Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1925, p. 6

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r 7 i births marriiikw al death lit w charged for nt the ollowloff tateu births soc morrinbco 50 deaths sk memorial curdu 50c ioc per line extra for pocma married doddswillsonat cnlbmy atu or january 1 1d25 by roydr utnclutra mary gulp winoonrtaub 7 tor of mr ixnix mm a fi whinon goor ont to dr froaorlou isarlo doildu of weutloclt altu died gillies at illb home in tho scotch bo6l isliacib oa saturday jan- unry 10 wacinollollllpa grisclt at hurrluton on docombor 31 1024 xuclllo floldlno wlfo of jooopu grlaoh in hor 71st year matthbwsat hill ronluonco in acton on saturday january 10 132ct jamco matthews pootmuoter of aoton in lila 90th year in memoriam re1d in vovlnk momory of our dear jnbthor mro danlol bold who pantir cd asynyat qlonwiluamo january 11 1921 memorlco- and -aml- recollections wo oherlrjh thoughta of a mother dear nbaont today but her imairo is otarnpod whero it novor ohall poriah or fado from our memory aayoara panb away daughters hi artnnjnvgr f regfl thursday january 15 1d25 brief lowrialltems yo johnnie it is juaf49 woolio till chrlotmna ivontworth county council hoo onrymvnowmombrrililaycili do you realize it ono half of this now month of january 925 hao cono already s mr re mlllo lato of tlio elora esproon headed thojiolls in tho mu nicipal elections for councillors thla jo fiusb pjubs renewal time myouroubocrlptloninauopl5nflpu00 tho renewal blip enclosed a wook or rooretuio rev mr culpo flvomlnuto ill ustrated oormojio tp children on sun day mornlrieo oro exceptionally inter esting and appropriate no man should consider thttt ho lion tlmo to indulgo in rpmlnlaconcon whilo ttio snow on us frbiflfc fljaowullt romalna iroohovollotl star t itho capacity of trig switchboard at tho acton tolepnonrf eohanbots- now exhausted- a nowtiootlon will bo roaulrod to bo installed at onco at tho annual mooting of tho acton hydro commission last thursday evening mr goorgd king was olocted chairman of tho board for tho year tho flago on tho government building and tho town hall wore flown at halt maal on monday out of roopoct to tho niomory of purvenorablo dontmuntor tho lato jamoa matthews mayor duncan of midland whtf c wjloon vosocu has- rotlrod after oorvlnrj throo years off chief mttblotrato wan prooontoa with a hahdoomq chair by hlo col- loaffuon enclosed picaao find postal noto for j200 for tho fluas pjuisb wo always enjoy tho homo paper so much and novor missed a copy all loot year comphmonto of tho season mm- r- e north bay quito a number of xarmors camo trf town to do business last wodnoa- day not ltiowlng that eomo of tho otorochhad robumad tjio wednesday halfholiday it had not beov an nounced and they wero disappointed tho sermons ono hoars on the radlolmya a fan do hot mako ono looroucha slnnorau tho anponlsinadp ty tho pastor in our own church ono always lias a fooling flsst the preacher jo talking to tho poopjo lri plttoburg orlllla packet irt an interesting letter jo tho georgetown herald atelng ptf rticulars ofumotor trip fromtoronto to flor ida 1100 mllos mr frank j barber says wo navo all onjbyed the trip but all voted that we did not want to do it again atioast potrtbllt away inspector roovoly who haoboon 111- forsovoral weoks from an attack of no has roo and was in town omclally on tueaday ho saya matters aro very qulot in both coun ties just now as far as the ontpirlo tomporanco act lo concerned thoy ore having it tit fortat in municipal affairs in erin a year ago major jubtico opposed john wilson for tho roovoahlp and was olaoted oy a ijmail majority tho oamv worthy cltizon wont into tho contcot again this year and won his oorftbaok by a voto of 124 to 118 roy mr howard writes to frlonds that tlioy aro now comfortawy uottled in tho narsonago at xakotlpld it is a very flrio brick two storey foal- donco warm and comfortable thero is a largo garden with fruit trees and iihrubo ljutcflold is a very pretty place and the prospects for a sucoooa- tul mmlauy thero aro very encourag ing worth whlloslogans for tho yoar vpull together boost for aoton stand by thcr churches support acton fan fair back up acton horticultural bocloty keep down unnecessary municipal oxpondlturos advancflhd cemetery perpetual caro projoct to a successful consumma tion every cltutefj worklnbfor community progress news of local import annual mootlna of u fw o tho annual mtiotliie of tho j f tco will bo held on saturday janu ary 17 at 230 p m at tho homo of mra dort davidson mill straou all tiro membora are roqueatotl to be preaont vnluon tho homo papor doar editor i aond you poatal oiole for 1860 fforunotlfor subscription to bo aont to my friend mian smith nuroo in rochester n y i vulub your splendid -puiier- it is oho of 1 the boat local papora i havo over mubacrlbod for thin la my third subscription thin yoar mrs sr aoorsqtown mro rlnrrinriton elliott homo j rooiana mrs elliott matron of tho blllptt homo quolph ulnoo its lncoptlon twenty years ago has tondored hor resignation to tho board of directors and will bover her connections with tho institution at tho crrd of february during hor torm of blllco mfo har rington has cndonrod horoolf to all connoctcd to tho liomo wth her un failing courtosy and ldndlthotia sfrevtoville dontboliovo in raying counollloro every moinber of the streotavllle council of 192j was defeated at tho polls at the municipal election the cltlzono showed in a moat doololvo manner that thoy intended thdlv vll- lags fathers should sorvo without re ward tho election wabone of the warmest cvor hold in tho vlllag and tho ono lasuo wao whether or hot tho councillors should serve for tho honor or rocolvo 5 for ovory mooting at tended a chang for tho gooaraphlea and klrls go your school go- ogwiphlea turn to tho map of nbr- woy tako your pen mark out the namo of the capital city- cbrlotlania wo spell it krlotlanla the norwegians spell it in tho placo of it wrljo the llttlo caally romemborod and- canity spelled name oslo for beginning with 1028 the capital is to bo known ao oolo for auch a docreowas pasood last summer tho old town of oalo wan fotfhaotytnngtiaraiaharrdra add harold- tho stern ruortln tho year 1047 neighborhood nevys- town and country hfurchill moduis dan mid archlo mclntyro or wlnnlpoc vinltcd tlioir brothor john mclntyro niul tlioiv mother fourth hno dulnc tlo woolt thoy will attend tho convention ot furntturl- maiiufacturoiu ut kltchonor- doth mv enffagecl in tho furniture buijliiemi in tho woat ballinafad sheriff p and mr wbtorj9 83rd anniverory bhorlft and mr obotor of norval colobratod their thirtythird woddine ahnivoraary on sdtiirdtty hoidlntr an at home tor thlr many frlonda in the vlllago arid district a groat many conffratulatory toloeriuno lottoro and phono callo- wore received thett an- nl wrtiaryiwilcewir- trlraniod- with the docorationaucod on the original calco dr wobater in oplto of hla 82 ycara looua much younger and until the onow drifts camo motored dally to hla offlco in mutan olficor of the haltdn farmera club tho annual mootlne of tho halton county parmoro club wna hold on saturday january 3 and the follow- lrir omcerocroctodror102g e har- rop prooldont j h wlumott vice mr mckonzlo of guolph uddrcoaod tho nicotine incorporation has boon granted tho ettrlck lumbor co township of naa- aajrawoya 20000 prof oronco oharpa nt 100 each and 10000 ohorcu of com mon stock without normal or par yoluo whllo felling- a troo in tho bush on 8atu gflyil lowla of thlo towtiohlp vjtuj atruclc by hla ax and itroqulrod a dozonbtltchou to cloae tho wound in hla face it la hoped tho dtsflguremont will not bo too prom- inont ybung on church tin ioh lo ooon to start in the nosaagawoya proobytorian church and aloo at tho campbollvillo church rov 0 scaeamoro of- dollii will preach on tho naaaagawoya circuit on sundav 26th ln atpben intho xnwmlngandajiqrfoylo in tho ovoning ehlppor p v hartloy becrotory treauuron j h wllaono roport ahowed a vory flatinfactory incroabo 1h the cluba bualneoe a good in dication utat cooporativo raafkotlng pay0 by tljo secrotarytromurora roport tho programmod for thopaot yoar havo provided both entertain ment and education and with a atrong membership and improvod nnancial utandinirtttinaubrnattractlvo mootinga being arranged thoproopocto for tho now teotr loolc promloimj opening a moat ohop in jpden mllla and xamb turkey- dr gowliihrt barrel w tnturano -conditions- th m sntiafactory service recognized mr h 8 homwho ia a veteran in railway position receives recog nitlon from 8lr henry thornton imbt wook mr h b holmos oirent of tho canadian national rnllwaya heve wob rerjuestod to take a trip to stratford on friday and make a call at tho oflflco of the jplatrict suporln tondont mr wj piggott wlicn mr hoi men called at this olllco ho wae handed two cards by mr 3plggott on behalf of sir henry thornton tho president of tho road one card boro tho following lnocrlptlon it givoo mo especial plcaauro to iicnd out paooob to those vctorand of the oervlco who have eoon a half ecu tury round ln tho employment of tho railway with tho pan a i oond to each recipient this expresulon of conbrdtu- latlon and good wiahos for your health and happiness in tho- year which ta about- to commoner and for many yearn to como il w- thornton prcfl canadian national railways tho other card wao an unconditional unlimited pans over all tho lines of the canadian national railways and good for- life it reads- ileoflflmr- h s holmes and wlfoijjfajjj ilalft u mr holmes is one of clglit official of the canadian national rnllwajn of this division ho hou been in tho vicdfor flftyfduryars and withthe excellent honlth ho now enjoys ho loolta fth if ha might bo spared with strongth and vigor for his position until he celebrates his diamond anniversary roborvo wodhosday february 25 for the women irtatltute muaicol concert and play in the town liajl at uio last jjcooionof tho ontario loglslaturoi now statutory conditions regarding flro inauranoo wore poudod to becomo effective january 1925 tho now act niakoslt obligatory for 6vsf yflro inauranco company to io- auo new pollolca for all lnnuranco maturing in 1925 thorofbro no re newal receipts will bo laaued 4hls year but all policies will bo rowrlt- ton throe year policlbn that do not mature until next year or the year after will of courao otand until thoy expire thlo enactment entails an enormous amount of work and ox- ponae to the companioo and agon ta no thousands of policy forma and word- ingo will bo thrown into tho discard and new ones printed in tholr stead and tho entire policy rowrlttcn tho number of the conditions lo the same twontyfour somo of the conditions hdvo boon mado clearer by expansion and othera have beori entirely recast tho new condittona should bo care fully road by the insurer the week of prayer tlfounlon services- conducted lost wook in tho preabyterian anglicarf and methodist churches in connection with the national wook of prayer wero more ceaentlally a wook oi prnyer than has usually been tho charactor ofnuch seryjceh lioro pruyor was a vital feature i of th o service s through out artd wafl freely engaged in when the opportunity- wub- offered at the varlousorvlcea by tho laymorcoa well ns by tho mlnlstora tho central theme of tho addresses was tho su premacy of christy and in succession his supremacy in tho homo tho social clrcle the industrial world and in tho national life wan stressed by the speakers rov mr culp rev mr stowart and rev baugh in thoir ad dresses pressed strongly homo to tho membern of the united congrogatlono the desirability of havlng christ su premo jn tho heart and to honor lovo oboy and follow him tho aeries of- oor vices were- largely attended tho spirit of fellqwahip wao very mani fest and tho spiritual love was man feat each evening the school days of 102ft school pupila andteachorb will at tend school for 197 dayo during 1925 or two days loss than during 1924 such is tho information in a bulletin from the provincial department of edu cation tho regulations offect high continuation public and soparato mr and mrs hectdv mclean min- bionarifi6 on fiulough in canada nine soptcmbon laut odiied from st john n blon the 9th inst- yla liverpool and burmdh to rcaumo tholr lubovti pn their miaalon hold of soutliwou china in tho provlnco of vunan tholr daughtor iarumnlnink in tor onto ta take up a comao of utudlou r bannockburn the noxt mooting of the uaunucc- burn ihotituto willbohold ov wcdiloar dayjdnuary 21 at tho home of mra wilson wiloy acton crossroad tjio pqoplo ot l banoockburn com munity attondod thomeotingu of tho week of prayer at acton fh coualdor- ablo numbors thoro hair beona good deal of- enow nhovpllhig on tho roads in thla section to makeihem paaaubie na88aqaweya rev mr douglas of norval will preach in ebonozor church noxt sun day and hold- sacrament aorvicoa both hero and at aborfoyle the aborfoylo borvlco will bo hold irr thoovonirjff a mooting in tho intoreatof church union wao hold in tho township hall brookvihot-on-tuebday-evenlng- -rov- rockwoop miss pertrfiomervilterfllaterof tho- gioom herself a brldo ooct waqcall- ed and mliia joaslo mcgregor road tho following addroaa mlas somerviiio- in- view of you marringo wo find pleasure in re- momberimr you no a friend and wish at this time to express our regard for you t your lifo work han debarred your constant association with us but your vacation days havo ooott cd tokeon the tie of frlendahipun brokon ploaso accept thla gift with our hearty good wishes for your futuro happiness slgnetttonuiclmlfof y f f crcemore e whitley mrs j mcgregor at of the- addreaa mjsh bomervtllo wao presonted with an electric table lamp for which bcrex extensive- piximciluuul tbhnlw- in a txjsntite izcqrtlt llbtvtg a- on ho 21th inst miss- somervlllo will luu 1 ivjin djjucj laat wodricadaywhon mr and mry w jglondlnnlng wero loading somo of tholr hbuaohold offecta to- movo to edoiv mlllo an iclclo dtoprcd from the roof and hitone of tho horses caualng tho team to run away apillihg tho con- tontaof tlio load at tho atart and run- nlngofar as tho- townhall they wor6 caught by will coulthurdt of tho news storo mr olendlhning la wo arocorry to loao tliem but hopo they will boouccescful in their vonture ono day last woek mr an drew howat waa wailcing dlong tho street a big collie pup ocratched the back of hla left hand ondaa a result of tho alight mishap fjioodpoiuoniitg act in ho woo advlaod to go- to the hospital thuradaxevonlng for nicdlcal attention ho waa ablo to loturh homo saturday evening the treat ment ho received thero put him on the way to xocovcry church union is in offect v by a fairmaorlty of over nucty jtlaqjez grottablo fact that already thero is dlqaatlsf action in uonuv places where tjio veto has boon taken why is it that somo pooplo cann6t learn to bt willing to put their dlfforoncos aside and iherp- to- carryron an- important- factor in church work and help to bring a bettor fooling nmong all people of different denominations xjfe interdenominational fweek of prayer oorvicos jor- this wook are being hold in tho following churches monday st johns anglican rev j u stewart preacher tuesday pres- byterian xv j dutzf wodnsdhy prlends rov j u stowart thursday presbytorian rev j 2luz friday methodist rov h g l baugh acton services commence at 8 pm and ah aro cordially invited to attend it la hoped that tho services will be bene ficial to overyone attending and a more earneat offort be decided upon to live an active and upright lifo mr john r wataon of toronto was a visitor in tho vhjftgo last week tho ico harvest commenced last monday and it is a good quality thoao engaged in tho work aro very fortunatoto have good wcathor other years it has been otormynnd dlaagreo- ablo obpeciolly whop slushy making it somowhat uncomfortable to thoso handling tho cakes of ice which are aboon aim butchers in hot woatherrau woll a aforthdico crodni irado mr jamob jja i haa bdon con fined to hla bed for tlio past two years lo falling conbiderably latoly nod it may bo but a matter of but q phort timo when tho end will como ho jan had the beat of caro during his con finement duo to the untiring efforts oft mrs williams ho was nblo to sot out to vote at the- last temperance election in october mr george bolton conveying- him to the polls in hln car af tho noon hour the last chat your correspondent had with tho apod gentleman who la in his 95th year wjs on christmas morning and when in sunday artcrrioon it could bo seen that ho was beginning to finish his earthly poursa tho weather of jho past week has been all that could bo desired by ay- ono and some of our taoicrs hnvo been enjoying m themaelvcs unw- shoolng aft or school down tho river and below the wooilon milla such exenclae cannot help hut create a goad appotiu ao well aa maintain consti tution and enablotiiem to carry orr in tholr work by a vote of nearly two to ono the schools eaator holltlayu will begin onmembora of koclcwood preabyterian avpril 10 and conclude on the 19th midsummer holidays commence op june 30 and close on august 31 christmas and now years holidays december 33 1925 to jonuarny 3 390 the nonschool days will include alno uiu saturdayn local municipal holi days dominion and- provincial lioli- dayss among tlio hat are vloria day ma 25 may 24 coming on sun day kings birthday juno 3 labor day soptcmber 7 arralstioo day novr ember 0 tho puplln will boreriuiroj to attend school for twonty days in each of jnnuary february may june andnovembcr slxtocn days in april and in docembor twentyone days in boptombor and twentytwo days in march and october the buletln concludes us follows no other days can bo deducted from the proper divls- oxcept iha days on which tho teachers institute aro hold and the wft a pho la closed under prowstoris ojj tlio public health act great increase in consumption tea tito consumption of tea it is ontl mated increased in 1024 thirtyvo million pounds the price an a reoujjt my fw to 100 per pound but even then v ia jthe cheapest beveruge lp tho world ddi xxom wauuv a happy social evening proeontatione mndo to mr artdmro goprao somorvillo and minii ponrl somorvillo about- forty ucighboni and friends from nasburawoya ahffl acton gather ed ut tlio homo of mr and mrs gobrgo jdpinorvlme oil tho mill pond road on tuoiulay ovoning mr john mcgregor cullod the mooting to order and mr ioigin wliitloy road the following ad dress x mr and mrs somoryillo wo your friondu liave mot to extend to you our beat wishes arid hearty- congratuliitiona on the ovoit of lyquilqccptmaitjniio mru somorvillo wo ulncoroly wish you majny years of hupplnoaa in your now home wo havo valued your friendship while you havo boon among ub and wo trust tbat tho cirolo of frlonds which you havo ulroady mado ahull bo wldcubdandutrcngthoned in futuro years mr- somcrvlllo you havo jeon ono with us at all times wo have valued vory highly your friendship among us and havo found you always ready to play the pari of a good nolghbqi generpus to help in ovory avuyiwnyavvoady t7cpn- tributo your ohdio uf the pleas- 4 urea of our social j0- wo thoro- fore take thlo opbrtuhity to offer you our htritvty congratulatlonu rindtoexpreqstoyouour clutton of your friendship as a tanglblo cxprcualon o our hearty goodxvju pleuso accept theno gifts accompanied by ouif sncoio good wishea for your mutual happineaa and protporlty signed on bohalf of yourfrlonda f crbbmorb 13 whitely mrs j mogrqgprr january 131925 following tho address mr and mro sbmervillo presented with a mantel clock and gaaolino lamp mr somorvljlov thanked tho friends in a neat speech an interesting coincidence on tho 2hh inst miss- somorvillo bo married tqmr dougald kennedy- m p of dryden son of the lato paul kennody6f acton lunch was served by tho ladles and aiiappy social time waa spent donations to thochiideno aid society the childrens ala society wish to noknowlcdge the -following- donationa to the goojdbn homo for the month of december ornngea mrs percy of apples mr a e woodley cloth ing auii toys knox church young people alcton apples and fruitsmifca jean elllottxapplea and oranges mrs j davideon candles miss rota tol- fpr clothing and toys mrs tarzweji and mra oakley limehouse a caae of prunes miv w b cjements honov acton womens inatltute sandwiches milton homo and school club apples and cabbages mr j j wilaon stockings and mitts ivtrs j j wil son honoy anil oranges mrs john murray orangea and candy edenfr church rtr sandwlohos anfl ballons the v milton golf club flour potatoes and oatmeal wi11- mott and wilson jcandlea biscuits and books mrs 1jpront orangos mr atkinson 6 mr robert stewart postmnstort2r acton church young people 10 brampton literary and travel club bcardmoro co to build stool houoeo in acton to supply a pubjie nood tiiih is information gleaned from tho column of the news of tho world of loudon england- it saya an a result of tho uhsistnuco prom ised by tho minister of health a number of stool jjouho schemes havo been brought fipm tholr- experimental stugo into public light dotallsj for example are issued ro- gardjmg what is known as tho atholl steel hoiuilng uchemo tho diiko of atholl somo timongo cboporatod with tho firm of beardmoro co in ox- poiimontun tlio conalvuchon of stool houses anil tho lieusing cbrporfttlon haa aaaociatecl itsolf with the scheme tho cssonttal feature of tho atholl houso is that it la u utool house in the strict sense of tho word and not a wood framohouse lined with stoejl it can be erected at a greatly reduced cost in comparison with brlcka and mortar buildlngortlio walls aro constructed of an outer section of beardmoro prickled steel 316s of an incli thick treateti oii the- outside- with a special preservative paint- und op tho ln- plda with a spociai thick presorvatlvo solution which is impregnated with granuliited- cork messrs beardmoro it co havo ar- rqn for a soctlonof tholr works to bo utuiaed at acton- for tho con- m structlon ofiehonow houtfoo the coincldoncc la that this board- more gos headquarters is at glasgow scotland and thohtoolhouoee aro to bo built at acton england jont neglect your eyes tako ulvarlttigo of- sbsfisu services trecrelrytllb ostttu llshmont and know your elaaao3 j right experience is a good teacher 10031025 wo havo had over twenty yearn at it and hero patrons aro nbaurcd of the best in op tical service a d savage optomotriot and mfa- optician qavaqe buildinq right attlin goecphontario in nassaoaweya township 6a aeadof cattle farm stock implements hay grain the underaigned haa recoivod in7 atructiona from p o 8mith lot 20 sixth line naoaagawoya two miles wcatot sayera miu tobollby public auction on wednesday january 28 at 12 so oclock aliarp tlio following horsesbay jiarc 11 ycara old brown horae 12 yenro old brown marc aged cows holbtcin cow duo in febru ary c ycara old jcrnoy cow duo time of bale 4 yeara old holatoin cow duo in march holatoin cow due time of sale holhtein cow frc3h 3 ycara old holatoin cow freah 3ycara old hol atoin gow fresh 1 yeara old holatoin heifer duo tlmo of aalo holatoin holfer duo in june gray durham cow calf at foot holatoin cow due in may 1 ayrshire bull 18 months eligible for registration young cattle 10 feoding uteora 10 attscrji una hulfurs eye strain is so common that every person should mako pure ho is not suffering from it thousands of people make tholr llvlngby the constant uoo of the eyes for near work and a groat many of them nrv injuring their oyes often without knowing it it lg always the part of wisdom to know oxnetly what condition the oyes aro in we can toll you a- w smith optometrist 120 upper wyndhnm st guolph comfortablo vision specialist for 25 yearn rlstng years rising 2 years all dphorned these are a good lot offeed9rsand stockors implements- deerlng binder g foot cut deoring mower 6 foot cut dceringdiao with fore carriage mas- royhurriahayloader mubfleyharrfs iiay rake massey- harris seed drill massey harris corn cultlvutor mas- soy-harris- cream kepnrator stool roller htiff tooth cultivator spring tooth cultivator third share in door- ing corn binder one tiding plow and 3 walking plows two sots of finishing harrows 1 stono machine in good shano wolgh ocales chatham fanning mill top buggy light democrat root pulper hay rack stock rack cuttor hay fork wheelbarrow harness forks hoes chains clovldbs double trees and a lot of articles too rjomor- oun to mention grain and hay 150 buhols of buckwheat 150 bushels of barley 400 bushels of oats about 20 tons of tim othy and clover hny poultry about 50 hens mostly plymouth rocks terms hay grain and fowl and all amounts under 10 cash over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes 6v oft for cash sr j- kerr auctioneer c o plank clerk phono 36 acton babys own soap a new service we have cstablfshod an up- todatewatch repair depart ment with five watchmakers at your service with these new facilities we hope to be ablt to create a repair service second to none in the provincq we jnvite you to submit your repairs for estimate quick service competent ser vice- this is always our aim savage ho jewellers gufilph ontario ean the storo with the slock friday and saturday january 16 and 17 on these dates every end of goods will be put on sale lengthflndprice marked ia plain figures and fully 25 per cent lestjwn the regular price and some- formless thanthe wholesale price you will find in this lot of remnants ends of cottons ginghams prints shirtings flannelettes table damasks ltowellihgs iress goods- etcdr6p iin and look them over i r mens flannelette night shirts at reduced prices just three dozen in this lot of mens flannelette night shirts madaof good quality of flannelette all sizes in stock thes night shirts aidgood value at 225 special price l-75- elifeaiir 2o actons gift store mill street acton ont get a shopping lunch- eon hero that will rest- you our sandwiches- aro delicious our salads will furnish you with a food divcrtisement that is worth whlle our drinks aro served in polite style youll feel like telling your friends that you have dls- covered u real restaurant our candy makoc good be cause its mado qood saturday treat weekend chocolates 32c lb peanut crip regular 35c and 40c 25c lb milk chocolate fudge regular qoc 49c lb 3 dandies ixefrow on t matmket owing to my low overhead expenses 1 am prepared to do the very best for my customers in the supplying of choice cuts of meats at lowest possible prices i give personal attention to ail details of mybusiness and study to serve to the test possible advantage the requirements of my patrons orders sent by your children receive my careful attention orrie lamb corner mill and main streets acton ont jr i imi n hats at half price now that tlio winter sports arc in full swing why not havo a now velvet or felt hat to bo skating in this week wo aro offering all- our stock of velvet and jilt hats nt halfprice i v call in and inspecrthe stocicof fancy goods ani yarns a splendid stock on hand just now miss j galpratth millinery and fancy gpods store r phone 09 mu1 street church voted in favor of entering into union out pf 230 members on ho ohureh roll 209 polled tholr ballots isg of whom wore in favor of entorlng the union church and 73 against tho voting was conducted for fifteen days and every member of tho church who was available polled a vote police urt news a repprf comes from kitchener tlmt ooraon gallagher who lain been before tho court horo several times was con- vlctod of violation of tho o t a in police court thoro and nticd flooodo and costs a chargo rents against qallagher in court hero for breach of tho highway traltlc act tlio chargo agalpnt tho 303 chemical company limited toronto for settling liquor invlolatianof tho oxui which has been romandod noveral times in on the dockot to bo heard at acton police court oh saturday afternoon at 230 oclock inormntion has boon laid charging poto pnlaso ot milton helghtn with having a quantity of liauor in 1ih 4quao unlawfully tho cabo will bo libj jjt tho court houso milton on friday jkiiiiwyt 23 before police m hmaiilvtrat moofb everybody shoke up this pipe free while they last we as the agents for thejlebra ted leather label overhaulsgloves have just- rzgved 4 fresh suppiyofthfsemfsmjmix wqrc clothes md a limited supply ofthesi valuable pipes we have the sole agency for best overall in the world the leather xftbelf which sells for we have n few pairs of carbnrttls ovoralls left which we are offering at per pair see ojir window display of dresses at also mens and boysysweaiers at make an offeu for the overcoat you want reesoils r dr j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will beat a t firowns drug store acton a monday februapy 2 y anyone differing from eyoj- j ntraln defective vision or headache should not mfan tho opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist t consultation free office hours 0 a m till 5 p m specials for this week fresh and cured meats choice rib roast of beef per lb thick rib per lb chuck roast per lb round shoulder rohst per lb side bacorislat or lialfi per lb smoked ham whole or jialf per lb back bricon by the piece per lb smoked rolls whole or half per lb fish british columbia salmon by the fish lb white eish per fb j- lake superior herring it picklci horriqg per lb several other lines of fish in stock jo chqose from 20c 18c lgc 17c soc 28 40 20c 13c j yic w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont i m 3 i ssfohbk- iiij r t i ifcmjjvli ir

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