Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1925, p. 5

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thursday january 20 1025 theres an end thevvi an and toull thlntja to joy to auditor to lovo mid the team that follow after thohoufjo hhall tapplo lyom collar to rafter nowthat the idyl ih crumpled and broken tho cruel little words t caiiually qpoken durienrta tlv4ijred of iovqv laat token this 1b a frlnd j- llttlo phrauo to borrow thorou an end to all thlngiv for even aorrow- wlll molt into auehter some toluonlqw the sunday school legson for 8unday february 1 extraordinary gonstruction feat at famous mountain resort golden text ho that abldqth in ino and i in him the aamo urlncoth forth boureth much fruit john 15 1g2q time tucuday night april 1 a j 30 p1accr joiuualem tli tex explained twenty years ago from tho loouo of tho freo propa of thurnday fobrunry 2 1005 rev father feney haa had a tolo- phjoncjjnit lnfft joacphti paruonaso- tljocjtitttrman of tho town hall com- mlttee advertises for tenders for v tho now fhfogscapo at- tho -town-hall- mooting of the local board of health on tuesday ovehlntk bills a- btogatlne to c0 for attondancq and fluppueiifiirnlhhod the jcccent diph theria patients were passed mr james mcintosh foreman of the b6am house at tho tannery mot with a painful accident while working about a macluno in tho yard the bolt of the machine brolco und tho ond ijticlc him with g foroo in tho- face several painful cuts and bruises were infllotod but jio bonco wore broken rev d dick who lias been pastor of thotdlsciples church hero tho past ivurmirti ixair yoara wmireaoirrdyo well sermons next sunday the actonfiro brigado hold a yory auccbasful carnival at the klrup ffij ward rink last thursday cvonlm following tho awarding of a lone list of prices there was a hoclcoy match between tho men of no i reorand no 2 the score was 64 in favor of no 1- kriox church anniversary serviceu jyoro hold last sunday the aermono woro dollvored by rov h a mnc- pherson of chalmers church toronto on monday eveningr an ahnivornnry tea and entertainment waslavaely utton3- cd a aumptuoun tea won opreathin tho school room of tor which arruxcol- lont programme of addroaoea and music was listened to tho vocallatn- were miss e gertrude iowry and mlos mazio booth both of toronto 1 the fruit morti fruit v much fruit i am the truo vliio and my father tho husbandman this ia tho con tral truth of this leiuon all its won derful teaching circles about oc is n development of this crcat thought christ is tho vine wo are tho branch eli all our life and power and fruitage result from our union with him and god tho fathev thevind cultivator who by his wao care bringy eaca branch to- its highest possibilities or if it has no real union with the vine removes it it would bo difficult- to find in the word of god a passage that on tho ono hand lias more comfbrr and encouragement in it for those who roally arc in christ and on the other hand haa more solemn warning- in it forthoao vho have a more outward formal cqnnectlon with chrlfft and into whoso lives there is no peal flow of tho lifo otchriat showvntr itself in fruitage our life our powo to bear fruit is from christ our training into highest fftiltfulness la from tho father union with christ hrnga hto an1 powor to bear fruit ftlad iiubmjnjilon io the fathers pruning ami training hrjnea- larger mrqfuro pf friilttulncaa born franklinbenton in acton on january 24 100g to mr and mrs franklinbenton a son martinin afiton on saturday january 28 1905 to mr and mrq thoa p martin aaoh iiawninv acton oh monday janu ary 30 1005 to mr and mra w f luwn a son married agnewstorjbyat tho prcobyter- lan manae naaaagawoya ontyod- jieaday january 18 toog by rev a blair jlva noil keiths agnew of hartnoy mjoiiltobar to mory daughtev of thomao stbroy nasaa- cawoyo -u- p r waucer ifl guolph on friday january 27 1005 celia stafford wid ow of tho late george wallcor in hor fiftyeighth year t no pther avenue open when tho greatunclo hsnahawa letter brought tho invitation to jitri- mlo to spend hio vacation at dpvedare there was great excitement in the household tfnclo honshaw waa the distinguished member of tho family rich unmarried and old and oa jlnj mlea mother oaid no onouknow what might happen of course jlmmlcy father laughed at that and aaid that he hoped undo honshaw might llyo forever whereupon his wlfo aald alio meant nothing of the kind only jlmmle alone remained calm he bad never aoen uncle honahaw ho won dered whether he wfluldlhcotho groat man what kind in ho ho asked why beffavi hja mother and paused at a loss for a description which s bo lmprosalvb without bolng vulgarly anobblah why ho al most received tho nomination for governor in thjit valund by itofelf aaked jimttilc withuneonocioup irony his mother said jlmmiowau solllte hla father that aho did notbollovo h was a bit of uoo forhlm to makoa visits at dovodale but deaplto the unpromfslnir outlook alio spent tne tlmo before his doparturo striving t make him as unlike his father and himself no possible by words of admo nition and caution jimmios paronto saw him off jmat wau their aurprlaeto hdvo him re turned two days later with a note thn note wns wrltiehon nnonf uncle honbhawe vial tin gcardq and wao brief ycfwro son will toll you why bo watt aent homo it muatbe aometlilng that you said jlmmioa mother hogan after ttu i said to you too no honestly mother i never oald or thing- irotedtod jimmy i- only nskod questions tlon it was aomethlng you did ftlllrmod his mbther what dldjyou doi not much aaid jimmywlth red dening face vx i just caught the gold fl eh in hla aquarium how many auked jimmica father i dopt know he got thero botore i- coild count up oh how l could you bo so cruel saldhib mother i donf know aald jimmy deeper- atoly i didnt fcol cruon truly 1 didnt but that was tho only thine i could think of that you hadnt told mo not to do what aliovol gntue hit8 is homo vwithout an enterprising milk dealer advor- tioos milk from contented cowo when money tallta thoro are aibt of people who seo plenty of cents in wlmt u aayii now doctors aay tlfat onions are good for weak lungs they certainly do atrongthon the breath wlion that odorleea onion la pro duced how will wo know that it is an onion tearful aueation that a currorit magazine is a amall body of iltoraturo surrounded by an ocean of rfdvcrthiementfl r at school ve were taught that greece was south of turkoy buo recently wo saw that turkoy was bounded by grcaso how glnd we qughtto be that it is the father who hi the liusbandman he will make no mfstalcea for ho is perfect in wisdom and ho la won derfully tender and kind if any true diaciplofjestra winmreditaelong nnj- deeply on the words of jeeus my father is the husbandman ho will find them filling his heart with rest and joy the distinguishing character istic of a truo branch of a branch that is inwardly and really in tho vine and- not merely outward and t only ap parently in tho vino la that it boara fruit this js also the distin guishing characteristic of a truo dhi- clplo god alono is tho final judge as to whotlier wo are bearing fruit or not if ono haa not tliat real vital union with christ that results in trull bearing ho is removed from his outwava and aeomlng union ho is taken away it wlyicrof ore stand each one of us in atciydkto aak our selves vory carneetly and prayerfully am i bearing fruit- avery large number 6f professing christians ace not il powerin prayer fulnesa of joy likonoso to jesua found in abiding in jcsuo 611 if the branch bcara fruit 1 ia not joft alone it is purged or cleansed that it may bearmore frjult if then wo continue under tho ovorrwloo care of tho heavenly huabandman wo may jexpect over lnorcaulng frultfulncsa tho form of cleannlnff apeclflod in that context la cleannlnff through tho word it thfinwp dealro tho fullest meaauro of that clcanainff that britrbra 3vorincreaslrig frultfulnosa wo should bring out uvea into- constant- contact with tho word which ia goda- choaou instrument for cleansing ua nog- ioct of tho word- ia thocxpunation of the email fruitage of many uvea do you atudy ho word as you ought io ihat not why you bear eo llttlo fruit tixit the husbandman haa also other methods otf cleansing tho branch des cribed everywhere god aonietaneo re- jortato this severer method of cleans ing of thobruich bocauao neglect of thowocd renders the gentler method yf cleansing iaipoaslble the cleans ing proceaa io not always pleasant but if wo shrink from it wo should re member that it means larger fruitage another aecrot of largo fruitage u abldlngmn christ and- christ abiding m ua what doea it mean to abide in christ many very mystical and mioty pxplanatlone havo been given of- hla- that leave tho average atudont- of the bible in a great fdg but f one will carefully note just what jesus uepondont ufo of its own it draws all abldo in christ is- simply to havo tjio same rolation to jesua aa tho living arid continuously fru i tb earing branch ma to its vino this brancli han no ln- iepondnt llfo of its owji it draws ail us bap us life and fruit bearing on- rey from- tii e vine it almply lets inla life and fruitbearing power con tinuously flow in and its buds and eaves ajid blosaoma are simply maul- joatatlonav not of any independent life jr power of our own but of the life if the vino so wo abide in chrlat ivhen we renounce any independent fo or power of our ownand juat look aver to jcaua chrjat for hta ufo and let u flow lp unhindered by dlstruat or ilsobedicnce or tho attempt to do any thing or- bo anythjnp- aa of ourselves io that our thoughts and dooiroo and urposea and acta ore a imply manl- eatations not of our own life but of aie clw ufo in us so f as wo maintain this relation to chrlat we jhall boar much fruit tho utter fall- iro to maintain this rolation to chrlat and tho conaoqucnt attempt to bo any thing ojf ouroelvca means fruitleaa- aoas eaoting forth wlthorlng and burning are ypu abiding in him and ho hvou if ye abldo and my wgrda abide in you aslt whataoeve yo will and it ahtfinjo done unto you ono at tho greatest aocrota of the prayer that la omnlpent as found her a wluit it ia to abide in him wo have already aoen when wo thuo abide our iirayer itaolf ia a manifestation of the chrlat lffe it la christ praying throug ua and thejfather heaf eth him always so ho will hear all our fruit power to get in prayer whatao- not thad thoro la aomohlnir olae mentioned in this verso icsido our abiding lnihim and my words ablde inyou itis- through the medium of his words that jesua cornea to abide in no it is vain to talk of chrjal abiding in ua wo aro npgloctlng hla words meditation upon his word iaylyi up his word in otic hoarta ib qr0of the aecreta of mighty- pray in threo great things aro mentioned in tl losson reaultlng from abiding in joflus christ power to bear much fruit power to got iln prayer whutso- ever wo ask fullness of joy thlajoy that wo thua get la christs own joy my joy the- world has no suh joy aa that to give kycrythfng in thth lesson 1 related to johuo r fathor 1 8 10 my words verse 7 my diboiplos verae 8 my lovo verso 0 my commandments verse 10 vmy joy vcrne ai tho aeorot of- lovins ono another la abiding in jesua hirf loyo to ua is the standard and moasure of our love to one an other how much ho lovod uti ia de fined in vorso 13 ho laid down his ufo for us thero is no greater love than that possible opportunity in canada in a lottor wrltbon specially for tlio jantfiiry issue of tho far jn noiva letter published by tho canadian jjtank of commerco joaoph marahou of yellow graas saokatchowan who came to canada from england several ycara ago states in part i was brought up pno farm ip tho old kandrand havo spent u number of yearn in farmlrig in ontario and sover- aiyoars in woatern canada i think i have a vory good idea of conditions ao thoy woro and as ihoy nrt- there in no doubt in my mind- that for tho amount of work wo put into our land here wo are receiving moro returns than any other place i know if wo knewtueamouhtof jabouiv manure fertilizer otctuaed in tho older coun tries to produce yield of grain auchaa wo got here with just plain ploughing it would fiurprloo us with our meth ods of cultivation- their land hvourff hot prpduco a cop worth harvesting in holland whoro there la some of the richest aoll- in europe all haul j manure is kept in tanks and tiauled on to the land they grow immense crops but they certainly apure- no pains to feed the soil a visit tosotno of their dairy farms ia a revelation to ono who ia accustomciltaour weatorn m in rancclajul bolgl u m where intensive cultivation is prac tised whole- famjlloa -work- in thofipld from daylight to dark cultiyfttlnte thojx augarbeota and other croiis r i should like to ay that farming conditions in western canada aro hot ter than they- ever were and are stead ily imlvoving there- are ao many op portunities for thrifty and onergotlc men that they cannot bo enumerated wouro getting past tho ploneeratago and gradually developing into more farming and live stobk raisine r railway tirtie- tallies qolno wmi no 20 no 31 j no 33 no 35 no 39 r suiiii goino eant no 20 no 30 no 34- no 30 no 38 no 34 sunday 809 am 1035 am vtipni i siilriim j 0 i m mlinnri 705 am 1118 am 335 pm 017 pm 813pm 70b pm canadian national eltcthic railways westbound daily kxcopt sunday 743 an dally i 943 am dally 1143 om jdolly j 143 pm dolly r7 343 pm dally 543 pan dally 743 pjn dally 943 p m dally 1232 a eastbound notly- lui dally except sunday bally bally dally bally riaht tho sholl ih course of erection loft tho covor noath vyhlch tbo con struction wotk is joino oh below chqteaulauo louiso as it will appear poar upon complotion careful uoula who jinto to ooo any- thinir wnato irro of the ophiion that wo blinukl hklii to oeo daylight an ooftn nti iltb turned on forwit holot up the nail ffhllpgaioaotlitasn tldo and wind ntay nt mnnh ploaa solstonot tlmo when tlmo in punt bailor hpoech i wlndomh lolauro aftorwlth are dearly bought lotoiyorwlt miitlo thy thought bouwiwou 1 daily reading for the week monday eubijjjiry chrlntn thlor- ccnoory prayer john 17 i13 tuesday fivbruary 3 intcrccsolon of abjiotlutmjaonlsoa 18i 2333 wodnouday pobruary 4 lutorceti- slon ofmoses bxodun- rfii 3034 thursday february 5 intorcoaslon of samuel 1 sam 121025 friday february 0 intercjegaloii x asttr2ctlfon140ix saturdajl february- 7 intcrpmslon pfjtlbcliurcli acts 12 111 sunday february 8tntercebulon of paul bph 3 1421 j corns cause much suffering but hollowoys corn rombvcr oltors a nitjelly auro and satlafagtory relief architects and builders nil over am erica aro much interested in thepro- ijroa of tho rebuildine of tho can adian pacific hotel at ijllte louise alberta the site of this bulldlne- is oyera rallo nbovo sea level and tho thormomotor frequently takes a flenr national drop there being trln flu atimjdplfttrybpncboe when 5g below zero ib on record it by ttieaiow wing of tho hotel on tbo was imperative that tho now win which is being- built to replace- that burned down last summer should uo finished and open for tbo coming sea son and that work on ltshouid thoro foro not bo interruptod by wlntor woather soviyir nrchitoct and- coptraotora rom- united states cities who havo visited uie slto expressed doubts as to wljother tho job could bo done during tho cold weather particularly in view of the fact that sorauch oftho work consisted in pouring cement this had to bo safeguarded from freezing and it was finally doclded to build a hmowodtlflii taxpapjlnotlonell lnaldo of this sholl rorb hung tbous ands of feet oftemporary steam colls kopt hot by 380 horsepower steam vldo a soxo summeroiko atmospboro for tho carrying on of tho worlc the erection of 4d important a building in a position so comparatively difficult of access as is tho lnke louise chateau is a niattor calling for uliuaual engheering sltil-4ho- task of getting the materials to tho slto toeing by no means ah easy oho with a night and day servlco in japlto of ico and snow over 2go00 tbnoof material and cooilaokelde delivered by tho vrndlb-tlnrrowbatlbe- traniwik on four per cent grade for- a dlstapco of 3ir ralles from lsko louise depot to the chateau canadian pacific forces are supervising tho work supplying steam and electricity and delivering bolloro tho effect ofrwhlchwas to pro- material to thoslte this extension will enable tho cha teau to accommodate seven hundred gdestsin a fireproof- building with every modern convenience and one of its features will bo tho magnificont view of tlio lake nnd tho group of mountains surrounding it from tho ball room rotunda lounge and dlnlnvr room through enormous plato glass windows which feature- tho whole length of tho building tho extension was designed by messrs dftrott- and r mothers j thia oil mothers who know lrow suddenly croup may selzo their children and how necessary prompt- aotlonlnhpjlylng al ways keep- at hand a supply of dr thomas- eclcctrlc oilj becauao sx- porioncohas taught them that this is n excellent preparation for tho treat ment of tills ailment and tboypxo wise for- its various uses render it a valuable medicine 711am s4a om- 1143 am 148 pjn 343 pm g plm taalm 43pm 1140 pm doily bauy bally freight delivered by apoclal exprcaa rohjhtrfrorbhtrplcltedtipnt any aov- dress in toronto unfortunate e sltyjltader of montreal who have done other important work in connoction with canadian paoiflc hotels and the contract waa undertaken by meaarfr cortrhaua and amincr of tvinnl- poff t someone has cxpresocd the opinion that the letter e la tho most unfor tunate letter in tho enghah alphabet becauao tt la always out of cash rfor- over in debt novor dutjjf danbrer and in hell ajl thtlmo for aorao roarfbn ho overlooked the good fortune of tho letter so we called hla attehtlon to the fact that vwuii never in war a wnya in peace and never in prison it la the beglnnine of cxiotonco the commencement of case and the end of trouble without it there would be no ulfo no heaven ho oleep and no oato vt it la tlio centre of honesty makes love perfect and without it there would be no printer t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orpero lept t e gibboiis maik street acton a real dear story czarina the famous russian brown boar at the bronx zoo has adopted a teddy bear sjio stole t ho nako- bolievoboar from lillian the fllxry- bld- daughter of mra robert pago of no 785 east ono hundred and forty- alxth street last wopk when the child aqoldehtly hropped ltiri front of her caffo tho czarina hndt two little hear cfifl- dron twoiweelth ago tho cubswore lovely onea arid gain ed tho name of tho cream puff twins n the ahort half month they wero alive their color was a delicate shade of light brown and their hair was slick and fluffy beforo they wero two days old they wore general favorites and tho little folks talked about them even in their alcep tho keepers planned great thing for tho cream puff twins j j3utlt waa not to bo ao the- can nibalistic czar their father had not been reckoned with the grief of the mother grew from day to lay she would atantl in tho corner of the den and cry as bears crv moat pitifully tho keepers fed her the choicest morcohi for they were afraid nhe would 4io if they did not in uomo way wean her from her woo when mr a pago and hex children stopped boforo tho iron bars to- ace the bears thoy re marked tho unhappy appearanico of the czarina she did not notice them at first but dlrcotly her gaze turncd upon lillian in whoao chubby hands was the ted dy bear thisteddy boar wag about tho elzo of one of tho cream puff twins and its color- waa somewhat fdmllor tho czarina espied it slowly the idea acemed toyposaeos her but for some seconds- did- not move her oyes tflued upon lillian toy and tho old llght was coming back into her facq lillian was fascinated with tho eyes of the czarina fortliore was a strange blow in jhem and she nevcrtook them off the teddy bear the child could not help feollng a peculiar sensation perhaps hypnotic in its power but when her mother at jastabbuptly broke tho silence saying come et us go j on lillian waa nervous tho czarina seemed to know that hor tihy waa bout to be taken away the childi frlghf waa such that sho low toward her mother and dropped the teddy bcarao she ran a erqwl escaped the- bear mother she dashed to the bnrs throw her heavy body agtunnt hiem and re bounded booing that tlu would not work aho renchod out wlui her paw- way but farther and farther until success crowned- hor effort nd tho held tho teddy bear which was to bo lor baby in her paw then she ruhhod to the don and wouldnt come out tho laugh at tho lack of jpglc in woman has been echoing clown the tho- ages and will doubtless bo heard for yet one con qr- twol but what often seems her weakness in argument ia really her strength ih contrlvanca or in imagination she refuses to clawl along the beaten path of ayl- loglam when she may fly over tho fences and arrive at a mountain top whilo a man la getting his breath still it must bo acknowledged that sweet woman is aomotfmen uncoh- aoloualy humorous whdn aho is face to face with a militant argument said augustus to his voung wife- my dear do you know that if thoro wore but ono potato left in the world it would bo of moro importance to pro- in tho churchyards of englanfl arc servo that potato than to oavo tho to bo found many peculiar and humor- ulcn of new york and lonaap from churchward humor oua epltapha hero la opo from pombf dkeahlro churchyard r- f j- l- nnp jwondor im dejd for tho wheels of a wagon went over my head y in wosterham churchyard lcnt is to bo found an epitaph in which fjiam- mar hna been neglected for the sake of rhyme cheerful in deatiti clone my eyes into thy arms fpy god i fiiea an epitaph tff d man of tho name nf qeortre denhdm runs an follows hero ilea the body of doordio bon- ham if ye saw him now ye wadna ken him an epitaph in wolvorhunipton churchyard reads as follows here lien tlio bones of josoph jonea who ate whllat he was able but onco oerfedj hedroppod down doad and fell boneatli tho vablo when from tho tomb to meet his doom ho risea amidst sinnonf since ho muut dwell in ileavn or hell tako-whlch- givot boat dlnnora millers wornt powders not onlyex- rbuowcjnteiitiua biit thoy aro a remedy for many other nllm of children thoy atrengtn- nn thoyminfrbtomnch nbrilpflrbiuoun- nooa and aro tonlcul- in theiu effects where tho child suffers from a loss of appetite in feverish conditions they will bo found useful and they will serve to allay pain and grapinff in the momuch from which childron so ofcen buffor golden thoughts bo good 6od at the depths of you and will discoycrthatth6b who artir- rbund you will be gobd oyen to tlio same dopts nothing rcpqnda moco infallibly to the secret cry of good ness than tho secret cry of goodness which anear maurice maeterlinck at shut of day if rest is oweet at ahut of day for tired hands and tired foot how sweot at inst to rest for aye if rest la sweet we work or work on through the boat death finds us soon our labors lay in lands where night and twilight meet -arthur- symono in praise of her bleaaedia aho god made her so and deods of weekday holiness fall front her rtolselcos aa the snow nor hath aho over chanced to know that aught were cuoler than to bleaa j r lowell tho arietoortlc principto aniongat the mdaaos even in rev- olutiona ariatocracy must ever exist destroy it in nobility and it bocom centered in tho rich and poworful houao of commons pull them down and it still survives in tho master and foreman of the workshop 43 ulzot audacity as knowledge wfthout justice ought to bo called cunning rather thart wis dom so a mind pre par od to meet danger if excited by its own eagerness imd not the public good deserves the namo of audacity rather than- of courage plato a pleasajit mbdlclno for children la mothorn qraveu worm exterminatorp nnd it ja excellent foy driving worms from thooyatcm mro enibqth oreilly neville in her recent -volume- of irluhjoluijchear fathor tom of connemaraputs in to tho mouth of ah old irishwoman a rvtvld description of the vhodg echools which ao long afforded their only chance of an- education to the peasant folk of tho distressful coun- thry beforo tho better daya began a hedge ochool saya moll mul- lonoy woo a cabin protected by a rnountaln and a hedge and kept warm by the sods of peat carried by the chlldher every morning undher their rma tjtho hedge schools turned out some jjopd scholars too i nlyer larned anything but that waa just mo luck v i was always last and thoro waa only one book t6 each class and that was passed round from hand to bund when 4b stood up to read nnd beforo itraftied mo it waa always time to ate the dinners and whin wo started ugaln in the af ther noon it wua the finnw thing before mo turn came round it was tlmo to go home for on account of the treo miles of a lonely mountain road before me i jo lave airly i of ten thought she added re- fioetively that the master might have started at tho foot to give mo a chance but i suppose ho nivcr fought of it but you must have learned some thing i did- i larnt tomko ten dlfforont kinds of cats cradles wld tlio aid of moknuckleo and a sthring- i jarnt how manyavca thoro was on a daiay and how nany ueedaln tho heart of a wild atrawberry ao well us how many tunes i could aklp to tho beat of a rope wldout atopplpg qnd bow long x could hold mo breath undher water icould syim like a duclcand climb llko a goat i know whero the black est sloes and tho reddest bottleberries grow and how to tlcklo a boy or a girl in front of me wld atmhcfi of nettles that would raiao a bllsther half an inch high just before their a woman8 reason destruction by flro why auguatua wlpt do you mean i never heard a npnaonflftl no amelia that ia tho simple truth the loss of a great oiy could bo mot and jorgotten in a lifotlmo but thop6tut0 is essential to the well- being of a largo number of tho human race if tlio last ono wore gone tho people would skirmish round and find another potato somewhere so great ja tho ingenuity of the modern woman that ono 1b inclined to believe that amelia was right and that somebody presumably a wo man would akumlah around and make good tho irroparablo loss find a potato whoii there- was none to be found definite arrangement a tailor had called to collect hla bill freauently but without succesa fin ally in deapcratlon hii aald vehement- vr mrdonefl i must liihiat that you make aomo definite arrangements with nrje why surely replied mr jones agreeably lotb hoc well nuppaio you call oyery tlmrsday morning detroit freo preaa only ajcoj1encidence yoh imul tho dark man my nam la laimc alrahaln cohen but i dont llko iv it coot hie 20 tlieotheitlny- hew on earth was that naked hie fhend vy it vnb ttyk vay i vns in court nndjjfno judgo ald to mo vat lu your nawes and i aald iauac abraham cohvn and he said ar you a jowv and- 1 aaid dont bo a fooll and ho fined ik20r a hedge school dont submittftatthmbif you of o aufferirig without hope of broakiuetuo chains which bind you do not put of the purchnae another day of dr j d kellpggb remedy a trial will drive away all doubt aa to iitoefllcioncyj tho suro rollofthat comes will con vince you more than anything that can be wrltton whop help is ho suro why suffer thia matohiona remedy la aold by dciflcrv bvqry where organ made ofbamdoo in tho roman catholic- church at lob pinna a small town fivo miles from mnhlli in tho phjhpplnca is to be found a wonderful old bamboo or gan this quaint instrument was con structed by an old spanish pianist early in the nineteenth century tho bamboo of which it is constructed waa burled in tho sand for two years or moro to uensan it before using tho organ is still in good condition after a century of uso- and is uaej every week in his nervicoh by tho bel gian priest in chhrge kvery part of tlio instrument i made of bamboo and some vory ingenious dovlcea wero included by uh builder while mak ing this larger organ tho old span- lard built a tiny model a perfect copy of j ho big instrument this ho eont to the queen of spain who in ap preciation ofl thlq unique present hent at number af valuable gifts to tb church some ot these atlli remain and are almost aii much treasured ni the organ ltaolf for scald and burns dr thomas iccloctrle oil is a standard treatment for scalds and hurhs its healing lmwoy juicltly uanthealtlio hail hlvdl ulds a aneedy recovery from tho in jury it is also an excellent remedy for all sorts of cuts bruiaotr and sprains ns- well us relieving the pains arlalpg from inflammation of various lclnda a bottio in the house and stable savea majiy a doctor a and voterinwxye fe ay for castoria mother ifletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and- soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of wind colic to sweeten stomach constipation flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness resti and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of caifycjtsu turn carriom reto ana ikriowjmsy l directio on each partago physicians every wlicrc recommend it to run away from the racho of tho maaterh cane when a comtlafnt wont in idld your mother never flitd- out slto did in time hut what cud aho do to a crlpplo oh the maatcr was a crtpplox anddyo think any ono huta oripplo would bit all day and tacho the chll dher wld usli inthosay wldln a rod of him waiting to ho caught and icolp on tho beach waltlnff to bo gathered but ho wah a great tachcr ontirfily he had tho lonsoat rachotlyer knew wldacano at tho ent of it how much must you pay for style npoo frequently people assume that style and smart appearance can only ie obtained in highpriced motor cars a comparison of chevroletwith many of the highertpriced cars will convince you that chevrolet really offers qual ity at a low price for instance there are such features as fisherrbu ilt bodies ternstedt window regtriators velohr upholstery you can b proud to park a chevrolet anywhere chevrolet quality however goes much deeper than outward appearance ask any owner about chevrolet perform ance and chevrolet economy chevrolet may be bought on easy terms s vking representawves for this secxton notice to creditors of the estate of james matthewbobecea8ep tho credltora of jameo matthown lato of tho vluago of xcton in tho county of halton jpontmantor who died on tlio tenth day of january a p x025 and all perpona havlnc claims acalnat hla estate aro roqulred on or bofpro tho twentythird day of pobruary 1026 to ond by pout pre paid or otherwise deliver to tho undcr- alened solicitor their full namoa ad- dreonoo and descrlptlona and full par- tloulam of their clalma on and after tho nald twdnieythlrd day of pobruary tho oxocutora will procood to dlalributo tho oonoto of tho said estate amone the portlcu ontitlcd thereto and they hereby clvc notico that thoy will not boreaponolblo there after for any claim or clalma of whlcn they ahallnot havo recolvod notico bated thia twentyoocond day of january a i 1025 1 j bhbsti3rt matthews anna i haddock exocutoro h n farmer acton ontario 303 jby their solicitor a new service we have established an -up- todate watch repair depart ment with five watchmakers at your service with these new facilities wc hope to be able to create a repair service second to none in the province we invite you to submit youv repairs for estimate quick service competent ser vice this is always our aini savage co jewellers guelph ontario georgetown ontario the superior five piaienffer sedan she wu too sick to try entrance exams jcnno wm ono of tho many chu dreh in new ontario who travol mllct each dy to school flr wcathor oi foul they trudge alona the roucn roods eager for the little hit of edu cation possible for them fifteen years had passed alnco jeannes birth and she had never enjoyed tho best of health during that time six of the years she had- spent in going to school helplharound tho house and at odd times working here and there to earn a little money one day shewas caught in a sleet atarxn on her way home from school before long a terrible cough set in which finally ended in consumption of- course it waa impossible for hor to tnn- the entrance exa an other year perhaps hut certainly not now aald the doettir mow she is resting- at the muolcoua hospital for consumptives her pleas ing shyness still remains her curly ralr hair refuses to behave whilo hor blue eyes with tho aid of her lips radiate cheer and hope suro noya jeanne im going to high school why notr- and we eeho why not and the doctor saya why notr be cause jeanne is on tho road to wellrluo wllltou lielo her and othora to reach the goal by contributing to tho hospital fundst glfta may bo aent to horn w a charlton president a3 colloko street toronto ontario 8ub8cniptiqna fou aix maga zines taken at the free press office cv iiiajis

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