i thursday january 20 1085 for he was scotch and 80 wao 8h 1hoy wore a couplo well content vith what thoy earned and what thoy spent cared not a whit for qtylou decree for ho was scotch art uo wau liho and oh thoy loved to talk of burns dear bllthosom tender bobby purnir thoy novor wearied of hlo song ho novor sang a note too strong one littlo fault could neither see for ho was scotch and uo was oho i would not havo you think thio pair wont on in weather always fair for well yoii know hi married hfo will come bojnetlmea tho jar and strife thoy could hot always just agreer for ho wait scotch and bo was alio but near tlloheartthpyever kept until at close of life- thoy slopt just this to say when all waa past thoy loved each other to the last thoyre loving yet in heavonmflvi bo forho was scotch and oq was sho out of the past lr- somo of the old custohis uopt up in english jjchooloby way of tradition 09001 very curious totho student of tttday tholr cxuoo for being la far trvhopaatranct roubod bfdupican jng thoy play a oonsolcaa partin tho drama of school llfov within tho loot quarter of a century many of thono practlcos have boon abolished in- the conviction that howover valuable his torical tradition may bo much of it lit usolesa lumber hindering progcess such a law for example for many years was nominally in force in elton the whatnot was ton tho very faco of it both uso lessspu riduculoua the river at eton was regarded do being- in bondi that lo tho otudonto could bq thoro any tixpo without pofl- mission -but- tho ioddwhich lodto tho river waa- out of bohda rivor sports hold a largo and encouraged placo in school life and yet to grifta thta pormluolonctf spot etonians must v on forbidden ground- of course thio- ruio could not bo actually enforced when a muotormct a boy qu hla way to- tho rivor tho master lookod tho othcrway ahd tho boy popped intoj a shop iteats tellsofahoncbuhter with a master who en to red a confoc t loner shppwhilo tho lad was eating ahlico tho boy shut one oyo and held hlo spoon p in front- of him while the mooter protended not to oeo him a small etonian got into trouble one day by demanding a fulfilment of tho lotter of ono of tho old customs ao cording tp a statute of jlcnry vi on ono day of tho yoarovory colleger woo entitled to rocelvo threepence or half a oho op throe pennies bolng tho valu of-half- a ohoop at tho time tho law was passed f on tho appointed day tho bursar wouldappoar in the hall and givooaqbboynls threepence ono day riot many years ago a small and impudent pupil demanded- tho half sheep inflttmd of tho homoy tho bursar flow into an awful rage reported the matter- to 10 doctor and succeeded in obtaining for tho boy a sound- flogging the young ocanip bowovor received a compensation for hlo marts- p tho next day after hlfl corporal purrtahniont ho mothlo tutor who appoarpl to bo a sympathetic man with a been sense of humor m maotor bramwoll ho sold i fear you are a great criminal you asked for half a sheep and got a sound flog ging come to breakfast with mo on sunday now boy what would you liko to cat please sir goonol stammered tho delighted lad and ho had gooso i read a sign which said the auctioneer would hold a solo at three oclock thav day some fancy led my stbpa to wander near and when the sale beganto longer stay v of all tho goods included in the lot articles i saw an old whatnot al n w qu rnrve whorcon wvire held tho treasurers of tho faded years- a box plashed covered with tho handle gone a miniature percnance bedewed 7 wlthtcariir r jajid ono small liteepsaltiov dreaming quite alone a basket fashioned from a peachs stone fancy pictured the old parlor where a gay rag carpot declceu the plain board floor j the whito lace tidy on thorocklng- choir tho seashell lying by tho open door and near tho organ musing in tho gloom tho whatnot in tho dear old-faah- ioned room raileen ward ly botty did not moan to i6ok- but oh oaughc sight of tho button it vw flat and blue oh oho cri stopping uhoi t please lot mo hdvb it nouio goodnaturedly gave up the button and at roccsa betty rushod home to got tho three treasured bul lous from aunt bllen and slip thy- oil tho string x know by your face what has bai- ponod ftlifio eilehsouid smiling von havo found thotwo buttonn betty htartcd to say yen then all m onco oho stopped why no 3 havent slio faltered t i really found only ono when sho had told hor story miss ellon put her hand to tlio lttl drawer novor mind who said yo did your best and youve learnod uouj much easier it s to ioso buttons tbai to and them tlon sho dropped intv bottys eager outstretched hand tin oval greon button tlio amoltygray but ton and- nc- button that lookod like a rod crystal bull as soon ntt 1 betty returned from school that afternoon shorestrun lior string with the throo ctualnt but tons in tho middle thon sho put it around her neck and waltied the other girls- camo promptly- at tho appointed hour vielftelfof tliem wearing tho strlhetot buttons thoy had jtrng butut tho sight of bottys humorous a good indian 3ent to his father more proverbial weather a reader who was interested in an article on proverbs abbut tho weather published in tho companion last jan uary sends us theso old englloh versoa which ho says arc attributed to no loos distinguished autlibr than dry jeri- nor tho conquer of smallpox- tho hollow windo begin to blow tho clouds look black tho glass is low tho ooot folio down tho apanlola nleop and spiders froni thblr cobwobo poop iast night tho oun wont pdlo tobod tho moon inhalos hid her head tho brooding shepherd heaves a blgh for seo a rainbow spans thoolcv x thd t walla arc damp the dltcbco smell closod is tho pink eyed plmporneh harlc how tho chairs and tabjoa craolcl old bettys nerves arp on tho raolc loud quacks of ducks the pcacoclca cry the distant bills aro seerajne nigh how restless are the snorting swine tho busy flies disturb lio kipo low oer the grass tlo swallow wings tho cricket too how sharp ho sings puss on the hoarth with voivot paws sits w oerhcr whlfllfcrcd jaws j through tlio clear streams tho fishes rise 4 and nimbly 1 catch tho incautious fllos tho glowworms numerous and light illumed the dewy dwoll last night at dusk tho squalid toad waa soon hopping and crawling oer tho greon the- whirling duat the wind oboy and in tho rapid eddy ploys tho frog j has changod his yellow vest and in a russet coat is dressedr though juno tho air is cold and still tho mellow blackbirds voieo is shrill my dog so altorcd in hla taste quita mutton bones ongraas to teaat w and seo yon rooks how odd their flight they imitate tho gliding klto and seem pro dpi ta to to fall aslf thoy folt the piorcinc ball twill surely rain i sol with sorrow our jaunt must bo put off- to morrow an honest streak humor makes its appoaranco in queer places but bna would hardly ex pect to find it at tho door ot a house of correction anuhfortunato follow was recently taken before a justice of the poace in mllwaulcob charecd with stealing a quantity of wood thoro was not much of a defense to offer but an attorney who know mm volun- toerod to say a few words to tho court in his behalf tho attornoy began his talk and warming up to hianubjoct as ho pro- cebdool flnnlly succeeded in making a good plea fpr lonloncy the justice of pouroo found tho prisoner guilty but lot him off with a entonco of thirty days in the house of correction tvhon tho committmont had been mado out it was diacovorod that thoro was rio constable prosont so the lawyer said to tho prisoner jjolin you know where the houob of correction- iff dont you- yea sir well lioros flvo centa ojid this paper yoii tako acar and go out tbore arid give them this papor and thoyu lot you in will you do it 0ure and tlio funny part of this story is that john kopt his word the charm string the bthor day mary camo into posoosslpn of a young folks paper i i71uppobo from some ono of the num erous bpyo or girls phots so friendly with and shc read and road ita columns with just as much interest as if sho wad young herself again by and by she said to rae hersastorj which iff very fnteresting ismotanrt i think you win hko it too foe- it talces us back to the old school days when nearly every girl in school wa3 collecting buttons for her charm string wphridry bold if u goco awayaclc to those days flfty- flvoor olatty years agbit ntuavbo in- torostlns tou jiiat read it out to mo wn you my specs dont seem to bo very gbod for email typo touay well she said i guess i can its generally tho other way round for you aro always wanting to road something to mo about the days when wo wero- yourfe and ill read- this for you since i found it myself and this is tho storjf mary rood and i confess it did take mo back to those early school days all tho girls in my class at school havo lockets cighed betty ward every single one except mo greataunt ellen who wao sitting ncaxr lopked interested lot mo ado oho said musingly when i waa ton yearo old i had a charm stirng a charm string echoed botty that uiust havo boon lovely what was it made of buttons miss ellen replied ioh buttons betty said with a flat voice presently she added mercy aunt ellen how could a string of buttons bo charming7 it was to raohor aunt answered perhaps because i hod to work so hard for it tho charm string itself is gone long ago sho said but here aro tlirco of the buttons pyo kopt tliejn all those years sho laid tlio treasures on bettys oustr etched hand the girl gazed at them curiously thoy were oldfashioned and odd ono was greon and oval ono was flat and smoky gray and tho third woo clear red and liko a ball i- remember tho very dresses thoy were on miss ellen said and how eager i waa for them to coino off so i could add thorn to my string you see girls didnt havo many drosses in those- days it took a lotig time- to get en ougl buttons i want a charm string said botty i am going to begin right away to look for stray button hor mother who wad passing through tho room overheard hor snoaklhw of ntrav hnttn re sho said i wish you would find that six you lost off your plald gjnghnni how do you manago to ioso your but tons 00 fast betty aad sho did aot think ujero would bo much chance of ever finding those buttons i noyer heard them drop ojbo declared 1 xji toll you what put in aunt el lon if you flndthoqo buttons oven two ill give you these looking for the lost buttons may teach you to bo more careful 1 after that 3etty wasrooro than ovor determined to have a charm string tif her own tljo next day sho told tho girls at school about her plan they were de lighted eacbof tliom decided than ahd thoro that she too would have u olliairhfstring before the week wan out thoir families wcro wondering over thclrnudden intercntln buttono lets keep our strings hidden oven from ono another betty proposed and then when tlio last one la finish ed well ollmoot at hy house and show tlicm and compare noreo she had not tolcktho girls about the three bcautlfut buttons that would adorn hor string if she could only win them j every day she searched in some fresh place for tho blue buttons that sho had lost from hor phild gingham drenb if only she could and two but tho lobt buttons remained loat mean while tho charm utrlnga grow and grew my mother has offered a prize to tho girl who makes tho prottior string mary loo brown told her com panion at lichool ono day wlien all u10 strings are finished well vote for tho boot from that tkno on botty fovcirlshly searched ovcry crack and corner for the missing buttons if h could coin her aunt ellens jihreo lovely buttons surely her string would win the prize sho ocarched in vain for a long time at last sho found one of tho blue but tons but the other flvo seemed lost forever when tho other gjrlh announced that they were ready for the contest bottys string was not complete but sho was still hoping againtffc bono th u at the inmt mlnuto nho hiikhi win the three buttons that sho so much waijt- they all exclalmedwlth delight koursr loho prctucptjhxtbelot thoy crled whats tho use of vot ing a voto was taken however jind suro enough bety received tho prize a llttlb oilvcr olqop for holding tho string together just then her mothei camo in to bring a plateful of cako and tho glrlb abawdiohoirrvoaou res- r well i decloro said mrs ward if four of you havonit found blue but tons that were on- bettys pjaid glngr ham thfougirlhcbmparc u was true thoy wero matches bot ty had boon too wildly excited 10 notice t- found omv in tho schoolhouse- oaid mary lee brown i found mino ind crack of the llttlb bridgo by tho gate said alma frudon tho othero iaughingly told whore thoy had found theirs o dear bald botty 1 must havo fairly ohed my buttons now i shall havo to find othero t duv thorn back with that ovonlng oho oat at her aunts feet and sowed tho six bluo buttons on tho gingham dross po you know aunt ellon sho said looking up vi used to think that buttono wero ju3t buttons but now they bccm very dlf- ferontrto me its all becauso of the charm atrlng i believe josephine scribner gates 1 cuutomu inhpoetorvha4 have yuu to declare returning paunengur i jocluro i amgln to got back ohl lion ill give you a pioco of gopd advice young henwhat in it old henrvan egg a day koopo tho butcher away what waa the text brvtlio normon today 116 glvoth hlo boloved sloop who was- tliero al tho beloved apparently man io- tho noxt otop ngw yorltjil porter yes oah v you off ouh man no ill got off myself this advertisement appeared in a newspaper the other day wanted a steady respectable young man to look after a garden and milk a cow who has- a good voice und is accus tomed to choir- work howjcomo you loft parkoro bbard- lngjiauaii 3 well tho first- week tho old cow difid- and wo had nothing but beef boof boot tho next week tin old pig died and wo had nothing but pprkj pork pork monday mr farkora grandfather diedsb there aro two sides to every ques tion proclaimed tho sago y03 oald thtt fool and there are two sides to a shoe t omly paper but it makea a mightyjjlg difcorencoto tho fly which sido lio chooses not loiig ago there died on the shb- here iu il simple- story truo in every sliono indian ruberyutlon in wyoming particular which xvua rocoiitly pub- chief warjhaltlo of the sboshone liahed liitho pjpllco repoits of a mill tribe thin did chief tiivyii n writer in town among tho records of crime aul lho sunday aiiiociatcd magazlin ciuolty it j uo hweet and cheering rbportod converoation between two englishme i piiteomo turnip seed in tho ground oald ono ahd up camo somo cabbage thats nothing repliodhls com panion i burioct a cat andup came tioanltarytnspoctor drunkenness revealed ofcouroo i think i can hear a lot of you oedato old folks saying oh thats only a childs story woll that may bo so but nevertheless it takes mo back to a very inteiuillxuyand exciting time nrriong tho girlsin acton numbers of whom arc grandmothers horo and elsowhcro now and ill warrant you tho storywlll interest tiiem if it doesnt- you what a time wo had in sclioolin thoaodayqway back in 18g8 or 70 when tho charm string crazo caught tho girls tho hunt for buttons arid tho effort to get tho most and rarest ones noarly floored mr little tho old teacher of tloso dav ho couldnt for a while understand what was wrong with- tho girls in the oonlor claosos by and by it camo out and ho found tliey werojuat as crazy over solr charm strings as many aro over eso nowfangled crosswordo pus- les every girl had a string a button wasnt safe any place the hoyofound thoymyiatorioualy disappeared off their coaui and waistcoats and if a boy had a nicely coloredonc which his mother had sewn on tho front of his shirt some girl would bog him to lose it so oho could havo it for her chaym string button boxes and button bags wero romsaclcdj tho old clothes in the attic or the clothes closet wero search ed tho stores wero besolged jn tho hope of securing sample buttons or odd ones when tho otylo was not do ling restocked tho soldiers who- be longed to company 0 of tho old twentieth battalion who woro tho old regulation scarlet tunics witli brash buttens found thomsblves in great flavor with tlio acton girls they rarely left their company without being minus buttons from front or sleoves- sometimes a hevy of thco enterprising girls would corall a pop ular soldier liko charlie dean ox john cameronor jjmmlo symons or john hill when out for tho monthly par- ado under cant allon and when they loft him thoro wouldnt bo a brass button to bo aeon on bio tunic thoy couldnt work thio on jini crelghton though ho was a lloutehant and of couruo had to maintain tho idlgnlty of the army but jim wasnt much attu tho glrla anyway wellthla charm string crazo wont 011 apace when a girl had a yard of buttons on iioratrlng no two alike mind you she started on another yard somo of th girls col as manyl fljttour or flyo yarclhv of buttono on tlio charm string and thoro was some weight to a string liko that the but tons weighed pounds and pounds then thoro began to bo somewhat serious competition as to who had tii3 longest string and tho most buttons i think kate kennedy had tho longest string among tho glrlo in town but ahod never toll how many buttono it had jennlo speight tho daughter of samuel tho carriage painter had a 00 of girls ono day to count hers and hernumbor was fbundtobo 1127 ellon sophia hill had n flno string pot so long perhaps aa aofnp of tho others but hers wero admitted to be the finest of all you doe- ho had considerable of an advantagorbo- causq her athcr tho laio charles t hill one of thv flrat members of thj acton council kept atoro an3 sod buttons- and alio improvod her selec tion thoro eliza camoroir maggie grant hattio laaby mary woblfor and a lot of tho other glrla also had hho flrlngot s wonder what becamb of all tlibso buttons gathered fifty or swty years ago wonder if thoy all brdught their collectors tho charm thoy wished for nearly all of jhomgotnaarricd any way and i suppoho that was the charm for them i guess lota of those but tons got on to jtho- childrens clothes tjto noxt generation you know it waff qulto a rago to weoir odd buttons a few decades back well thats liboucall remcriiber- about tho oldtime charm strings tho real fibre of tho hoautiful char acter reveals itself ao oleariy at tho worst momonta as at the boat thoro is a world of tondornoao as well as an irreotible absurdity in tho otory which frionds loved to relate of mr h tho head of a great morcantllo houao a scholar and a gallant offlcor who roso to the rank of general in tho civil war sixty years ago tho ruliiig pasaron of mr hfo way his adoration- of hlo mothor her death wao almost his own deathblow ahd so long as she lived his dovotlon to her was unfailing ho was a niun of irreproachable habits but -of- ah oxtromoly social nature on oho oc casion however when ho had been dining with friends ho was dlomayod to find that he had taken too much winenot enough to cloud hla con scfousnesa but- enough to affect his gait his firot thought was of his mothor what would bo her grief and dlatross if she should become awaro of hia con dition and ho know that in all pro bability oho would bo sitting up for him after much thought ho decided to make his way homo as best ho couldsteal ibtotbp house sofuy ee- ouro a candle and escape to his own room tho entrance to tho house was safely offeotod and lotting himself into tho hall hecautiouoly reconnoitred thoro in fact was his mpther oittlng in tho library reading and there to her sons dismay were all the candlesticks on fhe mautleploce bchlndhcr what was to bo done hp dared not trust hiny aolf tb mount tho otalra in darknose and he knew that it wao impossible for him tb cross the room without tier observing the unsteadiness of his gait he had a midden inspiration ho wont tc the threshold of thbroom and standing thoro beckoned for tho candlestick to corno to him novci wronged ihu whitey or any of his own people yet all tlio indians feared him singlehanded waohnlcfo cuuld pilot any number of wliiteri through hostile country ho it wan who piloted gehcral frccmont acfoju whbn he wont to mdkoa way for tlio iitivanco of civilization beyond tho rockies t s waahaklo was a wonderful man in many wayo he never broke hla word oncewhcn oner ofhiabonir tod a rest less band of young warriom away from tho roaervatlbn to pillage among tmv whites wnohakio sent a runner to say that f tlio warriors did not re turn by ounrlse the npxt morning would novor return thoy dfdnothccd tho warning and the bid qhtef personally led somo of his best- lighters against his son trilb to tho word of washakie none of tho band ovor returned ah wero slain always stern and vowing allj h3 life thatber would never break hla word waohaklo kopt hiu promise in thls base as he did in every bthor for hlo long valuable services to thj whlten troublous days of the early frontier president grant onco dent u beau tif ukhlack ppny ailno- saddle and a o 11 yor mounted brldlo by special moaoenger to tho chief whon tho qsoongerarrlvodat tho agency building tho oun had juot sot waohaklo waa stanttfngattbb window looking on tho gold and piirplo which hodded- tho snowcaps a the moun tains with color a flower whichugraw a foul gutter fbur years agora jioor laborer named hallotza left hungary and caroo to this country fo prepare a bomb for his wife and boy the wifo noon died lea vi ni the baby hallotza worked hard and saved ovory penny butthrco years paused before ho could rpnt a littlo cabin and mako it comfortable he was hungryfor tho eight- of- hfschildiro hoar it speak to hold it in his arm but ho could hot go after it to hun gary ho had not tho money and be sides to glvo up his work that winter when work was scarce was to oon- tenco himself to starvation all that ho could do was to oond money for the babys paooage asking that it ahoutd booont to him irt the care of some em igrants coming from hungary to now york its guardian was old andduri of wit she did not knowany emigrants who wore coming- to america bbt she bought the tlcicot and tied to jhe childs nock with a tag on which was written its fathers narao and addrcss and a fow words begging all good- chrlotiaao for tho jovo of oodtogivo itfood and di-ink- tho fouryearold boy with hlo blue eyoa- and fair hair his little bundle of clothca at his side was found by the astonlohcd guard sitting ulon in an emigrant train leaving peajh tho man shaved hiu own meals with him thon tho ragged disorderly mob that crowded the car gathered around t m 1 r 1 i nim j amaeomont arid pity thoy pajapx tnmmm tn inofcn rh ec to tws frightened little tot thb womon made room for him beside their own children l at night whon ho cried for home they rocked him to demitijul wiidcmintvetyvar ifmtfed tonowto indian and tochim to look nt tho pony with jto lino saddlo arid brldlo tho pony stood just beneath where it could bo seen to good advantage well washakie sa id moore whjoifioojatholrlarmow havo -you- to aaytotho -white- father mixed metaphors for sending you such a beautiful pros erit washakladld not speak tho posttrader repeated the ques tion but instead of replying the old cliief began to drum with tho flngoro of both hands on the windowpanes thus ho stood for somo momonta moore finally walked to where ho could oeotho indians face and was sur prised to oeo that washakie was woop- ing great tears wero rolling- down over his scarred cheeks and occasion ally tho great fonrigiwiiaaaau something that no torture couid have made him do in due course waahaklo turnod abput and said slowly toll the whito father for me- that whion tho french man glvoa thanks ho hah plenty tonguu but no heart when waohaklo gives thanks ho has plenty heart but no tongue a message it may bo added that none could understand hotter than the silont manjo whomit was oont good old chief washakie fought in one hundred and ilftysevci battles in aid of tho whites wheat yields in canada tn thoir carb ho crossed tho alps and passed through italy to gonoa whero they carried him on board tho ateainor for now xotk- f ho was among otrangora again but tho otory of tho friendless baby was told through tho ship after that somebody was always ready to food him to rock him to sleep to hold him on tho knee the cablnpaooengors mado up a purse for hfm thcwombn in tho oteoragb washed his little aprons and frocks and mended thoriv tsvhonhe reached america hie friends sale of hommade baking eyery week and every daywe holcjt a sale of fresh- home- made baking its bond to be fresh because we are always soid out aftitmost of jhe est honieco antlyiciiiityil have given lip to our baking iiipreferencefo their own prqduct a few lines now obtainable are lcmdn apple- raisin mincemeat and pumpkin piescream puffs cream buns jcream drqps lernn cream tarts fruit cakes etc many consider oijr bread the desf- have the ay agon call fairbanks bakery phone 116 mill st acton on fhe canada train some kind soul telegraphed hla father and that ovon lng when tho caro rolled tip to tho station of the hill town a giant work man caught tho child in his arms land wjthtoars in hlo oyes carried hjm hoiue thcso menandiwomon were kind 10 tho boy porhdpo because onco thoy bad beon innocent children or for tho oako of some other child who had been dear to them or lot us hope for tho iovoof god who fcould find no better way to obnd his son to us than ao allttlo child thq following cholco bit of journa lism is credited to a tennessgo news paper porhaps it is better not to spoclfy mora particularly wo will not enter into a contro versy with the slim hissing wolf who tries to spit venom from hla forked tonguo on tho editor of th tho way l to treat ouch crawling vermin ts to jiist lot thorn bellow alias jennlo harlow who has aieon vioitlng frlondo in our midst hasf re turned homo we are always glad to seo her wolcomo presence sho comos like a ray of sunhina ta sweeten yo editors cup of gloom conio again miss jennie those pension vampires aro sucking thelifcblbod from tho ship of state tho palo hand of death stalked into our mldof last week and faotenod us cruel oyes on little mary pudley chat8 with clerks a discontented man can nover bo a uijbfulmuch less- a mice eon ful man a healthy ambition for a constantly widening sphcro is good but ydu never and it nssojhcdiththoar gjhmtlillom plain ts that- mark somo mtmtbohlnd tho counter as medio crities whon you find ayoung fellow who thinks ho is too good for hlo job you may depend upon it that he io not ht for it much leas for a bettor place it is tho clerk who hammers away wlthlght and main at what ever ho may bb at who is suddenly surprised with tho command come higher up it in an easy thing to got out of a joint with your position and surroundings but tho spirit of dlscontont onco indulged in in liord to shako off and it wll soon land a man ui tho atioot ha was worldly as well as spiritually vise mdnwho origin ated tho saying i have learned in whatovor otato i am therewith to bo contented tho store la no placo for nonoons novor forgot thjo fhct buoineou io a soriouo matter and during tho huol- hetw hours tho mind should be fully givoiftbjta prosecution if clerks aro really honcqt they will had plenty to do llo waiting for dustombru instead of la lly gagging clarkjdti ivoep your tongue as well ao your tooth clean listen twico as much as you talk never sot your mouth going off and leave uv it needs watching tho scilpturo iiayb whero your troasuro is there will your heat be also 1 it is cnqally truo that whero your heart la thoro will your trcaouro bo also it is tho man who puts his heart into his work that accumulates trcao uro whether it bo knowledge honor success or monoy ho bo after nover novor never bo small some interesting facta on the wheat yields of canada ore given in a stato- mont roebntly publiohodbye s hop kins field husbandman for the can adian federal department of agricul ture which in part reads as follows ao the valub of tho wheat crop on tho pralrlo la normally about flfty per cent of tho total value of tho entire annual- agricultural production of tho pralrlo provinces it is interesting to learn how tho yields of this important crop in canada cpmparo with thooo in other cquntriea jbrlixfly otdted canada has a much higher average yield per acre than apy other impor tant wheat exporting country some countries which import wheat havo a higher average yield per aqro than canada but thoro aro only a few of those such ao tho united kingdom germany and denmark which havo a yield considerably higher while the total quantity produced by- these coun tries is relatively very small more over tho expense of producing wheat in these countrios is extremely high even such an important wheat pro ducing country as france has an aver- ago ylold ofpnly two bushels per acre hlghep than canada whilo both italy and rournanla havo lower yields per acre tho oyerngo yield per aero of wheat over a period of 23 years for the fol lowing chief exporting countries of the world- io as follows canada 17 8 bushels united states 141 india 113 argentino106 und australia 104 in rusghvthjiaycrago yield over n porlod oftutfeon years was 94 bushels por aero it will be seeb therefore that canada enjoys somo considerable ad vantage over other exporting coun tries this advantage is due in part tn a natural adaption of wheat to tho soil and climate in this country and also to the improved methods of cul tivation aswell aa to better varieties of wheat whjch have jbeonintroduccd by acieatlllc agriculture sentence ermons its a good thing to be blind whon others aro look ing for trouble 7 to bo dumb when others are mess ing in ocandal to be deaf when otlfero aro spread ing gossip to bo busy whbn others aro wait ing tor- luck tq brealu- rto bo pushing whon others are hunting for pulls to be charitable when otliors have boon caught in mistakes of course trained to politeness a ihjjtn diacovorod a homeward- bound revollor searching at tho front of a lamp post and inquired tho put- poab of tho seafrch dropped mo key replied hap py ono thoy a care ho 1 together for a fowminutoo ihxaotly whero did you drop it r round the corneiy then why on oartli are you lookli here bpttqr light was the reply v did he leave y any insurance the flrat question asked by george cnstlev fnentjs when they heara of his tragic death in an automobile accident was quite a natural a griefstricken young vdow two wideeyed wondering children a little home partly paid for here were proper enough reasons for the solicitous query of true friends and george castle hodno insurance if your death came shortly would your widow be left in this position would she after first paroxysm of grief hnd passedface long years of want with dull despafr crowdinglov- ing memory from her heart protect her future with a north american life policy ther- attached coupon will bijng yoii complete information on how best to do it north american life assurance company babys own soap soud aa the continent head oefice toronto- canada r 1 v f c walls district manager 50t bank of hamilton bldg- hamilton ontario send mo your booltlot tho wbolo hfo policy addn aso qocupation f albit ta uialwd llftm uontrml w tj a jvord about driving cars on the way to school next morning oho met nclljcf king ivo found anoiher button ho cried and thoreh room enough to ikjuogzo it on my otijngl it taken four oualltlon to bo a good driver of an automobile oven tho cheapest you munfvho ablo to lrlvo safoly t drlvo fast not all tho time but whon it is neeeaaary fast hut still safely bo ensy on your pabsengersrpartly a matter of springs but much more- a matter of skill 1 will you lot mo kins you itj give you a ponny asked the littlo boya aunt- a penny he exclaimed why i got more than that for taking castor oil j voqaijyyyymiriiaidrc any aol can abuuo a good machine we know and no doubt you know many drivers who have two of thcoo ojualltlen and some who havo flireo tho ones who have ah four are rare ludeod repair bhopn hospitals and police courts seldom boo them not enough a woman tolls- of a monkeywhlch she saw while in paris which waa jo woll trained in good manners that it waa almost impossible to bellovo that ho did not understand what was said to him when tho woman met tho monkey on tho stairs ono day tho creature stood in tho corner and allowed hor to pass and when oho said good mornjngjho took off hlo cap and bowod aro you going away sho asked whero is your passport pulling off his cap ho took from the crown n paper opened it and ohdwebf it to hev when somo onjp observed that her drenfi was dusty tho courteous monky took a brush frbm tlio tablo ahd care fully briished ber dress and then her bhocs 7 tvhen any ono gavo him food ho at waya made a jow bow before taking iandthenatc 11 slowly and daintily ho had been taught to cat oggb with a apoon and to use a knlfo ana fork ho could lock and unlock a- drawbr throad a needle uncork a boltlo and polish his masters shoes ho seemed to tako great plcaaucp in gay com pany and paid close attontlonto tho conversation looking in turn atcacli speaker ao if ho understood what was oald this remarkable monkey was never placed on exhibition he died at n early ago of pneumonia no sense of proportion tho yoiinff man who llud opont hla effoith for yearn without rcoultu in otuilylnir art waa talltlnir with ills practical uncle who had patlontly paid tliotjillii of courao laid tho young artlyt jinow i havoht made much of aero of it hut i dont think you aught to adviuo mo to try fiomotliinfir aibc you know tn hoijt to put- all your oggs in ono basket and watch tlio basket vm that may bo charlie tjut did youover think how foolluh in to put no many bnbkota around a bantam ejfb internal and external pains y aro promptly ralipved by bs thomas eclectric ol l thattt haeenbold fonncanlv fifty yeatw 2 oheattn otllert t hui ever mtore ib a ttarmonial that opcamd fqh it tluuebous corative ouatirie silence that is not golden the merchant wlio fails to speak up lets a lot of golden sales slip past his store this lost business goes either to his competitor down the street or by the mail orderroute to the big city stores people are often surprised to find that the goods they bought uhsiglit tin- seen from a catalogue chn he seen and exammea in tlie local store tell your buying public what yoii have advertising in the free press will invite the whole community to your store and j most people shop where they are invited to shop n