Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1925, p. 6

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marrlanca nj deaths ttb charneil or at tbi ulrtha fled matriaucg fcfllowinc rates births memorial iatlid soc carua50c ioc per line extra tor poems a born aindihe at moffat on januury 34 195 to mrundmro robert atdrlo noc ethel damper u non kefcfrley in kltchoncri on thuroday january i1025 to mr and mr j linton konnoy a daughter lillian barbara married batu515nstebk at tho chrlotlan church hllliiburp january 14 1t by kov m wttttorwortli molwood bara6ivttioir6tmrnnamrjrvr banlcn to lllliad daughters o mr and mrs waldlo stooj coh8anslowe at tho roaldonco of tho brldbn paronta hilton on saturday january 17 1026 by rov mr malton thomoo w4111am coub- ann cobouib to qlattyo mao only daughter pf mr and mrn clinton liowe kennedy-somervtller-at- ok 1 homo of tho brldoa parents knowe- h6ad farm nnboabawoya on sat urday january 24 192g by tho rov i a c stewart mai poarl jrounb- outdaughter at mr and mro- fyfa sombrylllo to mr doukald kennedy hp son of tho latotpaill kennedy and mrs kennedy orrrydon died rclixie in guelph on monday jan- uary 30 1925 jpalnh royce formenv ofyjjromoaa in ilia 91at yiiiiro anthony at gooruotown on thuro day january 15 1925 william an- thony need 71 years 8 months ttobinson at- fcrcub on thura day january 15 1925 waltor rob tnsort formerly of erin in hla 87th ryni- erin fall fair commonceo tho year whip 1a2bg1 in tho 8ooiotyo troaohiy at tho annual raootlne of the erin aerloultural socloty tho troaourorii report presented by a c momuuan nhowed a balance on hand of j132c- 54 an oxcopuonaljy bood oliowlnu for a township fair it wau decided to hold the uaual dprlnithorao nhow in hlllaburc oomor tlmo in april and tho erin fall fall on october 8 and 9 tiro socloty in also maintaining the combined standing field crop and thronhlrt emn composition i vrhjlo oatn and tho regular competition in potatoes tho following officers were oloctcd pronldont a q parry first vice- pros george dnvls second vice- frcs s e griffon- directors j e poaren jas ictrlavood- a j lindsay j r cree j c mcklnnoy d s sin clair j cruickhhdnlc j w sljttoii flenry vinson h mhunnoy n e nlcltlln chester burt lonoph thornjiht son robert kerr w b sutton hont nlry lady dlroctoro tho omcora oritry lady wivcb auditors vtrllllam conboy h r smith r secrotavy- treasurer a c mcmillan t- darragh at hia homo at sodom naiisagawcya on tuesday january 27 1925 james datragh in his 85th yoar blaciclockat guelph- general hospital on tuesday january 29 1925 hazel mario beloved daugh ter of mr and mrs james blncluoclc aged two yeare and gix roontliu leslie at her late re3ldonco lot 3 con 10 east garafraxa on mon- day january 19 1925 eathor stauf- f or beloved wifo of j harvey los- ho in her 52nd year- crosbie at her late residence 31 groon stroot guelph on sunday january 25 1925 mary badoll daughter of tholatoanlrow and mary crosble whhsiby at tho homo ot her daughter mf8 john- mcgregor lot 24 con 7 naosagawoya on sat urday jtoornlng january 24 10 annio mcphall widow of tho 1ato william ojniltloy in herg7th yoar in memohiam- gamble in fond romolhmanco of mrs james gamble who passed away january 30 1920 tho years may wlpe out many things but this thoyml wipe out- ribvor tho memory of thoso happy days when wo were all together r lovingly remembered by husband son and daughters idayifej loving memory of my door el violot lydla davia who donnrtpj this jlfo january 20 1924 in horrlhst year whilcthe ur4 8hine8 01s doo hadloy jongs slightly absentmlndod at times was an en thusiastic gardener one sultry ounv- mer whori warnings of a shower rumblod in tho vost mrs jones culled to him and getting no response found him struggling with tho hose hadloy sbo demanded when aro you coming in 1o supper tho gardener wiped lli liursiiua- hon from hla forehead and pohited to tho horizon goodnoss dear ho ropllod i must got tho garden watered befovo that storm broalo3amerlcan los- ion weekly t obituary mbs william whitley death concluded a lone porlud of lllnoija uufcorort by mru william whit- loy of naouacuwbyu qi saturdnv morninir mruwhtloy had lcen 1 neighborhood news s town and country nassagaweya churchill tho rohult of this- vpto on clilirch poor health for noino monfhu mir i union ut cumpboitvlllo proabytorlnn malduil namu wqh annio mcpjhuuu jior blrtltplaco whs in erin tbwnahlik sho married her luto luiubunil avlulutu whluoy xortyutk ycuru uo-m- wlutloy ulod jiovontoeh yquni ne for dojflo tlmo doceaaed and her daughter mio jennie rfcaldod in act6ii and ijoveral ytjura apo aho re- turn to th hfflftoatfa and mlnfj nlct took il timtlotr in quelpti ii wiiltfoy fidd a comfortable iiomo anl loving care at tho hoiho of her laugh ter mrs john mcoroe6r on tho home stead showna a member of the xren bytbrlan cliurch nndhad been a- ndclatefl with tho clmrchod both in nuouapawoya and in acton tho fun eral on monday aftorrioonwaaattond ed by many former friends and neigh bors tntormontwaa made in th amjuyplot infalrviow cemetery t poacofql ilio thy reflt dearvjolet tta fiweotto trodtho thy name in llfo i loved you very much in death ido tho some sadly mleaed by dnclb whjky h arfott 3htt2b6 thttraday january 2p 102e brief local items seo the ecllpao on saturday saturday will end tho first month of 102g r yalentln parties ore now being arranged st valentinos day cbmcn orisot urday thlo year mora horticultural society had sod members last year it loolco as if a real january thaw woyld be- non est this year a fow of thoflro hydrants uro protty well burled in snow banko tho probabilities fair and mild er yonterday mornlnc was quite welcome l tho bear will bo out next mon day to neo hlo shadow if it isnt e j fohruary comes next sunday it cant have any more than28 cold dayo tbjo winter stinaon bradley for many yearo chief of polico of milton djijd in tor- y onto on monday thorot werent marfyeyeu lnjurod horoabouto by gazing too steadfastly at tho auns eclipse tho snow storms have hindered tha trains from keeping an clooplyas usum to their tlmo schedules umr stanley sruoseu was elected a member of tho board of managers of the presbyterian church oalcvllle at tho annual meeting last week rev dr dougall pastor of tho methodist church oakvlllo has been invited to thopostorato of slmcoo street ilothodlot church oehawa check up your addreas label on this issue were anxious to have thb dato 1925 or 1920 after your name tho advanced dato alwaya looks credit able thef snow drifts on thursday morning interfered very much with tho rural- mail delivery nona of tho carriers wero able to cover their full route rov a cv stewart m x will preach jn fergus on sunday for rov mk nicol who lo away frbm hib charge onienvo of absonce owing ta hlnesfl- in response to tho request of our readcravtho fium pacag has docldod lp introduce a croas word puzzlo de partment tho first puzzle will appoir in tho next issue mica bortlo smith and mrru- dolphplolvogol sane with much ac ceptance- tho duot whispbririg hopa at tho evening oorvlco in tho mtho dlat church op sunudy with mondaya heavy fall of snow and tho strong winds which followed tho roads were- worse blocked than boforo drivorp have found it very difficult to got through major charles g d roberta can adas moat distinguished poet and novelist will lecture- in tho o a c memorial hall in ctuolph on satur day ovonihg february 7 lent commences on tho 25th day of february and easter sunday will fall on april 12 this bringa easter eight dayo earlier than last year when it fell at a particularly lato datb josiah royce the deaui i occurred at guelpm on monday of l joaiuh royce who wiaono of the first children born in tho town ship of ernmoaa hia birth took placo ntjirh fathgrfljipmojn 1834jijyljifjio had lived twqntythroo daya longer he would have been 01 years old jjohas ben living with hlo daughter mrfll m mccuen northumberland stroet guelph since hlu retirement from farming fn 191g hia death f oil ojivcd an illnesa of but a fow days duration ha was in full possession of hia fac ulties to tho last 3ho late mritoyco wa and toolc- a koen interest in tho important doino or tho day until a tew days prior to his death ho was a liboral in poli tics but never aspired to public of fico- although often- urged by hjo friends todoeor heyuchartorcd mo ml or of tho- dlaclidcs church at evprtop his wifo predeceased him nlno years ago hiu eldest son robert of rockwood also died- flvo years ago surviving hlnrarosix sons david s- of st thomas john c of boamovlllo james s ahdcliarlos j and edwin s all of sault std marie mlciiv and henry l on thehomestood eronwoa and four daughters mrs li m mccoun 134 northumberland street uuolplr mra h e moore erin mrs c a tharp waco texas and mrs w a mcdougal of toronto ihe also loaves twentytwo grandqhildren and fifteen great grandchildren the f yncal- took placo yesterday dftornoon mr royce was a frequent visitor to acton in the earlier dayo when hjs brother robert and his noico orr resided here new interchange for freight between elpctrio lines andc n r has been completed at west toronto church wan 43 forund 124 against chicken thtoves visited the poultry hoiiho of mr john mcgregor on sup- day night and cleiuied outhls tivock of chickens mr and mra james blocklock of nnoaagawoya wore again boreavod lout wopk a dear little ddughtor bo- tweenwonnd thrcoycarn olotara on tueaday at guelph goneral hoa- pltul after an operation from which it wuo at first hoped that oho would riscover mr and mrs blacklotsk lont two children about two yearaago tho aympathy of tho community la ex tended to them in their addod oorrow mraannio whitley widow of tho latewilllam whltloy passed awayon siturdrty morning at the homo of her sonihiaw sv john mcgregor bov g s casamoro of bolhi pveachod on tho nasaagawoya circuit on sunday to a crowded houbo hia ttormon waa voryupliftlngandfull of- inspiration v jumes darragh an pld and estooraod iaidontofthl3townshlp homo at sodom on tuesday in his 85th yodr the funeral whl tako placo this aftornoon mr and- mrs- william rsparton of campbollvillo who havo been visiting their daughter mlaae spartonjn guelph for tho papt three weeks havo returned homo r terra cotta mr alvin kydor of arlcoll upont sunday it mr arthur swaclthameru mm tetoc murray whowaa opcr- htbd on in guolih huspital on monday lu muklng hutlafactory irogreaa owintfuo the bud rbady tho atton- danco at church last sunday was small on thuraduy january id one of thr oldeat reuldonta of jfergua in tho- por tion of mr walter rtobhvin pussod peacefully away after only a fow days illness tho lato mr robinson was born strootovilio april 8 183 whon no wau alx monthaold hia par- ont net on lot 5 cpiiccaolon erln where ho lived for many yearo in tho year 1sg7 ho married mlaa maiv garot near- to thlo union ft vo chil dren wore born tljpco of whom aur- vlvothoy aromra w b thomaon of fergus ida at homo and william a of detroit he is alua burvivod by ono brother william of guelph and ono slhter mrsi dr mcnaughton of woodstock vermont mrr-robln- sona flrat v1fq died in 1879 in 188j ho married mlaa jano thompaon of toronto wlio predeceased him in- 1883 to this union ono child thqmau was borm ho died at the ago oaaix years many persona atill realdonfaln thta community remomben quite woll when waltor and his brother billy were residents here porcupine 0 mean foe doga lutvu to bo well uuod to the work of hunting- porcupines or thoy havo iio chance a porcuplno will atop suddenly in full flight and aa wore imaiilaneoulyrcverao nglnea and coiiio charging full backwards tho beat dog i over had a bulltorrlor waa kilted by thla trlclc irb wai aboolutely without four and aimply threw- lijmaolf upon tho advancjnjj avalanche of hplkuai arid waa in con- acquonco apeaved right through tho heart i can aaaure you huutlng por- ouplnea la not at all a aport to bo dla- plaed- exchange sale of musical instruments yearend proinventory sale of pianou player pianos phonographs and orgatjh at lactory branch mason rihch ltmlted guelph upright pianos 175 200 and 0 525 now hlghgiade planp for 395 columbia graplionolas gobd ha- new wore v tho tired schoolboy riaoo to re mark that fho next holiday will bo good friday april 10 believe- it orhot fiprlngrls only olght wooka away think thori liow nice and warm it will ho r tho factory of tho guelph paper box co- waa destroyed by firo jn tuesday the loss hi heavy- mr b waldron of knox coli lego wipvaddress knox young peoples guild nest monday evening a lot of omokod glos good as new nover boon used may bo had cheap from local etargaxero mr s globy sang an excellent solo nt the- morning oerviee of knox churchtiast sundav morning the ecllpao got in its work all right on saturday but its not boast ing about the display it made mr j m moore editor of the herald has been elected chairman of the georgetown public library mr c h mooro of the dundas star wad roclccted president of the board of trado of that town last week owners of lost articles find them most qulckjy through ada in tho loat and fourid columns of the acton fiuzd pramfl thoro aro fifty throo weeks- in 192g periiapn tlto fntas pitvssmay havo tlmo to tojcou holiday for a week atloat after the heavy fall af snow on monday a citizen viewed matters thio way an if there was not enough work aho veiling tho paths it is now nocesaar tor clean off tho roofs tho members of tho boole com mittee of the acton freo library are tho chairman rov a c stewart and john cameron esq tho secretary la not a member as wao stated last week tho price of gasoline- la gottjng up to tho high spring prlcos agaimxan increase of two conts per gallop wont into offoct on monday throughout ontario xvelllngt6n county couneh oloctcd john coutta reeve of joat luther ao warden on tuesday rcove mag- wood of nicol ivao hia strongest op ponent old tlmo fartnors aro pfiidietlng good crops next season it la claim ed that tho crdpa nover fall when- thoro is a generous fall of snow at- the beginning of winter tho snow ik in evidence anyway 1 sunday wan the lpflth nnrilvprnnw on thursday january 22 tho new oxtonslon to west toronto of tho can- adlan national electric railways was put into acryico for frolgnt operations thla connection now gives direct inter change with freight cara with tho c n r ami will mean that- farmoro of thladioiriot will bo able to make use of shipping their products to any point on the c n r 91 connecting lncs aa well ao having car loads of fertilizer and manure handled from west tor onto by tho electric line tho milk dairies of toronto also havo had tho distance considerably re duced to haul milk from tho electric milk trains at lamb ton aa -delivery- is now being made to tho dairy trucks at woat toronto a saving of six miles round trip for tho dairies in trucking it la therefore anticipated that milk ohlppora of thla district through the lboporation of tho electric railway will bo ablo to incroaao their ahip monta to a igreat many moro of the toronto dairies who dopond on the re liable all tho year rduhd servlco of tho electric un6for supply of milk and cream for toronto lalry products the fifth lino school had a narrow escape from firo on wednesday- morn ing loot when it took firo from tho a tovo pc377 aii iumbei ntth o nilgh bora gathered and soon had the fire under control the celling waa badly damaged and tho school is closed tem porarily for a couple of wecka foe re pairs the glen granites played tho torra cotta hockey toam hero op- saturday afternoon and defeated terra cotta by a 30 tho ico harvest j9 in full bwing and the ice la of splendid quality mr and mra jerry doronel havo moyed to toronto tho concerctield in tho torra cqttn mothodlst church on wednesday- even ing was a decided success tho yqumr- peoplo of glenwllllams gave a drama entitled x hot day which wag vcjry pleasing there waa a largo turnout proceeds 1500 mr fc thompson htxp purchased mr keens brick plant here alab thc nfteen acrea adjoining mr henry- logan purposes running hia brick yard horo wuhhydro power tho coming summer union- church people aro talcing a vote on church union this weolc a number of our young people woro kindly entertained at tho homo of mr and mrs e slmpkina the event beln hold in honor of their daughtera birth day the terra v cotta brceictrtra- furnlshcd music for tho occosolbn tho torra cotta hockey team play- cd a gamo with tho glen granites on saturday afternoon at the ooorgotown arena th being 04in favor of glenwllllama for j0d other cabinet stylos 46 and up any 6 octav6 piano casod organ to cler at 25 others 5 the chance to save easy terma of payment to suit write for list of best bargains jin- canada fully guarahtoetlby icon adan largest piano house mason rlsch guelph l- four nonchurch going bromides in tho church pharmacy aro at loat four bromides that infallibly produce a quiescent conscience and gently put tho patient to sleep 1 i work ao hard all tho wo ok that when- sunday morning comes 2 when i waa ft boy i was mado to go to church three times on sunday and so nowjr 3 company oame jiiat as wo wero about ready 4 i camp twice and not a spiil sppko to mcj trinity church news brooklyn start on monday at gcelph business college gpmor bldq guolph ont for thorough trainlna il -by- irtdividualinntruction from buainocq exporioncod in structor 0 couralsi secretarial bookkeepers btisnggraphera guelph business college grpdyatott aro it demand a l bouck principal and proprietor rockwood why- the game appeared tlie noxt ecllpao of tho sun vhj- iblo in these latitudes will bo duo in about 190 years perhaps youd hot ter not wait for it communion services will bo held intlio acthodlst church noxt sunday at tho morning service rev mr culp will have charge monday night wia the coldest of tho winter to thla date tho mercury dropped from 24 above at noon to 15 below during the night tudrural mailcrtvflerittuhlavlng unusual difilculty in ooyerinff their routes theso days tho f oada aro iny paflaiblo in many places motorings who try to get uy with ospifod license plates inay bo reminded that they havo got titer wrong 1 number february 1 i tho limit of grace c h halo of tborillla packot ban been reeloctod chftjrman of tho orlllia wator light and power com mission a good man- i b not lot go of tho blrtliof robert bumb tho ro nowped scottish poet the editor ani mro mooro visltod tho auld clay biggin at alloway near ayr whlci waa his birthplace last july- t a httlo schoolboy in smiths palls lost part of hia tonguo dhd auffored i n ton bo agony becauso ho nut it on a pie co of iron railing on a vory cold day the tonguo adhored to uio iron and a portion ojt wno torn oh dr mctaviah of toronto gave hfci locturo op adam and eve aridtho baby in the town hall on thura- day evening tho doctor nilsaed tram connections and was late in arrivinp and this affected tho attendance a farmers journal aayo in plan ning to hold a salo it will pay to put tho animals in good condition apply paint to tho lmplomonta and grenao tho harnoas it la surprising how iirp- poarancq8aldln making a successful sslo ono of tho simplest ways by which you can show a newspaper your ap preciation la by being prompt with your ronewal subscription hundreds af oubucrlptionn oxplro this month prompt renowala will bo greatly ap predated not long ago amonumont waa un- vollod at potrolia over- tho gravo of tho late paul krugor tio onco su- promo fleuro of tho african republic is how remembered more for his mis takes than for his achieve monta fate dealt hardly with tfto obi ruler who played 00 great a part in tho making of a sturdy nation death found him not evan a citizen of tho country for which ho had been president ho dlod in exile hia land in subjection to a foreigner imperious and dam- ineoririg ho wont out of llfo a beat- on mpn r krugor- poh303sed a blamarcklair gift for blunt and vivid phraffeh go back and tq novor nover i ho uald to a deputation and now lot tike rtorm burst proteati in- siat what is the uno i havo the gurial my frienda ho once said in a speech then perceiving some out- landers in the audience ho added but you aro not all frlonda aom6 aro thieves and murderers- well friends thieves and murderers tho provident wao a curious mixture ot p4tynu ohowwi6bi a ot tho nearest approach to ajanuory thfiw came on sunday tho weather waa dollghtfully warm and there woo abundant sunshine tho mercury reached 35 degroas tho a now ho f toned and water ran from tho cavert with apmoprofublon tho pooplo of acton would llko to boo cheater matthews succeed his fathor the lato jamoa matthowa us postmaater of that vlllag having act ed aa doputy postmaster for a number flcwars ho ahould bo fully qunlldod to 111 tho position mlton reformer through a drlvo madp by bramp ton horticultural society laot spring tho membership was increasad from 230 to 410 there waa a aubatantlnl incrao90 tho gpvofttist grant aa a result actono drlvo for mombor- ehip for 1025 is now on tho objective 1h 250 at the oovontyflf th annual aea- slon of tho onpivlo grand divlnlon of the sana of temperance s d jarvlw of palermo blviolohwa appointed grand worthy patriarch in his of ficial position lis head of tho ordurmr jarvia intohda during h la term of of- fico to vlalt all divinlona unht hia jurisdiction i told of an incident which occurrod in hla enrliobudoya at ono tlmo wllon game was very acarcoho wont with a party to hunt tho hartboeqt thoy the veld for daya without algn of their proy paulkrugor announced thonhis pur pose of going into tho i1iu0 to pray for food like n partrlach of old ho wao gone cor a number of hours when- ho returned ho announced that in three daya a largo hord would paaa that way tho party camped in leas than tho appointed time tho prophecy waa fulfilled and much game waa ao cured tho boerhuntera wero mucn struck with the man of wonder and dubbed kruger the man of prayer some tlmo later the kafilr who ac companlcd jcrugerop hla expedition of petition told the truth of tho af fair kruger when iio loft tho hunt- jngparty had struck out for a neigh boring kaillr jcrtuxl and informed tho nativcii tliat hia men wero starving if thoy tho ndtlvao did not dlocavor game in three days ho said ho would bring hla whole party over ths hill and kill every kafllr tho natives being sore afraid of bger methods all turnod out scoured the region and drovo the game to tho tboer camp thua krugera prniyer wjb anaworod mr william burna visited mr and mra alex ferguson in guolph lnat week mr ferguson returned rtlth him for a short visit here mra richard hewitt who waa re moved to tho guolph hospital loat week la reported to bo about tho same we hopo she will soon bo ablo to re turn home ono of our boye james hanson who undorwont an operation recently in guolph is expected homo this weak- lib is tho second victim of appendlcltla tlils winter tho other miss violet aylea who waa operated on was ablo to return homo in a- remarkably short tlmo last month tho annual mooting of tho rock- wood agricultural- socloty took place joat wednesday afternoon followed by tho annual meeting of tho eramosa branch of tho ontario plowmans as sociation the eclipse of tho oyn last satur day morning was marred by heavy clouds which obscured tho viow to many people in moat place3 how ever tho loatphaao of tho phenom- ononwab worth oooinffrduringaohort time whon a break in tho clouds per mitted ua to see old sol emerging from behind tho moon about 930 a m wo cannot help but imagine tho dis appointment to many pooplo who went to conalderablo oxpenso to aequro photographs of tho eclipse while others in different parts of the path of tho occurenco wero nrmgtor lunate and thua ablo to obtain something of importance to theni thereby being ablo to paaa on to those who mlased- socing tho wonderful olght tho lo advertisers fo free press in anxioun to oorve you and aorvo you wbll wo can avo your advortioo- mont bottor attention and thoro foro mako it moro attractive if thocppy 10 suppliod to un on mbnday or tdosday if copy fails to roach us until wedrioaday forenoon thoro is a rush to sot it up boforo tlio formo close ana- tho result is likoly to bo loss satisfactory 8end in your ads early does your j watch keep 1 time jii a watch is o machine its work to keep time f any good watch will keep time if properly adjusted try our repair service j savage co jewellers guelph ontario mens overcoats t reduced prices do you wear overcoat size 40 or 42 we have a few good ones left in these sizes call and we will be pleased to show them and quote you prices that will pay you to buy now doyou wantto get the boy an overcoat sizes 31 32 34 and 35 we hjaye ftpfew- in these sizes all good ones at a very low prices mens sweater coats in heather mixtures a great coat for everyday wear with collar sizes 36 1042 this is our regular 250 coat special pricoto clear at l5 boys school sweaters special pricessloo 15 arid 150 mens odd pants at reduced prices do you wear pants of size 36 or 38 waistband we are over stocked in these sizes colors are brown and gray fecial price this week at 300 sloo arid 00 mens wool sox at clearing prices just 10 dozen in this lot all pure wool this is our regular 50c sox we have sold hundreds of dozen at this price to clear at 40cor2 pair- ifdr 75c t remnants anttslll ends we sold over two hundred dollars worth of these ends lastsaturday for next saturday you will jridmi better lot than ever call and look them over mclean mill street acton ont pity the salesman who cannot the salesman who is not free to use long distance j without being criticized is probably not covering hia tcmtoryinthomost eco nomical manner he is completing with sales men who call up their cus- tomers liotween visits se cure repeat orders or sell additional items r with salesmanagers who encoura salesme to use long distance because it saves money and time rrwith salesmen who when will talio placo noxt sunday morning at tho proabyterian chureh preceded by preparatory ucrvicoa vriday oven- oakville opinion of employers tho ontario board of lieonno pom mlaolotlorn nctt out a aucationajro to leading malluftlctufta of ontario nulttouf them nv questions 1 aro you of the opinion that pro hibition under tho ontario tcmpernnoo act malre for lncicanol production of goode 1047 or 70 per cent answered yob ami 393 or 27 pur cent nnnwerort no j doert it incroiiyo the workorn roeularlty of attendanfo immediately after pay day 1094 or 76 per cent smiiwcrod yea and tjj1 or 2 per cent aiibwerod no 0- doea it improve their capaolty for work and their oblljty to perform thoir dutlcji ii7 or 7 jictconfeamiwens yeu and 371 or 25 per oept unflworel no 4 doob it result in more comfort able lioraoa and better supplied of topd and clathlna for wlvaa and chil dren lrioor s2 per tkrnt anwored yes and 239 or 17 per cent anaworod no 5 aro drunlconncmi and poverty ntt common now under tho ontario tem perance act an formerly ilnder tho open bar and tho llconata act through tho gonetoalty of frlendp oakvlllo fair completed the year with a nmall aurnlus instead of tho usual do fie it officers for the year wero oloctcd at the annual meeting as fol lows a s poroter hon president ellaworth flavolle preaidcnt x e p osier first vicoprebldent whur- land smith sccoml vieopreaidont tho marlatt armsttone co uug- geated to the council that tho town kuaranteo tho bonda of the firm to the amount of 100000 the council de cided to submit to tho rntopayora a by law granting exemption of taxes supply water otc but declines to guarantee bondw m bronte police village havo increased tho discount of electric light current from 10 to 25 per cent knox church annual mooting ehpiyed that the- congregation last year con tributed 1100581 to the building und goneral fundo tho ladioa aid ralacd 1600 tho mleslonary ofcoringn wero 1100 v o king is leaving thin weokond for miami flo to apend tho balance of uiowauuiv in that sunny climo w 8s davioa haa boon elected chair- man of the now librnror board and mihm cavers in- secret ttiy- mro colwell ah librarian at a salary of fifty dollars a month some boya havo destroyed young maple trees on kerr street which were planted by tho town a year ago during wednesday night some twrntynlx hens woro stolen from the pons of wlllavd skoog weat of oak- vlle tho provloun wednesday nlgt itobtrt iiurtonj iobl thirtysix dr w j moriey has disposed of hlu practice in oakvlllo and huo al roady moved from town tho doctor was popular with n largo circle at young people who greatly regret hln removal dr ad nicholson of tor onto has uohumod tup practice and n ho co mine a resident star travelling telephone to custombrsm small towns from some central point of two salesmen who both pre- bcrvo a proper proportion be tween expense andealcs tho ono- whtfuflcalon g diatan c o the most ia usually tfep most effective eackfyw subscriber adda to vic value vfypxir telephone ico cream is just about tho btfot desert youvo over aotd tm comly witch ioat folks like ico cream we say most folks becauso everybody has not up to the time of thla paper going to press be- como acquainted iwith the delicious soothing satis fying attributes of our cream but wo want them to our candy makao tiood be causo it mado good saturday treat weekend chocolates rcff goc and 60o lb saturday treat 32c qrrie lamb meat market owing to my low overhead expenses i am prepared to do the very- best for my customers in the supplying of choice cuts of meats at lowest possible prices y i give personal attention to all details of my business and study to serve totthe best possible advantage the requirements of my patrons orders sent by your childrenreceive my careful attention orrie lamb corner mill and main streets actonj ont fresh tasty satinettes rcff 10c lb saturday treat 29c lb assorted humbugs special for satur 20c lb 4atan ont canadas national radio week february 2 to 8 the voice of the world why not secure a set now and enjoy all these good broadcast programmes e will be pleased to show you any set to suit the style arid price you may desire if you had a set you could tune in tonight and also every second week to tho special programmes of victor record artists see tonights programme va our window a t brown acton ont millinery and fancy v goods miss j galbraith millinery and fancy goods store phone 109 mill street th st muiyfl jourjmliuoyii tho proaoher wlw chn prench to ploaio ovry licnror tho ulioof teaclior wiio 6nn lnhtruct to ptocqxo ovqry parent tho tlrcmi multor who can plenaa oveiy patror tho morchant who camcanc ftvory hnyor nnil tho odttor wh i 1t13 orsojjf yra j njsaffiiacduwo iiuuuujjlll jih jijiljncrlhorn aio ull dond and 2dl ofl4 poioojil dihuworoa you and carrying harp look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wu place m yoarfl experience tit your dlnpboal and nnaumo nil your collection trouble send us- your llst wo will do the rdtit v no nolo or account in contdderod too ttihall too largo too olil i- too farrawuy wo will taculo any lionent debt- kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen sound t mi aiken mfuia jo j klly manner itiiferonce sterling bank of panada in 3 lb and 5 lb pails we are enabled to offer these special prices on shortening for this week 3 pound pails 47 cents 5 pound pails v 79 cents just figure it out for ypurself its just about 15jc por lb and only a- large quantity purchase enables thiyprf37 lay in your supply of shortening now as it wont last long at these prices w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont

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