Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1925, p. 2

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i rj- i ityfy adan veeteb thvtiadjyr january id 192c j the days ono day andono day and oo tho soars co by flowcra paint tho meadow ntaraymsbt- m tho oley- t xiuaaea follow laughtor tho heart beats 4 hlon at ono day vbwltjk prrbs tt tnrg and ono day yparo fly and ao tho one day and ono day upd yooro by olovf deurcoo tho- frooh wlndo blow and tlio wind coaae j worlt brlnuo reward and tho food clrt or peace ono day and ono day and aojtbo yearo lncroaoo v- ono day and ono day and oo the years wend snow crowno tho hlllo whoro tho trrcat clouds doncend colors of tbo ntoan in tho twilight blond v ono day and ono day and oo tho yeara oad ono day and ono day and ao tho oando runi f the short 4ournoy ovor tho lonfffeot bosun ono day tho loot day and all tho dayj aroebno prof jamoo in tho boston herald the reform of thomas mwsmmmm9kmmmmsmmmm another chance trapper pyohariea a htoyt ob pajrkeil walkod reatlcaoly up and down lir front gt tho water wheel for an hour it had boon vlbmtlnc 00 hard that tho wholo bulldlnc trcroblod and hotiruoood that tiro nliaf t runntns through tho cylindrical wheol caao woo out of lovol hla assistant lioo pow ers abov just out of high school who wao icarnlnjc tho business stood by tho head batoin the dim ut tho uppor ond of tho penstock ready to shut it if tho troublo qhouldbobomo serious xhd lone lioura of tho attornoon ilh- plowero on tho coffln sloamlnff in tho cagl la a colon mrs nlbllcli was nldllod in n kind of marital alohamy an art possessed by a few of hor nox by which nlblloka dofocts wcro converted into something 11u0 virtues tho chlcaeo nowa tells of this transformation whlob was so easy htttibilclrtifetjnilytliought tbawt woo spontaneous as aqon ob tho niblicks roturnjjd from tholr honojmoon trip jffbiicjis mothor took tho brldo nsldbnnd spoke to her con ndontlolly perhaps i should say nothing at all my door aho said but my motherly affoction for thomas does not blind mo to his faults and theres no doubt about it hoathqnost dis orderly of men x dont wont to aa- nuroo tho attit of an advisor bur in were you id accept tho fact phll- oaophtcally and try not to reform fiimtvo boon trylnbtodothat over of rbliof hob shottiown tho plant au oooii ao tho machlhoryhad stoppedi lioo shut the head catc sothat rob could draw tho wator out of tho rollo of pipe that lay between tho dam and tlio wator wheol hob was very much dloffuotod at his oxtraordlnaryrun- of bad luck lately because bo bad had- to work ovortlme on tho bhr water wheol ho had mlasod tho last two hikes of tho mohaw club and tonigh in stead of coinffon tho club annui ololffh ride ho would havo to spond half tho night litsldo tho wheel case jtwuivarlmoaojuiyiijtullchajrgojfif jnuot reach the btandplpov ho told hlmooir before the water rcachc 1 him tlio lnoldo of the tube was slipper and tho incllno steep ho could scarce ly malco any progress in his rubbc jiooto and 00 ho quickly pulled theixi off and oeramblcd along on his hands and foot- when hpwaa about halfway up tho ntoop incline tho water met him a ntroam of two foet on the bot tom of tho oixfoot pipe it auteky filled tbd wheel enso and plpo behind him tlio spray and upumo drpnehoa hlrnto tliosldn- ho utllifoueht blindly on in the pitchy cjarurteao for ho know that he had only a few seconds in which to pain tho otandpipo at almost any in- atnnt tho torrent of ohrunhlnb wator jlnco he was old enough to run alone tho brldo looked thoughtful tm elad you told me oho soldi i nadnt i noticed that ho was carolooa hoh soon dhow it sold the mbthof shortly after niblicks carolosaiiosu bocan to rnanlfcut itself ha came in ono evening and loft hla hat jgntho dlrilngroom tafilet when ho to dinner tho hot woo 8tiu thoro botweontho ooupturoon and tiro tans mrs nlbllekratherondottllb w y vj dish tablo looked aweotly unconscloiib of tho odd doooration n holloi wbato my hat dolns thoro 1 ao wbndorlne- i ohouid think that a slrl would know enough to hajjg a mans hat up whoro li bolongs t fold hor novor to disturb any of your poroonal belonfllnff door dldrjt you want it thoro 1inamho hang it up on tho hall rack an i came in that does seem rather more oult- nblo for it doesnt itf niblick laughed and hung hla hat f but whon ho changed his linen that ovcnlpg td- go- out ho tossed what ho had discharged on tho floor of hla drosalngroom when on tbo following evening ho found it in tho same placb ho told hla wife that the floor had not booh owopt cortnlnly it has sold mru niblick ob la that why you thought 00 t how absurd havo you novor noon that hamper in tho cloaot thats for soiled clothes doak niblick picked up hla things and throw them into tho hamper after that k clear stub remained for two wooko on tho library clock boforo nlbllclc removed it moantlmo articles woro accumulating on alt sides nowa paper- clippings theatreseat checks burned matchends torn envelopes golf dtlckb- and soon- finally when his smoking jacket was found only aftor a long search nlbllclc deelared that tlio domostico ideas of tidying up werothoao of an idiot thoaport- ment looks like a dump heap said ho theres a division in your cfoaot for your smoking jackot said mrs nib lick but if you prefer to hang it on a doorknob ivo nothing to aay niblick immediately owned that ho was nri untidy brute but why havent you spokon to mo about theso thlngs7 i iubt forget you know youll learn to remember perhaps you aro sysromatlc enough at your omcc- i hayejjlbo aald niblick ingen uouuly ah for speaking to you said mrs niblick your motjior tried tlittt for a number of years x understand but dont let that worry you door you shall put your tilings exactly whoro you please only no ono will iok them up after you niblick is now learning fast mr- gordon wasted no tlmoin bus ueuu hours whon ho wunted a new eult of clothes tho tailor conio to hlu olllco and measured- him thcro on ono occasion as tlioy passed through to an inner room tho tailor camo fttco to faco with tho now boolclcoopor and thero was an evident although ollcnt and embarrassed recognition which mr qprdon npticod mo turned it ovqr in hhi mind sovoral tlrnbs whllo tho tailor woo moasurlng him ao ho roplacod hla coat and the tailor rolled up hlo tapo to go mr gordon bald to him i want you to- toll mo what you know about that man lhato to tellyoumi gordon aald iho tailor and yet i think i oucht that man is a convlot ho otolo from tho flrni i buy from hes just out of prison thank you oald mr gordin nothing is to bo said to any ono oloe you understand but i wanted to know mr gordon was njnnan of prompt action hhi declalpn was immediate iind hio jmpulno ta uutlt lnta erf oct was so swift that his hand was on the boll before ho thought twice but lib forerinjnclio atopped or- aaecond tiroueht of courso i must discharge him ho said bufllneosllkethino i cant havo any one around thaticant trust- and yotltfl a little hardif thooilow roally meant to do bettor i see- now why ho offered himself at deep diving tbo power plant but it meant respon sibility and work trying to forgot hla disappointment at missing tbo slolgh ride ho started back to tho power houso aftor aupperl whon ho arrlvod at tho plant his helpers loo powerirbnd joy draper woro already thoro jays only duty was to hand tools through tho mohholo whllo the othor two worked insldo tho cylindrical wheel case and hloonly pay was the privilege of fishing for ho fattrcnit that lived in tho whoel pit beneath jay already bad tho trap doorjultha concroto floor open and hla line was la the water i dont caro how long you worlt aald bo grinning ad ahowlmj an olevonlneh fliih theyre bltlao- nlght t ijco was impatient to gat insldo ths tvhoel case for it waa tdbe hla first view of a mbdocn turbine as soon as they bad donned tholr rubber boots and heavy coats thoy throw back- the hjagodcaattironcpvcrlo thomanholo and crnwlod in if wrn jtdripnv o a short distance up the rhaaedv of a 80ul iiyi l3v m ftftt- mouldering away on the wall of an old monastery in milan italy- is tho famous last supper of leonardo do vlncl ijko avery mflatarpioce the painting requlrod many years of pationt labor and as a rosult of that labor it is pprfoct in its naturalness of exprcss- ion and subllmo in its story of love- in addition to those qualities it has an incident in its history that contrl- jjutci not a little toward making it tho great teacher that it is it is said that the artist in painting tho faces of his apostloo studied tho countenances of good men whom ho know whon howovorho was ready to paint the faco of jesus in the plo- tiird hocould find nonb that would satisfy tho conception the faco which would servo as a modol for tho face of christ must bo dignlflod in- is sim plicity and majostlc in its- sweetness after sovoral years of careful search tlw paintor happonod to meet ono plotrobandinolll a choir boy of jc- qulslto volco belonglngto tho cathod ral being struck by tho beautiful foaturos and tender manner that bo- spoko an angelic soul thie artist induc ed itho boy to bo tbo study for tho painting of tho face of jesus all wall dono most carefully and rovorontly but tho plcturo u yot incomplbto for thb faco of judsbwod abaont again tho painter with tho seal of the truo lovor of hu art sot about in searchof a countenance that might servo for tho faoo of the trait or somo years pasnocl before hl search was rewarded andtlio picture tlnally complouod ao tho artist was about to dismiss tho miserable arid dograddd wretch who hod been his awful choice tho man looked up at him and said you havo painted mo boforo horriflod and dumb with amazompnt tho painter learned that tho man was pletro bandinell during fhoso intorvenlng years metro had been nt itomo studying muelo had met with evil companions and given him- solf up to drinking and ganvbllng had fallen ihto shameful dissipation and otimojtlieftce that was now the model for the faco of judas had once baerf the model for tho faco of christ jfero is tho story of lie sinful life and alas how often it has been re- poated the soul that has lost by sin tho innocence and beauty that tiod gavo it has in the story tho rafleotlon of its own existence bvery soul that is without sip is chrlstllko but tho soul that is dlshgurod with stnls a hideous a tho ioul of judas was smelling placo tho penstock roao a hugo atandplpo tbo purpose of which was to act ab a mqana of controlling tho pressure of tho water it was empty now and had tho effect of a chimney the cold pecorabor air wewlndt tho manhole so hard thattho workers bad to havo tho cover closed jay sat near by and oponod the coyer to band in topls whonovor tho moh lnsldd neodpd them and whon- ovor homadoa catch ho opened- tho cover and shoutod the nows his volco reverboratod up tbo mllo of steel pipe and tho echoes throw it back and forth from tboongleo until libmotlmob a mlnuto aftorwarda thoy woujd hear caught another onoi apparently from tbo othor end of tho pipe xyoo waa unoasy- ho thought of being wedged in thero in the ma chinery- with that tremendous force locked up in tho pond and only the gate to hold it back terrified him sometimes hearing an echo from tholr conversation ho would start and cry wluito that ilob laughed heartily but ho could not perouado loo that they were safo what if oononetjtaotudge against ua should open tho noad gate from thb inside tco demanded how could wo got out quick enough just then jay opened tho manhole and shouted gloofully caught another oho th6 booming ochoo ropoatcd cau a ono i caught anothor onef until from tho far end of tho pipe camotho jiollow echo caught- caugbtr oaught another ono i guess ill get out for a whllo sold ieo in a queer vplcoi dont foel llko working tonight somohow holding up tho tallow candid rob looked at his helper xaios oyes were staring and hlobreath was short- rob romomoerod that ho had felt tho somo way when he bad gone inside tho whoel- case tor- tho first time all right he said i can easily finish what there is to do you go up to tbo head gate and when you hear me give tbrco knocks with the hammer on tho steel open the little gate and let tho penstock hiv- ijoo rattled tho coverjand when- jay opened it quickly scrambled out tm going to open the goto ho said to jay woye most done jay wan dlsappolntod trout did not often bito as well as thoy werotiltln tonight xotormlnod to molco the most of tho time that was left ltd put on his choicest bolt and dangled it bo foro y sulky fish that lay in thp dstpor vratornoar tho shadow- of tube wall but aa ho leaned down insldo the trap door and reached for out ho lost his balance clawing desperately to re gain his hold on- the oencroto floori ho fell twonty f cot to tlio pool below fortunately tho water was shallow whoro he struck and also ho was in no danger- of drowning but ho got a nasty blow on his head and shouldora and lay half submerged arid uncoj-i- bcious on tho concrete bottom insldo tbo wheel caso rob worked busily for half an hour lovolung the long abaft that bora tho two brbnxo turbines when the last sot screw was tight and locked ho drew a sigh of relief and rattled tho lid of tho raan- hola as a signal ta jay to lift till cover no response rob remembered thep that jay had hot put his head insldo lately ho rattled tho lid lustily and shoutod tho cchos repeated hla cries a hundred times xet let lot out outl open up opon up tho words woro jumbled with in articulate sounds and moans but no sign of jlfe or movement camo to him from outside moroover every time that ho rattled tho cover to tho man- holo the automatic catch tlghoned rob supposed hat jay had bcoomo so completely absordod in hla fishing that ho had forgotten his job not thlnk- ingfor the momsnt of is prearranged bltnal with lat h aelzod his hammer and beat on tho sides of his prison o attract jayaattbntlon immediately a cry came down ths penstock au right all right to gether with a confustd jumble of cchos ffdm kbbs hammer and his cries to jay 1 irfoi lying on top oflheaani in the keen wind with his car to the vont hod been glad enough to jhaqr he blows of thehnmmor on the pipe ho was chilled through and anxious to got back to the stove at tho power house bo ho lost no time in- oponlngtho small nillnit gate rob hoard the rush of wator as i entered o10 groat tube and shouted in sudden terror again ho beat on tlio cover only to fasten it still tighter tho rush of tho water beenme even louder and ho could feel thb heavy air vibrate throwing down his toolsmio ran up ths steep incline of tho penstock to ward tho atandplpo which stood a short dlatanco behind tho powerhouse opening out of the penstock this constujtl in volumo wduld-oompleto- ly flhitbio plpo hla fmgera were torn and wccdlnc andhls-nnlhrbrolrerrfroin- iiuclrdowwtw63rtmdwtrrlre1rcbpu so clutcmnc at tho lapping aoamo of stool m his brcpith camo in laborilig gasps throwing off his coat ho scrambol frantically- onward suddenly ho folt nwcoppaotbloattriitiut looking up- otlw hlnh above him 1 clrclo of dim light never nwoa 1 olght raoro wolcomo to blm aohoratnioilrtnir oneomlnb tof ront ouddcnly oiled tho pipe and ho feltjllmsolf owopt up into tho stand- plpo if ho had relaxed a fraction of n second in hin effort to reach that polntof refuse ho would havo bocn too late aa he sworn desperately to- keop himself iillont in tho icy watef- rob tin custom of yalay ponrlilohcr is to anchor the ship on the oyster- hods or 1111 near thorn as possible thb diving takes place twlco at molntue and owning in studios in brown humanity huuh cliftord gives hhi description of tho diving all tho boats tiro manned at morii ing and evening and tho- sulu boyo row out to tho point soloctod for tho days oporatlons tn man lii biiargo alvvajto gooo with thorn in order to koop an- oyo upon tho shcllsi t re suscitate exhausted dlvora and ganor- ally loolc after his own intoresfs prbsontly a man lowers himself over tho oldo tnlcco a dcop flone breath and then turning head downwards nwlmd into tlio depths his limbs show ing dimly in frogllko motions until if tho water bo very qpep ho is com pletely lost to oighu in ii fow minutes ho comes into sight again hl faco straining upward yearning with extended neck for tho nlr that ho now nqpds so sorply his hnnds cloavo tho water in otrohtf dpwnward ntrokca his form grows momentarily mora distinct until tho fixed tcnuo oxpression of hla staring laca in plainly vlslblo- thon tho qulot ourfacoof tho sea splashes into a thousand drops of suneteeped light as his head tears throujh it and hlo burst ing lungs oxpolllng tho imprluonod air dtawln tho breath which thoy cravrp in long hard gasps if tho dlvo ban been- a dbop one a llttlo blopd may carefully- inside ho opened thocaslibook and looked over tho entries since tbonow boolc lcoopor camo- the work waadone with almost p road them through and ran over the balances it wan all straight thus for ofjtourse it isvho saldto himself buthow lodirwlij ltc6ntlnu so2 i never can bo suro what day ho will breakoht ngaln lntbe oldplace bual- ncss is bihilncss i tnust havo mon whom i can trust so bo- rang tho boll the now bookkeeper camo in his prison pallor intensified with foar he trlodto walk erect but mr gordon looked longinoly at- the circle of uchl j i5u2 ts wsh abova tho wntdrwas ao cold ani tho plpo co high that ho diopaircd or holdinff jout until it nilcd tli6n audr dcnly ho vomcmhcrod with olcuonlnp dread that tho ton ot tho plpoxya threo foocabovo tho loyoi of- thodani tho water of course wouid hue over its soarco even if ho holdout until tlio water had risen an far aah could how coujd ho ocolo that last throojteot qf cecovcred wall after what floemed to bo an age bu what waoteauy only afow mlnuteo ho camo gflntly to a fltop three foet fr6m the top or tho iilpo swimminb franti cally round ho bopon to look for oom fibld on tho omboth oldb bfthonlpq lo wdlihot completed thcclrclo and wao ready to givo up in denpalr when ho camoto tho placo where tho laddor rabuptfiotplpo on tho out- aldo had boon bolted to tho nteol tho bolt ends otuck throusu for more than on inch quickly neiahiff ono of theih with tiia numb harido ho pulled hi mn elf up and clutched tho to of tho ip it burnod hko flro the froiitybtbbrtraubd-the-bkin- from hla fihgeya but 4o laiew it wan cimb or dlq and tio bettlner hlo tooth- ho ciamborcd over tlio edge of thq ereat plpo and otood on tho iron ladder nioro than a hundred feot from tho ground far a mdnont ho otbod tlicrb ncrv ing nlniaou for tho climb down to the ground ho darod nat put all hla wolflbt on lita hando which wcro ntiff and numb but ho found thatho could oil p- round oacn rung thuo ho slowly and painfully mado hio way to thn ground wheq ho reached tho powor tiouuo and poefod down into the wheel pit ho aaw what had happened to e tho luckleno hajierrottn with tho aid of loowho rturtica juf thon thoy gt jay liplhrojlgh th trap nndjif tor working over him for half an hour aucceoded jn reotorhig him to cou- scloubhoiui thii jill thrco warmed thcmoolvoa nt tho are v after thttt bob carefully coached and drilltfd hio holpera for tholr po- opecuvo jobu and no flahing went on when thoy xnado ropairs at the consignees bisk there uawl to- bo in philadelphia a commldalon ann jiotedrfor its close doohng it waa a luiblt with tljia arm always todemand or at least request aomo amount of discount from the original mils prcnonted to them thoy dealt fpr iiovcrai yearn with a rhode island farmer who sold them livo turkeyo one ye they ordorcd dreflsod bird instead vhut it is ovl- dentthat tfcto clerical forco was not informed of the chango a week aftor tbo turkeya wero shipped tfcq tftrmer was surprised to rccolvo tho uiuar complaint unt four of tho turkoya wcro dead whon they arrived and thb request that ho deduct tlio pvlco of thsmrfrom tho bill for the consign ment lt is with 6grflt ho ropned that i havo to advise you that i cannut mako tho concession requested strange be thought that ho had not notlcbd tbeso things in the boginplng mr gordon the man began i know why you havo callod me i know what that man jold you it was t6und to comb obonbr or later i havo expected it ovory time tlio door bpqnod olnce tho morning you hired mo i ttawyburnqycttiaoniront ip- thy papor and camo to you and it ueomed too good to bo truo whon you employed mo on tho opbti i could hardly help shouting for joy thank god ivo found a chance to bonn honest man- but i realised lhat you would never havo taken nio if you had knowntau nxoajustrmanr you probbbly novor did a dishonest thing tou cant un derstand bow a man could steal and yotdo right next tlmo i knew it must com i wanted to toll you but i didnt- dare mr gordon sat quiohjvaipparcntly unmoved by tlio mans despair jonoo ho said you arb right if i bad- known i never should liavo hiroot you tvo got to trust the men whom xiomploy icaritlford to hayomoii in my bfllco icant trubtatid scrlnr going to glvo you anothor ohanoo no thanks now got back to your work hold up your bead act like an honest man- ill trust you till thoflrat time you steal the bookkeeper wont back andmr gordon meditated it wasnt at nil what i hloant to oayhb poifitetoq- tvboni bponed my mouth tq annwbr him it wojj with tho fun intention of piohargiri bim- but whats a mftno rollgioa for lfit iant for a thing llko this 1 looked at tho poor followa pale face and i paid to my coif yo lutvb dono it untomo he dldnt eveadaro ask me to keep him but his oyes wore bo hungry for a chance to bo a man i just couldnt hof it i suppose i shall worry somo now 1eqittbthckrd from hip nooo and mouth and cars at times oven tho eyesockets pozs blood tho result of fearful prpaauro to which tho diver has boon subjected r r hrbriii i gs- withhimfronrt hodoptlui of tho oea two oyqtorbhollo never more and vory rnroly leas and whou- if hl beon secured hfih bolped back into ffie bba from whtclcfltlbttior diver in now lowering himocjf theob morion oacaslondlvetb thb depth of twonty fathons ono hundred and twenty foot and although tho strain kills them early- thoy are a cheery hopeful eet ofmeh till ouch tlmo oo thejft lungs and heart givo away tho shollo afo tho proporty of tho white an for tho divera dive for a wage and it is the motherofpearl to wjuch iho european looks for his sure profit tho pearls thomsolvcs form tho plums which- may or may pot fall to his lot it- is fascinating employment to open the shells when each closed bivalve may contain within it a troab- uro on tho proceeds which a man may uvo in comfort for the beat half of a year u- no i wont eithori ill give him an other chancb on tho level my rolujlon has been all justice its mfflp i imported a llttlo morcy into it ill take hftugbj and add that cubit to my principal our9nyhpw ive given my word and ho ohftll tay up tothjfr present iour tho book- keeper remalnu- nnd yhh inofpaflbd injary for ho has proved efljelnnt and trustworthy and mr gordon sayo that as for himself ifr did hlnvppd an3 tosted hla rollgion in now pines kindness counts thero ro onerhundredand two per sons in the world today who ore sairo that kindness counts they aro tho beneficiaries in tlio will of joseph blu- agnoof san francisco who left two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to lo distributed among ono hundred and two porconb who had pleased him wth llttlo acts of kindness and caurfpay thpy aro bootblacks wait- ero jmt bnyg agjrpsogs cafp ownocs women in sooloty vtivfuolnhtti i9 and many others many of tlfo pi- flonswhoniho remembered in hifl will the babys name t juliets contemptuous exclamation whats in anamo does not apply to thb christian name of a now baby tho family councils ovor tho choice of it- may well bb sbrloug ones eq centriclty must bo avoided who- ovor will mnko up a namo should remember the tribulations of roao terry obokoo llttlo hero who was named amandar by his erlofhtrlckon father in an attempt to enshrino tho memoryjof thobovo doad mother atnatiiaa- a z lzlrt 1 the biblp 1 no longer tho ono 3afo oqurcofrom which namba may bo drawn odavid and john arid mary ami benjamin and ann have still a firm hold on tho memory and tho imagin ation bftho good folic the world ovor but tho mother r should today nemo hor daugthor korenhappuchor keturab or her con bozallol or mero- dachbaladan wouldbe a- strange sur vival of thb tasto of former times tho rortiantip nanips of ho eigh teenth contqry havo fqrtunht ffpo out of uso but the olafahhjqnpd names huggpatlvo of vlftuop ptlll ro main indplrlnjr qpnatancp and hopo and ernest anil oven faith atd iat- ionco sojnd a call to noble living if tho wlaeat noffiifivo counael in re gard to tho babys narqu is that it shou not bo eccentric- perhaps tho best positive advice is that tho gen eration of today shall as far as may bo givo to theh children tho family names worthily borno by tho men and women of yeaterday a respected jiftmo sathprs about it unnumbered asbocia tipo grandmother was tho bps yjgmon i oyer itntiw sold a young mother tg heir ljusbfinv i want boby pmpd after hor and then wo will try to pnas qn grapd- mbthsrh ylltuob jn nvothpr yqmnn nswoll fta on a tqmbatqnp as mdlaughlinbuick 1 builds it front seat passengers in the new mclaughlin buick coach do not need to gjpt oiit of the car to enable rear seat pas- sengers to enter or leave either j doorwider doors this is only one of the many im- provements which the mclaugh- lineuick coacthwith its fisher- r prefeohe goach type no box like corners- refined graceful linear body of heavy material deeper upholst thirty and more improvements on coach design inc 4r twheetrlsetsealed chassis automstically lubricated jrnotor bucorfinish7afeyour9 in the coach as- mclaughlinibuickbuildsit si v king representative for this section georgetown ont master six 2095 special six prices at factory taxes extra doubtful honor ho oaw only onco that la an example it lamy ciatom to roaulroall pat4of tho memoryido of klnfloaaran iiri- ryoial examplo though even in this venlm kindness countu wondorfuily but on tho social side of life and on tho spiritual side ftvnat counts more than klndnofls wothlng la morn profltablo in all tho universe the catatb of innnltlyo heaven isvxiivided among the thoughtful and ldndt weptmlnator a bc v x rons desiring uvo dressed turkoys to notify us- inlvuncer ao wo-may- for ward thorn lnt heated cars qwing t thochul pronlllng at thanksglvlng- tlmffi wkfiyp ytl tho at feathers or in- oldob nra jlfthifl iff fako cold if shipped in tho ordinary- mannpr flip mor tality among- dreiool fufkeya jyou very largo thb year a negro preacher down noar san pedro ownu a mule wfth a highly ef fective pair of heels and a loud but not musical voice ono sunday morn ing whllo tho preophcr was deliv ering tho sermon the mule porsiatod in putting his tyeaat tlifouffh tho win dow and braying loudly tho parson finally nnld brcddorn and aisternlh dar ono among you all jvho knows hov to kcop dat mule qulit parson iopllod a mnn- fi you will juat tie a atonb to dotnivloa tall hosbo wilf koqp culot broddron an slotcrn tlia lkeac7ier him who is wltddout sin tlo do fuat stone wht 18 a boy ho is a person who is carrying on what you liftve started ho is to sit rlglrt where you ore flitting arid at ton ding to thosp things you think sroao important when you are gone you may adopt ally tho policies you please but hew they will bo carried on depends on him evoji if yduinako leagues and trca 16a he will tib0j pixinaito them ho will ajiiunrojitroi plour sltion states and rntuin ho is going to 1 move in ami- thp over your prjojpns churches sauooln unlvorsltleaand corporations all yourworlfila going to bo judged and praised or condommed by him your reputation and your futuro aca in his hando all your work la for him and tho fa to of tho nation and of humanity is in his- hands so it might be well to pay him some attention heading bulletin pirst of twenty questions boemfy po wrb oa of n t men in wfrt a ff from whon lid pflt rodyto tok no amount of ouixlnp ppuh from him inccrmatloi which hp thought thbpudllc should not imvo during the uncertainty regarding the aucceseorshlp tor ambassador burand ho wab constantly boaeiged for newa on this point onoihiy h cautiously admitted that tho british government had aakod if a certain englishman would bo nccept- ojjita -the- niprlcan govcrpmont as upcor to sir ilcnry 1 conh ybutoll us his name naked tho reporters tfo replied mr heol tho british foriflgn ofnojyarttfi nothing said about h at prentv j cant you nt jiast olj us whether he is now in tliobrltih diplomatic service no said secretary hoot gravely hpp ropm was ready iddy conataneo mackenzie the british beauty recently made a ions trip through texas says the boston transcript in tho courso ofwhlbh ahb found unstinted hospitality ovory- whore af ono place a wealthy ranchownor lnvltcd her to visit him and sho-nac- copted tho invitation tho owner of the ranch won determined to glvo his gueat a httlng reception 00 bo toler graphed to his manager z ifdy mockenxio cojulng to- irrpffpjy f d preparation to tronfr fegr fgyfijt tho roanriirop had neyor hoard of lady mackensle but as tlio buajpoas of tlio ranch was raising blooded hbvnts as well as cattle hojdeclded that this must bo aomo fancyracohorae tho famous guest arrived the next day witlf hor party and found rill ready a eloan box stall with an abun- danco of freah hay awaited- her the value of the small to the advertiser the southaim press is one of the big- gest job printing offices in montreal and ottawa it is i an institution that thrives off the wealth andinajustry of these two big cities yet despite ijbjs in a blotter editorial recently issued it points to the fpet that the great jnarket place of on tarl is die small town and that the na tional advertiserjwlio wants to prosper must recognize this fact the editorial reads j that 0ta vote of a total of approximately 1065000 the rural riflings contributed threefifths or 64500 and over r pekconf otthem werejdry i mlti mathamatics i- but i will toll you thin r will toll yon if you wlaji whclhor jio bolongu to the nnlmnl tho vofotndlo of tho jnln- oral idutdom a mail once rontod a plot ofktound to a ncaro neiffhbar upon which corn won to bo planted rind at harvoat imp tho- rontor wao to roqclvoone- ourlli of tho ylold moetlne tho negro during haryqut tlmo ho asked jtiook hero feam buyo you harvestod tho oornjv tea fltth boafl lone offoi well wasnt i to eot onotourtli yen bob thats the trtif but thero was no fourth upr was job throo loads and dey wrwhilno apa88ing thought a pollto llttlo elrl was illnlnjr ow day wlth hef grandmother everjr- tlilnu at tho tablo was particularly dainty and unexceptionable but on this particular occasion tha llttio glr joiini hair in her nh vanmdiiibninijt ghj said swoctly wliritwndoi flsh la llilii hallburt my dosr ob ropuod ihoohud i thoubht pwlupa it was maraoju its your smallest annual expense i5o you realize that tho smalfoy itwito tfi rpily budget is tho totophona bill r it averages only i per cent a careful study of families with incomes from 1500 to s6000 a year showa that food costs d3 rout and taxes about 17 clothes 13 telephone 1 and miscellaneous from 20 to 26 apart from tlio time tho telephono saves everyone rmindrequiroatlie btimu- j of contact with tho worffli os the ibody requires vitammes isolafjon oan not moan growth add a now interest to yaur itfc hy calling some of mom -up-in-isb- y the urban ridings contributed 430000 votes of rfhich 60 per cent were for government control that o t av vote cannot but be of vital interest to students of present day business conditions and particularly of marketing first it demonstrates conclusively that the shall we call it viewpoint of therural and that of the urban population is decidedly at variance and it also shows that tho greet bulk of tjp yofin ruliy lives on- thei farm or in the small townsand villages intelligent marketing recognizes the main street of every town or village as ontarios greatest dis- 1 tributor whereas practically all advertising is presently built for the attention of the city reader effective advertising must be built with consideration for the tastes and desires of that great army of farrh and small town buyers thishff ective pronouncement from one of the largest printing institutions in the country is of importance and strongly supports the position which the weekly newspapers have always taken large daily papers have quantity of circulation but if the national advertiser wishp fq effectively appeal to ontarios largest mar ket he will find the use of the colums of the home weekly which is caref idly read everyissue theinost yajiiabiejriiediiuii v renfrew mercury eadincw suhscrtoer adda to vie wmmtmmmimmmmmmmmmm magazine subscriptions taken at free press office 5 v- m m

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