Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1925, p. 4

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thursday january 1925 weicome man theres u man in tho world who is novcr turned down v wherever jiochunccs to stray tfto gets the bind hupd of tltc popu- vr loui town vor out whero tho fnrmcia make buy- hv greeted with pleasure on deserts of ftandi and deep lit tho jlloti of tho woods wherever he now tho welcoming hand hos thc nan who delivers tho oodti tho failure ot ufot nrxvumv and com plain p tho rods havoni treated ihem white thoyivo hat their vimhroutia whenever tlveros rain avid they ijnwnt their lanterns at nighty mon tiro of failures who tu with their sighs the of their own neighborhoods thevos a man who la greeted with lowlighted oyeslu tho man who delivers tho goodv eleanor wavlantvs con- rmoption before the ladles tn tho vestry par lor engaged in packing thebojc lot tho family of the tlev joseph gordon who in a far away western field in formed the- duties tat missionary teacher lawyer and patriot for tho salary of five hundred dollars a- year there npneared a sudden vision the vision waa in the moat atyllsh of now spring fashions from the top of her exceedingly expensive hat to tho tips of her handsome shoes bcncath the hat her eyes wore haltapblogctlttanor halfdaring tve brought my contribution she said putting a package dovp beforo mrs henry thorpe t didnt able you this timer what was needed because well because i struck- it came to rab suddenly how if i were a mis sionarys wife i ohould loathe the bight of cotton cloth and second- hand clothe yeaandnow ones too whon theyre all no dreadfully sensible and boucht to laatsrjuid how il jong wifli all my ooul for something frlvoloua qtipyracj with a midden dimple i v- nopd and dont hanker at all atter worldly vanltlco but atlu i dont be- llovo it will hurt im coins now bo that you can unapprove of me g06- by in dead pllcneo mrs honry thorpe opened tho pajoco it contained a twopound box ot the boat bonbona thrco jit tho latest novels and n bit of- creon pottery tho ladla looked at each bthec in dlamay it uccma wlckcdj mrs jionry thorpo bald in tooneat diotreba novoln when the missionary must no need now books mrs harporj lamented i can stand tho books better than the i vane miss ajnbroao declared tvelv mrs thorpo said with a slsh i suppose theyll have to ero bat i must say it hurts jso tho things eleanor waylands lillo useless thlncs were packed and aontln tho box and in duo time a lotter of thanks reached tho church mrs thorpe read it aloud in the mis sionary moetlruj at the close canio a pocullor parasruph- and now dear friends im coins to moko a confession i suppose youll thlnli mo terribly frlvoloua and unfit tor a missionarys wife but there were throe things that i juat cried over the candy tho now stories and that lovely lovely vase i dont bolleyo yon can im how starved ono gets out here for something that isnt desperately earn- est i havent seen a bonbon since i was married- two years ago and oh how hungry 1vo got for a- now boolc onco in a while and tliovasb woll i shant core if we do havo nothing but potatoes for breakfast if i have that vabo full of flowcro on tho talc thank you nil a thousand times but thank oopoclauy the dear friend who remembered that missionaries wrwa aro terribly human after all a blrl in tho back of tho church slipped out softly oh rra bo glad sho said to the november sky the old los house r o auld hdose o xulij koose deserted thoyo 10 there neer wtill b a new hoosc as half so dear tae mo scottlou sonar rickety ahtnclcss old and gray scathod bythe atorma of many a day tit a wayside spot whoro tho wild weedogrow stands tho old log cabin of long ago toltlly haughtily round it stand lordly -mansions- on every hand deigning neverajook to cast on tho ruinod roof of tuohumblo pant rarqly foot oer its ihrtahold fails barely o look at its old gray walla by a friend or a stranser is oast i trow nobody cures for tho oldouss mow- botting away lta roufih jrudo watj tottering and tumbling and hkv to am nst claiming thattknow asfana the rafters round which us roof about how missionaries wives real y tecl i ouppobo they arc all dreadfully upreara aro bent by the burderoffdurrocoro yoaru tho winter wind and- the summer sun pn roof and gable- tholr work havo done and crumbled down olnco mtrriy a dav tho quaint old chimney ot clat and clay on every side within and 4 without the chinking and planter nro falling out and tho sagging sash with ltsbrokun pano v is a fenco no moro gainst the wind and- rain the value of error groat lo tho power of truth but error also is not wlthoutlta valuo and they would go more heavily on its way wero all the misconceptions and false beliefs to bo banished from it by a single edicts who would bo tho first to tell the plain girl that she has neltnor charm nor beauty and will never bo desired 7 tho knowlodgc would be likely enough to paralyze hor effort to bo good and ounlablo and useful- and tho mcro stolid endurance that she might call to hor aid in a poor substitute for tho inoro gonial virtues tho ambitious girl dreams of oarn- iag monoy for acollegocourswho would toko tho heart out of her effort wfi m alas for by tollvniir tior tttnt vahch hawftmbltlonlalmi for without ability and that ahe ia bettor fitted for fohpral houaowork than for tcachlnc latin it may perhaps bo that tho vory desire for achlevenftfit leaves it beneficent mark on human character v who would toll the aelfbacrlflclnff mother that her eon 4a not worth her trouble who would tellthe faithful teacher that the atudent repays hoi devotion by carehjaa rldlculol who would tell the minister that wo parish is ready to reward his years of service by rank ingratitude in abort who would go about this workaday world destroying thooo u- lunlond which lrfticato life with glory ndttho iosa lovely becauae it la unreal llko sunsets and rainbows the gorgeous colors may themselves bo fleeting and unreal but as roflec tlona of thinga that aro teal they bruifc for the moment cheer and courage and these arc well worth hte keep inc in and out through its dropplnedoor tho feetjaf tho fathbra will fall no more r- aa back and forth on their weary way thoy went to their work witlv the waking day j through that mouldering doorway i entered in and- i stood by the opot whero the hearth had been whero the backlog lire with its ruddy light had burned and bkuod through tho live long night but- tho fires wore out and the lug- polo gone all cracked and crumbling tho old hearthstone and fallen the jambs by the fireplace wall where the weird night shadows had loved to fall silent i stood on tlia ratting floor while i looked the old liouso oer and oer and myeyes with tho burping teara filled fast r as my heart went back to tho-vanish- cd past o many a year has the gross grown groon and many a winters snow havo been slnco a barefoot boy i used to roam and that old log house was my child hoods home no sky so bright as itsaky overhead no couch so soft as its bumble bed no faco so fair to my childish eleht as hcra whose kiss waa my lost good night again mid the hygone years i aocm and the past tiqinc3back like a wal ing dream till the ruined wails no more i see but tho old house stands as it used to bo onco more by tho hearth of my early days all tho home faces ore met by the blaze and lovlntf eyes look bright as when tn my childhoods years i saw them then but tlie yoara roll- by und tho faces fade and one by ono in the dust aro laid till tho last from tho empty hearth has none and i stand ncath its ruinod roof nlpoq blm anderson wno tiiien uorlouzjly 111 in tho 4 log tuvurn drmcqaivln uttondod blm uud did ovoryihlng in his power to ulloylato liio mifforlnitii and bring him buck to liuulth hut without avail ulolmrd johu- atonwho wtui thoti vxy popxilir throughmll tlio tmumuyiulo was ciiuid in bit bin idiuplo lomcdiih nf herlis uud luuial acoompunylnw titutmohr wero powoiicim to vivmoonio tho in roiuhi of thiv alltmmit ad u laid rouni t i oluiko of lluolph wiim uiought down j t oxorclm wh buiu hut bin rcnuntkii weve ulu vuivvatlnt and simeon aiuknuon pirinitd uvay lenvlim hluovrouiuuwlfo uud twu futlioviumt clvudrnnqllvor- ainr otlivo and uiu unllnbihcil bulhllnjf wlitru waa tn ho their new homo oh mm deuthbd 9tploon inarid h vt iu his tvo yarmont frltiulu town dr mcourvln and jainth cuiu olop hlu oxeeutoni thoy decided thu hjo liont way to mutii for tbeoata waa tifhuvv tho unmnltihcd hotel com- pletwl this thoy did and tilt ftvut hutdlovd of tho nvhv ptiuisttivh jolvi- rwailtfo miv wulluco conducted tho hotel fovmi number of yours and then conceived the idea- that ho could do better in tho cojunty town no ho hold out hlu jnteuestu lioro and- wont to mtttdu and hullt what ho wan inoud to name tho waflsco itounc thiu was 0r- years one of tho loading hotois in halton irn whm conducted yy john wallaco until his dcatlc his jumjohn woo then tlio landlord for sevoil ycara und upon his death it got into tho hands otljhe mcolbbunn john- mo- glbbon conducted tho promtsou- until hlu dath in loifl attor which mim jjcqlbbon wan tho proprietor und con tinued until a couplo otyearh ago when tho property paused into other hands after simeon andersons death his son oliver grow to manhood and ho had ft very prosperous career ho had no uk inn for tho hotel business and spent fvpw yoavsof his young manhood- in michigan rotuinlng to- canada -ho- settled in walker ton and there he built up a largo furniture business a plant which offered wider acopo came upon tho market at wood- atock and ho- purchased it this ho developed into a manufactory for turnlngur hgh grfidob 3t furniture with a very largo and prafitablo put- put- when tho- canadian furnlunp manufacturers auuoolatlon was form cdnd of tho country wefo merged into ono great business oliver andoriionstac- tory went into tho merger arid t givontho responsible position of man ager of the company in london eng land thie position ho oqfiqpigd vlth satisfaction and bubjnoss nklu until ho retired from bualnoso and cftlhe hack to canndato sponrthla declining years ho died several ycava ugo miss- anderson the daughter- of simoon anderson become tho wife of william snyder thoson of myoid friend jacob snyder and a tr 6perator about half a contury ago arounp the 8tove ho wreck of the rbbborvycdr j tea oer tho withered ieavea oftho past uiat he strown thick on tho pathway of mem ory llko dream a poser m tho motorist put his foot on the accelerator and for si or flovon mllco thoy tpro along llko the wind then something went wrong with the steer inggear and they ran- into a tree the farmer and motorist alighted un hurt on a bank of moss tho car was notdamaged r- r that was fino said the farmer aa ho got up wo sartlnly went the pace tell mo this though how do you atop her whonthere aint nof troos tho baptisu giving him a chance mrs whsohs husband was ofteir obliged to go to new york on bualnes and frequently old not reach his homo untlltho arrival of the mid night train mrs wilin had boon in tho habit of leeinpodceiajiy at thosp times without fear but a tiumbor bf burr glarles in tho nghborhood during one of her huflbanda trips to now york bad disturbed her jalm on thejoight of his return mr wil- soivwas stealing carefully up the front atolls as was bin wont oh such iv caslons so that his wlfo would not be wakoned whon h heardhiirnvoiei high anil strained t i dont know whetlior you are my husband or a burglar xamo tho ex cited tones but- 1 am going to bo on tho safe aldo and shoot so if you are slonry- youd better got out of tho wavi tlko a dream we copie wo go 7 mid tho ceaseless yearn in tholr ebb and flow- and the crumbling things of the sad today wero the idols wo worshipped yester day yet mouldering away through its walls to me forever green will tho memory bo of the dear old houso that i used know whero i lived and lovd in thn long ago t snarlcs gtmaryji the old loo house in acton tho sale of the patterson block at the cbrncrof main nnd mill streets which was noted in thprkq pnitbs local iicws columns last week s me jiack in memory bptweon sixty andflovonty years like a flaah in moment my mind went back to tha old log tttvern on main street which utood where tho ilydor mowat glove factory is now situated j and jwlth the old log tavern there was naturally asaoolated simeon andcrnon lt land lord who died upwards of sixty years ago mr anderson kept tho-rftrst- hotel in acton nnd ho evidently prospered in that old log building while living thero with his family he had visions of a tttmvwlng town hero and increas ed demands for accommodation by tho travelling public he determined to be prepared to supply tho accom modation needed and hnako all travel- lorn to or through acton comfortable to tthat ewriie purchased the lot at the corner whore tho road ran down to nickllnh mill and to wllllam han nahs bnko shop ho bad largo idcan and had tho foundation laid for a hotol of commodious proiiortions broad and deep thick iwallfl of atone began to rise and thoy finally teach ed the tpp ofthd socond story rondy for tho roofrtnei was coithtruotoa and woll covered with rived pino shlhrlou made from the famous clear yeupw pine for which rsquoblng township waa so famous three great cut atone chimneys ratio abovb tlio roof nnd this larcest stone building htnwrrxrwags at that time began to assume th appearance- approaching completion imforo frank kennedyshad the par titions in ot tho f urrlnsr on the atono work ready for joseph oollln tido tho lathing and plaaursng our friend thoy moved to 15 lorn where mr sny der was for long long years tuo court eouti and cfllclcnt agent of tho grand trunk itailway mrot snyder prnlaqd over the river several yoara ago but william lb still an honored rooldont of elora lives on tlio ccmont highwav leading into the town and maintains ono of tho most attractive homes and gardens in thtt- town ily how ivo wandored about t muut comoback to tho iowtono hotol for the life of mo i cant recall who succeeded john waljacp as tlio pro prletor of this hostoiry and mary aays she rant either you know neither of us were over much given to being around the hotolo unless we had same doflntto business taking us there orwero away from homo travel ltng im not oulto our but i think georgo gibbs who marrlod ono of old georgo walters daughters waa thore for a while then t think tom clark who afterwards wont to- georgetown was for several years proprietor and then thero was ellas clark who wont in with aulto a fl6urlsli about fifty years agoi think hopreccdbu jlmmle campbou who tor years was tho land lord of tho station hotel then known as bells tavorn jimmio became tho landlord about 1880 and ho ro-chrlst- lened tho placo the campbell house jinjmlo was a popular hotel man and homado npnoy thore but ho died ho was succoeded by gil clark gil had boon bartender and married mag gie ann campbou tho niece ot undo jimmlp but in umjo qillurd died and the hotel went into the hands of mr a roach a cdmmorclnl traveller from toronto mr roach made extensive improvements to the premises and re named tho hotol tho acton ho con ducted tho placo for several years until ono night it took ffro tho fire was a destructive ono and the interior was dostroyod with- teo contents i think tho fire occurred about fif teen years ago singularly tho lire took place the night a moss mooting was being held in tho town hall in support of local option- local option carriodahd tho hotol woo not rebuilt after tho unslgbtlyvulna had disflgucr cd this tine site for somo time mr noll patterson meat dealer bought the property about fifteen years ago and- erected the fino patterson block which now houses the bank of nova q cg tin tho pattorson meat market and acoutloof residences -and- officer upsta j mucnov john williamson ha bought this lino outato which bears tho history i have endeavored to blunderingly to relate it was his pur chase which sot my oldjiond to re calling all this chain of local annals ono- more itom mary recalls to my mind and it was this tho first hotol in the county when the old scotl act was in forco whoso proprietor was sontoncod to the county jail for viola lion of the provifllpna of tlio act and soiling liquor unlawfully was tho land lord of uujod htol thoro ih po need how otnamtnghlm ho venttho way of airflcsh many ycanj ago but i will say fliat he remained in jail for but afawdaya the tehdcr zenaof- this cpmrnunity circulated a petition prnylhg that owing to his age and inflrmitylogal picmenoy bo- grant ed und tho pmycr of the petition wnii heftrd potitlonu are no new thing you hcer in acton but a word or so about tho old log tavorn of mr anderson itwno becu- picd an a tenement for several years by a number ot famines jjlnally robert agmcw came along ailttlo over fifty years ago tisd bought the build ing and the site it occupied and a piece of land northwest fiom it jie made a boo had tho old- place- torn down and plx nionthsiojtcr thf37aw dominion hotjol which ho and mother conducted for over thirty years took its place albert lobman who came hero from kltchoner modolled it- andcnllcd it lobmani hotel ho had a chekorcd carooc dur ing the local option- days paul re peatcd fines and handed over to in spoctor ayoarst 100 gullons of beer one fine friday night this beer after the conviction of mr lehman by magio- trntaa leinedy of georgetown and mooro of acton i think was confis cated and john harvey who waa chief constable- at the time knocked hi the heads of the beer- kegs with an aio and the predtous bocr flowed down the willow street gutter in a fairaired river aiaii lehman hold out to charlie eckrtf oakvntevwlio7 aftar two mombersof u ihuroh had muiir- rolod lung though thoy had known jbucii othor highly an each osbrumod tho other th6- quarrel had cumo it wasinudn worso by reuuon of tho faut that the ocean ion win trivial und ono related to the church itself it wan a little chutclb and men wero few a truarrei between twu of its loadlnc momloirt could bo hid from no oil and it wan deeply folt lnthu loui of tho two from most of tholr former aetivltiess for- oucil hud refuthul to labor in any work nbnrodby the uttttr not ulwayw oua tliomlnlstor do much in such a cuuo sumutlmeu tho beulineunt tffoct only widen u tho hrvuohv uut in this cumo the puutor was a ronojuto uutil uud- one or tarft as woll after ropeiited- effort habor ing- with the men separately holding up to them the ucandiil of thou cou- duot tho ovfl wiought upon tlio ohmclv und thcu own uvea he brought them at last facu to faoo in hlu own homo nnh asked the otllorufurglvoiioiiisr and they rofurned to the churchi vet the reconciliation wuh not com plete 13aoh had given a tneiumrod jieknowledffmonuanilvviiltod to jioe iiovrmiich c othor vould concede botwecn the two conceiinlous was stilt a dluputdblo margin of fault which neither had ucknowlodeod kach tn hlivluart folt homothhlcf oc tho ullt uncftnfpnuod mttll ohorlahed uio mem ory of unkind opoliqnbytho other and only partially rotrac tod and was saying in his heart that come what might ho would concede no ad- ditionrl inoh than tho minlstoi came again into tho broach mrgodfroy ho mild to one of them i wnnt to ask ofietad- dltional favor of you you neednt ask mo to acknowledge nny more said mr godfrey f no ji dont want any further ack nowledgement you have acknow ledged enough both of you you- havo both made n goad boohinlng all- i dole is this after mooting on sunday try to get on the same side of the stove with mr lynn dont bco what that has to do with u said mr gtottfrey no matter just do- that will you- with rather poor- grnco he promised then tho minister pxaetod tho camo promise from tho other man- i4ontj rhlulmiocatatt tojiftvomo como any neitror said mr lynn yea ho docs sahttho mlnistor and you aro npw within sbt fcot of eachother it is a pity to conic so far to acknowledge so much and then fall ohoruybucant mgaaure tho distance and mpqt halfway for tho stove sin the way n qther thlnga too pur hojibi so cpmo arbundt the pian workod thopcxt sunday ipstoad of gathering each with a llttl group ot frlcndo on opposite sides of tho stove tho two men inot whoro the open upacowaa largoot thooernipirri h b mnd five mlnutoa shorter tftaiii usual and tho ittmv before sun day school was thus made lohgor neighborhood vxlewa-r- town ah4 couixtry oartvllle j r iiiehihtxlbiiloirif tho nwly eluot eit olllccrii of ttii muiioiilu lodge jt loo o i took tdncc juit hijtutdiiyj ovonlug mro j n mcdregnr in away from town vliittlug iloirton and cither ameil- oau points mr john mi vord of lnalml buhu ishomu vlhlllnrj- his ntolhofmru -uolu- wood on ltoyiiohl street the mothodlnt ohuirch aiulwilntxvy will bo held on sunday january ib rov j w mngwobd atformor pantos vlll preuoh both jubonlng and ovonlnrf on tho followlnt monday oyunlng u turlcby hiuuiuot will bo iflvou a dobltto wlll bo hold at the mooting of tho a v i a on monday ovonfng next tho subject belngr resolved tis better to havo loved and loot than never to havo lovod at 1i this ought to pfovo interesting record georgetown mr t a young of chicago vinltod with tho jhisholt young main ttcct during tho holidays v mr and mrs norman gollbp bayit roturnod to their homo in cjilcago mids murloh gollop accompanied ibera and will spend tlie winter in chicago owing to a broalc tnn service pipe tho water was- turned off the south western portion of the town for some hours monday morning while tho break was ropulrcd dr goot wobb e sterling dcap and mro wllloon ot toronto members of tho exccutivo cdmmltteco of the armenian association were in town qn friday paying a visit to tho ar- monlan farm and home at the close of the installation of ofileorsat halton chapter r am mr h g moiri p zwas pionlcrf with a beautiful gold past principals jewel by ex comp j t cameron on behalf a of the oltlcersand companions of tholodgohcrald erin wherc ouedec 9yand0 fiflot rldh f1 rofot protluotu ud hob ovof third of cunodas wstorpower ono of the icmurkuble things early induotrieo it lnii pinny at brought out by tho natural ilcsourcoii of quebec a wolliuuiitrated publica tion juut tuittiod by tho duimrtmont of the loterlor rit ottiiwu 1h ifhoiuitnlwr of feature ui wliioh tlio piovlniu stands first or exciolu iror exampl quobevptodlitii hevciiolnhtlni ctf tb worlds asbotitos the fiilit conlrlfti- liittvjrtuhi uopuiiifor ijitcd on thlii con tinent wnu oporatod ui quebec at tin vllluffooftitoftrarifrueneaucbliilll danudus first luper mill was ehtnb- llshod in st andrews qubbelvl180 fifty porcont of tho cupltuliiiyestul in cnmijla in tho pulp indijotiy lis in- vast od in quebec and tiioprvvlnco hail within fto borders oyer onethird of tho waterpower that rail bo produced in cnuudn it was in quebec at the oka institute that the first front-re- ulsthlg brood of poultry tho chnnto- clore watf developed tovlthstand cold whxtopwjoathcr moro maple products tiro mndo in quebec than hi all tli other provinces of canada combined a the only known workable deposits ofkaolfn or china clay lncumida arc found thero finally thi province boasts of rho largest wnlerpower idorago reservoir in tlio wurjil the oouln dam on tho ht maur4qo river with 100 billion cubic feet capuclty of specia l are the chapters ontfistvimjils andpaiier industry watd toworsrttndthoagrlcultural and min eral resources including tho attract ions offorcd to sportsmen and tour lsts are treated tn detail the chapter entitled the ljihd of th people 1 iilngulnrly sue con if ui ip convoying tho local atmosphere which imparts tq the people and the institutions of thalljcfcj vince tholr quaint attracttveneos nnd peculiar charm to business men investors and cltl- zons generally tlio natural resources of quebec will prove of very timely interest piorhapu npwhere within the covers of a single volume can be found such a roadablo and concise descrip tion qt the principal natural resources of tho provlnco as in this book of 130 odd pages ft en boon pointed out tlitl lie tiyvloplhentil n lid ntl- called iriyontlmis which the nliieteentb fofilllry svltiienned nie really revivals of aijdliiineii ihut wen- familiar in ullghtty dlffeieiit gubie- people of the eighteenth or the hoveiitrentli the author of fygiie uvniltm 1at i rccalln tbe idiochlfick of the seven tticnth enturyait a comlnoii featwro of ljojufoilhlv i et life 1 the fihofliiicln eoulment conulnttit of n iitool fiii- the cuhtomerfi foot to rest upon strong bnimbh ofbuar fnjstles ah i a jar jcvintalnirigit mix ture of wmlooi and noot later tho blacking wan inutlo or lirodyblack very cotrje molat siigar and watcr wltii a ilttlu vinegar two nccchnaiy implement t wei6 n iciilfc aqd an old twig vvifh the knife the incrunted dirt vas scrap ed away while the wljc was invaluable for vlping off dimt wet mud or any other obntnolo to tho free application of thp blacking these old shoeblacks muat have ac quired considerable dexterity in tin exercise tof ther calling for indaya when fine whtte cotton ntockjnga and shoos with bright bucklca weec tho only wiar for a gentleman thcr oper ator netdd a watchful ryoand a quick hand to black the ufhoo without hoillng or sniearlngthe jollalied buckle tho bootblackii wero then as now an inhuatriouh race in the old ntroeis there wero far more- opporttihtlen of getting soiled given a wet- day in narrow roughly payed ntroots without footpaths and thronged with carto drays and coaches how could jjny pedestrian hope to keep his shoes or indeed any part bf his attire clean jlp addition to their chance ntrcet cun torn the hhoehtackff also had much regular work for private houses as the blacking of shoes at homo waff then a general practice plain justice with- tlioir roconclllation made known and published as it bad boon for a ftfpkiight- thero was nothing for tho two mon to do buttoaot au- if they wore reconciled and soon a practical question of church activity set thcra at work togothor tho little margin of unconfeesed wrong wno loft uhdooldod and tho quarrel never broke out again it ofton happona when good people fall out whether in homo or ohurch or neighborhood that all that remains to oornplbtoa reconciliation is- that tho two shall leave tho uncontested ra- malned after cucl has confesbod what he is willing to cohfeas and that both shall gravitate to tho same side of the stove i gems of thought condemning tle faults of others is a cheap substitute for the mending or your own but people orb still able to work themselves into a glow of virtue by reflecting that they arenot as this publican wit loses its respect with tho good when seen in company with malice and to amllo at tho jent which places a thorn in anothers brcast is trf bo- como the principal in tho mischief sheridan halilttt work mbro constantly and with greater force than reason which when wo havo most need ef it is sel dom fairly consultod and more rarely obeyed locke v it is a- truth that stands out with startling distinctness on the pages of tho now testament that god has no sons who aro not servants h d ward what conscience dictates to bo dono or warns mo not to do this teach me more than hell to shun that more than heaven pursue pope my advico is to consult the lives of other men as one would a looklng- ffluuss and from henco fetch examples of imitation torrcnce i mrs ii frankum und little laugh ter of harr and mrs f hutch ineon and liniedugliter ol13famptpn visited with their parents mr and mrs w hull during tlio holidays- mr elgin mclaughlin was succooa ful in carrying of the first prlzs awarded to him by poqi county in tlio baby beoj feeding conipotltlon this entitles hhn to a freo short course nt thoo a g gu mr w finos ofscotguard flask is visiting with hlu brother mr then finos and other friends mr fines reports having harvested a big crop iast fall mioa rejd who was rocontly rb- moved toa toronto- hospital- following an accident- is making favorable proj- greso towards recovery 7 mr wm rott of tho seventh lino celebrated his eightyfifth birthday on friday dooomber 2c a number of thoreluuvob gathered at his homo and a very happy time was spent this aged resident js able to outdo many of- tho younger people for although tho churches wore not- filled on sun day morning on account of the cold mr rott was ablo to attend thp ser vice in tho baptist church as uoual-r- advocato t jmard world por thfe little flossie aged six said to her jnathojv2fi yet married will i hno to have a husband llko pa yes replied her mother it i dont get married will i bavo to be an old maid like aunt sue yes gee mamma it is a hard world for us w6- moti aint it bustle and hurtle you cant tell the alto of a flrejy t bo amount of blaze and smoitot thero are pooplo who to hear ihew talk and acv thcmusarttnruluhro tho only ones on earth that wero doing anything worth while you havo only to look a uttlo closer to find thore is a great deal morowlnd than wheat going through tholr machine there 18 considerable differ onco bctwoon hustle nnd bustle if pcoplo hustlo more there woutd bo less bustle bustle is caused by thp loss of grip or lack of appreciation the bustler is tho man who is always in a dead sweat cither because he does not know ills business or because he has boon asloep when he should havo been on the job a hustler is the man who is in it from tho drop of the hat and for all hojistvorthrhustling nnd bustling may look alike but tho re sults tell thotaio tho hustler gets t hers the bustler la just an far be hind on the last lap air- he is at the flrat dont try to hide lazihcsb and suplnoncss behind a show of activity coyot tho hand of tho diligent solomon in shoo and leather journal milton a week of special prayer services are hv progress in tho methodist church representatives of tho vari ous departmehtn of tho church aro conducting tho services mr d s robertson who has boon conflnodto his room by illness is re covering nlcoly now it is reported there are 13- cases of meabco and 2 of diphtheria at the gordon homo v l water takers aro roquestod to be vory careful with tho water for a- fow days as tho supply owing 10 tho season has some what diminished r jcanorattotr one of the bost jrot- tlncproqpects over developed in-can- ada was sold last week by her owner a l cbamberoi of milton to d trenoh of teoswator for 5000 onp day laat weelc while mrs j j wilson martin stroot was out walk ing oho slipped on somo snowbidden ico and foil breaking her- collar bono- the- bell telephone company aro talcing ovor tho nelson telephone companys business at tho first of tab year subject to the approval of tho railway board it is expected that tho lowvlllo ofilce will be closed but a strong effort will bemado to havo it continue reformer to evade punishment t bobby cant 1 change my hamo today ma mother what in the world do you want to change your name for bobby cause pa eaid he will whip rne when hegets hpniea nameb robert- while theres life theres soap cindy uio rlaundr ess that cheer youro asotthv on waa got with soap wrappers what i dono aavedrupv- her steady thats fine when you gets enough soap wrappers saved up to furnish a flat us can- git married demand for bibles a wldcsproad interest in the bible bun been aroused nmonff japanese vchool children by rev t nobochl editor of the n1ji rainbow a chll droha magazine who made one recent isuuc a biblo lihmbcr through ho cooporatlon of tho bible house in toklo ho obtained stories and articles suitable for young readers all tcllins fabmrtrhotciarlstlan btble7fnd thr bible houso made itself responsible for sending a copy of the magazine to 000 public schools throughout the northern part of tho country- the result has been many orders from teachers and parcnta who have been wanting to see the book but did not know just where to apply for it tho news bulletin japan aays that this isoniy one of the many ways by which it is being- discovered that the bible ibsought by many dlfferont classes of japanese- lir j v pj a2za pervsifuage last tuesday evening writes miss k m we wero sitting on tho piazza when mother remarked i wonder why ho mosquitoes are so bad tonight t guesa youve forgotten ma sold my brother who is full of fun its tho first lot tho month and everyone presents their bllhr you it now boston transcript jtiht now there seems to be a chorus tit condemnation directed ngaliimt tho ulna of the very rich ireachcr- and newjipupcr club wijr i and reformer havopnlted in juytlfiubte protest ncalntt the oxtravugauce gambl ing the pliihureileklng the reckless jicirmhiieiis of the itmart ot tho audlencrii for this tjutoryoff dirt approval is seldom made up of the of- fendeih people who love their own euwedo not go where they may expec tr hear themhtlvea called alnnerh alvo nuotlierh- the crowds who en- joy tho setting forth ofbe wlcked- tjevia of- moclety are composed of men add women who do not and could iptt indulge in thatj iiort of nln and who perhaps conceal a certain unto in lldtenlng to a recital of ift once in a century or no there rlacs a savonarola or a whltefleld who has tho power not onlytojcxpoue the in but to persuadothc sinner to fornalc it then the world in cleaner and sweeter for bin work uutt when the woulrlbo reformer merely apreada abroad thedetahn of vlcewlth0ut touching tho vicious it may be doubt ed jf he is a beneficent influence it is true alasl that some- rich wo- mon gnmbtn today but not rn- tcnth as many a in proportion an gambled ln the- flays of quaen ariie tll true that in theauesi for pleas- uro thero in yceklofltf difiroffard of hu man ufo and human uappinesn by-t- oocalled tadlea and gentlemen- on tjier other hand thero h3irftvmlccrv a day in the history of theworld when yo much money was npent aa is now spent thoughtfullyand wisely by tlu rich for the betterment of tho condi tions of tle part md suffering kcv- before were tlioac wbo rnjoy special privilege- o conscloua of their special rcsponniblllticsu 7 in short rich men and women by iiundrcds and thousands arc striving to enter the kingdom of heaven by the straight gate of generous giving- both of money and themselves while preacher and reformer cry out acralhkt frivolity and extravagance it lt help ful as well aa just for them to praiso the compassion and generosity which the distinct marku of tlio pros perous in the twentieth century i aids to digestion ptvilttlenonaenso now andv then- is relished by the best of men whi some au dri know about driving a car wouidilira book it la wlxat they dont know that oils the hospitals s hciivcn hetn up ifit read this oner if the baby docs not thrive on fresh milk lt ohould be- boiled superintendent of sunday tjciiool whose enthusiasm runs toward reg- til attendance ontof the entire i achooli -only-oho-pupuijymtto- day uttlo doris smith- rel-ui- hopel that she is ill tho preacherwho can preach to please every hearer the school teach er who can instruct to please evory parent tho dress -maker- who can please every patron the merchant- who can please every buyer ahuorftidltor who can please alt his subscribers are all dead and carrying harps buruington mr b summers arrived homo on wednoaday from newcastle n b and will remain until spring when ho ox- pects to return cast pr and mrs p stuart of guolph ajtont holidays with bis brothor and motor william and miss stuart mr and mrs s h munroe of rochester n y spent holidays with her parents mr and mrs a portoous mr cittfoneo fficeioarortotroitiitts beenspending tho holidays with bis baked ricev mexican style fow yeais cxporlonco sold the premis es to tlio rydor mowat gltivo com pany and hero on tho old apdersop property many fliio lines of glovbshavo been manufactured during i tlio past hnlfd6ien yealra ormore jano lhis story of tho old log tavern by j besides being easily prepared rice dishes nre especially nourishing and a good substitute for potatoes which unless baked cannot bo prepared in a short time rico can be cooked ln twenty min utes iihd used at atiy time i thereafter for several days tho following reel po for mexican rice makes a vory sub stantial onodlsh dinner which is suitable for busy days cook one und a quarter cupfuls of rlco in boiling salted water for thirty minutes add one and onehalf cup fids of tomato juice one large green popper cut up fine onehalf cupful of chopped pimento and a dash of pepper mix well together and pour into a wcll- buttcrcd enameled wars baking dish the porcelainlike surface will not ef fect oribe affected by the acid in thj tomatoes on top place thfc tomat9 pulp left- after straining tho juice bake thjrtyjnhdt ovaru3ervo while- hot freeman jack peart of tho northern eloctrlo co of montreal que spent holidays with hip parents mr and mrs edwin peart miss helen foster roturnod to new york on monday after- spending hpll- days with her parents mr nnd mrs john foster on tuesday afternoon a cavctln occurred in the newer undor construe tlon -on- smitha lane and mr chas clayham who was working in thp trench was caught in tho slldo and had three ribs broken besides suffer- ing from bruises there- was- a splendid ttondanoo jit the banquet held by the congregation in tho baptist chuichjabt night sup per was served at 730 and after- tho innor man had been supplied rov r dyson acted as chairman an4nd- dressos wero hoard mr paul r a fishcr roprosented the ontario fruit growersasaoclatlon at the 2ql annual meeting of tho ameri can society for horticultural sclenco hold in conjunction with tho amortean asuoclation for tho advancement of sclenco in washington d c last week gazette u joint affliction the value of the small town to the advei the soxrteam pr6ss is one of the big- igest job printing offices in montreal and ottawa it is an institntion that thrives off thewealth ad iijdustryof these two big cities yet despite this in a blotter editorial recently issued it joints to the fact that the great market place of on- r tario is the sniall town and that the na- tional advertiser who wants to prosper must recogniethis fact the editorial redds tit f6r tat iijji parhdan omnibus ah lpbrod male passenger mado a grimace when u very stout lady got on hippopotamus he exclaimed un der his breath but so loudly that the old lady heard him sir she said you know nn omni bus is like noahs ark ft lakes in all tho uuimaisovdn dopkoyst when thcrhalllday twins were babies tholr mother always refcrredto them collectively this was natural enough for they shared everythlngi from tholr baby carriago to chlclcou pox as thoy grow older howevec4here were slight differences betweofl elnora and eudora but mrs itorfllday took no account bf them whjon they had reaohed tho use of sevensho still re- ferrpd to thenx in a waywhich struck casual listeners as amublng where are iclnora and kudorat asked a cousin who bud come to spend tlio afternoon- ijtjie twins havo gono with their fathertiahavo oncof thelr out said mrs i in 111 day calmlyj thjs city wateringoart it was hb first visit to the cty as ho stood on thoaldowalk nhaklng wltn laughter he was asked whats tho fun sir fun i cant you see it just look how that thing pointing to a watering cart leaks why the- idiot woryt havo a flrop left when he gets hamb richmond chrtatlan advooto that ota afote of a total of approxiraateiy 1063000 tic rural hding5contributedthreeflf4hs 6600- ond-ovcr- 00 per cent of them were dry the urban ridings contributed 430000 votc3 of which co per cent were for government cojntrol that 6 t av votcxannot but be of vital interest to students of present day business conditions and particularly of marketing first if demonstrates conclusively that the shall we call it viewpoint of the rural and that ot the urban population is decidedly at variance and it also shows that the great bulk of the voting public lives on the farm or in the small towns and villages intelligent mnrkcting recqgnizesthe mjin street of every town orvillfige as ontarios greatest dis tributor whereas practically all advertising is presently buiftfor -the- attention of the city reader effective advertising must be built with consideration for the tastes and desires of that great of farm and t small town buyers renfrew mercury this effective pronouncement from one of the largest printing institutions in the country is of importance and strongly supports the position which the weekly newspapers have always taken large daily papers have quantity of circulation but if the national advertiser wishes to effectively appealto ontarios largest mai ket he wh nn4 the us5of the cohmis of tlie home weekly which is carefully read eveiy issue the most valuable naodiuni kiy

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