Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1925, p. 3

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b jvrtmt meetsb thursday fhbttuaity c 1125 when ignorance wa1j dl108 mothubiclith uto vlmt- lie found on lilu plato and novor uii people do now dld ho nototha amount of the culorlo coulitrrr v ho itto it bocauuo it wan chow ho waant dluturbtitl an at dlhher lie i uat doatroylne a roaut or a plo tothlnklt wan lacklhe tn cninular fat pra couplo of vltamlnoa uliy ho carefully cljowed ovcry apeolea of food r uofroublcd by worries or fears loot hln health might bo hurt by uorno fancy doaacrt 1 and hq lived oiwr nine iraiuhotl years how the trade war mapb john oaid mlraridy 1 am aijhom- ctl gf ypiir old suit you ought to sot a now pho boforo oprlnff oonanv of our folks may comb to obouqut that aoaqon- but mlcajidy crjod johii l eah j not uparo thd raoaby for a fmkof clothoq juot nowthoatcrijaton tbu loan la almopt lu and tuoro lo iho note 1 cavo when wo boutthtf tuatksm- chlnory v i wonder if you could trod a uob with 6am brown uio tailor ho lm iablg family and could surely uao a mob oatd mlronfly you aro nurp oho born raanaeor cried john i will ooo wnotcfln 00 dono i amttolnff totoymamwl talk with o b mladloioian holcnowo about ouch thlnsa sam brown sat with logo crooooii atltchlne at a now pair of panto 7 ho was thinking of tho winter and of uu uio llttlo browna that had to bo jort i wish i could got a hog or uiowjn- tojif oomo farmer xvouldtrndbono for aault of clothoo i cbuld fajr prollt on tho clothoo and not havo to hand out tho caoh j will talk with o b middleman ho aaama to know moro about ouch things than i do o b mlddloman wao oltunc in a bb eaoychalr umolcjnfr aflno cibrar- jiia wife waa roadlns tho latoot maga zine had a nice dftyfl bualhcba today obscrvod o b what waa tho nature of tho busl- neaa today aolced bib wife- ob farmor john dropped in tho ofilco and wantod to knbw if i thought ho could trddo a nlcbhoff for a now suit of clothou ybu might g a suit of clother for two nlcohobttttj5ia7 get your hoguandt wllujftq wliat can bo done i a topped la to ooo sim- bttwn ithp tallorianfcnnkediltbccfalcraiso a nlcorhoirnkurvtriter juntwlidt a havo booii thlnltlnc of brown nawi jd ybuthlnlc i could trade a aulf ofrclbtheo for onb with uomb farmor you would need two suits of olotheo for a nlco hog flam i said my pilot r myjihip lmo boeh aaillnc pnufoutlgop full threo ocoro ycarfc and ton but- my pilot baa novor dceertcd mo though pftttmca i havo wayward boon 7 fr no matter liow perilous tho pau- qaisojgcw ho wao alwayoat hand to guldo rao throueb i have soiled when tho waters- wore calnr ant atlu r with never a billow to uurgo oairiot my frail lltt craft and toati 7 it at will of tho vengeful atormcloudo urgo byt when bca8wcro moroplacld ah to forget that i ndeded a pilot 1 own there wtoro tlmoa whon my baric waa awlrlod and tosbed on tho crent of tho waves hko foam then caught in tho obbtlow tfll all soemedlootr but my pwot eev ready would com o and with chlldllko faith i wjuld glvo him tho helm and hed guide mo safe out of the danger realm rfaj tttf andntmrvpmii light though i btllliiavo tho port tojnah but my faith in btrongjind holl guide thfb arrght v and ahow f which channel to tako to roach the haven ofaalvogodflhipa and receive my reward from hb awndcarllpn v qeorgfaria millor picton bping rtcognlzoil an u brother of the three ltulcu t havo no opporlunlty of dohnltoly knovlng how many uf thi old mombora aro utill on tho roll but i huo broo ai3 and wllliurii wllllumo dodging up thohtnlru to th pteuont lodgo room on willow strdot once in a while ami luivo boon toil thtit thoy both rodo tlni goat in tv old hall over sniltho furniture utov away back in 179 lotu nop thats nearly fifty yeira ugo luntvlu thoy ay that both those venorablo brothrbrr havo lllled tho high ofilco of noblo oralitruliohld think tliuy would noon luahfyor tjio vcterahh modal w6i1 about thirty yearu cr mortf ayo tlio odtkollowo flittud from thiu lmll to x hall over the old post omce thoy latej- moved to hulv hall whon tho post ofilco otoiy wan movod fomaltetf nitofor thonow gov- onlment buildlnfe to lla preooiit lo cation on willow street tho brothrun of tho x o o 3 took quartfira uerttln in tho oldpromlftco and moved nil thclr paraphonalla thorer goat uiiil all some tlmo af tor mr smith vont out of tho furuitiiro buolrieao owing to aje- anarinflrmity tho then ncwlyortjaniaod alvftuoh arrny joaaod thi building it wau known aii tho salvation amy uarrackoiand for a hijmber of yearu the lively mootlrigs of thoarmy wero liqld thore th woro thodaysyhon thomas brunt duncan mcdonald and hugh rydorwcrc actlvooiombora and rogular attidunto at tho ubrvlcu flni much lntorostod in the work o tho army j- whon the- army wao in tho i3ftys of prooperlty licroi john asaotv thd oldor oon of mr and mrs robert agnow of tho dominion hotel waa a regular attendant to the amajz9mout of tho community ho foil in lavo with the lady captain of tlio army the admiration and- affection were mutual the free press cross word muzzle fi pyrtwhg j i i t hogs aro high juat now brjnffilho thermowiina auito- to thoofttco and fwfll vco what rt toii w t m i can do i -know- a lot of tarmoro the rooult la my dear john haa a nlco now uujt sam hoa anicofat hogi ind we by my uptodate ipetodu havo a nlco fat hoc and i havo a new ault of clothoo a nlco pleco of buul- beoii today come to church -f- in campalgno to inefcaao atton- danco at roliglouo services most ot tho poatora antl advortloeinonto uaed havoborno the rcaucot or uuggcatlon of qo to churcli la thla tho beat way of prfioonting tho invitation corjro la a hotter word gfbi io tho word of command como io tho word of invitation it ia far more difficult to get a man to doathiriffif we tell him to dp it in tho command go than if wb invito binr to do it in tho word cocao noah did not any to lilo oono or to hio wlfo nor hla conn to thoir wlvea go into tho arlc ood did not toll noah hirauolf to go in ho uaid como tlfua ohowlijg that god hiraoolf waa there tho word- como implies tho personal v presqneo of tho ono who iuvltcff- ana auggosto not only tho invitation but d wolcomo on tho part of tho ono vflxo jn- vftas those who aro rogular attendants at tho house of god nood no added invi tation to worship intbje vy for tho- hablt la fixed and iho woanlncr ro eclvod in church attondanco io rocoff nlzod it io imperatively tho duty of tho church howqvor to extend this invitation to othoro it la much coaler to aolc a mazftp come along than it la to toll hirato go thero la tho natural inclination of accompaniment aoooclation frlorjdiy companionnhlp if wo can offer to accompany thoso who do not usually attendehurch wo will find- a much moro natural rcaponio on the part of thoao whom wo invite church fjurroundlngo aoom atrango to thoao who arc unaccuatomod to boln in a congrogation aaoombled tot wor- ohip thoy do notlcnow whom thoy aro to moot tho church aoerria oold gmtformalrtho chnrrhmombowrtnj havo tho manner of atrangero to go means that you- bravo tbio yourself tho word como evidences that somo ono la waiting for you that ther6 la a flplrit of welcomo and goodwill come thou with uo and wo will do theo good la moro than a scriptural text dr timothy stono memoiues op an acton stori i camo rather unexpoctqdlj upon oriof actonij hopo of early dayo while out for a brief conatltutlonal the nlng and quito- naturally itaot myi thoughts back half a century or moro tho miilding i mean la tho oho on main stroot opposite knox avenue which for tiulto a numbor of years haa bocrf a double tonoraeiit laut full mr william kelly pufchaoed tho pro perty and la converting a part of uie flrut floor into aatoro xor thogrocery buslneaa ho conducted in the aldfyfo aitd monabb building on tho corner ol mill ano nlslsin streets for boveral yearo j a good many of thooe who read thla column may not be awaroi that thm building was toriginaliy erected for a store building and for yoaro was utdlz- vp rr od for tho purpooe originally mntendo a hard task for teacher somo of the older folko romomber and one day theyvworo married in tho old barrackor boforo a jul houno during tho ceremony a fuiillado of allvor colna waa directed at tlio happy brido and groom from thoao in at- tondancorthla wa3thotnothodtho aoldltfro tool to provide tho brldep f a salvation jjjrmy loot a g6od7aptaln and john agnow won a good wifotver thirty yeara thoy havo lived happily together and if you aro ever visiting winnipeg call oomo day and aeo them and if youre from actori youll be given tv- cordiai wolcbrao tho salvation army finally loft theo quartofo and moved to theirnow bar- aclca at tho corner of mill streotanl park avonuo wh jim hamahawa blaclcflmltha ohop la now when tho barracks no nlghttho buildincwoit up in amoke but tho old smith furriituro store la known to thia day ns tbo barracks after tho salvation army iet tho smith buhdine qeorgo sopor opened a grocery nnd provision etoro there and for d numbor of yeare did a- thriv- to fool tlat he would like a store bulldlng of hla own and that liod like to bo down among tho other- buul- noaafollcon mill street ho built iiih store there and has felt quito at homo 4n it from tho dayhe rnovod iriv mr thomaa eaetdn boughtthe pro- pcrty qulto a numbor of years ago when tho store was without a tenant for eomo tlmq it waa convey tod into bouaon mr icoilyia tho owner and ho has restored the building to what it waa flrat intended for and the ola smith atoro of fifty yeara jo la now a otoro again mary aaya it ylll aoom quite natural to flee a atoro there qdalii nnd i gupaa it will to us old folks 2 3 r 6 t 8 i 9 o 1 j p mm s 3 9 so 2 25 im m zs- 1 a 28 29 zip 2t- 32 4 33 3 35 in 37 3 k 39 fs 1 1 key to cross word puzzle hariieontal beaots of burden 9- qalna posaoaalon 11 in the mannex in which like 13 a moatiircservatlve 14 thus 15 flab eggs uthe boat il 18 to put in place adjijat 19 currency u a chemical term pi a plno product a small quadruped chinese foods pi apportions in the latjt month ab a vegetable kind of fish porsonal part of tho body in this manner graoncs 3 a fungus growth vortical 1 terrify 2 advcrhbfdege d 3 i recede a to err or get loat 5 stoatuko unlmala ph 6 a number 7 a pronoun 8 a ocom6tiyo does it id atmosphere 12 as if covered with srnut by amolto 14 lurnituro pi 107 to legislate 18 a roofing material 39 before poetic 22 exists 25 a gamo with cords 26 a voroul intermediate between wheat nnd barley 27 men 28 boat 31 a slippery creature 34 pronoun 35 a ponifor animals 37 a degree t 38 elder ab jjjst my luck if tho juat my luck y6ung lv havo little ideil how larcely thoy aro rejijioiisllile for tho mlfiucd- chancon tf which they complain i whon you hour u xiortiun exclaim jtit my luck you- onerally- can tell from the tonn of liia voice that he cohoidors bin luck very uad indeed it in surprising how fow poojilo regard thomuplves niijucky tho just my luck young people aro novcr tnlton by surprise when mattoru ed wmnj their attitude shows that this in tlio result they had expound ull aloiie- it l a matter of observation that theiio mental prophecies of inln- fortuiioiend to realize thehnselvoff if a youne fellow expects to lou hjs job vltnln ulx months it lo impos sible for him to conduct himself us ho would if he was profoundly certain of being mado a partner homo day if a girl getb tho idea that ahe la destin ed to an curly deativher nerveu will join forceu with her enemies and al most any attack- of illness may provo fatal do not bay just my- luck or thats alwaytf tho vray whon things gp wrong do nottfoel tliat way about it loolc for tho best make jyour ex- poctatloriii magnets to draw blejaalngs not julorortuneov 7 on all business a iiiaii filipped on a imhitnapucl nut exeeutml a very furtny fall not being hurt uslt tiirihjil out but having hit dignity- sutucwimt ruffled when ho recovered l nuunrit latit u friend wan holdliift hlm hut unit a number of people hud formed a eirck what do iheit idlers want jii uparlel they are not idlers explained lib friend soothingly heres il doeto who wants to look yon nwu a ready o bring suit for you and a producer or comic iiiium who would- like to sigii you up equally guiltless story is told of an english blahop who waa reproving ono of tho clergy for bq intcroat in hunting it ia unfortiiniito ho said gravely itliat your nnun should appear in connection with the- dpbrt moat unfortunate tho clergymah had known the blahop for many years so ho ventured to m univjravouery as- towho the r-t4ie- blshop considered hunting worse than atton diner balla i know to what yourofor said the bishop with a oljght accosalon of col or but i wish you to underotand thataltlicughmy namo didappoar a tluit otsx guoat aj lauy-brockmqrt- on ball i waa nover in tho same room with tlio dancent and that aald tho clergymen quickly js exactly my position i am never- in the aamo fiold with tho houndo a go to heaven for your flowers j s we noticed this ad in a daily papur the otiier day ijnd relleeted solemnly ffu follows most of us lulve to die before wy get any llowers anyway it wouldnt ijo wry pollto to tell us to go anywhere eteo forthem until we read a little farther down in the ad and found that the nnmo of tho florist was mr heaven sf tasty meat substitutes wq tcllyou iiowlo make 24 jellciou meat ubti- iutdisiiewillikraftclitiu n in tho new kraft recipe book nt free on request sendforittoday and treat your famity to something different the children especially will benefit by thochango in menu a knlthuukaciuufeluhalh sua at fnu utclm 9m1u h h allriu z sometime ryiiiqi tikis time ejftfe good tea 53 jgepekqe is extra gockl fryitj she considered the lily at the toaohorh convention indo troit lately a lady apeaklng on tho in ing busrnesa there but georgo bogan fluenco of beautiful objootaupon tfio qulto wcllthat mr henry smith put up tho building over fifty years ngo when it wao completed ho had it otooked with tlio first- real well-aa- aortcd llnca of furniture availablo to tho choice of tho people of acton and vicinity in fact acton never had a roal furhlturo etoro until mr smith opened thla one john speight and matthew swann who afterward became a mothoulot preacher mudo chairs and tabloo and bedsteads in ths nhop owned and occupied by ronald sinclair andsold them to tho newly- marriod couples of tho countryoide but when parlor iturnlturo and other houoohold articles woro wanted the bride and groom drovo to hazoltons guolph or to thayers at georgetown for what thoy wantod mr smith oaw the need hero in tho general f urhltur line and built hla storo and for years did a thriving business thoro when this building ivao erected mr smith and his wlfo and two daughters lived in tho house which la now dr coxos home this flrio old property hon had comprised four lots tho two oriwjllow street and bower avenue where ttambs symontf residence is now situated and the two on main stroct on which is dr coxou home tho old furniture building and the homos of nelson lambert george dills nnd chief mcphorson thiafirfo oldpropertisrwo3ia partor fha vrt of inn nt t fn johnny could seo llttlo uso for croni- mar hut his teacher was determined that tho leaoon should ho jenrnt- qho of johnnys failings was tho mlsiifld o such words as did and done scon and saw gono and went and so en and in an effort to impress hla momory tlio toabhor kept him late ono afternoon with tlio taslcof writing the aenvtonco i havo gono home ono hundred tlmsu johnny set about his tank in a busi ness hko jnahner pausing now and then to count tho linen at last i havo gone homo had been wrltton ono hundred times but in hla clono attention to his task ho had fulled to notice that tho teacher had tn out of tho room not caring to wait for tho master to return johnny took up his ioncll again and wroto at tho bottom oi the page 1 doar teacher i havo wroto t havo gone homo ono hundred timca and i have wenf home character and conduct of young pupils told a pretty story received by lie from- an eyowitness into a school mado up chiefly of children trqm the fjlumatlic tcaclwr- carrlod one day a beautiful calla lily of course the children gathered about tho pure waxy blossom in great de light one of them was a lituo- girl a warf of tho streets who had no care bestowod upon her as wao evinced by the dirty ragged condition alio was always in noconly her clothing dreadfully sollod but her face anl bands scomcd totally unacquatntol wlthsoap and water as thla llttlo ono drew near tho lovoly flower she suddenly turned and ran- away down the stairs and out of 4ho building in a few minutes oho returned with hcrhnndo arid faco per fectly cloan and puslfcd her way up to tho flower where she stood and ad mired it with intense satisfaction it would heom continued miss cof fin that when the child saw tho lily si its white purity hho suddenly real ized that fihe was not fit to come into lta atmosphere and tho little tiling fled away to malco hornolf ouitablo for such comiyinlonalilp did not thla havo nn elevating refining effect on tho child lot us gather all tho beauty wo can into tho schoolroom the storytellers ant assist her immunity the cost of discovering ajtudeht-of- hlatqry viioliis made searching inquiry into the pubject of how much it cost christopher colurn- duh in actual caah to discover am erica estimates tho sum at s72so columbus himself was paid about 30 tho pinsone wfio commanded two of tho ships wero paid 130 each nnd a it would be a little awkward a rather goadlooking young chauf- four applied for apoiltion with a nowly rich fiiroily that aspired to ha oonaldercd of great bocfal importance 7 tho mlotrcna of tho house interview ed him v i wo call air our aoryanta by thoir last names she announced what i your last namo you had better call mo tjbbrnaa maam rcpllod tho applicant no wo inolbt that you shall bo called by your last name otherwise vrypu wont do at all oh im willing maam hut i dont think tho family would like to uso it what la your inst name then aald his prospoctlvo employer some- what coldly ita darling maam m more or less true anything that i almost right is wrong jokos aro like nuts tho drier they r tho bettor thoy crack occasionally womoh try to reform a man by roasting hlm k as men grow old or thoy nro apt to talk icon and nay moro somo men aro born cranlco and some others live n boarding houses its a wonder the kangaroo isnt extinct ninco hoa nearly always on hlo loot lego ono brand of ncaslckhoso in tlio re sult of a trip on tho matrimonial soa past present future my past mayit teach mc wisdom may it bo renowedby memory may it liaicovrcd by mercy my prosontmay it bo enriched by thcoghtfulnesh may it bo fltrengthen- od by obedience mayit bo mado use ful by service f mv future may it become real by faith may it bo brlghtohod by liow mayit bo ennobled by lovo john h vlaoanl am- family tho people wfio founded this old town ncarfyono hundred years ago theso four lots wero given to miss electa adams- always known and roferrcd to in tho early days as aunt electa by her fathor eliphalot adams tho houso was built about eighty years ago aunt electa was a maldon lady of uncortaln- agc but was still susceptible to tho friendship and smiles of tho sterner sex- when captain ebhago camo to town tho father of tho late thomas a wlddwerf tib became acquainted with aunt electa and tho upshot was courtship and then a vcddlng and tho elderly brido and groom settled down in aunt blcctaa houao and thoy both lived and died there i think mr smith bought tho pro perty from tho adams family the smiths lived there for many yoars mrs smith who was a sister of mrs benjamin nlcklln died there tho first break in tho family a few ycarh later mr smith passed avay thore miaa carrie who had been in business in toronto for a long timo took m and died at her homo thorb rather sud denly i think about ten years ago mlas mary is still with us nnd has klndoat regards for tho old town and us traditions dr coxo secured tho homestead shortly after coming to acton ho and his have had thoir joys and oor rows thcro it waa there tho doctor foundod his extonstvo motor carftgonoy which has developed into the big gar age business down tho street t thirty or thirtyfivo years ago th6mas ehbago bought a lot belong ing to this propertypfacing on bower avenue- which boomed quito fitting considering hi fathers relationship to it he built tho double house there and for years rontod it an tonomonta tho corner lot beside the furnituro store was bought by tho lato jams logic who built the houao which stands there tlfis wa occupied for a numbor of yenrs by dr j m bell dontlst and ho had lilu ofileo and- surgery there this was tho blrth- placo of tho firstborn son of dr and mrs bell and maxwell is a grown man now coming back to tho old storo build ing when the second t was bo- ingptonneatrtoniiodgtrtjf oddfel lows was instituted and the uowly- eloatod officers arid nowly-inittatjd- members chose tills place for thoir first homo of acton lodge i o of no 204 a fow of the brethren init iated in this first hall of tho order in acton aro still membcra rind still u common hcamangot f20 for tho voy age tho rest of tho money waa npeht in outfitting the threo- ohlpo and was provjdod so nays tho investigator by a nobleman called luis stantnngol and not queen isabella tho noblemans interest in advancing tho monoy waa of course prompted by hlu deoltd to find a now and moro direct rotito to asia higher tea prices expected any day tho estimated increaso in tho con sumption ot tea lniff24 over j923 has amountou to 3d million pounds an incroaso in production of only j7 mil lion pounds during tho samo period has reoultod in tea prices advancing in primary markets from ton toour teen cents per pound alnco lant uni mer the price p the consumor to day is on the basis of mucli lower primary coat so a general incrcaao to tea drinkers iu inevitable in tho neiu- future after tho epldonilc had been choclcod an bm woman protested vigorously when tho jicalth officers otartodto tako down tho sign thoy had put up on her house why dont ybuwant us to take it down asked ono of tho officers 0 ere aint tylon a bill collcctqh ncah dls houso oenco dat sign was hatlod up younll ploaso lot it alono rcoiiles homo journal base ball etiouitte the office boy rushed into tho bosiu ofllco with hishftton one sido pla head and shouted hey boss i 1 want to get off to go to tho hall gamo william said thp boss that la no way to auk sit hero at tho desk and i will show you how ho went from the room and return ed with hla tint i his h aayln apionsemrrsmith may i go to the ball gamo this afternoon sure said billy hero la go cents for a ticket tho continent chi cago ah early settler if you are easily bored the fowef ideas youhave tbo eaalor it is for to bo bdrttflr tho peoplo who do not think at all are desperate if thoy are left to their own- rcaourcos for flvo minutes it lo very funny to nco young folkfi acting its if being bo easily bored was a proof of superlor- ltylnitoad it ia a proof thitt thoir brains aro not working everything in thla world in- inter esting if wo bring intolllgonco to hoar upon itif you frequently find youraelf speed up your brain tho visit to tho llttlo oldworld vlllngo was greatly interested in all that ho saw in particular ho no ticed that ono inhabitant of the plaoc won trcatod with great respect by the others when this individual passed onthoothcrrideof theetroot ho was aalutcd on every blde and rribot took off their hats to him t i observe remarked the visitor one oyoning to the local gosalp that you all tneat that gentleman jylth rmirked doforenco- early opttlftrst oalcpd tho other why hej not more than fprty yparn old that may botrupd answered tho old man but ho pays a lla llu promptly on tbo flratof pybry month a good story has been paid to con- tain tho accumulated wisdom oi iha race and the man who makes it may bo only putting togother the labor of thousands who wont bofofohlm but in telling a story ono yolco ia better than- soveralr mosv persons havo haj at ono time or another tho sort of ex perience which this dialogue embodies wb wero down town last monday began the husband arid 4l mo dear it was tuoflday yes er yes inst tuesday wo were down on high street it wab cameron street doar thank you darling yeu i thought is was cold and put on my ovorcoat but it wasnt very cold honry at least not as cold as you aaid it woud bo it was pretty cold anyhow wo had just passed moran pipera store i it isnt morah pipers any trloro- you know its mornnd and company now yes of course slnco tho failure they didnt fall pipor sold out but go on avlth your btory dear i know mr barnoy wants tbrliear it well i had my pockets full of things that mnriraiot had bought why honry i didnt buy many things you know wo had just paid tho rent and i didnt havomy monday shopping allowance at all thats why i waited until tuesday henry was silent for atew seconds with n weak concavo expression on hla face margaret waits in smiling expectation then says go on dear ahh oh wasnt it at tho corner that we mot tomkins that is at tho corner that wo met timkins and wo met tlmkins at tlld corner as thcro aro no objections honry regains the courage of tho declarative soritonce tlmkins was carrying a bigt bag of things not a very big hag henry that is not a very big bag for such a big man an ho is to bo sure ho is a largo man my dear you aro jqulto right how are your shocks panning out barney pretty we como in andseo mo tomorrow i must run along now oh so sorry mr barnoy im sure henry and i enjoyed your visit i think ho might havo lot you flnlsh your otoryv said margaret when bar neyhadgono a gospel to hvfe by tako tha qoapel not as a myotic pass for eternity but ao a rational word to live by tako it to ypur heart with glaclnooa tov it brings good tid ings it telloyou- that- gbd in heaven ban had pity on you it prdedaims his way of pardom- it holds jesus his son crucllied for ain it assures you of mercy la his name it tids you trust wholly to his eraco it claims from you jt rovcront ponlteiit nnd afcc tlonato talth in god as- ho has thus discovered himself to you it aeux you not upon a fearful porformance of awful or suporatitloua rites but on tho manly reasonable service of a holy hco it opens to you not a jealously guarded portal into paradlao svhqn you die but an open door into oternal life now whllo you live that eternal life of loving fellow ship with gad which we havo in jesus ctuiut hia son j oawold dykoo wastes ike more golden thoughts the feminine view stirring up the village a travelloi staying for a woekoad in a llttlo vlllago wau tolling tho oldout inhabitant that ho could not llnaglno how tho peoplo managed to llvo in such a qulot place welt sir nnld tle old man you bhoiild stay hero till next weolr tben youd aeo tho wholo countryaldo fur- red up why what hi going to happen next woplc asked the stranger ploughing was the brief roply tho town of southampton ift de fendant in a suit issued by thofrcft- nort sanitarium at kltohoner for tho upkeop at 1c0 a day of mr wllbort hnlglit the nmojint has now reached thohum of jcoo and it io hard to any tend the meetings of tho lodara not how much longer it ijdoy loat a story told in tho new york trlb- uno allows hovvajn it la for man to excrciso his imagination on tho oub- jcct of domestic tragedy a young and venturous man was ono day talk- ing with tho wlfo of a member of ho cabinet about oomo of the ironies ot- married life i cant lmnglno anything moro dreadful snid he than for a wo man after mending her husbands coaio find in ono of the pockots nn old iovolotter from a former sweet heart fortunately that could not hap pen said the lady tho woman would find tho letter first and then she would no monltho coat a quitter noono likes a quitter any ono of you young peoplo would feel resentful if some ono should apply it to you thi important question howover hi not whothor you llkothc namo hut do yuii dejtipryjq it the fact that your tic- qualntancbs ato too contslderatj tii call yqu a qulttcu will not help you partlgiijflijjjjrfiyfiicjizx aiq o you utlve your ehojcohotwocn uov ing a quitter and t rtiokor if thr firmor you- will give up nn naontiv your work begins to hcem hard tho moro ytu find to overcome a a namo quitter leaves much to bo de- nired but tho point that should intor- cat you moht is tho question viriother it 1 a name that ftta or not thoy never arrived some of the griefs you have cured and tlio sharper you still havo sur- vlved but what torments of pain you havo onduro from evils i that never arrived old french vcroe not by chance hnppinchn donsnot piocoo 5y chance nor is it got by supplication but is inovitahlo wherever tlio jfcotor iaedwnrd carpenter whos to blame oyer failure a man may laugh or priiaerve a tligjjifipd silence or worry himself tp iils do iyliat he wlil ho cannot got away from tho ldc that ho hoa himself in somo meaaurto blame confeaslo medici epprgy of lovo life j f ppeat is energy of love dlyine pr hunian pxerplaed ir pain in strife and tribulation anjj ordain- r if so approved tind sanctlfiod to piths through ohados of silent reat to ond- lens joy rwordo worth tho condition without a conflict thpu canst no roach the crown of patience thomas a kcmpia an uncompromiilno attitude a man who is worth anything at ftll shouhl not reckow tho chance of ufa and death but simply ask himself in regard to any action is it right or is it wrong tho act of a god man or a bad pinto id you top to think that home business institutions that are helping to pay for the mainten ance and improvements of the town are entitled to the trade of the people of the home town that outside business concerns do nothing towards the improvement of the hometown that buying away from hlpme when you can get better service and as good values at home should be universally dis- bobbed iheads- may be washed its enyy to wash and dry the bobbed heads a free lalhur of llnhya own soap in a bagin of iwt water istieimplc nmrthex- pcti3ivcshaniooniid the liner- ift frhgrance na of roses in the hair is very nppcnllng ilahya own sonp troold iu iinlfviditnl cartons 10c every where zici jut you and baby too m if couraged every dollar anotevery activity should be united to make tlie business of the home town better now is the time for us to get busy and make local business better that everyone of us should take an active and positive stand on all things that go tp make local business better that we all shoujd take a mental inventory and find out how we stand in ability and honesty or purpose and will ingness to make acton better and bigger v that no man is a success who only enriches himself the man is a success who enriches the community that there is only one town in the world in which to live and prosper and that is the town in which you live that a good way to boost the home town is to buy from the local business concerns who advertise in local papers v that local advertisers are the people who usually lead in the things that keep a town nrovihg forward in the march of progress b i

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