Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1925, p. 3

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the home cff sty dun 3fax flrpbb mccnlicr canadian weekly tfewspatfer association member selected town weeltliea of ontario the agton vree press is published every thursday morning- at the free prcas duildinff mill street acton qnfart6thc subscription price ia 200 p y it advance postage in cixnttin- additional- to offices iu the united statca the date to which subscriptions are paid 13 indicated on the address labcl advertising atestrannicnt advertise- menu 10 cents pcr- line agate measure for first insertion nndjs cents per line for each subse- quent insertion contract v display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements iwith- out specific directions will be inserted tul forbid and- charged accordingly il i moore prenident olid editor g a dills mnnaccx3nd assistant editor telephones- editorial and jjiiuinesjlx nice w residence of president iij a town paper with a wortlty record the fortyseventh volume of the forest free press ddmnicitcroa with the new year for fortytwo years of this long period the paper has been owned and edited byh jl pettypiece exm p p who has given the uest of his business ability editorial acu men and wide experience to the production of a home paper worthy of itsconstituency success has attended theso efforts and the paper never enjoyed more generous patronngthan at presont another local paper ia discontinued the hanover post hn purchased the goodwill and subscriptionllst of the ayton advance and starting with this issue the advance will be incor porated with thepost thus another village- weekly has succumbed to the high cost of publishing and given up the struggle for existence published in a village the size of ayton the advance has held on considerably longer than many papers printed ii larg fields this was due partly to th pl offts one dav at home itch you iiaid younff mr morti mer iiroudlyi ftnho otw hlo ivlfo bear nwny thoir only lion on hln way no bod- you dont know how i onvyyou my deur thb opportunity ot boiair with that yourirotor overy hour of tho day and watch hiff i1u1 uttlo mind un fold like uko a flower ho concluded tritely but with tindlmlniqhod oarncnt- neos jf mattorn had rested there all would imvp bcoiv woll but aftor somo commont by hla wlfo ho continued vno time ho obaorvod with a uu- porlor umilo i often hoar you oay that my dear and i suppooo you dont knowvtho cuvloulty it awakonu jn my mlritl thecurioalty continued mv mortimer what ypu manage td do with yotirtlmq to fluit up itia a long day from aovonbia aeyen ouroly lone enough to hay an hour f or al moin everylnlntr that might fall within a woonana sphere yet somehow you seem to mloa much mra mortimer nald nothing but in hor nilnd was born a resolution the next ovenfhtr after dinner mra mortimer approached hor fcusband with a few nheoto of paper tno rthi aa oho thrust the papora into his hand xhia lo what lie retid five oclock baby woke up and wojdnot- go to bleep again t took him down to t lib oq that hlo father ohould not be disturbed attach a early liour and kopt him amused unth uoven c seven oclock managed to got keeping a resolution v thursday morningrjakuary 8 1925 editorial we thank you au hoogihninfih takes j the opportunity to express thanks and appre ciation to all who have helped in any way to make the paper as satisfactory as it has been during an- other tweivnirthestabishdjni875 the year 125 will be our jubilee year and will see the com pletion of our fiftieth volume there are still- a fair number of subscribers who have read the paper regu- weekby weejc during nea2vel3ecffdesand several who have faithfully sent in the- news of their locality through all these years to subscribers ad vertisers correspondents- and patrons generally the free pitess this morning says heartily and sincerely thank you iat the same time a solicitation of ths continuance of that hearty support- soj generously given in the- past is made with this assistance the old home paper will aim to keep inthef font ranic for satisfactory service andan indispensable weekly visitor to every home in its constituency in honor pref erring one another at the municipal nominations at burlington mayor v harris of burlington who was again proposed said oh the platform last year he had stated that he was seelcing rpelection for a second term and he 1 felt it would riot be fair if he did not stand aside now if iris colleagues had ambitions to step up higher he did not want to be like tommy church or like may ors in other towns who stood in the wdy of others in conclusion he said i i wish to sincerely thank the ratepayers of burlington for their confidence and support for the past four years and previous years served on the public school board and water com mission and i hope to merit a continuance of that confidence r the council of 1925 whoever they may be will have my best wishes my heart andinterests aris for the welfare and advancement of burlington first last and always i hope everyone will have a prosperous new year and that there will be unity and cooperation in the coming year for the develop ment of the town and make it the best town in the province i better- times looked for soon students of conditions in canada ijave expressed the belief that the stagnation of construction in many parts of canada consequent on war conditions and aftereffects isnearly at an end the abow statement wasmade by j clark reilly dominion secretary of the association of canadian building and construction industries last week in announc ing the programme for- the seventh annual conven tion of the association which will be held at mon tcal january 28 to 20 the cdnventionj at which winbejdelegates from all the principal centres in panada is expected to have a far effect on future constructiohrtrt canada thedominiotr secrearytates that it is confidently expected that thp convention will strike a notewhich will stimulate construction activity ih 1925 and that the revival of construction which hasbeen experienced in the unitedstates seems due to arrive in canada in the very near future r proprietor mr oscar widmoyer and partly to the enterprising spirit exhibited by the businessmen jof- ayton- who wore loath to see their littlt paper iut the field but it is a practical impossibility fora weekly paper to live tb and meetthe- competition of other papers unless it is accorded strong vupport- and this was impossible in a village the sizeof aytonjdvafobrevkfaotrbu hanover post to cat ll with my husband o wins to thtfaet that baby ffot badly hcratched on a pin which bla father gave him to playwlthand had to bo ooothed eifirht oclock gave baby hla bath and breakfast at brcaltfant ho upset hlo bowl of porridco ovor hid clean drcoa bo he had to bo undrosscd batli- od and dressed all over aaroin nine oclock took baby out in ilia gocart to market and for allttlo alr- ine had planned to make a ut tie in formal call but babygrow fxetfulraii j x had to bring hlra home and put him to aleop i eleven oclock baby wako un and tried to- owauowa button r sent for the doctor l meantime got thejoul- on otjt of hla throat with my finger- twelve u oclock baby spilled a bottlo eteit alioverthe library table and the rug undor it aioo over hiib- elf -qno- o bah thlrd4mtl to- ddy luncheon unexpected com pany three oclock- got baby to oleep after an houra trylher pour ocloek baby woke up fever inh from hi throat foil and- bumped hla head badly four thirty baby fijll and bumped hla head again in tho same- place woo naturally irritated and fretful six oclock broasod baby for tho flf th time today oo that when hla bllsoful ignorant father camo homo he might think a day with a baby a hoavenoent privilege and a womano time legitima m for poronrnlul jeat sworn to signed and submit- ted 5ff the day i wiih gtaduatod from the medical bchool tho only woman in my clasa dear old liv philipa who hahd od mo my dph said to mo with a omllo thero it lo my doar butit will do you no good whoy do you say tuat doctor i ouked much dloconcorted somo young follow will induco you to marry him and yoii willhavo no timeto practice a profooiilon which if practiced properly will take all your tlme x waa young and headstrong more ovor i hud wpeit years in proparlng roy nolf for my vocation i grasped the doctors liaid and raising my other frantically said i promlno ybu dr plilupii thai t wll devoto my life and will give you this pledge that it shall bo iropohfllblo for nio t6 go hack on my profession i iihall jneyer forget tho kindly smile or the twlnklo of tho eye with which the good doctor received tho vow i strutted out of the room and as i closed the door behind mo shut pft partot whatiiofiaid bet you dont practice throe x tried to got aposltlon thatwouid give mo- houpunl work but foiling in this liung up my ahlngle as a general practitioner i had bcenpraotlalhg but a fowmontha when an elderly laiy came to my office andoald that sho would hlco nio to treat her qon from her dbflctlptlbn of hla dlseaso thoughi that it was probably melancholia tho young man waa up and at tending to buulncaa i tliercforo sug gested that ho call at my oftlce during my conaultatloh hours but his mother sold that it wae she who desired uie services of a physician for her son andahocouldohly succeed in submit tlnghlm to tretmentafitrirtultucoir my going to the house boaldoo shp wished him to aeo a woman physician wherao is ho went to an olllce ho would probably go to a man thl argument proyalle1 and 1 waa agreed that i was to call the next day after nvo in the afternoon whqn the young man dick hlcf niother called hlmrhad returned from- bualnesn f made thb call was received by tho lady and introduced to tho patient there waa that about him which re minded mo of aome one elso could not toll who the other peroqrit wao ho did not appear to bo hi but app gto of ton docoptivo 1 plityl hun witn questions whion ho seemed declined to answer and an alibi lawyor vin order to flftht thli cho intelllgimtly i muotlnow in tho llift tilaco whether yon are guilty or not client well if youvo got to know tho truth im guilty- lawyer goodj now tho iiffair is ulmplo all that woluic kot to do in to establish an alibi the tie that dnd npwjlchlldren iald tho mlnlfltor whojr was addressing a class of vory little girls can any of you toll mo what binds us together iind makes us hotter than wo are bynaturo after a briej pauiio a tiny volco pip ed out j please air cornets bird beautiful mint cantinevexyijat igopag0hdbook sjmiha tonaiuva business directory medical dr j a mcniven phytlolun and sgroson offloo kna resldonco cornoi- bower avomuoomj blirin btroot sttqf differe cards phond 88 dr e j nelsqn prederigk jtriet acton ontario legal phono no 22y p o box 3sb harold nash farmer all a otiler solicitor notary puolio convayancar etc perrvman olock acton ont mone7 lent on montfaaoes houro 030 ajd 19 6 pm salurrlaytj 1200 oclock bootleggers in quebec 7 there has been a great ctenl of discussion of- the suggestion put forward by the hon mr taschereau at tho cardin banquet that the federal duties on al- coholshouldle lowered the present duties are held to be a premium rfn contraband liquor enormous jrofits are stated to he madeby this illicit commerce with jheesjlhnthei3pvejbinenrreceives-no-uy- whatever on a large amount of alcohol consumed in this coun tryalcohol which is smuggled into the country illegally or manufactured by means of il licit stills it is held that the excise tax on liquor manufactured in the country should be reduced 5 per gallon which would immediately greatly decrease the cost of gin and rye whiskey manufactured in canada thusv in addition to reducing the premium on bootlegging a lower tax would help keep canad- ian money in canada andtnls from quebec and the suggestion from no less an authority than of the premier of he province isnt this rather significant up to the 23rd of october last it was positively as serted that the bootlegger thrived only in ontario and under thcontario temperance act quebec ha3 government control hasnt it i strong position by bpya parliament it tnifst be a matter of real gratitication to those interested in the moral uplift of the rising generation to learn of the strong unaminuous position taken by he older boys parliament of ontario on the tem perance question at their annual session in the par liament buildings at toronto last week- the tem perance policy of premier furguson has the unan imous support of this embryo legislative body be- foreprprogation of their chamber the young mem- 1 ber3 discussed the temperance question gave un stinted applauso to references to premier fergusons decision upon the plebiscite and unanimously passed a resolution favoring total abstinence when the question was first brought up for discussion boy speakers expressed the belief that the youth of to day needed information upon the positive evils of alcoholism r lacking such information it was argued they readily felpa prey to temptation when it was presented despite previous good conduct here is significant suggestion for the leaders of social service tliroughout the province it should jiotbe ignored nor treated lightly these observant young men have sounded a felt neod prompt compliance with the suggestion will give the social service qouncji a fair justification for extensive and continued nctiv- ities where government control rulea a dispatch from montreal on new years day says montreal plays host to jovial americans roysterers from across the line come to quebecs metropolisto celebrate the new ybarwas welcorried here by many thousands including hundreds of visitors from across the border in montreals hotels theatres and rest- aurants in a manner never before equalled in the an nals of local celebrations and many merrymakers were still going strong whenthe rising sun this morning heralded the first day f 1925 alljhe lead ing hotels and restaurants i were crowded to such an extent that- dancing was practically on impossibility one hotel reported that it had made reservations for over a thousand americans the majority of whom camefor the sole purpose of welcoming 1825 in a city where the wets reign supreme andjtaany of jtfiese visitors are of the opinion thateven in the old days new yorks new year celebrations hardly compared with the festivities with which montrealers bade the old year adieu fine commenttlfis city this is the brand of temperance compar- itively few citizens appreciate while it is a serious reflection on canada it surely is a high compliment to the uriitefl states on the effectiveness of its en forcement of prohibition kindness pays klndneos paya it pays bocauao tho world nooda it constantly oa it nbcla the sunlight and tho dow and nion could- no more do without it than without food and raiment it alwaya paya to si vo tho world what it really noede i aucccodod in getting vory utuo out or him all i could do wao to rec- ommond that he take out of door exor- claoa and have what uectoty ho rollgh- od hla mother wtia preaont durlna tfto lntervlew and when i aroeo to de part- she put hor arms about mo and bald help ubout bjrejyjnsruajfpurnntn pony occasionally as- well as your pro- toaslonal oervlceo wont yqu7 dlclt wont ip out and i know no younff porsonto invito to tho houce i could elvo rib abflnlto reply to this ofeouefloand simply bowed assent obuffo mo by ataylnr tor dlnnor with us continued tho old lady and she began quietly to remove my hat and coat i maddbut faint roaletanco and wo wcro soon onjoyine ourselves at tho table for my lifel could aoo no bibji of illncssln dicier vfftb was very entertaining and charmed mo with hla conversation i am not ffolng- to givo tho hlstorx of my profoaslonal treatment of my sale of homemade baking every week and every day we hold a sale of fresh home made baking its bound to be fresh because we are always sold out andjnost of the best home cooks in acton and vicinity have given up to our baking in preference to their own product a few lines now obtainable are lemon apple raisin mincerusfit affitpumpkin pies cream puffscreani buns cream drops lemon cream tarts fruit cakes etc r many consider our bread the best have the wagon call falirb1fes phono 116 mill st acton h gmeir borriater solicitor notary publio gaoraatownont dentau qr j m bell b s l d dentut honor ontduato of toronto 0nlvor blty tho tatcct anesthetic uncd if dealred ofllco at residence corner of mill and wca6rlcustrcdo drfollopppsrlda 1 dentil surgoon offlc ovor anlt of nova sootta jetotob oj6to6i30 elvnlnff by appointment miscellaneous editorial notes frances debts to theljiiited states and great britain willbe discussed at a convention in the near future andmf jiossible settled with each countryat the yame time it is reported on high authority the fergusnews record significantly says an other question for members of the county council to answer how many have broken the o t a while engaged- incounty business -don-t-all- speak at once rather a stiff conundrum for the county of wellington legislators the university of berlin during the winter win canada their position in world economy and world politics- germans will then jiave an oppor tunity of hearing something of canadas greatness and her magnificent resources itnpaya because ln ldndneaa thero is strength it la not tm many ouppooo a olgn of vrcakneqb it ib a mark of that strength which la truest and beat no nian is no atrong aa ho whoknopo uie nccret of gntlenobb it payo becauuo it wins tho heart thero to no other suoh wealth on that of friendship and there fa no other ouch frlond as tho friend who remem bers a clndneua it pays becauso there is too ylttlo of it abroad in tho 6arth and what qup- ply there la is alwaya at a premium it pays because no one 1b over very far from the shining way who carrlea arfovlntr heart within hla breast whoso llpo are careful to avoid unkind words and whoso hands are trained to help ful things it paya because it knows a greater strength than that of force it can molt its way through many a place where all thp terrors of force can not drive a path it pays because it has novor an axe to grind it wins the worlds good opinion by avoldlngtho vory appear- ance of solfseeklng it pays because it represents tho highest lawof human society the law of altruism it always seoka to sorvo the othor fellow and when it cannotserve him it at least manages not to hinder him it pays bocnub it is true and men everywhere are looking for abrnethlng that is really true whatever else u may not be kindness is sincere and faithful lt pays because it reacts on onoa own character bach tlmo ho romem- bers to bo kind ho makes another reach toward tho height of real kind liness it la thus that kindness nover looses its reward it jpays because it lo often roturnea with imei-nstftrmiftisevcrto- turned at all tho angels do not for got to give credit fcauent richard ashley x or- mingled the new year 1925 finds the economic structure of the world upon more solid foundations than at any time since the war secretary hopver declared in a statement at washington on new years eve as he was analyzing the business industrial and fin ancial situation in the united states and abroad while the years imports of canada will probably show a decrease of over 90000000 i is expected that the exports will show an fricrease of 45o0oo0o over the year 1923 this is encouraging canadas prosperity largely depends t upon an increasing volume of exports and a reduction of importation of gbodsr the beginning of a new year is naturally a time for tnkingstock and comparing the results achieved during the year this stock taking activity is show ing one of the largest national achievements of this dominion ever accomplished in the year just closed this is an improvement in the balance of trade over the previous year of over 150000000 a marked example of the importance of canadas mineral resources isfhe export just issued respect ing the production of 1924 our mines had a bounti ful ycar the total mineral production throughout the dominion was 205462000 the aggregate oi gold produced reached the new high level of 31522 000 of this large sum more thanfoucuths of th productiomvus in the province of ontario one of the surprises of the municipal nominations was the withdrawn j of rcevehnmpshlre from es- tjuesing council rcovo hampshires name has been frequently mentioned for tho wnrdenshipfor 192s and now he is not to bo even o member of this yenrs county council 1t looks now as if reeve mclntyr of georgetown will have a walkover for the war- denauip reformer earthbound with it is a idvo story of which ho is the hero and i tho herolno howas never 111 though he led mo to supposcr that there was a nervous woalcneaa about him that did not appear on the surface i utudled his caso for monuui trying different remedies which t doubt j h over took finally i found myself deeply in lovo that i was ready to sacrlflco my profession for him indeed the great problem of my ufo became hot how to cure him or any one else for that matter but to appropriate him to myself it was i rather than lie who suffered from a peculiar disease if any attractive young woman camo near him i waa seized with a terrible anxiety lost some other woman should toko him away from me however tlmb provod that those fears wcro- groundless for on 6 even ing after one of my visits to him and i had been- invited to dlnnor his mother left us alone togother in tho library and what i oo desired was clinched by a proposal as soon as our engagement was made known to tho othor members of our respective families congratulations began to come in his sisters and his cousins and his aunts called on me and they wore all not only very gra cious to mo but regarded mo with an amused curiosity ono day who should coma to see me but my old preceptor dr philips towh6m i had made tho plodgo not to marry t could not es cape him so i faced him ho was brimming over with amusomont you uttlo biimbug ho said i know you would not bo savod for tho medical profession so i reoolvod to got you into tho family i told my nophew about you and your pledge suggesting that he make ypu break it he has dono his workboaut fully thbubhvhts -mothethas- been of greatnsblatanee to him you miserable mean good for noth ing i throw myself into tho dear old mans arms if i might take to heaven in my pocket the dearest of little things i own i think that i would take the tiny locket which holds n face that love and i havo known i think thaf 1 would tako certain letter a letter worn and ribbon tied and old oh i am sure that heaven would seem bet ter if my poor hand might bo allowed to hold a few of those dear dreams that made my pleasure a few of those frail hopes that made ufo fair if i might take along my meed of treas ure i know that happiness would find mo there if i might take along the scent of gardens when they are ughtod by the silvery moon tho splendid glow of ice that slowly hardens upon a fropty winter afternoon tho gleam of sun set on a purple mountain a row of pines cathedrallike and still tho rainbow glitter of a slender fountain j a village glimpsed at dusk from some kind hill if i might tako a dress of silk that shimmers with tints of roses and blue and amethyst if i might take the candle nhlno that glimmers across a room that night has gently kissed i i might tokd a baby dimpled fingers and sunlight slanting down aver autumn seas and that first flush of dawn that throbs- and ungoro 7 oh heaven itself would thrill to some of these when father speaks mr williams has nlwuys claimed that it la on easy matter to govern children and his own success ofton beam out his theories ho seldom in terferes wlibn his wife in at tho helm but oncp in u whllo ho contribute a fow firm words of guittance in rcspbnso toan appealing glance now hobby said mrs williams one nlght after long temporising now my dear lltlo boy really must take jilitmodicln-and- jump- into tid no fnthor nml ican go down to dlnnter 1 itdnt wantfrt fake the mefllcltifoi bald bobby wlfo hau a sniffling tmhl then enme the appealing glance hob sold mr williams in an omi nous tone if you dont vinko that medicine this minute you will be put to bod without taking it at all then bobby promptly took thvrmedl- clmf rnftl all wvtf vv0 sailing around the cow many a seacaptain hns sailed around the world olnce tho adventurous voyngo of captain cook but fcwjiavl- gators v tried what tho captolnof an east india man used to relate as an experience of his own he was out on a foggy nlghv and sounded bis fogborn as every wlso captain should from tho starboard side camo the sound of a foghorn apparently from a vessel vory close and showing no lights port your holm shouted the cap tain and tho order was oboyod then he blew his horn again back from tho same relative position although the ship had altered her course throe points came tho sound of that ttn- ewefing foghorn hard aport roared the captain- that too was done and thb signal was trip again back from exaotly tho somo position although jile vessel had now changed her course sovon points imo the sound of that fog- born the captain alarmed was just go ing to give tho ordcr to reverse en gines when oho of the officers dis covered that tho supposed foghorn was only the cow- tliat was carried on the forward deck to supply fresh milk for the passengers kindne88 ono never knows how far a word of kindness goes one never sees how far a umllo of friendship fleas dojn jtbroueh the years tho dccd forgottonrcappears ono kindly word the souls of many bore has ufirrfid msn goes his way and tells with every passing day until lifes frtd- orico unto mo ho played tho friend wo cannot say what lips nro praising us toiluy wo cannoj toll whoso prayers aide god tti guard us well but klndneos lives beyond the memory of him who glvos- diftrr a tatih tthe appearance ofyour car ia x the first thing by which the outside world can judge it a cat may possess every automobile virtue yetl if it lacks beauty of appearance the world will pass it hy unnoticed chevrolet has an appearance in which any motorist may feel a sense of it is a handsome car and better still ii possessesthose quali ties of performance which xtshand- fiomo appearance would leajd one to expect a minute or so of your time will convince you that chevrolet 4 good let us demonstrate its good performance s v king representative for this di8trict francisnunan bookbinder account booka of all klnda mudo to order periodical ofjivory description carefully bsund rullnp ncaoy and promptly dono wjmdhiun street over wlulama auolph ont stare our gallery of river captains r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yoaro bxporlonqo acton ontario sales entrusted to it j kerr re- celyo attention from date of llstlnu to date of sale iabt your ealca with mo residence bower avenue aetorc phono 30 acton call at my exponbo new term january 5 1925 at guelph business college hkrau bijjo guelph weitrn ontario greatest busi- faaa calleoo individual instruction modern equipment business experienced instructors special courses graduates in demand by business publio 8end in your registration today jan 5 may be too late guelph business college a l bouck principal andproprletor ekgravlng flj33rcuuanistvir in grateful appreciation of your gqodwill and patronage we cordialtyextend our very hearty thanks with all good wishes for the new year a d savage optometritt and mfo optician 8avaqe building iught at tho p onlco guelph ontario j- the old and rdlable granite and marfile works wo are manufacturers and direct importers of nil kltwta of monumental and headotona work wo soli direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus savlne our oubtomor 40 per cent wo- have tho beat appliances ami tno only moclvanlcs in tho dominion who can opcroto pneumatic tools properly wo can blvc rcfcrcncod from hundrods of our customera in toronto and other places whore others havo to havo law sulta in order to collect wo havo tlio jarueot and licststock oxjanltqiv tho dominion or moro thnn nny llireo dealers in tho west wo are h-flil- mnto dealers and employ no nsents and do not nnnoy or peat customers by sending out lemo oeonts nollcit- inb orders- vo employ only mcclinmcs and defy competition hamilton sons quewptt ont iliiisi-lv-

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