Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1925, p. 2

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lyr ikrtan mxh tyvtm tuuk3bay jan0aby 20 120 buying crown jewels thorn from traveller 3 pluckins path turning away a nelghbora wrath stretching a hand toward tho noody goul pointing a way to the distant aoal lifting a fallen brother up swcotonins tho draught in tho bitter cup plantine owoit nowcrj in a lonoly gravo sociuiik a ulnnlo uoul to nave sowuik the ocetf calno a qprlnfftimo rain jtj watching in love byrao bod of jialn heeding iho orpliaun palnuvo cries wiping tho tearo from sorrow oyoo shunnlne to act tho ilore jjart lovine tho truth with a heart guarding from all a frienda good name burying deep the tale of shame working to earn tho bread wo cat climb he tho hill with patient foot dealing with men in an honest way soolne heavens light in tlm darkest day bidding tho poor to tho ample feast treating tvltlt ktadnoiatlio poor dumb boast hoping for all things good and true truoungjn god in what wo do earning true rlchtto na nn wo-go- i buying arqwn jewels as white a3 bmall town 5 3te preaa imrt targ bobs zephyr of a scrap by e e jiajoriman lea s m sriovt m a kidder his one chancfe its a curious ouccutnstano how wo men fond of vrioty an they bo will grvo a man tho same things teat year lu an year out sold captain abuah sawyer to captain noleon judklna aa- the iwn men nnt nn tho whnrf in mib li f r i tiu nun ono soptcmbcr morning tliato aa car tin as tho tides responded captain judjuns ive eat more horrhv than ajny other man llvin i presume t say woll now- my woman foods mo on pickled salt flah an baited porta- tors said captain sawyer it aint that it aint nortahin food and wellcooked ho continued but ko elntflar how much mri dooo act by them two things for a ateady diet an opneo ive given up follorlii the sea i alntvhad but one chance to git a chango o food in tho year 1 cal- lato ive cat about a thousand pounda o salt flah durln that time i ohouldnt wantor make no state ments aif to tho number o herrln thn ive boon oblooged to atow away said captain udkins but whoa you waa dovmio marihya vineyard week bforo last you mtwtfa had an op- ptunlty to elt in a fudtrato meal i undstood you stopped at tho hotel durln thd day yep i woo there fer adlnnor ro- turnod captain 8awyer inomng nh- otractly out to oca that wajo qbqj chance i wob reforrln to why dont you apeak up an oay what you had oald captain judklna after a long pause nu moko my herrln taste any vnm nor any bolter oo furs i know wcflr nald captain sawyer stul gazing out over tho water when i took up tho bill o fore anooo all uio diftrcnt thin go thcro woo t inako a chjcd of my head spun round jcot- liko a top i looked nor up an down one dp ell i had iwmo thoughts of or- dcrin a tendcrlino etook with flxlnn captain judklna cavo a grunt of dlo- may well i didnt contlnuod captain sawyer 1 studied quite a season j over tho furrin dishes but 1 deemed it wasnt beat to run any reska no fur from home an by that umn the woitor wasgottln kind o impatient an he soys whath you have jtlnd o quick on i decided all in a whow well what did you- have asked captafn judklnn whyy i oaya- a mens o ob eaid ab rietohor to no of hl cowpuncherflj a rcdhalrcd young giant with a squaro jaw and bluo oyoo that had a twfnlcle ofshumor in them ferventjyou hotch that elovenforty and got over to wolfordo of tor uiat firoo-year- old bullj bought got him 1n aroar by hlmaol andyou can stay witli him xont take him in a bsx car if you cojni got acattlo car its too hot in a box keep him tied in ono end and you bunk in tho other oo you can ooe him i guoaa you knew a alx- hundreddollar bull la worth lookln af tor bob caught the olovonforty arid started after tho bull iaint atrucumjnthiabfiln avalet to a hereford bull that aint dohdrned yot oaidobhoaiflmkhttreytwhi rode over tohofltauon with him but ito better than fonqo bulldln and thalo thohaltornatlvo if i gtayod it was threo hundred and olxty miles to wolfordo and tho train crooned tho paoa at an elevatjqn of at thousand foot tho journey would take bob down among tho orango grovoo of san bortiadinorqnd he wa glad of a change- from tho plains oftsjovada car and tliat jiitmuot not lot go hl grip tvnon ho onco got it by the faint moonlight he could aee tho cattl car coming to moot him ho stoppoj ahort wiioolod ahd began to run wltl the train when tho cittlo un over took him he reached up and caught th latticed side aa ho urow hlo bodyup ho noticed for tho flrot time that thooldodopr which he had ohut was atandlnc half open he could boo tho bull wlthhifl wlilto faco turned toward him ant felt thankful that the creaturo waa gtlu uafo an eound but ho couupnot imagine how the doot had got opon shifting hl3 wolght a llttto to one aide ho o lipped in through the door thoniio caw ihatlhcbuuwattgicatiy oxcitcd- yanking the door ahut and ivjatliunacl u way of uaylng it waa cun uny good thing como out of nazareth hln vocal iuturpi otution of tho proverb waa doubtleuu uccom- panle with u naaal olovatlon niiic- iicth waa not on tho main lino of hlghwnyn to jorunnlom or to tho coaut j kiln jjojmrated it from jho plain of nudraoxon whouo uoll yielded both jrnln and logon la tf battlo nathan- acl wtia fashionable wary ofo moivh uinh from small- town xooo anyone love small town now t did nnyoro evor it kowtowy ho h- diclouoly to tho pocketedition of sir dives it oonatltutea itself a board of conaorohlp for proui0ctivo prodi gals scandal seamed mid gosalp ihnrponed ita hagllko tongue tantdll misery and bellovea that thcro is nothing- hidden that shall not bo ro- vealed and practices accordingly it li a city of tongues but not of babel thoro la a c abopneo of con fusion some literary orltica were firefc htocary failures all of us are most ciitlcal of others wherein wo have our- fjolveo failed so main stroot la an avonu whoro ideallata run tho gaunt tub history of- census takinq tho conngo in canada and tho conouo of curlier ttmoo otartcd toward the boast but he had taken only a stop or two when sound from the other end of the car made him turn beflldo his blanket stood a bear growling and showing ita white tooth bob felt hla red hair rtaing and panic almoat solzed him he looked awi 1 6 ward the bull but when l camu within rcachofrh excllud anl aanieuinoiaiopnrtedsonreroleantmromoly tho pickolod salt flah an a couplo o baked pertatcra cold the recent traveller carefully avoiding hia old nelghbora eye it appoarcd t bo tho moat natcral thing to aay an bo tho words jest slipped out bforq x come to s roallzin oonao 8cottibh prohibition com mission tho roport of the commlsgjgn oont out by tho scottish churches to in vestigate tho working of prohibition in the united states and canada boa jut appeared in tho public press au fotn mon who composed this commission wre men of outstanding prominence xvp of them are minis tera of prom inent churches in edinburgh one la a wellknown edinburgh advocate and tho fourth la an editor and author whoso name carries weight in their investigation thoy visited all the prin cipal cities in canada and tho united statoa tho moat important findings of tbo commission are that prohibition in tho united states has come to stay that matters in british columbia have not been improved by the- at temptut government control which thoy doclaro is socially injuriouo and leada to evasion of the law through activities of clubs that drunkenness has not diminished and that boot- logging is as active aa ever that the drughabit 1h a ppnratn the rido to wolfqrda was ontlrciy uneventful bob who dlollked in action yawped many times and wish ed himself back with tho fence gang butjrttoqt thetram brought himtoj his destination ho got aff at tho station and walked the two mllos to tho wolford rancltr at alght of tho neat barn and stables the palntod fences and tho attractive bungalow lie woke upa httlo he had never seen a ranch like that on hlo side of tho mountains mr wolford made bob welcome and told him to look around all ho wished the main business of the ranch waa dairying and soiling blooded stock to bob who had been raised on a stock ranch of tho old style tho wol ford ranch ran qn modorn scientific jnciplqfluwan a revolution ho watchod the electric mltkcra in dumiramazcmont and was astonished to observe that before the cowjacaa milked tho men brushod her sides and washed and dried her uddor about ten oclock the next morning tho stqttqjt ajtcntieiophoncil that the catthv cox haotlieon sot in on tho switch but mr wolford decided tittt to load pluto tho bull until tho after noon the train that was to pick ip tho car was not duo until a auartor after five and thoro was no use in making tho bull stand in tho car any longer than wan necessary by tho end of bis journey the beast would bo tired enough of hla quarters about half past threo mr wolford rodo out of hia gate holding tho ropo that was fast to plutos nose ring bob rodo behind on a borrowed horse they let tho bull take his own gait to the station for they wished to humor tho beast in every way poaoiblo co that he would be in on amiablo mood on tho trip tho loading cfhuto did not dismay the animal in the least and he was tsoon standing in a thick straw carpet tied in one end of tho car in tho oher end on a lot off loosoly piled straw bol spread hls blankots th problem and that thcro is no con noetlon between it and prohibition that conditions in ontario are mucllj moro satisfactory than they are in british columbia and quebec man ufacturers aay that prohibition has contributed to tho fiicreasedproduc- tlca drunkenness and poverty hnvfl decreased families aro better fed and better clad homes are brighter and hotter furnished that tho blamo of difficult admin i stratlon of phohlbldon acts rests upon tho dominion government that sola commission will advocate prohibition in scotland at twenty minutes after flvo ttiorcar rolled out on tho main lino at tho roar of a heavy freight train bob tried to establish friendly relations with his travelling companion and for a whilo he talked to the ball and scratched hla nqck ho found tho boast quite ready toaxcopt his httlo attentions when bob tired of that he sat on liio blankets and song three or fopr of tho lugubrious songs that cowboys do- light in even that amuse mont pallod on him after forty or fifty versos and he lay back with hla hands under his head ho could see the stars through tho openwork sides of the cattle car we aint gohv to lack for oxygon my or bullygon ho remarked io pluto gntbht r you wbitofaced j hypocrite prestondin youllke this kind 6t trftyojipif pulling the blankots over hlmsolf bob yawned widely and loudly and was aaloep before hia tooth clicked to gether clanking along the grades tho en gine tolled and snorted through tho night so long as tho train kept mov ing bob sleeping in tho cattle car heard not a sound but every uno tin train stopped hlo eyes fairly flow open and ho stayed broad awako until the train was moving again at thontrj tunes ho always took a look at pluto woll along in tho night tho raln pullod its heavy length up to tho level at tho head of tho pass and there found a signal to stop tho whistlo yelled and scroeohed staccato notes that went rumbling and echoing across tho ridges among the peaks and canons and the brnnkn nnnnnlpd mm the sportsmans donts tho following rules for sportsmen are taken from the ontario fish and game laws dont permit hounds or doga to run doer during close season dont permit the flooh of any bird or animal taken suitable or food to uo destroyed or spoilt or tho pelts of furbeaxipg animals to be destroyed or spoilt dont purchase or soil wild goose wild ducks or other water fowl onlpc quail woodcock ruffed grouse part- ridge largo or omallmouthod black baas masbinongc speckled trout ralu- bow trout or other pacific trout m ont buy pr sell pelts of furbear ing animals either commercially or for personal use before securing p li cense iont keep furbearing animals or gome birds in captivity without first sacurlng a license dont trap furbear 1 tig animals without first eccurjng a license un less you aro a farmer trapping other than t caver and ottor on your own promloos vox by gun and dog and bear by any moons may be taken without a license dont ship out of province or sent to a tanner any pelts without a per mit dont anglo or hunt without a 11- oehso if you are a nonrosldent doat shoot botwoen sunsot and minrlso dont take any small or large- mouth black bass manhlnunge spock- led trout brown trout rainbow trout dr otbe paeiffc trotitoxccpr by nng- ung dont tako moro than one deer moose or caribou per license nor a cow moose or moos tsalf plainlngly pluto old boy this aint no station said bob unrolling himself from hla blankets and fcolng to the oldodour which ho puahod opon by golly tho summit of tho pass what in time has hitus now ho jumped to tho ground and reaching backward pulled tho dom shut thonhe struck on up tho track to whore he oould seo two lanterns bob bing beside tbo train ho found the conductor and two brakemen talking with another man who proved to to the signalman from a wreck that lay half a mllo abeai sho bucked pumb across tho right of way and lies there all mixed up waitln for tho wrecker the signalman was saying the wrecker ouffht to be along in an hour and thon it will tako a couplo moro to clear tho track vou boys might as woll act a algnul and take a nap im going to crawl into the bushes for a snooze right now a as bob stood listening the conduc tor turned his lan torn on him who tbo dlckons aro you ho do- mandod jest tho cowpunch actln as valet to tho bull in tho rear car oh yes i remomber you how i didnt rocognlzo you at first so bob came into tho ring of light and oat on tho ground with tbom thoroughly happ and care free he talked and laughed with the tralnmon told stories of tho plains and llstoncd to others of wrecka and adventures from their railway experiences the tfmo passed quickly and pleasantly after an hour or so thoy heard sounds from below that told them that the j wrecker vjuk at work then tho signalman en mo out of tho bushes and picking up his lantern walked off to his wrockod train after another lonrf wait the st omnia from thojwrocker en glno told thorn that tho track wjui clear the conductor looked at his watch and turned to bob jllt tbo grit for younnbwfca oar were going to move right pronto can you flip her if she in rolling a bit sure mlkol said bob let her roll ho started to run tyiok alongside he train tho clank of tho couplings onjfl tmrjartiirtmr train stariedanio when fro was not moro ihan a third of the way and he ran faster he know hat lie should have to roach which waa now hollowing in thundor ous tones the creature gave n quick- start f6iward and thiuat vlcoualy with hia horns uono horncaught tho aoat of boba overalls and flung him against the side of tho car tho shock wokehim from his daze and ho know what to dp stepping quickly in cloao to pluto he vnsnapped the lino from tho noso ring now that tho bull waa free ho became moro confident and stepping out farther from tho side lowered his hoad and pawed at tho sraw the bear started to rfso on its haunchea changed its mind and giowllng fierce ly waddled toward pluto oh if 1 only had a olxgun groanod bob if i get out of this til never- bo ketohed without one again- scw wh ho ran hlo hands through bis pock ets and j4s angers touched a clasp ilcnffot it was not much of a weapon with which to fight a beartbvt it was better than nothing opening tho knife he stepped close to pluto teamwork was tho only thing that would count now when tho bear hod i cached the mid dle of thcr floor pluto charged as th bull went forward with his tall held high tho bear atarted to rlso on its haunchoa in order to have its fore arms freo for striking but it was too slow the bull hit tho great beast with ita left shoulder at tho base of tho nock and knocked it fairly over on tho other side bob heard tho bear onarj jtvltb rage and pain astho bub pressod hla advantages wuh heavy strokes of his hard white hornb then camotho soundsof heavy slops as th baarstruck at tho bulls neck in sud den panic bob realized that ono af thorfo slapa might break tho bull o poworfuttnook he thought not bo much of his own danger if he wore loft alono with the bear as of tho fact that ho must savo tho bull which wu in hlo charge clasping tho knife handle he sailed in aa ho threw his body forward ne struck and struck hard ho felt the blado go homo and quickly drew 1 1 back for anothor stroke tho train had hit tho down grado now and vas cast gathering opocd tho cattle car wa rocking and lurching tho fighters near ly rolled in a heap three times bob struck ueford he received any hurt then a paw came down across hia right forearm and tho claws toro long slltp in hlo flesh thankful that tho blow had noi raado hlpa drop hla knife ho shifted it fo hiojoft hand and again throw him self into tho fight as tie struck and gouged ho could see the white face of the bull owlng aldo to sido then tho faco growdark with tho blood that flowed from tho bulland tho bear the wholo fight seemed ono groat hideous round of snarls hollow growls and yelps bobs arm rose and foil twice moro thoa ho forgot every1 thing when tho train stopped at a siding to switch two carloads of ranch ma chinery andjjupplios a brakoman held a lantern atme side of tho cattlo car what he sawviade him shout to the other braakman and tho eonduotoi thoy opened tho door and carried the redhcadod cowpunchei toward tho caboose thon thoy tied up a badly scratched bull and looked curiously at a bloody mass of fur that had onci boon a pounds when tho doctor had ji wished sew ing and patching and sterilising the slhjw cuts on nnbft ntmr ttiyl tht twn let of tonguej tongues made by keen failure and prophets one sunday in tho synagogue la enough for tbo best of them thon anywhere elai small town is ugly its architec ture belongs to the wollkpown period xtioelouo ituilttlsquarehaaadend contro the sculptured llkepeaa of some beauty of tho heights le but a foil to enhanco the squalor of railroad alley a short removo locates us gehenna wth its nshes smoke and tln cans qehennil to a dump or vlco verso but the churches of small town aro the climax- jerusalem has n tomplo and a wot ship to match it nazareth has only a-oynagoguo- about all that tfh in c with je la a book nazareth goes to church oomo- what- better than jerusalem jerusa lem cycnically suggests thai it is bo- causo there is nowhero eloo to go that aftera sundayaftornoonthreo weeks long even church is a relief nazareth thinks that jeiusalcm will probably have longor afternoon to think things over by and by from nazareth to spoon river is not such a stop after all jesus never recovered from his youth at nazareth it colored his speech permanently he kept talking of chil dren playing wedding or funeral in tho streets and disputing which should havo tholr way of women grinding at tho mill or leavening measures of mcajl while forovor hungry children tsked for aornethlngto oat of wld tho dominion bateau or stutlotlpo has released tho first volume pf tho final icpoit on the census of 19 jl tho main iojuuu of the census have boon given out in a sorles of opmo thirty bulletins each dealing with upeclilc aspects ofpopulation and ag riculture tho volume however con tains tho final dotalled flguroa by local units showing d tho numbors sox and googiuphica distribution of the population j tho racial origins and 3j the icllglons tho volume also contains tho admlnlutiutlvo roport on tho taking of tho census accoiding to tho british north am- orlca act 18g7 the taking of a census is ono of tho twontyolght specific subjects exclusively assigned to tho dominion no distinguished rrora pro vincial authority tho first census act was passed by tho parliament of canada in 1870 an tho fltut census cf tho dominion of canada was taken in 1871 altopouiei six docennlal consus- eu of canada have boon takon dlrtcd tho fovmution of tho dominion census taking dates from a very early period mosoa numborcd tho children of israel in the fifteenth con- tut y b c but investigations of a ttlmlhu jiaturcwcro knownmany ceuv turico earlier in babylonia about 2200 b c in china nbout 3000 bc and in egypt about 3800 b c a-con- sus taken by king david in 1017 b c achieved an evil notoriety in history trom thcr dlvmo wiuth which jt ja re corded ai having piovolced and which was cited for many generations in em ope in warning ngnlnstthe spirit of inquiry as lato as 17ga tho taking of a census was condonihed on rcllg- i o im tho brltls h house of- usticosof the7 peace of lost coins and lost boys and of stories of sorvants in a 4wn where servant weno plenti ful cheap and easily replaced jeauo novcr recovered fromhis youth at nazareth fortunately for us ho is most universally intelligible when ho la roechoing nazareth nazareth la tho one place whore tho average person can nee llfo whole and see it steadfastly nazareth offers a field of observations of human belngji where concl unions may bo drawn without jeopardizing the result by unknown eh- omenta nazareth never gazes at a multitude and wonders whore they bo- ong it does not look down from the nineteenth story of nn ovorohif ting j vde of antlike beings called men and remark how do thoy nil imako a living it knows it needs no pub- jcation of incomotoxes if nazareths editor did such a thing ho would be dealt with summarily and conclu slvoly v nazareth offers the great experiences of life in compact form for cpntlnucd reflection nazareth js sympathetic onethfrd of its gossip is but the over dow of oxcoss energy onethird of it is embryonic sympathy nazareth really loves its sons it may hot know t until it is too late and it pardons ta prodigals after a while at least t doea not treat them as sovonday wonders and then commit them to obllvlon tho difference between tho memories of nazaroth and jerusalem is tho difference between purgatory and annihillaton even a poor former is preferable to a pfcrfect latter nazaroth offers a philosophy of hfo to its children pungent exacting lulto disillusioning but penetrating its sons aro not soft or timorous whon thoy combine dcop leliglouu- noos with early experiences thoy aro pioneering and productive in later years can any good thing como out of small town the sons of smalltowh recall heartenlngly that at least onco there did henry l lambdln siibstl ftt a taed date showing sex dc- e or loot colnn nnd l v commons when moro than one mem ber looked upon tho proposal as om inous and foarodlost spmo public misfortune should follow tho number ing tho romans w ass connustakci 3befhunder tuctropub lie and tho empire and in lateyoara tho breviary of charlcmalnc in a d 808 and one domesday book of wil liam tho conqueror a v 1086 aro celebrated mediaeval cons on lator for several centuries tho idea of cen sus taking disappears from europe this roport however brings to no tice thai the credit for taking tho first census a known in modern timos bo- longs to canada tho year was 1060 and the census was ono of tho colony of now rranco aa canada woo thoh called this census was a pystomatlo record of each individual by name how forgery is detected in many trials tho charge of foi gery is proved or disproved by hand writing experts tho- specialist in chlrography first shows tho juror that out of a dozen signatures ofthls own name no two wltl bealiko in general form then ho turns to tho authentic and forged nlg- natutqs and points out tho fact that his first suspicions of forgery were aroused by tho lndcntical of tho two bear weighing seven hundred jignaturcs they ato nlllco to tho minutest detail with all the ouuj tho forger puts into his crooked work he still keeps to tho bid principle qf ctonvlnit the authentic nlgnnturn whlnlv that ran all the way from tho back of hla head to his ahoiildor blades thi co w- pun chcro bluo oyes peered a t plm from among tho bandages wellj doc bob chuckled it was sure some zephyr of a scrap turning the taole8 high to- rot- a grip on tho side of tbatlsahool parentssfwho have boon too ready to blamo vbjo schools for everything from a young persons bad social be haviour to the amount that college graduates dont know should talto a lesson from tho experience of several hundred toronto parents with tho principal of a certain public school in that city his critics bad annoyed him to tho point of exasperation and finally ht como back with a point cd questionnaire to the parents of tho pupils in his charge hero is what ho asks them- 1 do you vfslt tho school tv in quire about your childs progress and deportment and to seo if you can help tho teacher to help tho child 2 do you encourage your child in respect for teachers and others in authority 8 do you hondyout child to bed in timo so that he will bo rested and fit for study 4 do you provide plain nourish ing food and see that your child is up in timo to cat a good broakfast g do you teach your child to road tho papers and find out tho host in thorn and tloyou encpurage and in terest thom in public affairs c da you avoid gossip and telling of incidents which may bo misinter preted by your children 7 do you interest yourself in your childs sports and amnnojnonts and friendships 8 do you oncourngo helpful con versation at tho table 0 do you comply with tho rules on public health in your homo and do you keep in mind the faet that while the school may do much to instil pre right principles yoiu children are handicapped if you do not uupport it by instilling obedience- updhlgh ideals of patriotism and social llfo tho number of failures in tho par- gny jbmonstrated how affile- tfvoly the principal had struck homo it is only fair that tho home should bo aakod to at least shoro lie renpon- oiblllty of training ehlldrop with the ho has in hand tho moro nearly he can reproduce tho signature in evory portion tho moro xcadlly can the for gery bo provod v one of tho most important facts from which tho expert may begin his investigations of possible forgery is that every man has his pen scope this technical term describes the avcrago stretch of puperwhlch a man may caver without lifting his hand from tho paper and shifting his hand to continue the line tho signature of the name is ono of tho easiest and leastrtudlpd groupu of words kor oxamplo tho pen scope through n letter may show an average stretch of ono inch varying with tw text in tho signature of the nanyr twice its scopo is often used by tft signer if this is done tho forgery is even moro easily provehby tho much shorter pen scopo of tho copyist how- ovor freo of otrolco the forger miy naturally bo his effort to produce a facslmllo of another mans elgnaturo will make his pen scope shorter ono of tho commonest means of re producing a signature is to put tho gonulno ono on a piece of glass lnv another plcco of glass ori top of ij and fas ton tho ploco 6f paper that is to recelvo tho forgory on top of that thon by holding tho glass strips to a bright light the original signature easts a shadow that may be traced through in pencil prom the tracing the ink forgery lu completed whon a forgery done in thls is put under a strong magnifying glass it will not boar scrutiny if th original has a strong downward stroke on the capital letters tho movomont will bs free and will lcavo tho pen line wljl anaooh dges tho man who is rnoing wuqh lettars cannot trust hlmsolf to tfho flomnfrjae move ment of the pen- nnd he mfliiji under the glass ahowa hosltansy and uncer tainty cupation conjugal apd family- eon ditlons ho records of it aro care- ifully preserved in the archives of paris a transcript of whlfrb may be aeen in ottawa whon jc la recalled that in europb tho flrtf census date only from the eighteenth contury not ably those of prussia 1710 and sweden 1348 and franco nnd eng land j801 tho achievement of tho primitive st xawronco colony in in stituting what is today ono of the principal instruments of governments of government in evory civilized com munity calls for moro passing- appre ciation j prom 1ggg to 17c3 whon hofronoh i rcglmo ondfsd no fewer than 15 cen suses were taken in new canada nor was this conaun talcing limited to what h now tho province of quebec as in tho latter yearn of this period seven similar census wore taken of nova scotia six of newfoundland and one of prinqo edward inland under british occupation thoro wore censuses pf canada in 1765 1874 and 179u prom 1817 onward census tak- ng in canada has been moro or less frequont but it was only with tho formation of tho dominion of canada that they were taken at a stated period for the dominion as a wholo an above stated tho main hgures of tho 1911 census have already been mado a vai liable to the public but the following may bo noted the total pop ulation of canada in 1871 was 3089- 257 fifty years afterwards in 1921 it was 0788183 an increoso of 188 22 por cent in the last docado the increase was 21 95 per cent while in tho first decade following confederation it was j 17 23 per cont in tho second 11 7c per i cent in- the third 1113 per oont and in the fourth 34 17 poroon it is also interesting to note that in 1871 ontario possessed nearly 44 per cent of tho population of canada and quebec a httlo better jhan- 32 per cent ttvhlle ui 1921 0ntarlo possesses 33 38 per cont and quebec 2g 87 por cont of tho total population tho rel ative position of tho marl timo pro vinces as regards population in i87r and 1921 is strikingly illustrated by tho fact that at tho dato of confeot oration they had 2jj8 por cent of tho total population sagalnst 11 4 por cont in 1921 of courac tho explan ation hoi in tho growth of the prairio provinces in 1871 out of a total pop- ulatlon of 3687257 only 18000 or 12 per cent dwelt in tho middle west in 1901 they poj8eoied slightly moio tltaiv- 3 pei cent of the total population while in 1921 they had moro than 22 per cent the growth of urban population in canada is forcibly illustrated by tho fact that in lfll thoro were j09 pitios onrf towns in canada with a population of 50q0 and ovcpo ntmln 3 11 57 in 1101 15 in 1691 34 in 1881 and jl in 1871 in 1891 the total popu latlon living la urbnn ctuitu 11 muli up 31 8 por cont of the total popu lation in 1901 it had climbed to 75 per cont tin 1911 to 15 4 per cont and in 1921 to 495 por cent from 1891 id 1921 tho rural population showed a gain of 34 pet cent as agalimt a gain ot 183 por cont in tho urban popu lation in the 3j years in 1871 montreal within tho urcnj comprised within its present limits hud a population of about 115000 uit ngalnot 01850g in 1921 and tot onto similarly considered grow in tho fifty years from 590qq to 521 893 win nipeg which ncaicoly found a place 011 tho map lu 1871 with j 41 persons 111 1021 had j79087 among the out standing features may bo noted that vancouvor and calgary wcro flrbt noted in the 1801 census while ed monton regina saskatoon did not find a plttcfe in tho connuuej prevjquti to 1001 tho effect of immigration on tho ethnic composition of tho population hi lllustrntod by tho fact that in 188159 por cent of tho population was of english irish ot scottish origin 31 por cont of french origin pearly all natlvo born and 2 mi per cent indian leaving only about 0 per cent of the population afi belonging to other racon while in 1011 or thirty yean later tho proportion waa au follows btlttoh races about 54 por cent trerfrh 2841j0i cent tndjann icusihan ta por cent and all other races njarjy 16 per cent in 19 the proportion was british races 65 5 pei cont french 27 9 per cont indians 14 pei cont leaving all othor inces with 1543 pet cont of tho total iiopulntlon tho section dealing with tho classi fication of tho population according to religious beliefs enables persons wt are interested in such a el as ulfi cation to ascertain wlthtfthc fullest dotail the rolatlvo strength of tho various do- nomtnatlons by counties townships oi cities of the total population in 1901 tho church of england claims 12 c9 per cont 7 baptists 5 92 per cent lutherans 173 per cent methodists 17 07 por cent presbyterians 15 cs per cent roman catholics 41 51 per cent whilo in 1821 twenty years later tho proportions were church of eng land 16 02 per cont roman catholic 3850 per- cont baptists 4 80 per cent lutherans 3 28 per cent methodists 1318 por cent presbyterians 10 03 per cent tho jews which numbered 16- 401 or loss than one- third of ono per cont of the population in 1901 had 125190 adherents in 1921 or 142 per cent of the total population ywtimg tcieidear leaves iii emd 4lpo tiaed in hesa green tea are sealed in airtight aliutiinum foil tneir frern flavor is finer than any japasv crgunpowder tvy salajda mijri fy p o 11wkl wrtd above rubles wont you buy this roso said the charming- flowor vendor at a charity bazaar i only ask 2 i am sorry said hqr victim with a courtly- bow but the price is a ht tlo too high tho lady kissed tho flower and now sho suggested perhaps you will buy li madam said tho courtly one tho rose jo now priceless jprugcjfists f r kjsulr guaranteed s mim mmm si dr j cadesky of voronto eyesight specialist yyill be at a t browns drag store acton monday february 2 anyone buffering- from eye strain defective vision or headache nhould not miss tho opportunity of consulting this eyesight fa pcclalist consultation rree office houra oam tiu 6 p m vvw a mclaughlinbuiclc coagh builds it tyrqnt seat passengers in the new mclaughlinbuick coach da not need to get out of the car to enable rear seat pas sengers to enter or leave either door- wider doors this is only one of the many improvements which the mc- laughjinbiilck coach with its fisherbuilt body offers to those who prefer the coach type thirty and more improvements on coach design including 4- wheel brakes sealed chassis automatically lubricated motor duco finish are yours in tie coach asmclaughlinbuick builds it special six s v king representative georgetown ontario an athletic mother tho solemnity of tho church service wa somewhat diatiuhnd when tho minister pictured in glowing terms tho solfltthnessrof men who apond evenings at a ulub and leave their wives in lone liness at homo think my friends said its of the poor neglected wife all acmo in tho house looking the e radio with one foot and wiping away her tours with th otluu pify the salesman rtio cannot ho salesman who js not fito to ubo lonpf distonco wilioufr being criticized is pabably not covering his tcftitory in tho most cco- jhjmicrl manner ill is competing with sales- injfn who coll up their cus- nqrs between visits se- torepcatordera or soil itional itehia ith sales managors encourago salesmen to usillong distance becauso it bve3 money and time ith salesmen who when travelling tolephono to pustcuicrs l small towns from epmo pcntral point pf two salesmen who both prc- pcrvo a lropr proportion bo- impat ciwrnso nad aules thooio yjiotjoejfmiidjbtojicouiouionf ymqwjfconkufatoncotlioto i iisunjfy fffo piort pffoctiye eatjtcw subicrlbtr ajtu to urn u qf your ttleplont the mothers of this community are the buyers of most of the goods required for the home them- selves and the children and in large measure for the men as well v these women are the closest readers of the ideal newspaper a message in the acton free press is certain to be read by the very people the home merchant must reach tvith his store news advertising is the bond of confidence that ties your store to the homes of the community the homemakers expect to be invited to your store are youwul- ing to be shown that a- tc all advertisement is an invitation issued by cofiadlan weekly nowspappre association hssd office toronto canada r stmta- tojjtoima sft kj fj

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