs thomas rumloy park avenue mr george r agnow of detroit and mr montaguo gregg of toronto spont tho holiday at tho homo of mr gcorgo agnow mr and mrs gordon parker of rockwood have returned homo aftor spondlng a weeks vacation with rel atives in weston mra thomaa a young of chicago and tho iliosea young of georgotown wero now years gueata at mr d h youngs main street mrs william mcnabb of toronto spent a very pleasant weokiond with her slstora mra smith and mrs brown and other friends misses gertrudo and lillian dabble and mr ordan miller returned ta kitchener after visiting mr and mrs androw dabble dolly vardon inspector robert rcevcly haa been suffering from a nevortc attack of neuralgia at his homo at brampton during tho week ho is now recover ing nicely master donald vannorman guelph who has boon holidaying at life unclon mr g ii luntza had tho misfortune to fall off a toboggan saturday night and splinter his collar bono mr and mrs fyfo somervillo an nounce tho ongagement of their daugh ter pearl to mr dougald kennedy m- p of dryden ont tho marriage to take placo the latter part of january mr george sopcr jr rotumed from guelph hospital on saturday evening with his father who wont up to ac company him homo george la fool ing flnb and is making gotfd prdgrcis tovnrd complete recovery mr and mrs waldlo stcon announce tho engagement of their second daugh ter mabel lillian to robert molwtood burden son tinii andhla wrn uaidcn 1folh of hiluiourg tub mar riage ia tulto plafco in january miss albei ta brown who has spent the past year visiting her brother in winnipeg her sihti- in saskatchewan and friends in british columbia re turned homo just woek miss browjj will miiko irfr itonro with rolaltvoa m aborfoylo t6 not lovo each other as ardontly now as in previous years was installing officer at oohawa mrcl r mcintosh w m formerly w m of walker lodgo a f and a fllnfrjml acton hafl tho djatinfitj honor on tuesday evening 30h ult of being choacn the installrng mnstoi- of cedar l no 270 oshawn w bro mcintosh is well qualified for thj important duties entailod 1 motor licenses for 1925 onfuryo government has announced that thd u925 automobile licenses will not bo issued until february 1 on or before thnt date the agents of tho department appointed for each county will be supplied with permits and platca tho term of all 1921 ucensos has boon extended tothat dnc oil all r cars running baok to tho schools and colleges there was quite an exodua of educa tionists from town on monday lec turers on tho unlyeraity staff under graduates and other students at the colleges and teach era on public and college staffs at various points left in considerable numbers tliey had en- joyed the christmas holidays very much and returned to their respoctivo duties with a now interest the town league opens tho town hockey league opened on monday evening with a game between t t and the acton tanning co those who witneospd tho game de scribe it aa fast and furious with plenty ocfdn provided by both aidea the outcome was a close victory for the town team with a acoro of 87 this thursday ovennpg beardmoro co and the howetson team will meet for a game knox churchvcommunion services tho flrat communion services of jknox church in tho new year wore hold last sunday thero was it jargj jittendanco of communicants after an- impressive sermon by rev mr stowart tho sacrament of the i rda supper waa administered a number of now members were received by lot ter and on profession of faith the procommunion service was hold on friday evening in the school room whon rov mr mckenzie of guolph preached an able and inspiring ser mon road signs to bo put up it ia stated that plana are under way in tho dopurtment of highways whereby every road in ontario even to the back township highways and by ways will bo numbered and marked with signs this will mean that there will bo absolutely no difficulty for tourists to find their way through halton or any other county it a understood tho sigffit that ure to be made by tho government at coat price and given to tho various municipali ties to placo up tho government will also croct signs near all dangerous crossings and sharp curves and take over to some extont tho splendid woik which hus been done for the past ten years by tho ontario motor league now years dny at tho rink although the rink had been open provlous to new years yet this waa tho flrat big day there and wna prac tically the opener of tho season there was skating initio afternoon fiom two until four oclock acton citizens band provided music for the skaters following tho skating tho runneymodt road senior hockey team came to try conclusions with the acton hoc- keyists acton waq decidedly too much for the visitors tho acoro went in aeriea of three goals acton had three in the first round and three in tho second but in tho third round hollo- way let a couplo of easy onc3 roll in and acton scored only once tho final score was 72 in favor of acton to pick out a a t on tho acton team would bo hard aa all jtho bpyo played well and had 11 sharo in tho goal get ting tho juniors aro getting a chanco in tho game and aro proving roal hockey players the old membera of the senior team in past soason are all up to form itnd playing a good game and acton ahquld witness some good hockey thia season tho accident lo currlo rather took tho pep out of this flrstgame but ho la plucklly at tho game again and appeared at the open- ihgof tho town league acuodulc mayor hulz defeated toronto eleetora give thomas foster a majority of 2448 the qlvlc elections in toi onto on now years day furnished a number of surprises chief of which was tho election of thomas foster as mayor ovor w w hhtz by a plurality of 2448 owing to the severity of tho weather and tho general apathy bf- the citizens tho vote cast was qulto light taking tho vote coat for mayor aa tho criterion less thafi twentyflvo per cent of the electors thought it worth while to visit tho polling booths the actual vote cast for mayoralty candi dates wasg7701 compared with 82551 last year a decrease of 14760 in consequence of the meat falling off in the voto mayor hilts went down to defeat he polled 31393 only com pared wltfi 44265 lost year a decrcaso of 12872 controller foster who was elected mayor polled 33841 compared with 33975 caat for t i church m- p last year when ho sought to regain tho chief magistracy a note- from mrs a m jdonniatoun of redwood falls minn tottro fnina says that her mother mra samuel laird who has been with her for flbvoral rtiontho is keeping qulto well and nda kind regardu to all acton friends mra lyman s butltn of st clulr mich who tc down atalra at hor homo a couplo of woken ago is now recovering lilcoly her left arm was dislocated at tho shoulder und frac tured a fow lnchoa holow she hjiu v ioturnod homo fiom thu hospital mr w h kerr editor of tho brua- sola poat for tho past 43 years and superintendent of tho mothodlat sun day school in that town for 35 years 1ms not been in tho bostof health laloty anit is tnttlng u7wc1ncainjd rest by apenuing tflb winter in tiro sittfth mr c f knapp of toronto who waa recently appointed accountant on the bank of montreal ntafl hero to succeod mr c f lucan ai rived 111 town lant wcok mrs knapp and their ttabo come this woek they are now ivotmtg ifottnm in uujlr htjw hwnfo bo chuvcli btfwt 1 i

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