Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1925, p. 1

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fiftieth year no 29 thursday morning january 15 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning january 15 1925 singlecopies five cents the methodist chukch acton- rev josephus culp paotor parconago willow st 1100 a m tho minister subject building up character baptism of children vt morning hftrvico 230 p m sunday school 700 p m the minister subject mailiii of the new birth presbyterian knox church aiton mihibtor rev a c stewart m a h rvlilrraevtllowstreot 1100 8 rn the milliliter subject an outline of tho earthly life ot jetuln 300- n mrblblo class studies in matthew cluster 23 300 p rn sunday school 700 p m tho minister subjoct the penalty of loyalty strangers leavlnff address with the ushers will iio called tipoji dy tho x pastor special notices vdvrtispmontatnthiacolmnccntpcr word minimum chartfe 30c per nscirflfiu house torent oh see ho street enquire of mrs wateuhouse 29lf last houaoon scone st wanted baqbwood bolts in tho round 37 or bc long g nndup top advise iceenen brothersjitd i 2c owen sound ii wanted- at once mninjo do- general housework ap ply to mr3 j b mackenzre 292 georgetown cow for sale durham grntje duo january 14 teat 42 apply to j b leslie lot 6 nrat lino erin for i9 ale a quantity of prlmiilaor alvln bloohw 3gc per plant in pots apply to- a h bishop 20tf fairviow avo- tenders- wanted for six cords of wood four of maple and two of beech or nilniaplo to foot lenglhs for lorho school tho lowest or nny tender not necessarily accepted tenders will bo received by tho undersigned until january20 a a worden secretary auctiok sale pau k mirhold an auc tion bale of 100 sheep and 15 lambs at lot 36 fourth lino esqueslng two mlleacaut of acton near stop 79 on thursday january 29 at two oclock torma nliio months it j kerr auctioneer 2d2 phono 36 acton card of thanks the family of tho late jamegmat- thews deuirc to expreaaslricero tlianiu for the kind sympathy of their many friends pn the occasion of tho sorrow which hna juat came to them in the loan of tholr beloved fatherr they also wish to voice their appreciation of tho flagfltfin town being flown at half moat 21 respect paid by the merchants in town in- closing tholr business places during the funeral ser vices farms for bale 45 forma in tho count ca of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 acres lot us send you our hat a number of homos and bufllnoojs plfccos in acton foraalo flro and life insurance money to loan j a smith real eatato agent phono 105 i s acton ont him 1 iiji nm i eyes examined classes fitted and supplied at mod- urate prices by dr fl lowrie r0 graduate royal college of scionco eyc sight specialist at 8tation hotel saturday january 24 from 10 a m to j530ipm- make appointments with mr lusby i t wonderland friday january uk shadows of the eat fltory by e m hull starring kbfman kerry ind mildred har ris comorty three foolish weeks pox news j a 8aturdav january 17 the sea hawk liy ttafftclsnbatinl a romantic flea drurrtu with milton slllo and an nil stap cht comedy mld- nighl llluen hodirepodke motlnoo at 3 p n nffjt at 7 p m and 015 p m prices- mntlnee children 15e adults aco nlaht chhdlon 25o adulfw3ie t0e8day january 20- brcad a metro picture chnnter t lot rnthejr fitocwobo tflilr- myrscscr8tiit pomlnq the sldo slloyv of life aiwiill lrm flin jfonto- pdiihi rl gregory son if you are planning ta be in guelph sometime soon make it w saturday janiiary 2324 guelphs two big a gommunityreventwith eyery store takog part and a wonder ful list of remarkable econo mies featured bjr guelphs lead ing and largest store r asayings for everybody men momen and children sav ings for the home f watch for the important news in detail which is going to reach you soon when you see the prices that are going to figure in this event at this and oher gpodstores you will want to be in guelph on either one pfthese days ifit is at all possible even ifyour jiome should happen tomissvthe rest of the news jpu know from other annual affairs of this kind it will pay richly to be on hand h d e macdonald bros ltd cjuephs leadlngand largest store r news of local import the son hawk on saturday- the now wonderland with charac teristic cntorprjao haa nrranecd for the production of tho romantfc aoa drama tho efc a hawlc by rafael rabutlnlto be shown hero on satur day there will be ftmatlnog and tho uaual two performances at nicht thia fllm ran wtth hich pricca for some tirao and drew larne crowds in toronto a snow motor and a snow motorcycle acton can now boast of a anow motor and a j motorcycle mr charlea parker ot the eastend gor ago haii conu trusted the former and the muaselle brothorn the latter both have substituted runncra for the front weekend specials cocoanut creams cocoanut creams in vanilla maple and strawberryflavor dipped in chocolate regular 40c lb weekend special 32c lb assorted chocolates assorted chocolates tri sjft and hard centres regular 40c and 50c lb weekend special 32c lb a uvrgrvaiuety of biscuits try a pound of our biscuits we have sixteen kinds to choose from we carry a full line of ice cream bricks mill street acton h wiles we close every wednesday afternoon harrisons ams slippers 200 forl60 150 lor 120 15 for w about 50 pairs all sies in tjje lgt heavy rubbers lumbermans at 335 375 and 400 easily 50c to 75c below the regular prices mens goodyear welted roo 550 for 485 thirty pairs all sizes omens patent slipper regular 65q for 450 sizes 3 to 5 tat siippoys 500 for 295 31s kid slippers for 205to clear -nm- harry harrison the shoo man bring us all your shoo rcptfhngwe will guarantee you n good job u ix lengthened jlxio and two wheolo pn cach nldo in the reap thoy drlvo very well though the drifts arc not too deop ontarfo good enough for thbm mr andaira norman spoieht who motored to- california and then up the coast to vancouver laot fall are oh their way back to gcorbotoym by train tho trip was rather strenuous ttnd conaitlotuj on thecoaattor a aklllod mechanic were found not to be pxomlainc mr spoiffht decided to nell but hlo outfit and onr tuoaday wired his fa mrt j ano town that he was about ready to leave for home tholr little oon haa been ill for several weeks and did not seem to regain his healtlv women institute meeting tho january meeting of tho womens institute- wau liold last tvlda barter noon a discussion on different lines of work vras intoroutiner tho roll was called and each member answered with a new vear resolution a duett waa eiven by mro armstronffand mla graham which was appreciated mra j- c nelaon cave a paper on day work in an indian industrial school which waa helpful and intereatlnkr mrap blow rendered an instrumental numbers whlchwao enjoyed by all a half hour waa spent in doclal inter course whiloluncn was served mror aided an enjoyable union skating party the members of the ypunff poopiea lenpiio of the lethodiut- church and of tho youncr pcoplea- guild of knox church- hod a vpryurffmeasant ovenlnff together a a skfnff party on mon day cvenlne notwlthstandlnis the downfall qf snow tho ice was good and tho akatinir ymn enjoyed acton citizens band discoursed mualc dur ing the evening from their now stand on tho north side of the rink at ton oclock the company lett the ice and proceeded to knox church school room where coffee sandwiches and nke were served the pastora of the two churches were interested members of the company keeping the highway roado open a local resident whoso buslneao takes him into the country a great deal is warm in his praise of tho man ner in which the county roads sup erintendent and his men are keoplnrx the country and aiiburban roads open toh6rbqjjrafllc he states that not- wlthotandlnc adverse conditions- the county road from raokwood to the orangevlllo road is in good shape as la also the orangovlllo road thor eramooa road haa olno been kept opbn tho work is costing the county a lot of money but h ia the intention of tho county authorities to keop the main arteries open if at all poaalblc guelph mercury commanced its fiftieth volume the corel ton place central cajiadjjin bcipm nv fiftieth trolumo with the now year tho central canadian is one of ontarioo vigorous and upto date towji nowapapcrs and lto editor and publisher mr p a j davis la a journalist of ability and a business man of foresight and integrity not- withstanding the trying experiences of a destructive thro two removals and other- contingencies within n few months the paper in today manifestly thriving and from woekt6 week pro- aentaan edition of which tho onor- gotlc editor is juatly proud and which the peoplb of its constituency appre ciate vory fully it is a colncldohco of intercat to the krucs piucss tlmt lta jublloc year wuto completed exactly six months curlier than the central canadian guabih wjnieter strong for union in si straightforward manner and without a shadow of bitterness rov j a mcken2ie before a cortgroga tlon that filled chalmers- church to capacity sunday night stated that it was his intention if god spared him to go into the united church ho said further that if chalmers church should decide to remain out of the union that the only honorable course lio as pastor could follow was to hand in hlflrealgnatlon mr mc- kensle yotced hla decision during the delivery of his sermon on the subject is church union honest for which he took for his text ho 10th verae chapter 5 11 corinthians ttor wo must all appear beforo tho judg ment of christ that every one may receive tho things dono in his body according o that ho hath done whother it bo godd dwbad guelph mercury rov- fmctoisi preached an impressive sermon eft tho proco munlon service in kno chmrci pn he evening of the 2nd inst kindly wprrje from the old land the following kindly note yaa re ceived at this offlco an fueadnyi brook cqttago newcuotlo county down irolandt december 24 1924 dear sir i have to thank vou or a mombor of thoituce pmcsfl a tan for the courtesy of aondjlhg me icoby ot youroxoellenf appreciative re view of county down soiige it is pleasant to think thatiiy llttlo volume haa thus been brought to tho notice ofbonie ot my fallow county jiowji then in optarlo and i ani dpoplylpdelitedto you w s tlio rltor pf q rovlow for tho u ami kindly notiqo of my ponu v lorhapa yqu yfu ullowvnjo to oongratulato ywu upon your paper tho special article by tho old map of thp big clock towcrib onp of the mast charming thnaa i havo road for a loner time whhmuny utankflandallgwcwi wishes for- tho tftiw ycarbmftjvo wc vibffr ftlr 4oura alncevoty nrceoa3d iirwtev h p moore esq editor liveo preao acton canada it may ho interesting to our readers to know that richard rowley is the pen namo adopted by sir itbdeft vitiw4mwttr canadas ojidest pdstmaster called to rest after seventy- two years xf service james matthews dies exactly ten months after mrs matthews departs thls life he was in his ninetieth year elghtyyears of his life being spent in jvcton seldom litta this wliolo community boon- bo- deeply moved by any death as by that of postmaster matthowy tho venerable postmaster of acton genurutioiyafter generation havo come wheels mr parkers anow motor kao nid gone but for eighty years he haa been a constant reiildentund for sgvontytwo years contlnuouuty jxeliaa been behind thcivlcket of acton post ofllce thooo yhokn6w liinigcsffeel that thin community incomparably tlio poorefor ids departure until atk weells ago i03trnaater matthews was dally in hla ofllco tak ing a share of thoworkwlth hla staff about the flrst0f- december whjle at hla desk in the- ofllce he was stricken wjthuiiopliixyandfquflram luachaiiv for some days he was in a comatose state but a week or so before chrlst- mao he rallied both mentally and phyoically on chriatmaa dayhe sat atrthe tabjfrtwitrrhisp family-at-the- christmaa dinner and appeared tp en joy jtho opiortunlty very much this waa the last time hjo eat up gradually ho failed fromtliuctjme and heweelc prior to hla death his sufferings were intense he died on saturday mornt ing lpth of january exactly ton montha aftor tho death -or-jiis-dovotod- partner in lite who had shared the usual experiences of home with hfm for sixtysix years- it is a some what interesting coincidence that mrs matthews lant time to take a raea with tho family waa on chriatmaa day 1923 rarely haa been tho happy ex perience in these modern days fof hunbaridnnd wife to spend sixty and aovenity years togethev- the whole of their devoted wedded life was lived together in acton they were both grandchildren to the third generation who up and call them blcaucd on march hi 19lc mr and mra matthews- celebrated their dlampnd avoddlng reifpectjng this unuaual and happy event tho fjuus pacaa said surely no brightoiirfuunshlno over brought rayaajf happiness to abrlde pn her weddiriltday than favoredmi and mrsjuniea matthews fut-satur- day when thoy celebrated their ux- tlcth wcddlhe anniversary thoday was bright land warm and balmy really a finer day than our wedding day in acton sixty years ago said thia happy diamond wedding bride in her 83rd year scorea of friends and neighbors cuiliediuilpcuiegfternoon and evening to pay their reapqta and offer their fclicitatlona scoroaof iot tera telegrams and telephoftb ntca- aages brougit happiest of congratu- iatio a good ah abun g r swackhamer acton fall fair presidentrl925 the fair of 1924 a gratifying success with a good surplus new features abe under consideration cor the present year social and personal dance of fragrant spring flowers added their joyouo inftuonco and gavo clo quent testimony of esteem and fol- lownmir and thoughtful gifts added tholr testimony of love andcatecm an appropriate and very kindly inci dont in conoction uni que wedding anniversary was the paao- lngof the following resolution by an unanimous standing vote at the morn ing service of tho united congregations in the baptist methodist and pirobby- torian cpngregatlons then worshipping together in knox cp- nnihn rim day previous moved by rev r s e xarge b a bd secondca by royvrxc vlluon b a and reoolv6d that wo tho mom- bora and adherents of tho methotjist the late postmaster and mrs james matthews lived together for sixtysix years and separated only ten months born in tho same year and their re apcctlve birthplace was wlthiri twenty ave milen of tho town which waa tholr home for nearly three score years and ten mr matthewa vaa born inelora april 6 1835 and maria graham hlo wife had her blrthphvco at strodtovllle jon june 2 in tho snmo year jamca matthews waatho son of tho late abraham matthews who waa born near niagara falls hi 1774 and ho was tho aon of tho first man of the name of matthews to crosa the at lantlc from- england x the matthewa family were pionoer settlers ot- the elora and guolph dis trict roawell matthewa grandfather of the deceased la reputed to have cut tlfoflrartfeo on tho townstte of elora and he and his son abram oro given tho credit ofbulldlng tho lira t home in guolph which is still stand ing roawell matthows met an ac cidental death and waa tho flratperson to bo biiried in tho flrut cemetery in guelph postmaster matthows como to acton wlthjuafathcr in 184gand tho family settled on tho farm on main street which mr swiuer now owns in 1852 when acting a clerk with hla undo tho late robert swan aqtpna flrat postmaster and who named the placet for his old lomo westend su burb of london england succeed ed him and has been for seventytwo years in continuous and faithful ser- vlco as poatmaatcr s acton this record excels that of any other post master in america documentary evi dence has been secured from the poot ofllco department both at ottawa and washington in support qi thia tho fine 3g000 post ofllce building erected hero eleven years ago may be rbgard- ed in some respects as- a monument to postmastor matthewa lrg md faithful service s yoiaro gq be waa appolntedagen oj- tho mon treal tclpgraiili cnipny ard alnp hold tho record fpr aerylgo in tbln capacity james matthpya artel maria graham wcro mar vied in acton on march 24 1858 by rqyv samuol c philip sr both spent hero an unusually aotlvo lifeenjnyed exceptionally good health and lived in ithoblghest esteem of all tholr children and grandchildren re- gnrd their memory with tho moat filial affootlon nrra the commdnlty hnh hon ored andyebteemed them for their up right christian character and good citizenship mr and mrs matthows were mem bers of the methodist churah here during tholr whole mnrrled life and were regular attendants and workers an long as their health permitted mr matthews waia in hla pew on tho la3t stnvjtyiy before jils ulncafl he waa for years recording steward apd treas urer and wan a mopfthor of tho tros- tee boorfl from thp umd tho churcji won pmfh tiy years ugo until the time of hts death our sou and two daughters woro born in their homo all of whom sur vive oxceptlng lewis graham whoso death occurred about twenty yearn ago the darvlvirig members or tho family are albert e whoia super- ntendent of credits and cuphtcr of the colorado fuel and irongbmpany -denver- coicharieh taroiito jiuncs chester who has far many years bttcn tiro boputy poat- mnsfor and who haa taken the burden of two djitlen of nfttlco from bin fatieta bhouldcrs and mra anna mnddoctv who haa been ih charge of tho home for years and bus given loving core and nnllcitudo to both her father and mother in their declining years and their luat illneao and mra jennie mttrln cfalt tltolr i6bjwrto stnw presbyterian and t baptist congro- gationa of acton now assembled ih a union sorvice doslro to exprcuo to mr and mrs matthews our congratula tions that thoy havo been perm it tod to celebrate tho sixtieth anniversary of their wedding unusual as it is for n wedded couple to bo spared physical and mental vigor through sixty yeara of married life the- occasion lajtfmoro than ordlnaryintereut to us as follow town8moninasmuch oh mr matthows has boon our honored postmaster for nlxtythreo years and his served for aixtyflvo years in tho local of fice aswell as being the- agent of tho great north weatorn telegraph com pany for the past fiftyseven years with pleasure wo would record our testimony to tho blessing they have been to the community and indulge in tho hope that th6y tnay bo spared to each other to their family and to their fellowcitizens ln health happl- nesa and usofulneasvor yeara to como tho funeral aervloeo wore conducted by rev j gulp who was assisted by rev a c stewart ma and rev h g l baugb ma a private service was hejd at the residence at two oclock and a public memorial aervlce- in the methodlnt church at 230 which waa largely attended rov mr culp baaed his very cordial tribute to mr matthows as a public man through so many years upon tho worda of tho prophet samuel in 1 san 1234 behold hero i am witness a gal nut mo beforo tho lord and beforo his annolntod whoso ox have i token or whom have i defrauded whom have i oppressed or of who so hand havo i received any bribe to blind mine oyea therewith and i will restore it to you and they said thou hast not defrauded us nuappreiuicd ua neither hast thou tajicn ought of any mnns hand reforenco wan made to tho long and faithful service of the do- ceaned- in public lifo ahd tho splendid reputation ho loft for sterling char acter kindness and frlcprt incus ho also spoke in kindly terms of tho lovt ing caro anj attention bestowed upon tho father by his children during tho weeks of his painful illness interment was madp at fairy low cemetery where tho remains wore tenderly laid to rest beside those of hla beloved partner who lfad boon as sociated with him so closely for sixty- four years tho pall bearers were messrs charles matthewa and j c matthows sons charles a g matthews fred maddock and edwin maddock grand sons and a t brown cousin relatives and friends who attendod tho funeral wore na follows mr ed ward matthews kitchener mrs jen nie matthews air and mrs c a g matthews mr and mrs black mr fred maddock mr and mrs edwin maddock toronto mrs jonnlo morton gait mr and mrs j m fern- loy toronto and mrs william brown torontor t mr orval mat thews mrs kvu hoath kitchener mrs magglo aklna mrs dr lowry mlus maddock guolph mr and mrd jamcir matthews orahgoville major grnqt and postmaster mcdcrmld qcorgotqivn air mitchell cooper orangevlllo mr and mrs warner broley elora tho annual meeting of tlie fall ilr rihstwednebday afternpon wns gratifying in several yespoctu the secrotaryjjroaaurerv rpport shbwed tlmt the fair wriufthunclaily a nuccesb- and other ouiitundlng accounts wero- report3 paid and a substantial uurplus re maintiin tho treasury the members were r very- much pleased to have alex waldie esq tlio veteran oxhlbltor and judge pres ent at the meeting president wopdhall and scoretarv altins both referred to thp spirit of cooperation which bad cllaracterlxed tho administration j of tho fair and expreaaed taanka to thjaihrectcs f or- mr f cal o richmo hulz was hero on monday to attend tho fpnoral f tho lato poatmaater mat thows v mr and mrs thomas mack of dered i ntho- m of tl rcrtonraltcdattho -homo- of their daughter mrs john lambert fred erick street this week the splendid help they gavo during the days of tho fair tho secretary treasurer said how ever that ho had been seriously liln- hlo books and accounts by the failure of v jcewjdf the directors in making returns for membership tickets sold and returning those unsold bills will probably be sent to tho dlllnqucnt ones charging thorn with all the tickets not returned and pdht for owingo thoeerioua ihneoa ofi member of his family fjio socrotary- treasurer asked t jig excused and requested that a secretary bo appoint ed pro tem for tho meetlngf the re quest was granted and h p moored police magistrate was requested by fosouition to act tho advi8abllityo holding a spring horse show and also of arranging for ic field crop competition waa discussed tho following commltttces were ap pointed toticcuriraitrltoflpectljuj thoao r j kerrs list of sales wodndflduy januaiy 21 a p gun- by moffat clearing said of farm utock and implement wednesday january 28 ro smith nassagaweya near bayers mill clear ing sale otfnrrn stock and implements thursday jauuury 39 paul s- kon- ricmyv sttdtfcaw mtt ohp ine of theb6ars irrorijjshow s h lindsay r j- kerr and dr cbxe for field crop competition sims mclean c b swackhamer and je pearon l i- tho secretary was instructod to re mit to the treasurer of tho fairs as sociation the nnhual fee of 9200 the president and secretary were appointed delegates to tho convention of the fairs and exhibitors at the king edward hotel toronto feb ruary jauiiu5 mr william jonnitfone was sclecttd substitiifo delegate jthe otnciih for the year were- elect cdas follows prealdent c u swackhumer 1st vlcqpres william jphnstonc 2nd vice pren duncan mcdougall directors aclou a b mclean r m mc donald wm johnstone h p moore c woodhall john r kennedy e j hassard w r kennoy l b shoey w k giahnm george havlll jamca randerson dr coxe r j romohaw d h lindsay r j kprr w a laa by s eaquealng 3 h lindsay w jl hampshire d d waldie j f rob- crttion at mann robert dredge nasaagaweyu duncan campbell neil patterson charles lnaby erin john hv smith j e pearon charles mckeown robert lowrie robert kerr eramosa sims mclean wh hor top n h block arch mcnabb a t brown and w j reld were reappolntcd auditors mcasrs c woodhall h p mooro arid w r kenney wore appointed a committee to select a commltteo of ladles to rovlno the prlzo list of thoso departments in which tho ladles ex hibits aro made and to report- -this- committootat the next mooting of tho board of directors a resolution was moved by r j kerr and seconded by h p mooro that tho thanks of the meeting be tohdered to mr c woodhall tho re tiring president for his able courteous and successful work during tho year the resolution was carried- with applauso und mr woodhall expressed very slncoro thanks mr swackhamer thanked the meeting for his election as president ho suld ho woulddo his utmost to ensure a successful fair in 1025 and solicited the help and cooperation of all- the directors and members wj ajtins was reelected secre tarytreasurer at tho sumo salary as last year tho dato of the fair of 1025 was fixed for tuesday and wednesday september- 22 and 23 the board adjourned to moot on wednesday february h at 330 ocloclc miss alice johnstone is ydalilha friends inchcoley mrss bertie- smith woa honie from toronto over tho wcck rov j culp tqient a couple of days this week with friends in ham- uton miss alice jqlmstonb is spending a couple qt weeltq wuh her sister ut chooley s iiro robert bpnnott and miss con- over visited friends in georgetown thia week j miss auie brown left this wook to make her homo with her cousin at aberfoylc mrs a mctaviuh fa hpendtng a month witbjxiends at seaforth and egmondville k jura seniorof toronto has beon viijrihef her daughtor mra knapp church street this week mrs s s russell of oakville is visiting her parents mr and mra wmjohnstono und other friends in town mr ttiomas rumloy park avonuo had his hand painfully lacerated by a rip saw in the mnehino shop of- the acton tannins companys works lato thursd evening s stitches wcro required to close tho wound mr and mroh r mporoand miss clara mooro were at georgetown on tuesday evening to attend prof ma- dllls ulustrated lecture op the cathedrals 0tu- england and prancg itwas a highly edifying and inatruo- tivo lecture mossrs goorgo sopor jr and eugerjo mcphoraoh companionn in distress who recently turned from ancsnsi pj viinmndloltlo hod thoir- nrat wnllc down mill street on friday thoy waluod alonre toeothor naturally comparlnb notes obituary more town league hockey two moro interesting games too tho local ftina woro played at tho rink since tho last issue iaat thursday ovenlns itcardmoro co mot and defeated the fust young tonm ropre- sontinff howetdons by n very close score of 42 on monday averting the town team wont clown to dofeat be fore bcardmore co by a 10 sooro tho town was minus tho services of their best qalgottor mcdonald tho light snowfall dlowod up tho gamo considerably tlis standing of the lcabuo is as follows p beardmurc co 2 town 77 2 acton tannine co 1 hewetsona 1 the games for this week aro thurs day january 15 acton tanning co vs hewotsous monday january 19 towivvh howotaono w lu 2 0 1 1 0 1 a 1 fine church destroyed by fire the mount plesisnt praabytarlan church burned on sunday mount pleasant presbyterian church on tho torontosarnla highway bo- twoen nerval and brampton was burned on bunday afternoon lack of water in tho neighborhood proventoj tho salvage of buildings or contents tho church which was situated- on tho third line west chlnguacousy was of brick and was opened just twonty- bno years hgo tho equipment in cluded a very lino organ a new piano a lighting- plunt and two costly mem orial tablets to soldiers of tho congre gation the ions will total about 116- 000 with nil insurance oftoooo thlb wils one of tho nneftt rurarehiadwoij lii ghlarlb setfdeniau mrs finite dirt you see the doc tor about your indigestion today mr flntto veh mx flatto pfl he nak you tl give up anyhpgy mr flattc ycoi fwo 0xtu9 ybnitrt eottetvtm mrs james grisch their iiasaed away at her residence john street harrlston on -wotlntia- drty december 31 lilhlllr fhllrtlng wife of joseph grlach in her seventy- first year mrs grjsch was born in guelph and was married to her be reaved- husband about fortysoven ycurs ugo besides her sorrowing hus band she loaves to mourn hor loss two sons and two daughters mrs john kennedy toronto mrs john duke burlington clmrles ot harris- ton und wllllnin of detroit and ono sister mrs thomas ramshaw of acton tho funeral which waa largely at tended took place to harrlston cem etery and was conducted by rev thomas r todd pastor of tho meth odist churchmfis w f jlgglno at- tended the f unoral of her auntv john douguas- barrister- john douglas wellknown barrister of farkdnlc toronto died very oud- donlybn saturday ho was 70 years of age mr douglas lod the antlunlon forces of cowan avonuo presbyterian church- toronto and on thursday night attended tho cowan avonuo con gregational church moetlng when the count of ho vote was announcod showing that tho church had defeated union by a large majority on jon uary 23 at the coming annual mooting of tho cowan avenue church of which howab one of tho fow surviving mem bers ho was to have- moved a reso lution that the church join tho contin uing presbyterian church mr doug- loo took a keen interest in educational matters in toronto and wns tho chair man of the board of education sovoralu years ago in hlo boyhood days john douglas attended acton public school when the late robert ijttlo was rrn- clpal ho wan a flno ucholar and won greatly helped in his preliminary courso by mr utile ho taught school for bovoral years in trafalgar when ho completed his law studies and waa- called to thebar ovor forty yoaro ago ho commencod practlco lntoronto and continued ther un hlo death mr douglas hud many friends hero and was a reader of tho fjikh press froriv tho tlmo of its commencement ho hau a brother residing in rockwood nell giltjes a prominent yeomaij oftholscotck block esqueslng phssedaway olj sat- ufaay when noll gillies of lot id concession 4 was called homo mr amies hud been in poor health for several years succeeding to a severe attack of la grippe his ailment de veloped into lung trouble und this woo attendod with fatal results mr gllllea was about seventy years of age hib sorrowing widow and throe sons sur vive ho was a successful farmer and was highly esteemed in this commun ity ho was a successful stock raiser and a noted prlie taker with his poul try yards he took u keen interest in agriculture and improved methods- of farming- and waa an enthusiastic di rector of acton fall fair for many yours mr gillies was a man ot highr idoals and of sterling character he was on active member of the boston presbyterian church and a strong sup- rrter ef tho temperance cause hlo funeral on tuesday afternoon wos largely attended and intermont wasy mado at greonwood cemetery-george- town halton county council tho momborhip now lncreatodto r fiften by oakvflles new secpn oeputy heevo tho following reeves and dtrouty reeves from tho various municipalities of halton will comprise the county counoll this year acton goorgo barber burlington q h nicfcolbon and b holtby georgetown d mointyr milton j w baln oakville c ii cross tflhomas blacluock and j h elliott esqtjesino w a apploty and col a 0 brown na88aaaweya edwijrd 4cnow nelson ii t foster o rfi mq- arthur 11 tilailalgar w- h morderiv and a a qolhralth oatcvhlo bclngnottaentltled foatho ffrot onto fr clt a rowvo dafluty rffova ami 2nd deputy roovx council now has fifteen mombors 1 the first meeting of tho council i bo hold on tuesday januury 271 j 2 p m when tho warden will elected it is understood that mr mclntj pf oeiorgorawn will got t jfowit ibj wahtfmp lujmj9hj iv r essisiiipskf i i is lti am

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