Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1925, p. 2

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ft hr irfam mtst prrifi thursday janoary 23 1026 magic medicine thorou u hcun of cpnoolutlon in tho liapdcioop ot a frjond it can wlpo out douolatlon an bring hcurt ucliou to an ona it cun uoolho a troubled opirlt llko no mouloln tho land heaven you aro protty noar it wuon ubood friend grlpa your hand i thoroa a heap of conuolatlon in n friendly uhouldqr pgt itti a- hlmiilo llttlo action but it mluhty one atthat whon urin llncorogrlp your ohouldor avhcn you oort o nood a bac makoa you- uironbor bravor- boldor an moro lltto run tho racol whon youro full of vtsrry plon an tho world to lootiln drear thoron a hoau- ot onorglzln in a jittlo jlll of chocrl when oorno llttlo frets duitrooa you thoy put nectar in your cup llttlo phruoco huo god bloso you an that other ono choor up jamoa edward hunccrfqrdr hr 3tet sm ftrirjt tnrij the beginning on the evans farm by haimiet iummis smith ff when itqegins it in not druhkenncoo atone that throwa tho monkey wrench into tho machinery ot modern aooloty it la drinking taka an instance the auto- njohllo hero la a man with a power ful motor driving along tlio highway or through tho crowdodntreoto hlo eye on tho road hia faaultlco alert ready ao ho muat bo tor on emergency- the eyo noon dangor telegraphs its mc3r sage to thb brain ajudffftiottt inform- cd and an order- flashed ip- tho hands thof j t0 ua0 tho whool tjio brake v tho cluuntrbiowowineat second nnd it may i uir tho fraction of moan tho dlfferonco between safety and smash one drink may do it how often tho police courtstory la told by tho man responsible for somo motor accident perhaps a fatality was riot drunkrtjuat had n giassvof v bqbr tho ontario public softool hygiene points out tho scientific oido of this in tho following words but bealdca receiving and storing messages tho brain had all day long i- h originating and bending but niea sages as well thoy travol at tho rate of 08 to 131 foot per second about the rato of our faqtcat tralna no cen tral office of any telepliono company in tho land la ao buay aa tho brain ia i meaongea n in fact tho work of tlux brain and norvouo system ia never done frpm tho timo wo wahv thu- m v wo go to sleep at night during tha time it la important that tho brain should bo kept- free from anything that would hamper ho work it aj bohbl la drunltr- jl mthglea flrot with v flhally batheoali tho tiaauoa nndor tanu of tlio body tho polaoh begins to effect tho dellcoto mechanlnm of tho brain so that meaaagoa oro rccolvod apdeont out more alowly and loau dlo- j tinctly thlamay products oorloua con- aoaoncos v it isblgniflcant that in tlio city of torontoin 1314 thorb wero 100 ilaupr qelune placoaand 062 cara and 0032 motor vehicles and 107000000 paaaon- goro wore carried on tho ntroot cars thoro worn 292 accidental doathn ro- ported to tho police in 1921 there wbro 38260 motor vchlcloo 283000- 000 people carried in tho atroot cara and no legal oollintr of liquor thoac- lcldontal deatho reaocted to tho police woro only 121 if intoxicanta wer frooly oold in oronto today with the dangorouo congoation of trafllc- and incroaso in tlio movement of the population with one motor for every 11 people who will nay thnt legalizing tho nolo of liquor would not opormoualy add td tho olemont of damjor to tho situation roozo and gaaollno are a iromend- ouiily dangeroua mixture no wonder henry ford hao otatod ifthqunitedstaton ofamferiofll ftjter ropoala prohibition in tho interobtn of public aofoty thoro ohould bo enacted tho rioact day a law prohibiting tho uoo of gnnoltno vohicloo upon tho public hlchwaya indoed in thin apo of opood and com ploxity to add to thoctshtonionand dangor tho factor ot tho nolo of in toxicating llauor would bo a crime agalnat civilization and an attempt to judtify anch action on tho ground that aomo cltuena wished a certain flavor- od drlnk pleasant oonbatlon is ludl- cro uo and prepoatorouaploneor s tho hoy approached tho houao a ijlg leathor grip in ilia hand n dpffouddohly onabrsod from hia kennol with aonarl ho lonpcdins u to hurl hlmaplf on lw intrudew hia chain- foiled hint in lilt ttttcmpt the boy with tho gxlp did notooom perturbed ho stopped abort and ro- regarcled tho canlno prbtcstant with humorous kindliness whata tho mattet old follow ho inquired you act rather ouopicloub of me but im all right honeatly i am thp dogs responao wan another but break of borulnc tho while ho tugfxod tit his chdln and auddonly thp door of the farmhouse opened and l ayoico called l nlpng thoroja nothing to be afraid of tho dopb bhalnop thb looy laubhpdubttly to himaou aaif there wero aomothtng humorous in his observation good night old chap ho oaid to tho dog oyei hia shoulder well knocnch other hitfllp a w that ho walked on qulcldy toward tho oblong of usht tho man awaited jilm in hia ohlrt aleovesj though tho night was chilly tho hold in hia hand an oil lamp ho idld hot oxtond hia hand ao tho boy como up tho otepo but noddoclbrotly addlns ae ho did fib youro mac i fluppoae f yes unclo john hopo your not toohlghtonod to sit in tho kltchon ito tho only ploco where there is u jlrov a flro moot onyplacq wouw aoom good tonight tho boy said ho aet his has oh tho floor arid walked ovor to tho rahtfo holding hia handa afebvo4 the ourfaco and rubbing them with an air of satisfaction v t his uncle looked him ovor thought fullyi iavont ffot- jou horo under falflo pretenaco have i youxxnder- fotand juajt- how things aro i think ao ho hoy aatd composodly the workfor thq year la- pretty well lnlshod by now so youro not to ex pect any wagon till novt spring and tcn ill aeo what youre worth yea i understand ahat youro mlatakon tho boy couldnt rldo that horuo thata what i thought only mu did ho lmcljufjt an ordinary bridle it myat hayo been aomo othc i horae i auked him if it was your hay and ho aaid it wao mr 13vana mndo no reply but he cui hia errand nhort and went uioctly homo havoyou boon riding tho bay horab ho asked whon ho saw hia nophow yea undo you know you uald i could r tliought youd have tho tionao to ufiev jlwny from htm s rhoa gentlo wuhjnot aaid mac y gentle airevdna fttcdbjnzcd up ho tlrqught the boy waa making aport of hlnir- ybu como out to tho born with mo tind ohow mp how trcntlg ho io- j yea air i wn juot going to aus- geatuiat mac ronoand led the way at thodoorof the batri mr evan a stood bade alort and watchful t an mn nppyp ached tlio o th head dr bcfttlyfi kennels many stray dogs qlvon hoppy homo at mount- vornan farm 1 batch it here f thoroo inot to wqpanpy to lebop a servaiat clrl choosing- your food what foods aro moot nutritious a dlotetie oxpbrt conducting a aeries of experiments with dltfcrent fooda and their relation to bodily health gives aomo valuable hlnto ftrat all food contains two chief prlnclpiob-carbon- to iceop them from froozlhg and nitrogen to kcop thom from famlshlnff naturally tho por tion of thcao elementa varlco wltlitho kinds of food thoao who lead an ac tive outdoor life require a jgreat amount of pourlahment of nitrogen for it is tho fleahformlnsr prlnclplo thoao who are exposed to a great deal of cold should cat tlio carbonacooua the hcatsupplylnc food so that ono might nop at a glanco which food is most nuitablo allathaa been compiled in- tho hope that it will he studied by all who uepeoobtalo thb maximum amount ot nourishment from their food for oxnmpjo butter and fat aro- throe- quartern enrbon while vego tables havo but little arid hcrrloa none irfeata average twenty- flyo per cent of nutriment that is in cludes both carbon and nitrogen of all thomcatn mutton is tho moat nu tritious thirty per cont flah tho least twenty per cont of all vegetables white beans aro tho most nutritious hlnotyflyoj per cont wheat flour ninety per cent turnip tho least ave per cent of frulia plums are tho mout nutritious thirty por cent applea seventeen per cont- melons and cucumhorq throo por cent tho rest bolng water- and waste the more waste the moro open the boivclu are tho pcrcpntago ot carbon in apricots is nono borrlca nono cuor- rlos none currants noncf turnlpa three artichokes nine potatoes lev on loan meats thirteen t rye bread thirty- ono arrowroot thlrtyalx green peas thlrtyalx h torch tbtrtyuoven lentlja thirty oevon wheat bread forty sugar fortytwo apples forty- flvo- meata fat flttythrooi batter nlxtyflvo soup sevontyflvo lard clthty and jdcana eightyeight truth tellino- m po not think of truth tel 11 der as a dlsngrcoablo bualnosa aure to hurt tho toolings of othora one of tho surest ways of adding to the aum of human happiness is ulmply tojto11 tho trutn all of us have lovo and admiration locked up within our natures which if thoy wero put into wordo would mako a treat many people happy if you uhouid say what you fool tot the in corruptible public oulclal it would mako it- easier for other public noon to measure to tho highest standards truthtolling is nn likely to bo unplaaaanty it lo as likely to mako people happy no to wound them it by any chanco tho only truths yod ovor fool llko telling are tho disagree able sort then it is not thb truth you 16vit7trat tmrctranco to hurt hasnt quite got the range dooant that mule ever kick you7 no sah he ajnt yit but he fne- auently kicks thtfplooe where ah ro contly wa1 musourl womleyan oritrion buoy and anyhow they- are wasteful nnd enctravogant well take turna doing tho cooltins ypu one day md tho next i hopo youll like nay cookinemac said with a touch of the aomo humor hohad exhibited in addreaotng ute im not fussy about my vituala and i dont expoct you to bo thlafall and winter you can find waya to malm yonraelf uaeful arid when tho spring comes 111 know pretty well what you cando i apoayojurotiredand would like to so to bdd lany time that ouito youj uncle well well make an early btart early to bed and early tb riao you know by tho way before i forerot ir warn you about tho dog mate turned with a new air bt in terest tfes sir ho flcrcc but thata not a tiling ao loner aahla chaindont break hoo got a reputation all over tho coun try and my chickens and my cnerrles aro safe while other peoplo aro havint tho worst sort of a time but im theonly ono hoo not afraid of- 00 dont go too near him be frlepjla after a wh mac remarkod i pviondsl tho word was a shout 1 what are you talltinc about boy ijt you got any fool ideas in your lioad about petting him and playing with him youfl do it at your awn risk- v r r j mac did not reply ho took his bag j and followed hlaunclo to ot robm f ur- nlahed with a cot hod a tablo and n chair but hlb good night wao cheerful that john evans wont to hia i own room qo whit moro luxurious j by the way thajrv that his nophovzwaa occupying wearing an expression ot porploxity vm afraid ho dold lo hlmpelf hes got too much ot his father in him mr evans had not really loved hia a later macs naothor hut at least ho hjld understood her whllo hia brotherinlaw had always boon in incomprehensible enigma mr evaias had an erranct in town the next day and mac was left in choree ho had hardly atepped out- of tho hbuae when a cat sunning itself on ho walk loaped aside arching- its back and spitting at tho samo mo ment tho dog emerged from his uoiinev and began to repeat the odluto of tho night before paying no attention to his outburst mao walked on to the barn several ot tho horsea wero out at posture but a largo bay was in his stall and turned hln head at jllacs approach then suddenly ho laehed out with 1 iii 6oib barely mlsiiing liia visitor- mac whistled say ho aaid drawing back a foot ortwp uaho ad dressed the liorao you givn a fellow a nice welcome dont you ho returned to tho houao picked up a plate of scraps which hls uncle aald wore for tho dbg added lit to aj portion of meat that wan to servo no i his own d inn or and went blithely in i tlio direction ot tho kennel tho dog i agdln began hia barking ao mac-dp- j proached but as ho carao close tlio dog auddonly stopped and cowered doubtlessly arguing that the possesion of an espoelally formidable weapon explained thb fearloaonosa of the new comer mao toaaod him a place of moat and the dog made awny with it while- ho gated at thodonor with aus picious eyes r now- listen bid chap mac said aa ho went on tossing acrapa tin your masters nephow and were jgolhg to bo good frlonds my namo o mac and appareptlyl 3fou havont got anv name undo john never calln you any tiling hut tho dog v f hq dog crunched a crifat ocbrcad which had bcentoaued to him with hia wary eycon maca faco im going to namo you after one ot the best dogs 1 ever know aaid mac hia namo was koy and ao la yours sorry i havent got anything more for you thia morning but ill try and scrnpo up aomothlng moro foe you later in the day it was nearly a week later that mao aakod hiaunclo if ho would bo willing tor him to rldo one of tluo horbflofor doing errands that took him aomo dln- tahco mr evans took a moment to reply r theres only ono horsa that you oould rldo and thats jerry but hes so sltfw that itll take you longer than to walk tm not afraid of tho other horabs mao remarked mr kvann atartod rit tho bpy then aid you aro welcemoto try but rny horses nro not used toboya some thrco weeks later mr evans not a neighbor in town say ex clolmod mrvdynno rtt the flight jf liim kind bt a boy is thai nephew of youra wliyi wffrus hebeen doing said mr evans lie was rather borprtnod to and himself lmmodiutelyonfttio do- fenalve bay urnpd hia head and whlnled much to his bwnora surprise mac entbrod tho stall and mr evahahold booli ah exclamation ot warning in a moroqdiwho reproached himself tor hot having upokbn thollbracaclxtisfiav by thohbuidoir mr evass could hardly bollovo hiu ears whon lib heard the boy laughing v all right you raocal heros your ougar l ho hold up a lump in hia palm and thp horao took it daintily ao ho ato mao dtoodl with his arm about the jaaya hock whcn ho camo back t hia uncle rmr evnna had llttlo to say v you sco undo theres ho a bitof danger rbihains to ho pr6vonmr evana remarked ho longed to aak mac how hohad accompliahod tho miracle but prido sealed hlo ilpo j though mac- was revolving no wages ho had brought a little money with him aa christmas approached ho began to buy small gifts arid to spend part of each evening wrapplngthcm for the parcels post and one night mr evano remarked cauatlcally thot d tool and his money is soon parted mac smiled i dont lfnow of nnv nicer way to apchd money than this kcpp what you havo for youraolf tho worlds a protty aolsah propo- altion and tho oonslble thing la not to bother your head about other pbople i dont think mac said after a motnont that id caro to livethat way xlsten to me boy mr evans ex claimed you think that people are kind and generous and sympathetic tottyou that a a m in take jioath every mans for himself mac mado no reply his undo did not protest again against macs spend lngbls monoy an ho liked but on the twontytlilrd of pecember ho said im going away tomorrow and i shant bobadk till tuesday youro going to bo away at chrlot- majb mac did not reply and- after a mo- mont his undo aoked sharply how many presents havo you got for thoao you sent away 1 i havent received any mr evans laughed didnt pay did it tho tbrqnto stur weouly on satur- day had an interesting article on tho work of tllojiumane socloty ot on tario in tho effort to carp for utrny dogu hunt yco nearly jtvouhoumind dogu wero cared for the article ouloglzod the work be ing done by pv ii a boatty at hln keimcln at vornon park farm on tho second lino botwecn acroii and poy- nlde and nays ono of tholrectora of tho humane society who hy hiii private enter rifie hna ivbly supplemented tho work of that organisation in tho rehabi litation of utray dogo is dr h a beatty wlio on hlu g0q aero farm near- aclonv -has- pioviatfttrhomo for aomo forty ot tho unlmalu oquipppd vithovery modern accciiaory to can ine comfort his kennols which in their appointment aro regarded on among tho best in canada ho had ntoeked pructically otrtlrolyfromun- claimed- doga rocolvodby tho iiinriano socloty horo in tho bracing country nlr and in good environment the fourfooted waif o nd ijirayo f the city onloy aomo of tltcni fortho nrnt timo in their lives thb joys bf a gonuino canlnevexlstonjco hero thp phrase a dogs hfo looeathp stigran which ordinarily attaches to it and j fittingly andllitciy3y deocrlbcn tho lot atwe vernon pavk konnelp i dr beattya nhloctlpn hi panflnbd to no ono brood or clau pf doga whatever brcoda you nop at tho humane soclotyi probably- havo one or two of thomj ho comments air- dalwj cblheo terrlera nndothcijjnrq rbprcnontod and though ho oacbowa tho term mongrel pr beatty does not ntiu tho anim pjljnxpdbreed very often ho will proyo to bo thb fineat typo of dpgcomblnlng the good points of nil branchba of hia family trcchqcxplalna and at tho humane- society you will probably find sqlpb of tho very fincat typos of oveiy bvcpd jhlj boo merit conaidoratlon ho doea not eharo the sontlmenth of the misanthropist who first coin ed the cynlclam hho more d ato of mon tho moro i love my dogi consideration- for human life of courao comes firbt dr- bflattyom mbnted to thq star but auroly con sldoration for animal llfocan go hand in hand with it thb dog is roana beat friend tho jpoat faithful and the mostlntolllgentdnd aurdy hojado- ooitring of bqttoj tredlrnont at our hands than he receives in many caooo any dog will mako an- ideal homo pot pr beatty declared to tho star ihavb ftecn mon who vowod that they hated all animals converted into dog lovers within dfqw montliowhiui somoono proaenfed them with an alrn- dalo or a como or ono of opme othpr hreed ci thero jiro fow naturally vlclbua dogh in tho world and nearly all vicious dogs have been mado so by illtreatment albert payson torhuno haa aaid that most any dog is a safe companion for children but not all children are safe companions for dogs unless instructed to bo kind and con siderate in church a fine stunt is to talc underijbut ypur watch every tfew mlnutca eapeclally iflta front eqvcr shuts- witn a anap in this way ypu indicate that you can toll time and thatyou can not toll a good sermon when being ushered to a aoat in church- to atop after the usher has started down the alalo la proper ho ukea to walk dawn alone and bo foals so happy whop ho turns around and finds you aro not there 1 thb proper way to carry jpn a whia- porod conversation in church la during the aermon along toward the endwhonj tho preacher wants to bring his argu mento to a climax always keep your eyes- open during wfiy- t-didnt- send- thbmto getjprayerlnchurch sothat youinayh others back jdont you wlah you had taken the money and bought something that you wanted well liavo it as you like aaid ho uncle and he turned on hia heel nnl wontaway t christmas morning mr evana drove into town took a room at tho little hotel and spent an hour or two going about and exchanglngcomments with his acquaintances lata in tho after noon he went to tho post office and tho poatmastcr grootod mni in- an affable way you ought to havo brought a baakot john whatfor7 1 thoro is aomebody popular on the evana farm tho postmaster began to put parcels largo and oinall through tho whitlow- and mr evans taw that thby wero all addrcaaod to his nophow ho stuffed a number into hia pocket and thp- rest ho carried in his arms and went back to hia room- at tho hotoh ho wan thinking about mac as hp ato his dinnor of mac alono on tho farm it would bo a cheerless chrlst-r- mns for tho boy ofcourse chrlat- moo was tho samo as otherdays only mac didnt think so- he finished his meal puton his 4oat andwfint- out again tho llttlo jowciry store of phlnoao knight caught hlaoyo and bc- foro lu know what was happening he adwalkcdln want to look at watches phlrf xjxdlobf viuohoaviiaked tho jewel- orfacotldloualy no mons and solid case a llttlo later ho paid his reckoning tuvtbp hotel explained that lib had changed his plans and started far home- it was about oloyon oclock when he dvo into tlrbbarn prom macs nonappearance ho judged h hadgono tp bed ho was going to surprise thb youngster in tha morn ing but thero was still a light in tho ltitchori mac sat in hia uncles bhr chair fast asleep roy the dog ralael his head when mr evans entered and looked at his master as if imnlorfa himtobo quiet roy waa curled up at maoa jrpetand bealdo hhjji purred contentedly thio cat as john evans stood looking thero camo to hia mind aomo poaaagea of scripture that tipcbad dismissed meanlngloss passages that promised 1 new world when lpvo and trust ahould takotho place of crudty and fear and it ooomed to him ao ho stood looking through- hid tears at tho motionless trio that a beginning had boon made on tho evans farm bad manners in five lessons amino the styles scrapa of paper should bo btrown on tho floorof public waiting rooms juat na they nrb atjiome never arrive at public gatherings on time and alwaya insist on taking your abat during tho ilrbt number pooplo love to have yourpaaa in front of them durlngj tho moat beautiful part of the soiefttlon in a street car when a gentleman offers hia sent to a lady a atony glance and a stiff nod will indicate that he has simply done hia duty- at mtialcalca and concerto tho en joyment of your noighboro la increased when you whlapcr- or tajk low tn thia way you ahow your real mualoal tasto and nupcrlor ability because you do not have to llatentoknow tho-aq- lcctlon that la being played cuatomers should treat salespeople espoelally women aa inforiora ticket agonta should givo people t understand that they nro a nuisanco a gruff supercilious manner la thi easiest way to accomplish this clerks should lot customers know that to wait orithem is a groat wnd- neso they are employed forpurpoaea of ornamentation- only work rs ex tra i the thoughtpajl guest somotimert tlio beat intuiitlonn are hut truna- tho loftluut omloavor ondu in dhuiatii thlu puiy bu llluatratcu- lv atory ot u writer of flurao dla thmtliin wlfo wiui viultintr bin fijondst ono evening after a upneert- tho gupfit iald that ho would run ovor to nchib to keep an appointment with a frlond would hlu hout glvohim a key 00 that ho jnlifhl lot lilmuolf in add hpt dhiturb unybody whorj ho got haolt of qoursb tho netueot wirt ftrantud at two oclock in tho inornlng- after a long eonforonco tho writer rjumpod into a taxi and wan drlvon hbin077air ho op on od tlio door with his koy hi blood inn cold bourn foolish servant had icfruiu door on the clvujit hid it opened no more than eight luchou thoro was not a imul in the street with whom ono mightconfor not ovon a poucuhrun uddonly ho rcmomboroil tho vuluubhv iielentlllc htutomont tha wherovor i manu hcutl couhr pone- trato hia body would follow tho uoor wau open about eight inches ho woro 11 so ven and throoquartcro hat- ho eoutd vmuko it ho decided carefully manoeuvring it uidujid the brim lm depoultod tho hbadgear on tho mat in side then otllt planning to avoid nohioho took his monoyflilajcoyo and hhi watch from hia jlbckota and placed them bchlde his hat after that ho took offihla ijh 00 a un jl his coat and hilt thom inuldo aliio qralllng utho lmmor of the situ ation tho tnnrr thon lay down upon therporoh and wormed his- head through the door noxt ho found that lyltucflot jn hip face und raloing hlm- doit on hia right arm hlo loft arm wpuktvohtor holding tho pooltjon of an overhand- uwlhnmor ho then-undor- topft tho phnoage ot hs right arm this last attempt was entiroly unauc- coaofuljiowavee ilw not- bpaldcfl tho atrnlned poaltlon of hia loft arm waa unbiiiable ho raised hia right arm and withdraw it he would get out altogether on tho-dobr- atep and coolly think tho matter over the ribxt mlnuto ho lost all faith in any- bclontiftoknovlcdgohohadavcr p6ahoaoou hia head would not come out again how time wont after that discovery tho floor vlatim did not know ho only know that hut fieud and body wero bathed in porspiratlbn and that tho wind hud changod and wao blowing frjom tljonorlu the knowledgo that hia trousers had worked well abpvp biu knoea and lila lpga y stone cold added to- hia mlaory he began to think jhat perhaps ho would have jap- peared moro heroic anyway lad no dred with hia boots on r r at 530 oclock tho policeman un tho beat parsing that way jon his first round beheld a atrango vlaion and advancod immediately tp make lnr nufrloa explaudtlona camo in o muf fled and exhauated y9 when a passing millunan- had re turned with a locksmith quito a crowd had gathered- as the man was freed it raised a bhcqr that qldont- ally woko the household two things necessary thero ute two itumaneceuuury for oucconu first find thlit which you cun do boat und then do your- beat t il a lio ix tliirdrte lawycui 4ionni- thing to he ashamed of and to bo a flratrato mochanlc la something to be liroud of 1d0 not pick out a whlto- cbllar job uhless it is your job tho young reporter may bb nuro that jo urn nil am lie tho curoer for him but if ho wrltoo slovenly english und lnj stead of staying tlirough thp mooting jio is to report conatructa tlio cloao of tho upcnkcrii addroaa xtql his own im- uglnatlon ho will not got far lbw people ovon in choosing tho work thoy prefer do their bout gt it and thbi ex plains tho rauson outstanding succeijh- ca ovovfow i prepared for emergencies slxyearoldbllllo found a itocko- book and inndo hnoto to roturn it o ito ownor youre an honest lad tho hitter told hjm magnunlmouoly- here jll gjyoyou a dime aw you dont hafta replied blllle turning away ikopta iuartorout a curious experience the temperature had boon flno and cold when bennett first wont into tho cold storageroom outside it was 105 degrees r inside freezing cold tho contraat waa very agrocabkand ho wont to w inatalllng now electric lamps with aenao of rcllof after a whilo howoyor ho begdn to feel chilly and occasionally ho stopped to thrash hia arms about to warm him belt ho hurried to fit down tho last of tho protecting gloaa globob and to faaton them then picking up hia tools he hurried to tho hoavy dbor and tried in vain to pull it open ho romembered that tflo mon who had let him in had locked it purpaflqly tho pounding of flats on tho door gavobut a dull thud that was barely audible bennet liatoned and could hear only the faint hum of machinery the room was underground and thoro wero no- windows tho ventilator pipos that led upstairs were too small to allow him to crawl through them affer a iour of inspection ho camo bacltt to tho door onco more and look ed for a boll or signal line tho only cpmmiinlcation with tho rest of tho plantwaa thb froqtednmtnonla pipes and tho lighting and power conduit ho triedtapplhg on the pipes but the frost deadened the blown tlio prisoner felt that he would havo to act quickly for hia angera and feet wbro becoming numb a big twoinch conduit that carried tho power wires from tho dynamo t6od3 to an extra pump room was right over his head ho followed tho plpca jilong its courao and found an iron junction box and with his screw driver pried off tho lid thb wires wero embedded in hardened- lnaulatlon compound nnd tho cold mado hia handa clumsy ho clup- ped and cut arid pried until tho copper lay bare before him ho know thai tlio power was on lot tlio pumps wero running constantly hie 4lan was to ahortcirtutt tho wlrcbnnd blow out tho breaker in the dynamo room the circuit breakers wero jit tie magneti d when tho load bn he dynamo becamo too heavy by that mean a ho could attract the attention of tho ongtneoi who would look for troubloif tlio brcalcois blew too often ho dropped his big lliors across tho two wires thore waa a splutterlng flash then total darkneoa ho withdrew tho pliers and waited the lights glowed again in when eating pouif romombor thnt aa mlnuto again ho put in tho plierar youn leaves ltids that yield v ichly of theitr delicious good mess try saiala today free press job printing is alwaybrtiecaly done 1 ais maughlm front spat passengers in the new mclaughlin buick toachdb hot need to get ourrof the car to enable rear seat pas sengers to enter or leave either door wider doors this is only one of the many inir provements whiph themclaugh- lin- buick goach with its jtisher- built body off ers to- those who prefer the coach type no box like cbrtfesrs refined graceful lines body of heavy materialdeeper upholstiry thirty and more improvements on cbach design including 4- wheel brakes sealed chassis automatically lubricated motor ducp finish are yours in thecoach as mclaughlinbuick buildsit y king rfepre8entative- folr thi8 section- ont town 1 if mastervsix coach special six coach 1s20 prices at factory taxesextra simple means 4 a good workman likes good tools but in an exlgoncy ho ennvgot along with very slmplo r homely contri vances awcll wan to bo donned but tho man who had undertaken the task wris afraid to go down until ho had tested tho quality of the nlr at tho bottom hp down a lighted candle nnd when it was within about six foot from tile bottom it went out suddenly x that gave the man oxactlytho iri- fbrmptloa ho wanted tho well wns full of pouonousgns ho took a small umbrella tied a string to tho handle and lowered it tpn lntothr your then ho drow it up carrud it a fow foot from tho well and upset it this wefyrftbn wojsopcatevi- twcnt3tor thirty tlmqs after tli in h6 let down another candle which jjurnod clearly at tho bottom loud splash indicates real enjoyment do not llftyour arm at tho dining table- glue your elbow to tho odgo and dlvo for tho food pill your mouth as full as possible it will stretch a lot criticise v food unsparingly to moke the cook feel good novcr oay good mortilng in a cheerful tone rather atart tho day with a oucljlfj arid grow pleasant graduallyt boys should nlwaya abawor tholr mothorgruftly id this way thoy ahow that thoy arolhcconilng manly bo not bother to woar goodlooking clothes at home because thp people there do notcount the outalders nro tho ohbs youwnnv to please parents should command their chiij drcri in a harsh and loud manner qcntloncsa mifjht acorp thcmv or makothem tiott ending at sundown bftfqre going down to hia work ho explained to thoao who hnd ben malc- thata what i want lo know helng fun of him that thoas in tlio well n uh rodo over to my plftce tuesday on that won carbonic aold ga which waa mm boy home ot yours i hoavloi than air tho saying lot not tho sun go down upon your wrath is a wloo one whllo human nature hi an it is tempers aro lilcoly to got out of hand every now pnd thon quarrels fjiat end automatically at n und own aro not serious however hrf there is no more disagreeable bed fellow than a grouoh ifora moro un plbasant companion if you aro in a had temper it la impossible for you to sleep soundly or to eat with onjoy meat it la commohly supposed that dyspepsia ban an unforturiato effbet on tho disposition biit the truth is that a bad temper ia frequently u ciixuip- of- dyspepsia probably all of you havo discovered tho impossibility of do i off good- work when you nro angry in rtplte of your offort to con centrate on that which you nro dointr yoiir thoughts are constantly turning o your grlovanco- and ao you are continually betrayed into the moat ridiculous blunders ot course tho ideal- toward which wo should always bo working jb to havo our tompor under such abooluto control that a quarrel will not bo th natural outgrowth of a misunderstand ing f we cannot do qwny with jjuar- rols altogether lot us mako thom lived thoio lo llttlo to fear i from a quarrel that ends at sundown another hash and then darkness up in tho dynamo tho ongi- noer disturbed by thoangry bark of tho circuit broakcrs ho pulled out tho main nyitch and then threw in tho main switch again the broakcrs blew out bennett knew that thoy mustboiri trouble say wilson ho callod to- a man pasalng tho dbor glvo mo your keys to the underground roomu theres troublo somewhere wiledn reached for hia keya tfibroa a man working on the lights aak him by george ho added hes beon therealmost two hours corns cannot exlat whonholioways corn remover la applied to them bo cauuo rgoeh to the root and kills the growth good guess old man browalng in bookstore laotbaya of pompeii what did no dio otl booltaoller oh i dunno aomo sort of oruptlona ibndon opinion bronchms mixture jmsults fiuoantoto w vimtdote a 12 bronchitis cwlds 0 0 0x rm oro you can get at us then why trust to strangers v hundreds of people in canada are being victiriiized these days by fradulent glib subscription agents who take the money but dont deliver the goods this is particularly true of maga zine subscriptions- nexttime a stranger tries toasell you a magazine remember that we cansell you tlie same magazine for the samerof ten a better price further we absolutely guarantee regular defivery of the magazine or your money bace the stranger comesyou know noth ing as to his bonai fidesand goes were here to stay if anything goes wrong you cajvt get at us let lis quote you prices on any maga zines or papers you are interested in acton free press nib mimmmi mbimm xwwisjssssk xv

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