Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1925, p. 4

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iftvj if m tiie hoje oli v mil artnnjte prwa member canadian weekly newspaper vsaociation member tfiolccted town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is nutyljfted every rhucday trfdrnmgof llie freepreia building aliujitrcej aptoh prlce js joo per j charoed additipnal ontario the subscription ear in advance postage i offices in the- united abscrip dress label states the date to whiofe subscriptions arc- paid is indicated on the adore advertising ratestransletit advertise- mentsf 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and- 5 cents per line or each subsc fltent insertion contract display advertise- in en t s for50 inches or more per unnutn 18 cents per incheach insertion advertisements witjf- our specific direction lyill boinserted till forbid und chaioed nccordinfily 3tjjjilooiuipresidentndeditor o a dills manaccr and assistant editor telephones- editurial and business office residence of president jf- visit of harmony the visit of the delegates xf ontarios prominent citizens to the sister province of quebec for the purpose of fostering closer relationship between the two largest provinccipf the dominion and bringing into harmony the nsginrtions of the two races of canada was brotjglit to a close friday night- by a bapquet at which was heard the leaders in tio publi affairs of ontario- and quebec provinces and- also men promjnent intfee lifeof the dominion at targe this bofine ententvjsit will -have- far-reaching- in fluence it is- well that our leaders in the two pro- vinces should have a closer acquaintance with each other and consequently a better understanding of such matters as effect the- people of ontario- and quebec use home grown- red clover seed rod clover nood han boon a failure or partial failure during tho pant oca- non in a aroat many diotrlctfl whtiro pcrjd in uoually produced such a bondulonlillwaya moano dancer or tho farmpra in canada particularly in thooa noctlbno whore novqro wlntoro aotuotlmoa interfere with our red clover otandq the dancer to which i refer in that of uccurinc imported red- clover oood from roeiono where oorto non hardy for our condition d- ar prptlu a iiliffrtaliw df3n3eallc- rod clover liood thursday moijning february 5 1625 editorial f a menace to morals and character for the past five months there has been a plethora pfdftnces in the town hall rarely a week has pas sed tluritigthat period when there hls riot been one and sometimes two of these dances there- a few of these have been by invitation carefully super- vised and chaperoned and have been devoid entirely of any question as to respectability a cuedit to the v promoters and pleasure to the participants the ijindstjifthe danceshoweverhavobeeri of a public xliaracterfree to all who presentvtheitnselves and rfere ready to pay the admission fee there has been i no discrimination- and persons of salacious and unj i savory character have been able to mingle with un- suspecting and innocent young people who would ittkinkof-associatingjvitb3uch- persons if they palcvllles aspirations are curtailed at the muhiieipal elections it was announced that oakvilje was entitled to a second deputyreeve on the groutid that the tpwn had the 2000 voters on the municipal lists required for a second deauty- reeve and of course a third representative in thi county council evidently without careful scrutnv of the towns voters list arrangements were miide for the election and mr j h elliott was elected as second deputyreeve for the town and presumably a seat at halton county council board after tfiej election clerk barnes in order conscientiously to issue ac that miv e was legallyelected and entitled to his seat in thecbutity council couly- ed the names on the towns list of voters and found that the list did not contain the 2000 names oyoirs required by law for the extra reeve tjm must iiave been rather embarrassing to mr elliott fife candidate elected but he very honorably declined i to take any part in the proceedings of the town council and did nof offer to take his seat at thi county council meeting on tuesday oakville will get along very well with areeve and deputyreeve at the county council her interests have been pretty fairly well conserved by the two membersin thdpistand their claims upon the countys eicheque- hnve not been unconsiderable either on tho amoroji continent alwnyo moano heavier importation of the for7 olcrn soed hao boon comthtf from franco and italy and therbln uos at louotlivpart our danger toata ot the rolatlvo hardlneio of domestic and foreign red clovers have boon conducted on- tho dominion she pommjntal itarmn for a number- of yoaro past without ojtcoptlon prehoh and italian clovoro have winter killbl badly uhdor moat conltlono whilo englloh oood nhd- tharaeourod from tho southern potion of the red clover areas fhthc uriltodstllen luuiboon looa hardy thn danadfan erowri bqed seed from sweden and tho northern btatcjj hno- compared quito favorably with our own bocaiupo of tho dlftlculty of aeourlnjr acoinao information a to the origin of imported rod- clover seed ourcan- qdinn fovmero nro tn to accuro 3 cauyrowh sood whero possible pro- vldlncr ouch oood can- ho aecurod rea- opnabiy froo from noxious woods it would bo- much more profltablo to plant jijarffer juantltyof local seodth0- ormlnatmn-afjwhlclwwaa-lmpalred- to- eonio extent than to take acjianco bf wlntotltllllnsf m tho caseof lm- pbrtod clovers tho origin of which was not known elxporlmontal farm note neighborhood news- town and country milton tho milton boy scouts hold a mavlo sugar social in tho knox church ochool yoont laot friday and npbrqd a flno oucceaa tho rooult of tho votlnc on church union by tho momboro of knox church was announcpd at a- mootlnij in tho church qn monday nigh w tho liiruroa wero jjivon an follows or 7c against p3g a majority of 1q0 agalnot union if is rumored thnt an addition will bo built totlio nplnnlnav million main streot occupying thovacant opaco im mediately adjoining and wostortho present building thus filling up and dong away with thebyoobro that has existed- thero op long noonecjin nay of tho mltton town council that any ono trado or pro fession mohxipollzoq the seats of tho mighty of 0b oight melnborn corn- tpdelhg tho- council thbro ut only- ono butter nuikor ojic flour and food mor- cbntrdctor gropor and dry goodameroliant ono lumborman and wood doalr bio brlciclayor ono agent and bnodrivcrcharnplon j m knew the characters they bear as a result rumors of objectionable conduct have been current verily iji there hiive been more trrahrrumors four persons attendihg these public dnncesi have been hailed to vthe locfl police court hy the caretaker and fined for fej being under the influence of liquor while there mfi several guilty of unbecoming conduct have been ex- polled frbmtlie hall by the caretaker- who has been ol the j xhatacters and one company vbfoutsjders who conducted a dance and had -eu- v gaged the hall ior another were informed- by thej ti municipal officer that their- contract was cancelled jp because p the objectionable conduct permitted at fbe previous dance they held and that they would wfcf bejlloved to have the hall again some may j perhaps ihink thi3 severe criticism but here is the prltiiam of a mother in town who is personally in- iterested and who feels- very strongly that something k should be done to combat what she calls bad r evils prevailing pr j- j r acton jahuary 28th 1s2c sj- i3earmr j aa youhavo tho only moansby which i may ipoukto thbjiooplo ofactoni would llkotouso it t oaysomothlnjj to them in regard to tho dancos ln itho town hall has just como to my cars that girls attondlngthoao dancos aroboing glvon y ilguor by sorao oc parties who attend tho dancos girls the daughters of respcctablo parents who ar6 vi6 or 18 years of ago havo been given intoxicating ilauor tholr -paronts- permit thoir daughtora to go to- thcbo ddnccs in tho mistaken noton that y thdso who dttpnd arc all good peoplo of- tho town btttiwrlto to ask you to inform thooo parents of what is going- on parents nro uoually tho laot to over hoar thoso things unless they overhbaraomo tallt about thorn now mr gdltor dont youthlpk it is neceaoary tliat tho town should ngaso oomo good sonslblo experienced woman to attend those dancos- and have the authority to tako action where mlocon- duet of ixny kind is obnocvod lot the council aynth fte epitokial notes keeps 15000 ca s mo ving but she can t make salads w hen tho transipor- tation aritl car scrvico oiti- ccre of the cana- diannational rail- r assembled in conferenco in mon treal recently one of the hf quimrii around tho largo tablo in tho board voain at the general oolcea in mcgill streot was mtcs lucy wright dont infer from this that mice wright is one of those masculine creatures who has buried faersor nnol submerged herself in tho idea that she wants to boo man- oritliboontmryaho is decidedly fem- iniae sua is sot one wliothinlm that erin naminq the dady the tate of michigan has adopted the gasoline taxvwhich carries a twocent charge per gallon the naw law is already in effect jt is very probable ffiat ontarios new gasoline tax will be similar in amount jlieclerjtjbjtjweduriltirja of the newlyelected councillors that if they took their seats in the new council that steps would be taken to unseat them for alleged arrears of taxes owing to the municipality ean baptlsto- la a common name among the- frenchcanadian folk ono family which had american aspir- atloaadld its best to avert this unl- voxoat cbgiiomon with what- success is told by a writer who gives the ex planation in the words of the mother of tho unintentional jearihbapuste fader ihajounosso o say wat for dnt chile ajnt chrloton yet an i oay wo aint got na namo yet wej aln r x art fael soy call dat chile jean btlste an i flay no sir nevdtro dat chile goln have nlco rood vankeoname- an dat jhllo goln be nice good tankeo manwin ahoo beog yco olrv ahm not edu6ato mo butma pld- ostaoy krnilo sho most ochpot-teaeh- or anooto fader say icmllo you iln us nlcotankee name and i bring you cdtoauo feom monreal- v emllo tlhk and tlnk an overy day hor fader cay emlie wat name wogoln call dat leel baboo an emllo oho aajf 5tou wait jqjigiinfiby- homo fcom do work trowo bteca cay i do hair an say urrabl ab got do nicest tankeo nomo you haint nevalre eared- 1 thelargest amount in the history -of- the province of alberta savings certificates system was recorded in 1924 when the people of the provjnee invested savings with the provincial government to the ex tent of 630ai3525 this is the largest total ever invested in qny one year further particulars of interest are being gleaned from the census report the urban and rural popu lation of canada is about evenfy dividedwith a slight advantage in favor of the latter for the whole of canada official figures show that 504 per cent of the population are rural dwellers m bntafcharpdf6ttii6tiiifl sho can by her obsbrv- anco hinder unseemly conduct and if any occurs rbport to tho authorities and to tho paronts of the girls and boys this bad bvllwhch is going on x dm oorry to hdve to reports thing uko this but 1 fpol it is roy duty as a mother i attach my namo to show my sincerity in tho matter but roquost that you will not publsh it the courage and sound common sense of this jif in bringing this unfortunate- matter to the v attention of the public is to be commended it is saidthat jot weeksthe isconuctaltj5ee pubjlic 3ance has been p atopic of converatidn by the lacjie u- it some of their church meetings and social gather- ings and that they have deplored that such con duct was permitted and of course declared that something should be done but nothing has been ycdone no public protest has been made and-evi- ctentlyao steps have been taken to purge these af- k fairs from the presence and actions of the persons who arc menace to the morals and character of the j yourig people who attend the suggestion made for the appointment of a suitable woman to have official tyupervisioh would seem to be a good one owing to the fact that there ore dressing rooms and other vj wonts open to those who attend as well as the auiji- tevorjvirr of the jiall t ii hurrjaiy ijtjpogaibiofor tje tkif citretajter to have corijtant oversight of all these apartmcntsj he does his best in conversation with ymkmcph stated that ho would gladly wel- ryconio the appointment of a woman of the type re- ferred to to have supervision with him and he feels that some such arrangement- is necessary this fjsirious matter should not be left for the free press ano individuals such as the mother who has written the above letter to exploit the issue- it every pulpit in town would ring out flgninst the dangers existing if very womens society would put themselves upon priscbrd for action if a strong delegation of leaders in pubjlic morals iq town men arjt wojncn wojild vwiitiupon thomunigipal council requesting that gjiti proper steps he taken to suppress the- evils refetred set in action the people of acton are dot so anxious am-t4ivemieajm-thewtow-hallr-that-irrahouri- sjv- rented to every applicant iriespoctiveof thp fc issues at stake the morals of our young 0u nre incomparably above any money rovenu j fii to be obtained mkm according to an officer of the liquor board de tective force thereare 7000 bootleggers in van couver lets see isnt government control law in force in vancouver and didnt thejttell us a few jnjoriths ago that the bootleggers alt- belong to the provinces where prohibition is- in force pddor oay good i go toll fader iojounosse an wo get dot baboo christen v an wo all go to dp church to soo dat baboo christen an fader la- jeuneose d toko dp young one in eoo hdrni ano say wat name an ma man oho say syracuse don fnder xajeuncsao e so mad c moo frop do chilo wat kin namo dat for chile yol wat for jrjou don tnck on choru- busco top t apso wo name hor jean btlste jus do same andkmlloo don get ecs nlco red toauofrom montroal tho mill damof loltch sonacruit mill gave- away lost friday morning tho force of tho water took aqttt aoctlon forty- foot long agang of mon has boon -jntr- work restoring the dam f boon much inconvonlencod bocause ho chopping could bo done mr pwlght evans of acton spont tho wdbkond ivlthhta father rov j -a- evans nt tho parsonage at tho annual mooting of knox church caiodonit wna decided to ontor tho tjtilog church of canada without a vote mr william keolcr of calodon ro- turriod to vancouver laot weok after spending amonth with his mother mrs leslie mr and mrs thomas conboy of aaaulthe soak are visiting with the formers brother and aiotor mr wm and miss conboy mr j- h scott has boon reappoint od constable and caretaker of the hou by tho village council thq town hall the 8tudonts of tho erin continuation school- will com pote for tho highest honors in oatory tho trophleo two sitvor medals will be awarded to the boy and girl win ding at the molvillo annual meeting of the presbyterian churcht it was do elded to oiiter union unanlmouoly for being osoontlally a union body of con- gregatlonllata dnd prosbyterlano the members feol that they- can on joy ujilon in spirit instoad of an experi ment ao- flomb of bqr antiunlonlat friends vlow thio movement women jaould take mens places in the business world but rather one who be lieves if 0 girl starts ourfo carve herself a coreeriuiedibuldstrivii to attain the highest point poisiblo in tliat career jit a gjrl intpruln to get married said miss wright- marry young either prepare fox marriage or prepare for business tn tho former instance learn home economics- tho business end of tnauaging a homo and arranfie to moot proper young men but for business itis diflerenit one cannot bo a successful business executive and an expert salad maker at the cams time iknowthatin my case it would be a dangerous thing to out mo in command of a kitchen stove withthivhrlefjntroduction to miss- wriehtinmind picture the surprise of a factory traffic fnamujcr who ctrodo into tho offices of the cn national grand trunk linesnt detroit timother dayand darumded wheres the general car distributor show mo his offlce hem i em im the general car distributor it was miss lucy wright sitting be- hind her neatly kept desk from which she directs tije movement of toiaatsfloo freight ows after tbeshockof surprise hod sutw jhedthe factory representative forgot 1 what it was ho wanted to tell and listened instead to d satisfactory explana tion of just why the cars ho had ordered hidnot been delivered appointment of miss lucy wright to the important office of general car dis tributor by the grand trunk come as a big surprise to michigan railroad men- it is believed tho is the only woman in america occupying such o position it is her duty to keep on tho movo the thousands of frdghtcara on grand trunk tracks supplying tho demands of chip- pera ani he early docp ded that she wanted a busi ness career and mi f sho could not afford ta take time off to gotobuslncssscliool she bought ctenogj raphy pooka and rauahfbcreelf misn wright ob tained her first job os stenographor in the office of attor ney b p hicks of durand mich wheuchb was six- teen 14 you notice im giving any pho said to ntorvowerr and ininot jjoing io jdtill retain womans privileges of keeping hefago to herself the jobpaid ts a week barely enough to pay her fare between tho eityandhcr homo on tho farm but it gave her ex- porienco and at seventeen she went to mtstsrthe grjind trunk except fdr two brief fcxeursiona into other busmess sho has been with the rood since in 1020 aho went tbjthe oakland motor car co tdkiiie chdnje of all ineornidb freieht at tho pontiac plant there she ob tained valuable experieace for her return tqrailroadulirjast yeards general car distributor miss wright has leartredrtrlat her job calls for other- thinga besidea the mere distribution of cara much to learn she must know crops and crop con ditions a bumper wheat harvest means a shifting of freight cars that affects the grand trunk as well aa every railroad in i america in the namo manner a failure of tho california orange crop will in fluence the routinoo tho general car distributoraoffico business dirctorv medical dr j a monivbn physlolon and fluiaton ofllcg ttnd hosldencwotiriior bow vnue ond klgfn rtroot wtsstctrcv wbioht phonb 88 dr e j nelson fredei1ick stbeei aoton ontario legal phone no s3 p o box m6 harold nash harm er m a ewiuroolloitornttvj public t convynosreto burlington oems of thouoht three branches of methodism in erjbland-wes- leyari united and primitive methodists have de cided by a majority vote of 70 per cent fii favor of organic union- it is anid that the example of the canadian church union wasa factor in leading to the decision in english methodism last year 7059 persons were naturalized in tnnadn of that number 174 were russian 1009 were itjilianiamcric fl03 austrians 8q7enlea 576 570 greeks 232 swedes 221 ger mans ico norwegians the remainder are com posed of belgians turks serbs and french of the gnsoline tax in quebec the montreal gaz ette says that experience in this province has shown that this particular tax is not only equitable as being collected from motorists in proportion to the use which tjiey make of the public igways and tjiere- fore tolfe wearndefl is practically painless being collected in infinitesimal amounts the twentytwo conservative members who inet irr caucus at toronto last week to prepare a scheme for weakening the o t a at the coming session of the legislature are fooling themselves badly if they think that the members from the dry constituencies will entertain any such proposal the conservative electors generally of this province are just as in sistent that the law be strengthened and enforced as are those of either of the other parties ontnrloa mineral resources boom to be growing with gratifying volume hon charles mccrea the minister of mines in an address in toronto the other evening said the possibilities of northern ontario have hardly been scratched yet the outlook for mining could not be more optomistic than it is at present all signs warrant the statement that the production of gold silver and nickle will be stepped up by five or ten million dollars this year without any difficulty last week the newmarket era entered upon ita severftythird year of nublicatioq the era is prie of the outstnidipg wyfcfclics in ontario 1or over flity years the present editor and proprietor has been associated with it und his fntliefr thelate erastus to jjonipt andjiffecttvo measures would no dotiit bejjackrvrthemlnsteittducation of north york was his predecessor the era is still characterized wrthwmhtyrlrrjrevditotial columns is a noted news gatherer and wieldfl nn enviable influence nrit3j constituency premier king is tiie member for north york and he has no more staunch support anywhere tao the newinacket era and lt editor pain in itseir is not without its allovlationa it is aeldom bothvlolent and longcontinued and lta pauses and intormlsslona become positive pleasures it boa the power of shed- dins a satisfaction over lntervalo of ease which tow enjoyments exceed paley pooplo eivo tho namo of xoal to thoir propensity to mischief and vlij- lonco thouerhlt is not tho cause but thoir interest that inflames them montaiirno parents who wish to train up their children in tho way they should bo must go in tho way in which they woyld havd their chndron ffo the study of proverbs may bo moro instructlvo and comprohenaivo thdn tho most olaborato schemo of philos ophy motherwoll tho mind hy passion driven from its firm hold bocomod a feather to oach wind that blows shakespeare hatred does not ceaso by hatred but only by love- thio la tho oternal rulo buddha forethought in njl thlngq poriander of corinth we bee what we look f or tfiqlro is aotory ofon bngllshmsin who- visitpd india on a hunting trip and after his return home encounter ed a missionary back qh leave in tho coarse of tnp convoriuoq ho hunfbr remarked that ho hid spnt oevpral tnflnths in 5ila xrid had never ocodahruulnnnitiye land i replied tho missionary jllvod in india twenty yeora and riover saw a uger sonie of you younff peoue as you como across cortaln volumoirof modern action- ask yourself appalled if this picture held before you is of real life probably it is but youj might llvo moro than throescpro years and ten and never sco any suchpoople there are critics who condemn pictures of happy home life as being fairy tales but ouch accusations are merely con fessions of tho unfortunate companion ships that which wo see in thoworld dopondo very largely on what we look for j3yoy one admitted that mea thomson was aneccollont disciplin arian sho was a- widow with three boys whom she had brought up to obedlenco and truthfulness if not to joy chlldrisn i havo something to tell you dho announced one sunday on the return of tho family from church on thursday afternoon i shall mar ry doctor lano whom you all know and respect there was a solemn pause onded by the olilcof boy mother ho asked when are you going to toll doctor lano mrqh wloyhaa jiurehasod tho moore fruit farm pn maplo avenue the niembbrb of tho baptist y u held a ololffhrldo oh thursday night to the homo of mr sogsworth appleby lino tho studonta of tho high chool ara making preparations to present tho merchant of vonlcp in the town hall on fobruary is lronldont paul fisher prebldod at tho annual convontlon of the ontario fruit growers association in ham ilton laot week ij through tho kindness of mr goo thorpe st lukos choir enjoyed sleigh rido on saturday evening last after the seigh rldothoy were ontor- talned by mr and mrswilliam ham mond mr georgo fpnn has boon appoint ed county constdbfe for tho county of ihalton mr w m williamson who han boon spending a month with relations hero roturnod homo to saskatchewan on monday morning- his pinco wan burn ed in tho big nroin that city on sat urday morning tho cooporaflvo shipment of live steele for toronto market mado on monday contained- 64 hogs which were a credit to the farmers of the district s3hogfl or 60 per cont of the ohlpmoht wcrb graded no soleot mr s w facet of tho local cham ber of -commerce- accompanied a largo party of the ontario members of tho chambers of commerco to attond tho functions being givon by tho lleuten antgbvenor of quoboc and tho mayor of montroalinthor respective cities january 29 and 30- to reprosontatlyes of the ontario associated boards of trade and chambers of commerce gazette l3le iretehtcar rjootsthefailroad 1 a day and there awri56o-oiribore- carsonthedivision thoubh many rail road men and ship- perawcro ekeptical- when a woman was placed in charge of thodultributiol of the cam on ore learning to respect her ability bora on a form miss wright was bora on a farm near dorandrmich and athcrfathersdeath when ohe wao eleven she took active charge of the family at twelve she was rjaanasinfli the farm success fully incidentally learning the funda mentals of busi ness weather conditions nro ofds much importance to miss wright as io the captain of an ocean liner- an early spring late fall or unprecedented low temperatures all cause the use of freight cars tofrise or fall in the sums manner as a barometer a comer on wheat or corn or even of cgjjs may mean rnillions for the wall street speculators itmeans trbubla for tho general car distributor thoprice of wheat up cars are in demand wheat down and cars are not wanted because tho farmers- hold on when jndustry revives the cry of cars more cars dinsnhe ear ojlthe car dihibutor and cor distributors are expected to forsdo these conditions and be prepared for them because of her training miss wright was certain by the middle of june that president coolidgc was to bo reelected aincss was bopm- ing early th the year and the cry was cars more cars -then- came the rise in tho fortunes of lafdllette busi- ness men became cautious money tightened and -chip- pins fell off pptv early in juno busi ness had decided that coolidgo was sure to win and inv mediately the cry for cararosaagain andithasbeencom- inglouder and more insistently evbr since prosperity io not a mere word says miss wright its here and die records in this office provo it girls who need advico moot wont tnfie ft the others will succeed anyway the worst crlmo a business woman can commit is to dlvulflo offlco secrets i dont be on automatic oton- oojrophcr anyone can run a mndilne a lllrl who merely typewrites will always remain a stcn- rkjraphcr ono who learns tho business she is in will became a private secretary ond cant bo a successful business executive and an expert salad maker at the same time tliere isnt a position in tho world that can not bo filled by a woman as capably aa by a permvman olock acton 6nt7 monbt 1jbnt on mortqaaes hours m0 djn to spjn saturdays 1200 pcloclc- h a aieir- sjt 0rrltr 8olloltor notary publlo oeorfijetown ont dental dr j mbellt ds- l bft dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho latent anoothotlc used tf leslrsa ofncdat residence corner of- mill and frederick 8trebto dr pg gollop ddstd5 dsntal burgeon ofoea over ibank of noct bootl hotms380 to 680 tdvehlngs by appointment mibcellane0u9 pranas nunak bookbinder account books of all klsdsf made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound rullns neatly and promptly dono wyndham street over williams auelph out 8tor qeorqetown mro charles thorburn who at tended tho wombloy isxhlbltion as uio honorary commlnalonor of tho canadian government and later as thoir rep resentative at tho labor conferenc at nonmm inirt mnrminr gavnn nccfliint of her expohenceb at a woll attendod gathering here laot friday ovonlng tho town council has authorized tho borrowing of 46000 for current expenditure tho vote oatchureh union in tho preabytorian churcb will cdncludo on friday bvpnlng at flvo ocloolc thp evont of the aoaaon will bo tho big fancy press carnival to bo hold at tho georgetown arena on friday february 0 our olusens appreciate tho honor reentered onour worthy ree mrr d mclhtyrc in his election ab warden or the county prof hatt reports the thermomoter registered 9 below zero last tuesday night and that 10 days in january have registered cero or beldw a box social under tho auspices of tho daughters of tho church wao bold in st georges church on monday ovonlng another mile stone has beon passed in tho history of georgetown baptist chprch and tho event was marked by largely attended oorvlcea and ipanlr- ing sermons by nev l hnrtan hr aj thp noy rdlnlstor on sunday lnat mf 31 b fflptor sr whoso homo u with her daughter mrs v t hainos choltenhnm loft on tho 2ti of last month for vancouver on a visit to her daughter mrs wilfred patersbn tho firemen wore callod out about 10 am to a flra in mr day cots resi dence the blaze which was caused by a torch being usod to- thaw out a frozen plpo was extinguished boforo much damage waa done herald to help others willie pa teacher uayo we nro h4ro to help otherfll pa yos thats aom willie well what nro tho othoro nor fprt hi had to ma 00oo a yquna tpt wlio imtj foreod ahead ourpfliilngly for ono hla- ace waa aaupfi by a roportcro wljat he attribuuii iiih aucocss wthout a moments liosl- tftuflflnjio rcpilod oh ray mother ijiad much groat hopcuilnjnj that i almply couldnt dt aapioint her i had to make goad boiiovo in tho peoplo you arc anxloua toholpi ehnctonamlrtntthbni ttiicc j thejviu feol unitcr obligation to rea- ittrymit hopoiar tuft lvibhawfib lendli ua monoy or evon pays our bllbi la ioh of an aid than tho ono who bn- hovou in u bo profoundly that wo fool under tho nocesnity of juatlfyinff that lith by fuftkng fbod i 1thnto cmmm cblim ahwa cmrtf vrnh twkatvo mvm vma f side of homemade baking every week npd every day we hold a sale- of fresh homer made baking its bound to be fresh because we are always sold put and most tf the best home cooks in acton and vicinity have given up to our baking in rjreference to their own product a few lines now obtainable are lemon apple raisin mincemeat and pumpkin pies cream puffs cream buns cream drops lemon cream tarts fruit cakes etc many consider our bread the best have the wagon call i fairbankslbakery phono h6 miu sl acton ti aw the bank can help there are scores of ways in which your bank can help you methods that will surprise you by their convenience and- safety take die sale of an animal if it is a cash transaction you can ask the purchaser to send you a marked cheque or your bank will attach a sight draft to the bill of lading if it is a time sate your banker will handle and collect the note our manager will be only too glad to outline to you the scores of ways in which he cm serve bankofmontre0 hfialifthd war ldoyeurb ibtal atuu in taoeeos ot 4b6oo6ooo lii- p- i l- -j- i y r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 toora bxprienco i acton ontario sales cntrudtod to ii- j korr ro- eclvo attontlbri from dnto or llatlna to date of nalo llat your doloo with mo roflldonco bower ayonuo acton phono 30 acton call nt my expeimo r start on mondagr at guelph busaness college qummir oldo guslphttnt foj thorouoh trainina by individual instruction prom fjualnoas hxpariantiocl in- atruotora couraod secretabial bookkeepers 8tenoorapher3 glielph business college graduates aro in domanil a l bouck principal and propriotor r m n i jjontjfeglectzycirc eyfes take advantaso of spociollat sorvlcoa offered by thla oatab- liflhmont and know youi clanoda experience is a good teacher 10o3u- 1025 i wo havo had over twenty yoara at it and hero patrons dro tffloufoitortherbebttnoi tical service a d savage optometrist and mfa- optician 8avage ouilding rlbht rtt tho poat omco guelph ontario i epravlpg h3rlchmohdstvi3t ttrowto anaxw the old and reliable granite and marble worlm wb ore manufaoturoru and dirabt importtra of nll ictndaoc monumental and hftadstona work wo coll direct to our cutomora at wholonalo prcob thus aavlns our cuotomor 40 por cent- wo have tho beat appliances ano tho only moobanlca in tho dominion who can operate pmnoumattoolu properly wtfftun elvo rercrbneoftfrom hurrltredn of our customora in torontoand olhat placed whorb- othora hftvo fo linvo law suits in order to colloct wo hayp tho 1 argon t and beat at6clc oj gronsito in tne dominion or mora than any tlireo doalera in tho weot wo aro logltl- rnato dala and omploy no afiorim and do not annoy or pont nuntomora by ndlrtir ut lgnorantoontu ooltclt- ihir ordera we employ only mocrianica and defy com petition ii get your job printing at the free press blamelton sons guelph ont ixv im

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