Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1925, p. 1

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cttt prfc fiftieth year no 31 thursday morning january 20 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning january 29 1925 single copies five cents the methodist church n acton s rev josephus culp paotor pqroonagot willow st v sacramental service and school j subject 1100 aim ko1lovfi hi p j 30 p m sunday 7 00 p m the minister cities of refuse the quarterly official board will meet on tuesday evening fobruary t at 8pm all mimbcn aro urged to bo present presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c- stewart m a manse willow street nm 11 00 a m mr a p halllday of knox college toronto 300 p m bible class studies in matthew chapter 23 m 3 00 p m sunday school 7 op p m mr a p halllday of kridxgollcgc toronto srantrers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor special notices vlvrrtkrmrnt m this column a cent per wnrtl j rhntffr toc per insertion house to rent on scene street ehqulro of mrs wateitnouse 29tf last house on scene st lost v chllilii hlcleh on the bcardmoro switch flmlei plenso return to james loutett main street s to- ljet room for office pood location easily heated rent reasonable apply p q tmr m 9 e s ortunity tcton ont for sale a good driver fourjycara old apply t n w burns 303 r r no a roclcwood for 8ale a quantity of primulas all in bloom 35c per plant ih pots apply to a h bishop 29tf fairvlow ave choir leader wanted applications will bo received for the position of choir leader in knox church until january 31 apply to j r kennedy convehnrof- musical committee p o box 644 302 card of thanks mr and mrs arthur simpson wish locxnres3 lo thihr friends and neleh- bors thclc sincere thanlca for their thoughtful inquiries and kind deeds and sympathy in connection with mrs simpsons aucldent all tlila will over bo remembered with gratitude regular up to 2750 u farms for sale 45 farms n the counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 200 ooreo- let us send you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for sale firo and life insurance money to loan n jl a smith real estate agent phone 10g actonpnt actonon the advantage of glasses in that if thoy will help you at all they- will help you aa lone io they aro worn if they aroneedcd they aro needed all tho time a pd -if-thcy-whr- f m h will help every day and all tno timo that io why it is important to loam as soon an posslblo whether or not glasses aro needed qur service wl toll you all about your oyon a v smith optometrist 120 uppor wyndham8t guelph comfortablo violqn specialist for 25 yjearo special in toys after tho cllristmaa rush our stock of toys la still for from incomplete in order to mako s for our new spring stock wo havo decided to havo a oalo in our toy department our stoclfof toys included in this salo consists of vetcraft toys meciiaical toys games dolls doll buggies hockijy sticks hock13y pucks mouth onqans tbumpets wo nlbtr ixivo o complete lino of school supplier hwhemton watchmaker nrid jeweller succeaor to lot geo hynda acton toronto wonderland friday january so the side sliow of life from tho story the monte- bank mtarrlne ki nost torrenco of tho covertd wftbon fume comedy number please star ring nnrnld lloyd fox news saturday january 31 against au odds starring charlie jones serifs 2 of benny leonard light pic tures hitting tlard comedy dizzy dalsj tuesday february along come ruth comedy drama with viola tanii chnpler 7 of leather hiklingh comedy mind lie baby pom1mq f heart buster with tom mix r l gnegoky son both mens rand young mens models light and dark shades good wearing allwool tweeds plain or belted styles reguiarof raglan shoulders sizes 54to 44 good choosing this sale is of the utmost importance to every man who has not yet bought a new winter overcoat r hell have next winters saving planned for too regular up to 2750 for ld75 higher figures at similar markdowns manalive great opportunity indeed d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store news of xocal import tho fortuno of an acton boy tho will of the lato william a flrstbrook of toronto who died a month a go tl lappa en of an estate of 225000 2ir flrstbrook was it uon of the lato william flrstbrook and wao born in acton aeventyflvo years ago lie had an interest in the trout ponds and farm here with his brother mr john firatbroolt georgetowns roovo io warden attlioinltlal meeting of tlje county council on tuesday reeve mclptyro of georgetown was elected wardon of halton county for 1925 lie was tho only- nominee and the council tendered tho honor unanimously mr mclntyre haa been a valuable membar of georgetown council for several yea i j and is well uufcthfleu for the potiitiou to which he has bcc elected actcm chambor of commorco mooting toniflht the meeting of the acton chamber of commerce for thficlectlpn of omceo will be held this evening in uig coun dominion census in halton th population by towns and town ships trio nationalitlot and religions volume one of thp auth census of canada was released to tlic public last week it hau much of inteicat for every municipality in tho pomlnlon for our own county tho following statistics will be read with interest tho total enumerate population f tho county la 24h00 and that of the aovoral municipalities as folio war males females total acton 8g4 8g8 1722 burlington 1300 1403 2709 georgetown 076 1085 20g1 mlltoa 927 tmg 1873 oukvtllc ib91 1707 3298 caquealng 189c 1g2c 3522 nasaoeaweya a 1114 1013 2133 iblaon 1sgg 1490 33fig the canadian british and forolqn born are as follows i can british for weekend specials jpatterkeisr- patterkrisp special for friday and saturday 39c lb v jelly squares jelly squares in lemon orange and strawberry flavors regular 40c lb weekend special 32c lb assorted chocolates assort chocolates in a good assortment of hard and soft centres regular 50c lb weekend special 32c lb light lunches r- our lunches are always tasty try a cup of our coffee made with sweet cream mill street acton h wiles clchambi livery member ehould bo present let ua aa business men in acton make prpgreaaivoly and stim ulating efforts to create a xeatoua community of active citizens and nil p topether forthojiomorol material forces that will aim to foako our people liappy contented and pro gressive an enjoyable chain taa tho chain tea held by the ladles aid of tho methodist church in tus srh ool cqqmlant thnrsdayatternoon was proved tc be a vory enjoyable function tho afternoon was spent in enjoyable social intercourse d brief programme in which mrj ingray sang a solo mlas edna johnston rendered aovcral plano solos and mrs joroea moore gave a reading at flvo oclock tea wan served and tho dainty re frcsnnientfl yere partaken of with relish mrs h p moore presided thoro aro 12g petitioners never before in tho history of this town ho4i a petition been so largely signed aa tho ono to the civil service commission at ottawa praying tat mr j c matthews rocelvo tho ap pointment of postmaotejjjf acton tho petition was voluntarily circulated by business men and citizens and che result has been most gratifying it boars the namesiof 94g residents of acton and 340 of the formers and othors who receive their mall on the various rural routes this la certain ly substantial evidence that tho people of acton and the community desire tho appointment of mr mattficws as our poatfnaatcr wc close every wednesday afternoon harrisons mid- winter clearing sale of all lines of footwear bring us all your slioe repairing wc will guarantee you a good job enjoyable concert by local totont a concert under tho auspices of st albans church was hold in tho parish hall on monday evening and wao at tended 6y a good- sized audience the platform was decorated to represent a country home duetts were sung by misses nellie fairbanks and nelllo recsor miss galbralth and mr rog ers messrs alex mann and v b runhey and by mr und mrs h rog ers mrs mew and mrs baugh con- trio messrs f e mccleary h w hinton and h rogers gave several selections miss viola waller pro sentcd a very good monologue the christmas star there was ample evidence that the various numbers on tho programme were appreciated as every- one of them was favored wltn an encore acton 1295 348 79 burlington 19gg 97 georgetown 1615 391 50 milton 1415 391 42 oakvillo 2247 41g 15g esquesing 2858 59g 08 nassasweya 183 249 141 nelson 2564 709 83 trafalgar- 3304 840 si denominationally tho people of hal ton are given as follows acton anglicano42ft baptiatflr40 congrogatlonallflts 7 methodists j0a presbyterians c9g roman catholics 156 others 52 burlington anglicans 917 baptists 250 methodlsth 813 presbyterian a g4g roman catholics 108 others 75 georgetown anglicans 578 bap tists 181 methodists 5g9 presbytcr- lansr 573t roman catholics 03t others 55 milton anglicans 600 baptists 1g methodists 550 presbyterians 014 roman catholics 55 others 38 oakvlllc anglicans 1352 baptists 45 congrcgationallst 10 motho- dlsts 851 presbyterians 695 roman catholics 278 others g8 esqueslngw- anglicans 734 baptists 100 cangregatlonaiists 37 motho- dlsto 923 preobyterlano 1513 ro man catholics 163 others 51 nassagawoya anglicans 337 bap tists 32 congregational lots 4 meth odists 415 presbyterians 1128 rd- man catholics 104 othors 13 nelson anglicans 890 baptists 90 congregatlonallsts ta methodists 1549 presbyterians cos roman catholics 172 others 84 trafalgar anglicans 1104 bap tists 177 congregatlonollsts 12 mothodists 1614 presbyterians 1030 roman catholics 172 others 84 total anglicans g147 baptists news of local import shoomnkora wocuoy club hold 1 dance tho shoemakers hoclcey club of acton will hold a dance in tho as sembly room of the town hall on friday february c mcmillans or chestra of oalt will furnish the music sliver cups tvlll be awaidcd to tho best dancing coupico ribc- injurod by a fall i wffio down at sunnyside toronto on saturday morning to view the eclipse mrs dr diyden had the misfortune to slip and in fulling sun- taincd the fracture of several ribs she haa suffered from the accident but is now itnprovlng her sister mrs h s holncff was jown to the city yesterday to see hr advance in money order rates police court news at tho court hpuno milton last friday pollco magistrate moore eon- tepced albert scott to two monthsn county jail on a charge of vagrancy in tho charge against pete lobso of milton heights of keeping liquor un lawfully tho crown requested a re mand for a t this wjtt gi anted andrew brunei of new germany was lined 550 nnd coats in police court at kltqhenci the otlicr day yhon ho pleaded guilty to ln-treatlngahorac- on sunday the costs amounted to 20 brudcr at first declined to pay tho 70 but when commitment papeiu for two months in jail were made out he quickly changed ills mind und nail up tho o t a atmosphere promised for tuesday morning materialized and as a roault 600 was dumped into the social and personal new ratca for post oflsco money- provincial coffers government op orders iaaupj in canada najablqh erators were responsible dominic canada etc nre as follows on orders errara jooeph malto and anothor up to 5 the rate is 7 cents over 5 and local man each donated the required up to 510 la 10 cents over 10 and up- two hundred dollaro after entering to 30 in 14 conts over 30 and up to 50 loj 17 ctiillij over 50 and up io 60 is 24 cento and over 60 and up to 100 is 29 cents tho above now rates went into effect on january 1 inaturo in pootryv at the mooting of the young peoples league of trie methodist church on monday eventing mrs george somer- ville gavo an excellent address on nature in poetry tho spirit of tho topic was calculated to instil a love for nature and an interest in the poetry emphasizing nature and her charms maniago of provincial constabla qousantf tho marrluge took placo on sat urday january jj at hilton at tho residence of mr and mrs clinton lowe of their only daughter gladys mae to mr thomas william cousans provincial constable fdrmerly of hal ton and peel son of mr and mrs t h couaans of harrowgate yorkshire england rev mr malton offlclated tlio bride who was given away by her father wore gray embroidered crepe and carried american beauty roses she was attended by her cousin miss ceceha lowe of bowmanvlllc wearing pink georgette and carrying blue and white carnations mr h o taylor cobourg was groomsman a buffet luncheon was served and later mr and mrs couaans left for a short trip before taking up residence in cobourg tho suna ecllpso tm fotpt l m f nomonon wlilch occurs in any portic ular locality pcrhapn only once in two or thrca centuries has como and gone and loft ontario with a mixed heri tage and lta population wlli feelings of considerable disappointment to some in other localities was granted full and uninterrupted vlowof he rare spectacle staged by tho sun and the moon lost saturday morning hut the people of this zono of tho eclipse rrw only its effect obscuration of the sun being hidden from sight behlna sullen masses of clouds many people who had ejepooted that total darkness would provall during the seventyodd seconds ox pressed themselves as dis appointed with this also it was more like twilight merging into night with a thunderstorm- in the offing the snow also had the effect of detracting from tho darkness interesting view- were had hero of partial eclipse half an hour after totality when a rift in the clouds gavovcryffood views the somorvillekennady nuptials a y pretty wedding took place at the home of the brides parents know- head fanm nnnaagaweya whop the marriage of pearl daughter pf mr and mrs fyfe somorvlllo und baugal 1 kennedy at- 4- of pxydon oon of tho lato paul kennedy s of acton was nolcmnlzed in the presonco of about thirty of their immediate relatives and frlonds rev a c stewart m a oulclntcd the wedding march was played by hatsa jean mathcson nlcrn of the bride and illttlo miss cecilia somerville of halleybury thndo n dainty flower girl the bride who was given away by her father wore a beautiful gown of blue cut velvet and carried a bouquet of roses tho- grooms gift to the bride wan a diamond pendant to the organist i whtto gold bracejpt and to the flower girl a vanity purse at tho conclusion of the ceremony the guests ropalrcd to the dining loom where all sat down io a dainty luncheon the bridal partv left on tho evonlng train to- spend a short honeymoon in toronto tho hi ido travelled in a brown satin dren with hat to match and coat of pershn lamb with kolinsky collar and cuffs mr and mm kennedy will reside li ottawa during tltr parliamentary -hoi- slon guests from a distance at the wedding wore mhvi katharine ken nedy of chicago dr william som erville and cecilia of halleybury mr and mrs hargrave miss layman and miss maud cook of toronto 931 congregational lstq 76 metho dists 76c2 presbyterians 7503 ro man catholics 1278 others 515 some interesting comparison may be soon in these tables in the towns of the county there are 1367 more fe males than males while in the town ships therefore 984 more males than fe- malce every town in halton haa more females than males and every town ship has more males than fonuales tho aggregate membership of the presbyterian and methodist congre- ixtlons is remarkably close the pres byterians have 7503 and the metho dists 7662 annual meeting of insurance co william hume elected president and duncan campbell vicepresident the annual mooting of tho halton union fanners mutual fire insurance company was held in the town hall on monday afternoon considering the drifted roads and the prevailing ptorm there was a good attendance of policy holders mr james kirkwood occupied tho choir mr thos moore the socrctary- trcasurcr presented tho annual re port which was regarded as quite sat isfactory tho prompt steps taken during tha year to place the finances of tho com pany on the basis required by the new insurance act- was approved by the meeting this required d special as sessment of 8098655 of which 71- 21920 was paid before tho year closed aicordial vote of thanks to tho pres ident secretary artel board of direc tors for the efficient and satisfactory administration of the affairs of tho company during tho year was moved by john marshall and seconded by a lmcjslabb tho directors were eloctod aa fol- ows john wilson erin wra humo mil ton james kirkwood erin w a laa- by and n f lindsay actbn c h turve m i rnvm fttvpu mji ton ben potch choltcnhaxn nnd c h wood freeman at a subsequent meeting of the board of directors mr william hume milton was elcqted president dun can campbell moffat vice president and thomas moore carapbellviue secretary troasur or mr john wil son erin was tho retiring president a prosperousyear o knox church annual meeting ra- ceivos vary encouraging reports the annual meeting of knox church held last thursday evening was an oc casion of very much interest to tho members of the congregation mr c c henderson presided the mem bership was well represented tho reports from tho yoriqup de partments of the church abounded with encouragement and refloctod much credit for faithful servlco and patriotic work on tho part of tho pas tor officials and members generally the contributions to the general fund through tho onviopo system aggregated 379502 thobehorouseontrlbutlons ta mis sions la n feature which is very grati fying tho aggregate glvlngu to mis sions was 2549 03 this ycran raised through the various church organi zations as follows weekly envelopes 176680 sunday school 83 00 rally day 25 00 spcysldo sunday school 6 00 knox bible class 0711 young peoples guild 25 00 foreign mis sions society 3000 womens min- sfontiry society 461 85 mission band 6850 alert y w a 6517 the meeting was full of interest throughout thp annual report will be printed and distributed in n few days theaadfeua was very much enjoyed and appreciated by tho members of tho league iff tom syavago sang with flne effect the solo tho trail that leads to a porfcct day ladies hoc team at mi i ton milton girls have organized a hockey team and arc now open for engage ments with outside teams dates for games can beiaxrangod by communi cating with miob loretto- brush the milton glrlfl aro speedy and can handle their stlcko lilto veterans miss doro thy roffery oc milton a clever hoclcey- ist haa signed with the gait ladies hoclcey club for this season she la said to be one of tho best stick- handlers and is starring in every game in which she plays chicken thievos busy chicken thieves are again buoy in halton county lost monday night w mcdougau of nelson township lost forty birds in trafalgar w skogg bad 26 lions stolen and robert burton lost 30 on sunday evening john mcgregor of nassagaweya lost 4g hens and chickens all of which were thoroughbreds mr mcgregor traced the thieves from his barn to the elm tree on tho guelph road from this point there were too many tracks to follow tho thieves evidently went toward guelph a gang has been op erating from that city or vicinity through noasagawoya several months now no more noticos in post office a ruling has been made by the postmaster generals department and information sent to all postmasters that lost found strayed stolen and other notices are illegal tho no- tice to postmasters la as follows postmasters aro warned against al lowing notices other than post office notices to be exhibited in tho lobby of tho post ofilce tho department is aware that pressure is often brought to bear upon postmusters to exhibit notices of meetings for charitable nnd religious purpones lost found notices etc but it la considered that the post office should bo given up wholly to tho post office in order that official notices of the department may receive the individual attention which tho public interests require 200 for one elm tree mr john polfuas who has been tah- inglogs out of fcils bush in car rick tha past month received tho sum of 173- gg for o big elm which he delivered to schauoo sawmill in carrlck lost wcelc it was a magnificent specimen with n trunk over tour feet across mr pol- fuss scaled the logs at homo and on taking them to tlio mill was plensantly surprised o find that he was allowed two hundred feet more than his own measurements resides the logs h will have ten cords of wood so that altogether the big tree has been worti over tho two hundred dollar mark to several at mo trees ran oyer a pleas of guilty guelph mercin albort decks toronto who answered a telephone call made by plalnclathes- men buchanan and jeeves bringing twofoottlca of whiskey to an addross ijfthyjh eofflqera waachargod-in- polico court on friday with trans porting selling and with keeping liquor for sale defense counsel pleaded guilty to the charge of hooping for sale and deeks was fined 1000 nnd cost or three months and- was sent to jail for a month as well and in ad dition had his car confiscated mr maxwell bell of toronto was homo for tho weekond mrrroy brown woa homo from to ronto for the weekend mr jordan lawson of toronto was homo for the weekend miss tona thompson of guelph was homo ovor tho weokond j mr ohftrleo 5lannrof t was home for the wook mlsu pearl wallace spont the week end with toronto friends mr jack mcnivert was hnmcfrjqni toronto for the weekend mr q a dills spont the weekend with relatives in toronto jit- will robortbon was home from toronto over tho weekend mr r d warren of toronto vislt- tid acton friends this weolc mr harold sutcliffo of kitchener n w with f fistula here dr somerville of halleybury spopt a few days at his home herelait week mr tennant of detroit is visiting at tho homeofher sister mrs dr gray mr frod williamson of toronto visited tho homo folks during tho week mrf eugene mcpherson haff been spending a few days with relatives in toronto mies mary sprowl of sholburne spent tho weokend with mr and mrs a kannawln worth the pain i flveycarohl humphrey was stand ing in the ltltcheii with his eyes upon u dish of enkes when his mother came in and found him what arc you doing here hum phrey nald se i was just thinking mother ro- pllcd tho yoyngster thlnklnk well or what were you thinking i hope you havent touched those cakes thats what was thinking about cimo the ready answer i was won dering whether thoy were good enough to bo whipped fox trrnr thousand foot each nnd netted a nice sum ut present prices it la not so long ago that a whole bush would hardly pay waecs for teaming but good timber la a real asset today walkerton telescope a fashion of bobbed hair vry ancient when travclllryr in the old country last summer it woo a very unusual thing to see a young lady with hor hair bobbed not one in twenty of th2 pirla resorted to this fashion it looks as if it is now becoming more fashion able howover anil that apologies are being made for the in ovation the last number of the acton england eotprcja received this wee nays that eyyptlijn women bobbed thou hair 500q bc was one of thoxnany in teresting points made by miss mary s johnston fito8 in a lantern lec ture given on friday evening at the acton adult schools tho lecture war on anclont and modern life n egypt and ancient life there wut fully illustrated from the temples tombs mojiuraontij frecoes statuary of various dynasties how some of ths primitive mothodfi customs and types persist to this day was provod by pho tographs of moiotcrn groups at wink and play in town and country v an enjoyable folk 8onas evening monday evening at knox church guild was orlo of much interest and information mrs mlpnlo r moore gave a splendid address on folk songs and their origin in tho various countries each of these was roprc uontcd by munlcal numbers the his tory of tho folk stongs of the following countries weio given ns follows eng land mixed quartette comiosed of mrs minnie ft mobre mrs a c towart mennrs alex mann and v b burnley song dnnlt to mo only with rhino eyes scotland tenor solo by mr a jack ii eland song by miss jean ocr believe mo if nil thou endenilng youtfe charms united states the song- old folks at home welsh- mixed quartette song all through the nlffht ruusln nolo by mrs mlnnlv ii moore the folk songs or italy wore illustrated with vlct munli thosinglng of auld lang- syno close a very enjojobie meeting many a timet tho man who pokes fun at tho women hying to keep young looklrig wbuld be better of moro fio auent ahavos in november last the 303 chemical company of toronto was convicted in police court hero with having sold n quantity of 303 invalid port to tony scynuk acton cases had previously arisen which proved that this port- wine was not sufficiently medicated to prevent its helng used forjvcxage purposes threo purchasers of the wlnofrom scynuka rcstaurantjiad been convicted on the charge of hav ing becomo intoxicated from drink ing it tony scynuk was also con victed for having and for selling the wine which proved to hatve a largo alcoholic contents the 303 chemical company was fined 100000 for ii- legalhaloof this wine afttfr the trial and conviction counsel for the 303 chemical company put in a plea that tho name the 303 chemical co under which tho conviction was male was not correct that the name ofthe company was the 303 chemical co limited becauso of this aubtcrfuc respecting tho name of tho com pan v charged which is ono of the frequently used by the dealers in liquors in on tario a second charge was laid thlafviuo nuptials here 6n saturday time against the 303 chomlcal co limited this vas called for hearing in december but was enlarged from week to we k at tho request of coun sel for both the defence and tho crown until last saturday afternoon when finally the case eamo up for hearing after heailng threo witnesses for the crown and there being the possibility of adjournment the counsel for the defense requested that in order to avoid considerable expense for travel etc in view of tho information being laid in toronto on tho same charge and as there waa a question aa to jurisdiction tho salo pf tho liquor leav ing been made in toronto that the charge hero be withdrawn tho crown counsel w i dick county attorney concurred police magistrate moore stilted that in the administration of justlco he had always aimed to keep coats and other expenses down to tho minimum and inasmuch 03 a penalty of 1000 00 and oosta had already been imposed in this case against which conviction no appeal had been mado ho was quite willing to accccd to the request and would mako in the entry in tho police court docket against this case withdrawn miss ross of tara has been a guest during tho week at tho home of rev and mrs culp mr j e south of guelph spont a few days last weolcwlth his friend mr robert stewart mr john c h1u who haq been con- finod to his room for several weoks la slowly recovering mrs richard somerville of london visited at hor fathoro homo u few days during tho week mr d a- evans of tho ba f montreal staff visited at his hba in erin over the weekend mr ronald campbell of hamilton is spending a few days at homo of hlfl uncle william landsborough miaflkatharinb kennedy of chi cago atteflded tho konnedysomer mrs john r kennedy spent ih weekend with her daughtcn miss jean and other friends in toronto mrs e j langevin who has been visiting relatives at troy n y since before christmas returned home last week mr and mrs h m kennedy of georgetown mado a trip to acton on saturday and called on some of their frlonds misses bornico reid morle and clara lanta attended the bell tele- v hie weeks hockey good gamei in the town league and with tho a r clarko team last week was an important ono in the annals of tho town hockey lea gue acton tanning co won two games and is now leading tho league by one full game their two wins in the week brought thorn from third plate to the top of the heap on thursday evening acton tanning co defeated bcardmores by a cjoso score in an excellent game on monday evening thoy wonfrom tho town team by a 63 score both gomes were well played and were handled to the satis- referee george hynda tho toqmil now stand w l goals goals for agnbt a t co 3 1 28 18 bdmore co n 1 0 8 town 2 2 21 17 hewfoona 0 3 12 24 gflmes for next week thursday january 29 hewctsonfi vs beardmore co monday february 2 beard- more co vs town on friday evening of inst week a r- ckirkes senior champions of tho toronto industrial league for tho season 192324 played here and de feated the local puck finaoors by a 4- 2 score it was an excellent exhibition with the visitors having the edge they have a strong dofenso and a good fast forward lino they ah owed thff fans a nice brandof hockey and un corked some lovely teamplay the local team also played good hockey and did well to koep tho oppononts tosuch a low score tho lco waa koeh and tho game was fast for tho whole sixty minutes a r clarkes had two men well known to local fans on their team lorno chlsholm of milton is starring for them in goal this year while saunders of erin is ono of their leading scorers acton citizens patronize toronto shows x phone banquet 9 day evening rev j- culp attended tho funoral of tho late rev george king b a at burlingtop on thmaday there were sixty ministers ft tho funeral ciown attorney dick returned homo r from baltimoro last week mrs dick v underwent a serious operation in johns hopkins hospital she is making a gqod recovery and is expected to como home in a couple of weeks l mrs annie johnston nrfd miss bolla stephenson visited mrs thomas eaa- ton at guelph on saturday mrs easton was celebrating her 91st birth day she had been suffering from a cold but was generally well and en joying life mrs h h worden of guelph and her neice mrs w g hutchbnaon nee miss ida graham of winnipeg spent tuoaday with acton frlonds mrs hutcheneon waa accompanied horn the west byher husband who wan obliged to return to winnipeg owing- to busi ness calls she reported her mother and brother and slater in winnipeg all quite well memories of the overseas trip fttcttonofbouiplayra and fans by- c and- n n ti t lasting friendships made mr roy cormlchaol of the verdun quebec echo who has conllnuctlrtus notos on tho old country trip of tho canadian editors party with much interesting detail completed his sericj of twontyflve articles last week with this succinct and interesting parat- graph wonderful mcmonoo it was hard to say whoro wo had enjoyed ourselves most we had mot tho king and queen of our empire seen- tho princo of wales tho quoei of spain exking manuel and tho duko and duchess of york shaken hands with the king of belgium car dinal mprclcr and president dou- morgues of france hobnobbed tvlth poera of tho realm in their own castles flown in aeroplanes aeon hub- marines dive inspected a battleship tpurcd tho battlefields of france ani belgium wandorod over wombley and had been welcomed and entertained in the loading cities of england wales scotland and northern ireland wo had done this in less- than two months and now wo had returned to lesumo our homo duties wo will novcr forgot our experi ences or tho friendships we havo mado thoy will lighten our labors brighten many an evening wuh their memories and mako us fool that some times it is worth while being an edi tor in this oplrlt wo have taken our read ore with us we hopo thoy havo enjoyed accompanying un and that some day thoy will hayo tno oppor tunity of seeing and doing nnd enjoy ing as much as wo have done during the wcok of january 19th two theatrical productions in toronto drew patron ago from this district cyril muudo at tho princess and artists atid models at the royal alexandra jtho improved passenger servlco of the canadian national electric road tho last car leaving toronto at 1115 pm has mado it poislbln for citizens of this district to enjoy now york and london produc tions that vlflt toronto and xeturn home the same night radio fans who havo been hi toning to tho popular piece from m no nanette will bo able to bcq the or iginal show in a couplo of weeks at tho princess theatre toronto inorder that acton theatro patrons may enjoy fully the electric railway service and remain for the completion of tho show thoaant car from toronto will bo held to connect with toronto street cars provided that there are ten or more in tho party from aoton and vicinity arrangements for this can be mado with tho local ftffm- dominion parliament opens next thurjbday ottawa january 28 with tho cust omary ceremony tho fourth session olf tho 14th federal parliament of canada will he oponed in ottawa on thursday february 5th by ills ex cellency tho baron byfig of vimy it is likely that tho session will con tinue until about tho end of may or to early in june what liglhlatlon or the outstanding matters that aro to bo- brought beforo tho parliament hava yet been announced by ht hon w l mftckonrio king tho prem ier of canada this year there will be 245 members of the houno of com mons 10 moro than last uesiion rwn having being added by the redistri bution act wlllch waa pasicd last yar

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