Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1925, p. 4

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r 33 hc aoiur oi jjljr aiiim2frnijris member cirraln weekly ncvsj nci association member sclccte 1 town wcelhes of ontario tlir acton erer press 13 published every flair5rtty unsrtune at the tree press duilduii mill street acton ontario the subscription price is 53 00 per year 111 advance poouikt is cmrtftd ilhtional to offices in the united stites the late to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advtrtisinr uatls fransient advertlbc mcnt 10 cent- per line arpte measure for firt insertion und 5 cents cr line for each aubse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements vtitli out specific directions wifl be inserted till forbid und charged accordinsly h p moore president asll rditor o a dills mapaper and assistant editor teecpiiones- editorial anij business office nw rejidencc of prcjidcnt itj vvlwt the bylaw hequrc builingtqii hnb a tire limit by law and when n building lb to be erected 01 rcpniied the procctdure followed is always similar to the following case re ported 111 the burlington giuette kusscl smith proprietor of the village inn requested the council to grant a permit for the purpose of an extension to his building for the purpose of taking care of tourists on the report of the building inspector the matter will tie considered and the necessary permit issued if conditions warrant it actons by law is similar to that of burlington and requires reference to the council unfortunately all such cases are not brought before the council for consideration of the members neighborhood news- town and country georgetown thursday morning january 29 1925 editorial an urgent need of acton public library acton has a free library containing over 4000 volumes of which the community is justly proud it is well patronized by readers and its board keeps its shelves well supplied with the latest books of litera ture biography history philosophy science and ficton one important class of books is lacking from its shelves however and that is books of reference this is because the library roornin the town hail ibs no a for readers and therefore no place for books of reference the town has come to the place where a library with a wellequipped reading room is a necessity accommodation is re quired where students may have the opportunity of recourse to books of reference concerning special subjects upon which v are devoting time and study details of which their text books are top mucn abridged to give a place where citizens young and pld may spend their leisure in wholesome and in terestmg reading in the afternoons and the even ings buch accommodations would be of incalculable good to the community many young people whj live in boarding houses woufd be enabled profitably to spend evening hours in such a place who are now deprived of this privilege and form the habit of going places which are not so desirable or profitable acton needs an isolated library building with ample space for stack room reading room and tho usual modern conveniences provided jn such premises if som person ot means either a resident or a native ot the town who has gone from the old home and won prosperity and fortune somewhere else would out of a generous heart and love for the old home toin provide the wherewithal for the erection of a modern public library building acton would be most ap preciative of this spirit of generosity and the library board would no doubt be glad to imorta lize the thoughtful donor by giving the new structure the family name and why not any of thehames of actons early settlers would sound just as fitting and euphonious as crhogr pre vails in numerous towns in ontario the outlawing of war let the christians and churches of america sup port with vigor the movement for the outlawing of war america should hpartly co operate in the complete repudiation of aggressive war as a legit imate method for settling international disputes re membering that where there is no aggression there- will be n6 need of defense aggressive wafshpuld bo branded as on international crime and on ag gressor nation regarded ashaving committed a crime among the nations adequate and impartial agen cies should speedily be established for determining the aggressor in speci cases and for bringing to bear upon such a nation the combined moral con demnation of the world presbyterian banner 5200 likely foj this years vvtieat crop high sot wheat are reported in the great markets the world over chicago si 90 winnipeg 197 liverpool 10 italy 2 20 if has bsn thought by some that the sensational advance in wheat prices was due to the existence of a corner of the wheat market emphatic among those who declare no corner in wheat exists is julius h barnes formerly the president of the united staies chamber of commerce and nowmember of a leading gram exporting firm which does not deal in speculative grain last week wheat trading in europe was the largest ever known with countries ordinarily export ing a surplus russia which used to export 25q6jjo 000 bushels of bread gram is now importing flour the prospects are therefore very bright or 2 00 wheat for our farmorsfor the products of the harvest of 1925 tho followlnir hoyo boon appointor mi tho public library board for 1525 chairman j m moore secretary j x thompoon treasurer c wi pixput boole commlttoo c w ptipat a q green r hoiu and j thompson property j urfcrmld a oroon c papnt and j moore tho voto on church union la in protrroou in tho prosbytorlan church the lndlcn aid of tho motliodlm church purpooo giving a 0de tyme concert in tho schoolroom on tuea day ovonlnir february to a bokooelal will bo bold undor tho auoplcea ot tho saubbtonj of the church in st aoorcroto church on aionday february 2 tho annlvoraary oorvlcoo in tho glonwiulamn mcthodlnt church loot sunday were largely attondad and he lormona dolivorcd by tho vloltlns minister rov mr bollnmitli of codlin- vlllowero much enjoyed and appro- elated tho choir provided oplcndlcj music for tho occnolon mr- charleu h thorburti jt ot tawa who wan tho honorary comjnlo- alonor of tho canadian goyernmonr at wembly and nlno their roprooout- ntivt it tho labor confcronco at gen eva laut numrnor will apeak on wem bley and geneva in tho public ubrary on trlday january 30 herald gold production in ontario accordlni to pi cm titntlmoiit i ho preliminary flimii covorlnij tho month of december 10j4 allow tlk i old mlnpn of northern ontario pioduccl moro sold than for any provloun month in tho hlutory of tho lncluntvy again all tonaefl rtco d wore bi olten an 1 onco moro tho gonoial lulvlco from tho mines la that of outntandlnp pro croon tho areroiruto incomo of tin producing gold mlneu companicu ox cood 12 400 000 fm tho hint tlmo on record in thin province tho tljruie nhow that while tho total output foi 1024 wan about g 0q0 000 yot till mlnou are ontcrlnn tho year log with production at a rate of cloflo to j30 000 000 a yoar tho clone of tho yeal found appioxlmatcly 1800 men directly employed at tho produunff mlneu and with anothor 390 or moro employed on proportion iii tho dovolopmont utaao erin jcho xownshlp ofllooro have booi the success t a cemetery commission the following interesting resume of the success which has attended the cemetery at tillsonburg un der a commission which lias been in control for the past five years will be very interesting reading to the people of acton and others having plots in fairview cemetery the citizens of tillsonburg have ever reason to be satisfied with the management and care of the cemetery under the commission appointed by thogouneil the pe ot tne commission 4- r v has not been changed since its inception in 1919 and the progress that has been made is due to persistent efforts by the members of the commissiorr they have endeavored to get and keep plots on the level where possible and to refrain from cross walls of cement the paths have all been opened and ccmcjit walks placed in front of each section whjch fhas proved to be a good plan several lot owners havo had their plots levelled and sodded and when flowers are plafed by the owners they are carefully watered and tended the perpetual care feature provided for in the bylaw ha been acceptable to marry and is becoming more popular each year this is something that every plot owner should carefully consider and arrange for during his life time we are informed that several owners have made pro vision forjthis in their will it is just as necessary to make provisions for the bodys last resting place as it is for the home life on earth the fee of 50 priid for this purpose can not be spent but remains in the custody of the town council and is kept in vested and the interest alone goes to the commis sion to be spent by them in care and upkeep the cemetery has been self sustained since it was placed under commission government and with the co operation of all who are interested in the cemetery further advancements will be forthcoming in the future tillsonburg news it is just such a plan as this which has bten repeatedly advocated in these columns cditorally and by correspondence by owners of plots ui fairview cemetery if this plan can bi made a success and self sustaining in tillsonburg it can be made a similar success in acton councillor holmes chairman of the cemetery committee would be well advised if he sent at once to the town council of tillsonburg requesting a copy of the cemetery bylaw referred to this no doubt could be readily adapted to actdns cemetery and wollld be a move which would be favored by many citizens the fact is forcing itself upon the council that action along this line must be taken so6ncr or later plot owners in fairview cemetery are sending to our council sums to endow their plots ensuing perpetual care and scores of wills have recently been made in which similar boquests are provided for perpetual care of the plots of the owners irelands trade with other countries the export trade of ireland is much larger than is generally known and especially that of northern ireland by the average resident of this north am encan continent it is at once refreshing and inter esting to be given concrete evidence of the volume of the manufactured and domestic products of this industrious land which are exported to other cour- tnes this is vividly accomplished by the ulster annual and commercial review issued this montn by the northern whig and belfast post under the capable editorial supervision of mr j glencairn cunningham a mass of very valuable information has been compiled and the pages of- tatistiqs and editorial comment are emoellished vith portraits of the leading officials of ulsted and belfast and il lustrations showing the splendid public buildings many of the larger manufacturing institutions and the important shipping and ship building interests of which belfast is the centre north channel and irish sea are dotted daily with steamers sailing tj and from belfast and the net tonnage of vessels en gaged in this cross channel traffic was last year close on to six and a half million tons tjie foreign trade itsef commanded a tonnage of over three millions the exports from northern ireland last year aggre gated 46367279 approximately 210000000 of this the hoted irish linens and linen yarns con tributed 75000000 and the cotton goods 22000- 000 over 000000 worth of machinery was ship ped from ulster and an equal amount of bacon and hams woollen goods were exported tothe value of 2000000 the export of provisions from the farm is surprising eggs contributed over 10000 000 poultry over 3000000 potatoes over 2000- 000 for woollen goods and wearing apparel nearly 4000000 was received these attractive figures will be a revelation tonany and will be studied with keen interest by former residents and their descen- dents whose homes are now in this land the north ern wlwg wijl accomplish valuable commercial re- sults and rnstll commercia pntrihtir 7pmii hy the appointed with their oalarlen an fol lows cleric sam hujtloy 400 as- dos3or wm j y 176 collector george w berry 150 trcanuror danolgray 400 audltoro wmh ttowan andian a robcrtabn 12 oach i mr e j pcaren of tho flrot line han been appointed a member of tho township board of health on wedneoday ovenlner hurt mr a tinea erip entertained a number of bin friends to a nnowehooinff party mr and mrs f t bavllan hllla- burg nailed last week for a two monthj trip to encland to vlnlt tholr parenta and other frlonda and rola- tlvea mr gharlen grant who hao boon a lonr- and patient aufforer from a orious malady la not lmprovlnq- a box social win bo held at con- ineoby school no 5 erin on fri day evonlngr february 13 the glrlo guild of all salnto church plan on holding a display of educational rilma on monday ovon lnir pobruary 2 mm r w campbell vloltcd wlti frlonda in toronto laot week on friday ovonlnfr february 0 jn tho town hall tho students of the erin continuation school will com pote for the highest honours in oratory tho trophies two sllvor medals will bo awarded to tho boy and kirl win ning milton publication of its ulster annual m the attractive and comprehensive form in which it appears in 1925 editorial notes there is a general feeling abroad that we have really turned the corner and are on the straight road to better times when that sentiment grips the people better times are very sure to follow in addressing the people- of the united states on prohibition and the enforcement of law president coolidge said the other day it is the duty of a citizen not only to observe the law but to let it be known that he is opposed to its violation most canadians will agree with the associated boards of trade of ontarjo in favoring a policy under which canadian raw materials would as far as possible be manufactured in canada- mail arid empire canada lends the civilized world in reforestation of denuded timber areas and planting of new forest belts according to e h rinlaysqn director of the forestry brnnch of the canadian department of tlfe interior this is well for canada is also leading the world in the voime of timber being cut for lumber and pulpwood the people of canada evidently have a strong desire for light this dominion leads the world in the per capita consumption of hydroelectric energy with an average of 820 kilowatt hours per person annually the united spates is fourth with 427 kilo watt hours per capita switzerland is second with 700 and norway thffd with 493 according to a report just issued by the dominion bureau of statistics the retirirnent of hon juanrung dohcrty from the position of lender of the progressive party in the ontario legislature and the selection in his place of hoi w e ranqy were features of a conference of the progressive members held in toronto inst week when mr dohcrty stated finally his inability to act the post was tendered by unanimous vote to mr rnney who accepted it george buck hau been appointed an ontario game warden to succoed w a chapman roslurned prom whut wo can gather building operations promlso to be fairly active in town thlff year good comfortable dwollinfrs at a moderate rental aro still in demand vzhile oncragod lasamo of hockey at tho arena last saturday forenoon botweon tho outlaws and tho spin nine mills frank johnson who was wearing glasses eot a jab in hla eyo from a stick which broko tho glasses and inflicted a cut in his eyelid which roquired sevon stitches chiokon thloves it appears are still oporatlng in trafalgar somo formers losing their wholo flocks tho reason probably that trafalgar suffers move from this kind of stealing is owing to its proximity to tho highways bo tweon toronto and hamilton which enables tho thieves to make a quk and safe getaway with their plunder tho annual meeting of tho atilton horticultural society was hold in tho town hall horo last thursday ronorts showed that tho year just closod lias beon a most successful ono having had a membership of j27 a number of window flower- exhibitions were held tho society looks forward to increased- interest and mcmborshlp for tho current year mr goorgo androws of winnlpog a former highly cotocmod resident of milton for many years on thursday laat colobratod tho one hundredth an nivorsaiy of his birth and is auu halo and hoarty his many friends horo will bo dollghtcd to hear this mr andrews la an unolo of mrs william hews reformer tho ladles aid pocloty of tho moth odlat church tendered tholr 3rd an nual banquet to tho adult ofllclals of their church and tho mombers of tho choir in tho school room on tuesday ovening ovor-loo-aat-dow-n-to-a-nioot- oxoellent repast aftor zrappor the pastor took tho chalr and spooches wero mado by tho loaders of tho dif ferent orlganlzatlbno of tho church interspersed with musical selections champion burlington mrn bdmond holtby entertained tho members of fct lukes churcl oholr at her homo on thursday even ing miss margaret alton of manltarlo saslt is tho guest of mr atrd- mrs a c burnett mr and mrs a w wallace of moosojaw saak aro visiting her alstor mrs ft a hall kings road tho students of tho high schoci will present tho shaltosperian play tho merchant of venice in tho town hall on friday ovonlng feb ruary 20 miss muriel barker of st cathar ines who la attending toronto unl- voralty spent tho woolcend in town with mlaa thalia cannnm tho f aimers of nolson township uro complaining of a shortage of water and many aro drawing water from creoles to water their stock professor tomllnson of guelph bavo a most lntorcstfng and instructive locturo on monday ovonlng at the high school in connection with the vocational training classes being car ried on thero mr stanley king arrived from win nlpeg inst thursday to be at tho bed- nido of his brother rov a a king who passed away on tuesday morn ing tlio annual mooting of tho volun- tcti nro brigado was held in tho club rooms on wednesday evening last with a good attendance of mombers a bountiful supper wan served after which gonerai business was trans acted maxwell cooiiorh7 years old wm g cornitpld 17 yoai s old and murriy saundora 18 yearn old wcro nrrootett about llvo o clock ori tuesday morning on tlio chilrgo of breaking in tho win dow of miss mulllns confectionery atoro at the cornor of brant and water atrcets and stealing enkes thoy appoarud bofoco magistrate barr on tuesday afternoon nnd wero fined 60 or throo months in jail i tho annual meeting of tho neluonl and burllngtan agilcultural sqcloty was held last week pronldont w 1 smith presided and secrotnry trcas uror dynoa presented tho flnancfal roport tho receipts for tho past yen wore 3 183 80 and the disbursements 3 131 49 leaving a balanco on hand of 1 00 qaxetta tea supply inadequate prices higher tea prices aro going up mainly ho caubdteala being demandod by mil lions more people tea la tho cheao eat and certainly one of tho moat pal atablo and satisfying hovoragos known but tho teagrowors havo boon unable tomeet tho tromeitdoua domnnd it takes throo yenra foi a tea bush to matura to tho plueklng stage t plenty of cgjry winter and summer dont let your hens loaf or just be boarders wc guar antee your iieno will lay more emus or your money hack from your dealer wc will oend you i copy of pratts poultry book tree uiitc for it to pay i jratt poop co of canada ltd toronto gpwy business pi mi tjjrv a tea your grocer recommends is usually ood tea tejfe good and most grocers recommend it or j a mcmvrn phyololan and surnoin offlco and restdonco e i 1 1 1 1 ttowor avenuo and nigln btroot phone 88 r dr e j nelson frederick street aoton ontario h leoal- phono no 22 p o box 885 harold nash farmer m a darriatar solicitor notary pudllo convayancsr fdljj perrvman block acton ont money lent qn mortgages hours 0 30 ajn to 6 p m saturdays 12 00 o clock h g meir oorrlctor solicitor notary public qaornatown ont j dental v j m dell d l d s oantlat honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho latest anesthetic med if acalrod f ofllco at resldenco corner of mill and frederick streets the prizes- wlqnlns atundra will receive prlim aooordtxtf to tho table below how many objects in this picture start willi the letter tho ubovo picture contains a number of objects bcrrlntijiiff with the letter p juat tnke a tod look at tho plctnro tlilre urt all rjoith of uiluas thuthegln with the letter p puppy pumplrjh paddle purso etc nothing la hidden you dont hove to turn theplcturoupaido down make a list of nljtho objectu in the picture tlio nnmch of h th boffin with tho letter v hate the wholo family join th see who can und tho most dont mlas any firty cash prizes will bo awurded for tne flfty bet lists of wbrd hubinluil the answer liavinji the largest and ncunest corroct list of risible objects uhown in this picture etnrtinjj with tlio letter 4i will bo awarded flrat prize second best second prize etc young and old join in the fun the mail and empire announces to day anothor puuta same tn which all can parttcd- pnto from the tiniest child to nnuidrauier and trmndmouicr no object is bo email but that the poorest eyealabt can seo it it la a test of nielli your ability to find p worda deter mines the prtio yon win w right nfter supper tills evening gather nil tlio momhors of your family together give each of them pencil and shoet of paper and seo who rati hnd tho most pwordo you will bo imrtrlsed tay find how large a list of words you an get with a few mtnutea study sit dovm now and try it then send in your list and try for the hlg prizes 1 1 man woman or child who lltei in catuuu and la not resident of toronto and itlio la not in ta mplov of tile moll ond umplra or a mtjnlmr f a employ family may nbtnlt an bnatror s all attfwer moat be moiled tr pebnarf v montfoni7 foie ttli 1mb nd addrcuei ataaatr moll and empire sl all met of unci shonld be written on one ttd f to paper only and numb red coniecbtlttly ate write your fall name and addreu in tlie up per right hand ooraer if yon ueelre to writ amy tain also uio a separate het 4 only bveli words as apneay in uie entuah plo- llonaty will be ooonted oo not tie obtolrl wordf phut if no prlso if on fruo if two satwcrlptlons fiabacrtptlon sabscrtpuons r soul 4th prize 5th hue 6th prize ttbprue 8th prize 9th pnze 1 0th prize 11th prize 12th prize 13th to 25 250 20 150 15 too lfr 75 s 50 6 so 5 25 4 20 3 is 500 300 20jl slnraur cinnat voanted and vloa versa words of the some pilin can be wiers the lorl is nerd and vloa versa b uid only yen tluragb used to dcftlrnate differ i objects tides or parts of objects or urt i files an ebjset or article an be named only do not use hyphenated or 4 ompauntl ordi word words or n or more in ltr u an x prim iueluirre ly21t to 5fth prii iadutlre 150 i in tha arrwsi of a tie foi fall amount of ntoh prlt w participant to 750 150 100 60 50 40 30 20 15 tt for any priaa offared tba prlta will ba paid to each tlsd dr f g gollop d d s l ds dental suraoon ofllco over banlc of nova scotia hours 9 30 to 6 30 evonlnga by appointment miscellaneous francis ntlnan bookbinder account books of all kinds mado o order periodicals of every descrint4 ri carefully bound ruling neatly nnd promptly done wyndhtun btreet guelph ont over williams storo r j keir auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yearo exporlontu acton ontario saleo entrusted to r j kerr re ceive attention from date cft lfatlne to date of oale list jour salea with me residence bouli aenue acton phono 36 acton call at my expenoe t tii answer bavin the lorrest nnd nrarest cor root list of names of visible objects end article hewn la the picture that beln with the letter c will bs awarded first prise etc neatness style or bondwritlnff bavft no bearlnjr upon deciding- ba win any number prlko otto honeeholdi nor will prtsea ba owird4 any i mm the passle bat ony one opcrste 1 till u a warded to xafm have moro than one of any rroop where two or been work inge torethcr 0 in the event of a tie for any print offered the fnll amonnt of sucb prls will b nwnrdoel to caali tied participant j id abctlptions both new and renwu pnysbie in advancs at woo per year by rofth in canada or 9000 per year delivered by carrier hoy tn hamilton will be accepted however in qualifying for the 91 060 bopos he ward e nt leuet one notr ubicrxlplon must be sent in vll a new eubscriber is unyons who hna not been receiving the man nnd fninlre elncr jsnuary loth is all unowers will receive tho am eonelderauor regardless of whether or not a subscription to the mall and empire is ebnt in 18 all tiew eobsertptlnris will bo carefolu verl fled by lbs pilule hansver candidate inmklnjir ojd sabsartptlous new will positively fori of saeh svbsrrtptlclne ne tiullrylnir for tie ifoxlmnm itonns itswarde 1 wireesjromlnent toronto clluoni iiarlng nt connection with tic mull nnd i mnlre will be as leeled to ct se judirr to d ride the trlraom und partldpante by bendln in their nets anreo in ncoepl she decision of the j dies rts filial and roiitluslve 16 tlio jo lire will meet in i ebrunry jbtli tin announcement of tt r 1rue winner nnfj correct list if irorde will be published lu tho blall and empire un aiulchly thereaftrr as poilbie rxtha i a it mi rictuitr rnzzin sunt iiel on iik4cust you can win 1000 there are three 1000 prizes tbe r ord picture pussts gams is a campaign to in croaee uin populsrlty of the uall and empire it coats noth inr to take psrt and you do not have to send in a sit gla sub crlptlon to win a prlss if your list of pwords award rirbt feconi oil t1iird prise by the udr you will win a but if you would like to get rnore than 88 we make the following special offer whsreby you oon win blner cash prlsee by eeudlav in onjp or tv70 subscriptions o the muii aitnrtwprrft y lllsltlo fi how if your answer to the p word iucturo tuatilo wine i irbt oldoond or tthirij prise end you have sent lu one yearly subscription to the uall and empire at s 00 by mall in canada or i 00 delivered by carrier boy la hamilton you will receive kd0 instead of ie fourth pries s2wj fifth prli6 160 and ao forth bee eecond column of ruree in prlso list or if yoar aasrarer wlas finftt urcond or timid prise and yen bar sent in two yearly subscriptions to tha mall and lnplre ons new and on renewal or two new aab ecrlptloiis you wll receive i in plaos of 3s fourth prise ia04 fifth prise moo aad so forth see third column af rirures in prise list how le that for a liberal ejferf ba jaiou tbern are thr 1 000 prlsee therafis if yoa stand fiiut blcoj or tiniu und liava ant in two yoarly sabsorlptlons at 3 00 year each by mall or s0o0 dellverad by carrier boy in llomll ton one new and one renewal or two new you will ivln 1 000 new term january 5 1925 at guelph business college herald bldg out i pii wcotern ontarios greatest buoi- neca 0011000 i n d i vl d ualinsfiyi c t ion modern equipment jluolnean experienced instructors special coursea graduates in demand by buslneaa public sond in your rogtstration to day jan 5 may bo too lato guelph business college a l bouck principal rrnd proprietor 4on eyes take advantage of specialiat services offered by this eitib- llohmont and know your losa aro right experience is a good teacher 10031825 wo havo had over twenty years at it and heio patiom ro anoured of the bls1 in op ticax service a d savxtf optometrist and mfg optician savage quiloing right at tho post o leo guelph ontario it taues bat two yearly subsorlptlone at f 8 00 year each on new and ono renewal or two new to qualify for the ba 91 ooo rewarde absolutely that js tha maximum von can do title with little effort yonr own sobecrtpuon can ooant we can alo take abscrlpuons to start at any rataro date jaet oinrk on your ordr when you want tho papsr to start and we will not oou meikc delivery until yon say ription rates payable in advance themailand empijrf ny ohere incanada if 500 per year delivered by carrier boy in hamilton orlo don 6 per year 1 hih ortr nppliu to ltural route pfitiono as wall oa aubuerlbero living in cltlaa and lownu if you nio lretidy recellnc tho moll and ffimpiro your nulmeriptloa will be rxtrnitoil from its preaant expiration send in a yaarly aubsoriptlon at s- 00 tml jinl ij foi tho buj prlzem- the mail and empire to subscrii by ma rural route subscribers o 4 monlltoliwn ttizilc lmnnnpc r 1ld i the following is a partial li8t of prize winner6 in our recent conte8ts mih auk cmploh 1 oromt ont jfooo mm loo boylo marmorn out jlooo mrs thou pattlmnie athcnn ont 1 000 mrn jkov tlioo a im loi wiuiumahuir out jtioo mm jmma mooici clioiltj ont jroilt clnionci i mcrriilr alllnton ont j300 mish oinco wobb qlanton ont tc0 mrn herb hnmhtcnrt mpiifurd ont jlio mrm wm yiiton innla ont j100 c il cnsciilon oil city ont cil uitvitl wntnon cuyueu out 00 mihu daluy m hupcrt klnsnvlllo out iso mia a k bin harnln ont j30 minn m mcclilawio clartnlilll ont j20 mrn 1 hindu qinvoh ntoiirlnn ont ho mine d macdunald siunlu ont 15 mm b s morphy walkorvlllo ont 10 a h boikoloy at catliarlnon ont tin ij a couttu til catluirlnoo ont 1d w havo actually given away a total of over 8avan thouiand dollar in prjioa 6 k lgm rfj0tot 3001 dlones jejvipravfnp b3riciihonn5rw3t ttrontf anac4 the old and reliable granite and marble worlb wo nro manufactui oi n and direct importora of all klndu of monumental and ilcadstono worlt w j 11 direct to our cuiitomom at whole al prlcoi tnub anvlne oiir cuatomor 10 per oont wo havo tho lient nppllamc and tlio only mochantca in the dominion who can operate nnoumutlo tool i i ropcrly wo can clvo rcforonccn from hundrcdi of our cuaomora in toronto and other placon whojo othora havo to have lavf oulta in order to collect wi luivo tho larccnt and bout ntock of oianlto tn tho dominion or mbro than any three doalera in tho wont wo ai a lorltl- roato dettlern and oilploy nu akanf and do not annoy or pcut cuatomora by nondlnk out lunorant nsontii nollclt- ine ordero wo employ only mochantca atid defy competition hamilton sons quelph ont

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