Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1925, p. 6

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i rr ilirtli o marriarc a and deaths are now charged of at the following rates ulrtlid 50c f marriagcai jo deaths 50c memprial cards 50c 10c per line extra for poeraa married ruddy-mcdonald- at hamilton in tho first methodist church on satuiv day december 27 1924 by the rov wrny l davidson amy colo mc- cdopaidjo ghaa k kudy both of ge died firstbitooic on tucaday decern ber 30 1921 at hlo roaldenco 01 jtnglcwood dvive toronto william a flrat brook t lwingstoneat lila late trcaldence 44 mountain avenue hamilton on morfilay january g 192g rov h gilbert livingstone formerly pan tor of tjivlngatono methodist church ngod g5 yeara in memorlam coon in loving memory of our dear mother mrs isaiah coon who died january 8 1921 r our lips cannot toll how wo loved you our hearts cannot toll what to day odtmrytmowiowwoinlonyu enjoyable new years function a happy gathering of tho connre- aatlon and sunday school of knox church ao wo battlo alonp lifoiiway inoertetl by the family stfp artbtt 3te tyvebb thursday january- 8 192b brief local items tho roada are badly drjftod in many placoa the street lighting of tho county town 191429 laat year milton coljected 225 for polltax and 240 for dog tax laat yean fergus bylaw for a now high school waa defeated at mondayo cl ectlon not before in ton years have wo had bo much onow tho firct week january lhv onow shovel brigade has had almost continuous work all through hthopat weokr tho banciuut held in tho bauoment of knox church on now ypara ovehing proved to bo a real enjoyable church fiunlly gathering- tables wero uproad to accommodate all at ono nlttlng tho rooms were prettily decorated and tho whole aapoct carried out tho carefully arranged pi an lor a gettogether even ing for tho mombera of- tho congro nation including tho sunday school tho banquet tablca boro an abun dance of good things aridnolwith standing the surfeit of holiday vlando with which all present had enjoyed an abundance during thcr week there was ample manifestation that tho monu of tho banquet waa fujly loliahcd rov stewart was tho toaatmaotor andlt wan quite ovidont that ho waa in his element in this role tho fun ction waa one ho hadlong desired to put into effect and tho successful consummation was highly gratifying t him i giielph defeated lta soldiers memorial bylaw on monday by a vote of 2787 to 1795 tho bncholor cynic sayo thoro in n ono mighty good thine about 1925 you cant divide it by 4- tip- to tho first of january thoro have boon 125 cases of meaolpa in milton slnco tho snow came mr noll mcdonald wao clcctod a member of hastings council on- monday congratulatlono noll the i iw tear waa uahorod in hugging the thermometer at zero and with snow flying all through tho day f tho morcury reached lta highest point since chrlatmaa on tuesday at noon when it registered 30 above zero ioiant leap year now aaya the calculating philosopher but that will bo no great handicap to a really clover clrl j gordon homo tho childrens shelter at milton had thirtoon caneo j of meaaieo and two of diphtheria- last woolc c guelph cometory which for many yearn has boon known ao union cem etery has bcon ro named woodhtwn cemetery sbmo of the flat roofo aro now carrying a heavy weight of onow bet tbr examine yours better ntjll clear off the onow thfl slcatcrs had u good umd at the matter rink on new yoarfl afternoon and ovenlng acton citizens band pro vided good music an observant old man about town says onco nine oclock found tho country people turning in now it ilndo them tuning in r the toaata of tho evening wore heartily entered into and tho spirit of loyalty and good fellowship was main tained from the beginning to end thotoaivtt4jiiludlcing was- soul fully responded to by singing the national anthem mr charlea parker proposed tho toast to our country in a compro- henaivo speech which sot forth can adian advantages in a cojrfcreto man ner thocompany responded by sing ing tho loyal- and popular hymn o canada i the toast of tho church waa ably proposed by mr william nicol of now york who waa homo on a visit during tho holidays mr nicol yen turcd some excellent advlco on tho yaluo of cooperation and concerted ondeavor tho grand old hymn the churclra onotpmaation sung in response a toast to tho sunday school was happily offered by mr herbert ritchie who pointed out tho fact that tho sun day school waa tho right arm of the church the school rcbpondod with the hymn jeoua bldj xjs shino elmer hendorson of toronto tjn ivorslty cleverly proposed tho toast ourmo thorn ho emphasized the value of tho mothers not only to tho home but in all tho activities of tho church and- showed how much woowo to our mbthors tho y r a re sponded with a wellrendered chorus of vmother machreo a pretty and iritorcoting incidont of the ovonlner waa tho presentation to rev mr stowart of a fountain- pen and pencil and io mra stewart of a sheaf of roses this was dpno with fine effect by littlo miss beth harrison and maator harvey haaaard tho lit tle folk did their part so gracefully that tho presentation was intensified in effect earnest wordu of appreciation and encouragement wero spoken by mr john r kennedy superintendent and mr d mctavish secretary of tho sunday school a real hearty alngsong at this point varied tho procecdingo tho singing of tho ovonlng was directed by mr a i mann and miss laura gray wao tho accompanist on tho organ toward tho close of the proceeding santa claus appeared in tho person of elder wm cooper who dlaponsed candles and orangea to all tho sunday school scholars this very tinioly and successful oveht so ffttlrigiy celebrating tho pend ing of the- now year wan glvon under tho buperyisian of the bible class of tho sunday school whoso funds met nil tho necessary expenses i news of local import erin advocates 45th birthday jtho icrlp advocate celnbratod tjlic cotnmoncoirtont of tho lfth year of tho edltornhlji of mr r w hull and tho fortyilfth of tho cstabllnhltir of tho paper lurit week tho advocate read ers wero never butter solvod than thov aro today tho advocato la a llv local nowspaper ahd it is appreciate by ajargo number of roadory troatina the editor gonorouoly if tho editor of tho uumdlan ever leaves curletoti place ho w c starting a paper in car1ho review pdltqr last week tolla of two bubscrib- era who camo in to pay thoir oub scriptjprih onoof thorn presented tho editor with a ton-pound- turkey and the other left a pair of chickens an several pounds of bitter 2arlo ton place cahad neighborhood news- town and country crew8qn corners mr cheater plank haa moved to tlic- farm ho rocoiitly purcltaucd htu mother and father aro living with him but ho hi thauolo- owner of tho farm obituary mrs kdwin decipu kov uovcriij yonu mra- lildwtn deeeu been in poor health mill street lion been i about tho middle of doc churth services commonco tho mow year 7tiibnow yejir wao ushered in wittf appropriate horvjces in the varlaua churches a watch night service wtiii hold in tho methodist clmrch morn ing mass in st josopha church and a congregational and sunday schptd service in knox church in tho oyeolnec tho churclioa certainly did their duty in putting first things ilrst an entorpripina new ontario papol the porcupine advance published by mr georgo lake at timmins ont issued a splendid christmao number of thirty- two pages including- a col ored supplement the churches hospital banks and business placos wero presented with clear wellprinted photographs tho people of tho golden land up yonder should uo- wcclto this fine spirit of- enterprise nas8agaweya miss gertrudo freeman of camp- bellvihe haa boon appointed by this jiuhington public school board to fill tho vacancy cauiiud by the resignation of miss dalton at central school rev t n loyo will bo la charge jf tho beach church near humllton un til may 1 ho is recovering nicely frqm the illness which forced lilm to resign the rectorship of st johnn nassagaweyac jkt the meeting for the installation of olllccro of campbell bodge a f a a m carrilibollville last week a com- jnlttce-avaiiappolnted- to draft a letter of congratulation to avlbro wrrf pahton milton on tho llftloth anni- voraary of his installation na v m oe st clair lodge jfrtrbbcrt smith of naoaagawoya has purchased the bayflold dairy farm in guelph township riear4he cjty of guelph which has boon recently op erated by john dunnill tho sale com prises tho farm jersey herd and all tho stock implements and tho pur chase price was 20000 mr tj onpll haa taken over tho two farms of 200 acres of mr smith mr smith will hold his clearing sale of his otock etc in a short time limehouse v about the middle of december oho be camo hcrioualy 111 and gradually grow worrti until friday evening her spirit ttitllt its llhht in thoir sore bereavo- inont her husband and their widowed daughter mra donald have tho sympathy of the community mr and mrs docou camo to acton ten years ago and during their residence hero roado many friends mrs deceu whoso maiden name was jannotto itimoy waa born in norfolk county and was tho daughter of tho lato john ilanoy a pioneer of that county she and mr deceu were joined in holy wedlock in 1881 for a tlmo they i-q- ajdod lii tllhonburg then is button for soveral years in london and then in hllller in princo edward county their family consisted of one son and ono daughter only tho daughter mrs donald survives mrs deceu waa a member of tho presbyterian church and a djcjtedqhriajxana funeral service was held atthehiomo on sun day evening on monday morning tho train was taken for plcton where a service was held in the cemotery chapel and the body placed in tho vault until interment is made next may public school roll of honor standing of tlio public gohool pupila at tho cliriptrtian examinations tho pupils of acton public school who took honor standing lit the de cember oxamiittitionh aro given in tho llstu of tho tioveral dopartmonts as- follow senior fourth marjorlo matin 17l nellio barber 103 lois mnlono 1c1 total 200 junior fourth- meryl arlnddl 177 mildred hol- linger 171 margaret macdonald 100 jiazcl smith 160 total 200 mzbonnott principal senior third marjorie garden 3g0 flcanor clif ford 341 william wilson 337 total 400 dfolotor teacher junior third lorrra mccomb 435- kathleen mu- comb 424 gordon bahcock 408 total goo j kf r monro teacher churchill miltonhas oniy25 firo lobs- e f fcarl chiof of tho mil ton fire brigade has ropbrted to tho town council that there was only ono flro in mutim during 1924 that of the frame dwelling on mill street occupied at tho timo by x anderson of the foundry the damage amounted to about 25 this id a very fine recordj ctona ioaa was alsosmall if tho tanl u iiery flro in august 13 excepted quolph now3ftyear0d mayer mlajor srow the mayorelecu of guelph who is only thirty years old has been a member of tho city council for tho last three years and la also president of tho guolpli chamber of commerce ho is a promlngijfoung barrister having graduated from os- gbodo hall on his return from ovor- seaa whore he- served four years as an officer with tho 16th field battery falrviow cometory intoroata advanced in tho appointment of councillor holmes to tho chairmanship of the cemotery committee bytho municipal council there is every probabilty that perpetual carp will bo advanced a stage councillor holmes has very intelligent views of the needs of tho cometery in this connection and when ho undertakes a duty of a public char actcr with which ho is entrusted in usually noes that tho work is properly carried out without let or hindrance joo lake miohthove boon mayor mr j b lake of the powasson news and whff occupied a seat in the council laat year was nominated for mayor this year respecting his nomination mayor robertaon said at tho- mooting that he would bo glad to step aside if mr lakodocidod to stand for thv office of tho ohlof oxocutlyo but otherwise he would bo glad to accept for another term tho nchool bolls call waa answer ed by hundredo of scholars onmonday morning who commonced thoir ochool studies for anotlior year tho ilratwoolt of january haa been charactorl3odbyail almost continuous and bldfashlohed fall of snow tho acton machlno shopn have added anotlior lino to thoir group of nutomobllo accessories that of parcel carriers of an improved design tho smallest flro loss for tho pout seven yeara wao recorded in guelph in 1924 the total damage for tho twelve months only amounting to 8382 rev mr stewart announced last sunday that a statement respecting church union will be mado to tho con gregation at the aerviceo on tho 18th inst i there wore 41 births 22 deaths and seven marriages in milton laat year the people do not eoem to loyo maach other very much down there either thn nnvif mccotingof tho hal ton union firo insuranco company will bo hold in tlio town hall acton on monday january 26th inst at 130 ocloclc the travellers for tho stdroy glove company wo getting out to their ro- spoctivo territory it requires a full dozen to cover thor field now can vassed tho department of education haa quelled oxcitoment of trustees in urban centres by tho statement that tho basis of tho grants will not now be changed thoro is no i law against tho neigh bors thinking what they please about tho man who refused to shovel tho iinow off bis sldowalktshelborno economist what ho said little did i think mr chairman that i would be called on for a speech what ho thought if i forgot what i have proparqd im a goner w giles of trafalgar met with a painful accident monday mornlngwhon ho was kicked by a cow which ho waa leading homo his loft log was broken above tho knoo kitchener electors voted on a by law- on new yeara day to change election day to tho flrst monday in december and carried tho proposal hy ai largo riiajority rho rotiremant after throo yeara of ofllco of mayor forstcrfrom tho municipal campaign at oak vi lie made the election of w r robinson as mayor an acclamation tho annual mooting of the ea- quoalng agricultural society will bo hold in tho council chamber at the town hall georgetown oh saturday january 17 1925 at 2 oclock burlington will put up etroet signs this year bronte port credit and ookvlllo have already had them put up the matter wjll probably bo dio- tlrtfiy driving horses in town attached cutters or ololghs without bolls is very dangerous especially to pedes- trains the drivorn evidently forget accept for anotlior term mr lake to obsorvo tho statute regulating this declined to accept nomlnauon fortliin jyear celebrated thoir diamond annivor- r nnry in tho midst of tho family circle mr and mrs william fletcher well- known guelph residents quietly color bratcd their diamond wedding annlyec- sary at their homo 88 arthur stro it last saturday although they have been co years- wedded mr fletcher who was 84 years old last juno and mrs fletcher who passed tho olghty- flrst milostona in- september are both hale and hearty and are experiencing tho best of health mr fletcher who farmed for many years on tho first concession of eramooo township if widely known throughout tho district silver woddino anniversary on sovonth line qn wodncsdayr december 18th mr and mrs john miller of tho ooventh lino colebrated tho twentyfifth an niversary of their wedding when thlrtyono guests from acton george town and neighborhood were ontor- tained to a sumptuous dinner then following a most enjoyable evening was apont in music and social inter course tho brido and groom of 25 years ago wero tho recipients of many prcaonts and hearty congratulations from their host of friends- tho grooms gift to thojbrido was old tlmo formers are predicting good crops next season it la claimed that tho cropn never fail whon thero la a froncroua fall of snow at tho be ginning of the winter tho enow is hore anyway contrary to pcsslmlatlo predic tions tho guelph winter fair now ro- porta a surplus showing that tho royal city is amply able still to make tho institution pay as well as in tho past guelph mercury buy advertised goods the mer chant always stands behind hia ad vertisement- shop where you aro in vited to shop it generally costs less to buy advertised goods and you al ways erct tho quality mr choater plank moved lost week to his farm at crowoons- corners his father is not in partnership in the enterprise chester is qolo owner of tho place aa he was of tho houso in acton v with tho chairmanship of two sueh important committees as streets and walks and waterworks reeve barber will havo about as busy a time this year aa he had last when tho onerous duties of tho wardenshlp were upon his shoulders j b mackcnzio lumber and coal d u doaflorv is prooenting hlo customc j jpiivrigircradialjton mra robert lane arthur and robbie spent new years in toronto mlas irono follet spent a week with mrs la no mr and mrs edward h1u and edna mado v brief visit with- limehouse friends pn sunday some of our young folks have boon laid up with tlio mumps lately no feature of tho holidays created more satisfaction than tho community christmas tree which event waa con summated in tho community hall ariehj6yablo evening was given and every child in tho community was pre sented with candlos and oranges mr arthur lano was homo from port mcnlchol for tho holidays mr william gowdy mr douglas gowdy and miss doris wero in guolph for tho holidays councillor william edge of water- down apont tho holidays at the home of his sister mrs a morodlth miss lulu jolley of- port stanley and miss may jolley who ia attending normal school in toronto wero at- tho homo of their father principal jolley for the holidays tho christmas spirit was oxemp fled by the pcoplo of llmch com munity in an unique wjay this year whon the children at the gordon homo at milton were tho reclploniu of a box- filled with articles of clothing for their comfort during the cold weather mrs hurry tarzwell and mrss oaklpy of limehouse wero chiefly responsible forthoauccesaof tho undertaking but largo numbprsvicontrluuted to the fund in order to- make christmas a day of joy to others less fortunate than them- solvea sandy mcdonald of lima- house contributed tils share by taking tho box to milton the contributions wore as follows mrs h- brown 25c mrs john mcdonald goc mrs a lawson goc mrs joe scott 100 mrs br cleaves goc mrs redcllff 5c mrs h tarzwell 100 mra- a dev- eraux goc mra ft l brown 2gc mra oakley 100 mrs h deveraux goc mr a chalker 100 mr harvey mcdowely g0cmrs v l ruddell npc mrs h r bespy 25p jas brown goc mrsm lawson jr 25c mrs g applebe 76c miss littlo goc mrs morrison 100 mra h hulls 2gc w j ajeatander goc h a smith 2gc mrs r wright 50cmrt- ewilson goc mra j wrigglosworth 10c mrs w h bnily goc mrs fred wrlgglesworth goc mrs robertson 2gc mrs h chisholm 75c mrs t b chlsholm 7dc mrs w f chlaholm 100 george iryln goc mrh h rev prof campbell of mcmastor university occupied tho pulpit hero on sunday afternoon ho preflched an able sermon considering tho condi tion of the roads thero was a good attendance mrs bertha dyrtea and mioses hazel and lucy of burlington apont a day or so laat week at the home of mr arthur swnckhamer thoy accom panied mr and mra swnckhamer and family toarkell on new years and apont the day with frlcndb there ballinafao mr and mrs hector mclean have completed their furlough and sot out today on their long journey to their mission field in china thoy aro leav ing their daughter who will attend collogo in torontar j everybody hereabouts wao groviouo- ly dlbappointedavlth the nowa of mayor hlltz defeat at the toronto olections on now years day wesloy deserved better treatment than that from tho toronto folks ho had oervod them well and was ono of tho boat business mayors toronto over- had never mind wesloy old boy toronto will hekotting down qn her knaes to you yet tho continued fall of snow and the strong winds have made tho roads very heavy jthero aro no motor cars running about here police court news a shortage of 9080 ounces of liquor out of 1g3g0 ounces received in two months from the official sourcoof sup ply at toronto was alleged in police court at haileybury on saturday when p h jory local druggist was flnrj 1000 and costs after being convicted by magistrate atkinson oh a bot a charge because eldred mckeown failed to oturrt to tho scene of an accident magistrate brown toronto inpobcd a fine ofs25 and costs or 30 days harry bruder of now bamburg was fined 500 and costs in tho kitch ener polico court last friday by mag istrate weir and his car valued at 1500 was confiscated for having liquor n other than a private dwelling house albert porter also of new hamburg was fined 200 and costs and p cutter waa conflncated for hav ing liquor in other than a private dwelling peter board man of water loo was fined 200 and costs for viola tion of tho transportation of liquor act senior socond tti andrew buchanan 324 amelia evana 297 isabel switzer 290 total junior sooond joo keljy 237 iravry fewtrell 222 may bruce 212 total 350 l anderson teacher junior socond jack mcmullcn 405 gordon cook 474 joo mccann 4g2 total goo senior firnt harvoy hasaard 601 teddy han sen g89 vera viclccrs g19 total g 50 promoted to second claoa harvoy hasaard teddy hanson vera vickers elnier white louibc leatham viola mnsalca irene elliott beth harrison churo garden lillian woodhnll nadcniarltuckoy phyllis mackio james watbon marion hill bon walter gibbons olla armstrong teacher firot claoa v jack firnith 190 georgo swlt- zer 184 marguerite currle 170 total 250 p fred wiles 131 graco lantz 130 norman scarrow 129 total 250 n anderson teacher primary class a margarot arnold 19 t annie holmes 18 agnes chlsholm 17 total 20 b jack mcgiu 20 eileen breen 19 violet elrbtt 10 total 20 c kathleen howard 1c georgo footltt 15 finrvcy mccutcheon 10 total 20 s b gardiner teaoher content to remain patients ho doubt what- la it you find so strango about the patients of that doctor who writes ao many liquor proscriptions whyjnonu of them havo ever been known to either tlio or to got well edward cooley and albert edward sidney wero committed to tho qounty jail as vagrants last friday by polico magistrate moorp cooloy has been working about town at odd jobs for a smith tlop mr hnpipahiro 25c mrsr couplo of years but ho has been out j d lane 20c miss jean mcalpino goc jonathan lane 7bc total j20g5- rockwood with a neat calendar mounted on polished baao of black walnut an in teresting foaturo of tho lattor ia tho fact that tho walnut lo from a treo grown at llmehouso a carload of wheat sold at min neapolis mlmr for 221 a bushel giving tho first days trading thero in 192g tho highest mark reached for wheat slnco 1020 this indication of high prices being maintained should be encouraging to tho farmers genor- ay on now yoarnriight the dukoof devonshire chapter of tho i o d hold ono of tho nicest assemblies of tho season in tho town hall a num ber of holiday visitors attended and kir report a most ohjoyablo time a list of tho prizo winners will bo givon next week cussed injuxtoncounolltlrln -yetrr- patrons 6f r r no 6 orango- vlllo lobt week presented robert wcl- bourne courier with a handsomo fur j coat in aocagiiiuon or his faithful porvlcos during the past fivo years tho people of this community who know mayor hlltz of toronto a bnll- lnafad boy werrieatly aurpriaed and djaajppointcd with tho new of ida c mra ingroy bower avenue waa greatly annoyed on monday to find a sheet and othorartclea on her clothos lino torn to ribbons shortly after she had put out her washing a- neigh bors dog- committed tho damage- being ablo to roach the articles owlnjj to the high drifts of srtow mr d d campbell of winnipeg pnp of pur estcomed old boyo nondu his renewal for the fhnn phitss for a yoar and a hnif in advanco and adds hlo compliments of tho season ho says i wish you continued success for your uplendid paper and send my slnccrcst regards to tho old man of tho big clock towor happily it has hover yet fallen to the lot of tho acton hydro officials to rovort what tho chairman of tho palc- villo hydro commission reported at tho town mooting ad follows there waa a decrease in tho amount of dec- trie light used on account of tho citi zpnb- cutting down on it and owing to the increased number of empty house a in town visited his former homo mr andrew ford ofbjuhnm a for- mclesleomoti realaftrtttjf atftmirbpotrt monday with frioiuhi in town mr and mrs ford rosldod hero thirty years ago and removed to durham it wao twentirpoven yearn ulnoo fju w4aat in acton mr ford is inter- osted in breeding black foxes and has liben auccoshful hi handling real estate mru ford who was formerly very active is now an invalid nnd unablo to leavo the houue mr ford was tho defeat in iho election for a second gueat of hia nephew mr william twm i landflbbroinrht during hla atay jp tofua and mrs miller wore married in wai mcr road baptist church toronto by rov w w weeks who is now living in west virginia brampton council honors worthy crtixons- a ftno tribute was paid by tho town council to mr artd mrs thomas moore brampton on now years eve who eolobrated tho fiftieth- annivcrsay of their wedding that day headed by f w wegenast tho nowlyolccted mayor members of tho council went to tho h6mo of mr moore who has been for 28 yoars employed by the town and fortiid pant 20 yeara liat hold tho post of roads supervisor mayor wegenast on behalf of the council presented mr mooro with a gold watch and chain and mrs mooia with a beautiful gold brooch oot wltu pearls and diamonds mr and mra mobrowero each given alacv- a-gold- honded umbrella by tho flro depart ment with which mr mooro has long been connected c m corkctt read tho formal address and exmayor dawson extended congratulations convicted of stealing poultry james dolon charged with stealing 27geesobn the night of november 20 from russell conover of trafalgar nppeared before judgo elliott for trial last week mr conover swore to iho disappearance of tho geese chief constable 3ugitt and constablo tav- ernoer of etoblcoke township swore that on tho night of november 20 thoy wero on tho watch for cars carrying liquor thoy stopped tho prisoners car as it looked suspicious instead of boozo thero wore between 2g and 30 geeho in tho car they turned the flashlight on the drivor and tho wo man nnd child who wore with him and took tho number of tho car tho oc cupants wero tho prisoner and tho woman and child in court for tho defence the ptiiaonor hln wife and two hamilton foreigners sworo that he was atr iittnvfc i oiy llio ntglit of- tho robbery ills honor dirt not accept thoir evi dence nu proof of an alibi convicted dolon and remanded him for sentence mr dynes of hamilton aslced for leniency on account of the- prisoner having been ho long hi jail and having a wife ahd two olilldron ho suggested a month a uufliclent sentenco and asked that bolen might apend his christmas at home tho judge nahl aro anxious for tho apruad and ad that dolon was not likoly to bo futjvaneemont of hln kingdom hare on homo el thor for christinas or now earth i last tuosday evening tho c e socloty journeyed to the homeof- mr and mra archie mcnabb and spent a pleasant- time games of various kinds were indulged in then lunch was served after tho young folks went off in couplos singing favorlto songs followed later winding up with auid lang syne and thoy arc jolly good follows for tho hoot and his help mate the- party broke up in tho woo small hours and proceeded back homo again over roads hoavy with deep snow without any mishap the night was all that could bo desired for an outing during tlio holiday se0son new years bay passed of quietly here amorigthoao of town for tho holiday wore mr and mrs herb gib bons and daught and m and mrs at jmcalcar and son also your correspondent took a trip to toronto tailing in tho zoo for an hour or so thon over to- hamilton and up the mountain drive nnd down the james street incline railway then homo by way of guelph the frionflaof jmlaabesoy nelson will bo sorry to hear of her fathers death last friday at paisley after a lingering illness mr l r guild of guolph wilbert guild of rockwood and mr john jolllffo- and daughter annie loft on saturday evening to bo at the funeral on sunday re organization meetings have taken placo in tho presbyterian church tho sundny school teaohcrs and officers had theira friday even ing and tho christian endeavor so ciety sundiiy evening after the regu lar nervice the rov j u stewart acted ia chairman for tho youn people and everything pohita to a successful yearns undertaking mr georgo gordon took charge of tho midweek prayer mooting at the- piehbyterlan church owing to tlv pastor being confined to iiih home through illness elhyood harris who loft with lobkle white over a year ago for michigan waa home for the holidays everett e lo viness of niagara falls waa a- visitor for tho weekend at tho homo of mr and mrs w oar- diner i our teachers aro back again to take up their work for tho winter term we hope the holidays wore beneficial tbfhem aa well as to tho scholars co that all together can get down to studies with minds refreshed afbor relaxation for a couple of weoks tlio annual meeting of tho rockwood horticultural society will ho hold next monday evening the 12th inst the usual routine of business affairs will lie gone through and we hope o see greater renulto throughout tho eomlni season mid moro people oncotiragcd in tlio una of gardening activities next week will bo given ovor to special services in tho different cmctrohumirri nil who attenrtwitl be hotter fitted for tlio sttenuous battles of ovoryday ikv- wo must bear in mmd that wo cannot got iiioiik without a dflepor knovledgo of tho llihle and a close neqimlnfanco of lilin who is tlie author nnd finish er of all humanity may thoho taking part in tho services hu held up in tho hour of need by the prayers of all who of work soveral months sidney camb from durham england last spring and worked for a farmer in brant county at 500 per month and board until winter set in ho camo hero a stranger in a strange land on new years day eight dollars upward daily paid thoiio qualifying aa electrical battery experts automotive me- chanlcs wo teach you also brick laying harboring and mechanical dentistry s tato position desired catalogue free hcmphilla 163- king st west toronto thstorc with the stock boys tweed bloomers at seduced prices just 35 pair of boys tweed bloomers in brown and gray strong tweed ljned regular price 250 special 198 mens odd vests in dark tweeds sizes 36 to 42 special 250 each special prices on mens overalls plain blue with bib regular 225 for 195 plain black with bib regular 250 for 200 carhartts overalls black with bib thebest overall made special price 275 mens work pants in gray stripexotton tweedstrbng and durable special pricc225 pair v special prices in boys and mens l or mackinaw sox all wool- and wool and cottonmixtufes in black gray and brown good value at 50c 75c tjoo and 125 mens and boys mitts mens and boys work miftsnt50c 75c an i 100 boys underwear boys fleece lined underwear at 75c boys natural wool underwear at 90c 110 125 mclean co mbx street actons gift store acton ont qrrie lamb 1 meat market owing to my low overhead expenses i am prepared to do the very best for my customers in the supplying of choice cuts of meats at lowest possible prices i give persona attention to all details of mybusiness and study to serve to the best possible advantage the requirements of my patrons v orders sent by your children receive my careful attention news here and there james dolon of hamilton convicted of stenling 27 goeso from russell con over a farmer in trafalgar township was on saturday sentenced to live months and an indotermlnato acn- xenco of two years less ono day charged with stealing tools from ono of the workshops of tho ontario reformatory at guelph charles mor gan of 104 simcoo street wao ar rested saturday night by detective elliott morgan has recently been re leased on porolo asphyxiated by coal gas e frbnt tli6jiicven ystove jonathan j brillingcr aged cd a lifelong rcsi- j dent of blchmond hill died at his homo about 130 saturday morning ho la survived by a widow and ono daughter in appreciation of his services in tho anglican church dlbceab of toronto rt rev w d reeve until recontly assistant bishop of toronto was on his eightyfirst birthday presented- dy bishop sweeny with an klumtnatcd address by a vote of cll to 43 tho oldoat presbyterian church in canada firat church truro n s has voted to go into the united church of canada eighty per cent of its members voted rev john mutch minister of this church is tho soninlaw of rov r douglas fraaer toronto john tcehan guolph city car check er in the employ of tho c n it and one of tho oldest employees in point of servlco on tho railway- ip ontario has just been placed on tho superann uated hat mr tcehan had been con nected with tho grand trunk nnd c n r for a period of 53 ydijrs there passed away at alton op sat urday mornluk iiftor a short illness margarot ann syillls aged s3 years deceased wan a native of the district and had resided hero nearly all hor life for many years oho and hor hus band conducted tho willis hotel at alton while watching a show in a window of ttyo ross stores on main street niagara falls n y on saturday night sixyearold john roche was struck on the- head by an icicle which fell from tho awning and dr frank talbot who wan called in roportcd tho childs skull fractured his parents mr and mrs frank roche of thorold took tho little fellow to a hospital jn st catherines and death followed special in toys after tiio chrlbtmno rush our btock of toyn is atlll -far- from lncomploto la order to make room for our now aprlng stock wo havo decided to havo a salo in our toy department our stock of toys included in this sale c6nalsta of vetchait toys mechaical toys games dolxs doll euggiks hookey sticks hockey pucks mouth organs trumpets- wo also havo ii complete lino of school supphc3r hwhinton watchmaker and jeweller succossor to lato qoo hyndo acton toronto orrie lamb corner mill and main streets acton ont a your eyes are strained from noar work alone roatlng them la- desirable but if your regular works demands constant use of your eyes for near work you cant very well rest them can you in that- caao you should help them by wearing glasses that remove tho 8 train our service will determine what glasses you need a w smh optometrist 120 upper wyndham st guolph comfortable vision specialise for 25 years just now the days aro very short but at that they havent got a thing on tho averago man these new years bills tell acton horticuiturafsociety the annual meeting of- the above society will bo hold in tho council chamber on wednesday january 14th 1925 at 8 p m uusinkss presentation of tho annual roport election of olllccraietc and ouch other business as may bo brought be fore it it is earnestly requested that as many as possible will make an effort to be present frank sxriven proaidont e t thotford soctreao hats at halfprice the candy witch pointo out tho way to ploano tho maid with out dolay- nothing like good candy to bring a smile to her face notblnjj hko a box of bona bans to warm your welcome for you candy occuplen a prominent place in tho entertainment of tho race our candy makos good bo- cauap its mado good a good eyamplo for othor towns frankfort vtllnge in hustings county a littlo town of about 1000 inhabitants began tho now year with u clean shoot mi to taxes the vluntfo tax collector mr w d kotchoooii completed collections for tho year 1921 laat wouk nnd tho rrmnrkibio fact n bout tho collliction 1h that not one confer cfltrtn was addud to tho a- eount of any ratepayer this collect or maifces a prnctico of keeping a clean ohobt treat our weekend choco- latep reg 50c and 60 jb saturday special 32c lb freah tasty apple blos soms rcgr- 40c lb saturday treat 29c lb tajtsj pound of wes tons english bisctiits with your yvju wilt ltke them pnwthatthcnvlnttjrfniurta are rrf tutrtiw iiig wttyiui tiuvcunuw velvet or felt hat to go pkallni in thhi week wo arc ottering all our stock of velvet and pelt hats at halfprice call in and inspect the stock of fancy goods and yarns a splendid stock on hand just now miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street its no guess work to run a firstclnss meat and provision shop such as we are conducting to get those fine cuts of meat for your table takes years of experience in the buying market and a lot more experience in the killing and handling of meat besides it takes equipment and a lot of it we have all these requirements and you reap the benefit every time you buy meat at our counters theres no guess work about any of it you always get the cut and quality you want and at the lowest possible price canned goods and provisions our stock of canned goods and provisions is selected with the same caro nnd you can be assured of the best every time you purchase these lines at pattersons watch our windows for specials w j patterson acton ont corner mux and main streets njt wag 5 sssss

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