Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1925, p. 1

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j- fiftieth year no 32 thursday morning february 5 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning february 5 1925 single copies five cents e the methodist church acton rev josephus culp pastor porconaoo willow st 1100 a m tlio minister subject f soul of the heathcn 230 p msunciay school 700 p mmr jm swltzer of st george presbyterian knox church acton miniatoivrov a ci- stewart m a i manse willow strict 1100 n m the minister subject ttlu christian way of life 300 p m bible class studies in matthew chapter 21 300 p msundny school 700 p ni the minister subject organizing the early christian church trantcra leaviner address with the ushers will bo called upon oy the pastor special jnotices ad vert iscrji cats in this column 3 cents pe word minimum charge 30c per insertion fqr satt driver rour yeara 2j w burns r r no 4 did ho v a to 30i rood apply drafood mortgage for sale 3000 first mortgage on farm pro perty bearing 5c liberal cash discount for quick sale apply box g free pres pigs for sale choice york boar 9 months old york sow bred terms and price ar ranged aliply to a j murray r r no 1 phone 9g r 12 v 32tf auction sale w t marton son will hold an auction caleoflivo stock impleraenlsr grain etc at lot 15 third line erin on tuesday february 10 roy hindley auctlonoer erin phone auction sale j on thursday february 12 arnold hapdloy will hold a clearing auction sale of his farm livo stock imple ments etc at his farm lot 10 con 2 div e guclph township situated- on the- kiteltenrr highway 3 mllcd tv of guelph roy hindley fred langdonv auctioneers farms for sale 45 parma in tho counties of halton and wellington varyinc from 40 to 300 acres lot us send you our list a number of homes and business places in acton for solo fir and- lifo insurance money to loan j a smith real estate agent phpne 105 acton ont a job for you 6 to 10 daily 50 men wanted no previous oxperienco necessary write for 40- r- ra nnge prco book which explains how you can earn whllo learning to work in city and town shops ait auto mc- clranlc engineer electrical battery or welding expert chauffour sales- man etc also bricklaying plastering mechanical v and barberlng bont die a laborer writ now whicujflb address hemphill gov- ernment chartered trade schools free employment servlco 163 king st w toronto do your glasses ip not have your eyes examined anh pitted correctly noy by dp f l lowrie r0 graduato royal colloga of scionco eyesight specialist at station hotel- saturday february 7 from 10 a m to 0 p it make nljolntmoius with mr laaby wonderland friday february 6 man who fights alone drama ktatrint little dawn o- day lola wilhon and william farnum comedy wall street ijluea- foxt ntwh fclhr the cat iciniuuir saturday february 7 heart buster starring tom mix comedy avcddlnb shower no- 3 of ucimy ieonaril light pleturcw soft muoclos tuesday february 10 fthe sawdust trail kuirrliie hoot filbtion ni i pt ruathcr htnciink ron loot htn plyioiw hrldbp cqm1nq fteltlnb coward vitti onlln lindlf r l gregory son clearance time is always a time of extraordinary oppor tunities for prudent women anxious to make wardrobe ex penditures go as far as possible 0 ah the coats and dresses on hand must be disposed of quickly to f provide space for the new spring fashions soon to comft tltnt jsjhy you can buy smart budseason garments at thirty-three- andpnethhid per cent ugs9 than their regular prices l is your opportunity to provide yourself with n skinterwrap beautifully furtrimmedjin approved-r-mid- season style- and in soft supple material in which to finish ojit this season andto havebntland first thing next fall regular pricess25x0 to wa00 iteduced prlcesi6js5 tio 9ag5 -v- every lovely evening frock embraced by that reduc- tionof a thirdoff too right in the heartofthe social season at that the majority in georgette crepes and canton crepes regular prices from 2250 to 5400 clearing prices 1500 to 53600 j all the silk dresses too styles for afternoons and in- formalevenings regular prices from 1875 to 4500 w the thirdoff reductionlgo to 3000 wool crepe dresses regular 1600 and 1875 the thirdoff makes them 1067 and 1m0 wool twill dresses regular j975 to 30 with the thirdoff now 1317 to 2000 r r rrr5f flannel frocks regular 850 to 1400 thirdoff and therefore now 567 to 93 all the childrens coats and dresses among the very generous thirdoff savings too d e macdonald bros ltd guelplfs leading and largest store -t- weekend specials have you tried our chocolate dates assorted jelly beans tho most popular candy of the day regular 40c lb weekend special 29c lb assorted chocolates assorted chocolates in caramel nougat and assorted cream centres regular 50c lb weekend special 32c when out for a lunch try outf cinnamon toast we carry a full line og bricr and bulk ice cream mill street j acton h wiles ac ssh we close every wednesday afternoon harrisons mid- winter sale of all lines of r bring us all your shoe repairing wo will guarantee you a good job news of local import tomperanco mooting a special meeting of tho halton prot- hibltlon association will bo hold jn oie methodifit sunday school room mil ton on tuesday- february 10 at 2 j m buslnesfj exceedingly important all members and all others interested aro urged to be present j h turner secretary knox churoh votino- on uniom tho important question of tho futuro relation of knox church acton with theunited church of canadala now definitely beforo tho membership after a qongiobatlonal meotinff last wednesday evening a poll was open ed in tile school room a lnreo number of tho members availed themselves of tho opportunity of casting thoir bal lots that evening and the- election has proceojed- whllo the poll has been opepr the iwll will closo on wednes day next a jolly snow shoeing party miss clara e mooro and n boyy of hoictgui uhosl tramp on saturday thoy went down mill street crossed fairy lake on tho snow covered ice and proceeded up the incline to tho breezes here thoy rested on tho otto of sonebauquet camp7 lunch in tjio bracing winter niv and then circled around to town agfftrft even those who were novlcoa on snow shoes cotal6ng re markably well all the girls declare they enjoyed tho exhillaratlnff ex perience colobratoci her 87th birthday one of the happiest ladles in this community last thursday- was mrs thomas- somervllle mill street who that day celobtated her eighty a eventh birthday a largo number of friends of the oldeidaya and more of tho younger generations called to oqt tholr fel icitations and werovorygreatly pleas ed to see this bright old lady enjoylnfj so large apportion of health mrs somervllle who was nancy brown in hor maidenhood a daughter of the lato squire alexander brown is nowour bldmtaotojborn oljjjben v good pro o poet for shoo factory bu- new mr a r howotoon manager of hp j w hewetson and conipanymanu- facturers- of boots and shoes for chil dren and who employ between their brampton and acton factorlos about 300 handu has just returned from a buslnoss trip to boston and now york mr hewetson spoico with strong op timism to the toronto telegram last woelc and after stating that tholr own business in spite of the dooreaaod prices had incroaaed 25 in 1024 aver 1023 believes thitt the yoarfl huainesa js a prophecy of tho auceesp of tho year just diientpe newepapor ve billboard hero is n interoatlng advortlsonient eitbry which is talcon from tho mu waukoo journal an editor and a mer chant were discussing tho virtue of billboard advertising tho merchant contended that more pooplo road the billboards thnntho nowapapor after a lengthy conversation in whldh noither man would glyo in they part ed tho next wcok the morchant camo toaring down to tho newspaper of fice wanting to know why the obituary of his wlfoo mothor was not in the paper especially after ho had seen tho copy was taken to tho nerwspapcr ofilco well said tho editor i knew you wanted that obituary road by the peopley so i took it out and tacked it on ybur billboard just think it over carnival saturday evenlno the annual carnival of tho acton skating rink has been planned for saturday ovoning next tho hat pf prizes includes events for every con ceivable sort of outfit racos etc and first and second prises aro bolng awarded in all events tho acton citizens band has been engaged to provide a full evenings programme of music following tho judging of tho contestants in tho varlousjsvonts a moccasin dunce will bo held in centre of tho rink ajudj lp uatera may utilize ho ouidti rg a lpkpy match be two on bq tpronta iuratitq arid acton la phewlod fflr jojur oclock in thqftpriirqn phlq day in always d gala ilay at tho rink and with favorable weather will be a bl event this year in case of unsuitable waatherjtho par nival- will -bo- held the following wednesday bvenlnff 283963 paid on nes of ldcal import aiixiliary pump for waterworks 6000 pump installed to improve uie fire fighting system and v meet insurance under- writers suggestion a compromise with mr el- liott looked for in the freeport sanitarium account council met in regular session on monday evening- roevo barber was in tho chair and all the members wore iittattcndanco the report of the committee on fi nance recommended payment of the following accounts- v general account o r agnow auditors salary co 00 abnlcicrtniwultors oalary 50 00 john inglia co ltd part pa on pump 2839 c3 armerroalary and fees 175 48 3hg 11 watorworke account h n farmer salary and fees 38 54 the report wafl adopted the auditors report was presented a difference was found in tho collec tors roll and tho amount of taxes collected by tho bank tho report was therefore referred back until this mat ter was adjusted tho first payment on tho new auxil iary pump being installed at the pumping station at the reservoir was poasod thp cost of tho pump when installation la complete will bo some thing around 0000 it will greatly en hance tho fireflghtlng pumps give greater feeling of security toour citi zens and should bo offoctivp with tho firo undorwrltcra association in re ducing insurance rates to tljo policy holders in acton a communication from messrs guth rlo kerwln sollcltpj guelph was recclvod in connection wijbh- tho elliott caso and iiopprt thoy womens inirtituto meetino tho inatituto meeting will bo hold at tliohomo of- mrs james mcmh an knox avenue on friday ovenincji februnry 6 at eight oclock a good programmo lunohapd social ovoning bvorybody como and havo a good time r proud of tho homepflper 1 am gjad to enclbao cheque for the jriruns press for another year and wish you continued success i assuro you i greatly appreciate tho papor which reaches ino frqni piaco to pldcs whera i go and i am proud of it and glad to introduce and chore it with others in the homes where i am called to serve ev s stoney creek rm mcdonald president chamber of commerce 1925 social and personal mr earl coqper homo over sunday of guolph was- mr w h millqr spont tho woolcond vlth toronto friends james symon first and a t mrjaclcfilkin of brampton way in town last saturday brown second vice- presidents j c matthews unanimously endorsed for post- master of acton throobf a kind twice last sunday was an oventful date in two of our esteemed homes in town in one tho advent of a bouncing baby boy the third in the family whoro hero aro no daughtorfl causod rejoicing in thjt other a dear little dimpled daughter tlio third in tho family whoro ttiexejire no sons was welcomed tho worry of pitch holes this la an old time winter as to as numerous and undealrablo pitch- holes aro concerned onsomb of tho roads in somo cases it has boon called amoriace ti public travel cbn- sldorablo work lias been dono to im prove tho conditions but it is no easy taalc iii a season hko thlowith ito fre quent storms from all quarters of tho compass a cheque forger in grand valley provlhctal cehotatle herbert it dodoon armed with a warrant losoek inff tho wheroabouto of john mc- farlano a young farm laborer wno it la alleged yesterday cashed ehoqueo on william emigh hotelkeeper for 28 and edward mctntyre for 22 the signature of wllllam t hill bad boon forged on both ohoquos hill sjso lost iaomv clothing nnd a childs preaentba n statcment concerning thffjbanlc a laro number of forged 1 case and stated that mr elliott had placed tho mattor in their hands pond ing a satisfactory settlement mr elliott attended at tho council mooting and stated that as conditions exist ho could promlso no definlto pay montron the 61aimbut was willing as soon as he could to help in mooting the bill presented ho declined making any definite promise however council adjourned about ten oclock police court news chief mcphoroon charged p last- alulc before police maglatrato mooro on thursday with being intoxlcatod on mill street on sunday aftornoon tho accused was convicted and finod 1000 and coots n coal qas and monoxide gas increasing numbers of deatlio from carbon monoxide and furnace gas poisoning havo brought from tho pro- vincurf department of health a warn ing particularly to motorists to be ware of the deadly fumes among he donta contained in the pamphlet la one dont run a motor car in a closed garage it describes tho gas as tastelcqs colorless and almost odor less and its power over its victims is laxerclsedgradualiy and with httlo sensation the three jame in a conversation tho other day about the death of postmaster matthews mrs jamco nelson remarked in tct f erring to the death of postmaster matthews well tho last of tho threo jamds is gone sho wont on to explain that her father tho late james brown frequently referred to james matthews tho laio james moore and himself as tho three james they were nil born in the year 1835- wereftuinactorrfromearlyboyhodv wont to tho same church and sundav school with tholr parents uvea their married lives irtlcton were close friends wero all official members of tho method i ht church and had much in common mr mooro was tho first to pnssvay twelve years ago whon in his 78th year mr brown died in california two yeara m ihhje sth year au mr matthpwa liyfl wux inst morfth raivchlnff hia ninetieth yolu- whllo mrv mobrba yvjtt thq llrat death of tho trio mrs mooro is tho last remaining of tho throo wives married in acton so many years ago and is enjoying tho best of health and promises to seo many years of hapy lite stul momoriol hospital at brampton opened pool memorial hospital at brampton was opened on tuesday afternoon by tho lieutenantgovernor of ontario harry cockshutt who performed the ceremony after short rtddreoaeo iiy tho president hf h bnpitaf board jnm harnisworth vflr l pallp irl muyor 1 the address nnd dedlcatpry prayer wa given by h n- burns torortta formerly pastor of flraco methodist church tho ladles of tho hoard entertained nt tea at the olono of the ceromony thoso present viewing the interior of tho hospital nnd tho temporary tablet w con tains tho namps of tho soldiers which tho honpltnl will memorialize the interior of tho hospital is very attrac tively finished in soft tones of cream and grey rtnd t urnloloji nccommodu- tloji for- 14 patients tho red cross society will jiavo throo bods the county womens institute three bods and t sunrobm b ranfp ton womcnn instuuto ono hed i o d e ona bed the l o ba aro furnlnhlng tho t r duggan room mrs edward dale in fuimlbhing two rooms and mr and mrs w j lowo aro furnlbhlng tho ihampton driving club room for tho prenont mrs l kelly nurse of the victorian order who hns had hospital oxuorloncxv will ipo in charjfe in womens court in toronto last woek fanny roson who lteopa an ice croam parlor was fined for selling wlno not sufficiently medicated w h hor kins and louis heyd put up a stren uous defence the latter describing it as van nbuoo of justice that small storekeepers should bo brought to court on a- b o t a charge without being warned that thoy aro uablo to prosecution in such cases slnco few months ago they could sell logally manufacture and sale of the wlno was stopped n october jast when tho 303 chcmjdttl company dundaa street was fined 1000 and costs atacton on friday at oalcvlllo police mag- istratp shields fined boiuvcneto 100 and costs for tho illegal purchase of a quantity of liquor found in thohouso which ho occupies about midway bo twobn oalrvlllo and bronte vcnoto is a foreigner- and it is said was put into tho house as agent for another who was convicted and put out of business oomo time ago through tho efforts of the inspector and q t a officials eight o t a caoco woo dioppoe4 of in thcf kitchener polico cpurt on thurday beforo xftgi8rftta j j weif and fines t 7100 wore loyiv4thq ipwpav flno waa 2q0 and thq hlghot of wtypb iheco wor two 4qp lspnp pf tho eight men acouded ought tho oaso and pleaded guilty cheques have been county recently cashed in thin at tho courthouse milton last friday tom masclo an alien of mu- tonhejghts waschjirged bofpro pojice maglatrato mooro with being in pos- sosalon qtan ottenoivo weapon to wit a 22 calibre rllfit ho pleaded guilty nnfl nrn flnml fl1 nnt rnntn throo offlolal member bereft at tho meeting of tlio official board of tho methodist church on tuesday ovoning referonco was made to the fact that throo members of tho board had been bereft of loved onos during tho quarter in november ji chas lambert lost his mother in decem ber mr rpbort bennett father of miss jlilnnfonz bennett passed away and in january postmaster matthews tho venerable father of mr j c mat thews recording stownrd onitcrod pete polasaalso pf milton heights was charffbithy inspector rovoly with having liquor in a place otfier than hlr dwelling house- tho evidence went to show that poiosa had 213 gallons of grnpo wlno on december 20th and throe weekslater whon the inspector made a second inspection only about 100 gallons remained tho wlno an- alyzedanolcqhojic strengthofl0flg per cent proof spirits poiosa was fined 200 and costs adam wcathcrstone of jcyoxtan camo beforo police magistrate ifooro on monday cjiftrgod by chief mc- phcrabnwitb pnff under ho infiuonco of jlqupr at jho danco ip the tow hall on tlm iftth list hc ploadoxl guly and yaa flncfl flo ant casa jhq tocher of guelph was fined c00 and costs and sentenced to threo months in jail on monday for having liquor by pollco magistfato watt tochor was previously fined in 192 for violation of tho ontario temper ance act ho said the liquor was bought for him by stevo chris in kitchener he bought seven coses and they coot him 331 per bottle tho aalo price was jo0 a glorious canadian tyipqr whoj crn toca11 a pioro delightful wlptcf hak the prenont ono has been ab fur wo hnvohad wintry weather slncn tho first week in december medium temperatures with a few brief dropu below tho zero mark the atmosphorq has boon bracing just like tho old time canadian winters ono of our friends whplius lived in cal ifornia tells us that we dp not ap probate ouc canadian winters as w3 shoulq thoy make us hardy and rug ged as tho southern climes cannot do and if wo are careful of ourselves in our modo of living ttjoro is no reason whywc should not koep in good health and live long in tho land even our mapleii are made hnrdy by the cold winters this friend tonic a cduplc or mapro sudllngo to call fnr filar nnd plmitcd them they budded and looked wclli hut tiro next year tlioy wilted thoy missed uio cnnadlan winter that mado their forebears nig ged and lost tho vitality that a cold winter noomed to glvo thorn it is similar to this with peoplo the win ter hardenu them ankthono who stantl up ro it aro ipyro fit co battle with c n r station milton damaged about five oclock saturday after noon a fire of unknown origin broltc out in the ticket office of tho cnr station at milton tho cause is sup posed to havo boon ohoxtoircultod wires the milton firb brlgado nuc- ccoded lit getting tho blaze under control which was fortunate as a blizzard was raging atuhe time be sides tho damage to tho station b tolcgraph instruments aro a total loss had the flrouiinod any headway the grain elevators next- to thb station woull certainly have been in jeopardy policoaftor the chicken thieves determined efforts arc being made by tho provincial pollcb to locato the thieves who have proved themselves a menace to the chlckon pens of the countryside by their wholesale thofc of fowl several tangible clues are at hand and with tlio discovery ot two sacks of chickens hidden wear the c n r freight shed a tho police aro certain that tho solution to the numeroua thofts hoa in guelph it is roughly estimated that over flvo hun dred fowl havo- been stolen in thlo district during the past few months guclnh worcury int re a maululiun uf sy and condolenco was pastfod by the board and copies of tho resolution wlli bo sent to tho bereft families no taxes to pay thia year wouldnt you ilko to livo in ft placo where there was no tax collector and no taxes to pay canada really has ono town in this ovortaxed world whcrotfaopcoplo will bvo no- taxes to pay during 1325 and this stats- mont is inado on no loss an authority thnp the proviriblal government of alberta sugar city municipality in tho district of raymond in sou tho in albera is reported in a statement is sued rocontly to bo in such upjondld financial condition thftt thero will bo no tjn lbiry rieceasary for tho coming year that surely must bo a sweet placo in which to reside saw the eclipso in its glory last week mrs james moore ro- colvcd a letter from her daughter mrs fred funk blnghampton n y stat ing that there tho eclipse was viewed under ideal conditions the sky was bright and clear and every phaso of tho eclipso wan distinctly aon tho boautiful corcina tho varied tint the marvelous shadows were almost en trancing in jtholr beauty tho eclipse was cloarly visible in all parts of tho city but mrs funic accompanied n party to tho sumihuof thcrmountaln nt tho city limits and there obtained- an unobstructed vision of the phenom enon in all itn glory mrs- funk sent copies of ijinghnmpton pa pern which llhiatrated tho eclipso vory fully farewell to prof kelly prof charleii kelly who has been choirmaster of knox church for tho pant four years tendered bin resigna tion last month and sunday was his lant duy with tho choir last thurs day ovoning rev and mrs a c stowt art woro tho host and hoitcfts nt a farewell social gathering of tho choir nnd their choirmaster a very enjoy able evening jwas spent prof kelly has filvon ofhli4bwtuurlng hia long term here and always aimed to hayo thn chfllr vell prepnred for tho service of song in the churchs activities on speclul occasions his programme of anthoms and often icrhuipi numbers wun generous and carefully prepared and ohoaraod during n lojig en- gagbinept hcie irb icvtly made many frteod in aytoa tho annual meeting of tho acton chamber of commerce was hold- last thursday ovoning and thoro waa a good attendance of members h p mobroj who was honored with tho presidency nt the inception of the argaiilzationr tbanked tho members for 4helr interest and cooperation and oxpfcssed o that tho chamber of commerce jvlh provo an institution of much yaluo- to- the town- and al ways bo on tho alert to implement tho object adopted at tho outaot to promote tho economic and civic wol- f ar bof acton- andvlo i nlty- hoha hoped to havo been able to organize a gottogother evening of a social char acter with a visit and addrosn from somo oxoriottcedr olficcr from a chamber of commerce in an outside town beforo the end of the year but thoro had been no opportunity tho acton chambor of commerce has already accbmpllshcd several worthwhllo objectives and tho pros pects aro that therawlll alwaya bo matters of interest to tho town- demand attention and action he announced that tho oloctlon of officers was tho main matter on tho docket and reminded tho meeting that when ho had boon elected against his wishes a pledgo had bo given that ho would bo rolloved from office at thol annual meeting j tho election of officers resulted as follows hon president petor a smith president r m mcdonald first vlcepres james symon second vlcepres a t brown troaourcrl bshproy secretary n h garden diroctoro ijl j hassard amos mason wk graham c h harrison h s holmes and james falrban a resolution avas passed thanking h p moore thp retiring president for his services the matter ojltho appointment of a postmaster fbrftneton was discussed and a rosolutfon that acton chamber of commerce endorse the candidature of mr j c matthews was carried unanimously and the secretary was requested to send aoopyof thoroso- lutlon to thopoatmaater-gonoral- the civil service department and to tho inspector of this postal district during a genoral discussion on mat- tors of interest to the town deserving of tho attention of tho chamber of commerce tho following suggestions from tho secretary- of tho shawneo oklar chamber of commerce was readr didvou ever stop to think7 that no town can afford to slacken lt efforts to add- to prestige already attained that towns di not atandjiny thoy aro either- movlnfcjbrward orallpping backward that it- fn easy for a town to slip backward f that no town will ovor vnovo for ward until its citizens make- the proper efforts to help i on its way co operation with a definite point in view will do wonders now is tuo tlmo to start the ball rolling that constructivo cooperation will mako development moro rapidly tho sooner a own gets started tho sooner it will yle tho actual development that now industries will not find a town unless- that town lceops busy in letting tho world know of its advan tages and resources that certain fault finders often givo tho impression that a board of trado is an organization for tho promotion of its members business nothing could bo farther from tho truth tho membership feo for tho year was fixed at 200 for each six months payable in advance tho chamber of commerce has sixtysix members tho regular monthly meetings urb hold on tho ipbt thursday evening of oiich month at eight oclock in thc councll chamber was homo for sunday mr angus konnedy of guolph was homo over tlio woolcond mr vyill robertson of toronto was hpmopyer tho woekfend t mr ernest brown a homo from toronto over tho wbelcond r mr and mrs dougald konnedy loft yesterday morning for ottawa mjsa gladys huffman was homo from toronto for tho weckond mies myrtle dlllu of toronto spent thoweelcendat7herrhomohcrcr mrhetravvs l to remimo his duties at port credit miss joan kennedy of toronto uni- versltyiwan homo over tho weekend mr frank browning of toronto visited acton friends oyer the wook- ond v mr josonhajlasby of toronto spent tho weekend with his parents hero mrs john a- mowat spent a few- days during tho week with friends in toronto miss annie mcphorson of hamilton is spending a wo ok or so with acton relatives mrs allan smith lake avenue- is vlaltine her slater mrs frank day rockwood mr thomaai rumley spont a couplo of days last wcekwlth frlbndu near allioton miss vera harvoy of tho toronto teaching staff spent tho wookend at her homo here mrflid g mcgulro of hamiltonj spent tlio weekend at- tho hov a of mrs john lawson miss adah clorko of port credit was a cueot over the weekend at tho homo of peter smith esq maator gordon smltli visited- hia aunt mrq poter murray at guolph general hoapltal on sunday mrs georgo mcpherson of toronto spent a fow days in town this wook with her mother mrs thou storey maria street mrs htrj simpson and chlldron of hessloy crook bc aro visiting wltli tho formers sister mrs maud mc- baln guelph streot mr leroybrown and master nor man of toronto spont the woekond with -hlo- parents mr and mrs g ii brown bower avonuo miss ruth nelson missionary who is taking a special course in domestic sclcnco at macdonald hall guolph was home with her mother over tho weekend ability of form i as entertainers an excellent programme carried out at last literary meeting mifh crrdlf is diic-form-l-oxacton- high school for tlio way in which thoy took part at tho last literary mooting t it la something almost anyono can do that is perform but tho question is will thoy do it in public that lo a very different matter indcod first form showed an unsolflsh nature and willingness to help in the manner in which thoy so freely gave qfthojrtlme injoaklnc tho meotlng a success the meeting oponcd at three oclock with a fow words from tho prcsldont followed by tho business announce ments requesting that a sing song bo taken part in by all this was fol lowed by a much enjoyed recitation by miss gladys scarrow ono of tho interesting and comical features of tho programme was givon by mac stowart and frahlc cook it was a french dialogue in which mac was overtaxed with largo fronch words spoken in a french which nc ono understood for tho keeper of the hotel cook misunderstood ovory word mac said or rather tried to say many laughs woro hoard while tho conversation was being carried on as usual an item everyone looks forward to with highest expectation was tho reading of tho rchool mag azine tho eyooponer every itens was carefully planned and worded it wan thoroughly enjoyed especially an editorial on a boya lifo work writ ten by edition helen macdonald assistant neville harrop wnn worthy of the highest praise hov mr baugh who kindly acted as critic gave many holpful hints and emphasized tho value of such u society mentioning tho editorial aa good advlco for boys who are un- cortain of theirllfcb vocation mr baugh expresned his sincere pleasure nt being at such a meeting and gavo many encouraging hints xa next meeting will bo provided by form ii acton high school was favored with a visit from mr hogg inspector last wcok durhams nowlyolcetcd council is at a deadlock over tho appointment of a town conntabhv innt years ap- pyjntee received 300 a year hut the reeve of that village contended that by ulmnelf and mnmbrn fhisintilyrjthctpojfittlntr would botflled alfloo a year the council deadlockod on tho mattor voting fourfour on the ques tion aud for tho tlmu lialiig that ttjwn mrs william williams returned home lost wednesday after spending three woeka with relatives at tyrone near bowmanvllle sho wont to tyrone to attend tho funeral of her sister there mr fred blow superintendent of tho acton machine company was called to woodstock on saturday through the death of iis siator at grand rapids michigan the body was brought back to tlio homo town for interment mioo rachel sccord the talented daughter of mr and mrs t b m sccord o guelph who sufferod a brookdown through ovorotudy in her unlvofslty courso last- fall la now gradually recovering miss secord is proud lo claim acton as hor blrthr place and has many friends hero who will bo glad to hear ot her improve ment the town hockeyleague every woek tho games in tho town loaguo bring oomo important change in stan of tho this weok tho town team and boardmoro co aro in a tio for eocond place both of these eccond placo teams have played ono more game than tho acton tanning co and thoro is a possibility tbatnbxt wook thoro will bo a crowd up thcro on the drivers scat last thursday evening acton tanning co dldnt havo much trouble in beating t the luckless shoemakers but on mon dayevening itwairsinybodyirgamo and the town had to show all they had to v out a 32 victory from tho boafdraoro aggregation it was a goobvvgame and both teams went well mcdonald and currlo starred for tho winners the standing is as follows a t co bdmoro co town hewtsons w 3 3 3 0 i 2 2 4 goals goals for agnst 28 18- 12 19 31 15 24 13 tho games this wpok aro acton tanning co vs hewetsons on thurs day ovoning and jjcardmoro co va acton tanning co bnmonday evon- on friday ovoning a team renro sentlng swansea played the locnj team down at tho rink and tho local boys ran up a big scoro on thoir op ponents winning by a scoro of 81 tho gam o was fast and thb scoro was no indication of tho play the swansea boys woro hard checkers and carried the puck well but woro not very goou around tho nets tho combination play of thb acton aggregation ticklod tho faps thoro was alsosqmo lovely nolo work by the homonoys it would bo hard tcklnlck out tho stars on tho acton team ill tho team playing ex ceptionally well holloway in tho nets for acton- mado tlio fans forgot hank kennedy ho cortainly put up a fino gnmo and woo good in tho plnchos tho goal scorod against him wan just n liltle bit of tough luck whon tho puck was shoved over tho lino in a snramblo in front of tho noto actons tiumjyjuiaalimiii acton howxitnona dofoated u team from tho howe toon factory in bramp ton on saturday acton won tho game but tho high wind slowed up tho gnmo considerably on the form tiio local shoemakers displayed pno would thlnlc that thcro must bo a jinx following thom in tiro tdwn ltfaguu tho score was 7a

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